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Azzy Gordon

"Try not to cry as I cut you up, kay? Or I'll kill you"

0 · 341 views · located in Deadly Dame

a character in “Mysteries of the Sea”, originally authored by jigokunoshinzo, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Azalea Gordon
Age (20+ how would you have a reputation otherwise?): 24
Gender: female
Appearance (Photo -NO ANIME/MANGA & Description):
Azzy is very tall and slender even for a woman. She likes to show off her curves and keeps her long shiny hair loose. There is usually a bangle of silver bracelets up her left arm and there is a tattoo on the right arm of a band of waves. She wears light makeup but prefers not to on most days. There is a small dagger at her hip at all times. She also has some knives hidden in her high black boots. Mostly, she carries a small bag with her that carries the most important medical items.
She is very observant and has a keen eye. She knows people's strengths and weaknesses. And she is a doctor so she is very good and precise with her hands. She doesn't ever panic and is very calm even in the most critical of situations. Her fingers are quick and nimble and can throw a knife into any person's eye is she so desires. Azzy knows how to heal most wounds and makes most of the medicines herself. Azzy is also an expert on poisons of all kinds.
She likes people that can keep their cool under pressure. She adores being able to heal her crew and showing them that she isn't just a healer, that she can kill too. For a skinny person, she loves to eat and will go wandering into the kitchen often, usually annoying the cook. Another hobby of hers is creeping out the younger/newer crew members. Azzy also enjoy threatening, blackmail and doing surgery.
There are a lot of things that she dislikes. Azzy hates people who cry when they're getting amputated or stitched. If they do cry, she will probably try to make it hurt more. She believes that this is the pirates way of life and they should take everything with a smile. She also hates being hungry, hot weather and people with sea sickness. Azzy also dislikes being on land but knowsw it is necessary to get the ingredients for her medications. Ace dislikes it when people lose their temper over small things.
People think that she's a very calm person with hardly any fears at all. But she does have one. She is afraid of drowning to her death. Ace is also afraid of being unable to heal someone. She hasn't lost that many people in her whole career but the three that did die, haunt her in her dreams.
Azzy could be described as crazy or sadistic. She's also sarcastic and sharp with her words. She enjoys her job a little more than she should. Sometimes she can be quiet but other times... she'll be acting like a rabid lunatic and shouting at everyone. This happens usually after a nightmare of some sort involving the people that died under her care. It really shakes her up and puts her in a bad mood for a couple of days. She has a lot of fun creeping the other people out with very descriptive tellings of her most gruesome surgeries. It amuses her to see people get so queasy.
Azzy doesn't really show it but she cares for her crew and does her best to make sure they are in the best condition possible. If a fellow shipmate shows even the faintest sign of any sickness or pain she will basically stalk that person for the rest of the day until she knows whats wrong.
To her horror, Azzy has the reputation of being one of the best medics of the world. Maybe because both of her parents were also doctors... she started learning at a very early age.
People call her their Angel and says that she can heal any disease and help a paralyzed man walk again. Of course it isn't really true. She just does her best and prays to God and hopes that her best is enough. She is actually a very religious person and prays often. She is a very observant doctor that is able to adapt to new things and experiment.
Azalea was born to a family of well known doctors. When she was seven, she already knew every single bone and organ in the body. Her parents were thrilled and supported her in this quest of knowledge. Azzy flew past her family's expectations and became a doctor at the age of 18. She had graduated university at the young age of 16 and worked under her parents at the family hospital for two years as an intern. She developed new ways to set broken bones and new medications for diseases.
She was the Gordon family's prize possessions but one day she was at the hospital and her parents turned away a sick pregnant woman. Azzy was disgusted with her parents for only thinking about money. She had become a doctor to help people. Her parents had encouraged her because they loved the pay. It made her ashamed and so the young doctor left the Gordons. For about a year, Azzy traveled around and offered her services for free to the people who could not afford it. It was a good life for a while but seeing so many hurt, shot her into depression. There was so much sickness on land and it made her depressed. One day she came across a harbor and there was a ship looking for a doctor. Azzy decided it was time for something new and accepted the position. It was hard getting used to the swaying motion of the sea but she quickly grew accustomed to it.
Other (extra little details you want to include):
Azalea participates in raids and fights along with the rest of the crew. Some people have said she should stay out of it in case she was injured... but there was no way in hell, Azzy was just going to watch. She loves to heal... but she also adores fighting.

So begins...

Azzy Gordon's Story


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Character Portrait: Azzy Gordon
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Azalea was drinking in the fresh sea air. It had been a while since she had been on land and it felt really uncomfortable. The little children were running, drunken sailors were shouting. It was a typical day near the harbor.

The ship that she had just been a part of had finally disbanded after a good two years at sea. It was kind of sad. Azzy clenched her fists. With this new crew, she would have to keep her guard up a bit better. It wouldnt do to make some bonds.... The young woman slung her heavy bag across a shoulder and looked around at the people who were looking for a crew.. Someone caught her eye though. It was a female captain. That was different.

"You still accepting?" Azalea approached with a wary but polite smile. "The name is Azzy Gordon."

"Why'd ya think ye be worthy for My crew?" The woman looked up at her shrewdly and Azzy shrugged.

"I do my best. There aren't that many who can even say that." Azzy said confidently to the captain. "And I'm pretty good at what I do." Maybe she should pick someone else to be her captain. Oh well.. she was already here.

"Is that so," The woman said, her eyes searching. "And what position be you looking for?"

"I'm a doctor so obviously I would take that position." Azzy answered. The sun was really hot and she was getting impatient. Damn, she really needed a drink.

"Alrighty then. Congratulations Mate I'll see you bright an' early on the docks. I spec you know where my ship be," The captain answered and Azalea nodded curtly. Well, that was quick. Now she had to go and stock up on some of her suplies before they departed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Oliver Maund Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: Winkie Bouchard Character Portrait: James Taylor Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher
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#, as written by Adantas
The night continued on. The noise dimmed down apart from the occasional outburst. Groups of people huddled together having a good chat, whether boasting about their trips or attempting to score it didn't matter. The mood was just right, it was cosy and joyful. The evening had gone well and Val was impressed. She filled up all the positions she needed and of course had a few lackeys sign up too. By then she must of been on her six mug of ale but she had to keep reminding herself to take it slow. She's on business. The characters that had had the nerve to walk up to her and sign up were a mixed bunch. All seemed like they had a full set of marbles and some extra balls either that or they were good enough to bullshit their way through. She was impressed by most of them but they had yet to earn her respect yet. Setting her legs back on ground as they had started to cramp up from being in the same position for so long, she reached over and scanned the paper:
Drake Springer
Winkie Bouchard
Marie Simon
Johnny Fletcher
Mama Agatha
Marco Mcdonald
Ildigardo LeFarge
Azalea Gordon
James Taylor

Although she suspected that from all the bullshit that had come out of his mouth this evening that she had overheard Ildigardo LeFarge was probably not his real name. She didn't care, she understands that what happened in the past stays in the past and a need for a new life. She was only concerned that his tongue doesn't do any more wagging than need be. By the looks of it though the Marie girl seemed to have taken an interest into him already. No harm in having a little fun especially on a long journey. Mama had disappeared for the most part but seemed to reamerge to feed the Marco fella's ferret. Winkie had vanished as had Johnny in his drunken stupor. The young doctor Azzy had melded into the crowed and the James Taylor who looked a bit of a pompous know it all, but should at least come with some interesting conversations, he had escaped to his room. There were a bout a two dozen other names on the list but they were only hired as more bodies to keep the ship in mint condition and to man the cannons. From her education back with her old Captain she could tell the type of person from their handwriting. From Johnny's rough scrawl to Jame's professional loops these were two men that got to down to business. Draining the last of her ale she stood up and made her regal march past the bar which she tipped her hat to the tender and flung him a few coins which he caught expertly. The others didn't notice her slip through the crowd but she eyed them off as she passed. She thought to herself as she made her way down the docks. This should make a very interesting adventure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Azzy Gordon
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Azalea observed the ship through narrowed eyes. Hopefully, she had made the right decision in joining this ship. Usually she made thorough investigations of which ship she picked. But she really wanted to get off land and this was leaving today...
The young woman shrugged and walked on up. She could always ditch if these were the pirates that sh normally stayed away from. Azzy slung her bag over her shoulder and looked around. Oh. There was the captain. At least she had arrived on time.

"Morning," Azzy greeted. She didn't really hold well with titles and hoped that this captain wouldn't really mind. After all, respect was earned. "Anything you'd like me to do before we set sail?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Marco McDonald Character Portrait: James Taylor Character Portrait: Azzy Gordon
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#, as written by Adantas
A few more hired hands had arrived and then following them came Azzy. She seemed a little bleary eyed but was otherwise concious.
"Morning," she piped up, ""Anything you'd like me to do before we set sail?"
"there is a room below deck that I have fitted out as your room. It has the equipment I expect you would need. You may go settle in and check that everything is in order there. Once everyone has arrived I shall address you all."
No sooner had Azzy walked on board and Pompey cocked his head as he judged her walk had Master James come sauntering up.
"Good morning, ma'am," he called out cheerfully. "First off - mate - Taylor requesting permission to come aboard." He had hardly finished his sentence before he was eagerly walking up the gangplank. Pompey's tail was doing some quick twitches to show his irritation.
"Yes Master Taylor good morning to you. You should be able to find the navigation room on board, you may get yer stuff settled in there." and having to repeat it for the utmost time, "Once everyone arrives please make your way to the main deck as I shall be addressing everyone."
Not bothering to see if he heard she turned back to see Marco doing a hurried walk.
"Good Mornin' Master McDonald and to you Master Weasel." she nodded to both and Pompey was sniffing wildly at this new creature.
"Please make your way below deck and you may inspect the cannons."

The setting changes from Glendamn Bay to Deadly Dame


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Azzy Gordon Character Portrait: Seeks-That-Which-Conquers-The-Water
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Adantas
Oliver and Val finally concluded their conversation with Oliver returning to the helm. The gentle rocking of the boat was soothing. Val definitely felt that it was time for some alcohol so she grabbed one of her finer glasses and the expensive bottle of ale and set about having a good drink. By the time she was done she had polished off the bottle and was casually relaxing on her bed with Pompey snuggled up on her chest. She was about to doze off when the boat hit a particularly rough patch of water. Feeling the need to do something she gently placed Pompey down onto the bed and got up. She was a bit unstable but otherwise sober. It wasn't until she took a few steps that her eye started giving her serious pain. She tore off the eye patch and placed her hand over it as if to release the pain. She stumbled over to the duchess mirror hanging of the wall next to her bed and drew her hand away to inspect the scar. Even after so many years the thing still caused her pain, the scar was just some puckered flesh but where the cut had penetrated her eye it had never fully healed and now it was an angry red with hints of infection. Damn it, she thought, I can't go losing an eye now. The syrup that she usually used to ease the pain was running out and losing its effect. She needed something some other painkiller and something to get rid of the starting infection before it got worse. While still in front of the mirror she replaced her eye patch, redid the braid that was beginning to look a bit ratty and fixed up her bandanna catching those loose hairs in the process. Deciding she was finally ready to emerge she left Pompey snoring and made her way to the door.

Outside the midday sun was bearing down and she could see the sweat glistening off of the working men's arms and backs of those who had removed their shirts. Everything was in order and she felt a tad bit of pride swell in her heart for the good work that everyone was doing. She even glanced up to Oliver and saw that he seemed to be telling one of his bullshit stories to Duceyae. She made her way below deck to where she had designated the surgery room. In it Azzy was pottering around fixing a few things up. Val clears her throat to get Azzys attention, the girl seems quite startled to realise that the captain is here.
"Oh erm what can I do fer you today Cap'n?" she asks.
"I've been having problems with me eye and I believe it is infected. I was wondering if ye would have anything fer it?" Val was saying as she removed her eye patch. As Azzy inspected it she murmured something about getting to her just in time.
"Now I need ye to hold still for a bit while I remove some of the pus."
The process didn't take long but it sure as hell did hurt but Val wasn't one for whining so she stayed quite although against her will tears did well up.
"Thar you go Cap'n all don," she says also handing over a vile of dark fluid, "if ye drink this each morning it until it's empty it should totally remove any future pains."
"Thank ye." Val said sincerely as she really did mean it. Azzy was a good doctor and she respected her skill. Out of the blue Val asked,
"Do yer care to take a walk around the hull fer a bit and discuss some of yer work?"
"That would be plenty fine Cap'n"
So the two chatted for a bit wandering around the hull and just watching the general goings about. They had reached reached the weapons room now and Azzy was admiring some of the sharper objects.
"This gun over ere belonged to me old captain," she said pointing to an ancient looking gun hung on the wall. "it's got some damn power to it and would kill ye instantly no matter where it shot ya." Val took it down admiring it's craftsmanship. There wasn't much space in the small room with it being filled with barrels of swords and crates of guns. At the back there was also some barrels of gunpowder. Val was standing near the entrance and Azzy was a few feet away from her admiring the swords. Before Val had a chance to put the old gun back up a young lad came barrelling in knocking her over and the gun colliding with the wall. As it hit it managed to fire. The boy was apologising profusely and Val was about to give him a big wallop for his stupidity when she heard a gargled scream from behind. Turing around she sees Azzy collapsed on the floor a bloody mess on her back. The bullet had hit her squarely on her back and had torn through her clothing. Val rushes to her aid. She gently rolls onto her front and sees that there's a hole directly in the middle of her chest with blood gushing out. Her head snaps up to the boy who is just staring unbelieving.
"You idiot don't just stand there go get some bloody help!" she screams at him. In an instant he's gone and she can hear his voice shouting for help. Her focus goes back to Azzy who is starting to cough up blood.
"Hey don't be doing that. Everything's going to be alright. You stay wit me ye hear. You ain't going nowhere you hear! We've only just started this journey. We're going to look fer treasure. You've got to still be here ti get yer share." Val continued her pointless mutterings until the young lad arrived with help. She didn't even notice until strong hands grabbed her shoulders. She looked up to find the ancient face of a native American man. He didn't say anything he just indicated that she should move. Something about those old eyes stopped her from protesting. She gently placed Azzy into the arms of the old man and was going to stay until he made shooing motions with his hands. Again she started to open her mouth to protest but he had that same knowing look in his eye. She left and closed the door. She was drenched in blood and her hands were completely red. She had seen death before, she had caused death before, but never had she seen this. Her hands began to shake and somehow she found a blanket being draped over her shoulders by the young lad from before. There was nothing they could do but wait.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Valorie Talithe Character Portrait: Johnny "Flintlock" Fletcher Character Portrait: Azzy Gordon
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#, as written by Adantas
Val's mind was whirling. What just happened? How many times had she seen death. She had decapitated peoples limbs for gods sake and she had never felt like this before. Every death she had caused was always for a purpose; either to prove a point or for survival. Just the suddenness of Azzys death startled her. At this point in time she didn't care what was happening around her she was too caught up in the memories of just a few seconds before. Without realising it she found Johnny next to her placing a crate for her to sit down on. Thankfully he was taking charge and had ordered the boy away. Alone he rested a hand on her shoulder, the strength in his hand helped calm her nerves. She looked up at him and there was a brief twitch at the side of his mouth. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small bag. Out of the bag he produced a small toffee. He handed it gently to her, nodded and was gone. His quick act of kindness touched her although another part of her was furious that he had seen her at such a weak stage. She sighed and popped the toffee in her mouth, relishing the sweetness. Collecting herself she stood up and regained her composure. Now she just had to wait for the old man to come out with the verdict. She knew that there was no way that Azzy could have survived but there was nothing wrong with hope.