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Notice me... Please...

Notice me... Please...


School begins again, and a new students arrives to the school. She promises herself to do her best, and not crush on anyone because she is sure that she wont stay for long. However, she doesn't seem to be able to keep the promise.

1,109 readers have visited Notice me... Please... since HerHeroine created it.


A young fifteen year old girl arrives to a small town called Tortunga, where she has lived untill her tenth birthday. However, everything is new to her now, and the only friend she can count on is her old-childhood friends which goes to another school, and which visits her only at the weekends.

As soon as the girl arrives to Tortunga, she promises herself to do her best in school, and to change her somehow 'rude-ish' personality, and also, to avoid crushing on anyone since it could just end up bad. She is more than sure that her parents will transfer her to her old school, where she has studied before she moved out of Tortunga, but inside her she knows that probably that wont happen because of her family's financial problems.

On her first day of school, she is treated very nicely by everyone, and conciders some of her classmates 'friends'. However, that changes throughout some weeks, when she starts realising what kind of people they actually are. It irritates her, making her 'rude' side come out, which changes the way they look at her.

After a few months, her good-friend from another class brings another friend with him to lunch, and more or less introduces them. The two quickly forget eachother's names, since they have no buisness with eachother. The boy hardly notices the girl's presence, and she thinks he's a useless prankster, untill he starts hanging around with her good-friend, which makes her look differently at him. She begans falling in love, but knows that it wont work because she conciders herself a midget in his eyes, untill Valentines Day, where suddenly, the boy starts noticing her.

There is hope..



The New Girl: (Taken) She is quite weird and random, and very fiesty under a thick layer of nice and shy. She never stands back to a challenge, and is quite lazy at times, but she acts her best around the boy.

The 'Cool' Boy: (Taken) He is a prankster. He doesn't care if its class-time or break, or just class-shift, he can always find a way to have a laugh. He doesn't have very good marks, but he doesn't really care. He seems to dismiss the fact that he's starting to like the girl.

The Good-Friend: (Taken) He is the girl's good friend, and the Cool Boy's bestie. He often hangs with the girl after classes, and even more often, he drags along his best friend.

The Girl's Besty: (Taken) School besty, ofcourse. This girl is of the same age as the new girl, but is one class behind. She is very nice, and has a very fiesty mentality. She is the school's dancing champion. She also seems to dislike the new girl's good friend.

The Child-hood Friend: (Open) After she hears about her childhood friend's crush, she is willing to come to the girl's school and meet him, but she can't, untill the multi-school project is announced.

The Brother: (Taken) The new girl has an older brother, who goes to her same school. He often puts his sister into embarassing situations, and quickly befriend's the 'Cool' boy. He also is over-protective, and easily irritated.

Now that we have 'almost' all the characters taken, feel free to make your own if you want. :)

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors


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Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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Nikita was roaming through the halls with some of his friends. "Yeah, so I just failed my maths test but who cares? Its not like I'll die!" Nikita said, chuckling. He looked quite happy, but in his eyes there could still be seen some worry about failing the test.
Even though he always told himself that school wasn't the most important thing in life, and that he didn't need to pass his exams to have a good and successful life, he still could be worried about his marks. Actually, he would be quiet silent when he wasn't around his friends.

Lots of different voices, and laughing could be heard echoing through the hall as the lunch break bell rang. He smirked "Finally, good! I thought I was going to die of hunger, ya' know. Has anyone seen Thomas? I haven't seen him since the second lesson... Oh well, I'm sure he'll come around for lunch, its not like him to miss a break.."
"He could be avoiding the maths teacher." Said another boy in the group. He was quite tall and bulky, he had much a sportsman figure. He was usually hanging out with Nikita, and he probably was the nicest.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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Thomas Freeman was lying on the grassy lawn infront of the highschool. His eyes were closed, but he wasn't sleeping. Not that he wouldn't want to be, but he found it hard to sleep when the sun was out. He didn't hear the bell but he could hear the sounds of students leaving the building. He opend one eye and watched the students head back toward town, he then looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "I guess it's time for lunch." He used his left arm to push himself up off the ground and walked back toward the main building of the school. Thomas had told Jessica that he'd meet her for lunch, so right now he was making his way toward where they were supposed to meet. But that's when he bumped into Nikita.

One of Nikita's friends pointed at Thomas and said. "There he is!"

"Yeah, were you looking for me or something?" Thomas asked.


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Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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OOC- Sorry double post


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Jessica yawned quickly covering her mouth for polietness as she walked through the busy halls her books clutched within her right hand, it was her first week at this new school. It was strange, being back in Tortunga that is, the surroundings were the same, the trees in the same place, the air just as fresh and the town just as full with annoying people, yet she wasn't in the same school as her childhood.

This place was new, it had been five years since she had last lived in tortunga, the people seemed odd now, the familiarties of the town she appreciated so much seemed alien and almost resistent to her return. She felt lonely and a little unwanted almost but she didnt let that upset her, she had lost touch with her friends from her old school, at least all of them other then her old friend.

However at this new school there was Kasey, Kasey was like a rock to her, someone who kept her grounded and sane in this new strange place. It was Kasey who made her feel welcome again.
Then of course there was Thomas, she hadn't known him long but she already felt that he was someone she could trust, a friend in this big unfriendly school. She just had to keep quiet and to herself for the next few years then maybe she could surive, no fights, no rudeness, she had to go by unnocticed if she wasn't going to gain a bad reputation like she did in the other town she lived in.

Remembering Thomas though Jess lifted her wrist to check her watch, it was nearly noon she should be meeting him for lunch, its not like she had anyone else who wanted to eat with her, no one ever bothered with the new kid. It was natural.

Picking up the pace she half ran through the halls bumping into someone as she did accidently knocking the books out of her hands making her sigh, the guy she bumped into gave her a dirty look before shrugging his shoulder and continuing on his way. Jess made a point to stick her tongue out at him when his back was turned, it was only an accident he didnt need to look at her like that. Quickly picking up her books she rushed ahead to the meeting spot her and Thomas had agree on, the small water fountain near room 103, it wasnt the best place as lockers were around meaning lots of people but it was halfway between their last classes so it seemed suitable.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kasey Life Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
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Kasey walks in the hall ways, silver hair bouncing down her back like a beautiful long silver waterfall that seems to never end. She sees Thomas laying in the grass then hop up and head to lunch. She shakes her head and smiles. She was truly glad that it was lunch time, she had been starving! Speaking of lunch she was walking to the lunch room, overhearing Nikita say that he was flunking math. She shrugs and keeps going. She was quite happy though that she was good friends with Jess. They had been friends for quite some time now, and knowing her they would always remain friends. Sighing she finds Jess and runs up to her. "Hey!" She says, hugging her best friend. She had been bored all day and it was good to see one of her friends at least. All the other people were just maggots to her. She tried to stay away from them, far as possible. Sighing she flips her wavy hair then looks at Jess. "You okay Jess? You look like you had a rough day.." She asks her.



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Jess sighed leaning back against the wall near the water fountain when suddenly a bundle of white hair hugged her before she could do anything about it. Laughing Jess returned the hug from Kasey refumbling the books in her hands, she really needed to get a locker sorted soon, the school was still sorting it out for her, and with all things it was insufficient in being capable to have it ready for when she actually started term so she had wait. She made a mental note to buy a bag.

With a sigh and a flip of her hair Kasey spoke with a light feminie tone "You okay Jess? You look like you had a rough day.."

Was it that obvious?

"I've had better, biology didn't go well, we've been informed that next class we'll be joining with a few others in order to 'disect a frog'" she shivered at the thought "I think I may puke on the day if im not careful, I still dont have a lab partner either. I swear if I have to do it by myself I may not be the same person after" she made a slight joke on her expense, in reality she in no way wanted to go near a dead frog with a blunt scaple and cut into it on her own, to make it worse she would feel as though she would be being figmentally taunted by the fact most nearly everyone else in her current class had partners to help deal with the.... 'horror' of it all.

Maybe in the other classes they were joining with their was someone else without a partner she could tag with, if not she was seriously thinking of taking a sick day.

"anyway enough about me, how has it been for you? Done any dance practice or are you just too good to learn much more" she smiled jokingly giving Kasey a play push, she was the dancing champion after all. She wondering how long Thomas would be though as she did this, her stomach was growling!


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Nikita grinned as he nodded at Tommy. " I was thinking to drag you along for lunch. Ya know, like the good ol' times. You're hanging around a girl alot, who is she?" He spoke very fast, with a spark of sarcasm and interest in his words.
Then he made a serious face "No, I don't really care. I just wanna join you for lunch today, since those dudes all have to go home".
He rolled his eyes for a moment, then quickly changed into a puppy. "I'll be good?"


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#, as written by kathrin
Liam was walking in silence in the hallways. It was lunch time so he headed to the cafetaria... It was boreing without any friend in a new school...just with his sister who was youngest then him. Anyway threw him on a bench and got his telephone from his pocket. A new message from his mother." Party tonight. invite friends from the school."
He laughed. Every time they moved , their parents were makeing a party.. He send his sister a message:" party. invite people." and went to get something to eat. He grabbed a salad and something...that he didn't know what it is.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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Thomas eyed Nikita skeptically for a moment. "So I'm the second choice, huh?" He narrowed his eyes when Nikita started talking about Jessica. "Your intrest died pretty fast. Well, I can tell you that she's a new student here." Thomas said as the two boys walked through the halls, making their way toward the water fountain Jessica and Thomas decided to meet at. "Actually she lived here once before, but moved away. Her parents were offered jobs here, so now they moved back."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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"I'm not saying you're the second choice.. You see, the point is that, you hang around that girl alot, and you hardly hang out with me.... And that makes me jealous... And don't get any ideas." He said sarcastically as he smiled "C'mon, it wont hurt for just one time? Also, I think that if you introduce me to her, we might all get along well and stuff.. You know."
Nikita looked around, noticing that all the other guys from earlier had already left. "Don't you think it'd be a good idea? I mean, if we had friends in common we'd hang around alot and..-wait did you say she lived here before? Is there any chance I know her? You know, I like know half this small-town."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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"I don't hang out with you that much because you always have some sort of group following you." Thomas said. "If you want to hang out more just say so. And about you knowing her; I'm not sure. It's possible, I guess. You'll get a chance to ask her, I'm meeting her for lunch right now, and since you want to eat lunch with me so badly, you can come along."


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She smiles at Jess. "Well.. Poor you.. That does sound rather disgusting though." She feels a chill run down her spine as she gets pushed by the girl. She catches her balance and giggles. She gives Jess a soft nudge and replies, "I have been practicing, Actually I've been practicing a lot lately. Yesterday I taught myself the Japanese folk dance though. Its really pretty, I'm going to have to show you sometime." She explains, leaning against the wall. She quivers, hungrily. "Want a apple?" She asks Jess as she pulls out two of them from her book bag. She had always kept food in her book bag just in case if she ever got hungry or just didn't eat they school lunch. It actually wasn't that bad at this school, lucky for them, but in other schools it was worse than cow pies. She takes a bite into a crunchy, juicy apple and holds out another one for Jess. Hopefully she would take it, and it would actually make Kasey feel a little bad if the girl didn't. Sighing she puts one foot up on the wall, Letting her dress dance at her legs.



2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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"Awwyeaaah!" He exclaimed, almost jumping up. "Do you know how it sucks to be alone with no one around you? Good lord. Anyway, lets get going, I bet she's waiting and I'm hungry like hell." Nikita said, grinning. "And I'm sure you're hungry too, and I don't feel like dieing of hunger." He finished, as he made the 'wise-man' face and stroked his 'invisible beard'.
He stretched, his paste was a bit faster now. He DID seem hungry, and his stomache let out a monsterous growl. "Where did you two say you'd meet?" He asked, but without even waiting for a reply, he stood behind Thomas and started pushing him forward. "Alright boy, c'mon, lets go."

He seemed pretty amused, and also having fun. He often liked playing around with his friends the childish way. Actually, he didn't care if things he did were childish or not, as long as they were fun, he would've still done them. Unless it would've been embarassing infront of a special person, but he didn't have a special person for a VERY long time, so he didn't really care.


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Jess smiled when Kasey talked about her dancing, it always seemed like she lit up when she did, her enthusiam for it overtaking her which made Jess admire the fact she had something she adored so much in life. Maybe she should also find a hobby, it could give her something to occupy herself with after all.
"Japanese? Thats different, I bet its something i've never seen before, never even crossed my mind actually. Your more impressive than I thought for teaching yourself it aswell" she complimented the girl calmly, the hallway infront of them slowly filtering itself of moving bodies as they filed into the cafeteria or moved to sit outside under the baking sun.

It was then that Kasey revealed a rather delicious looking apple, its red shine taunting. "are you sure?" she asked hesitant to taking the gift, she didnt want to take something which Kasey may need later, she assumed that since she danced all the time she used up a lot of energy so probably had to eat small things like apples often. However embarrasingly her stomach groaned in protest making her grab it and look meekly surprised "Oops, looks like im more hungry than I realised" she laughed awkardly feeling a bit red "I hope Thomas shows up soon or I may end up leaving with this going on" she referred to her stomach with a hand.


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Thomas let himself be pushed for a little while, as if it were a natural occurance. "We were goning to meet at the water fountain by room 103." He looked back at Nikita and said, "You really shouldn't let your stomach get the better of you, ya' know?"


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Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Nikita Takku
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Nikita rolled his eyes, shrugging. "Blahhh, I guess you're right. I guess you can go meet the whoever you wanted to meet, and I'll see you in the cafeteria later? Atleast I wont be a pain." He let out a slightly awkward grin as he stopped pushing Thomas. "Well, I guess thats the best plan. I'll see you later, gonna avoid the maths teacher in the meanwhile also and reserve a spot somewhere in a dark corner." He said sarcastically, then gave a reassuring wink and turned around, heading for the cafeteria.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Kasey Life Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
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Thomas watched Nikita's back as he left. He then continued on his way to room 103. He turned a corner and and saw standing near the pre-designated spot was Jessica Doxin, and standing next to her was a girl with long white hair, Kasey Life. Thomas had only talked to Kasey a couple times, but always got the feeling she didn't like him.

As he got closer to the two girls he lifted his left hand and gave a small wave. "Yo. Sorry I'm late. I ran into a friend in the hallway, and he's extatic to meet you." Thomas declared. "So would you mind if he joined us?"


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Something buzzed in the pocket of Jessica's shorts making her start with a jump before realising what it was, shaking her head embarrased for her self she lifted out her phone and quickly began to read the message that her brother Liam had sent her. As she did she caught a glimpse of Thomas waving as he made his way over to her and Kasey. About time! she mentally thought with a smile happy to see him.

"I guess it would be alright if he joined us, what do you think Kasey?" she asked looking down at her text again to read it as it just opened. A party at home tonight? That was so typical of their parents, they always loved any excuse to host them she was surprised she hadnt already expected an house warming one. "So, what is everyone doing tonight? I think my parents are wanting to throw a party and I guess... you can come if you want too?" she asked feeling a bit awkard. She wasnt sure if they liked her enough to go to her house or even if it wouldnt be weird considering how shortly they'd known each other.

As she asked Jessica quickly replied to Liam "Alright, i'll ask who I can. So typical of mum and dad to do this =')"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Kasey Life Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
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"A party?" Thomas asked. He didn't usually go to teen parties, he didn't like drinking or being around people who drank too much. But since Jessica's parents were throwing the party there most likely wouldn't be any problem. "Yeah, I guess I'll go. After I get off work, that is."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman Character Portrait: Kasey Life Character Portrait: Nikita Takku Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
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Kasey giggles at the fact of Jess taking the apple. "Its alright. I have plenty." She explains then takes another thick bite into the sparkly red apple. When she sees the boys she stops eating and wipes around her lips then smiles. "Yea, I don't mind. I actually was hoping someone would come and hang with us.. Wasn't expecting Thomas but oh well!" She says half jokingly. She hadn't really liked Thomas to much, there was just something about him that made Kasey's stomach turn. But she hung around them just for Jess.

Shifting, she flickers her skirt and looks at the boy. "Oh and who is this?" She asks Thomas. She was referring to Nikita. She hadn't meet him yet, but she heard his name flying around the school faster than a wild fire. She smiles sweetly, showing her white shiny teeth. She wasn't the type to be shy at all! Actually, she was the totally opposite of shy. Sighing she brushes a strand of hair behind her ear then puckers her lips up in a pouting way. "Can we just go eat??" She asks them.
When hearing the party she flickers her eyes to Jess. "Well.. Its not a party without me right?" She asks her. That was her way of saying yes. No matter where or when, she would find a way to go to any party.

Kasey's eyes glance over the new boy, Nikita. Well He wasn't that new, it was just Kasey never got a chance to actually meet him. He was sorta in the bad boys group. She figured he was going to end up going to the party as well, and then hell will probably break loose. He seemed like the type to just bounce up in the place and torch it up. But you can't judge a book by its cover right? She erases the thoughts from her head and leaves some space for her to get to know him better. Ya never know, he might be very nice.. She thinks to herself.


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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Kasey Life
Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman
Character Portrait: Liam Doxin
Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin


Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
Jessica Doxin

New girl: - "Is that really the truth or are you just messing with me?"

Character Portrait: Liam Doxin
Liam Doxin

I'm the boss here, sis!

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman
Thomas Freeman

"Smile more often, you'll make more friends that way."

Character Portrait: Kasey Life
Kasey Life

"You shouldn't be scared of death.. Death should be scared of you!"


Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
Jessica Doxin

New girl: - "Is that really the truth or are you just messing with me?"

Character Portrait: Liam Doxin
Liam Doxin

I'm the boss here, sis!

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman
Thomas Freeman

"Smile more often, you'll make more friends that way."

Character Portrait: Kasey Life
Kasey Life

"You shouldn't be scared of death.. Death should be scared of you!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Kasey Life
Kasey Life

"You shouldn't be scared of death.. Death should be scared of you!"

Character Portrait: Jessica Doxin
Jessica Doxin

New girl: - "Is that really the truth or are you just messing with me?"

Character Portrait: Liam Doxin
Liam Doxin

I'm the boss here, sis!

Character Portrait: Thomas Freeman
Thomas Freeman

"Smile more often, you'll make more friends that way."

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Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Nope. There arent any uniforms.

And yes, you may join with a custom character.

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Can I jump in with a custom character?

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Are there school uniforms?

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Sorry for the lameass post, I'm on my phone. :/

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

I don't really care what age she is as long as she's not older than him xD but yeah, fifteen was what I had in mind.
Anyway, I suppose we can start :)

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Erm the new girl has to be 15 doesnt she? so thats her age :) and Doxin it is then! Liam doxin has a ring to it I think ;D

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

You can make up a character if you want .

Girl's besty is already taken but you can have the childhood friend since they have roles alike.

You can reserve the good friend.

Let me do a list of taken characters.

The New Girl
The Brother
The Cool boy
The Girl's Besty
The Good Friend

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Could I reserve the good friend? I just finished the show, Clannad, and this Roleplay could be fun.

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Can I either Reserve the Best friend Or the child hood friend??

I'd prefer the Best friend Though!

I'm working on a skelly right now! ^^

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Reserve the besty please!

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

One more question: what's your age, because i have to be older?

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

No, it's ok! my character will be "Liam". " Liam Doxin" What do you think?

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

I was thinking Doxin? I dont mind though, first name probs be Jessica - Jessie so if you think of a better last name i'll just go with that :)

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Umm. Lolkatlove, can you tell me, if you can your characters name? I mean the family name. Because, i'll be your brother and i have to know it to make my charac.. If you can. Thanks.

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Yay! :D I'll have her in tomorrow at somepoint probs around this time :) im off to go see my Boyfriend on Valentines now fun fun!!

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Shya. Wait. Nevermind. I wanna join again XD

Can we make up a character?

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Hi can I reserve the new girl please :)

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Hi, can i reserve the brother??

Re: [OOC] Notice me.. Please..

Nevermind. Ignore this post. Sorry. <3