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Sunday Montez

"How Tragic"

0 · 4,668 views · located in Parkwood

a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, as played by TheCrimsonLady




ImageImage{ FULL NAME }
Sunday Montez

{ AGE }

Small Lady




5'3, 110lbs

Sunday is a round faced girl with soft olive skin, round eyes, that glow red when she's angry, long black hair with thick bangs. She is often dressed in a gothic lolita style.



The Royal House of Montez, Siren Royalty

Sunday is a strange girl. Soft spoken with a penance for obsessive behavior. She is generally sweet and shy and her words are barely audible. She's not inherently evil as her mother is. She is merely a victim of circumstance. She can become very jealous when something she wants is taken from her and thusly becomes violent and angry.

Siren Song
Demon Magick
Shape Shifting
Siren's Call -with her violin-
Faunakensis-She can speak with animals.


Tragic Events
Her twin Ravens Egdar and Allen
Her Violin
Sirens Song

The Demon Realm
Her Mother.
Her Siren Form

Angering her mother.

She is generally sweet

When she's angry, her eyes glow a bright crimson red.
She can become easily jealous and subsequently angry and violent
She can not control her Siren form.


Image{ HISTORY }


India Eisley


Ever – Emilie Autumn

So begins...

Sunday Montez's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Joshua Copper
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"I'm Alec," He said/ "Alec Davenport." Sunday smiled, her eyes bright, and all she could do was smile. Something on him made an odd sound that caused Sunday alarm, as she watched him remove the device from his pocket, excused himself with a nod before stepping away. Sunday watched him with curiosity for a moment, and then she remembered. It was a phone, which she thought was so impractical for beings such as themselves, but then, she knew that the mortals of this realm, had no such gifts, and therefore needed such devices. It was a fascinating thing.

He then offered his hand to her and she blinked. t. "I'm being summoned to the lobby," He explained and she just looked at him oddly, not sure what to do with his hand extended like that, and then she remembered what that meant. BUt why did he want her hand? "And I said I'd walk you to school, so..." He said and she nodded, before reaching up and placing her hands into his. His hand was so warm, it brought a warm pink to her cheeks.

He then helped her to her feet, and all Sunday could do was blink, her lips pressed into a fine line so to hide her smile.

He was holding her hand!

She walked with him, keeping her eyes in front of her, so she wouldn't gap at him.
Once they reached their destination, Sunday stood back some, too many people made her nervous.

Though for some reason, the older man caught her eye. There was something about him was familiar. His eyes... they reminded her of he--

It was then that a dark haired girl walked up to Alec and swatted him in the back of his head.

"What, you're not gonna say anything to him?" she said, before her eyes felt on Sunday. Sunday's heart raced as she shrank behind Alec.

The girl's expression didn't change, save for her eyes. They softened some. "Don't worry, Doll, I'm only gonna kick his ass," She said before looking at Alec, and shoving him some that he would walk toward the man that felt familiar while Sunday couldn't find the words to speak. Doll? She was talking about her right?

"Quit showing off for the doll, and say Hello to your Uncle, Dipshit." the girl said before turning to a small boy.

"Diner, There's one right on Main St, you can't miss it. Arcades...there's no arcades around here, sorry, but we've a Wii and a few computers in the Rec Room, just there." she said and pointed to the room off to the right of them before turning to them again. " You, Doll, You sticking around?" She asked her, and Sunday frowned, unsure how to respond.

"Sticking to what?" she asked, thoroughly confused and the girl frowned some but chuckled. "You must be new." she said shaking her head and Sunday blushed. "Will you be staying here?" she said and and Sunday nodded. "Yes, I am,"

"Good, We're having a party later, and you can be Alec's date."

Sunday frowned. "I am sorry, What is a 'Date'? she asked and the girl laughed.

Sunday was so very confused.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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#, as written by Kaeru


It would've been stupid and a straight-up lie to say that Alec wasn't expecting the reaction he got from Alexis, as she paced up to him and gave him a swift but still painful slap to the back of the head; this caused it to jerk forward slightly, and when he lifted it up to glare at Alexis, he felt a dull sting radiating from the slap down through his neck and scalp. That'd leave a red mark, he was sure, but his thick hair would hide it well enough. It was then that Alexis spoke to Sunday and he felt himself instinctively shifting an arm to comfort her. When he was shoved, Alec could feel his anger bubbling; not just because he was being shown up in front of Sunday, but because he hated being pushed around in general, especially by a girl. Especially by Alexis. And so, despite stepping forward some, he turning suddenly to face Alexis, although she was already making her way over to Slade. He had missed his chance to return the swipe, but that didn't dissuade him. Leaving the girl behind him to it, he made his way over to Slade and extended a hand, which Slade awkwardly took and shook for a moment. "Uncle," he said, almost formally, to which Slade replied with, "Nephew." And that was it. They'd both said their part; not much more to it.

Eida watched the entire situation unfolding around her with one raised eyebrow and an incredulous glint in her eyes. It was in moments like this that she truly appreciated how odd her family was; no wonder the unknown girl seemed so frightened. They were all supernatural beings; they'd grown up asserting strength over one another. While they loved each other, they weren't entirely opposed to using violence against each other, and this was shown almost every day, with every word and action. Eida had grown used to it, clearly, but she found herself shuffling closer to Sunday, her eyes holding a deep curiosity for the unknown female. It took everything within Eida to fight against the urge to sniff her. However, she forced herself to maintain a respectable distance from the girl, glancing back to Alexis once and a while during her conversation. There were several times in which Eida had to bite down on her lip to prevent herself from releasing an amused chuckle, though she failed terribly at keeping this away from her expression; her cheeks were becoming more and more red with each passing second.

At the mention of a date, however, Eida could not fight the chuckle that escaped her and blended with Alexis' laugh, and she instantly moved a hand to cover her lips for a moment, before she finally moving closer and wrapped an arm around Sunday. "Don't you pay her any mind, she's just teasing you," Eida said through a smile, her warm eyes travelling over Sunday's features briefly, before the clearing of Alec's throat caused her to look away. It was not desire that had caught her eyes, despite the fact that the girl was unbelievably cute, but instead a curiosity sparked by a faint sense of familiarity. Despite not being a telepath, Eida had developed the ability - as inherited from her mother and father alike - to sense bonds and links with others. There was something which tied Sunday to them, she realised, but pinpointing it was impossible.

Eida was distracted by the slapping of skin against skin, and her eyes darted up to see Alec recoiling his hand from Alexis' neck. Immediately, Eida's eyes widened, but in an amused sort of surprise which soon erupted into a fit of laughter. That wouldn't go down too well, she assumed, and by the way in which Slade was quickly trying to move himself in front of Alec only confirmed this. She had to drop her arm from around Sunday to be able to cradle her stomach, which was aching. "Before you do something stupid," Slade started, as if to try to cool down the situation before Alexis physically harmed Alec, which he knew she would. "Remember that it's a good day. Don't let him ruin it, kiddo."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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Alexis was honestly caught by surprise by Alec's retaliative slap in the neck. Her eyes went wide, and she turned to him, slowly, baring fangs she didn't have. She wasn't surprise that he hit her, but there was a certain...timing to this. She hits him, he hits her back, and so and so forth. It was reactionary, like scratching an itch. He missed his window when she walked away, not that she was running, she just was going back to her spot. Him hitting her back now, meant war.

"You little fuck-"

"Before you do something stupid," Slade started, skillfully stepping between them before Alexis got her hands on him, which would have been bad for everyone in the room. Herself including. Her mental stability varied by her mood, which varied as it was. When she snapped, it could be very bad. "Remember that it's a good day. Don't let him ruin it, kiddo."

Alexis snarled some but backed off. "You should thank him. He just saved your ass." she said and stormed off in a nice little mood now. Looking for something to hit.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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ImageSunday looked at the girl that had slung her arm over her shoulder after Alec moved away. She blinked, and stiffened but otherwise didn't respond. She was so very confused. "Don't you pay her any mind, she's just teasing you," The girl told her smiling warmly while Sunday gave her a confused one. The girl seemed to then scrutinize her face, making Sunday rather uncomfortable.

This was an odd sort, Alec's family. They were violent. Not abusive like her mother, but still very violent. It was then that slap went up and echoed off the walls, and Sunday turned her head to the sound along with the other girl. She saw Alec's made move away from the dark haired girl and she in turned sent him a look that made Sunday fear for her own life.

Thankfully, the man stepped in, and calmed the dark haired girl down before things got out of hand, to which Sunday was grateful for. She didn't want to have to attack the girl, she would, for Alec.

As the other girl stormed off, Sunday tuned her head to the girl beside her.

"Was that teasing too?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Eida Iris Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Amorie Simms
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec couldn't fight back the smirk that crawled across his lips and dragged the corners upwards as the would-have-been fight was interrupted before it had even started, though he had to lean to the side a little bit to make sure it was visible to his Aunt. There was truly nothing he enjoyed more than pissing Alexis off, even though he knew she could pound him into dust, and had most likely done so more than he could count on both hands. He had a knack for getting himself into trouble. Alexis was powerful, but that hadn't stopped him in the past, and probably would. As Alexis spoke, Alec merely let out a laugh in response, groaning slightly as Slade's elbow was rammed into his stomach, though it wasn't painful enough to injure him, nor powerful enough to make him stumble; it was a warning shot, to throw down the shovel and leave.

Eida turned to Sunday as she asked her question, raising one eyebrow in the least judgemental way she could muster at that moment. She knew her family was difficult to understand at the best of times - it truly was no wonder that a larger majority of them were still alive - but the confusion she was sensing from the girl, both from this situation and all the ones previous to the moment, suggested that she knew next to nothing about human nature, especially where teenagers were concerned. Eida's eyebrow lowered to meet with the other, and they both continued down to form a crease. She chewed thoughtfully on her lip for a moment, before shrugging her shoulders lightly. "They have their weird little ways," she replied, still with an expression of obvious curiosity on her face. She then shook her head suddenly, looking over to where her Aunt had exited the area. "I don't recommend getting on her bad side though. She's got a temper."

It was then that Alec took the opportunity to approach Sunday and, holding his hand out for her once more, he intended to keep his promise to walk her to school - not only that, but he really didn't want to have to watch his sister staring at her for a moment longer than he already had. He felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, and pulled it out of his pocket with his free hand to check the message, seeing it was from Amorie. Immediately, without opening the message, he felt the blood rushing to his cheeks and he let out a sigh. He'd somehow completely forgotten about running away from her that morning. With one hand, Alec skilfully typed out a message to his friend, all the while exiting the lobby.

[TO] Amorie
[MSG] Sorry about this morning. I'll explain later. And I'm definitely coming in today; I'll at least be there to keep you company so you don't get too bored. Just give me 10 minute, yeah? Oh, and by the way, Alexis is throwing a party tonight. It depends on whether you want to go, but the sleepover's a plan if not.

By the time the message was sent, he'd already made his way out of the hotel and down the forest path, which was even darker somehow due to the lack of sunlight. It wasn't raining so bad now, and the trees created decent cover, but he felt at a loss without the umbrella, which he was hoping Amorie still had on her person. He turned to Sunday with a smile. "My family are quite a lot to deal with," he started, "especially at first." Squeezing her hand lightly, he turned his gaze back to the path in front of him. "My sister, Eida... She stares a lot, but she'll take care of you tonight. A college party might be overwhelming, and I might have plans, so depending on what my friend says I may not be there..."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris
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They have their weird little ways," The girl replied. "I don't recommend getting on her bad side though. She's got a temper." She said and Sunday nodded. She didn't need to be told twice.

After that, Alec approached her and offered his hand, she smiled and took it gratefully. His hands were so warm...
it was at the same moment that he recieved another message on his phone, she waited and averted her eyes so that she couldn't see what was written. Though she couldn't help but feel jealousy bloom in her chest. She wanted him all to herself.

they began walking while he wrote his message and was already outside and into the forest, while a light rain fell. The rain here was nice, calming in a sort of way.

"My family are quite a lot to deal with," he started, calling her attention back to him, . "especially at first." he said with a gentle squeeze of her hand, that made her heart race. "My sister, Eida... She stares a lot, but she'll take care of you tonight. A college party might be overwhelming, and I might have plans, so depending on what my friend says I may not be there..."

Sunday felt deflated.

"But...I want to be with you." she blurted out and then blushed brightly. "I mean...It's just that....I don't know anyone else...and the dark haired girl....she scares me..." She told him.

she looked down at her feet. She could make him, but that would only make him angry, she didn't want that.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Amorie Simms
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec turned his head towards Sunday, eyes wide, following her sudden outburst. She wanted to spend time with him. He should have expected as much, but the way in which she'd gone about telling him brought a flush to his own cheeks, although seeing her blush too made him feel slightly less self-conscious about it. Clearing his throat, he shifted his gaze forward, noticing that they were walking over relatively uneven ground; he didn't want to trip. As Sunday went about trying to fix her sudden burst, Alec couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze again, even though he felt slightly guilty about giving off such a negative reaction. He should've taken into consideration how sensitive she seemed, and how slightly crazy she was in addition to that. With the slight nod of his head, Alec forced a smile, but said nothing.

It was then that his phone buzzed against his leg once more, and he read Amorie's text. She wants to go... Shit. He shook his head slowly, then realised what he was doing and typed out a simple message in response to her.

[TO] Amorie
[MSG] It'll get weird before it gets boring, trust me, so we can just ditch after a while. Say a time, I'll pick you up.

Truth be told, Alec was enjoying the prospect of being able to take a night away from his family, where he could just sit down and watch movies until he fell asleep. What had made the idea all the better was that he'd found a friend who would join him in that, or in this case, invite him to spend the night. Sure, Amorie had her quirks - one of which being that she had the tendency to disappear out of the blue - but she was more like him than any of his other friends, and he appreciated that. But, no, instead of relaxing, Alec had to go to a hectic party, one of which his parents and grandparents would wholly disapprove of, to perform in his Aunt's band, be surrounded by annoying family members, and most likely have to deal with the awkward situation of introducing his new stalker acquaintance to his close friend. How fun it will be.

"Looks like I'll be there after all," Alec murmured without enthusiasm, slipping his phone back into his pocket as if the action in itself required most, if not all, of his remaining patience and/or energy. "Oh, and with Alexis, or... 'the dark-haired girl', just stay out of her way and you'll do fine. She won't bother you." He used his free hand to flick a finger under her chin, almost in a teasing manner, but the gentle and care-free sort of way that a friend would to another friend. He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes, which were hollow and tired. Letting his hand drop, he continued the rest of the way in absolute silence, not meeting Sunday's gaze for worry that she might start some other type of conversation, and came to a halt in front of the school gates. He didn't think he'd be allowed much further than that. Allowing his hand to slip out of hers, he gave her another brief and forced smile. "I'm in that building over there," he told her, pointing. "If you run into any trouble, you come find me." And with that, he turned and left, without waiting to hear her response, and made his way over to the college, where he'd find Amorie.

Alec travelled around until he found the classroom that his friend was sat inside of, and entered, looking entirely drained. He took the seat next to her with an exaggerated huff, his hands resting in his lap. "You will never believe what I just got myself into..."


Alex had been seated at his desk for some time now and, after informing the class of which pages they were to cover, had pretty much left his students to their own devices, which they were taking full advantage of. Some were chatting, some were on their phone, others were asleep. Only a select few had actually bothered with the assigned task, but Alex did not care enough to set them straight. Being a teacher was only his cover; a job to pay for his crappy apartment in the town so that he could roam the realms without first having to wander around in a gloomy forest and/or risk being seen by someone who might've found themselves a bit too curious. Whether the students learned anything from their classes or not, it was of no concern or worry to Alex.

It wasn't until he heard the loud sounds of heels travelling down the hallway that he'd even bothered to remove his chin from his palms and glance in the direction of the door, at which point a familiar blonde was making her way through it. It was totally uncharacteristic of him, but Alex felt it appropriate to roll his eyes at the sight of her, before he turned his head back to his class with an obvious look of utter disinterest painted onto his expression. It had become apparent to him over the past few hours that his followers, allies and family were of no mind to simply leave him alone for a bit, and allow him to get on with his 'job' in the peace that he so desperately craved. He'd brought some Remei with him simply because he needed eyes and ears around Parkwood, but other unwelcome visitors were beginning to appear. First his daughter, then his own son - whom he'd thought was locked away in another realm, then Victoria, and now Brooklyn.

As she spoke, Alex let out a slow, steady breath, giving the impression that recent events, combined with that moment, had quite simply caused him to deflate, leaving him as a hollow costume as opposed to a living, breathing man. Shoving his rear outward to shuffle the chair back, Alex had to practically heave his weight up, before he nodded to excuse himself, and made his way out of the classroom, where Victoria and Ashley were still stood, chatting like a couple of school girls. He cleared his throat impatiently, directed a glare at his niece. "Ashley, back inside. Read and annotate the assigned pages in the text book on your desk, or whatever." He gestured for her to enter and, without glancing at Victoria, turned his head back to Brooklyn. "Such a pleasure to see you here," he grumbled, lacking sincerity. "How may I help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris
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"Looks like I'll be there after all," Alec said, clearly not happy with this development. He didn't want to go, and Sunday, while she wanted hi mto be there, it was only so that she could be with him, she didn't care what they did. Not that it mattered, he seemed weary of her. "Oh, and with Alexis, or... 'the dark-haired girl', just stay out of her way and you'll do fine. She won't bother you." He said and flicked under her chin with a finger, causing a giggle to bubble up from her chest and a blush to redden her cheeks. He smiled again, yet it didn't reach his eyes. She knew his smiles, his true ones, the ones he'd been giving her, was not them. It was quiet after that, Alec seemed to be avoiding her gaze as much as she was avoiding his, but not for the same reason. He was weary of her, which was her fault, not his, while she had a hard time believing he was even there, holding her hand, flicking her chin like she was friend.

She wanted to tell him the truth, tell him what he meant to her. She was in love with him, but there was a reason. He'd been her reprieve, something that she could focus on when her mother's wrath became too much, when her body was racked with pain, and she shivered. It was by pure accident that she'd stumbled upon his image in her mother's broken mirror. At first she was just curious, what was her mother looking at? Why did she break it and who was this boy? But then, over time, Sunday didn't care, she just watched him, go on his daily life, given him privacy when he needed it, but still. He made her forget.
And she loved him for it.

"I'm in that building over there," Alec said after dropping his hand, Sunday was colder for it ,but she let it go. He pointed to the building not far away. "If you run into any trouble, you come find me." He said and she nodded and watched him walk off.

She coulnd't call him like she had before, he didn't like that, but she hoped she'd see him again, soon.

She turned and walked inside the building and immediately she found that, she wasn't in the right building. The General had told her what building, showed it to her and this was not it.

She couldn't remember what he said exactly, her mother had struck her for one reason or another, and it all but left her mind.

Whimpering, she looked around. Unsure of what to do.

She pounded her head with her palm.

"Think, Sunday, Think!" she told herself, trying to jog her memory, she gasped when it came to her.

It wasn't Parkwood High, It was next to Parkwood High.

Sunday hung her head. The General was going to be cross with her...worse, he would tell her mother how useless she was.
Even if she when it now, it wouldn't end well.

Sunday took off in a full run, and jumped, her body shifting into that of a tiny black bird, and she perched herself in a tree so she wouldn't weep.

Maybe, just maybe, The General wouldn't find her...maybe Alec would, he said if she ran into trouble to find him...but he was afraid...he should be afraid. She knew it was best to keep her distance for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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Alexis had just finished setting up the mic and other musical equipment in the multipurpose room, when a downtrodden girl walked in with her mother.. "Mom?" Alexis asked, curiously and noticed this was the girl that Alec had in his room earlier that morning.

Erieda had her hand over the girl's shoulder. "Alexis, this is Sunday, a friend of Alec's, apparently." Her mother said and Alexis chuckled. "I'll say. She was in his bedroom this morning..." She said standing up straight with a arm full of extension chords. "Because she fainted." Erieda corrected. Alexis didn't know that nor care really, Sunday... cool name, but why was the girl with her mother now?

"I get the feeling that some how she's gonna be somehow my responsibility?" Alexis huffed looking at the girl, who seemed to duck behind Erieda. Her mother was good that way, she had a way to make anyone good feel safe.

"Not unless I can not find Alec." her mother retorted and Alexis sighed. "Isn't that the mystery...He's supposed to be here, helping me set fact, I figured he might be with her." she said and Sunday shook her head. "N-no...I got lost...I was going to school, but I forgot the name of it, and went to the wrong school....I didn't want him to think I was following I stayed away...then I got lost, and I couldn't find my way back..." she said, her voice just over a whisper. "I found her, wandering the forest, invited her to stay here, she told me everything... " Erieda said sweetly, and Sunday looked up at her mother like she was the moon and stars. Alexis cracked a small smirk. "Apparently, Sunday is a siren, and happened to run in to Alec this morning, she fainted, and he brought her here, and left, waking up afraid, she 'called' to Alec..."Sunday looked down at her feet, but her mother gave her a gentle pat on the head to let her know it was alright, Alexis remembered her doing the same thing whenever Alexis collected too much nether energies and wrecked the place.

Alexis laughed at that. "Ooo I bet that freaked him the fuck out haha!" she chuckled but stifled at after a reproachful look from her mother.

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"Call him, see if where he is, according to Sunday, he told her he'd come to the party with her."

"Yea well, you've got a better chance of him answering her call then mine."

"But he told me not to!" Sunday gasped. Alexis snorted. "It was a joke, calm down. I'll give it a shot." She said and pulled out her phone.

{Dude, Bring your ass, Your GF is here, and she's freaked out, and oh yeah, we have a gig tonight, you know, in the band...that you're in...with me...

"There, Now we wait." Alexis said and then thought. "Hey, Mom, where's Slade, I wanna show him something.

Erieda smiled a large smile, the biggest Alexis had seen in a long time though she tried to hide it, but it went straight to her eyes.. "He is around I am sure. I will go and fetch him. She said and pulled her arm from around Sunday, but the girl took a stuttered step. "Oh, Would you like to come along, Darling?" Erieda asked and Sunday nodded a bit sheepishly.
"Alec probably told her something that's only mildly true about me...Whatever." Alexis said and went back to her work. She knew she had a tendency to get pissy, but the girl looked genuinely afraid....She'd kick his ass for that.

With that, Erieda and Sunday left, looking for Slade while she finished setting up.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec sat down on his bed with a huff, almost as if the last few hours or so had robbed him of his energy, and the prospect of a party was almost too much for him to suffer. However, much like every time a party was held at the hotel, Alec went around his room to hide anything valuable, whether it was purely sentimental or just worth a lot of money. Things had a tendency to go missing when people were flooding in and out, which he had initially learned the hard way. Another thing is that locked doors rarely ever stayed locked, so he had resorted to merely turning his bedroom into what it had been when he took it; an empty hotel room, ready for the next set of guests. Whilst anything of his went locked up in the attic; there wasn't a moral alive who could get into that place without knowing exactly how.

Feeling a vibration in his pocket, Alec stood and slipped the phone out, only to see a text from Amorie. Truth be told, he had completely forgotten about picking her up, and was half tempted to lie down for a nap before things got too hectic, but he knew he couldn't leave her hanging; if there was one good thing about Alec, it was that he kept his word no matter what. And so, with an exaggerated sigh, he exited the room, seeing no point in even shutting the door. It wasn't until he reached the top of the stairs that he got a text from Alexis, and he tuned himself into the idle chatter of his family downstairs. He could hear Alexis and Erieda, but when he finally reached the bottom of the stairs, the only one around was Alexis, who was setting up. He shot her a look, and remained silent for a moment or two.

"I would help, but I'm picking Amorie up, so you're on your own for like ten minutes," Alec finally mumbled, all the while moving towards the hotel doors. "I'll deal with your band bullshit when I get back, I guess," he continued, his voice monotonous, before closing the door behind himself and stalking through the near-night towards Amorie's house. He decided to text back as he went.

[TO] Amorie
[MSG] I'm on my way, but I'm going to teleport because Alexis needs me to set up with her. Be there in 2 seconds.

And with that, he was gone, but only for a second. His seemingly empty eyes turned up at the house, and he walked slowly forward until he reached the front door, which he gave a few knocks before standing back a bit.


Slade had left the hotel a few hours previous, simply to be on his own for a bit. Meeting with his family again was something he'd wanted for the past couple of years, but it had a way of draining all of his energy, and so he wanted a few moments in silence. Besides, there would be a party at the hotel soon, and Slade had no place in such events. He hadn't even liked going to parties when he was a teenagers, mainly because he hated all other forms of life, but unlike then he just found himself way too out of place to attend, despite still looking like an eighteen-year-old. And so, there he stood, in the middle of the forest, pressing his palm against his life tree as if it was the only thing keeping him standing. Leaning forward, he pressed his forehead against it for a moment or two, before turning and taking a seat beside it.

He heard people approaching, but he didn't bother to look to see who it was; what's the worst the could happen? He was already dead, so he had no real reason to be worried. Closing his eyes, he leaned his head back until it was pressed against the tree, his breathing steady.


Scavenger was actually looking forward to this party, unlike some others in the Remei. Not only would there be lots of people around for her to irritate, but also if their plans went well, they'd be a big step closer to being able to reach their goals, or at least this would allow them to gain more allies, and therefore bring them closer to their goal. There were only a few people out of Alex's soldiers that he had picked to tackle their target; Scavenger, Ashley and a few others were made to socialise within the party, whilst Kellin and several others were being made to hide out in the edges of the forest, to see if she was watching from a distance. But, whoever found her first, they would all be made to work together in the end. They had to capture her together. She was too strong for one of them to handle alone, despite the fact that she wasn't supposed to be violent. All the effort would be worth it though, she was sure.

She put on her chosen outfit and sat on Alex's bed, leaning back into the cushions whilst pulling her phone out of her pocket and checking it for messages. When she realised that she had no friends whatsoever, she sighed, and typed out a message to Ashley instead, hoping to God she wasn't thinking of ditching. She knew the girl wasn't happy about having to attend, but Scavenger was almost happy to have her along. Miserable as she may have seemed to Scavenger, she was beginning to enjoy Ashley's company quite a bit.

[TO] Ashley
[MSG] I think the party will be starting soon, so make sure you're ready.

Once she sent the message, she began chewing on her bottom lip - almost thoughtfully. She sent another.

[TO] Ashley
[MSG] I know you're not looking forward to this, but you're not alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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Walking with this small girl, Erieda felt an odd familiarity coming from her. She knew the girl was a siren, but she could also sense that she was Fae, but only in parts, it was diluted, but she knew a Seelie Fae when she was near one. She wouldn't make for a very good Queen if she didn't.
"Tell me, Sunday, where are you from?" Erieda asked, causing the small girl to jump. "OtherWorld..." the girl said, timidly. Erieda frowned. "You need not lie to me, Sunday, I am Fae, just as you." She said and Sunday looked shocked. Her small pink lips forming a small O.

"I'm Fae?!" She gasped and it was Erieda's turned to looked surprised. " Partially, You didn't know...?"
Sunday shook her head.
"No, I did not, My mother... she never told me who my father was, and my mother is not Fae."

Erieda sighed and decided to end the conversation there. Even as Queen, it wasn't her place to let Sunday know of such a thing, espeically, if her mother didn't tell her, herself. Which was odd?

"Forgive me, Sunday, Darling, Curousity, A Fae curse, even for a Queen." she chuckled and Sunday smiled briefly and nodded, before their walk went silent.

"You are a Queen?" Sunday asked suddenly. Erieda smiled and nodded. "You do not seem like one, You are kind...." Sunday said and Erieda blinked. Who was this girl and where was she from? She had to know.

In what place could a girl like this, believe the Queens are evil.

Erieda could think of only one, but her daughter was Queen there, and she hoped against hope, her daughter hadn't become something of a tyrant.

It was then that they arrived at their destination. Simon, lay resting against his life tree. Erieda felt her body realise a tension she hadn't known she had. "Wait here, alright?" She told the girl, to whom nodded obediently.

Erieda approached her son, and placed a gentle kiss atop his forehead.

"I used to do that, when I was young, somehow, sleeping with my Lifetree, always calmed me." she said softly, sitting beside him, still in awe that he was even there.

"Is something troubling you, Simon?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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#, as written by Kaeru


His mother's reaction to the information was enough to turn Slade's head back in the other direction; he didn't want to see her break down... He couldn't see her break down. Despite spending so much time away from one another, Slade and Erieda had reconnected almost immediately, and so their emotions went hand-in-hand. If she broke down in front of him, he'd have a hard time keeping his composure. She spoke only one word, and his fingers dug through the fabric of his jeans. He knew it would leave a bruise, but that was the very least of his worries. She thanked him, but he was already regretting it. She needed to know. If he kept telling himself that, he thought it might take some of the weight off of his shoulders, but the more he repeated it in his mind the more he realised that it wasn't going to work. But what could he do? It was out in the open. The only thing he could do from this point on was to love, protect and support his mother through these times. Hopefully he'd never have to have that sigil etched into his arm; but it had a tendency to pop up uninvited, and he doubted even his mother could protect him then. At least, not on her own. He let out a sigh, and turned to her in the second that her eyes widened, and she looked at him in shock.

So she'd figured it out. The reason for his murder; Slade had known too much, and it was in Alex's best interest to keep this information from Erieda, so it then became Scavenger's best interest. And, if there was one thing to remember about Scavenger, it was that she did anything she could for that man. She loved no one more in the entire world. A lot of the other members of the Remei had already clocked on, and there had been some rumours of an affair between the two, but Slade knew that wasn't possible. To Scavenger, Alex was the perfect role model; the perfect father figure. And the two of them were way more alike than anyone could've guessed. With a huff, he nodded, although he knew he needn't have given his mother an answer. She was, as he had come to learn, highly intelligent, as well as strong. It's probably why she wasn't completely freaking out. She seemed more upset than anything, but even then she masked her true feelings quite a bit.

It was then that she mentioned that it was against Alex's wishes, and he scoffed quietly. As she sobbed into him, it took everything within him not to join her. But, as it stood, his eyes remained dry. His own death was something he had come to accept; it was not something he cried over anymore. Not if he could help it. He was more upset over the fact that his father had ruined everything he said he was working hard to achieve. A nice family, a nice life, and all that crap. But, through all of those years, he'd actually been raising a secret child and working on plans to usher in this 'new world', though it was not his own idea to begin with. No, scratch that. Slade wasn't upset, he was pissed. He shifted gently out of her embrace and wrapped her in one of his own, with both arms curling around her at the shoulders. It was, in some ways, a sign to say that he would protect her, instead of it being the other way around. It was also, in other ways, a chance for her to let out some bottled emotions. "I love you, mom, and you shouldn't ever be sorry for any of this," he placed a kiss to the top of her head. "I'm here now, and I will stand with you." Releasing his grip, he shifted so that he could stand up, and he held out his hands for Erieda.

"If I'm correct in assuming," he said, "Alex will most likely have told Scavenger to attend the party Alexis is throwing tonight. There's some sort of target they're after, and it's the sort of job he'd only really assign to her and a few others. Ashley, Kellin, Sunday, and so on." He turned his head in the direction of the hotel, though it was too far away for him to mark it in his sights. It was only in that moment that he became aware of another presence, which he had noticed earlier but had recently become too distracted to care about. His nose crinkled and a crease formed between his brows as he frowned. "One of them is close."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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"I love you, mom, and you shouldn't ever be sorry for any of this," He said placing a kiss atop her head. Erieda chuckled ruefully. "I'm here now, and I will stand with you,"He told her and Erieda rose as her son did. She placed a soft hand on his face and smiled. How she and Alex created such an amazing being, she would never know.

"If I'm correct in assuming," he said, "Alex will most likely have told Scavenger to attend the party Alexis is throwing tonight. There's some sort of target they're after, and it's the sort of job he'd only really assign to her and a few others. Ashley, Kellin, Sunday, and so on."

Alarms went off in her head. Sunday? That scared little Porcelain doll? She was one of them. She was so scared all the time it seems, and she was Fae, she couldn't lie.

Fae but whose? She didn't smell UnSeelie, in fact, she smelled like one of hers. Seelie.

"One of them is close." Simon said, and Erieda nodded.

"Yes, Sunday, the girl, I met her this morning, she was with Alec....She is Seelie Fae, I could feel it in her before, but she is also a Siren, of demonic nature....I only know one demonic Siren..." She said and started walking toward the girl. She wanted answers. Now.

However, half way up the clearing, a soft sad song was being sung, very Fae-like, low and haunting. Erieda cocked her head,

I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last
And will we ever end up together?

Oh ooh

And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one...."

Erieda approached the girl, who was sitting in the grass, tying together grass blades with a soft smile on her face. She looked so sweet....but so did her mother,

"Sunday." Erieda snapped causing the girl to jump near out of her skin. "Queen Erieda...."the girl said with a smile as she rose but she must have been able to see it in Erieda's face, and her smile faded.

"You were for my husband, don't you." Sunday's expression turned to pure fear, but not for Erieda that much she could see, but Erieda would change that.

"I can not speak of it." the girl said, and as if she wasn't pale enough, she blanched even further. Erieda walked up to her, and grabbed the little girl by the arms. "You will,"
"But I can not, Please, The General will hurt me." She whimpered.
Erieda damn near snarled. "I will hurt you, Tell me all that you know." She said with a shake to the girl, and the girl whimpered, tears spilling from her eyes.

"The sigil does not work on me, but my mother, she will give me to them" Sunday sobbed and Erieda huffed. "Who?" she snapped and Sunday turned her head, her eyes falling on Simon for a moment before closing tight.
"The Incubi...they will hurt me....they like hurting me,they make me..." Sunday looked as if she were to be sick.Erieda let go of the girl, and placed her hands on her hips.

"Tell me all that you know, and I will protect you. You have my word as Fae Queen."
Sunday dropped to her feet, bowing gratefully. "Thank you, thank you, I will be forever in your debt, My Lady of Seelie." She said and Erieda sighed. "Speak, Sunday."
Sunday rose her head.
"I do not know all of his plans, because the sigil did not work on me, so they only told me very little. I am to convince Alec Iris to join us, I am...suppose to make him love me so that he would follow...but...I do not want to make him....I love him all my own, I wish for him to love me all his own....They will kill me...if they find out....and Alec...He will hate me..." Sunday sobbed. Erieda looked at her son for a moment before kneeling down to the girl, and raising her chin. "Your mother is Victoria Montez, is she not?"Sunday nodded. "Your father?"
Sunday shook her head.
"I do not know, all I know, is that he was Fae, and my mother tricked him....
Erieda gave the girl's face a onceover but could not place who it was, this child belonged. She knew all her Fae, but she looked too much like her mother to see her father in her.
Sunday's eyes darted to Simon.
"You look like the General's daughter....The Morrigan." She peeped confused. Erieda looked at Sunday. "They are twins...This is Simon, you are referring to Symone, my daughter...
"My mother hates her...but they...they work together under the General." She said and looked away ashamed. "I did not want to trick Alec...I truly love him...." She said and Erieda sighed. She knew all to well what it was like to love a Davenport male, knowing how toxic he was, going against her own better judgement but she focused on Symone at the moment. "The Morrigan, how close is she to her father?"
"Quite close, I envy them...

She turned to Simon and stood. "Does Symone know about you, and Scavenger?" She asked, sounding all the more Queen then she had, she had to push the pain down, otherwise, the entire Converge would suffer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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#, as written by Kaeru


Slade wasn't at all surprised to learn that his mother had already met Sunday, but instead a little worried that Sunday had made contact with Alec so early. His brows pinched together for a second, before his expression shifted to one of mild discomfort. Of course, he already knew who Sunday's mother was, but Erieda did not. His lips parted slightly as if to begin explaining this to her, but she was already walking, and so he quietly followed. She'd figure it out in her own time, he was sure.

"Okay... this is starting to feel like some really messed up horror movie," Slade murmured as Sunday's voice filled the silence around him, and his eyes were instantly scanning the area as if he expected something to jump out at him with an axe; a light shudder ran through his body. He was, in fact, so caught up in his own thoughts that he hadn't paid much attention to the lyrics of the song.

As the two of them approached Sunday, Slade decided to hang back a little, and so he found himself leaning against yet another tree, watching the interaction with a steady gaze. He took notice of the fading smile on the young girl's face, and in that moment Slade knew that she wasn't expecting such a cold greeting; his guess was that the two of them had been getting along rather well before Sunday was revealed to be part of the Remei, as limited as her role was in their schemes.

Shortly after this, even Slade was a little surprised by Erieda's actions, namely the grabbing of Sunday's arms. His mother had every right to be pissed off, he knew, but he knew Sunday a little better than she did and she seemed harmless at the worst of times. Still, as Erieda persisted with gaining information from the young girl, Slade stayed where he was and continued to stare, although now his attention was drawn mainly from Erieda to Sunday. When she looked at him, he felt ashamed that he'd been analysing her so thoroughly. Her words, however, brought about the realisation that she did not know him as well as he knew her. It made sense; Slade had spent most of his time locked up in the Wraith Realm, watching them all from a distance.

As Erieda turned to him, Slade moved from the tree and walked a little closer. "Symone doesn't know I'm alive; I haven't been able to contact her, though I'm sure she would have sensed my return to Parkwood." He took a long pause. "And I am the only one who knows about Scavenger," he continued, hoping his mother would understand that if Scavenger was willing to kill her own brother because of this information, there isn't anyone she wouldn't go after. With a quick glance to Sunday, he let out a small sigh, and stepped around his mother.

With a soft gaze, he looked down at Sunday. "I'll make sure that your mother doesn't hear of this either way, Sunday, but if you'd be willing to continue to assist us, we'd really appreciate it."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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"Symone doesn't know I'm alive; I haven't been able to contact her, though I'm sure she would have sensed my return to Parkwood." said The Queen's son and Sunday looked down at her fingers in her lap. Her tights had holes in them now, and her knees were a bit scuffed up. "And I am the only one who knows about Scavenger," He said and Sunday shivered. She didn't like Scavenger, she scared her, almost as much as the General did.
It was then that the man stepped forward and Sunday shrunk a bit but his gaze was soft, it made her feel oddly safe.
"I'll make sure that your mother doesn't hear of this either way, Sunday, but if you'd be willing to continue to assist us, we'd really appreciate it." He said and Sunday's eyes willed up with tears, for some odd reason, she shot up, and wrapped herself around the man's waist, he towered over her tiny frame but she held tight. She knew this man words were true. He would keep her safe. "I shall help any way I can, Thank you, thank you." She said muffled into this shirt before looking up, blinking through her thick bangs. For a moment, an small residue of recognition passed through her eyes as she gazed up at him but it faded and she pulled away.

"I am sorry, no one has ever helped me before...I get a little carried away.... she said sheepishly and the Queen beside them chuckled.

"You are among Fae, Sunday, if anyone understands burst of emotion, it would be us." the Queen said and Sunday blushed, looking at the Prince again. "My apologizes, I do not know your name, but you seemed to know me, Do you know me, My Lord?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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#, as written by Kaeru


In that moment, Slade wasn't quite sure how to respond to Sunday's reaction. She moved quicker than his body - in its weakened state - would allow, and before he could shift to deflect her embrace, her arms were already tight around his body. Mumbling something incoherent to both himself and those around him, he held both arms out in surprise and found himself staring down at Sunday for what felt like the longest time, before moving an arm down to pat her on the back. His movements were slow, almost wary, but he was trying his best to seem comforting given the circumstances. Smiling awkwardly, he tried a chuckle, but it faded into the silence; this was soon filled by more incoherent murmurs as she continued to thank him. At least that's one more ally to add to Mother's list, he thought.

As Sunday looked up at him, his eyes met hers and for another brief moment there was silence. Being so close to her, Slade saw things that he hadn't been able to before, and this new view brought with it an incredibly strange sense of familiarity. Part of him put it down to her being related to Victoria, whom he'd seen more times than he would've liked, but another part was telling him to ignore that completely.

"It's quite alright, Sunday," he replied, his fingers deftly fumbling at the edges of his shirt as if to straighten it out after the unwelcome embrace.

When Erieda spoke, Slade let out a slow, hollow-sounding laugh, as if the words themselves were an understatement if ever he'd heard one. More like, 'you're among Davenports', he thought to himself, 'we're all very emotional... or bat-shit crazy. I can never tell.' The smile he wore was somewhat sad, and it faded shortly as Sunday's voice became audible to him over his own train of thought. He nodded his head a little, his hands worming their way into his pockets as he gave his reply. "I'm quite familiar with you, Sunday," he said, his eyes finding hers for only a second, "but you do not know me. Not really... My name is Simon Davenport. I prefer Slade, but whatever suits you..." He paused for a second, as if he was hesitating to even speak. "And you don't have to call me 'My Lord', y'know." Giving her one last glance, he turned to his mother.

"Is there any chance you could communicate with Symone? It's just... I haven't had the chance to see her yet, and I've waited too long."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae
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"I'm quite familiar with you, Sunday," He said and Sunday shrunk under his quick gaze. He knew her, and she knew she knew him, but she coudln't say from where. "but you do not know me. Not really... My name is Simon Davenport. I prefer Slade, but whatever suits you..." He said and she nodded. She liked Simon, but he said he preferred Slade, so she'd go with Slade."And you don't have to call me 'My Lord', y'know." He told her, and Sunday nodded. "Alright...Slade." she tested with a soft smile.

It was then she felt the Queen's eyes on her and she looked up. They kept doing that, looking at her like they weren't quite sure to make of her. It was the same for her but still, it was a little unsettling.

It was then that Slade began to address his mother about his sister, calling the Fae Queen's attention from her.
"With the peace accords, I can not travel to the demon realm, nor call on her from there, nor can she call or travel to the Fae realm, no fae nor demon can cross into those planes, so we must only wait for her to return here. It shouldn't be too long now, she should have been able to feel you, you've always been close that way...." She said and Sunday noticed how the Queen's words seem to hitch.

"Excuse me, I have to meet with my husband....Simon, Look after Sunday, will you?"She said and as if the wind blew her apart, she disappeared into a gush of wind blown leaves and was off.

Sunday stood in awe of the wonder she'd just seen. She felt it then, she loved this place, she didn't want to go back to the demon realm, she hated it there.

She turned to looked at Slade, tears in her large doll eyes. "Mister Slade, I do not want to go back....It is always dark...May I stay with you....Here?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Scavenger
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#, as written by Kaeru


To say that Slade was disappointed that he couldn't see his own sister yet was a major understatement. More than anything, he was just confused. Surely she'd have been able to sense him by now, so why hadn't she come back? Part of him wondered if she even believed what her body was telling her, that he was alive and well - to some extent. Looking down at the ground, he simply nodded, ignoring the hitch in Erieda's voice for fear that he too would begin to break down. He just wanted his little sister. It had so long.

When Erieda spoke of Alex, Slade's head shot up to look at her, and he parted his lips to speak, but she was already gone. He wanted to go with her, to support her... She probably didn't need him anyway. She might not have wanted him to see her so emotional; she had always made it a point of never looking weak. He knew that better than anyone.

After a moment of hesitation, Slade turned to Sunday, who he had seemingly been tasked with looking after in his mother's absence. Upon closer inspection, he took notice of the tears in her eyes, and he frowned slightly. As she spoke to him, it took everything for him not to chuckle. Mister Slade, he repeated in his mind, a small smile playing on his lips. He looked up at her and started forward, extending a hand. "Of course, Sunday. For as long as you need." His smile widened, and became much more genuine. "I have a house in the town, but for a while I'll be staying in my old room at the Hotel so that I can be closer to my mother. You're welcome to use it, or stay in the one opposite." He paused, then decided it would be good to give a reason for the sudden hand-holding. "I'll teleport us over."


Alec was relieved, at least, that he didn't have to help set up the equipment, but part of him felt bad for skipping out. He quickly pushed this thought to the side as Alexis gestured for him to jump on stage, which he did without a moment's hesitation. As much as he hated the 'before and after' of parties, he quite enjoyed being in Alexis' band. When she mentioned the rest of the members, Alec released a short huff of breath which mixed with hers. Alec wasn't reliable at the best of times, but he never missed a performance. That much he knew. "It's their loss," he spat as he leaned down to pick up his guitar, before slinging the strap over his shoulder and adjusting it a little. When he was comfortable, he let his hands rest over it, his eyes finding Alexis once more while she talked about Sunday. The mention of her name caused a pang of guilt to form in his stomach, his mind filled with thoughts of her being confused, lost and alone. A sour expression settled on his features.

Alec took a moment to think about his response, using whatever information he'd gathered - and assumed - since the moment he first spoke to her in that hotel room. "I get the feeling that... she's been through a lot in her life. A lot of pain." His eyes seemed to lose focus as he spoke, but they snapped back to reality quickly and settled once again on Alexis. "She's afraid... of something, or someone. My guess is that she's been abused. By who, or what, I don't know." He began absentmindedly fiddling with the strings, huffing once more. "I never wanted to ask. I'm worried she won't take it well. Besides, I hardly know her; it's not really my place to pry." His words were true. Alec had only known the girl for the better half of a day, so acting like her psychiatrist right off the bat just didn't feel right. He cleared his throat and shook his head.

"We should rehearse," he said suddenly, "while we still can... What's first?"


Alexander and Scavenger were sat in what was supposed to be the living area of his under-sized apartment. They were sat opposite each other, on the floor, with a set of playing cards between them. Scavenger held a smug smirk upon her lips, whilst Alex was frowning intently at the set of cards he held in his hand. They both exchanged glances every once in a while, but said nothing for the longest time. That was until there came a voice on the other side of the door, and Alex recognised it instantly as his wife. Setting the cards down, he shot Scavenger a glare. "No peeping," he growled, and she held her hands up in mock innocence.

Alex moved towards the door and opened it, having completely missed the anger in Erieda's hissed voice. Opening it, he attempted to greet her with a smile, but this faded within seconds as he took notice of her expression. Stepping to the side, he beckoned for her to enter, and Scavenger looked up from her own cards with a look of distaste. It was no secret that she did not like the Fae Queen, for multiple reasons. She was Slade's mother, first and foremost, and also Alex's first love... before her own mother. Looking down again, she decided to stay quite for the time being and leave them to it, since Alex had not yet asked her to leave. She had the feeling he might.

"Is something the matter, Erieda?" Alex asked.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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"Of course, Sunday. For as long as you need." Slade said and Sunday smiled along with him after he offered her his hand. "I have a house in the town, but for a while I'll be staying in my old room at the Hotel so that I can be closer to my mother. You're welcome to use it, or stay in the one opposite." He said and Sunday took his hand. "I'll teleport us over." Sunday's round face lit up. "Alright....There is to be a party tonight, Alexis...she invited me, I am to be a date for Alec....What is a date?" She asked, just as Slade teleported them.

Sunday laughed in delight to find herself in another place, in the time it took for her to blink. "How Tragic, That was fun, Can we do it again?" She said, with wide eyes and a large smile on her face, her hand still tightly wrapped around his.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport
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"I get the feeling that... she's been through a lot in her life. A lot of pain." Alec said and Alexis turned to him, watching his expression. "She's afraid... of something, or someone. My guess is that she's been abused. By who, or what, I don't know." He said and Alexis took a breath, she seemed like a sweetheart, she had nether engeries all around her but none of then originated from her like someone who dealt in death, like her father, and siblings, she was capable of it, but only because of the people around her. Much like Eida, Sunday was just good. The idea of someone hurting her....abusing was almost impossible to imagine. "I never wanted to ask. I'm worried she won't take it well. Besides, I hardly know her; it's not really my place to pry." He said and Alexis nodded, understanding that but still...

"We should rehearse," he said suddenly, "while we still can... What's first?" He said and Alexis scrolled through the playlist. "I'm thinking we start with Naughty Naughty, We're doing the party list...." She said and then looked up. "But seriously, you should try talking to her, I know I'm not much one for social...well....anything, but she seemed to like you, and more importantly, trust you...." She said and shrugged. "Just saying..." She said, and looked back down at the computer but then up again, when she felt the quantum field around them shift.
Someone teleported.

"Looks like we've got some an audience."