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Tyler Jones

Fight to win or what's the point

0 · 1,239 views · located in Wildwood

a character in “Nine Lives”, originally authored by phoenixheart, as played by RolePlayGateway



"You're not the only one refusing to back down"
{Riot | Three Days Grace}

Tyler Adam Jones (chosen name)
Tyler Uxbridge (birth name)

Ty, Aegis




25% Italian 75% American


'Tramps like us, baby we were born to run"
{ Born to Run | Bruce Springsteen}

Tyler stands at 6'0 dead. He is prone to changing his hair a lot. At the moment, it's short at the back and longer in the front, long enough to be sweeping against his eyebrows. His Italian heritage gives him his olive complexion as well as his dark hair and eyes. Tyler has a pretty solid build. He's not a huge hulking man, but neither is he willowy or wiry. Tyler has a light amount of visible muscle on his body. Running around as one of the Black Cats tends to keep him in shape, but he's not one to be hitting the gym everyday. As for his dress sense, Tyler generally favours t-shirts and loose fitting pants, staying near the darker end of the colour spectrum.

"Would you kill to prove you're right?"
{ Hurricane | 30 Seconds to Mars}

The majority of people who know Tyler would describe him as being laid back. For the most part, this is true. Tyler is very laid back and has a very long temper with the people around him. Rather than getting angry at setbacks, Tyler takes them in his stride and changes the plan accordingly. With his patience, Tyler stays calm in a crisis, and is pretty good at keeping a cool head when the situation starts to heat up. Tyler is intensely loyal to his friends and often goes above and beyond to make them happy. He has a very dry sense of humour and can be very sarcastic with his friends. Tyler is a very principled person and he holds true to his beliefs. He doesn't like to be proven wrong about things, but he will, eventually, own up and be the bigger person, adapting his world view to fit with the new information.

Beneath the cool and calm exterior, however, is an entirely different man. There's an undercurrent of anger that pushes him forward, bordering on rage sometimes. Angry that he couldn't protect the people he cared about, angry that the system let them down, let him down. He's a very angry man. While usually easy going and sociable, Tyler has been known to pull away, falling into bouts of deep guilt and self loathing. In these moments, he is prone to lash out at people, which is why he pulls away. He doesn't want his friends to think he doesn't like them or see him like that. He's all about protecting his friends, even if that means isolating himself. With people who have wronged him, the patience goes and they just get the anger. And then it is really not pretty.


Computer Hacking A somewhat nerdy child, Tyler had originally been obsessed with improving his own devices, eventually moving from hardware to software. When he first caught a hint of something bigger going on he began studying ethical hacking, evolving his skills into something the authorities would deem much less ethical.

Hand to Hand Combat Tyler practiced kickboxing and is proficient in hand to hand combat.

Listening It might not be the most impressive of talents, but Tyler is a good listener when it comes to his friends and family, often offering himself as a shoulder to cry on


Forgiveness While his loyalty is commendable, it can blind him to the faults of the people around him and as such he finds himself giving those close to him one too many chances to prove themselves.

Lying A pre-planned lie will fall apart as soon as it gets to Tyler. He can improvise a lie, just don't tell him the story before hand.

Insomnia Tyler suffers from bouts of insomnia, meaning that there are times when he's running on 2-3 hours sleep.

Losing this family that he found the same way he lost the last one.


"It's hard to miss the way her eyes light up the room and still the air"
{ Goodnight Moon | Go Radio}


If Tyler had been told even ten years ago that he would be a vigilante taking on a corrupt state, he would have laughed in your face. He didn't have a hard life, quite the opposite in fact. Born Tyler Uxbridge, he had a pretty comfortable upbringing as an only child, his parents both politicians. As a child, Tyler had a handful of close friends that he held on to, placing a high value on all their relationships. He was a quietly content kid and grew up in blissful ignorance of the corruption that existed on his door step. His first notion that something was wrong was when a friend of his, a boy called Adam Marks, disappeared. When he asked after the missing boy, his teachers told him to forget about it, his parents told him to leave it be. As he was only a child at the time, despite his gut instinct that something was wrong, he trusted the adults and put it behind him, figuring that the boy in question had probably left school and moved elsewhere, no harm no foul.

It turned out that it was losing someone much more precious to him would be the catalyst to him joining Black Cat. As he grew up, it was harder to keep him away from the whispers of corruption, but he had a reasonably normal life. He grew taller, his voice broke, the normal stuff. He also fell head over heels for a girl at school. Clara Jones was the centre of his universe. It was ridiculous how smitten Tyler was with Clara. He'd have done anything she asked of him. Not that it was all one sided. Clara adored Tyler as well. At seventeen, as far as Tyler was concerned, Clara was The One. While his parents were putting more pressure on him to choose a career, Clara was his sanctuary. He'd escape for weekends with her and was happier than he had ever remembered.

His parents disagreed. Clara wasn't from the 'right stock' for their precious boy. There were many arguments between Tyler and his parents about Clara. Soon, though, his parents realised that they were losing the argument and as far as Tyler was aware, they dropped the subject. And then Clara didn't answer her phone. Fearing the worst, Tyler headed to the snicket where they would meet. He found her, but she was dead, the wounds barely dried. And the police did nothing. His parents refused to step in and the police did nothing. Tyler always suspected that his parents had something to do with it, but he didn't want to go down that route. He began researching the police. Finding the overwhelming evidence of deep corruption, and facing being cut off from the family money, Tyler knew it was do or die. So he did. He sought out Black Cat and joined their group, completely disowning his family name. He took Clara's last name as his own, and adopted Adam's name as his middle name.

Image"I asked not for my burden to be lightened but if I may have broader shoulders "
{ Avalon | Professor Green}


Hex color: #0c6e61

So begins...

Tyler Jones's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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#, as written by tigerz


[ C O D E N A M E ]

[ H E X C O D E ]

[ O U T F I T ]

[ S O N G ]
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked

The interactions between the Black Cat members and the client had been rather... Humorous to say the least. Threats had been made to the man offering much more money than was needed for a simple task though the members that made the threats were well placed. They didn't know anything about the man or his colleague. While his fellow members were loud with their thoughts, Derek was quiet with his own as he began to weigh in the mission. Senselessly torturing a man for stealing clients wasn't exactly something Derek signed up for. He preferred going after real criminals but there was a lot of money at stake here and with that much money there had to be a precise plan in order for it to go well so they could get played. The absence of their leader also meant someone had to set a concrete plan into motion and of course Derek already came up with a plan during the time he sat quietly as always.

Derek began to move through his team mates like the shadow that he was. He was careful not to bump any of them and really the only way any of them would have known he was there was the slight breeze he made as he passed them. Once again he went unnoticed by the client as he stood behind him with his arms folded staring blankly at his team. His arms began to unfold as he finally began to sign to the group only those who understood him when he signed would know what he said but that wasn't his entire concern right now. "I'm in." He finished signing and dropped his hands onto the clients shoulders with a tight squeeze startling him once more. Derek easily could have hit a pressure point on the man or do something more but that was enough to get the point across his other team members didn't... The client would never see Derek coming if he did anything to put his teammates at harms way.

With his point made, Derek walked away from the group and towards the door but not before stopping at Kit to tap her shoulder and get her attention. He nudged his head to point at the door indicating he was ready to leave and left with his phone out to send a group text: Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan. He moved through the bar area avoiding knocking into people and pushed the door open though he was kind enough to hold it open for Kit to walk out behind him. Once at her car, Derek began to show off a little as he ran and slid over the hood before jumping in through the window he left open for himself. He sat in the passenger seat with a huge grin directed towards her ready to enjoy their ride back to headquarters.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Cenna fed Charly with ease, stroking his neck as she did. She listened attentively to Audrey as she spoke, while cleaning Charly's wing wound, and re-wrapping it.

"Well for starters that guy reeks of suspicion. Second, I don't like his face. Also, in all honesty I don't want to participate because I'm not fond of beating people up in a dark alley, it's not my area of expertise and I had my fair share of being the beaten in an alley but, I need the money." Audrey said practically mirroring Cenna's thoughts. Cenna did not like the idea of beating a man in an alley either...but now that she knew that Audrey needed the money, as much as she did, she was willing to do what it took.

"Anyway, uhm, now that I have seen this majestic beast called the charly, I wanna see those little kittens!" She wiggled her fingers cutely in a grabbing motion. Cenna grinned at the motion before returning Charly to his cage.

"Just a few more weeks before your free" she said quietly to Charly. She turned to Audrey with a smile and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Okay, to Catopia." She said with a hand gesture that indicated for Audrey to follow her. She stepped out of the room and towards another room that held all the cats and kittens.

"This is where we keep all of the cats, the ones that aren't in need of any sort of veterinary care..." Cenna trailed off as she looked around the room with a smile. Kittens and cats comingled , roaming about the large room that was a cat heaven. Scratching posts, beds, and climbing posts lined the walls. Cenna dropped to her knees and instantly the three kittens she had picked up ran to her. Cenna giggled like a little girl as she picked up awhite kitten, nuzzled it, and it licked her nose.

"We might have to bring home one...or all of these guys" Cenna said with a laugh as the second kitten, a black kitten clawed its way up her leg, mewing for attention. The third kitten, an orange and white one sat just below her knees staring up at her.

"This is why I do what I do..." She said with a grin.

Her phone vibrated, making her sigh. She pulled out her phone and read the text before sighing again and biting her lip.

"Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan."

"Looks like duty calls." Cenna said as she gestured to her phone assuming Audrey had recieved the same text.

"I guess the group wants to get a jump start on this one...guess the money is too much to turn down" Cenna said though she still had a terrible feeling about that man.

Cenna groaned internally before standing and turning to Audrey.

"Looks like Derek is taking lead on this, I'm going to go let my boss know I'm heading out early..." She said as she brushed herself off. She stepped out of the room for show, knowing full well she didn't have to tell anyone anything because she was not supposed to be in today.

I need to change for the mission. Be there asap.

She waited a few moments before entered the room again.

"I need to change before we go to the bar, do you mind?" She asked as she turned with Audrey with a tired smile before heading for the door. Again Cenna thanked the sweet stars that she only lived a few blocks from the Clinic and the Bar, they where in a triangle formation really.

Once in the apartment Cenna stripped out of her dress without a second thought as she walked through the living room. Beneath she wore a white lace baby-dolland pair of undergarments that matched. She kicked off her heals and headed to her room. A few moments later she emerged from her room in black running pants, black shoes, and a black tank, with her hair up in a pony tail.

"Okay lets hit it" She said with a grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Tyler sat back as the confirmations came in, rolling his eyes at the threats. For all their skill sets, diplomacy was still something they were sorely lacking in. Oddly enough, it wasn't something he'd want to change for the world. They were his family; flaws. aggressions and all. As they began to file out, Tyler felt his phone buzz again. This time he reached for it, figuring that it wouldn't be rude, since business was already done. "Leave the money on your way out," he said to the man, "Or a way for us to access it, and the name of the guy and we'll do our thing." Tyler read through the messages down to Lucas's most recent message to the group.

Whomever else want's to work on the tech side of things here, focus on the actual target, I'll play data-collection, oversight, and see whatever dirt we can dig out of Deep Pockets over here.

Tyler looked over at Lucas for a moment before he typed out a reply. He hadn't thought about it properly, but maybe Lucas was on to something about keeping tabs on the client. He would hardly be the first man to think that the promise of money was enough to clear up all his problems. That was exactly how politics worked. Hell they guy had probably dealt with Tyler's folks without even realising it.

To Black Cat Group Chat
I'll get what I can on the target. Just be careful okay guys, we're being paid to get the target not the client.

This was a business first and foremost and Tyler was pretty sure that not one of them could say they didn't need the money. "Word of advice if you plan on double crossing us. Don't. Between btz and I, we'll take you for everything you own and are. The other guys might land you in a hospital for a few days, but we," he indicated between himself and Lucas, "can bring you down without breaking a single bone in your pretty little body. Understand? Tyler added, satisfied that he had made his point.

There was a message from Derek in the group chat. "We might wanna hang tight, Derek's got a plan."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Hex:#4B5066 || Outfit:XXX || Codename: Blue Jay/Birdie || Current Bike: Her new Aprilia RSV

Excitedly, Audrey followed Cenna into the other room but she kept that excitement hidden inside as her exterior showed a cool and relaxed expression. Okay, maybe she did have a bit of excitement spilling out of her proven by the eager smile that hung on her lips. Upon entering the other room Audrey was first surprised at how many cats there were then fascinated at all of the beds that hung from the wall and the cool looking scratching posts. Her eyes explored the room for a second before immediately fixating on the three kittens that approached Cenna because they were just so cute! "We might have to bring one home . . . or all of these guys." Cenna laughed only to have Audrey who already seated herself on the floor reply quickly. "I'd bring all three of them home now if we didn't have work." She smiled, picking up the black and orange kittens and setting them on her lap only to have the black one claw its way up her arm until it was on her shoulder and nudging its head against her chin while the orange one simply just cuddled up to her stomach and fell asleep. Instantly when Audrey heard Cen sigh her phone also decided to go off and so she pulled it out of her jacket pocket.

From: BCG

Let's regroup at headquarters. I have a plan.

"Looks like duty calls." Cen commented, Audrey looking up at her and nodding before setting the kittens backs down feeling a bit bad she woke up the one that fell asleep on her which was now her favorite. "I shall take you guys home, later that is." She chuckled, getting onto her feet."Looks like Derek is taking lead on this, I'm going to go let my boss know I'm heading out early." Cen informed and Audrey simply said "Alright" accompanied by a small smile as she was a bit distracted by the message she was beginning to type out before Cen left the room.

Okie dokie, be there soon.

When Audrey finished her text she stood there awkwardly for a few seconds, waiting for Cen to come back and also petted one of the older cats before Cenna re-entered to retrieve her. "I need to change before we go to the bar, do you mind?" She asked with a tired smile on her face. "Nah," Audrey said, this time holding the door for her on the way out. "I think I left my ice tea in the fridge. I was looking for an excuse to go grab it anyway." She smiled, again, heading in the direction of their apartment.

Upon entering the apartment Audrey went straight for the kitchen where she pulled out a bottle of her favorite, extra sweet pure leaf ice tea and took a few gulps from the newly opened bottle. When she turned around though, she was greeted a very sexy but barely clothed Cenna who caused Audrey to almost choke on her tea and go red in the face, quickly averting her eyes until Cenna was out of sight. "Damn," was all she could manage to mumble before walking herself over to the couch and tossing herself on it. While waiting she began to think about what just happened and how Cenna is able to frustrate her both physically and mentally before going red in the cheeks again as her mind wandered for a second but Audrey snapped out of it, huffed and ruffled her own hair. She began tossing her bottle up and catching it as a form of entertainment until Cenna remerged from her room all dressed and announcing that she was ready to get the hell outta here. Grinning back, Audrey waited until Cen passed the couch before standing up just to enjoy the view for a second, something she usually didn't do.

Before entering the bar Audrey took her keys to her motorcycle just to grab her backpack that held all the things she needed for the mission in the small compartment under her seat. With Cenna right behind her she slung her backpack over her left shoulder and pushed the bar door open, entering with a look that told everyone that she was ready. Ready for what they didn't know but all they could tell was that she was ready for whatever was about to go down. There was just this confident feeling around her at the moment that wasn't overbearing, so she didn't seem cocky but it was just enough to attract the eyes of some people, mostly of the female gender.

Since most of the group had dispersed in order to grab what they needed and get ready the back room was left a little empty but Audrey didn't mind. She casually tossed her backpack onto the small table where her helmet still laid and began pulling things out. First came her knuckle slingshot, the small device being no child's toy and easily clipped to her belt, hidden under her shirt just like her buck knife that she quickly inspected before sliding it back into her sheath that was located on the back of her pants. "So yeah," She began, taking glances at Cenna as she spoke. "I think I'm going to hang back on the beating." She paused, pulling out a small plastic container that held a whole bunch of very painful and dangerous little metal b.b gun pellets that she used as ammo for her slingshot and just slipped into her back pocket. "I'll do better with the whole breaking into his place and fucking some shit up type of intimidation." She finished, this time slipping on her black leather biker gloves that she had hanging out of her left back pocket this while time. Next came the white ear buds that she plugged into her phone and shoved back into her jacket for later, you know for when she starts smashing shit because Audrey loves her background music on the job.

Her trusty wooden bat leaned against the far right corner just itching to be used while the rest of the things that were in her backpack consisted of spray paint cans and a few white surgical masks for the fumes. After getting herself ready Audrey took another sip of her iced tea, sitting down on a wooden chair and leaning her head back so she was basically staring at the ceiling. "Got something we can do while we wait?" Audrey wondered a bit bored, blowing a piece of her inky black hair from her uniquely contrasting blue eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Nathan Richards Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Cenna Wenlynn Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix
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Nathan took a mouthful out of his drink, sighing. He felt a little bad about abandoning the team- but it was too close to home. He could deal with vengeance- after all, that was what fueled him most of the time. But an attack on somebody who hadn't really done anything wrong- that was a little close to the bone. Maybe he could handle it during a good patch, but his current state of mind could only be described as "meh"- and that was at it's best. Still, he wasn't going to abandon them entirely. He slid his earpiece into his ear and opened the lid of his laptop. They'd invested in a communications system only a year or so ago, and it had made things much easier.

"Alright, everybody call with your positions. Remember, we're trying to frighten this guy, not cause any major damage," he said. He unlocked his phone and opened his conversation with Xandru, sending him a quick text.

To: Xandru
Be careful, okay? Finding another roommate would be a pain in the ass.

Even though everybody knew that they were best friends (with the occasional benefit) and lived together, but even that message felt oddly private. That and Nathan had an inkling that Xandru wouldn't necessarily be sticking to the main plan. He had complete faith that his roommate wouldn't do anything too risky, but even so.

Nathan leaned back and ran his fingers through his hair, opening up the GPS program on his laptop that allowed him to track the earpieces. If things went wrong, he could send backups to where they were needed, or even get his own ass in there as another pair of fists. He was aiming to avoid that, but even so, he was dressed in his fighting gear, just in case. Just in case.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Derek Snow Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones
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Relief filled the young Black Cat's chest as she saw Kit's car speeding towards her. She stopped just a foot from her feet and she opened the door to climb in. She turned and Derek was out of sight. She had hoped he would get in the car with them, but maybe he would choose to walk home. He was one to be alone, but she wanted to make sure he was okay. She leaned back in the chair and her roommate turned to smile at her. She smiled back weakly and practically shook her Siren persona off her body. Melody was left shaking in the leather seats. It was more out of adrenaline than fear, but she knew a lot of things could've gone wrong.

If the target had been a fighter, he could've easily fought her off. He could've taken her knife and... She swallowed bile that threatened to come up. She would not embarrass herself by getting sick in the getaway car. She also knew that Kit would have an absolute fit if she made a mess in the car. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes, allowing the car's motion to calm her. After taking a few deep breaths, her shaking subsided and so did her nausea. It wasn't a high risk mission, but as someone who wanted to join the police force, she had made herself aware of every possible risk that could come with a mission so she could ready herself to face them. She broke the silence of the car and asked, "Kit," she said, obviously Melody and not Siren, "You up for a drink tonight?" Of course, she didn't mean a drink drink. She hates alcohol and what it does to her body and mind. But she was definitely up to a delicious cup of rich hot chocolate. At the last second she reached out to someone else in her mic. "Ty? You up for some too?"

She wanted to see her friend. They had been so busy preparing, her for the field and him for the tech room, that she hadn't had much time to spend with him. She missed him more than she thought able to express.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucas Veil Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones
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Tyler slumped down at his desk, firing up the computer. None of his screens were particularly fancy, but that was all part of the plan. People generally saw an older screen and thought 'old computer'. What was inside and plugged into the system was an entirely different matter. While he had never actually gone after the government, from fear of attracting attention and putting the other guys in danger, between what he had and what Lucas had, he was pretty sure they could do some serious damage. But that was a task for another day. Today he was charged with getting dirt on a Mr. Michael Hamilton.

Tyler got up and grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. He shucked off his jacket and sat down as the screens flickered to life. First place to begin: social media. People left so much information on there it was obscene. A quick search and he found the man he was looking for. Apparently dirty money attracted pretty faces. Odd how that worked. Tyler rolled his shoulders out. Get a grip, man he thought, We're trying to take him down, not get laid. Tyler shook his head and scoured the profile for anything he could use. A lot of posts seemed to be coming from one of two places. A few clicks and Tyler sat back, letting the programme run itself. All he needed was an IP address. He doubted that they were using any VPNs or anything like that. From what he had gathered as a technician, people tended to only use them for streaming.

A few minutes later, Tyler had two IP addresses. He searched for the source of the first one, finding that it led him to an office in one of the umpteen tower blocks in the city. Well, someone's been slacking off. The second lead to a private address in the suburbs. The homestead of Mr Hamilton, Tyler figured. Time to hack the server. Tyler tapped the code in, the movement of his fingers becoming second nature. Once his was in, Tyler looked through the browsing history, specifically for anything banking related. Social media and bank accounts. Once you had them, you had people in the palm of your hand. Problem was, there were two banking sights in the search history. He sent a message to Lucas.

To Lucas:
Don't suppose you know which bank the company's with. I've got two here and I don't wanna be wasting time.

Tyler sat back and waited for a reply. He didn't want to move forward and waste time if Lucas had extra intel that would save him a hell of a lot of time. While he was waiting for a reply, he tuned into the conversation. "Ty? You up for some too?"

Tyler snapped up in his seat as Melody spoke to him over the mic. Jesus, you need to get a grip. She wasn't even in the room and he was acting like this. So far the conversation had been background noise, just making sure that his friends weren't about to get themselves killed. Drinks, they had been talking about drinks right? "Sure," he answered, certain that his voice was betraying him in some way. "Just, uh... just gimme a sec. Banks and stuff, but I'll be over. I'll let you know when I'm on my way." Tyler ran a hand down his face. Real smooth Uxbridge, real smooth


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kit Snider Character Portrait: Melody Lynnix Character Portrait: Tyler Jones
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Melody watched out the window as Kit drove down the street. She stopped at Cenna's apartment and let the girl out who disappeared into the building. Kit and Melody were alone. She waited for her friends to respond to her offer of a drink. It was quiet on the other side of the mic and for a moment, Melody wondered if she had been cut off from HQ. Panic rose up in her chest and she opened her mouth to say something when Ty's voice came through. "Sure. Just, uh... just gimme a sec. Banks and stuff, but I'll be over. I'll let you know when I'm on my way." He said. A bright smile forced itself onto her face as he spoke and she shook her head. Annoyed with herself for being so paranoid, but happy that she was wrong. "No problem, Ty." She replied. "Just text me when you're on your way."