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Iggy Ramone

"Don't blame me, I have hippie parents,"

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a character in “No One Mourns The Wicked”, as played by LivyGrey


I G G Y || R A M O N E

Image || n a m e || Indigo 'Iggy' Ramone
|| g e n d e r || Female
|| e t h n i c i t y || Caucasian
|| s e x u a l i t y || Bisexual
|| n a t i o n a l i t y || English
|| o c c u p a t i o n || Artist
|| a g e || 19
|| h o b b i e s || Art | Dance | Blogging
|| f a c e c l a i m || FC: Victoria Masgrath

|| p e r s o n a l i t y || Iggy is highly complicated and the kind of girl you never really know because just as you’ve got her sussed she’s off again doing something else you never saw coming. She changes with the seasons and the wind, if you can keep up with that consider yourself fortunate because most cannot. It’s hard to tell when Iggy is genuinely happy and that falls down to the fact that she never lets on when she isn't, she’s fairly obsessed with positive thinking and keeping a healthy mind; so she's always speaking in efforts of motivation and optimism which is why you know when she's a hit a low, she's really it a low. Iggy makes out to the world she has all the confidence in the world and with her appearance and grades, she does but she’s constantly second guessing the world around her and herself- her personality and her life. She doesn’t have much faith in herself that she’ll make it anyway but this is brought upon her by the words of her school bullies but since leaving full time education her confidence has come on in leaps and bounds but everybody has their lows. Although Iggy is incredibly affectionate to all of her friends and the people that she finds a place for her in her heart. That’s what she perceives to be the problem- that she still loves people regardless of how they wrong her, they can wrong her again and again and again but she can never find it in herself to let them go especially in romantic relationships. She’s also fairly untrusting but she isn’t at all paranoid, she’s nearly always got it right about people and she’s quick to suss them out too, she just doesn’t always like to face-up to the truth about them. However, she isn't cold or bitter because of her distrust she just keeps the personal things to the best of people in her life. Iggy is known to be the girl who can turn a dinner party into a piss-up or getting her first ear piercing into a full on tattoo- she’s a spirit you can’t hold back but a night out with Iggy is never one to forget or regret. Well, maybe regret but you’d have a good one at the time. She thinks in the moment and doesn’t like to plan or plot because she deems it to be messing with fate which is a force she very strongly believes in and avoids challenging. The other thing is, Iggy is known to feel loneliness quite powerfully and those who are close to her understand her needs for company; or just the presence of a friend. She still lives at home with her Mother for moving out alone would be too much for her but upon feeling lonely she can often become distressed with anxiety and be burdened with panic attacks; so most respect her need to be with company and don't ridicule or demoralise her for this. Despite her short comings, she's a badass; leather clad and with heavy boots adorning her feet she's infamous for her cool attitude and willingness to stand up for those suffering injustice or cruelty- it's not untrue she's her own kind of modern vigilante and very respected for it, slightly feared by people who don't know her well enough to get she's a woman of honour and respect but mostly held in high respect. Iggy is also a very physical person and requires a lot of human contact, it's the way she reads people and the whole world around her- she likes to be held and to hold. People might find her irritating because she likes to cuddle and hug everybody, she's the kind of girl who'd kiss your cheek when she's been introduced to you or try and hold your hand for no reason. Maybe this dependency was what got her in so much trouble in the first place. Iggy is a massive alternative girl, bit Indie, bit hippie and at times quite the rock chick but she loves everything old school, all the classic genres of punk and the main icons and legends of the genre are heroes. It makes her incredibly grateful for her obscure name and very out of the ordinary parents, though they are no longer particularly close- they shaped her whole being and personality. From her irrationality, rashness and bold character to her smallest quirks and weaknesses- it all came from them and they are a very sensitive topic to her and people she loves very deeply.

Image || a p p e a r a n c e || Iggy is quite unusual to look at, born platinum blonde with very thick looks, she had the perfect hair for pastel purple experimentation. She's been combing colour through her hair since she was 13 but settled for a purple shade that suited her all too well by the time she was 15 and now she's infamous for her violet locks. Her eyes are dark green in colour and very wide and energetic, she's tall and lithe with a figure that's on the border of being too thin but not for any real reason. She has impeccable skin which she decorates well with expert make-up skills and it's almost flawless if you disregard the silvery, fading stretch marks on her stomach. She has very defined cheek bones and broad smile lines when she laughs and her movements are always graceful but they be a trick from her passion for dance. Her eyebrows are blonde and are very thin, so she does fill them in but she does very successfully and though you can tell, they do look natural enough. She has small features, her nose petite and her ears could easily be missed and she only has standard ear piercings and a triple forward helix. She's considering more but doesn't want to go over the top. She likes to keep her hair styled naturally, her hair down or bound in a loose ponytail. She really puts any heat on it because she likes to preserve it's health.

Manic Panic Hair Dyes
Vegan Food
Tie Dye
Punk Music
Green Tea
[left] Dislikes
Blue Eye Shadow
The feel of polyester
Pop Music

] || h i s t o r y || Iggy grew up in a small cottage in Scotland, although she was of English heritage and descent. Her parents Melody and Kristopher were both hippies who'd met back packing in Romania and completed their Europe road trips together before settling in Northern Scotland. She grew up as an only child and was incredibly, incredibly close to her family and it's something that was always very important to her. They named her Iggy Ramone after two of their favourites musicians, Iggy Pop and The Ramones. She loves her name and now cherishes it as something to be grateful for and a reminder of her roots. Her parents always left her stray from the straight and narrow, not minding if she went a little off the record or crazy at times. They were hippies after all and encouraged her to embrace individualism and spirit.

So where did it go wrong?

Living in the fast lane Iggy went to a lot of parties, when she was 15 she went to her older friend's graduation party, not planning for trouble but a guy she'd been flirting with at the bar spiked her drink when she was texting her friend. Everything other than reapplying her red lipstick at some point after, She doesn't know the details of what happened to her that night but a few weeks later, she'd missed two periods, thrown up every day for a week and was beyond any reasonable doubt of the fact she was pregnant.

Iggy panicked.

She tried to forget about the pregnancy and by the time she was prepared to acknowledge the issue it was too late to terminate the pregnancy and have an abortion. She told her Mum, who guided her through the whole thing but Iggy wasn't ready to be a Mum, she wasn't even yet 15 when her son- Frances was born. She loved him from sight but wasn't ready to raise him. She cried for many days after it but she made the Nurses take Frances into care. Although the adoption was closed or private and Iggy has full right to the details and information, she's not gathered the courage to act on it and try meet her child even though giving him up is her greatest regret.

So begins...

Iggy Ramone's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cameron Knight Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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"You sure you're okay, love? One of us can cancel our trips, come get you if it's all too much," his mother said. "Yeah, I was planning on staying in town for another little while anyway. Still have a few people I want to catch up with and so on," he replied, running his free hand through his hair. Both his mom and his dad had been called away on sudden business trips, a few days before he was supposed to fly home. Honestly, it suited him to the ground. As strange and unsettling as being back in town was, he was seeing friends he hadn't seen in years, and he'd take that. "Okay, well, I'll have my mobile, as will your father, so call us if you need us, okay? And enjoy yourself, honey. I'll talk to you when I get back," she said. "I will, Mom. You relax and don't be worrying about me, okay?"

"Your father says if you ruin the house with any parties, you're paying for renovations, by the way," she added, and Spence laughed. "Fair enough. Bye, mom," he said, rolling his eyes as she said her goodbyes on the other end. His parents had had the initiative to do up the family home and rent it out after they moved. They were currently between tenants, so instead of having to stay in a hotel, he had the house to himself. At times, it was lonely, but it also meant that he could stay as long as he liked.

Dressed in a leather jacket and jeans, he double checked himself before heading out of the house. He'd had a few days where his mental state had been shaky at best, so now that stability had returned, he was finally getting to meet up with some of the others.

To: Iggy
Starbucks, ten minutes? :D

To: Cam
Meeting Iggy for coffee now, but you feel like hanging out later?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Audrey Ruth Jefferson Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Town | Morning

Iggy was laying in her annex room, sat on the edge of her bed, already full dressed but with a sombre look. She'd dreamt about Frances the previous night, he'd be nearly one by now. She could imagine him, tall and scrawny but wit the same blonde curls she naturally had and it brought tears to her eyes to think about him growing up without her. She was pathetic. Lying to everyone because she'd been too scared to admit the truth. She hoped some how Frances knew she loved him, she prayed that he had the same kind of sense she did and knew somewhere across the state, he had a Mother that truly loved him. She sighed heavily, her shoulders shaking a little but before any tears could began tumbling past her eyes.

Her phone lit up besides her. She expected it to be Jude or Audrey but it wasn't.

It was Spence.

Just seeing his name kind of made her breath catch.

She loved Spence, as a friend and maybe to some degree like she used to as well but seeing him was always hard and left her feeling slightly hollow but she had to get use to it. He was back in town, there was no avoiding him and she still wanted him in her life, so she had to man up a bit more.

She checked herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. She pulled on her velvet black boots and looked at herself in the mirror. She wasn't ashamed of who she was but she wished what she could see behind her eyes was different, less dark.

To: Spence
Sure thing, Spence. I'll be there as soon as I can be.

'Soon as I can be', she reconsidered those words but she'd already clicked send. Living in the centre of town, she could be there in three minutes but she felt the need to prolong it so she didn't look eager or keen. She needed everything to be perfectly casual or realistically, everything would just fall apart again.

To: Audrey
Hey babe, sorry I know it's early. But I'm shitting myself. Spence wants to meet up, it's been a while. I don't know how to be and fuck- any ideas? Any advice?!?!

She trusted Audrey with these things, hence she messaged her first but she was very, very anxious as she walked out the front door. Both her parents were already at work, so she had no body to answer to or explain anything to. So she walked down to Starbucks straight away, taking her time with her steps and putting her earphones in so she could listen to Iggy Pop and the Stooges as she went.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rosemary Scott Character Portrait: James Goldsmith Character Portrait: Oliver Pierce Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Last night she had another nightmare. It always starts the same, her father screaming at the top of his lungs and calling her name. She was hiding in her room, praying to God for some mercy. Her father barged in and picked her up by her shirt. She had no idea that he was this strong. Then the beating began, for the first time he had hit her on the face. She couldn't scream or call for help, otherwise she would get an even worse beating. Whenever she woke up from her nightmares, her roommate Hailey would comfort her. Hailey was like her replacement for James, one of her childhood best friends. She was also certain that two could have started dating if it weren't for 'the phone call.'

That phone call forced her to make a leave of absence from UCLA so she could pay her respects, and return to the town that haunted her. She had spent the night in the local motel, but she only had enough money for one night. There was no way she could stay with her father. Every time she entered that neighborhood, she wouldn't work properly. It was so emotionally scarring that she couldn't keep herself together. Perhaps she could ask some of her old friends? Oliver would be willing, but they kind of grew apart and she was scared to talk to him. Iggy was out of the question. The girl was like a time bomb waiting to erupt, she wouldn't want to see Rose at all.

Then it hit her, James would be willing to help her out. He knew what her dad was like and understood how much pain she went through. He'd be willing to let her stay. There was a problem with that though, James lived near her father's house and if he were to ever find out that she was home. There would be hell to pay.

As she walked down one of the main streets, she pulled out her Samsung Galaxy. Rose was certainly not an Apple person, so she was teased often for having an Android. She clicked on James' contact name. They hadn't contacted each other for at least three years and that made her nervous.

To James:
Hey James, are you still in town? I was hoping that we could meet up at our old spot at the park. :)

It took her five minutes to send the message, mostly because she couldn't force herself to press send. She blamed her father for making her so socially awkward and anxious. The fact that she couldn't even text, which wasn't even face to face, concluded that she had a problem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Audrey Ruth Jefferson Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Audrey was anxious about coming home. Her daughter was there and she'd left because she couldn't handle only being a sister to the girl when she knew the truth. Knowing that she would grow up thinking Audrey was her sister tore Audrey apart. If she ever found out the truth it would crush her parents relationship with her. After the birth she didn't even want to see the baby but her mother forced her to hold her. Giving her up was the hardest thing she could have done but there was nothing she could do, she wasn't ready to raise a child. The only good that came out of it was that the child was with her parents. Audrey didn't even want to know her name, she'd allowed her mother to name her.

There was no way she'd be staying with her parents but they insisted. So there she was sitting in her room. She'd been avoiding the baby, Maya who was now 2. When Audrey first showed up it was like meeting Maya for the first time. She instantly fell in love with the girl all over again but she knew no one could know the truth not after all these years of her lying. She avoided the child as much as possible but it proved useless. It was like Maya knew who Audrey was and wanted to be around her constantly.

Her room door slid open and a little girl in a pink onesie with clouds on it came crawling into her room. Audrey sat in front of her bed on the floor and picked her up, plopping her in her lap. "You know, a closed door means stay out," She cooed tot he girl and she let her play with her fingers. It was hard to get the thought that Maya belonged to her out of her head, it was much easier to forget when she was away.

She watched Maya play with her fingers until she felt her phone buzz under her butt. "Well girly, play times over." She said gently taking her hands away from the girl and placed her on the floor next to her. She pulled out her phone and read the text. Iggy and Spence dated after high school and ended up breaking up. Iggy never told Audrey why but she could guess it was the same reason Audrey and Spence's friendship went sour.

To Iggy
Just be yourself, and be cautious.

The last of the statement was regarding Iggy's feelings toward Spence. Audrey didn't know what made him become so distant back then but she also didn't know if whatever it was is still going on. She didn't want Iggy to get her hopes up of their old flame burning again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Anne Preacher Character Portrait: Cameron Knight Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone Character Portrait: Jude Ahn
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From his perspective Smithbrook was trapped in a cycle of monotony, and since his arrival he had sought out antidotes to cure the periods of nothingness, however being questioned by the police did break his expectations a bit – it was certainly a unique follow-up to the funeral. Unfortunately for the investigators he had a strong alibi that included video footage (a few vines to be precise) of him in Seattle, exploring the city (or the city’s party scene), and the novelty quickly wore off as the implications of the investigation settled within him.

In Smithbrook's downtown Jude sat outside of a locally owned cafÊ situated right across from the infamous Starbucks (though he did love a good green tea frappuccino) where he drank an Americano with a cigarette nestled in between his index and middle finger, brow furrowed and lips pressed into a thin, anxious line. Maybe it was the funeral that upset him, and the espresso did little to sooth the uncertainly churning within his stomach, and he slowly came to terms that another person he had known passed away – and this time due what seemed to be a murder. Is this what it meant to grow up? To continue crossing paths with the ugliest things in life?

He inhaled another lung full of smoke, seeking to clear his mind of tragedy, and he looked to his phone, the nuances of impatience making him check the clock every thirty seconds. He had already texted Cameron about his current whereabouts in hopes that he would crawl out of whatever hole he dug himself into to hang out a bit (though since last summer they were doing that a lot anyways – but still, he was bored, and couldn’t stand being alone for too long). If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again, and cursing the day’s awful, brain rotting dullness he began to send out a series of texts.

To: Cam
ohhhh my god where the fuck are you [[gun emoji]] i’m losing it over here. the most entertaining thing out here are the old folks squading up at starbucks and even that gets boring after 5 minutes.

To: Original G Anne
so i get back into town right and then the cops brought me in for questioning like i'm a potential killer and this is csi miami. did you get a similar welcoming or am i all alone in this?

To: Iggy-Pop 2.0
this town is ass hahah

To: Iggy-Pop 2.0
but if we don’t party here again for old-times sake then i’m about to be pissed. let’s make this happen [[peace sign emoji]]

Groaning, Jude locked his iPhone screen, returning to the rich depths of the Americano and his occasional hobby of people watching, observing the coming-and-goings of the elderly crowd beginning to disperse across the street. If everyone was too busy doing fuck-all today then he would conjure up some plan from the recesses of his maddened impulses, and he briefly thought of the people he used to know. Maggie would be a no go, she was probably a straight-edge professional by now. There was Rose and Audrey, but he hadn’t spoken to either of them in ages – and there was James, but the guy dropped off the face of the Earth, so chances were he wasn’t about to show up here. He paused in his musing, thoughts wandering over to Oliver – that could be an option – but his stomach twisted and sank, and he brushed the idea away from now, ashing his cigarette on the railing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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He'd already left the house when Iggy's text came back in, and he found himself grinning like an idiot at her reply. He'd honestly missed her since leaving town- she'd been his confidante, the one person he'd been able to be completely honest with. Even when they'd broken up because of his problems, she'd still been his best friend. And no matter how bad he'd gotten, she'd never ran away or ditched him. That made it hard to fully get over her- but his feelings had gotten complicated in the mean time. But if nothing else, they could still be friends.

He could feel people's eyes on him as he walked, and his hand tightened around his keys in his pocket. He knew that it was probably all in his imagination, or that they were just trying to recognise if it was him or not- but he couldn't shake the feeling that they all knew. About his OD, about the addiction, about everything that had come with it... And even though he knew that he looked healthy again, he also was afraid that they were seeing the old him, the skeleton, the addict.

But as soon as he saw Iggy, he felt like his whole body lit up. He couldn't shake the grin off of his face as he held his arms open for a hug before he even said hello.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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0.00 INK


Town | Morning

Iggy hadn't intended on arriving first but there she was sat on a burgundy sofa in a small coffee shop she used to know really well, she'd befriended the waitresses back in high school, she knew her favourite drink and even her favourite seat but it was all different now and the staff had changed. She sat there listening to David Bowie, she had 'Rebel, Rebel.' on repeat, it was one of her favourites but even that didn't even begin to calm her nerves. She read Audrey's text and considered it a few times and the girl was right, she should be cautious really for her own sake. He could have changed entirely, it'd been years since they last spoke but before she could text back or even read Jude's message, her head had swung up because she heard the coffee shop door open and she noticed Spence, grinning like a fool and she couldn't help but mirror expression. She wanted to be cool and guarded but they'd been too close, missed each other too much and apart too long for her to be rational in how she approached the reunion.

He didn't look any different to her, healthier than when she'd last seen him but the little things were the same. Her breath caught a bit but despite herself, upon noticing his open arms she'd dived up onto her feet to walk over and embrace him. She didn't let go of him, the hug was far from casual or collected but she didn't mind. Iggy was a physical person and she didn't know how else to tell Spence how big the whole in life had been without him around and how much she'd missed him, she didn't understand how to explain those emotions so instead she tried to show it with her actions, her touch; like she always had.

When they pulled away at last, she looked at him properly and sighed a little as it all dawned on her.

"You look great Spence," She told him gently, genuinely proud and over joyed to see him looking so much healthier and he seemed happy. She couldn't say if it was real, temporary or he lived this happily now but right then in that moment, she was fairly convinced he was genuinely happy again. "God, I've missed you Spence," She mumbled unashamed. "Did you get taller? You seem a bit taller," She thought out loud with a glimmering smile on her lips.

She hadn't realised how happy seeing Spence again would make her. It never occurred to her what it'd be like to see him again, she'd just kind of accepted he was gone and she should get over it; make new friends, find new love and she tried. There was Jude and Audrey but nothing had been the same as what they'd had, as friends and as a couple. Her phone vibrated twice, with messages from Jude but she didn't read them; she was distracted by a reunion with who, in the simplest of terms had ultimately been her first love.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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As her arms locked around him, he only felt his grin widen and the butterflies in his stomach kick into overdrive. It had been far, far too long. He'd really, really missed her. With his spell in rehab, he'd fallen out of contact with pretty much everyone. He'd considered getting back in contact with her- but at that time, he'd convinced himself that she wouldn't want to know him. It had taken him far too long to get out of that mindset. But now that he was here with her, he wished that he'd gotten in contact sooner.

At her comment, he shrugged a little, still grinning. He laughed at her comment about him getting taller. "Nah, I just stopped slouching. One of my..." He was about to say doctors, but stopped, remembering all the people around. "...teachers, he used to constantly comment on my posture. It got irritating," he added, laughing a little. In reality, it had come with his newfound self-confidence. Or that's what his therapist said.

"How are you? And don't bullshit me, it might have been a long time, but I can still tell when you're lying," he said, nudging her in the side as he pulled her towards the counter to order.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Town | Morning
Iggy couldn't quite believe she was with him, the warmth of his embrace had been missing from her life for years but it still felt so right she couldn't even express how it felt to be reunited with someone who'd been so, so important to her life before.

She laughed softly at his comment about not slouching and smiled at him gently.

"Ah, that'll be it then. I can remember saying it to you too
Now I think about it," She smiled gazing up at him, she was trying to be cool and calm but she'd missed him so much for such a long time it was hard to put it into context now and appreciate the reality of their situation. She knew she ought to be cautious because he was a drug addict at the end of the day and all her friends would tell her just that but she couldn't be.

It was Spence.

She turned her eyes up to him and earth overwhelmed her expression as he asked about and she didn't disbelieve him,so for that reason she steered clear of lies or understatements.

"Yeah, I've been okay. I mean it's been kind of lonely since moving out of tone but I'm okay," She sighed softly. The loneliness was because she missed Frances, Iggy has never been a girl who needed a lot of friends just one or two true ones would do her fine and she'd been lucky to always find one wherever in the world she went but she was always lonely, unless she had Frances in her arms she figured she always will be. In her mind she tried to pin point the last time she'd seen him, what had gone. It was after Frances was born and of course he knew what happened- everyone did and he'd been with her afterwards since she'd refused to tell anybody else but now it kind of broke her heart to think for one moment, she had all she needed- her best friend and her son.

Now she'd be lucky to have one.

You could see in her expression she'd become thoughtful but it was hard to tell if her thoughts were uplifting or damaging but she followed him to the counter and turned to face him again, trying to let her thoughts go as she ran her pale hands over her dress absentmindedly, playing with the hem.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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The past few years had been tough on all of them- it wasn't hard to see that Iggy was no exception to that. Leaving town had been easy for him- he'd been glad to leave everything behind in some ways. But Iggy had always been more sentimental than him.

As she finished speaking, he stepped up to the counter to order. "Hi, can I have a flat white? For Spence," he said, and the barista nodded, jotting down his name. He handed over the money and stepped back, glancing at Iggy. "Iggy, what're you having?" It was only then that he saw her expression. She was deep in thought, and not thinking about good things by the thought of it. He touched her arm gently. "Iggy, you okay?" he asked.

It was only then that he realised he had no clue what had gone down since he left. She said she was fine, that she was just lonely- but was that all? He couldn't blame her for not talking about it- after all, it wasn't like he'd been the best friend. Or boyfriend. He'd either been high, thinking about his next fix, or going through withdrawals. She'd stuck by him through all of it- but he'd disappeared not long after she needed him the most. He'd imagined that everything would just go back to normal- but now that he thought about it, he doubted it would work that easily. They were different people after all- it wouldn't be as easy as he wanted it to be.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Town | Morning

She stared absentmindedly for a long moment, she hadn't been able to stop her mind from running away with what if's. What if Spence hadn't been addicted? Maybe they wouldn't have broken up and he could have given her the strength to not be a coward and selfish, like when she gave up Frances. After Spence left town she hated to admit but her 'fast lane' life style only spiralled further out of control for a long time. He'd been her anchor throw school and college, she'd never admitted to herself how tough losing him had been.

She blinked a little, only awoken from her trance when she felt his hand on her arm, she couldn't help but look at his hand, the feel and warmth of it still felt familiar as though only yesterday it'd been only natural to be in his embrace or holding his hand, but it had been years.

She could and yet at the same time couldn't, believe that.

She looked up at him and managed a thin smile, revealing just a flash of her pristine teeth. "Yes, of course I am. Just reminiscing y'know?" She told him and in fairness, she wasn't hiding all of the truth. Only the fact that truth hurt her more and more each day. "Urm, I'll have a caramel latte," She rambled a little nervously to server.

"To Iggy right?" They checked and the purple haired girl nodded in a small gesture before looking up at Spence.

"So, what have you been up to then? Two years is a lot of time, how'd you kill it?" She asked gently, she had to let all the troubles of al those years ago slide because she couldn't change what she'd done or the situation it put her in now, she could only change how she handled it and what she did about it. She just wanted to enjoy Spence's company again, like she used to every single day all that time ago.

Whilst they were ordering, she took the opportunity to quickly text back Jude;

To: Judeeee ;D
Yeah of course hun, hit me up later and we can make some plans but yeah you're right, this town does suck ass.

To: Judeeee ;D
No wonder everyone ditched -_-

She looked up at him and smiled softly. Adopting a new attitude and trying to forget about the son she abandoned, she turned her attention to their conversation. After they were given their coffees, she smiled as though she had an idea; "Hey, why don't we make this takeaway and take a trip down memory lane, we grew up here; might be nice to revisit some places," She suggested.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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He sighed as she asked what he'd been up to. "Well, I spent I think... six, seven months as an inpatient in the clinic. Then I had to finish my high school education, and I'm taking a bit of time out to earn a bit of money and decide what I actually want to do in college right now. Waiting tables, and occasionally helping out at a local museum. It's not bad, to be honest. Doesn't pay that bad, at least," he said, shrugging a little.

It was better than sitting at home, reading through the handouts that his therapist so loved to give him on coping mechanisms and so on. He was always better when he wasn't thinking about it. Having somewhere that he needed to be helped keep him grounded. Most of the time, he was fine- but when he got bad, it was an encouragement to actually get out of bed and do something.

Once his coffee was ready, he took it and nodded at Iggy's suggestion. "Sounds good to me- I haven't seen much of town since I got here," he admitted, shrugging a little.

"So, what about you? What've you been up to since I left?" he asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Town | Morning
Iggy listened to him very intently, a quietly sympathetic ear as always and she nodded along so he knew she was taking his brief explanation in and genuinely cared about what he said, then when he was finished; she looked up at him and smiled softly, clutching her coffee in her pale hands, her red painted nails just covering the tail of her name which had been scrawled across the cup in purple ink. "I'm really glad to hear things have turned around for you Spence, honestly. I knew they would," She told him softly with an assured glow in her expression and just a natural shimmer of confidence behind her eyes.

"Memory lane it is in then," She told him gently. She pulled her denim jacket to sit around her front more comfortably then let it go and kept walking, optimism irradiating her expression.

She couldn't pretend she didn't cherish his company and she couldn't lie to herself and say this wasn't the easiest conversation she'd have with someone since everyone left town but it didn't bother her. They were close once, it was bound to be like this.

She sighed when he turn came and took a moment to gather herself and prepare herself, she bit her tongue, let go of it and then bit it again before she eventually spoke. "Well after...after Frances, and then you left town. I went off the rails for a while, I think I consumed more drugs and alcohol in the three months after that then Britney Spears in her entire 2007 meltdown, after I while my Mum picked me up from a party and set me a bit straighter, I wanted to be productive, went vegan, I'm pretty hard core about that now and started blogging for a music magazine. Then I left town and I took up art again, I have some pieces at the local gallery and in a couple of stores back in Scotland from where I went home, they did pretty well and now I'm here. Dyed my hair blue, pink and purple somewhere within all of this and got a couple of tattoos," She explained everything very quickly, as though she wanted to get out the way as quickly as possible and move on from it all. Saying Frances name out loud had left her choked and made her squirm.

She felt so sickened by her own lie, she'd been able to live with it before but now looking Spence in the eye and talking about her past like she was so hard done by, she felt sick.

She started walking down the street, one step after another keeping herself in time with him. The town was so familiar she didn't even need to think about any of the turnings it just came naturally, she encouraged him to turn left by touching his elbow for a short moment and when they turned, their high school was standing there at the end of the lane and Iggy chuckled a little.

"Christ, you remember this place? Best and worst days of my life now I think about it," She sighed softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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He nodded at her story, pulling his jacket over his hands a little as he walked. "It's good to hear you're doing well. That can't have been easy- I mean, I disappeared right in the middle of everything else you were going through,and that probably didn't help at all. I'm sorry about that," he admitted, shrugging a little. She'd pulled out of it much better than he had- by the sounds of things, her life was entirely back in control. He was barely out of where he'd been, and sometimes, falling back into it seemed much more appealing than it should have done. Those were the days where he didn't do much except sleep, and sometimes eat.

He laughed a little at her comment. "Well, while all of my best times happened while I was in school, I think it's safe to say that none of them actually happened in school. I mean, I didn't hate my time there, but at the same time, when you're dealing with other shit... being stuck there is hell." Not that he'd even been in that much when he'd been particularly bad.

"Being back home is weird, isn't it?" He remarked. "Everything's changed, and we've changed, and it's just... if it wasn't for the people, I would have flown home already." He laughed a little, staring at the ground. "Still, I'm kinda glad I have that option to run away now. Would have killed for that a few years ago."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone
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Town || Morning


      She looked at him and smiled appreciatively, at his response and she shrugged a little gently. "Thanks Spence, but it's okay. I pulled through didn't I? Still dancing and painting and writing, I like to think I didn't turn out too badly did I?" She joked gently looking over at him with a gentle grin. She knew he must have had a tough time before she felt like their reunion should be about positivity and moving on into a future where things went better for everybody because they'd already seen more than enough between them all.
      "Yeah I suppose, but the way I think of it is. I met you there, Jude, Anne, Maggie, you guys made were my life till we all moved away but then I suppose in an other sense, because of this place I went to that party and then everything else happened. I don't know y'know? Looking at the building I'm note sure if I should smile or cry," She admitted gently before nodding in agreement. "Yeah it is hell when you've got stuff on your mind,"
      She listened to him thoughtfully and sighed gently; "Yeah I know what you mean. Do you know what's weirder though? I couldn't leave this town because of Frances. It's stupid but I couldn't. I hate this town but I don't think I'll ever leave forever, Scotland just hasn't been home since and I'd love to run, even now but just can't," She knew it was a slightly emotional thing to say but she hadn't thought aout it twice and she didn't regret saying it. It was Spence, she never used to filter how words around him before, she hoped it wouldn't be any different now.
      Looking at him now in the corner of her eye, she could almost give in to the feelings she'd harboured and worn on her sleeve since she was 16. It was hard to remember what they'd been through and things weren't supposed to feel the same when everything was so easy. She bit her lip, closed her eyes and turned away, sipping her drink and praying when she opened her eyes again, she'd feel more stabilized and anchored.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spence Heath Character Portrait: Iggy Ramone Character Portrait: Jude Ahn
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Town || Morning


      The party was something Iggy knew she shouldn't feel so comfortable with but there were two things Iggy understood, people and dance; at parties, those were the only two things she could guarantee. It gave her comfort, it gave her a buzz; of adrenaline. She could close her eyes and she could still navigate the party, it was instinct to her, second nature. She was standing outside on the door step, reluctant to go inside because she could imagine everything going wrong. These parties were the core of her existence when she got pregnant and before it, it's al she used to know and she didn't want to make her life messy like that again. She'd only stopped regularly smoking weed a few months ago and it'd be inevitable someone would offer her something her, it was what she was famous for in this town; letting loose, being the wild card, the hippie; she'd been a rock star with everything but the band and a part of her, would love to go though all of it again.

      To: Jude
      You here honey? I haven't seen anyone yet and nobody should drink alone at a party right?

      She shook her head a little and took a moment, there was no one outside. The house in front of her seemed to pulse with every bass beat. She looked down at herself, the dark green teal tulle mini skirt was one of her favourites and it gave her confidence, it was edgy, unique and the mauve crop top she'd picked suited it. She sighed, a long, heavy dramatic sigh and then let her hair down from it's ponytail, so it fell in purple crinkles and she went inside.

      To: Spence
      Hey, you said you were coming to the party right? I just got here. You around?

      She knew this party would be challenging in ways for both of them, admittedly different ways for Iggy had never suffered addiction only...possible instability. She could get a drink, meet up with Spence; that was her plan, Spence was safe, she could spend some time with him, keep herself grounded and then when she felt more comfortable, she could find Jude and her friends from the party scene before, it'd be nice.

      It'd be fun.

      It was a party, it'd be good fun, harmless and she wouldn't resort to the fast lane. She would not fuck up anymore. She smiled, laughed at her herself a little and bounced through the house to find the drinks and to get herself something to drink and find someone she could kill time with, she didn't want to be by herself tonight, not even for a moment.