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Kazuo Yoshida

A proud and handsome middle schooler who all the girls are in love with.

0 · 921 views · located in Ouran Middle School, Japan

a character in “Ouran Middle School Host Club!: New Hosts?”, originally authored by Chocolate~Pyrus, as played by RolePlayGateway


Image He has long blonde hair with a pony tail.

Full Name: Kazuo Yoshida
Preferred Name: Kazuo
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Voice Intonation: A boyish voice that is a little bit feminine.
Personality: He is friendly and can sometimes be a flirt. He is not very smart and never thinks about anybody else. Kazuo is full of himself.
Crush: None yet... :)
Hair Colour: Blonde
Host Role: Prince Type
Eye Colour: Blueish green

◄Tee shirts
◄Other people's happiness
◄Ugly people

History: A snobby kind of man. He is very rich and didn't have many friends. He though people were to "poor" for him. Kazuo's father taught him to play the piano at a young age. Now, his step-dad doesn't like to here it so Kazuo cant play it anymore.
Favourite Host from OHSHC: Tamaki
Favourite Music: Classical
Theme Song: MP ~3rd Eye & Heartfelt Fancy ~ ... 2l72l1l1l0

Other: Kazuo real personality is very differant from what his fan girls believe. Kazuo is an only child. Kazuo's mother married his father and when Kazuo was 4 years old his fathre left. He doesn't know why. His mother remarried his step-father. Kazuo's mother and father were very poor but his mother was quite beautiful. She married his step-father, Owen to keep her and Kazuo well. It was more of a arranged marriage. Kazuo's mother can not divorce his step-father, even though he is a strict and rude man, because she can not support the two so Kazuo would be taken away to live with him. She can not do that to him. Kazuo is very quiet and he doesn't do anything with out thinking. As annoying and stuck up as he may seem, he is the opposite. Though his rude personality is real. He hasn't told that to anyone in his life.

So begins...

Kazuo Yoshida's Story

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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The young man walked around the outside of the school. He waved his arms in the air as if to show off his beauty. The man spoke to these two girls that were following him. They practically nodded at everything he said. He would occasionally turn to look at them and the girls would then fall for him. He was quite popular with the ladies. And even some men. This man is the one and only, Kazuo Yoshida. Kazuo is very feminine and that drives the girls crazy. Kazuo was telling the two young girls, what looked like 7th graders, about his day. He loved telling people about himself, and he especially loves himself. He waved his hands up more and showed off himself. As they walked he put his hand up in the air and turned around. Kazuo made a small smile and looked at both the girls eyes. He reached into his pocket and pulled out two bright red tulips. He put them in front of the two girls faces and spoke.

"Two beautiful flowers for two gorgeous girls. I must run." Kazuo lied to the girls and acted like he cared for them, but he wouldn't care if they got hit by a bus. He quickly turned around and walked away from the girls. One of them was bright red and the other was almost about to faint. No wonder he is the most popular Host member.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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As he walked away with his back turned away from the two "lifeless" girls, he glanced to his side and saw a strange woman walking around. She was quite odd. Most of the girls here were wearing fancy dresses. This one looked like a man, almost, of course. He made a small grin and put his lovely gloved right hand on his hip. 'She must be new here. And a commoner. Odd, she has a different kind of beauty. What a lovely face.' Kazuo thought to himself. The wind blew only a bit and his golden hair flowed. He walked to her then a young girl, in the 6th grade it looked like, ran in front of him and stopped him from taking another set towards the mysterious girl. She was jumping with excitement when she practically screamed at him, instead of spoke. He bent over to her and lifted up her chin. The girl's face became bright red. He made a annoyed smile and began to speak in his soft voice. "Please, would you be kind enough to step out of the way." He said and stared at her.

The girl made a small squeal and quickly stepped out of the way. She then put her hands on her face and ran off to three other girls. He then took a few more steps and his black formal shoes' heels clicked and tapped at every step. Kazuo stood in front of the woman and smiled. "Good morning miss, I couldn't help but notice you. You must be new here." Kazuo said to the woman and bend over to bow. He showed a flirtatious smiled and stared into her eyes. "I am... Kazuo Yoshida." He said and put his left hand on his chest and smiled. He stood up tall and proud to get the best impression of this "interesting" girl.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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The young man made a small yet a little curious laugh. "I assure you, I am a man. The best kind." He smiled at the girl trying to not take that comment as a insult. Kazuo was very handsome but, a little bit feminine. He wasn't afraid to look that way. Not one bit. He moved his hair out of his well taken care of, face.

He turned around to see a young girl who he recognized, Chiyu. He smiled and looked at her. Kazuo was quite taller than her. "Guilty. Chiyu, how great to see you. I was just spending some time with this... New student." Kazuo showed his bright white teeth. He thought of Chiyu as "his" customer. He had grown to enjoy her company, but not in a "special" way. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a flower. Not a tulip like he gave to the other girls, a big bright rose. "A token of my thanks." He bowed to her and handed her the flower. As the twins came up to him and one of them spoke he turned and saw them. "Aren't I busy." He smiled and then looked at the twins. His smiled disappeared when he looked at them. "I must go. My apologize miss...?" He didn't know the woman's name but he wasn't going to stay any longer to ask. As he walked away towards the twin. Kazuo glanced over to his side and glared at them. Then continued walking.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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Kazuo was walking until a girl stepped in front of him. She yelled at him and he wasn't going to act like the nice gentlemen he normally is. "What? Listen kid, I don't care what you thing and I can act like I want to act, so deal." Kazuo yelled at the girl then He crossed his arms and pushed past her. He had a angry facial expression, but as he got to a corner with people in it he immediately put on a smile and acted like a flirt again. He is not a nice guy but he acts that way around the "guests". He really didn't like the twins. He didn't know why, he just did. As he walked more he gave another student a flower and then ignored the rest. He tries to be a fake so he gets more guest. As the class bell rang he went to the Host Club room.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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Kazuo was chatting with a woman while drinking coffee. He has always hated tea. After only a minute or two the girl then got up and left. He hated the chatty type, but only when she talks about herself. He layed his head back against the violet cushion seat he saw the girl from earlier and walked to her. His mood changed from angry and tired to happy and flirty.

"Well, well. I wouldn't think a petal like you would drift into our Host Club. What wind carried you here..." He said with a small chuckle and passed the girl a cup of warm green tea. He stared at the girl and smiled. He was facinated about how a "commoner" acted surronded by rich snobs. Namely himself. He russled his hair and put his golden pony tail in front of his shoulder. He stared off into a window and than looked back at the girl. "I am sorry. I havn't caught your name. Would you be kind enough to tell me?" He said with a small "purr" in his voice.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Shiki Nabui Character Portrait: Schwarz Itazuki Character Portrait: Midori Shiyumira Character Portrait: Nakamura Shogo Character Portrait: Sora Ishii
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Shiki Nabui

"Oh my god! I'm so late!" Shiki hurried to school with a piece of toast in his mouth and a juice box in his other hand. He maybe rich, but it's not the time to be eating a luxurious breakfast when your late. He ran until he met up to the gate, sending his apologies to the students who were closing the gate. The principal caught him in the hallway and sent him to his office. He hung his head in defeat, walking into the office. "You're late." The petite boy nodded. "But since this is your first time being late, it is excused, but don't be late on purpose. You hear me?" Shiki nodded again with a smile before making his way to the host room. Kazuo is so going to be mad at me...Oh no, hopefully Itazuki-sama doesn't doing anything to me... He made a scared expression before slamming the doors open and yelling out. "Shi-chan is here!" He smiled brightly, forgetting his past thoughts and noticing the customers. The was a boyish looking girl talking to Naka. He wondered if that was the new student... "Hey, Naka!" He ran up to his friend as he finished off his toast. He looked up at the other girl. "You new?"

Schwarz Itazuki

Schwarz was at school for a long time. He hid in the back of the host room, not wanting to be in the bright part of the room so early in the morning. He let himself nod off, letting his mind wander. He hated how his father made him study all the time. The only moment of time he can have relaxation is when he's here in the host club. Kazuo lets him take pictures, he knew he was fond of the camera. He didn't want to be a owner of a famous business, he wanted to be a photographer like his mother. He missed his mother very much. He almost asleep when he started to hear chatter in the room. Being in the back, dark part of the room, he wasn't seen. He ignored the customer who were coming in and slipped his eyes back closed. He was about to fall right back to sleep until he heard an annoyingly loud voice of Shiki. "Shi-chan is here!" He groaned loud enough for people to hear and stepped out of the shadows. "Gosh, Shiki...Do you have to be that loud in the morning? I think my ears are bleeding...,"he said in a annoyed voice. He tried to sooth his temples by rubbing them, but the headache was still forming. He soon realized the new girl in the room. He eyed her a bit before sneering. "Che...I'll be in the back." He started to make his way to his original spot.

Midori Shiyumira

Midori was distracted. She told herself to pay attention more often, but she never listened. She was actually not tardy for once, but she was having a hard time figuring out where her class was again. She had that problem. She could never pay attention enough to remember the directions of the school. It wasn't like she refused too, she just can't. She tried and as seen, failed. "Now where is that classroom again...?" She tried to remember, closing her eyes shut and trying hard. She finally opened her mouth to breath, but she still couldn't remember. Though there was one room she ever could remember. The host room, oh, she had so much fun there. The host treat her nicely and special. "Well, maybe I should just go there..." She nodded to herself and fist-pumped. "Yesh! To the host club!" She made her way to the host club, walking up some stairs and going down some hallways until she finally got to the room. She saw the doors closing and she caught them before they closed. She walked in, seeing Shi-chan so happy, Naka drawing, Itazuki-sama being grumpy, and Kazuo...being himself. She smiled at the people before her. "Hi, everybody!" She waved and then bowed. "Midori here."

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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Kazuo stood there as the Sora rudely left him. He scuffed his hair and turned to walk away. He went down to a table and laid against it. He made a small tired and frustrated sigh. He placed his right hand on his head and brushed away his bangs. For some reason he was tired. Maybe it was the people he spoke to earlier that day. Such as his step-dad. Kazuo doesn't consider that man as his father but he will call him that. For a secret reason. Kazuo never talks about his family or his past, that is only one of the reasons girls swoon at his sight. As he placed one hand on his hip he saw the doors open. Amika was the one that walked in, but she just stood there. He doesn't mind Amika, it's her sister. Only a moment later, when the doors opened again, expecting Amika's sister he was about to walk away, instead he saw Chiyu. He made a small smiled as he she entered. Then she began talking to the twin. He made a defeated sigh and started to walk over to her. He reached her and the twin, right after he grabbed something long and small wrapped in paper.

"Good evening Chiyu." He said with a friendly smiled to her then nodded at Amika. "What a surprise. You are not with your sister. And I thought that you two were attached." Kazuo said jokingly with a small laugh. Kazuo then bowed to Chiyu and showed her the item he was hiding behind his back. A single red orchid bouquet. He handed it to her and smiled. "For you." He then bowed lower and turned his back then walked away. Kazuo loved seeing Chiyu.

He grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down at a table. As he took a small sip more and more people have come into the Host Club. One girl he recognized. Midori he thought. He put down his cup and stood up from the chair. He walked over to the girl with a friendly smiled on his face. "Ah, Midori. Welcome back." He made a bow with a grin.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida
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Kazuo, after saying his hello to Midori, walked out the doors. He checked his watch and then ran down the halls. He did not wink or wave to anyone. He ran out the school doors and a black limo waited outside. An adult man stood by the limo wearing a long black coat. He stood there waiting for something. Kazuo slowed down when he got to him.

"Father... I am sorry I..." Kazuo was interrupted by the man's hand flying towards him and slapping Kazuo in the face. "How dare you be late to greet your own father. I thought I taught you better than that?!"The man yelled to him. Kazuo took a large step back and then bent down. He covered his face then stood back up. A large mark was left on his face. "Please, father... I will show you around." Kazuo walked back into the school. They walked around the school. Showing all of Kazuo's classes. He was excused from school that day for his father. They finally got to the host room and he opened the door. His father walked in and Kazuo followed.

"This is the Host Club. I spend most of my time here. The mark on his face was still there. He didn't have time to cover his scratch in makeup like he does the other times. "Why do you waste your time here?" Yelled the man. "At the Host club I help the school by making students feel welcome and I can learn to be a gentleman." Kazuo said a bit proud. "Poorly." Said his father. "I've wasted enough time here. Do not disrespect me again." He then headed to the door.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu Character Portrait: Midori Shiyumira
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Midori went into the Host CLub and closed the door behind her. She stepped forward. Kazuo then rushed past her. He quickly closed the door. '?' She thought. She slightly opened the door and stuck her head out. Midori then followed Kazuo. She stood by the door and watched. She saw Kazuo greet a man and then... He slapped him. 'Kazuo?' Midori saw they walking towards the door. She gasped then ran to the hallway corner. Kazuo and the man walked the other direction. SHe made a reliefed sigh and walked back into the Host Room. She saw Chiyu and Amika talking. "Chi-chan. Can I talk to you?" Midori knew Chiyu was close to Kazuo. "I saw Kazuo outside with some man, and he hit him? Do you know why, Chi-chan?" She spoke. Midori didn't know Kazuo very well but she is still kind to him.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Midori Shiyumira
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Midori made a defeated sigh and spoke. "Okay..." She still didn't know what was going on. She then dragged her feet and walked out of the doors.

It was only a few minutes later when Kazuo came rushing in. He had anger in his eyes and a bit sadness. The scratch mark on the side of his face was still there and it was bleeding. He saw Chiyu but he kept walking. He ignored all the girls that came by him then stomped to the men's bathroom. He slammed the door shut and some of the girls were so confused. He tried not to show his anger around the customers but he couldn't help it. He moved his hair out of his face to see the blood. He lightly touched it with his gloved hand and as his finger touched it he flinched. She took off the glove then washed off the blood. Kazuo didn't place a bandage on the scratch, it would be visible to his customers. It still hurt but he put on a smile and walked out of the bathroom.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu Character Portrait: Midori Shiyumira
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Kazuo saw Chiyu and she spoke. "Erm.....hey there Kazuo, maybe you should go to the nurse." Kazuo wasn't going to the nurse, they would of asked how he got hurt. Kazuo could tell she had something on her mind. She didn't look him in the eyes and neither did he. He just stared forward. "Hello, Chiyu. Why would I need to go anywhere?" Kazuo said ignoring what happened before. He moved his hair to cover the mark. He crossed his arms and smiled. Not a real smile though. "How are you, today?" Kazuo said trying to change the subject.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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Kazuo was a bit confused about the question out of nowhere. His grades weren't the first thing he wanted to talk about but it beat talking about his step-father. "I'm not doing too well, B's mostly. Hopefully Owen doesn't get mad." He said looking down. The part of Owen slipped his mind. "I've heard enough from my mother... Uh... Never mind..." Kazuo said shyly. He moved his foot back and forth. There was a bit awkward silence before he spoke again.

"How are your classes going..." Was the only thing he could think of. He then looked down at his feet. "No point in filling this conversation with empty talk... Right?..." Kazuo said then looked back up at Chiyu. His eyes were filled with... pain... "Owen came to visit. I think you know that already... I'm fine... This happened because of my carelessness. It's not his fault. Its mine... Even and idiot doesn't forget to meet his father..." He could barely believe he just said that. But, for that moment he was with Chiyu he felt safe and happy. That feeling slipped away and he looked back up. "Oh... Sorry. I don't want to burden you with my troubles. Excuse me..." Kazuo said before walking past Chiyu.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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As Kazuo started to talk, Chiyu half-listened. She was a little caught up in her own world to, with the way things were her grades probably wouldn't be enough to save her now. Sighing, she clenched and her hands as her eyes were traveling all over the room. She heard Kazuo's voice questioning how she was doing with classes, which was something the two probably didn't even want to talk about right now. The air between them a little tense and awkward. If she had a chance, she'd confront her friend's dad and say how much he was hurting. She wouldn't lie though, she was somewhat afraid of confronting others who were older than her.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she saw as Kazuo started to leave. Something in the back of her mind telling to stop him, so she did. Grabbing on to his arm, just enough pressure to stop him she flashed him a smile. "After school we should do something. You don't have anything planned right?"

As she let go of the slim arm, she fidgeted under the stares she was getting. "I mean, if that's alright with you."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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Kazuo felt his arm getting tugged on and he turned. He was confused until she smiled and began to speak. "You don't have anything planned right?" Kazuo smiled to her question. He crossed his arms and placed his hand on his chin as if to think. "Yes. I mean no. I don't have anything planned." Kazuo said a bit shyly.

"It is definitely alright with me." He grinned then spoke again. "Just one question. What kind of flowers do you like?" Kazuo said with a small chuckle. But then he looked up and down. "Wait..." Kazuo said then looked back at Chiyu. "I have to have a big dinner party with my mother and father. A welcoming party. If I'm not there as soon as it starts...."Kazuo said then shook his head. "I'm sorry. Unless..." Kazuo said deeply in thought. "Do you want to come?" Kazuo blurted out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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Waiting patiently, Chiyu blinked a few times stifling a yawn. Man, why was she so tired suddenly? As Kazuo started to speak, she saw that his body language soon turned to that of a shy young man. She couldn't help but let out a small laugh, Kazuo was handsome, but he was even cuter when he grew shy. Which was an odd sight to see considering he was the most confident in the room.

"I have a big dinner party with my mother and father. A welcoming part. If I'm not there as soon as it starts. I'm sorry. Unless...Do you want to come?" Blushing a few shades of red, Chiyu opened her mouth a few times trying to form the words. She's never been to a fancy dinner party believe it or not, because....well...her parents weren't to keen on her talking to important people. She might leave a...bad impression. She wasn't concerned about that though.

"Sure, I'd love to go. I'm sure my parents would agree," smiling, she soon grew restless. "I've never been to a dinner party though. So expect me to be around you for most of it," she finished grinning. Even if formal affairs weren't her forte, she knew enough on what to wear. Something elegant, but not flashy. She cocked her head to the side, "Ummm, So..I'll just meet you there...or..." trailing off, her face heated up again. She wanted Kazuo to pick her up because there was a chance if she went there alone she'd feel really embarrassed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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Kazuo smiled at her response. "I've never been to a dinner party though." Chiyu said. Kazuo was a bit shocked. If it was one thing Kazuo did growing up, it was dinner parties. After Chiyu spoke again Kazuo put his hands up. "No. I'll take you there. A car will be sent for you. When I was needed back at home then a car would come to pick me up." Kazuo said with a more confident laugh.

"I was just about to ask you to stay by me at the party. " Kazuo showed a grin then looked to customers. He took a step back and made a shocked expression. Many of the girls glared at the two. One of the girls took a picture with a camera. "Uh... You'll be okay there... Owen, my mother and other relatives will... be there. So... I need to get back to... work..." He rustled his hair and made a nervous laugh.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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It was after school and a black limo came to pick up Kazuo. Kazuo lived in a large mansion. "Good evening father, mother." He said to Owen, who was standing in front of a mirror that was nailed to the wall fixing his bow tie. "Hurry and get ready. I don't want my guests to see you as a lazy, slob of a son." He didn't look at Kazuo and his mother carried plates. The party was for Owens's father. He just came back from France for his job trip. He was gone for three months. Kazuo placed his hands behind his back and spoke again.

"Father, I have invited a friend to join us in the party. I hope that is okay." Owen just looked at Kazuo and Kazuo's mother walked up to him and smiled. "What a great idea. Your friend is completely able to join us." She smiled at Owen and Owen just snorted. Kazuo made a relieved sigh. He went to his changing room and a maid helped him get dressed. He changed into a very fancy suit. His uncle, on Owens's side, came first and followed his cousins and aunt. Kazuo's mother, Veronica, doesn't know any relatives. She doesn't know any of Kazuo's father's relatives either. An hour or two later Kazuo went to get Chiyu. Kazuo knows where Chiyu lives. Kazuo told his chauffer where to go. Kazuo waited in the car. He hoped that the party wasn't going to be a disaster.

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Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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Finally approaching her home, Chiyu hurriedly went in and saw her parents playing a game of scrabble. By the frown her father held, she guessed her mom Lilian was way ahead. Going up to them, she couldn't help but feel a smile split her face. At this, bother her parents rose a brow knowing the girl smiled at them when she wanted something. "What is it Chi," her father started smiling gently.
"Umm....I was wondering if I could go to a friend's house for a party...." Looking at each other, her mother nodded.

"Thank you so much," running up the stairs, she went to her room to get ready. Her personal maid suggesting some clothes for her, she finally settled on a nice knitted dark red shirt ending a bit above her knees paired with black leggings and a black and white belt. Putting her hair up in a messy bun, she slipped on a pair of red flats with a black soles and headed down stairs. Waiting a bit, she heard the sound of a car pulling up. Watching as the chauffer came to the door, she smiled at him before being led to the car. Stepping inside she let out a sigh of relief.

"Ah, I feel so nervous," she stated fidgeting a bit as the car began to pull out.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kazuo Yoshida Character Portrait: Ochi Chiyu
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"Ah, I feel so nervous." Chiyu said getting into the car. Kazuo smiled at her. He had a long white coat to cover his suit. "It's okay. Here's a hint. Don't talk to anyone that doesn't talk to you first. Only take beverages, and please, I don't want you to mention anything to Owen." Kazuo was nervous too. He had never invited someone to his house before. A while later the car stopped. The chauffer opened the car doors. Kazuo went out and the chauffer gave Chiyu his hand.

"Take my arm." Kazuo said, not in flirtatious way, in a serious way. He looked forward and they walked into the large, lit up mansion.