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Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde

"Less talking, more exploring! Go go go!"

0 · 356 views · located in Allen, Texas

a character in “Of the Pagelings”, as played by X64


Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde



Vivi is quite the adventurous type- she loves running headfirst into danger, no matter what the risks are. However, she isn't rash, for her Guardian training has taught her how to quell such impulses and to think before she acts. She's very intelligent, although by the way she's often looking for trouble one could easily mistake it for the opposite. She's very playful and loves to pull pranks on people, although this side of her is often misinterpreted as simply being 'a troublemaker'. She can be very blunt, thus sounding rude at times, but she's merely a very straightforward person and doesn't mean any harm.

Vivienne was born in France, but moved to the States when she was fifteen. Soon after, she was told that she was a Guardian and began training. However, due to her impulsive nature, she was never given a charge. While she was very adept in swordplay and hand-to-hand combat, her tracking and protective skills leave much to be desired. And so, for five years she has trained, in hopes of someday becoming useful enough to actually be given a charge.

Muay Thai (Thai boxing style)

Weapons (melee):
Sword/Rapier (as shown in picture)

She seems to have no sense of fear whatsoever. Whether its bravery or simply stupidity, no one knows.

So begins...

Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Matthew Scarpa Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Gabriel Darkeholm Character Portrait: Alevina "Levi" Ramone Character Portrait: Faye Tanner Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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The roar of the crowd was muffled by the glass walls, the sound barely making it's way in through the gap between them. It was a bit of an annoyance, but then again, it was a Saturday. School was out for the weekend and Stonebriar Mall was packed to the gills with high school students enjoying their first day of freedom for the year. Pity. None of them know the value of a good book I'd bet. The paper covers of Matthew's latest choice clamped back together as he folded the pages of "To Reign in Hell" by Steven Brust shut. She'll be here soon enough. I've just got to wait. He mentally decided as he stood from the luxurious lounger. The posters on the indoor windows of Barnes & Noble obstructed his view of the main entrance to the mall and he needed to be sure when his ward came in, preferably without her knowing. A trip to the magazine rack would do fine for cover. All that was left was to wait. "Welcome to a whole new world Levi. You'd best be prepared." He muttered, inaudibly as he aimlessly sifted through the mechanics magazines. There'd be a message soon. He knew it. But not to him, no. He'd gotten his long before this.

Across a highway of light and sound, a message was carried. A message with a purpose, sent to places across the world, and more importantly, here, to Allen. As they reached their destination, they slowed to a stop, alongside others of the same effect, each having been read possibly more than once. The phones lit up and the message was opened. To one Guardian's, the message read, "Adder, Max. Appearance: 22", an address and a picture attachted. A similar message sprang up on another Guardian's but read, "Darkeholm, Gabriel. Appearance: 23" with a picture of the young man and his address. A follow up came shortly thereafter. "Keep on guard. We are their shields, their swords and their servants. They are Priority." And thus, the wards were set. A world was opening wide to these people, a world they never would have dreamed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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Max let out an audible sigh as he entered the plain park. "What am I going to do today?" he wondered as he watched the kids run around and play tag. He would have asked them if he could play as well, but the last time he played tag with children, the police ended taking it the wrong way. Don't want that to happen again... Then he heard some commotion over towards his left, a lot of muttering and whispers. A bunch of people were somewhat oddly staring at a park bench. "What in the name of..." But then he saw it. A young woman, probably close to Max's age, randomly peeking out from behind the bench, very poorly hidden. Max knew this could only mean one thing... Hide n' Seek. And Max was quite flustered at the thought. He did not like to brag but, he was a pretty good at hide n' seek, and that was definitely not good hiding spot. He casually walked all the way around the bench, as to not look suspicious, slowly crept up behind the woman, and lightly tapped her on the shoulder. "You know, that is not a very good hiding spot. That bush over there would be much better!"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Gabriel Darkeholm Character Portrait: Faye Tanner Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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0.00 INK

#, as written by X64

Ah! Where'd he go? It couldn't have been more than a minute before she had lost sight of her charge. Crap!

"You know, that is not a very good hiding spot. That bush over there would be much better!"

Vivienne jumped at the tap on her shoulder, twisting around to see Max. "Oh, hi there!" She started, then went on, "Ha ha, you found me really quick! I thought I'd had a good spot too..." Her french accent was obvious. She looked over at the bush Max had mentioned. Why hadn't I seen that bush before before?

Vivi stood up and dusted herself off. "Well, there's no use in hiding anymore since you already found me. I didn't expect to be found out so quickly...oh well! What's done is done!" Vivienne put out her hand for a handshake, smiling widely at him. "You probably already recognize me, but I'm going to re-introduce myself anyway." She gave a small curtsy. "Vivienne Belgarde, at your service. I'm going to be your Guardian from now on." After a moment of thought, Vivi added, "Oh, but you don't know what a Guardian is, do you? Or what you are?"


Gabriel spent some time in the store, pouring over scores and pieces. He even stopped to look at a couple of instruments, thinking about if he should pick one up and learn it or not. After purchasing a few scores, Gabriel left the store.

The sound of a guitar playing caught his ears. Curious, Gabriel followed the sound to it's source- a young girl dressed in gothic lolita-style clothing. A small crowd had gathered around her, as it usually did when street performers, well, performed. Gabriel stood at the very edge of it. He could tell by the way she was playing that she was coming up with the notes as she went, although they flowed so smoothly most people wouldn't have been able to tell she was making it up. She wasn't a bad guitarist, either- in fact, she seemed pretty good. Gabriel closed his eyes to listen to the melody for a little bit.

He never noticed the crowd dispersed just a little bit, leaving him in plain view. When he opened his eyes, he could see the girl's face. She was very pretty, looking just like a porcelain doll. Gabriel noticed the hat on the ground and walked up to her. Although he didn't have much, he put a twenty in the hat anyway. He knew very well how hard it could be for a musician.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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0.00 INK

Max simply looked at her with a bewildered smile, and cocked his head in a very confused fashion. But Max respected proper etiquette and took the odd woman's hand and shook it with great vigor. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance, um... Uh... Carol? No! No uh, give me a minute here..." He stopped and started to furiously pace back and forth, trying to recall her name, which had been related to him only seconds ago. "Ah! V-something! Yes, I'll just call you "V" for simplicity's sake. You don't have a problem with that do you? No, of course you don't, it's a fantastic name! I thought of it after all, haha!" He let out a large sneeze and continued, "Guardian? Isn't that the name of a sort of animal? No wait, it was the name of a type of volcano... Guardian volcanoes? That doesn't sound right..." Max continued muttering on like this for a good 5 minutes until he was on a topic completely unrelated to the original topic. This happened a lot, and he usually ended on the topic of tea every time. "...And so, how do you like your Chai?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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0.00 INK

At that sentence, everything else drained from Max's mind. "Tea and biscuits? I would be delighted!" He, like an excited school boy, grabbed the lady's slender hand and quickly ran back into the city. And while he dragged her along, he started to talk again, "A lot of people in this country just don't respect tea time you know? They think it's all tea and games, but no, it's a social obligation! A right to humankind to be able to casually sit with each other to enjoy tea! It's a..." And the excited rambling continued all throughout their run through the busy streets. After almost tripping several times, accidentally running a few red lights, and almost getting stopped by the police, they had made it to the cafe. "Now let me just get out my keys, apparently we're closed on Saturdays..." He then proceeded to pull out a massive key ring with a seemingly infinite number of keys all meshed together. And they were not normal keys either, some were large, giant keys with a green mold growing on them, while others had weird cylindrical shapes. Finally, and somewhat anti-climatically, he chose a much more normal looking key from the bunch and unlocked the door. "After you, Madam. Oh, and what would you like to drink?" He said in a gentlemanly accent.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Gabriel Darkeholm Character Portrait: Faye Tanner Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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0.00 INK

#, as written by X64

Vivi let herself be pulled along as Max led her on a most fantastic journey through the city, even getting chased by the cops and almost getting arrested! Vivi couldn't contain her laughter, almost always having to put a hand up and hold her hat the entire way so it didn't fly off. She found herself having so much fun that she even forgot, for a few moments, what exactly she was supposed to be doing.

They finally made it back to the cafe after a while. Vivi took a moment to catch her breath, while Max looked for his key, and couldn't help but stare at all the strange keys he had. I wonder what they all go to? She wondered idly.

"After you, Madam. Oh, and what would you like to drink?"

"Thank you." Vivi said, then stepped into the cafe, "Hm...I don't know. I like everything from here. Surprise me! Just make it sweet, okay~?" She stepped further inside, then continued, "Would you like some help with the preparations?"


"No, silly! I'm not talking about your band!"

Gabriel stared at her, surprised. "'re not? Then...." He mused. What are you talking about, then?

"We have A LOT to talk about, Gabriel!" she said immediately grabbing his hand, "Do you want to talk over lunch? Or...what time is it anyways?"

Gabriel flinched visibly as soon as she touched him, instinctively trying to pull his hand away. He wasn't afraid, it was just that...well, he wasn't so good with people in general, not to mention physical contact. To him, it was simply very strange.

Wait. If she's not a fan, does she know my name, and why? Could it be..... Even when Gabriel's band had been famous, he'd never had a stalker. She was cute, but she also scared the crap out of him.

"Oh, well. Do you want to talk about it over a meal and or light snack?" She cocked her head to the side and grinned up at him, batting her lashes.

"I, uh..." Gabriel gently took his hand back and looked away. "I have to go." He answered hurriedly, turning away from her and walking briskly. He felt a need to go home, to lock himself in his room and get to work pouring over the scores he just bought. He wanted to get lost in his music like he always did, and forget that other people even existed.....people were scary and hard to understand.

Why would a random, albeit incredibly cute, girl seek him out, if she wasn't a fan? How would she know his name and what he looked like? Was she one of the stalkers he'd heard about on the news, the kind that introduce themselves before they hunt you down and...and...

These worries plagued him as he walked, hugging himself and humming under his breath. The humming calmed him just a bit, but he was still worried. What if she was following him right now? What if....


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde
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0.00 INK

"Oh no no no! Today, you are my guest. Please, sit down and make yourself comfortable." And with that he ran to the back of the store to prepare the tea. The problem was that Max was not quite sure how to go about making the tea and biscuits. He had seen it made many times, but he has not actually ever made it himself (or, at least he does not remember it). But, there was a lady waiting, and as to not smudge his pride as a gentleman, he had to do this. After about five minutes, and having blown up the water heater, broken three dishes, and spilled a box of tea bags on the floor, he gave up. So he quickly filled up two glasses with iced tea (store bought) and poured a box of cookies (also store bought) onto a platter. "Eh, good enough."

He came back out, very exhausted, and put the generic food onto the table where Vivi was sitting. "Well then, let's talk shall we?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde Character Portrait: Ida Foster
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0.00 INK

Ida walked steadily down the sidewalk, textbook under her arm and bag slung over her shoulder. It was a busy day on the streets, and she had to pause for traffic quite a few times to reach her destination: a street that she mentally called the "coffee shop district." This district had an abundance of small shops: tea shops, coffee shops, cafes, diners, and various others. She liked visiting the various shops because they were usually clean and quiet, and they smelled nice. It was very calm and relaxing, and was the perfect place to get a little work done.

Today, though, there was an ungodly number of people strolling the district. The little tea shop that was usually so quiet and empty was now crowded; the coffee shop likewise was also packed; the diner was busy and noisy.

Ida frowned slightly. At this rate, she'd have to go back to her room at the group home to study. And she didn't like hanging around the group home, because the atmosphere there was heavy and stifling. None of the kids there liked her, either.

She was about to give up the district as a lost cause when a cafe caught her eye. As she walked nearer, she noted the name of the cafe: "Wonderland." An interesting moniker, that. And from what she could see through the glass panes, the cafe was empty save for two people. This was promising.

Hefting her bag, Ida entered the cafe. (Strangely enough, there didn't seem to be anyone at the cash register.) She chose a table in a corner and sat down. With some effort, she managed not to stare at the bizarre-looking people who had entered the cafe before her, although it was very, very difficult. The man, for one, was wearing an absurdly colorful scarf; as for the woman...heavens, was that a sword?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Max H. Adder Character Portrait: Gabriel Darkeholm Character Portrait: Faye Tanner Character Portrait: Vivienne "Vivi" Belegarde Character Portrait: Sora Evoxl
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The clink of the some hundred buckles on Sora's pants echoed in the dark alley. He had been lazily window shopping and a group of girls and paparazzi had crowded him. It annoyed the heck out of him, but a model was the only job he could get so far. He unloosed his bright red tie as he walked out of the alley into the cafe district. "No one here..." His voice said in monotone as he gazed at the sweet delicacies and breathed in the bitter smell of coffee. All were open and crowded with girls and couples, he steered clear of those with a great effort. Love was his weakness.
A lone boy caught Sora's eye however, especially the boy's gaze of longing at a girl standing at a bus stop. Sora's eyes faded into a bright pink as he rushed over to the boy. "Yo~ Don't daydream kid~!" He said heartily with a bright grin. "Huh?" The confused guy managed to say.
"Just go for it!" Sora noticed the girl glanced at the boy shyly, hopeful really. "I know she likes you."
"Go along~!" He handed the boy a paper rose he made with a snap of his fingers behind his back and pushed him toward the girl, walking away with a slight skip and smile.
Behind him he could her the girl's joyful answer and laughter. Then fangirl screams punched the air and Sora once again broke into a run. A whirl of shops went by him, and a closed, nearly empty shop caught his eye and he ducked into it. Hiding underneath the tables there. He raised a finger to his lips as he stared at the people in the small cafe.