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Senju Rinji

"I'm going to be the fastest ninja there's ever been!"

0 · 365 views · located in The Naruto Universe

a character in “Naruto: New World Order”, originally authored by MaxStokes, as played by RolePlayGateway


"My favorite techniques are the coolest!"

Name: Senju Rinji
Name Meaning: Rinji meaning “Peaceful Forest”
Nickname(s): His mother and grandparents call him little leek because of his hair color, but beyond that none ATM.
Title(s): Konoha's White Lightning (self proclaimed)
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Notable Features: He has highly unruly white hair, that tapers to a bluish tint in the back. He ties it into a pony tail in the back. Along with that he has auburn eyes that greatly contrast with his hair. Also he wears his forehead protector tied around his left arm.

Personality: Rinji is a generally fun loving and happy young man. Even though he hasn't experienced much success with his abilities, he almost never lets it get him down. That being said, he tends to have a one track mind and gets tunnel vision whenever he finds something he cares about. So without being lazy, he can neglect some things while spending far to much time in pursuit of others. He’s the kind of person to get sick form eating too many sweets. He is also a completely honest person, though when a situation he is in becomes uncomfortable, (like conversation about his father), he immediately clams up into much more of a shy personality.

Family: (Opt.)
Blood Type: A+
Birthday: January
Height: 5’5”
Weight: 135 lbs
Marital Status: Single
Goal: Mastery of all lightning jutsu, and to be the fastest ninja in the world.

History: Rinji was born the son of a recently re-appeared Senju clan member and a bun maker in Konoha. His father was inducted into the ANBU as a relatively young man and was a highly valued asset due to his lineage and mastery of the Wood Release. Though he found a simple and hardworking wife that was the heir of a bun-making shop near the center of the village.

During his early childhood, Rinji’s father resigned from his position within the ANBU, wanting to spend time with his family. However the man returned when one of friends and old squad mates was killed on a mission by a rouge ninja of the mist. Rinji’s father thought of the woman as a sister and blamed himself for her death, since he was not there to help her. So when Rinji was around 4 his father returned to the ANBU.

In the following years, Rinji didn’t see his father much due to his position within the ANBU. Still, his mother tried to make the best of it and he was able to spend a lot time with his mother’s parents and grandfather, who lived with them in the bun-shop. Rinji’s great-grandfather used to tell him stories from the many things he had seen during his lifetime, mostly the exploits of the village’s ninja. The old man mostly sang the praises of a man with white hair and told legends of his amazing lightning techniques. One specific story always stuck out to Rinji. One where the apprentice of the white haired man did battle with a sand demon while using a technique that made singing lightning erupt from his hand.

His great-grandfather's stories and his father’s linage were more than enough that Rinji began to attend the Ninja Academy. Though his obsession with lightning based techniques and general disinterest with basic ninjutsu along with those he had an affinity toward made it a steep road. It would be quite a while before he was able to graduate, being held back a few times.

Yet it has finally happened, he was finally able to graduate this year and is ecstatic about joining his squad.

Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Fame Level: Unknown Status, relatively unknown considering his father is part of the ANBU and beyond his hair he pretty much fails to stand out because of his apparent lack of talent.
Classification: Fast attack/hit and run. Weapon specialist.
Clan: Senju

Academy Grad Age: 14
Chuunin Exam Age: N/A
Jounin Age: N/A
Kage Age: N/A

Weapons: A Kusarigama he calls Ookami
Chakra Nature: Earth Release, Water Release.
Kekkai Genkai: Wood Release
Tailed Beast: no
Summoning: no

Chakra Level: Basic

Chakra Control: Bad

Hand Seal Knowledge: Basic

Speed Level: High end of Experienced - He likes to train in taijutsu and it seems to have paid off.

Skills and Abilities

Ninjutsu - As with most things Rinji is slightly behind the curve in his knowledge of ninjutsu. It takes him a bit longer than most his age to perform ninjutsu. Though through his obsession with lightning based ninjutsu has led to him being marginally proficient in a few of that type of technique.

Genjutsu - This is the one that allays gets Rinji when his opponents use it. He cant ever figure out how to counter these types of attacks. Not to mention he is simply horrid at trying to perform them.

Taijutsu - One of the few things Rinji is half way decent at. He is probably slightly ahead of the curve when hit comes to taijutsu because he has an affinity to the physical training and he likes the control of movement and speed it gives him.

Bukijutsu - Rinji also enjoys training with different hand held weapons, and therefore is proficient with their use. His favorite being the Kusarigama.

Signature Techniques:

Basic Genin level techniques
For some reason he is really good at Body Replacement (it’s the wood)

Kunai and Shuriken advanced throwing techniques. (Like mid air collisions to alter course)
Kusarigama techniques.

Lightning Release
Chidori (somehow through sheer force of will, tenacity of training, and many long hours of experimentation, Rinji has come to be able to use this technique. Though because he does not possess the Sharingan he can not use it very well and suffers from the tunnel-vision-like drawbacks.)


Notes: Despite his affinity toward earth, water, and his Kekkai Genkai he is only interested in Lightning release techniques and hasn't ever seriously trained in his natural affinities.

Theme Song: Wolf mother - Joker and the Thief

So begins...

Senju Rinji's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaguya Kanashia Character Portrait: Uchiha Ryu Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Seiji Hyuuga Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Senju Rinji
Konoha's White Lightning
Location: Konoha - Bunto’s Bun shop - Near the center of town

Rinji woke up before dawn came to the village, he was far too excited to sleep. After many years of trying, he had finally graduated the ninja academy and today he would finally be assigned to a squad. As he rolled over in bed he looked at the forehead guard he had received. He turned it over and over again in his hands, closely examining the fruits of his labor. It hadn’t left his hand the whole night. He tried to close his eyes, he didn’t have to be at the academy for hours. Still he could not sleep. Then he heard the noises of his mother getting the shop ready coming from downstairs. Figuring the time might pass more quickly if he was doing something, we went down stairs and helped his mother set up. The woman was surprised and delighted at her son’s appearance. Thanks to him she was able to finish the daily preparations early, so she rewarded him by making his favorite type of meat bun for breakfast.

After what seemed like an eternity Rinji finally left the house and even though he didn’t have to be at the academy for another couple of hours, he couldn’t bare to wait any longer.

“Rinji!” His mother called to him, stopping him as he was walking out the door to the shop. “You silly little leek. How could you forget your headband?” She told him, referring to his bare forehead.

“I’d never forget that!” Rinji replied with a big grin on his face. Then he turned to show her his left arm, where his forehead guard was tied. “See?”

“Why on earth did you tie it there?” his mother asked him, cocking her head to the side.

“Grampaw said that if I wore it here it’d make me smarter!” Rinji replied confidently to his mother. Who simply shook her head. He grandfather was always telling Rinji silly things like that.

“Fine.” The bun shop owner sighed at her son. “But you know you don’t have to be at the academy for another two hours..”

“I know!” Rinji said, turning and once again starting on his way to the academy. Leaving the area before his mother could respond. The woman simply let out a soft sigh yet again and put down the bag of meat buns she had in her hand. Her son had forgotten his lunch.


Location: Konoha - Ninja Academy

Rinji jolted his head up from the desk, a line of drool trailing back down. He had been awoken by a loud raucous of a student entering the room. As he blinked himself back awake, it would appear he may have woken up too early, he saw that the teacher was chewing out Ryu again. It appeared that he had collided with another student as there were ninja tools sprawled everywhere.

A bit later after things had calmed down Rinji had his head propped on his arm, bored to death in his seat in the very back of the room. Suddenly the door opened, and the entire class brightened. Rinji visibly perked up also. The teacher chucked a few pieces of chalk at a couple of students who had stood up in excitement. However, Rinji was too busy looking over the one who had entered, trying to figure out if it was the one who had brought the assignments. About that time the man identified himself to be the carrier of the assignments. Rinji’s leg bent leg began to bob up and down quickly, due to his excitement. Ryu called out what they all were thinking, telling the man to star reading.

Yet before the man could start, another late student walked in. This one being Ookami. Rinji pivoted his elbow, glancing at the girls who were visibly enamored at Kami’s arrival from his seat in the very back of the classroom. Rinji knew both of the late arrivals quite well. Especially Ookami, since he happened to share a name with Rinji’s favorite weapon. They were both really powerful and Jinchuuriki. Still Rinji figured that neither of them knew much about him. They could both probably beat a Chuunin if they wanted to. Rinji could barley do clone jutsu.

That was when the team assignments finally began. Rinji was ecstatic as he saw Ryu, Seiji, and a girl he hadn’t really noticed before leave the room after being told that they were a squad. He could feel his heart beat in anticipation, the warm feeling filling his chest. However, then the ceremony came to a swift end. Ookami simply left the room. Walked out without hearing his assignment or anything. The classroom went silent. The teacher and man who brought the documents stared at the door which had been left open in complete disbelief. Rinji blinked in confusion, like everyone else completely surprised by what had just occurred.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kaguya Kanashia Character Portrait: Uchiha Ryu Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Seiji Hyuuga Character Portrait: Klin Delfor Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Ookami Hyuuga
Scorching Wolf

Ookami listened as Seiji made his remarks towards him, "Oi, ni-san, this is OUR room for meeting with OUR sensei. Don't you have to meet with your sensei now? Aren't you excited to meet your own teammates? What are you doing here?" Kami looked at him with a grin and simply stated, "When we fight, if you can't hold your own against me for three minutes, then your not worthy to be called a Hyuuga Prodigy." Kami said this in a hostile voice before turning and walking back into the classroom with the rest of students.

Kami was unaware of the faceless expressions he had caused by walking out of the room in such a sudden outburst. There where still some faces he didn't have the manner of knowing but he was sure that everyone in this room he would be fighting sooner or later. One boy in particular was staring at him, and Kami knew him well. "Senju Rinji." Kami said to himself as he sat stood at the side of the desk waiting for his team to be called.

"Next team: Senju Rinji, Maren Yasutora, and Ookami Hyuuga."

Kami looked at his new team, Rinji, the new and upcoming member or the Senju clan, the decendants of the First Hokage, this was more surprising to him than anything. Maren Yasutora, the only man capable of using a kekkei genkai that was comparable to Rock Lee's eight inner gates technique. Kami was in a state of anxiety and joy, this new team of his was more than capable of handling themselves but there was a downside. In areas that they were weak he made up for, chakra control wasn't their strongest thing. "Ehh this is going to be hard to deal with." Kami grumbled as he shuffeled into room nine.

Their Jounin on the other hand was bizzare. She was known as The Great Wind , the reason because her wind nature techniques were immensely powerful. Kami sat down as the rest of the team shuffeled in along with Kanae sensei.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Senju Rinji
Konoha's White Lightning
Location: Konoha - Bunto’s Bun shop - Ninja Academy

The classroom was only silent for a bit more longer after Ookami had suddenly left. Then, the teacher broke the silence by grumbling a bit and shuffling some papers before starting once again to read off names. A couple of more groups of three left the room before Ookami returned to the classroom, as unapologetically as ever. This time the room seemed to ignore his arrival for the most part. The Hyuga walked over and stood by a desk apparently silently. The teacher stopped for a moment at the next paper, grumbling a little bit as he looked around the room. I wonder why he gets such special treatment
 must be nice to be both a Hyuga and a Jinchuuriki. Rinji thought to himself with a little envy as his attention slipped away from the monetarily quiet teacher.

“Next team: Senju Rinji, Maren Yasutora, and Ookami Hyuga.”

Rinji’s attention was suddenly perked back toward the teacher. He had finally received his squad assignment! The next few moments were a blur as he quickly exited the classroom, his heart was pounding with excitement. His head filled with many ideas especially what would his Jounin be like? After he had calmed down a bit he found himself, he found himself in one of the classrooms with Ookami, the other member of his squad. The he saw their Jounin, he though he recognized them, but he couldn’t place their name. Wait a minute, where’s our last member? He asked himself looking around.

Just then the squad’s last member showed up, and Ookami exchanged pleasantries with him. When Maren identified himself, Rinji recognized him a bit by the strange thing he said, something about manliness. The ninja in training had only been around in the academy for a little while and it was surprising to Rinji that Maren had apparently graduated so early after having showed up. Maren then asked their names, saying he wasn't that good at remembering them.

“I’m Rinji.” Rinji said abruptly, leaving out his last name. He was a bit sensitive about his father, so he didn't want to bring up his lineage. “You're kind of late, did something happen?” He asked Maren, hoping to change the subject away from his own name.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Ookami Hyuuga
Yonbi Jinchuuriki
Location Ninja Academy

It wasn't long before Kami had realized everything that was going on. Paired up with a bunch of people who would more or less be useless in the upcoming battles. Well atleast that was what Kami was hoping for. He sat down at a desk as their Jounin entered the room. Kami was shocked to see that it was Konoha's Howling Wind.

Kami looked at Rinji and then at Maren. "Well I guess the introduction part of the team is finished. So whats next?" Kami asked as he leaned back on a desk. He hadn't noticed it at first but when he really took the woman into perspective, he noticed everything about her. She wore blue and burgandy ninja robes, and the jounin jacket. She had pale skin and ice blue eyes.

Soratushi Mitsuko
Konoha's Howling Wind
Location : Academy/ Training Grounds

"Well first off, my name is Soratushi Mitsuko, but you may call me Sora, or Suko. From today on I will be serving as your jounin. Now before we even get to any type of team meeting, I want to test your skills as a team first. Now follow me." The tall light skinned woman stated as she made her way towards the door. Her voice was as soft as velvet but colder than than a katana hitting against an ice wall. She walked out of the academy and eventually arrived at the Training grounds with her students following.

"Let's begin shall we. I'll explain the rules. If you can tag me before 12:00 then I will consider you all my new team. If not then you'll be taking a long walk back to the academy. Simple? Now remember the key of this excercise is teamwork. Now begin!" Sora said as she vanished into what seemed like thin air.

Kami looked at his teammates and began speaking. "Ok look heres our best bet if we want to tag sensei. Maren you should act as a distraction and lure her out while Rinji follows up with a chidori and fools her into my Hyuuga style. Sounds simple enough right?" Kami asked with a smile as he looked at his team

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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"Yeah, I overslept! A guy's gotta be well-rested before a day like this!" Maren said with gusto, and would have continued had their mentor not spoken up, at which point he had turned to face her, albeit not in the most attentive stance. He followed her to the training grounds, listened without raising any questions, and waited for Ookiki(Anyone get the pun? If you do, congrats.) to finish his spiel. THEN he started acting serious.
"Okay, but I'm warning you now-" he paused as he brought out a scroll and made a sign. After the poof of smoke, most of the general area was covered in near-invisible wires, forged under the belly of the King Salamander himself to act as a mousetrap to anyone larger than they were, and then Maren continued. "-There's a reason I got out of the Academy in under two years. I had never wielded chakra before, and... Well, you probably heard about what happened at the final exam." People were still questioning how he'd made so many doppelgangers with the same jutsu as everyone else. "Just do me a favor and don't hold us back, Monkey Boy. Gentle Fist is risky if the opponent is faster than you, and well, in an open fight, she's a jonin with Wind chakra, and we're not besides, all we need to do is tag her, not harm her. Flash, how good are you with that Chidori?" His tone had taken on that of a leader, and he pulled out a kunai, twirling it in his fingers. "How fast can you move with it, and how much of a toll is it on you? There's no point in using it if it'll put you out of commission for the rest of the day. Two partners after a failed plan is better than one after a successful one." He dropped to one knee and drew out a second plan in the dirt. "If you can use it without putting yourself at too great a risk, we'll stick with Monkey Boy's plan. If not, we'll both try to direct her towards the field, where we can move in the wires with better ease than her, and MB can use his gentle fist with a better advantage." He looked up to Rinji, awaiting his response. "Also, you guys might want to stay at least five feet away from me if we do end up actually fighting, unless you want several sharp things in your personal space."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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"Okay, but I'm warning you now-" he paused as he brought out a scroll and made a sign. After the poof of smoke, most of the general area was covered in near-invisible wires, forged under the belly of the King Salamander himself to act as a mousetrap to anyone larger than they were, and then Maren continued. "-There's a reason I got out of the Academy in under two years. I had never wielded chakra before, and... Well, you probably heard about what happened at the final exam." People were still questioning how he'd made so many doppelgangers with the same jutsu as everyone else. "Just do me a favor and don't hold us back, Monkey Boy. Gentle Fist is risky if the opponent is faster than you, and well, in an open fight, she's a jonin with Wind chakra, and we're not besides, all we need to do is tag her, not harm her. Flash, how good are you with that Chidori?" His tone had taken on that of a leader, and he pulled out a kunai, twirling it in his fingers. "How fast can you move with it, and how much of a toll is it on you? There's no point in using it if it'll put you out of commission for the rest of the day. Two partners after a failed plan is better than one after a successful one." He dropped to one knee and drew out a second plan in the dirt. "If you can use it without putting yourself at too great a risk, we'll stick with Monkey Boy's plan. If not, we'll both try to direct her towards the field, where we can move in the wires with better ease than her, and MB can use his gentle fist with a better advantage." He looked up to Rinji, awaiting his response. "Also, you guys might want to stay at least five feet away from me if we do end up actually fighting, unless you want several sharp things in your personal space."

"Was this kid serious? I mean I know we just got on teams and all but he does realize that no matter how young he is to graduate the academy, when it comes to serious fighting, I'm a genius." Kami thought to Son who gave a wild remark. "We should show him how much of wind users we are." Son stated.

Kami looked up at everyone and nodded, wether he liked it or not Maren was actually pretty smart for a 10 year old, and slightly he was glad that all three of them paired up. "Don't worry your wires wont even come close to touching me. And don't worry about my speed, I'm faster than you think short stuff." Kami smirked as he looked to Rinji for acknowledgement. "Ok team move out." With that said, Kami had vanished and began to prepare for their team attack.

Sora looked up sighing with relieve as she rested against a tree. "Ugh damn! Why do I have to be a captain? All I wanted to do was drink wine and live my normal days." She thought as she created three seperate shadow clones and scattered them all in different directions.

"If they were planning to come at me as a team their smart, but if they were planning on attacking me seperately then that's probably the most idiotic plan I have ever seen." Well no that wasn't necessarily true. Coming into contact with someone from the past she had remembered that feeling far too well.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Senju Rinji
Konoha's White Lightning
Location: Konoha - Academy/ Training Grounds

Rinji listened intently to the other two members of his squad as they told their respective plans. They had recently arrived at the training grounds, after having followed their new Jounin leader and been instructed that she was going to test their ability. For a second Rinji was confused by Maren’s plan, though he figured out after a moment that when the boy said “Flash” he was referring to Rinji. Though Ookami made a remark and sped off before he could get a word in.

“No, I’m fine.” Rinji responded to Maren’s concerns in regard to his “Chidori”. Though he wasn’t that skilled with it, and it most definitely would put his body and chakra levels under quite a bit of strain, Rinji didn’t want to let his squad mates down. Especially after Ookami had already placed faith in his ability. “ Lets do Monkey’s plan.” He recycled Maren’s name for Ookami, it was hard for him to think of Ookami as any thing other than his favorite weapon. “Even Miss Sora will run scared when I break my out Chidori!” He relayed confidently to his new squad mate, clenching his fist in front of his face to emphasize his point.

“Alright!” Rinji said, pumping himself up to get ready. He looked at Maren. “When you’re distracting her, if it gets too tough just yell out White Lightning, and I’ll come in and help faster than you can blink!” He flashed Maren a thumbs up. “Otherwise I‘ll just attack with my Chidori when I see an opening.” He stopped for a moment, then looked at the wires. "I guess this'll be the backup plan." Then he turned to Maren. “I’ll follow your lead.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Maren nodded, laughing on the inside as Ookami disappeared before he could have been warned about the fact that the wires were a part of his Fire Jutsu as well. Ah, well. He'd learn soon enough. Maren stood up, nodded to Rinji, and pulled the twin swords off of his back.
"Good luck Flash, but again, if you feel the slightest bit uneasy about the jutsu, don't risk it. It's time for the Mighty Yasutora to show what it means to be a man!" With less than the blink of an eye, he was already on the other side of the field, having woven through his wires like they were so much mist. He sent a quick word of thanks to the Academy teacher who had explained to him the concept of chakra's different applications. One of those, he'd realized, was not only increased traction, but the addition of Wind chakra compressed the air just enough for a light kid like him to jump off of, literally allowing him to run on air(As a warning, this is NOT Tsubame's Wind Walk, she can just stand there in the air and barely burn her chakra. He's using lumps of it to jump like this.) As he reached the other side of the field, he saw three separate Soratushis leap out of the forest in different directions. He'd done enough research on different jutsus that could branch off from the ones he could already do, so he knew that Shadow Clones(he assumed that these were those because a jonin would almost never use an intangible clone when a physical one worked even better) divvied up the user's chakra evenly, and so would cause the user to either A)Go for full strength in numbers(usual tactics), or B)hang back and let the clones do the work while they hid and planned(Naruto's finisher in the fight with Neji, Maren's reason for warning Monkey Boy). As Maren thought, he realized that the latter would be the more likely, due to Soratushi's likely belief that they would try to take her on one-on-one(They were kids, what else would she expect?), and thus she would have needed to send out three clones. Mathwise, that would bring her down to 1/4 her chakra, and Maren liked those numbers. He went into the forest, the origin of the clones, and leapt into a tree, sticking underneath it with his chakra. He never did get a grasp on any jutsu above C rank, but boy, did he make up for it with control! He then proceeded to comb the forest, leaving wires all over the place. THESE were his babies. Unlike the wires out on the field, which were about as likely to break as a diamond, these were hair trigger, and connected to small explosive tags. If someone even TOUCHED the wire after him, the general area could be used for a barbecue after the flames died down(Because we all know fire-style is damn near useless in Naruto). He then took his swords and leapt a safe distance away. One shuriken later, and not only did he know they worked, but also that he'd have Soratushi on the run. And as long as she was out of the forest, they had an advantage.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Soratushi noticed the small wires through the eyes of one of her clones, feeling a bit impressed that their three man team had already began working on their team strategies, however she would put that to the test very soon. As one of her clones noticed Maren, she immediately jumped towards him spinning her fan and throwing bits and pieces of little iron shards that were infused with chakra, aimed straight for Maren.

The second clone however had been tailing Rinji for sometime now and was on the verge of attacking but stopped midway and hid herself alongside one of the brushes and set up a couple trip wires of her own, before resuming her follow up attack on the young boy by launchin Kunai bombs at him, highly aware of the little trip wires set up by Maren.

The third clone had intercepted Ookami and engaged in a battle with him.

"They think because my chakra's been split up, I'm vulnerable. Hahaha these kids might just entertain me for a little longer."


Kami had jumped back to a far away brush and began thinking of each move carefully as the veins in his eyes began to grow more and more intense. "Byakugan!" He instantly said as he noticed all the moving chakra's on the battlefield.
There were six of them besides himself and he knew why. "She must be using the shadow clones like I thought." Kami mumbled as he formed a few hand signs.

As a voice appeared behind him with a quick laugh, "Very intuitive of you Ookami, but that isn't enough to beat me." Sarutoshi said as she began to attack Kami. Punch after punch followed by a kick here or there with a couple kunai inbetween, was barely anything for Kami to worry about as he wondered if the team was doing ok. He dodged another kick and sent a surge of chakra through the clone's body getting adjusted back to his original plan as it popped.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Senshiro Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Hakui Gekizai Character Portrait: Joruri Character Portrait: Shinmen Takezo Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga
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Kumo's Lightning Queen
Traveling to the Land of Honey

Senshiro looked towards the new face that had just joined the now ever growing group. She had heard him say something about them looking more scarier in person than in the projections they were so fond of using. "Really? I don't find myself to be scary." She said with a slight pause and grinned before continuing, " I don't understand everyone's reasoning for saying im evil." She laughed at this even more, shrugging her shoulders she continued walking. It wasn't too long before Yuuki decided to stop and hold the meeting where we were. Seeing as how all of the members had gathered along the path instead of meeting at the Land of Honey. However there were some questions that were running through her brain, as to why a person who still needed to be initiated into the group was going through no test. Finally she decided to speak up, "I have a question. Did Joruri even go through a test to join us or are you letting him in because of his superior puppet skills?" She asked and then noticed the ice dome beginning to form around them. "Wow, really surprising Yuuki-san. It's no wonder that your the leader of the group." She said giggling as she sat down and looked at the rest of the group.
Soratushi Mitsuko
Konoha's Tempest
Training Fields

The clones where a nice trick, she had to admit that. But there where some choices that she had to make.
1. Was the fact that she could allow herself to be hit and that would be the end of this excercise. However that wouldn't be letting them go to the best of their abilities.
2. Would be that she could counter the attack but then have to continue fighting which would be a bother for her seeing as how she was in need of a drink.

Soratushi huffed for a second and let out a sigh right after. Deciding quickly in her mind she allowed the attack to graze her as she dissapeared and reappeared infront of the three logs." This test is over. Maren has succesfully touched me so therefore I will recognize you as my genin. Now, from this point on you will be known as Squad 9." She said outloud, knowing that she allowed him to graze her so she could go get her drink. However she did have to admit to the fact that their teamwork was well executed even if Maren did do most of the work. "Now that that's over with, lets go out and celebrate the formation of your new squad." The jounin said with a smile as she looked at the three boys.
Ookami Hyuuga
The Hyuuga's Burning Spirit
Training Fields

Kami was prepared for any attack. He was certain of the fact that each person would follow the plan to exact to the letter. Maren however had other ideas see as how he was taking Sensei head on. Which was pretty brave, he had to admit that to himself but then again there wasn't really anything that he could do about it. Knowing that he head to be ready for a signal from either one of them. Son however felt the anticipation of wanting to fight running through Kami's veins. But he knew he couldn't allow him to go all out here, so close to the village that Kurama and Naruto had protected. "Don't even think about it. Your not going out there." Son stated to Kami in a serious manner. Kami sighed and deactivated his byakugan as he saw Soratushi get hit by Maren's attack. "Well that was a waste of planning." He said as he walked towards the center where Sensei was and looked at Maren with a smile and held his hand up. "Nice job Yasutora." Kami stated with a grin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Maren frowned at Soratushi.
"You let a CLONE hit you. I hardly believe that being hit by an illusion counts as a hit, so the test is still on. Ookami, Rinji, I think now is the best time to finish this." He took a fighting stance as he said so, his fighting spirit flaring up around him. He took two steps and flickered to behind Soratushi, his right hand flaring up as he balled it into a fist.
"MAKE US EARN IT!" He shouted, the flames licking around him burning brighter as he threw his punch towards their teacher's back. The punch didn't look like one that was going to be pleasant, but it was really only meant to direct her towards Rinji and Monkey Boy.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Senju Rinji
Konoha's White Lightning
Location: Konoha - Academy/ Training Grounds

After Maren had sped off, Rinji got on the move as well. Though for him, it was much harder to traverse the wires Maren had set up. The going was very slow as the young ninja tried his best to get through them without moving at a snail’s pace. Thought it took some time, he finally saw an end to the wires.

“Finally!” He exclaimed softly under his breath. Though just as he reached the exit he heard the twang of a wire in the distance. “Oh, n-” He was cut of as a large area exploded, sending him tumbling forward. Out of the tree that he was in. He recovered several moments, and a few hundred feet, later.

I guess Maren wanted to draw here out. He thought, as he stood up and brushed himself off. Then he proceeded to follow the sounds of battle as quickly as he could. Though he made sure to keep as far back as he could without loosing them.

Suddenly Rinji go the feeling that someone was following him. He quickly checked behind him but found nothing. Must have been my imagination. He figured, though a few seconds later he heard the whistling of Kunai behind him. He dodged quickly, but didn’t realize until after they had impacted that they were explosive.

Yet again, Rinji was sent flying through the air by an explosion. Though luckily this time it was much smaller, so he recovered quickly. Sending himself into a controlled tumble by rebounding of the ground with his arm, he launched smoke bombs all around him and proceeded to speed as far away from the area as he could. It wasn’t his job to openly engage the enemy and he didn’t want to mess up the plan.

A few moments later from what he could tell he had lost his pursuer. Must have been a clone or something He guessed, considering the sounds of battle still raged nearby.

As stealthily as he could, he snuck up on the battle, and proceeded to watch it from afar. Though he didn’t have to wait long, as he saw one of Maren’s clones graze Sora.

Huh? Rinji squinted, confused. He wondered if it could be that easy. Though a voice came quickly from a clone that had appeared behind him. Both startling him and informing him that the test was over by saying the exact same thing its creator was. Though Rinji nearly fell out of the tree he was in, he got the gist of the information and made his way over to his new squad.

“Uhh, yeah, good job Maren.” Rinji said as he approached the others, mimicking Ookami’s congratulations to their successful squad mate. Even though Rinji was a bit disappointed that he really hadn’t had a chance to show off his skills.

Though Maren didn’t seem willing to accept his own success. Rinji was too caught off guard to react as the boy flickered behind their squad leader and launched a wicked looking attack. Rinji simply took a step back and stared in shock.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Soratushi Mitsuko Character Portrait: Ookami Hyuga Character Portrait: Maren Yasutora Character Portrait: Senju Rinji
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Soratushi Mitsuko
Konoha's Tempest
Training Fields

She noticed Maren's current attack that was aime at her back. No matter what the situation was, you never attacked her after she had declared that she lost because to her it was like a slap in the face and it seriously pissed her off. Moving almost instantly her fan slid open and stopped Yasutora's fist. She the flicked her wrist and launched a massive air gust that surrounded the fiery genin. "I said that the fight was over correct?" She said as she kept her eyes fixed on the other two genin, waiting for either one of them to slip up.

Ookami Hyuuga
Hyuga's Blazing Spirit
Training Fields

Kami stared at Maren as he launched his attack. "Ok this was crazy, if sensei had declared that she lost, why was Maren so quick to jump on the attack and go straight for her. It just didn't make any sense." Kami thought to himself as he noticed the gust of air that began to surround Maren. "Son, what do you think about Maren's chakra level? Would you have any fun if we fought him?" Kami thought to son as he chuckled.
Son grinned and let out a laugh "his speed seems incredible along with his power. Who knows I would probably let you use two tails just to see how much control you have." Kami laughed with a bit of uncertainty in his voice, "Don't you think that would be a bit much even just for a test?"
Son sighed," If there's anything I taught you it's to not underestimate your opponents now just watch."