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Momo Aoi Vantrice

"I wish we could just move to another town."

0 · 217 views · located in Otogibanashi Town

a character in “Nightmares and Hunters”, originally authored by toajojo, as played by RolePlayGateway



Full Name::
"Named after my great grandmother"
Momo Aoi Vantrice.

"I am in my senior year of highschool."
18 years old.

"I thought it was obvious."

"Well, I am not a Hunter or a Nightmare."
Other. Highschool student.


"Ah. . .Only my brother really knows me."
Momo is a very quiet girl. Mysterious to many. She does not open her mouth to speak aloud very often. Instead, she prefers to interact with others through actions and facial expressions. Which is very easy for her to do. As she is a fairly easy person to read. Her face is like a book with her innocent childlike features and large doe eyes.
When she does choose to speak though, she does not dilly dally. She gets straight to the point and tends to sound quite rude and blunt. Momo is very mature and does not appreciate nonsense. Ignorance and stupidity have no use in a perfect society. So when she does speak to others she might come off sounding as if she is looking down on you. That is not the case. Not at all. In fact she hardly cares for others at all. She tolerates almost everybody, dislikes a few, and feels close to even less.

"It was nice. . .With our parents around and stuff."

What do you love about Otogibanashi that you would continue to live here with these strange events?::
"I don't love Otogibanashi. There is nothing here for me anymore. I wish Shin would just let us move already. We have enough money to move to some nice city. Really, anywhere is better than here.'"

▲ She was offered a contract with a modelling agency for a lolita clothing line when she graduated high school.
▲ In her four years of high school she has dated a total of 29 boys.
▲ Momo lives in an apartment with her elder brother.

So begins...

Momo Aoi Vantrice's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro
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"And now, gentlemen, it's the girl you all have been waiting for. Let's have a big round of applause for Ichi Soumna~"
Ichi could practically feel the deafening roar of the crowd of horny males. Staring at them from center stage, the girl held in a sigh. She was dressed in a black bra, black short shorts, a magenta long jacket that was completely unzipped to expose her chest and bra and magenta boots that went to her knees. Her dark pink eyes conveyed a sense of defeat as long black hair moved and swayed with her movements. Another day of being considered a piece of meat... It ended soon enough. Ichi stared at the mirror as she changed back into her school uniform. She sighed.
"One more shitty day... How many more must I go through?"
When the question left her lips, she felt bitter all over again.
"Oh, right... When I'm dead and have payed for my crimes, that's when all of this ends. At least half of the deal was made..."
She faintly grazed the scar on her chest from where she was shot. She started to walk out and turned to Yukina.
"Yukina, I'm on break. I'll be back in an hour."
She walked outside, entering a restaurant and sighed in defeat.
"Waiter. I need a hot chocolate over here. Now."

"Move your asses, men! One, two! One, two!"
Terao watched as the men and women underneath him continued to work on their training regimen. It had been four months since his father disappeared and he was growing more and more irksome with each passing day.
"Dammit... How am I to know if he died out there or not?"
He quickly shook the thought aside. No, his father was too strong to just die like that... He was just busy is all. He soon heard a knock on the door.
"Yasukawa, sir! I've brought Shiranui, Falcor and Vantrice as requested!"
"Send them in."
Terao turned to face the two Hunters.
"Shiranui. Vantrice. Falcor. I am Terao Yasukawa but you are to address me as Yasukawa. I'm calling you two over to give an important mission. You are to survey Otogibanashi Town with me to search and eliminate any and all Nightmares."

Sachi was still hiding her head in her arms as she fell asleep during class for the fifth time today. It wasn't like she could help it though... It's not her fault that the classroom was so boring...
"... Kunisada... Kunisada...! Wake up, Kunisada!!"
Sachi blinked awake and yawned.
"Huh...? Oh, sorry sensei... I just had the greatest dream is all..."
The teacher sighed heavily.
"Kunisada, need I remind you that you cannot be allowed to sleep during class? Especially since your grades are so terrible?"
"You insist on making lectures boring..."
"Boring- Kunisada! You are hardly in the position to criticize me over my lectures!!"
Unfortunately for the teacher, Sachi fell asleep again. What was the point of learning the lessons during the day when there were so many interesting things happening in the night? Nightmare, Hunters, so many other night owls. Yes... The daytime just wasn't the time for her. Her parents wouldn't care either way so she should try to be happy at least once. Sachi awoke to hear footsteps and found her classroom empty.
"Nn...? How long was I asleep...?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Gillion Falcor Character Portrait: Mika Shiranui Character Portrait: Terao Yasukawa Character Portrait: Ichi Soumna Character Portrait: Arashi Tayuya
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Sachi blinked at Kanako. She soon dug around a satchel and handed the girl a pen. It was light green with pink and orange flower designs and a pink rose charm at the end.
"The teacher makes the lectures such a bore so why should I try to pay attention? The ink is black, don't worry. You can keep it if you want. I'll find an interesting one tonight anyway."
She handed the pen to Kanako and stretched as she stood.
"Have fun in art, Shiina. I'm going home. The fun hour is about to start soon and I've gotten enough rest."
As Sachi walked out of Gingeki high, her sleepy expression soon grew into a mysterious smile as she pulled the cat like hood over her head. She soon jumped up on a building and surveyed the late night area, smile growing across her face.
"Well, Otogibanashi, what stories do you have for me today~?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sachi Kunisada Character Portrait: Masenai Autoro Character Portrait: Kanako Shiina Character Portrait: Momo Aoi Vantrice
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#, as written by toajojo
Momo sat in the front row of her math class. Diligently taking down notes as fast as she could. As their teacher droned on and on in his monotone voice. It was her last period of the day today and his voice just made her so sleepy. She stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. It was really easy to understand why half the class was always asleep this period. Momo stole a glance at Sachi. Another student who sat a few rows behind her. She watched with disinterest as their teacher reprimanded her for sleeping again.

The girl always fell asleep. No matter where, from what Momo has observed. Senpai needed to just let it go. Accept the fact that he would not get through to her as she was incorrigible. Though, she did have a point Momo will admit. 'He is boring.' She thought to herself as their teacher turned red in the face and continued to yell.

A small, imperceptible sigh escaped Momo's lips when the bell dismissing them had finally rung. As the other students rushed to exit the classroom and get home, or wherever they were going, Momo bent over and packed up her belongings. Not at all in a rush. Shinichi would not be waiting for her at the school gates to take her home. Pulling her bag up over her shoulder, she headed out into the school hallways to her locker.

Spinning the combination skillfully, she opened the small metal door and slid in her textbooks. She finished her homework during her lunch period. But, that is not a surprise. Closing the small door with a, Clink! She widened her eyes slightly seeing a face suddenly. "Aye Mo." The boy greeted her with a ferocious grin. Oh. She took a breath. It was Shinai. Member of the Kendo team. They had been going out for almost a full twenty-one days now. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"Yes." Momo confirmed quietly. Her eyes blankly roaming over his face before looking away. "This is not working out for me. . . I am sorry. I am breaking up with you." She told him simply. Easily. It was routine by now. She allowed her eyes to rise and watch his face as it contorted angrily and she bent over to pick up her bag from the ground. He grabbed her forearm slamming it against the metal wall of locker. She met his glare with an affronted look.

"You'll regret this." He drawled threateningly. Momo narrowed her eyes. The large pools of misty blue, turned icy and cold. "I doubt it." She replied coolly. He released her and stalked off. Towards Kendo club she presumed. Clenching her jaw in a silent show of anger, she bent over and picked up her satchel once more. Having dropped it when Shinai grabbed her. She dusted off the worn satchel and held it close as she left the school. It was a hand-me-down from Shinichi.

Walking home, in the drizzle that was slowly becoming more, she touched her arm. Ouch. He grabbed her pretty hard. It would probably bruise. She felt her eyes tear up at the stinging sensation and turned her face upwards. Slowing her pace, she let the rain pour onto her thick hair and become matted to her small form. As a tear or two escaped her eyes, she thought she saw something zoom past in the sky. Wiping fiercely at her eyes, she squinted. There was nothing.