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New York Academy For The Arts

New York Academy For The Arts


This character driven story will focus on the lives of students as they attend New York Academy for the Arts.

2,201 readers have visited New York Academy For The Arts since Sunflower created it.



The City of New York. A place so nice that they just had to name it twice. The place where dreams come true and where the city hardly sleeps. But for these individuals, it's a place they like to call home. Located in the heart of New York City, New York is an academy by the name of New York Academy For The Arts.

Game Master
Sunshine and Whiskey

Plot Help From

Dear Student,
I would like to inform you that you have been selected to attend New York Academy for the Arts because of your great achievements in [art choice here]. The Academy is one of the best art schools in the country. If you have a dream of becoming a professional dancer, photographer, athlete, etc. then you will not regret attending this school. You will interact with many different students who come from different cultures and aspects of life. They're just like you, wanting to make their dreams come true.

Upon enrollment, you will be given a room number. Each student will be sharing a dorm with one other student. Unlike most schools, you will have your own space in these dorms as they are adjoining dorms connected by a private bathroom for the two of you complete with a shower, bathtub, and private sinks.

There will be events for each art categories throughout the year, allowing you to experience what it would be like to have your dream career, whether it be anything dealing with music, dancing, writing, athletics and acting. Competitions, performances, championships, you name it and we have it.

Please contact the Dean of students in order to enroll into the school. I hope to hear you have interest in joining this amazing school, you definitely will not be disappointed.


ImageImageName: Stella Hampton

Age: Twenty-One

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Extracurricular: Music

Dialogue Color: #FF00F2

Face Claim: Taylor Swift

Taken by Sunshine and Whiskey
Name: Zoey Hampton

Age: Twenty-One

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Extracurricular: Acting

Dialogue Color: #9966CC

Face Claim: Karlie Kross

Taken by eirakitten

ImageImageName: Masumi Kata

Age: Twenty-One

Hometown: Nagoya, Japan

Extracurricular: Photography

Dialogue Color: #FF9933

Face Claim: Jhene Aiko

Taken by Simple_Imperfections
Name: Kyle Park

Age: Twenty-Three

Hometown: Los Angelos, CA

Extracurricular: Singer & Rapper

Dialogue Color: #009999

Face Claim: Namjoon

Taken by Simple_Imperfections

ImageImageName: Kendrick Martelli

Age: Twenty-Two

Hometown: Tuscon, Arizona

Extracurricular: Dance

Dialogue Color: #FF7F50

Face Claim: Corbin Bleu

Taken by eirakitten
Name: Elijah Walker

Age: Twenty-One

Hometown: Lake Placid, New York

Extracurricular: Drama

Dialogue Color: #800000

Face Claim: Erza Miller

Taken by Grrbot

Toggle Rules

1. Have Fun! - Writing is all about having a great time with a group of writers to write a collaborative story. Not meant to be taken seriously, honestly. Along with having fun, I want no OOC drama, please but IC drama is definitely encouraged! Respect my rules, the roleplay and everyone that posts on this thread, please. No Godmodding, Autohitting or whatever else falls underneath these categories.

2. Literacy! - Please be literate and have a decent grasp of the English language. I will not be a Grammar Nazi. I promise.

3. Posting! - No one liners! They do not drive the story forward, at all. Be able to post at least three decent sized paragraphs of non-dialogue, please. 7-10 Sentences, at least. But more is definitely preferred. Be considerate when posting and make sure that you have read everyone's post before posting your own. There should interaction with everyone's character even if they do not have a certain relation with another character.

4. Characters! - This is a Realistic, Slice of Life roleplay so all characters must be human. All human beings have flaws so make sure your characters have some, too! You are allowed to play up to two characters only, one must be male and the other female though. I want to see well thought out characters, please.

5. Character Sheets! - I want to see detail in your character sheets. Length and effort! Your character sheet will determine if you're a great fit for the roleplay or not. Only Real Life images for characters. No anime or illustrations. You have at least three days to get a complete character sheet up!

6. PG-13! - Romance is allowed and encouraged here but for when the clothes start coming off, fade to black. Keep the swearing down to a minimum, please.

7. Diversity! - Not everyone make a female character, please! There are some males in the world! I want to see a diverse cast of ethnicity, nationality and sexuality!

8. Activity & Commitment! - If you make a character then please be committed enough to follow through with that character, or characters. I require that you post at least two times a week! If you cannot post for whatever reason then please let me know. Five days is the minimum amount of time that I'll allow you to be silent in the OOC and IC. I will write your character out of the roleplay if you do not post.

9. Reservations! - In order to reserve any type of character, please provide me with the face claim name, a 500x281 or whatever close to it sized gif, their dialogue color and their clique. If you are missing anything one of these, I will not accept the reservation.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Elijah Walker Character Portrait: Kendrick Martelli Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Kyle Park Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK

͏Times Square β†’ New York Academy Campus



Stacey Hampton
Hex: #FF00F2

She sat down upon the steps that were located within the heart of Time Squares with a smile. She had finally made it to the city that she has always dreamed of being in, which was New York City. She looked at all the people that had past by and gathered up all around her as she couldn't believe how busy the streets were early this morning. Stacey finished her breakfast and placed it back in the bag, balling it up as she grabbed her coffee.

As she walked down the stairs, she tossed the bag in the trash can but missed along a gentleman picked it up for her. She thanked him with a smile while she sipped on her coffee and walked away. The campus of the academy wasn't too far from the square as that was what she loved the most about it. When she needed to get away, that was one place you'll be able to find her.

While walking back into the lobby of her dorm building, she saw a few of the other girls have already settled in. Yesterday was their first day back as they had orientation and got to know where their classes were. The male dorm was within walking distance across from the female's dorm but they couldn't be in each other's dormitory area after ten o'clock. Stacey's roommate was Masumi and luckily enough, they had a co-joined room with her sister, Zoey and her roommate, Ireland.

She adored both girls and her sister and was extremely happy that they were sharing rooms together. She walked into the dorm room with her coffee in hand, hoping that all the girls were up. "Alright, ladies. Let's get up because you know that today is one of the showcases and I am performing today so I definitely cannot be late." She mentioned with an arrogant smile while she scrambled to get a few necessities and waited for everyone else to get ready. "Oh and are the boys meeting us there or are we going over to get them?" She asked as someone just had to know something about because obviously, she didn't.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Elijah Walker Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Times Square β†’ New York Academy Dorm

Ireland Wilson
Hex: #004080
Ireland strolled down the street, the latest copy of the New York Times rolled in one hand, a latte in the other. She liked to joke that Starbucks was her religion, and her morning coffee run was quite a religious routine for her. Her friends wouldn't be surprised as they watched her sashay onto campus with her coffee. The girl sipped carefully from her coffee as she crossed the campus towards the door building, trying her best to not spill. She'd had her fair share of slips and spills and she was determined not to make a mess of herself today.

Entering the lobby of the dorm building, she made her way to her room. Her roommate, Zoey, was a likeable girl. She was lucky not to have an awful roommate, and she genuinely enjoyed spending time with the girl. Their room was a co-joined room shared with Zoey's sister, Stacey, and her roommate Masumi. Every day was a party with those girls in tow.

Ireland shrugged off her jacket and hung it up just as Stacey entered the room. Ireland smirked at the girl's coffee, a shared loved between the two. "Alright, ladies. Let's get up because you know that today is one of the showcases and I am performing today so I definitely cannot be late." she said. Ireland rolled her eyes. Typical Stacey. "Yeah, yeah..." Ireland mumbled, sinking into her bed. She'd stay there until Zoey and Masumi were up and running. "Oh and are the boys meeting us there or are we going over to get them?" Stacey asked. Ireland glanced at the girl and shrugged absently. "Why don't you give one of them a call?" Ireland asked, sipping her coffee casually.

New York Academy Dorm

Elijah Walker
Hex: #800000
Elijah tossed over in his bed, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and letting out a rather loud yawn. "It's already morning? I don't know about you but I was having a pretty exciting dream about one of my lady friends back in Vancouver and let me just say that it is extremely disappointing that such a wonderful dream has been cut short by the arrival of a day such as today." Elijah rambled loudly, his hands covering his eyes as they were still adjusting to the morning light. He let a small grin creep across his face. He loved to be dramatic and what better way to wake up than to exercise his talents?

Elijah sat up in his bed, stretching his arms out and yawning yet again. "Better make some coffee." he said to himself, walking over to the coffee maker that laid on the counter near the door. Elijah believed the key to starting a day off right was in consuming at least one cup of coffee before 8 am. He hoisted himself onto the counter and sat patiently as he waited for the coffee to brew. He noticed his roommate Ricky still laying in bed. Elijah glanced to his left and spotted a pack of plastic utensils. Without a second thought, he shrugged and flung it at his roommate. "Wake up!"he laughed. "We've got places to go and girls to meet."he continued.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #9966CC
Thought Color: #99CC66
Outfit: x
If there were one difference between the Hampton twins, it would be that Zoey was never much of a morning person. She always seemed to lay in bed for as long as possible before having no other choice than to climb out of bed. If it were up to her, she would sleep all day and be up all hours of the night. But that was just something that wouldn't get her very far in her college studies. Zoey needed to attend classes and Stacey was never all that great about allowing her to sleep in. If Stacey was up, then that would mean Zoey had to be too.

The moment the blonde heard her twin's words she immediately rolled over on her stomach and pulled the pillow over her head with an annoyed grunt. Finally after a couple seconds of laying there, hearing the conversation between Stacey and Ireland, she decided it would be a good idea to pull herself out of bed. Once she was up she glanced over at the ladies and spoke in a groggily voice, "I believe they're coming. I'm just not sure if all of them are, but Kendrick said he would definitely be there," she stated before allowing her zombie-like extremities to walk her to their shared bathroom.

Once Zoey finished up with her morning routine, she climbed into the shower and wrapped a towel around her body once she finished washing up and walked back into the room before rummaging through her drawers. What to wear, what to wear, she thought to herself before finally settling on a pair of crimson colored jean shorts and a black belly shirt. The female pulled a thong and bra over her petite frame before sliding her shorts over her long, pale legs and her shirt over her torso. She stepped over to the corner where she placed her shoes and decided on her black combat boots.

After she was dressed and applied a bit of makeup, she stepped over to her mini fridge that sat just beside her bed and reached for a up of chocolate pudding. "So Sis, we are going to have a party to celebrate your showcase win, right? Because well, honestly I just want to get drunk tonight and it would help if I had a reason to celebrate," Zoey stated with a chuckle. If no one knew her any better they would probably say that Zoey was an alcoholic, but there was definitely no way that's what it was. Yes, she enjoyed alcohol and drank it often, but she would be able to stop herself from the drinking if she had to without any sort of a fight.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Elijah Walker Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #FF7F50
Thought Color: #50D0FF
Outfit: x
Kendrick was lost in his own world, a world filled of sleep and at this moment, there was probably nothing that would be able to wake him. Though that was at least until a certain roommate tossed a plastic fork at him and shouted in his direction for him to wake up. The male sighed and rubbed his eyes before slowly sitting up in the bed. Kendrick glanced over at his alarm clock, seeing that it hadn't gone off that morning for him to do his daily run. "Guess I'll go for my run after Stacey's showcase," he spoke aloud to himself as he climbed out of bed and stepped into the kitchen and started making his morning smoothie.

"Have you heard anything about any plays that would need any backup dancers in the drama department?" Kendrick questioned. Although Kendrick was never all that interested in the drama department, he did enjoy the dancing and even if it were to be in some sort of musical or something, then he'd deal with it. After all, if he wanted to become a professional dancer he needed to get some experience in all kinds of dancing. Even if it meant performing in some dumb musical. Of course he would never judge any of his friends, such as Elijah for his passions because that would be wrong but he could have an opinion, right?

Kendrick finished blending his smoothie and poured it into a cup before taking a few sips from it. "Any idea what time this thing starts?" he questioned as he leaned against the wall, taking in the surroundings of his messy dorm room. Something needs to be done with this room, he thought to himself before walking across the room towards his dresser. He pulled out a black button down and a nice pair of jeans before pulling them over his body. The male reached for his hat and placed it on his head, put on some axe body spray, slid his shoes on and reached for his wallet before heading out the door. "I'm dropping by to see the girls. If you don't stop by I'll give you the rest of the details once I figure them out and we can meet up at the showcase. Later man," he stated and closed their door behind him.

Kendrick walked across campus to the dormitory sitting across the lawn from his and stepped into the building's front doors and walked through the hallways towards the dorm that held his four favorite girls at the academy. The male came to a halt in front of their door and he knocked, "Girls, it's Kendrick.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Kendrick Martelli Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK

Dialogue: #FF9933
Outfit: xxx

Masumi had been up really late last night. The other day was orientation day and she had to take pictures of everything as well as participate. The school liked to use Sumi's pictures on their website, newspapers, journals, etc so they are always asking her to take pictures of any of the events she could attend. A lot of the time that meant she got a free pass into whatever event in was that she taking pictures. And a majority of the time that also meant late nights editing. The school wanted the orientation pictures ASAP. Sumi went through three hundred plus photos and deleted a little less than half of them. The ones she kept, she extensively edited them so that the colors were more vibrant and that anything that had the words New York Academy for the Arts was emphasized. By the time she had finished that, it was close to two in the morning.

When morning came, Masumi was unmoving. Luckily her roommate, Zoey, was also not a morning person. Sumi doesn't know what she would do if Zoey was prancing about the moment the sun came up. A pillow would most likely connect with her body if Sumi thought that she wasn't going to stop prancing. But the roommates were both asleep and unmoving. There was peace and tranquility. Being able to sleep was such a blessing. "Alright, ladies. Let's get up because you know that today is one of the showcases and I am performing today so I definitely cannot be late." Having it ruined by Stacey was a curse. Stacey and Ireland are in the co joined room. It was a lucky pairing. But not right now. Sumi rolled over and pulled the blanket over her head. There was some silence in her dorm before Zoey got up and started getting ready. Masumi sighed and pushed herself into the sitting position. She waited patiently for Zoey to exit the bathroom. When she did, Masumi dragged herself in to start getting ready.

Bathroom routine done, Masumi looked over her closet and drawers for something to wear. It didn't have to be flashy, since she was going to be taking pictures the whole time. She slid on the matching bra and underwear set before ditching the towel. Sumi had no problem with anyone catching her half naked. She was comfortable like this and holding a towel made it hard to pick out clothes. Finally she picked out a pair of denim shorts and slid on an Adidas hoodie, not bothering with a tank top. Walking over to her night stand, she took hold of her iPhone SE to check for messages. There was nothing important from anyone so she just slid it into her pocket. Opening the drawer, she pulled out the camera bag to check the battery on her Nikon D5 CF. It still held a lot of battery. Sumi checked the attachments, leaving one of them in the drawer. She double checked to make sure that she had everything before venturing out to where the other girls were. "So Sis, we are going to have a party to celebrate your showcase win, right? Because well, honestly I just want to get drunk tonight and it would help if I had a reason to celebrate," Masumi giggled a little and found a place to sit. Leave it to Zoey to need a reason for alcohol.

There was a knock on the door followed by Kendrick's introduction. "I got it." She stood up and went to open up the door. "Morning." Sumi said with a smile before moving out of the way and letting him in. She shut the door and went to reclaim her seat. Then she decided to mess around with her camera settings to make sure everything was in order. Sumi pulled out the camera and started taking non flash pictures of her friends.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Park
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0.00 INK

Dialogue: #009999
Outfit: xxx

Kyle has been up for hours. He doesn't even remember how long he has just been sitting on his bed writing rap lyrics. He was the type of person that when they woke up, he was up for the rest of the day. Because of his midday nap yesterday, when he went to bed he didn't need to sleep all the way through the night. Around 3 am his body decided it was time for him to wake up. Not knowing what else he would be able to do he started writing. Kyle took comfort in writing music. It was a nice feeling. And, depending on what he wrote, it helped get his feelings out on a format that he was used too. His headphones were in and music was blasting. He was so into his songwriting that he hadn't even noticed was coming up. It wasn't until he had to shield his eyes from the sun rays that he realized that it was morning. He finished up his last lyric and put away his song book. He would be able to finish it later. But now he needed to find some coffee and start getting dressed.

Today was the show case and he had been asked to perform. Only a few were performing at this one. It was him and Stacey. That was all he knew for right now. Kyle hadn't gone to search for others. Getting up he went to his coffee maker that sat on his dresser and started brewing. As that happened, he walked into the bathroom to clean up. It didn't take him long. He ran his hands through his silver wet hair and then left the bathroom. He started rummaging through his closet and just put something one. Kyle was not one to try and impress people through his outfits, so he didn't think that much into. He was hoping they would look pass what he was wearing and actually hear him sing. He heart a beep from the coffee maker which meant the coffee was done. He grabbed the mug next to the maker and poured himself a cup. It was black and bitter. Kyle pulled out his phone and put in his headphones. Kyle left his dorm and started heading towards the performance place. He couldn't be late.


7 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Elijah Walker Character Portrait: Kendrick Martelli Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Kyle Park Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK

͏Times Square β†’ New York Academy Campus



Stacey Hampton
Hex: #FF00F2

Stacey looked at Ireland as she wasn't very excited to hear about the showcase, it seemed. She sat down with the roll of her eyes then looked at Ireland again, mimicking her words. As she searched for one of the guys numbers in her phone. She looked up at her sister, Zoey as she smiled towards her. "Great." She gave a thumbs up to no one in particular then looked again as her sister entered the room, dressed a little bit than before.

"I'd love to party to celebrate my win but if you're going to get drunk then maybe you should sit out tonight." She said bluntly as she didn't really want to get into an argument with her sister early this morning. She jumped slightly as a knock came over their dorm as she saw Masumi was up and going towards it. It was Kendrick. Stacey practically jumped out of her seat and scurried over towards him, giving him a small hug as she smiled then broke the hug.

"Alright, losers." She teased towards everyone present as she gathered up her belongings then eyed everything. "Please do not be late. I will be watching." Stacey gave them an evil eye look with a smile though before she exited her dorm and the building, going over towards the area where the stage was being set up. While she waited for her turn to rehearse, she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Kyle and Elijah in a group message.

To: Eli and Ky
Both of you guys better not be late today. >:D

She sent the message then went up stage so that she can rehearse her song. She rehearsed and rehearsed again then turned towards the people that were going to make her performance better as she thanked them again. Now all she had to do was wait until the showcase began so that she could wow the audience that was slowly starting to form.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Elijah Walker Character Portrait: Kendrick Martelli Character Portrait: Kyle Park
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
New York Academy Dorm -> New York Academy Campus

Elijah Walker
Hex: #800000
Outfit: xxx
Elijah nodded and responded to Kendrick's questions. He averted his gaze as Kendrick dressed and waved him off as his roommate announced he'd drop by the girls. "Sounds good, see you then!" he said, a smile on his face. He lowered himself off the counter, patting absently at his pants and then fixing himself up a cup of coffee. The boy poured in two sugar packets and watched his coffee change from a dark brown to a milky chocolate brown as he poured in his cream. Elijah took a slow sip before setting his cup on the counter.

The next thing that crossed his mind was the difficult decision of picking out an outfit. Elijah wasn't one to dress to impress, but he didn't like feeling like one of those people of Walmart zombies who strolled around in their spaghetti strap tank tops and flannel pajama pants. The boy crossed his room to his closet and grabbed a couple garments, quickly sliding on a pair of jeans, a white graphic tee and his black bomber jacket. He ran his hand through his soft waves, tousling his hair slightly. He smirked at his reflection in the mirror and regarded himself for a moment. "Damn do I look good." he said to himself.

Elijah grabbed his backpack off the couch and slid on his scuffed up all black converse, which were frayed a bit at the edges. "Better get moving before they send out a search party" He laughed, making his way down the hall. Elijah was barely out of the dorm when he received a group sms from Stacey.

To: Eli and Ky
Both of you guys better not be late today. >:D

Elijah rolled his eyes and quickly sent a reply.

To: Stacey and Ky
Me? Late? Wouldn't dream of it. Can't upstage my bestie on her big day with a fashionably late entrance! Although I can't say Ky won't steal the show with his bombastic personality. :P

Elijah slid his phone into his pocket and jogged to the stage. A couple minutes later, he snuck around to backstage and waited for Stacey behind a swath of curtains. He planned to scare her when she was done on stage, but he couldn't help but admire her practicing. "Promise to remember me when you're famous? I'd like a dedication to your best friend, Elijah Walker, when you headline at Madison Square Garden." he said, flashing his signature smile.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Kendrick Martelli Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Kyle Park Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #FF7F50
Thought Color: #50D0FF
Outfit: x


Dialogue Color: #9966CC
Thought Color: #99CC66
Outfit: x

Kendrick smiled when he noticed Sumi answer the door. He glanced at the tanned brunette up and down a bit, just as usual with a slight smirk. "Looking good Sumi, like always," the male stated as he stepped into the room and greeted the other girls. Kendrick always deemed himself as lucky because he was always around the hottest girls in school. Even though he didn't exactly get along with all of them all the time, he was still a bit shocked that the lot of them haven't tried pushing him away. Though Zoey on the other hand, she was always the more difficult out of the bunch. She liked having Kendrick and the others around, but she also seemed to try pushing each and every one of them out of her life.

Kendrick chuckled a bit when he heard Stacey's words and decided to follow the blonde out the dorm room just a couple moments later. As he did he dragged Zoey along with him.

Zoey rolled her eyes as she was pulled from the couch by Kendrick and followed him out the door. "Was it necessary to drag me?" the blonde stated sarcastically. Of course she knew Kendrick was going to say it was, he always did. That was just how he was. Just as she knew, the male nodded his head before saying, "Are you seriously going to party hard tonight? You need to chill a bit with the drinking, you know it's not good for you," he stated, knowing this was most likely going to end up turning into an argument.

"What is it with you and Stacey trying to control the way I drink. There is nothing wrong with it and I'm always safe, I take care of myself," the blonde responded as she walked away from the male with a huff. She couldn't believe he brought this up this early in the morning. She was in no mood to argue with him or his sister. This was going to be a great day and there was nothing that was going to get in the way of that if it were up to her.

Once she arrived at the showcase she spotted Kyle and she ran over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Hello, hello," she stated with a soft chuckle before releasing him. "Good luck going up against Stacey. I've heard her rehearsing all night and she killed it. Though, I'm sure you've got something up your sleeve," Zoey stated to the silver haired male before her.

Kyle had always been one of her favorite people at the academy. He was never on her about the way she lived her life like her twin and Kendrick were, he was always there when she needed someone to lean on and he never judged her. Zoey just wished she had more people like him in her life. But of course that wasn't going to be very easy.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Stella Hampton Character Portrait: Elijah Walker Character Portrait: Kendrick Martelli Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Kyle Park
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0.00 INK

Dialogue: #009999
Outfit: xxx

Kyle seemed to have gotten there before the famous Stacey herself. He took the opportunity to rehearse with all the equipment. He managed to get through it twice and he was more than confident than his performance. There was still some time to kill before there was a dire need to be ready on stage. Venturing out of the area, he went to the cafe close to the school. Kyle would need food or he would not be able to function. While standing in line he received a message. It was a group chat, Stacey seemed to have started. He rolled his eyes playfully before another message came up from Elijah. That message caused him to laugh. His friends were both quiet interesting creatures. Kyle sent a quick reply.
;Stacey, Elijah
No need to flatter me Eli. And I physically cannot be late or they won't let me perform.
Message sent and he ordered himself a chocolate chip muffin. It was handed to him right away and he paid for it. With headphones in, he headed back to the stage area. He came just in time to see Stacey rehearsing. She was amazing. Everyone knew that of course. There was some kind of strange honor with being able to perform on stage with her. This was one of the few times there were going to be performing on the same stage. Kyle took a bite of his muffin and thought about going to wish her luck, until he felt someone wrapping their arms around his waist. Turning around, he smiled at his best friend Zoey. "Hey wow. You are early." He teased. He could only assume that he was early due to her sister being in the showcase.

"Good luck going up against Stacey. I've heard her rehearsing all night and she killed it. Though, I'm sure you've got something up your sleeve" Kyle chuckled a bit and offered up some of his muffin to her. "I'm trying not to see this as a competition. I'm just gonna do my best. But...I secretly hope I do way better." Kyle smiled and ate some more of his muffin. "I'm expecting you in the front row acting as my cheerleader, Zo." He added almost as a stern warning. Though he was only joking of course.

Dialogue: #FF9933
Outfit: xxx

Sumi smile at Kendrick as she let him in. "Thanks Ricky" She said as she continued messing with the camera settings. It was always important to have the settings ready before it was time to take the real pictures. She was only half listening to what was going on. Stacey was scolding Zoey on her alcohol consumption as usual. Then she pretty much warned the group to not be late before skipping away, blonde hair flowing in the wind. Masumi shook her head in amusement. Everyone that has ever been friends with Stacey knew better than to even try to be a second late. Sumi was going to on time because she had a job. Taking pictures o f the showcase. She wasn't even going to have a seat. She would be wondering backstage and then front stage taking pictures of everyone and everything. Right after Stacey left, Kendrick and Zoey followed, leaving Masumi and Ireland. A sigh escaped her. "No no. Go ahead. We'll catch up." she said jokingly. Turning to her friend Ireland, she snapped a candid picture of her to make sure the picture came out nice. It did. Sumi placed the camera in the bag and then stood up. "Come on. We need good seats." She waited for Ireland before leaving.

It didn't take long to get to campus and head to where all the performers were gathering. It seemed that Stacey had just finished rehearsing. Elijah was up there talking to her. Kyle was on the main floor talking with Zoey. Pulling her camera back out, it was time to take photos. "The last thing I wanna do is ditch you Irie, but duty calls." Reluctantly, she left her friend and started taking pictures of everything going on.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Masumi Kata
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Grrbot
Times Square β†’ New York Academy Dorm

Ireland Wilson
Hex: #004080
Outfit: xxx
Ireland was delighted when Zoey mentioned celebrating. She nodded eagerly in agreement, badly in need of a drink."I've been sober too long so it's time to let loose." She said. Ireland's eyes flicked to the door, where Masumi answered the door and greeted Kendrick. Ireland nodded in acknowledgement. "Morning Ricky" she said, flashing a small smile.

Ireland whipped out her phone, checking her notifications while slowly her friends left one by one."I'll see you guys in a bit!" she called out after Kendrick and Zoey. Once they were gone, Ireland spent a few minutes to herself sipping her coffee and scrolling through her phone. Ten minutes passed before she decided she ought to leave. She quickly made her bed and grabbed her black leather backpack and headed out the door.

The air was much warmer now than it was earlier. She left her jacket unzipped and crossed the campus towards the performance building. She played her favourite Hozier tune as she walked, silently mouthing the lyrics to his song. It didn't take long before she arrived, spotting Elijah & Stacey and Kyle & Zoey having their own respective conversations while Masumi walked around taking photos. "You know, if you really want to photograph something interesting, I'm right here!" she laughed, glancing at her friend and striking a playful pose."I don't know why you'd waste all your time waiting to come across something relatively appealing when I'm here." she smirked.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kyle Park Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK


Dialogue Color: #9966CC
Thought Color: #99CC66
Outfit: x
Kyle chuckled a bit and offered up some of his muffin to her. Zoey shook her head at his offer to share the muffin and allowed him to keep it all to himself. "I'm trying not to see this as a competition. I'm just gonna do my best. But...I secretly hope I do way better." Kyle smiled and ate some more of his muffin. "However you look at this showcase, I'm sure you'll do great!" she stated, giving her friend confidence in his performance. Of course she supported her sister as well, but it would definitely be difficult for her to ever decide who performed best on stage. Stacey always had more of a glamorous flare to her performances and Kyle, he knew how to work the stage. Their strengths and weaknesses were different and they were both great at what they do. "I'm expecting you in the front row acting as my cheerleader, Zo." He added almost as a stern warning. Though he was only joking of course. Zoey let out a soft chuckle and nodded her head, "You know it!" she stated before glancing behind her, seeing the huge crowd beginning to line up in front of the stage.

The blonde couldn't believe the turn out for their first showcase. In the past years the turn out was never this great, this was going to be a very interesting year for the arts. Maybe their school would finally be able to make it to national championships with the amount of talent the academy had within its walls. Of course, deep down she hoped that she would be able to get an award for her acting this year but she wasn't going to keep her hopes up for something that may not ever happen.

"So, tonight after all the showcases and classes have ended for the day, I'll be throwing a party on the beach. I'd like you to come if you have the time. Invite whoever you want," she stated with a huge smile. Zoey couldn't wait for the party she had planned for her peers. It was going to be the first official party of the year and she was going to bring them into the new school year with a bang. If Zoey were popular for something at the academy, it would be for her amazing parties.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson Character Portrait: Masumi Kata Character Portrait: Kyle Park Character Portrait: Zoey Hampton
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0.00 INK

Dialogue: #009999
Outfit: xxx

Kyle continued to eat his muffin after Zoey said that she didn't want any. It wasn't an insult for her when she said no. It just meant more muffin for him. Besides he would need his energy to be able to go up there and perform in front of everyone. He took note of all the people filing into the building. For their first showcase this was a great turn out. Some people usually never turn up to the first one. Either they don't think its going to be good or not everyone is moved in. But so many people were coming. This was great. The school might actually go to nationals. Kyle wouldn't know what to do if he was one of the chosen to represent the school there. It would be the greatest way to get his name out there.

His attention was brought back to Zoey when she mentioned a party. Leave it to Zo to plan the first party for the school to be right after the showcase. She was notorious for her parties if nothing else. The whole school might have already heard about it. "Of course I have time." Kyle said after he finished his muffin. He tossed the empty wrapper into the nearby trash can. "Well unless screaming fans keep me from going by begging for autographs and pictures." He added teasingly. Even if that were to happen, he would still make sure that he made it to the party. Kyle loved having a good time and there was nothing better than one of Zoey's party. It was time to head backstage. "Gotta go Zo. See you later." Kyle gave a two finger salute and went to head backstage with the rest of the performers.

Dialogue: #FF9933
Outfit: xxx

Masumi laughed at her friend when she started posing. She started taking pictures of Ireland and her various poses. She was so silly and always did stuff like this. The amount of pictures Masumi had of Ireland was just too high to count. At one point, Sumi's camera was clouded with so many pictures of her that she had to download them onto a separate computer file. It was a lot of work especially because Masumi had a habit of going through her picture files to edit and trash them. She had to convince herself to stop doing that with her friends photos. It took up way too much time. "I don't know why you'd waste all your time waiting to come across something relatively appealing when I'm here." The comment made Masumi laugh.

"I'm not taking pictures for fun." She corrected, putting her camera down. "I'm working." Masumi had to take pictures for the school so that they could put them on the website and online scrapbook. The photography major here wasn't that vast. More people came here for singing, dancing, and acting. Art was one of the smaller things people wanted to get famous for. So she was one of the few people that took pictures well enough to be considered professional. Sumi really wishes to be professional photographer and be requested to take photos for famous people and for famous magazines. More people started to file into the arena. Performers were starting to head backstage. "Can't chat. Have to take pictures backstage. Save me a seat for when I'm done." She said before skipping away to head backstage.

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View All » Add Character » 10 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Masumi Kata
Character Portrait: Kyle Park
Character Portrait: Elijah Walker
Character Portrait: Stella Hampton
Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson


Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson
Ireland Wilson

"Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."

Character Portrait: Stella Hampton
Stella Hampton

"Back for another year and I am super ready."

Character Portrait: Elijah Walker
Elijah Walker

"There's a difference between playing and playing games. The former is an act of joy, the latter- an act."

Character Portrait: Kyle Park
Kyle Park

"I was born a star. So I plan to shine like one."

Character Portrait: Masumi Kata
Masumi Kata

"Everything I do is a photo finish"


Character Portrait: Elijah Walker
Elijah Walker

"There's a difference between playing and playing games. The former is an act of joy, the latter- an act."

Character Portrait: Kyle Park
Kyle Park

"I was born a star. So I plan to shine like one."

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson
Ireland Wilson

"Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."

Character Portrait: Masumi Kata
Masumi Kata

"Everything I do is a photo finish"

Character Portrait: Stella Hampton
Stella Hampton

"Back for another year and I am super ready."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Elijah Walker
Elijah Walker

"There's a difference between playing and playing games. The former is an act of joy, the latter- an act."

Character Portrait: Stella Hampton
Stella Hampton

"Back for another year and I am super ready."

Character Portrait: Kyle Park
Kyle Park

"I was born a star. So I plan to shine like one."

Character Portrait: Masumi Kata
Masumi Kata

"Everything I do is a photo finish"

Character Portrait: Ireland Wilson
Ireland Wilson

"Art and love are the same thing: It's the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you."

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