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Bertoldo Ettore

"My door is always open."

0 · 746 views · located in Parkwood

a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, originally authored by Kaeru, as played by RolePlayGateway





{ Q U O T E }

"Honesty is the fastest way to prevent a mistake from turning into a failure."
- James Altucher.

{ T H E M E S }

Blue Foundation | Eyes on Fire

Maverick Sabre | Freak of the Week / Don't Let Love Go

Zebrahead | Falling Apart


__I___A M___W H O___I___A M__


{ N A M E }
Bertoldo ("bright ruler") Ettore ("defender").
He goes by 'Jamie' to anyone outside of his Clan.

{ A L I A S }

{ A G E }
He has been alive for longer than he cares to remember.

{ G E N D E R }

{ S E X U A L I T Y }

{ S P E C I E S }
Pure-blooded Vampire.

{ O C C U P A T I O N }
Head Vampire.


{ S P E C I E S_D E S C R I P T I O N }
* Vampires survive on the blood of living beings.
___ - Human blood is better for them, and thus ideal.
___ - They can survive on animal blood, but they are much weaker.
* With Fae blood they can withstand the effects of the sun.
* Crosses and holy water are known to disorient Vampires, but they cannot be so easily killed by such objects.
* Garlic doesn't work in the slightest.
* If human food is ingested, they will not be able to digest it and will henceforth become very ill.
* Vampires are known to have abilities such as telepathy, empathy and the power of charm (or compulsion) over others.
* Pure-bloods and descendants of the Original Vampires are much stronger and faster than others of the species.

{ P H Y S I C A L_T R A I T S }
* Vampires are pretty much humans, but gifted with immortality.
* Enhanced beauty is a given; it enables them to charm others easier.
* Certain sub-species of Vampire will change iris colours during certain bursts of emotion. Bertoldo's eyes simply brighten.

{ T H E_C L A N }
* The Strigoi are well-known for being one of the largest Vampire Clans known in all of history, both mortal and supernatural alike. With numbers reaching up into the thousands, their numbers continue to grow, as their values are becoming much more popular; thus why their ranks are currently mostly make up of new-bloods.
* They do not kill their victims, or take blood without gaining permission beforehand (though certain incidents are excused, such as starvation and the like). The Leader, Bertoldo, and the Council work hard to gain mortal followers who willingly give their blood. This in return for a monthly stipend, a home within the Colonies and life-long protection.
* Strigoi are spies and information brokers, in so many words. They gain information and sell it off at unreasonable prices, but they do not sell themselves to just anybody, and they put their trust in very few allies.
* They prefer to avoid conflict, and so it is rare that the Strigoi will participate in any Wars or such things, as they do not want to appear biased. However, in special circumstances, they will lend their assistance.
* Within the Clan, they are strict on upholding traditions and treating each member with equal rights, with the exception of the Head Vampire and his chosen Council.


__W H A T___I S___H I D D E N___W I T H I N__


{ P E R S O N A L I T Y }

Bertoldo was raised by a great man, or so he says, and as such he was brought up to believe in a lot of old-fashioned values which he now sees as a rarity in most people. First and foremost, Bertoldo prides himself on being a gentleman, and so chivalry in itself is a quality that he tries to adopt into his every day life. This also ties into his selfless quality quite a bit, but he is not quite as forgiving with men as he is with women; he still believes that a woman should be treated like a Queen, whether they are royalty or not. He's well-mannered and polite, and he resects boundaries more than most would think capable of a Vampire. He is, for lack of a better phrase, merely a regurgitation of the late Leader before him.

As well as being a gentleman and all that entails, Bertoldo is naturally very charming, which is not included in the aforementioned charm which is bestowed upon a Vampire when he or she fully turns. He's always had a way with words, and he is generally very easy to get alone with. This, mixed with his selflessness, honesty and chivalrousness makes him a desirable figure where the larger majority of women are concerned. Though, during the times in which he finds himself straying from his teachings, he will often use this charm as a means to gain mortal suppliers, which his father would have called dishonest and, quite frankly, immoral.

Much like before, Bertoldo also prides himself on being as open and honest as he can with others, whether the consequences reflect badly upon himself or not. Deceit has not been kind to him in the past, and so he has developed a distaste for dishonesty. However, this has a downside, as living a life of honesty has rid him of his ability to act in a more sensitive manner when breaking the truth to others. He can often times appear very blunt with his words, though you can tell just from one conversation with the man that he chooses his words very carefully. Because, while he does not see the point in trying to hide something from someone, he still tries his best to keep a polite attitude about things, and to not offend anyone with his words.

Something aside from his teachings and the natural traits/urges of being a Vampire, Bertoldo has always been a selfless being. He will quite happily go out of his way to assist others, even when he sees nothing in it for himself; but he must trust the person beforehand. He's not stupid enough to go helping people commit bad deeds simply because he's too polite to say 'no' and walk away.


__L O V E___M E___F O R___M Y___Q U I R K S__


{ B A S I C--P O W E R S }
Saliva (healing properties).
Drawing power from blood.
Self-healing (in darkness).

{ E N H A N C E D--P O W E R S }
Lust Inducement.

{ S T R E N G T H S }
Skilled fighter/tracker.
Excellent leadership skills.
Enhanced physical attributes.
Very persuasive.

{ L I M I T A T I O N S }
His selfless nature often puts him at a loss.
He is not familiar as much with the modern world.
While showing good leadership skills, he finds it difficult to make decisions on his own, so he often looks to others for counsel.
He has a nasty habit of getting himself into bad situations.

{ H A B I T S }
Sucking his teeth.
Volunteering his services.
Kissing knuckles.
Avoiding word contractions.

So begins...

Bertoldo Ettore's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alex was confused, to say the absolute least, and the kiss that Erieda placed on his lips - however soft - didn't help in the slightest. Neither did her following actions help to clarify why she'd felt the need to kiss him; she made it seem like, while there was still some inkling of hope left for the two of them, she wasn't going to offer it on a silver platter to him. He understood that, but as she 'blew away' in her typical Erieda fashion, these thoughts didn't help him against the much darker ones crawling their way into his focus.

"She will not leave me," he hissed, allowing his fingers to curl into his palms, hard enough that - if he were mortal - he'd have drawn blood. "I won't allow it."

"I'd be careful, if I were you," spoke a voice, dark and distorted by the mask he was wearing. His presence, while clear, was muted somehow, and it didn't take Alexander long to work out that it was a clone. His mind, however, was in all kinds of places in that moment, so he didn't do much besides just... standing there. "You know as well as anyone that acting out right now will only push her further away."

Alex nodded, slowly, as if the world around him was suddenly in slow-motion. He might've cried, but he didn't see the point.

"We need to act now," he finally said, his eyes finding the darkened figure on the opposite side of the room, standing like he didn't have a care in the world. He had his hood pulled up over his head, masking the upper half of his face, while the lower revealed a mask most resembling some sort of 'demonic' skull. These items, he had come to realise, were so that he could hide his appearance.

Anonymous shook his head. "We are acting as quickly as we can, Alexander," he said, sounding almost as if he meant to reassure the wreck of a man standing before him. But he rarely had the time or effort for such nonsense. "First, we will befriend your sister, Syrid. Through her, we will become closer to Alexis. We will keep doing this for the other family members. Find someone they're close to, recruit them, and use this to ally them to our cause. Soon enough, when we have the larger majority of her family won, only then may we act against Erieda." It all made sense to Alex, but as the 'mysterious' figure continued on, Alex lowered himself to the floor and wrapped his arms around his knees, which were pulled to his chest. His eyes stared blankly at the wall.

"I wish to be left alone," he whispered, and so Anonymous complied.


Recruiting was especially easily in Parkwood, Bertoldo concluded, as he wrote the name and address of the tenth supplier that day. His numbers weren't where they needed to be for an ideal blood supply; for every one hundred vampires in his Clan, he had to have at least 300 hundred humans willing to be their dinner. With regards to Vampires, he was up in the thousands. It wasn't easy and it wasn't favourable work for the Head Vampire, but that was the way things were run. We never kill our victims, and we never coerce them into supplying, his father's words echoed in his mind, as they often did whenever he felt like giving up on his search.

Stepping out of the alleyway at the same time as the girl - who he now noticed was wearing a rather disarrayed barista's uniform - he offered her a smile and a kiss on her knuckles, before she took her leave. His father never said anything about using other means to gain followers.

As he walked forward, he looked down to button his shirt up, and didn't notice the caramel-skinned woman until it was too late to prevent walking into her. "Forgive me," he said immediately. Without even looking at her, he had already gathered a deep sense of emotional hurt radiating from her, which he drawn to immediately, like a moth to a flame. It wasn't until he'd inspected her a little closer that he realised who she was, but she looked... lost, almost, like she didn't quite know where to place herself.

His Coven dealt in information, which he would sell to anyone who was interested in knowing. But that was only part of the reason he knew Erieda's face. She was Fae Queen; there wasn't a Supernatural being alive who didn't know and/or desire her. His own interest had been piqued.

"I have to say," he spoke, his accent almost unrecognisable, while his eyes trained themselves on her. They were only a meter or so away from each other now. "Of all the people I expected to run into in this town, I least expected it to be you. Queen Erieda, the Unkillable." He draped one arm across his lower torso, whilst the other extended outwards; all the while, he lowered himself forward in a bow. This, understandably, drew a few glares in his direction, but that mattered little to him. When he stood, he was wearing a subtle smirk. "It is a pleasure."


Eida turned to Sunday as she spoke, and after a second of delay, she nodded her head. "Mm, sure," she said, a smile spreading across her lips, before looking at Slade. "I need something strong. Wanna be on my ass by the end of the night," she continued, knowing that Sunday wouldn't understand what she meant by that, whilst Slade stood shaking his head in disapproval. He left regardless and, better yet, he took Sunday with him. She assumed that was so that Sunday didn't ask any questions, and Eida didn't have a chance to answer.

Meanwhile, Alec glared at Alexis when she nudged him, and shortly afterwards he pulled at the straps and lifted the guitar over his head, before setting it down against an amp. "See if I care," he growled in response to his aunt's teasing. He paused, before a look of realisation mixed with anger cross his face. "And she's not my girl!" Walking a few steps away from Alexis, he took a seat on the floor, close enough to the wall that he could lean against it. That made Eida laugh, but she didn't comment. For the time being.

Alexis continued, and Alec shook his head. It seemed like this was going way too far, way too quickly. He'd only known her for a short while, but people were acting like the two of them were meant to be. Their personalities didn't even mix that well, not as a couple anyhow. He felt more like her protector than he'd ever feel like her boyfriend. She was cute, yeah, but way too ditsy and childlike. "This is fucking ridiculous," he spat, "I mean... I'm not going to make a move... not until I know that I'm 100% interested."

"I think you already like her," Eida interjected, before having to swiftly dodge the phone that was flying towards her head. The smile stayed on her face. "What? It's not my fault you don't hide it well."

Alec looked at Alexis with hard eyes. "Do you see what you've created?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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Erieda found herself walking aimlessly down the streets of Parkwood, trying to comprehend what she just did. She didn't leave him but she wanted to and that hurt more than she expected. She'd only ever loved one man her entire life, an entire eon, she couldn't imagine what it would be like without him yet he wasn't giving her a choice.

He just wasn't-

"Oof!" Erieda's body slammed into the hard body of another. Her mind was so clouded it was a surprise she still looked human, her mind so unfocused that she radiated a Faery's natural sexual allure, she had managed to dial it back just enough that this man didn't try to rip her clothes from her where she stood.

"Forgive Me." the man said and Erieda looked up at him, for a moment, knowing his face from somewhere but she couldn't quite place it. "I have to say," he spoke, and Erieda nodded, the accent giving it away, though she hasn't seen the Vampire Clan in Parkwood in ages, literally . "Of all the people I expected to run into in this town, I least expected it to be you. Queen Erieda, the Unkillable." He then bowed grandly, causing Erieda to roll her eyes. "It is a pleasure." He said and Erieda chuckled. "Jamie, Head of the Vampire Clan, What on earth are you doing in my town?" she asked, her voice was smooth, snapping on the face of a Queen to hid her own personal distress. "There hasn't been anyone from your Clan here in ages," She said, and where normally this would have concerned her, it didn't, not this clan, they were the largest clan of Vampire still in existence, most of them having broken down or killed off during the Purge, some centuries ago, but what set this clan apart was that they would never kill, nor rape blood from their victims, they prefer to talk their way in and have their 'suppliers' offer it to them of their own volition, Erieda was warned of them, many centuries ago, they were all sweet talkers and Fae blood was a rare commodity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


Bertoldo found his smirk widening at the sound of Erieda's chuckle, but straightened both his back and expression when she began to speak, as a sign of respect to her position more than anything else. She was a Queen, after all, and Bertoldo had always been raised with old-fashioned values. To him, chivalry and respect were important.

Although he thought his purpose was clear, he found himself parting his lips to speak and explain his situation. "We're running low on willing suppliers, I'm afraid," he started, his eyes trailing various people who were walking past them. He didn't want to speak too boldly about their supernatural affairs; he did not live in an area where mortals were not aware of his origins, so it was taking quite a bit out of him to remember where he was. He found himself becoming uncharacteristically worried, so his voice was semi-quiet. "I only plan on being here a couple of days, at most, so you need not worry about me picking away at the town's population," he joked, a warm smile settling upon his lips, but it faded shortly afterwards into an expression of mild concern, mixed with curiosity.

He paused for a moment, as if he was trying to pick his words very carefully. He did not want to offend Erieda, after all. This was one of their first meetings. "Forgive me for being intrusive, My Lady, but you seemed... upset about something. I could sense it all the way from across the street," he started. "Not that it's my place, but if there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask."


Alec was getting pretty tired of being around his family in that moment. He just wished Amorie were around, so they could go off together and get away from all the mayhem. She'd always been good for that; distracting him when he thought he was going to snap at one of them for real. She wasn't around at that time, and he just thanked the Gods that he wasn't in a really bad mood that day, 'else he would have flipped out.

As Alexis continued to speak about Sunday, he could feel his fingers digging into the fabric of his jeans at the knees. As much as he hated to admit it, the things she was saying were sort of true, but even he didn't understand why he suddenly felt so defensive. He was absolutely sure that he didn't have feelings for Sunday, that much had been made clear, but more often than not when accused of something he would usually just shrug it off and move on; he had, for some reason, found it necessary to argue back. He was wishing he hadn't, then maybe he wouldn't have his family getting on at him about it.

"I know she has feelings for me," he hissed, as if it was just common knowledge and he didn't need to be reminded of it. "I'm not fucking blind, I can see it too! But I'm betting she falls for just about anyone who doesn't smack her around the face when she smiles at them." He knew that was a low blow, and he was surprised that the words had even left his mouth, but - as usual - instead of apologising, namely to Alexis, he just wanted to get out of there. Standing up, he straightened out his outfit and began walking out, but he turned before reaching the stairs. "You should learn to leave well enough alone," he said, his voice monotonous. Then he left.


Slade pulled Sunday into the kitchen, and closed the door behind them. He was planning only to get himself some water, but he felt he had to give Sunday the option of choosing her own drink. Opening the door to one of their many over-sized fridges, he pointed to one of the shelves, where bottles and bottles lay stacked on top of each other. All fizzy drinks. Nothing alcoholic. Sunday didn't need to be any more hyper or on-edge than she already was. Just thinking about it made him shudder; it'd be chaos.

"Don't pay any attention to Eida," he said, a warning tone in his voice, as he set up three glasses. As he filled his own up with water and waited for Sunday to make her choice, he continued on. "She was talking about... alcohol. It's an intoxicating substance; it's not good for you and, trust me, you don't want any. Unless you want to 'end up on your ass', as she put it." He let that sink in for a moment, before he turned. "Made your choice?" he asked, wearing a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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"We're running low on willing suppliers, I'm afraid," He said and Erieda nodded, she paid little heed to the people around them. He was talking low enough that she didn't worry. "I only plan on being here a couple of days, at most, so you need not worry about me picking away at the town's population," he joked, Erieda smiled, and nodded. It wasn't a full smile, more of a tilt of her lips than anything.

"Forgive me for being intrusive, My Lady, but you seemed... upset about something. I could sense it all the way from across the street," he started. "Not that it's my place, but if there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask."

Erieda wanted to kick herself for being so readable, she was used to be enigmatic, she preferred it that way. "I'm impressed, I knew that the Strigoi clan was skilled in empathy, I shouldn't be so surprised." she said. "I am...upset, thank you for asking, there is a war coming, yet I know not where, or how, or even why, but I can feel it," she said, and while her being upset mainly had to do with Alex and her failing marriage, she knew there was a war coming, and she could feel that she and Alex where likely to be on the opposite usual.

"I appreciate your offer however, I would not want to impose such a thing on a rather peaceful clan." she said and she realize then she wouldn't mind a bit of company.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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#, as written by Kaeru


Bertoldo gave a modest yet subtle shrug at Erieda's comment. Of course, he knew of his own Clan's skills better than any other; they were skilled in most Vampire-related powers. Empathy, telepathy, charm. Bertoldo in particular had spent many a century developing such powers for situations just as these. However, most of his power - much like the rest of his clan, which consisted mainly of new recruits - came primarily from age. And he was the oldest member. He was at least glad to know that all his time and effort had not gone to waste.

As Erieda confessed to him her worries, he found himself hanging on her every word. It was rare that a frown ever settled on his brows, but these were special circumstances, and so he allowed it. The crease that was formed between them was unwelcome and alien. War was never a good thing as far as he knew, and while he was most definitely sure that Erieda did not start it, he couldn't help but wonder who did. He wanted to question whether it was against her specifically, or if it targeted enough people that Erieda felt she must get involved, but he held his tongue.

When she turned down his offer, Bertoldo's lips pinched together for only a second, before he forced a smile onto his features. "I could not make such a decision for the entire Clan," he admitted, "at least not right now. Since we are so large in numbers, I rely on a Council of Elder Vampires to assist in these decisions, and even after that we give the members a chance to contribute their opinions on such matters," he continued, speaking up a bit now that the streets seemed to have emptied a bit more. No one was stood in their general vicinity, at least. "But, if and when you find out more information about this war, and if you are fighting for a good cause, then I don't see why we couldn't ally ourselves with the Seelie Fae." He extended a hand, aiming to shake hers. "Until then, I will personally assist in any way I can. I cannot ask my followers to fight, but if I find out any information, you'll be the first to hear about it," he said, then smirked a little. "Free of charge."


Slade watched Sunday with an odd sense of curiosity as she pulled out an orange-coloured bottle and began to fumble with the lid. When she cut herself, it took Slade a second or two to respond, before he was moving towards her, but by that point she had already thrown the bottle down on the ground. He watched it shatter, and his eyes snapped up at Sunday with a disapproving glare, knowing that he'd have to clean it up himself before someone slipped over and got covered in small slashes. That, for most of the people in the lobby, would have been a mild inconvenience that would've healed within the minute. He paid little attention to her shout, nor to her eyes which were now shifting in colour, but instead focused solely on the cut which was still as open as it had been when it happened.

His mother had mentioned something about her being Fae, he recalled, so he was curious as to why she wasn't healing so well. It was only a small laceration, after all. Deciding not to pick it out, he instead reached for her wrist and pulled her along gently towards the sink, where he ran the cold tap and placed her finger under the flow of water, whether she protested or not. Even if the water didn't work either, it was always good to wash the cut. He looked down at her, his brows lowered into a frown though there was an evident sense of curiosity in his eyes. "It's only a small cut," he commented, turning back to turn off the tap after letting go of her wrist. Moving over slightly, he opened a drawer or two before coming across some plasters. He wiped some of the water off her finger, and wrapped a plaster around the cut as it was still bleeding, but not quite as much as it had been.

"You don't heal..." he said after a while. "Well, you should do, but... at human pace. That's strange," he continued, chewing on his bottom lip for a moment before asking, seemingly to no one but himself: "How is that?"


Eida wasn't as surprised by Alec's outburst as she should have been, but then there may have been something about the situation that she had missed before. When her brother left, she was instead more worried about Alexis and her temper. The comment, it seemed, had been directed at her and while it concerned someone else entirely, it was obvious that it had struck a chord within her. As Alexis began slamming her fist into the desk, Eida started forward until she was stood right beside her as she turned. "I know, Alexis, and to be honest, I wouldn't blame you if you dragged him down by his over-grown hair, alright? But, you have to keep in mind, Alec doesn't cope well with pressure," she said, trying not to raise her voice for fear that Alexis was in a bad mood; she was only trying to calm the situation down a bit. "If he's confused, he gets upset, and he acts out. It's fucking childish, and he knows that, but that's how he is and how he's always been."

She turned around and sat down on a nearby amp, pinching the bridge of her nose for a second before continuing on. "We were getting on his case, and he reacted badly. That's all it was," she said, letting her hand fall into her lap. "I think they just need to spend some time alone together, maybe? I know for a fact that he would never say that to her face. He's not that guy."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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"I could not make such a decision for the entire Clan," he said and Erieda could only nod. He was leader, not King. "at least not right now. Since we are so large in numbers, I rely on a Council of Elder Vampires to assist in these decisions, and even after that we give the members a chance to contribute their opinions on such matters," He said and she smiled graciously "But, if and when you find out more information about this war, and if you are fighting for a good cause, then I don't see why we couldn't ally ourselves with the Seelie Fae." He said and Erieda cocked her head, yet, took his hand. "Until then, I will personally assist in any way I can. I cannot ask my followers to fight, but if I find out any information, you'll be the first to hear about it," he said, then smirked "Free of charge." He said and Erieda narrowed her eyes.

"Now why is that? Why would you, assist me, we've only just met." she inquired, but there was a hint of mischief in her eyes for reasons, she didn't know, it probably didn't help that her Fae allure was turned all the way up and he was more then a little attractive.

"What do you hope to gain from me?" She said, without a hint of accusation, but it was almost as if she herself was flirting, but that was absurd...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


Bertoldo took notice of Erieda's change in expression, namely how she seemed to be rather sceptical of his offer. He only thought he was being polite; of course, had she been anyone other than Fae Queen, he probably wouldn't have been so generous with his time. He had, after all, come to Parkwood only to find suppliers for his Clan, not to get himself involved in a war or two. He was going quite far out of his way, and it was only upon this thought that he realised why she was being a little wary. He knew how it must have looked to her, but he honestly hadn't thought about it until she'd suggested as much, and a playful smirk crossed his lips as he noticed the mischief in those stunning green eyes. When she asked him what he hoped to gain from her, he merely chuckled and, while their hands were still touching, he took the opportunity to move a little closer, so that they were only several inches apart. "Can't you just trust that I'm willing to do a nice thing for you?" he asked, though he was thinking of several things he might want from her in that moment. "But, if you're offering, I'll leave it to you to figure that out," he continued, his voice low and teasing. His pale eyes gave her dark ones a lingering stare.

But, of course, Bertoldo knew more about Erieda than he let on. However, it wasn't like he'd been snooping. It was common knowledge that Erieda was married, and her 'consort' was anything but friendly. As much as he might have desired Erieda's company, he was not willing to place his entire Clan as a target for the Remei, not without good enough cause. One sordid fling was not quite worth it, and so instead of pursuing anything right away, he stepped back, only holding onto her hand long enough to bring it to his lips, and give a harmless kiss to the knuckles, before letting go completely. Again, he straightened his back, and he reached a hand into his pocket before producing a plain white card, with an address printed in black ink in the centre of it. "Unfortunately, I cannot stick around to chat, much that I wish I could. I have a lot more people to... eh, recruit," he continued, sounding rather sheepish at that last part, though an amused smile brightened his features, almost as if he was mocking innocence. "Should you ever need my help, or even if you're just looking for some company, come to this address and ask for Bertoldo Ettore. Do not hesitate; my door is always open."

Bertoldo turned then, but not before giving Erieda a wink, and made his way down the streets, disappearing into the crowd as if he was never there in the first place, despite having the tendency to stick out like a sore thumb against mortals.


As Sunday explained, Slade felt the anger pooling in his stomach and slowly twisting his features into an expression of disgust for her mother's behaviour. Even his own father, who was the cause of so much misery in his life, was never so vile as Sunday described her own mother. It made him feel almost protective over her, like he owed it to her to keep her as far away from Victoria as possible. But he felt powerless. She'd already been through so much, by the sound of it, that the most he could do was to make sure that her suffering simply didn't continue anymore. If he could take it all back, he would have. And, besides, he'd already promised to keep her safe, in so many words. He may have been able to lie, but his word was just as good as any Fae. Everyone knew that.

When her expression changed to one of apparent fear, Slade reached out for her, but she was already rushing over to the broken bottle, begging and pleading as she attempted to pick up bits of the broken glass. Immediately concerned, he rushed over to her and stopped her by taking the glass out of her hand, simply worried that she'd cut herself more. If she didn't heal, then handling glass shards with bare hands was not a good idea in the slightest. Letting the glass fall to the floor once more, he grabbed her wrists and stood her up with him, before pulling her into a tight hug. She was short enough that he could rest his chin on the top of her head, which he did, but not before placing a gentle kiss there.

Pulling away, he held her by the shoulders, and lowered himself only so that he could look her dead in the eye. "Sunday, you never have to be afraid. Not of making mistakes and getting hurt, especially not of me," he said, trying not to sound too much like he was scolding her. He wanted her to feel safe around him. "I will never let that woman or those horrible people get their hands on you ever again. I promise you, I will protect you with my life, okay? You can trust me." Leaning forward, he pressed his forehead against hers for a moment, before pulling out a chair from the table in the centre of the room. He gestured for her to sit as he made his way over to the fridge, pulled out another bottle and opened it for her instead. Smiling, he passed it to her. "We all lose our temper. Trust me, I come from the Davenport family; I understand more about random bursts of temper than anyone," he joked, all the while the glass pieces gathered into a pile and lifted up in the air, seemingly disposing of themselves. "It happens."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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Erieda could only chuckle dangerously when Jamie moved in closer, her hand still in his. Mischief in his grin. "Can't you just trust that I'm willing to do a nice thing for you?" he asked, and Erieda scoffed. "Hardly." she said. "But, if you're offering, I'll leave it to you to figure that out," he continued, flirtation in his words, his eyes almost daring hers. She smirked and it lingered there as his hand rose hers to his lips, pressing a gentlemenly kiss to her knuckles before letting her hand go, Erieda merely arched an eyebrow, a smirk still touching her lips. "Unfortunately, I cannot stick around to chat, much that I wish I could. I have a lot more people to... eh, recruit," he continued, feigning innocence. "Hmm," she said, as he produced a card from his pocket, she took it and held it between to fingers "Should you ever need my help, or even if you're just looking for some company, come to this address and ask for Bertoldo Ettore. Do not hesitate; my door is always open." He said and Erieda chuckled again. "I'm sure it is...." she said and with a wink he walked off.

After all that happened, a normal woman would have shunned such advances but she was not normal. If she thought about it, she would have found herself wanting to get back at Alex for what he did. He'd broken her heart for sure, but he's also bruised her ego, and at that moment, watching Bertoldo walk off, she wanted him to soothe it.

She turned away, continuing her walk, still not ready to g home, too much of the hotel reminded her of what she was very close to losing, yet this time, a soft smirk lingered on her lips


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Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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#, as written by Kaeru

Time Skip:
Same night, during the party.


Much like he had said he would, Bertoldo - after completing his duties, of course - had returned to the temporary Lair, as he called it, to speak with the Council over matters concerning Erieda Davenport. When he had requested a meeting, he had been told that they would hear him out, only because they did not want to risk the chance that the Fae Queen's suspicions were correct, and that a War was on its way. However, at the same time, they could not promise that they would wholly approve of asking the entire Clan to participate. Bertoldo understood this, he told them, but at the same time they were only around to provide counsel; they had no business making decisions. That was his right, as one of the only living - for want of a better term - ancestor to the original Vampires. They would not take that away from him. But, in the interest of preserving his dear father's wishes, he had to play by their traditions for the time being.

When they had met, the Council was evidently trying to be understanding about it. Bertoldo explained the potential threat, but also admitted to not knowing much. There may not even be a War, but the Fae over time had done quite a bit for his Clan, and he had taken quite a liking to Erieda personally. They didn't seem too impressed about that bit, but he moved on pretty quickly and they didn't press the issue, which he appreciated. And finally, after what seemed like hours, he walked out of the Meeting Room with a triumphant smile upon his lips. For the most part, they did not object, but he feared that was only because they did not believe the threat was real enough to worry over. They would present all the provided information to the Clan, and bring back the results of the vote to him when it was done. Bertoldo, while sceptical that they would not see sense in it at first, was not worried. The decision was his to make either way, but he would appreciate the support of his followers over anything else. If the Seelie Fae needed him, he would be there, with or without several thousand Vampires.

Returning to his own office, which was pretty much just the name for the desk in the corner of his makeshift bedroom, he took a seat and slumped over the notebook he kept on it. In it, he wrote the events of the day, exactly as they happened. It was a habit he'd gotten into some time in his first century of life, upon reaching the age of about 80 or so when he found he could no longer recall his life as well. Fearing that this issue would persist, he decided to document everything; each and every day, collected into thousands and thousands of journals. He did not keep them all with him, only four or five at a time.

Part of him wondered if he should go back out and recruit, but another part of him was simply craving Erieda's presence. He could not explain why he was so interested in the Fae, but whatever it was, he wanted to explore more of it. She had his card, but he had no way of contacting her, not unless he used some rather dishonest means, which he didn't feel was particularly... right. So, he had no real choice but to wait until she stopped by for a visit, if she ever did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


Kellin gave an annoyed grunt as Sunday's hand rose up to keep his wrist in place. Allowing another to drink from him was not something he'd ever welcomed the thought of, especially when the person feeding off of him could possibly have been his own sister. Still, while the urge to push her away was strong, he remained motionless. That was until Erieda stepped in and removed the girl to prevent her from drinking any more. He pulled his wrist up to his mouth once more and ran his tongue over the wound, allowing it to heal quicker, all the while taking steps backwards until he reached the other side of the room. He had nothing more to contribute to this situation. He'd done his part, or so he'd thought in that moment.

Alec couldn't breathe as Sunday spotted him and clambered forward. She collided with his chest, and his arms immediately wrapped around her. He nuzzled the top of her head, his eyes shut tight, and he kept a firm hold around her, like she'd just up and disappear if he let her go again. Even if he didn't quite know where to place himself with his feelings for her, he was convinced that his overwhelming relief was as a result of her being family, more than anything. Biological or not, Sunday had found a place into everyone's hearts, and therefore she was a part of the family before such was revealed to be literally true.

Erieda began speaking to Sunday, and Alec finally allowed his eyes to open, his protective instincts kicking in. In his mind, he'd only just gotten Sunday back after he thought she would die, and so even Erieda was registered as a threat. Not much else seemed to settle in his mind, until Sunday broke away from his grip and turned instead to their grandmother, causing him to frown deeply and take a few steps back. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans to stop them from curling into fists, and kept moving backwards until he reached the window. He was not needed. Erieda had her now.

"Look after her, the both of you, but keep your distance," Erieda said after a long while, and Alec looked up at her with eyes that lacked emotion; he looked a lot like his father then. He understood why he had to keep his distance, but that didn't make it any easier. He wanted to hold her in his arms again, not leave her be. He waited until she'd left the room before he started towards the bed, and he kneeled beside it, his hand finding Sunday's to hold it gently. Much that he knew he wasn't going to listen to Erieda's words on keeping his distance, he still understood that he had certain boundaries, which was the only thing stopping him from lying beside her.

Patiently, he waited for her to wake up, not saying a word to Kellin, who seemed to still be keeping his distance.


During his time locked in the cage, despite having an entirely frazzled mind, Slade allowed himself a while to think about the recent revelations, the most prominent of which being that he had a daughter he never knew about. What made it worse was that he'd unknowingly allowed her to grow up in such a dark environment, with a mother who only sought to make her life hell. If only he'd found out sooner. He could've saved her a childhood of strict brutality and misery. The thought alone felt like a knife in his chest. But, despite that, he laughed. It was weak and hollow, yet sardonic. His own daughter had been used as bait to lure him to his possible demise.

But, of course. He expected nothing less of Victoria.

Slade was so wrapped up in his own train of thought, however faint, that he barely noticed anyone else entering the room until the all-too-familiar sound of metal on metal brought him to focus. He was much less Fae than his sister and, even though the raw iron had a devastating affect on both of them, he was able to shift his body slightly so that he could get a good view of the happenings around him. Through blurry eyes he saw several people engaging in what he could only describe as an amusingly short battle, before the winning side approached the cage and assisted him out of it.

Murmuring a 'thank you' to the people who'd helped him to his feet, he pushed away from them and stumbled towards Symone, who was questioning their rescuer's motives. Mimicking his twin's frown, he cast a quick glance at the woman and straightened his back. He said nothing for the time being. He doubted he would've had anything constructive to add either way.


Dahvie had been stood outside of the hotel for a long, long time, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his coat. His eyes, which were devoid of all life, were trained without focus on his surroundings. He hadn't bothered to follow his wife simply because they had all seemed to preoccupied to invite him along, and he wasn't going to go where he wasn't wanted. And so, with a huff, he tensed his entire body against the cold and lifted his shoulders upwards as if in an attempt to cover his ears, which were red.

A lot of things were happening around him. For one thing, Alec had come through the portal holding Sunday in his arms, and shortly after the partygoers seemed to have vacated the area. No doubt the two occurrences were linked somehow. Dahvie lacked the general interest to question his son, not that Alec would've stopped to give him the time of day anyway. So he merely continued to stand there, quietly, out of the way. Soon there was just silence, the only thing audible to him being the distressed thoughts of those in the Hotel.

He could feel the heat flooding to his cheeks then, and part of him was tempted to enter the hotel, but any plans he had or might've had were disrupted when he heard Alexis' voice just behind him, causing him to turn around and look at her. "What are you doing out here? By yourself, Symone ain't here?" she asked, and Dahvie moved his lips as if he was forming the words to begin his sentence, before she asked another question. "Why didn't you go with her?" Dahvie gave a shrug, his eyes drifting sideways as if the idea of focusing on any one thing was lost on him entirely.

"She just took off," he said, deciding to be honest with his reply. He paused for a moment, exhaling slowly as he turned back to where the portal once opened. "You're going to find her, then," he stated, already knowing the answer.

It was then that Erieda arrived, and Dahvie lost interest in their discussion pretty quickly. He only refocused when the conversation turned to him once again; Alexis was asking him to accompany her, and he nodded. Had he been in any fit state of mind, he might've acted flattered to have been invited after being left in the dark by his own wife. As it was, he gave no real reaction, only a subtle gesture of agreement. He waited for her to lead the way. She seemed to know where she wanted to go, anyhow.


Bertoldo had finished writing in his journal a long while ago, and had even spent a time pacing around his private quarters. He knew what he was waiting for - who he was waiting for - but the very act of admitting that to himself would have meant coming to the realisation that he was caught up on someone he'd only ever had one brief encounter with. That, as far as he could remember, hadn't happened a lot, if at all. He was a Vampire, and so he had certain cravings, but it was not so much intimacy that he desired; it was simply to be in her company.

Releasing a sigh, he lifted his hand to his forehead as if to soothe his mind and send the thoughts away. He probably just needed something to eat, and after his incredibly successful job of recruiting new bodies, he had no shortage of willing suppliers. All he had to do was step outside and look. He hadn't eaten in a few days; he'd been too busy to bother caring for himself.

As he started towards the door, there was a knock on the other side, and he didn't even see the point of asking what the sudden interruption was about. He caught the faint scent of Erieda's Fae smell lingering on his receptionist, even through the thick wood of the door. He'd forgotten how intoxicating it could be, and it only worked to strengthen the hunger burning in the back of his throat. As he opened the door, the receptionist explained that Erieda had arrived and asked to see him, and he couldn't find the smug little smirk that slipped across his lips then. "Bring her here, then," he said, stepping away from the door but leaving it open. The receptionist left, and a moment later returned with none other than the Fae Queen.

"Thank you," he murmured to the receptionist, who nodded and quickly left the room, shutting the door behind her. Bertoldo turned his attention to Erieda, who looked almost tense. A slight mixture of concern and curiosity caused his brows to lower only slightly, but he decided he would not point it out again unless she wanted to speak freely of what was obviously troubling her. "Erieda," he said as a form of greeting, his voice smoother than silk itself, "how may I be of assistance to you, my dear?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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When she walked it, Erieda had realized that she'd forgotten how...beguiling he was to look at, which was strange because she's seen many people, vampires, humans and fae alike that had been attractive, but it hadn't struck her like he had. Perhaps it was her own failing marriage that made her notice things like this. Alex was her world for...who knows how long, the thought that he would not be by her side for many more years to come made her tense, but not downtrodden like it had earlier. "Erieda," He said, his voice liquid silk as he spoke her name. "How may I be of assistance to you, my dear?" He asked and she smiled, gesturing to a seat before him, almost asking, but sitting down anyway. "Well, I hadn't intended on seeing you so soon, but things have come up..." she said, trying to keep the words from following from her mouth. She had no one to talk to, no one that wasn't either going to tell her what she wanted to her, or tell her something in Alex's defense, expect maybe her brother, but he was realms away and he would just probably make things worse. With that, thte words broke from her lips like a crack in a dam.

"I need to know all that I can about the Remei, my husband, daughter, and now grand daughter, are all involved with them and it's tearing us apart, well, mostly...My husband is doing that well enough on his own,....I need to know who these people really are, if you can, my grand daughter, possibly the sweetest thing you'll ever met, was forced to suffer at the hands of these people, horrors beyond true reason, alone, none of us knew she even existed, my son, her father, had no idea, and now, he's been taken, and I can't go and get him or my eldest daughter without breaking the Demon Fae accords and starting another war before this one even began, so now I have to send my youngest to get them and sit here and do nothing but drive myself insane, or further into insanity.....and I don't know why I said all of that...." she said, frowning to herself, and a bashful chuckle escaped her lips. "Forgive me, you didn't need to know all of that..." She chuckled again, her face warming. Was she blushing?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


As Erieda gestured towards an empty seat, Bertoldo gave a nod as if to permit her, though she really hadn't needed to ask. She could hang off of his ceiling for all he could care; whatever she pleased. When she sat herself down, he moved with her, but remained stood upright, his pale eyes fixed on her like glue. "Well, I hadn't intended on seeing you so soon, but things have come up..." she said, and he nodded as if he understood, but his eyes still questioned her for more information. With one arm across his torso, he rested the other on top of it and pressed a thumb gently into the corner of his mouth, looking almost thoughtful.

The words that followed this, however, caused his curious demeanour to shift, and it was instead replaced by a mixture of concern and disbelief. All of this, he thought, happened in the space of one afternoon? It was almost impossible. The information concerning her granddaughter, husband, and other family members was not what had stricken him as odd; every family had their problems, however bizarre, and he had no doubt that Erieda's family was the most bizarre of all. The thing that stuck out like a sore thumb to him was the possibility of a War. Erieda seemed to be playing it smart by sending her own daughter over, that much he knew, but he did not know how far her wits would stretch if her family had anything to do with it. One could only deal with so much.

As Erieda became bashful, even going as far as to blush, Bertoldo gave a warm smile in place of the smirk he could feel creeping up without permission. "You do not need to worry about that. As I said, my door is always open. I am always here to listen." Turning around, he began to walk absentmindedly to another location, nearer to his desk, with one hand rubbing his throat. He probably should have eaten something, preferably from his receptionist, before inviting a Fae into his personal quarters, he now realised. But, if there was one thing Bertoldo had mastered, it was self control. Erieda was not at risk with him.

"Off the top of my head, I only know a few things about the Remei, most of which you probably already know, if not more," he started, his eyes skimming over her face, over those deep green eyes. He cleared his throat, sounding rough as he continued to speak. "They are comprised of exactly 30 members, give or take a few allies over the recent hours, I'm assuming. Alexander Davenport, more commonly known as the Cut-throat General, Resurrected One, Dryad Slayer... He recently sold his services to a man whose identity remains a mystery to the entire supernatural world. As far as I can tell, he goes by the pseudonym of Anonymous. His level of power, purpose, etc, I do not know. But I will have my best people looking into it." He ran a hand through his hair and gave a huff. "You'll be the first, and the only, to hear of any updates regarding Anonymous, the Remei, or anyone else directly related to either."

Finally allowing his eyes to settle on Erieda, he smiled. "And, if there is anything else you need, even if it is just to talk, you always know I'm here... Is there anything else on your mind, Erieda?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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"You do not need to worry about that. As I said, my door is always open. I am always here to listen." He said, and seemed to move away from her, rubbing this throat. Kellin used todo that as a child, when he was hungry. The idea of Bertoldo being hungry, didn't send up red flags like it ought to. She didn't feel like she was in any danger, where even her grandson she's would be cautious, instead, the idea excited her in a way that made her feel a bit ashamed.

"Off the top of my head, I only know a few things about the Remei, most of which you probably already know, if not more," He spoke, his eyes glossing over her a moment, before clearing his throat. "They are comprised of exactly 30 members, give or take a few allies over the recent hours, I'm assuming. Alexander Davenport, more commonly known as the Cut-throat General, Resurrected One, Dryad Slayer... He recently sold his services to a man whose identity remains a mystery to the entire supernatural world. As far as I can tell, he goes by the pseudonym of Anonymous. His level of power, purpose, etc, I do not know. But I will have my best people looking into it." He said and Erieda had visibly shifted in her seat at the name. Not Anonymous, but Alexander's. Dryad Slayer....When he'd killed Symone, their daughter. She fought to keep her breathing even. "You'll be the first, and the only, to hear of any updates regarding Anonymous, the Remei, or anyone else directly related to either." He said and Erieda could only nod as he looked at her. His smiled warming her from the inside.

"And, if there is anything else you need, even if it is just to talk, you always know I'm here... Is there anything else on your mind, Erieda?"

Erieda laughed, ruefully. "You mean besides the fact that my husband is known as a Dryad Slayer...He earned that name, after mistakenly killing our daughter....It crushed him, or so he acted...." She said, with vemon in the last word, her frustration made her crushed the arm of the chair she was sitting in, dust crumbled in her fingers.

"Oh, My apologies." She said before touching the wooden arm and willing the wood to grow, wood lives even when cut and varnished so it didn't take much for her to will it to grow and curl to match it's twin on the other side.

"I am sorry, I should not be discussing my martial problems with you," she said and something she hadn't expected sprang from her lips. "You you could use a meal, and I'm probably not helping with that." she said and despite how she wished her mouth would stop moving, it didn't and she spoke more. "You've been such a help, and I've done nothing to deserve, so here, I don't mind." She said and held out her arm.

This was taboo in so many ways, she knew it. Fae didn't willing give blood to Vampires, it could be dangerous to him, and in fact, she wasn't overly thrilled when Simon had given blood to Tanya, thought she liked the girl a lot, may she rest in peace. She understood now, how....enchanting it all seemed, and how tempting it was. She'd heard it had a doping effect and by the goddess did she want that and if she were honest, which she always was, she wondered what it would be like, at the moment, to have his lips on her skin. It was wrong, she was married...but it wasn't going to go further then that, even if she kind of wanted it to.

"I'm offering, besides, Fae, we are a people who aren't very fond of debts, but we pay. We always pay." She said and smiled, outstretching her arm, just a bit more.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Kellin Davenport Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


Alec returned Sunday's smile as she woke up, though his expression held a saddened quality which was most apparent in his eyes. Much like her, he looked almost as if he didn't quite know what to do with himself. Whether he should speak, hug her, stand back, or what. But it seemed he wouldn't have to make that decision as she spotted Kellin from the other side of the room, and pulled the sheets back off her body. "Thank you..." she said, and Alec felt her hand tightening around his own. He gave her another smile, as if to comfort her, but once again her attention shifted, and he let the smile drop.

Kellin didn't like being stared at. He stood with his arms crossed over his torso, his back pressing against the wall; he was tense. "You work with the General... I remember you," Sunday said, and Kellin gave a scoff. He remember her too, of course, but only as the scared little daughter of Victoria, a woman he'd found to be quite interesting over the recent years. She had an admirable desire for revenge. Against his own father, of course, but that was hardly the point. He'd never taken to Sunday. She had no courage, he thought, and when she wasn't fearing for her own life, she was way too happy. He didn't quite know how to deal with the fact that she might've been his sister.

"Why did you help me?" she asked, and Kellin's eyes instantly shifted to Alec, who shrugged, then stood up. Kellin turned his head away, deciding to let his cousin do the talking for him. He wasn't very good with being sensitive, so it was probably better that way. Alec cleared his throat a little, then looked down at Sunday. "Sunday, this is Slade's son, Kellin," he said, speaking softly. "He's your... brother," he continued, struggling to get the last word out, as if it felt wrong just to say it.

Kellin finally turned to look at Sunday. She did look a lot like his father, that much he could not deny, but that still didn't make it any easier to believe. Swallowing the truth never was easy. "I didn't help because I wanted to," he growled. "Slade would have wanted you safe."


Bertoldo frowned as Erieda laughed, as he was not expecting such a reaction from her, but he decided not to comment on it and instead half-seated himself on his desk, one hand finding its way into his pocket whilst the other was resting against the oak. "You mean besides the fact that my husband is known as a Dryad Slayer... He earned that name, after mistakenly killing our daughter... It crushed him, or so he acted..." she said, and Bertoldo nodded subtly. He wanted to comfort her, to reassure her that her husband wasn't the heartless bastard he seemed to be acting like, but Bertoldo truly didn't know. He might well be. But, what stayed his tongue was something else entirely. He didn't want to defend her husband for the jealousy that snuck up on him then. "I see," he mumbled, chewing on his lower lip thoughtfully, though his eyes widened as the wood beneath her fist splintered. That was his favourite chair. Of course, she apologised and repaired it within second; he murmured something along the lines of 'no problem', but she probably hadn't heard anyway.

"I am sorry, I should not be discussing my marital problems with you," she said, and Bertoldo's eyes found hers. He shook his head. "It's really not a problem," he repeated, an he might've continued, but the topic changed to one which took him aback so suddenly, he almost slipped off of the desk, but managed to regain his composure. Instead of sitting down again, however, he stood up quickly. "You've been such a help, and I've done nothing to deserve, so here, I don't mind," she continued, and then she held out her arm in a way as to offer it to him. His eyes were drawn to her skin, and his already sharpened fangs grew in length. He hadn't even agreed, but his body was reacting regardless. So much for his self control. "I'm offering, besides, Fae, we are a people who aren't very fond of debts, but we pay. We always pay." Bertoldo's eyes moved back up to her eyes, and he watched her like she was prey, but only for a moment, before he calmed himself down and straightened his back. Her arm shifted outwards more, and he found his feet carrying himself forward before he could find the strength to refuse her offer.

He reached for her wrist, carefully, like she might change her mind at any moment, his eyes - uncertain - were trained on hers. He brushed a thumb soothingly over her skin, where he intended to bite, before lowering his mouth to it. He exhaled slowly, his mouth opening wide enough that he could get a decent bite, before he inserted his sharpened fangs, shaped to allow easier access. His eyes shut instantly. Fae blood was so sweet, he thought, as it flooded into his mouth. He drank slowly, so as to allow the rush to flow though Erieda enough before he'd taken his fill. And then, with increasing hesitancy, he pulled away. His saliva, mixed with her innate Fae healing abilities, meant that the bite healed almost instantly after his teeth had been retracted. Despite the fact that he'd taken enough blood, he found himself still holding her wrist, and using it to keep her steady as he moved closer, closing the distance between them in that same second. What he did next was a mixture of his previous desire for her, mixed with the rush he'd gotten from her blood, which removed any logical thought from his mind. His lips found hers, perhaps with more force than he'd initially intended, whilst his other hand was resting on her hip.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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She half expected him to turn her away and she wouldn't have insisted too much to the contrary, but there was a sudden rush of surprise when he came forward, his fingers softly curling around her wrist, his thumb brushing against the skin. She felt heat rise in her, and her heart raced as he rose her wrist to his lips and after a breath, he bite.

There was a rush she never felt before, the feel of his lips, the pressure of his fangs and the tug as he drew her blood. Her lips parted, her breathing quicken and her heart raced. It was....intoxicating. Her eyelids lowered and she let the rush ebb into a soft gentle rocking, calming her mind and body. He stopped, and she felt like she was slammed against a wall, She didn't want him to, her entire body ached for him to continue. All reason was gone from her as she stared at him, heart pounding so loud that she could feel it. He held on to her, and the touch was enough to send her mind reeling with desire, barely able to stand for it and after a moment, his lips slammed into hers, and she let him, kissing him back with the same fericouity. His hand found her hip and her fingers intangled in her hair. All she was at the moment, was want, need, lust and desire, nothing else mattered. She could taste her blood on his lips and that made her want him even more.

Her body pressed against his, as her jaw worked against his, she could feel herself losing herself more and more until she found her hands pulling his arms around her, her lips never breaking from his, as her hands slid up his arms and over his chest, and right before she tore his shirt from him. She heard something, it was small, in the back of her mind.


It grew louder and louder. stop...Stop....STOP!

It made her shove him, breathing hard. Rationality and reason flooding back to her. "I'm sorry....That...I....By the Goddess...." She breathed, wide eyed but not looking at him. She shouldn't have done that. She kissed a man that wasn't her husband....wanted a man in the worse way, that wasn't her husband. She'd been able to deal with this sort of urge for years, but why now? Why couldn't she resist now?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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#, as written by Kaeru


A growl of approval sounded in Bertoldo's throat as Erieda returned his kiss, matching his eagerness with enough of her own. As her hand worked through the curls of his hair, he found that his grip on her wrist was tightening. He wanted to pull her closer, but even in this state he was aware of his boundaries. He was also smart enough to know that nothing beyond a kiss was going to happen. He was content to stay as he was for as long as she wanted him, which - he feared - would not be too long if she came to her senses. He took advantage of every moment their lips were locked.

He was a little surprised when he felt the warmth of Erieda's body pressing against his own, but he didn't allow that to show too much. He was too absorbed in her kiss to risk ruining it by flinching or pulling away. After a moment or two, he even felt his arms being positioned around her, and he didn't object. Wrapping one arm around her lower torso to hold her in place, he allowed one to ghost a path up and down her spine, his jaw working for a deeper kiss. Another growl sounded deep within his throat as Erieda's hands trailed up his arms and found their place on his chest. It was only for a second that he sensed a desire to go further, before suddenly the same hands that had once caressed him were now shoving him backwards.

Bertoldo stood unnaturally still, a look of shock on his expression. His eyes, as a result from the blood and sudden surge of feelings, were a much brighter shade of blue than they once were, but as he felt himself calming down, his irises cooled into their usual pale blue. "I'm sorry... That... I... By the Goddess..." Erieda said, and Bertoldo instinctively rose a hand to his lips. His stare, which had now shifted to Erieda, was steady and unrelenting, but it was not angry or even irritated. It was calm. Almost eerily calm.

"No, I should be the one apologising," he started, his voice having returned to its silk-like quality. "I should not have been so forward." To say that Bertoldo was having difficulty processing the recent events was an understatement beyond compare. He'd never been refused before, not for as long as he could remember, because he only went for people he could have. Erieda was like forbidden fruit, and it somehow made her even more desirable. But, as it had been made clear, she could not... no, she would not have him.

Bertoldo released a slow laugh, and then touched his forehead, as if the very situation he'd found himself in was ridiculous but that he'd managed to find some small amount of humour in it. "Forgive me, Erieda. I lost control of myself," he continued through his laugh, before he gave her a smile. "Are you okay?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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"No, I should be the one apologising,"He said and she shook her head, still not looking at him. He didn't understand, He wasn't the one married, he wasn't the one who yearned for another's touch, not the way she did at the very least. "I should not have been so forward." He said and she ran her hand over her face. He wasn't forward at all. She wanted him, he read the signs right, she was giving it off, how badly she wanted to, even though she tried to deny it to herself. She braced herself against the desk, trying to calm herself.

Dealing with all of it, Erieda's thoughts were broken by the sound of chuckling. She turned her head to him, nearly gaping.

She found him chuckling to himself, as if this was somehow comedic, as if adultery was comedic. "Forgive me, Erieda. I lost control of myself," he continued still chuckling, it calm yet he still smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Not in the least." She said, turning to him fully then. "You were perfectly in control, You didn't do anything I didn't want to you, I shouldn't have wanted it....this is the very thing that my husband has done to me, I shouldn't do it to him, even if it did feel good..." she said expressively. She ran her hands through her hair, pacing now"Not getting back at him, but just kissing you....I wanted you to, I wanted you to kiss me, I want you to kiss me still, but...I shouldn't....I am married...." she said but it was more to herself then it was to him.

"I am Fae, we...are a very sexual race, we make people want things, like this, if we aren't careful, I fear that I let my guard down, the biting made it worse, I should known better and it effected you, you more so because I wanted it to, in a way, in the back of my mind, I did, I shouldn't have, I am sorry, I should go," she said, flustered, something she hardly ever was but she'd just kissed a man, the only other man that she'd kissed was her husband. She started for the door, but her steps were slow, a part of her wanted him to stop her, a big part, hoped he did.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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#, as written by Kaeru


"Not in the least," Erieda replied, and Bertoldo nodded slowly, for some reason feeling bad about laughing at the situation. He hadn't intended to, of course, but Bertoldo was more awkward than he ever really let on, and so making situations decidedly worse was something he'd become quite skilled at. "You were perfectly in control. You didn't do anything I didn't want to you, I shouldn't have wanted it... this is the very thing that my husband has done to me, I shouldn't do it to him, even if it did feel good... Not getting back at him, but just kissing you... I wanted you to, I wanted you to kiss me, I want you to kiss me still, but... I shouldn't... I am married..." she continued, and Bertoldo couldn't even make the attempt to fight off the subtle smirk crawling its way across his lips, still faintly red from the blood he'd recently consumed. While he was completely aware that she felt bad about being unfaithful to her husband, a large part of Bertoldo was overcome with smugness at the idea that she'd actually wanted him to make a move. Suddenly he was finding it very hard to stand still, with the urge to grab her and kiss her again swirling around his already frazzled mind.

"I am Fae, we... are a very sexual race, we make people want things... do things, like this, if we aren't careful, I fear that I let my guard down, the biting made it worse, I should known better and it affected you, you more so because I wanted it to, in a way, in the back of my mind, I did, I shouldn't have, I am sorry, I should go," Erieda said, and none of it had struck Bertoldo as new information. He knew all about the Fae and their tricks, and he knew that they would be strongest when it came to their Queen. The most powerful of them all. But another thought crossed his mind; their Queen, possibly the most desired woman known to the supernatural population, wanted him to kiss her. She may not have desired him specifically, but she desired the touch of another it seemed, and he wasn't going to let an opportunity like that pass him by.

As she started towards the door, Bertoldo found himself rushing forward. He was behind her in less than a second, his breath hot on her neck while his hands gripped onto her waist to keep her from rushing off. "You owe him nothing, Erieda," he said, his lips grazing against her warm skin. "But I understand. Pride is important to your kind, and you would not catch yourself cheating if your life depended on it. But, for once in your life, I think you should let go of that pride, and give in to your true nature." He gave her one small peck, before letting go of her completely and standing back. "Your Fae nature may have made me advance with such suddenness, but the desire to kiss you was there long before you even arrived. In a way, I'm glad you let your guard down. And, if you allowed it, I would kiss you again right now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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You owe him nothing, Erieda," He was behind her in flash, and despite years of training, her first instinct wasn't to fight, or dodge, she just stopped. His hands resting on her hips were like weights, making it so that she wouldn't move, and it had nothing to do with his own strength. She didn't want to move, especially when his lips brushed softly against the tender skin of her neck. "But I understand. Pride is important to your kind, and you would not catch yourself cheating if your life depended on it. But, for once in your life, I think you should let go of that pride, and give in to your true nature." He gave her skin a soft peck, and that was torture, as he mercilessly pulled away, letting her go. She turned her head, still trying to figured it all out. "Your Fae nature may have made me advance with such suddenness, but the desire to kiss you was there long before you even arrived. In a way, I'm glad you let your guard down. And, if you allowed it, I would kiss you again right now." He said and she turned to him fully. Indecision all over her face. She wanted him, she wanted him badly, but she was married, she loved Alex, she always would, but she was finding it hard to remember all the good times, they were, dwarfed by the bad. Then she remembered, the child her bore with another woman killed her son and it could have been avoided if he were honest, but he was never honest, when she always was.
He was right, she owed him nothing....

She looked at him, deep green eyes boring into his crystal blue ones. Decision made, she stepped forward. "Then kiss me now."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Bertoldo Ettore
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#, as written by Kaeru


Bertoldo spent a second or two analysing Erieda's uncertain expression after she had turned to him. However, while her features suggested she was unsure of what to do, there was an undeniable sense of desire in her eyes, and that's what he chose to focus on. He found himself chewing on his lower lip, but he stopped as she met his gaze, his body tensing as if to prepare himself to move based on her reaction. The uncertainty had now disappeared, and she looked somehow more sure of what she wanted, and what she was going to do.

As she stepped closer, he smirked. "Then kiss me now," she ordered, and for a second or two his smirk widened into a grin, before he closed the remaining distance between them. "Gladly," he said, and kissed her.

The next morning...

The rest of the night seemed to progress rather quickly, Bertoldo noticed, as the light of dawn struggled to shine through his drawn curtains. Lifting his head, he worked to drag his gaze away from Erieda, whom he had spent the majority of the early morning talking to, and toward the window. A slow sigh worked its way through his lips, and he lifted a hand to run it through his hair. Pushing himself up, he moved off of the sofa which was tucked away behind a bookcase or two in his room.

"Lovely as this night has been," he started, moving his arm as if to offer Erieda his hand. "The Council will probably have gathered the votes from the Colonies. No doubt you will soon have an entire army of Vampires at your back." He offered her a handsome smile, pulling her closer to press his lips gently against hers. "I'd love to invite you along, but the Council refuse to speak to outsiders."

Still smiling, he led her towards the door, where he pressed a button on the wall. A small buzzing sound signalled his receptionist, who was at the door within seconds. Turning to Erieda once again, he allowed his hand to slip out of hers. "I would love to see you again, soon?"