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Victoria Montez

"I will rule not one realm, but all."

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a character in “Outcasters: Third Generation”, as played by TheCrimsonLady




ImageImage{ FULL NAME }
Victoria Montez

{ AGE }

The Dark One

Former Demon Princess

Demonic Siren


5'8 ft even, slender, with womanly curves.

Victoria is a dark haired beauty with intense green eyes, and alabaster skin. She is beautiful as she is dangerous.



Sunday Montez -Daughter

Victoria is a ruthless woman, she has been known to cut men down for simply looking at her incorrectly. Victoria is indifferent, stubborn, socially inept, and prone to violence, with a predisposition towards anger. Basically she's a bitch, Victoria has a dark soul, she hates everything and wishes for nothing more then the destruction of the Davenport Queedoms, Demon and Fae alike. She is manipulative and violent, controlling and domineering and abusive to her daughter to whom she only views as a weapon.She is a skilled liar and can seduce a man with a simple bat of an eyelash. She has a smart mouth and is ill tempered, and has been known to shoot a man simply for the dislike of his face.

Shape Shifting
Demon Magick
Siren Song
Siren Call.


Image { LIKES }
Causing Pain
Ashely Vincent
World Conquest
Being Smarter then everyone else

The Davenport Family and their allies
Her Daughter Sunday
Pretty much everything

Being locked in a room.
Anyone seeing her scars.

The only other person Victoria cares about is Ashely and has a hard time understanding her feelings beyond sex.

She has a hair trigger, if she's pissed off enough, some one is going to die.
She'll use her body as a weapon, if she'll have to sleep with someone to get them to drop their guard, she will.


Image{ HISTORY }


Katie McGrath


I Should Kill You–Mary Magdalene

So begins...

Victoria Montez's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger
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This was taking entirely too long. How was she supposed to do anything, while her daughter was out there, probably screwing up everything.

It was a shame really, that the proud daughter of the Demon King, the true Demon Queen, Victoria Montez could bare such a insipid wretch. She had so much potential being of her blood, but it was the other half that made her the fool she was.

Victoria paced the halls of her dark castle, exiled to the deepest part of the demon realm, where no one, not even demon dare tread.

Save of ones still faithful to her and her father. Most of them were now loyal the half breed. Symone...

ImageImage"They used to shout my name..."She mused aloud, as she sat down in the throne, her black gown spilled down around her.
"Now they whisper it..." She hissed to no one. The Fae bitch they call Queen struck an accord with the Faeries, now the realms were at peace.

Victoria hated it. The Fae should be dead at her feet, now holding hands in peace. They were worthless, useless creatures, who should be destroyed for their high sense of entitlement. They think themselves superior because they were the first creatures to pass between realms? Ha! And she gave birth to half of one.

But soon...Very soon, they would be crushed, her half breed along with them.

Alexander only thought himself in control, but Victoria had her own plans. She would let him do as he pleases for now, and once he's gotten what he wanted, she'd take it from him, relive him of his head, and they realms would be hers.

Provided that wretch of a girl did as she was told....

She had to be sure.
She looked to her left, and there beside her throne was a table, and on that table sat a moblie phone.

She'd been to the mortal realm as a child, and understood most of their gadgets, she found them irrelevent, but they had their uses.

She picked it up and moved her fingers across the screen.

{Ashley, Darling?}

She wasn't sure if the device would work across realms, but Ashley insisted she'd have one.

Ashley was the one thing that Victoria found tolerable. She was beautiful but more importantly, she was obedient, exactly how Victoria wanted her.

When that didn't work, Victoria took a breath.

She couldn't actually enter the mortal realm, without Symone, nor her Mother, Erieda the so called Unkillable noticing.

Unkillable....Hardly. She'd find a way...the Fae Whore killed her father, and her daughter seduced her brother....They all deserved to die.


Victoria rose her chin, her eyes glowing, and projected a vision of herself to Ashley's location.

She would materialized as if she were standing before her, but she wouldn't be tangible, nor would her presence be palpable.
She found Ashley with one of Alexander's minions, to whom she completely ignored.

"Ashley, Ashley, My love, The device you gave to me did not work...."She said, her voice smooth as silk. She knew Ashley responded better with those silly terms of endearment. Victoria needed no such foolishness but she was easier to manage this way.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


Scavenger had been staring at the wall for what felt like hours, lost in the chaos of her own mind. She thought about Alex's plans, and her part to play, the secrets the two of them kept from the world - from his family... she thought about the fact that she did not believe the plan would work, that she really didn't want it to. In truth, she was scared about what the world would become, what Alex would make it into, and the thought in itself caused a cold shiver to run down her spine. She visibly tensed. Scavenger, through no fault of her own, was inexplicably drawn to the man she called General, and this made her vulnerable to all kinds of manipulation. Turning her head slightly, the short-haired girl felt a trickle of sweat running down her temple, and as it rolled down her check she allowed herself a small shudder. It had gotten so cold...

Her eyes automatically shifted to Ashley, and was comforted to find that the girl was still beside her, though now she remained seated at her desk, not paying attention to her surroundings. Ashley, it seemed, had become absorbed in her music, and so Scavenger was hesitant to disrupt her focus. A small frown pulled her eyebrows together, forming a crease in the space between, and she shifted herself from around the front of her desk to sit at her desk. She was trembling; there was no denying that. She ought to train herself not to think about Alex. It never did her any good. The man had never loved her before, and he'd given her no reason to think he'd change his ways any time soon. Releasing a sigh, she allowed her weight to settle into the chair. Speak of the devil... she thought, as Alex strolled through into the room. Scavenger turned away.

The quiet muttering of students came to a surprising halt, but Scavenger had not figured out the reason for it until she dragged her gaze upwards, and saw a figure before her whom she recognised almost instantly. Victoria. Another of Alex's allies, but the one which Scavenger trusted the least. There was something sinister about the woman, something which she was not so readily revealing to the world. Scavenger had learned to keep to herself with her thoughts and opinions, however, and so she merely pinched her lips together at the sudden sight, her eyes instinctively rolling with the words that came flying from the older woman's lips. My love... Scavenger repeated the words in her mind, but said nothing of this aloud. Folding her arms and pressing them to her chest, Scavenger relaxed into her seat.

Clearing her throat, Scavenger gave Ashley a warning glance, as if to suggest that she needed to remove Victoria's image from the school building as quickly as possible before one of the mortals took notice and started to ask questions. Whether Scavenger cared enough to seem considerate with Ashley or not, Scavenger was still the girl's higher-up, and she would assert her authority in certain situations without even a second of hesitation. She cared little for Victoria's views on her subtle command; while Alex did not love her, he at least protected her. That, in some sense, gave her an advantage over the older woman, and one which Scavenger had no problem using at the earliest opportunity. Merely to check, Scavenger leaned a little to the side, catching the way Alex bore a hole into the back of Victoria's 'image'. He was not pleased.


Dahvie listened to his wife's words in complete silence, his sceptical expression suggesting that he still wasn't convinced that she'd felt him in the way she thought she had. Like she had said, there were a lot of phantom feelings happening over the years, and Dahvie had been made to deal with that more often than he'd have liked to. And, as it was painfully obvious, trying to be the strong one in the relationship had only been making him much weaker. His immortal blood was supposed to make him eternally youthful, but he was starting to feel more like a 38-year-old than he actually looked, which was unsettling in its own right. If this continued, he'd die at a mortal age, in the body of a 17-year-old. The thought on its own caused his eyelids to flutter close and a soft sigh to escape his lips, even as he felt his wife guiding his hand to her lips. He paid it no mind. It had been a long while since he'd touched his skin to his wife's and felt the familiar tingle of desire.

Dahvie only became fully alert when he felt his wife slipping away from him, and he forced his eyelids up. They felt heavy. He hadn't slept enough last night for him to be any kind of energetic this morning. And so, as his wife went about her business getting dressed and such, Dahvie made his way over to the open window and sat on the ledge, dangling his legs over the edge and staring down at the drop. It was large, but nothing that his supernatural body couldn't handle. He thought briefly about what it would be like to just... let himself fall. He'd feel the wind whipping through his mortal clothes, before his legs hit the ground with an almost satisfying crack. He knew how to fall correctly and roll to safety. It was more of a case whether he'd allow himself to survive, or just drop.

He heard conversation behind him, but the sounds and voices all blended together into a low buzzing in his ear, and he became so involved in the wind that he cared not to focus on the specific words. The wind, which was threatening to pull him into its embrace, was much more welcome to him than anything his wife's servants could utter about him behind his back. His pale eyes were glued to the ground, before suddenly only Symone's voice was audible to him, and it was clearer somehow. Turning his head slowly, he allowed himself to stare at her for a moment or two whilst tugging at his bottom lip with his teeth, as if he was in deep thought about which motion he would choose. He could push himself forward, and test his will to survive, or he could go with his wife and face the possible disappointment of not seeing his old friend; this, as well, would sense Symone back into a state of depression. Neither path seemed like the obvious one, but he still had to choose. Slowly, he pressed his hands into the rock around him, before sliding back into the room and facing his wife. "Yes, I'm ready." He narrowed the space between them and placed his hand in hers, focusing anywhere but her eyes.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger Character Portrait: Amorie Simms
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Nicholas waited patiently for his new friend to decided where they should start unpacking. It left them both with two options. Connect the wifi and never move from the couch. Or unpack the bedroom to actually get something done. It was a true dilemma. Getting Logan up to the bedroom could prove to be beneficial to them both later on. But it could also prove to be pointless and actually full of work. Hooking up the router would give them complete internet access which could prove to be a distraction from everything. Nicholas would never finish unpacking if he was too busy looking up silly kittens on YouTube. "I guess I'd rather be nosy than be the guy who set up your router and made you forget you had an entire house to empty." Logan placed the router back in the box and caused Nicholas to chuckle. The stranger had made his choice. "Well then let me show you to the bedroom." He said as he wiggled his eyebrows seductively. Nick was only kidding for the most part.

Turning on his heels, he guided Logan up the steps and through the hall. The master bedroom as the very last door. Inside it had many boxes and a bed frame. The dresser and tables haven't been set up yet. The rest of his bed was leaning up against the wall. Nicholas was very lazy when it came to this part. He was perfectly content with living out of boxes for a little while longer. "Guess we should get started." The Hispanic encouraged.


Alex had finally graced the classroom with his presence. That wasn't enough to get Ashley to pause her music. All he was going to do was teach the class and she was not hear to learn. She turned the music up a bit louder and glanced over towards Scavenger. She seemed just as uninterested as Ashley was. That was new for the dragon. To see her without a smirk glued to her face. Whatever was running through the dark haired gals mind was really bothering her. Ashley had half a mind to ask, but she decided against it. This was not a time to act sentimental. Not when Alex was teaching them and they had a job to do. Running her fingers through her hair, she decided to pull her ear buds out. Ashley was expecting to hear the voices of annoying mortals, but it was silent. Looking up from the phone she saw Victoria. Her Victoria. "Ashley, Ashley, My love, The device you gave to me did not work...." If Ashley could look more shocked, she would. Device? Device...? The phone. Ashley forced Victoria too keep a cellphone with her in her realm to keep contact. Apparently cellphones couldn't transfer phone calls and texts over different realms.

The dark skinned beauty should say something. Anything. But she was still stuck on the fact Victoria had actually shown up. Scavenger cleared her throat, which snapped Ashley out of her thoughts. Neither Scavenger nor Alex was pleased. In fact, Ashley can already see that she was going to get in a world of trouble for this. Not that she cared. Victoria showed up. Standing up, Ashley gestured for Victoria to follow her out of the classroom so that they could talk and not have to worry about mortal ears. When out of the room, Ashley let a smile form on her face. "You came."


Amorie walked into her classroom as two others walked out. If the reaper cared enough, she would have been a bit worried about why they were leaving. The blonde saw that the teacher had finally shown up and she just took her seat in the back. If the teacher wanted to question her he could. Not that she would tell him the truth. Amorie considered for a moment explaining exactly what she was doing and where she was just to see the look of confusion on his face. The thought caused her to giggle. She sat down and kicked her feet back up on the desk. Looking around she was half expecting Alec to be here at school already. But he wasn't. And he didn't text. Out of concern for her friend, she sent a quick message.
[MSG]Where ever you are, stay. School is boring. Just don't forgot the sleepover.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Scavenger
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Victoria paid no heed to the countless others in the room. She knew Alexander was there but cared not an ounce. She wasn't physically there, so he couldn't actually touch her, nor could she him. Ignoring his and the minion's glares, Victoria followed Ashley out, though it was more that her image floated along with her.

"You came," Ashley spoke, and Victoria chuckled.

"Not exactly, my dear." she cooed, reaching out and brushing her spectral hand over Ashley's face/ "I have been banned from this realm, you know that, your...Aunt, made sure of that." she told her, lessening the spite she injected into the word Aunt. "I am only here to check on you, See how this realm has been treating my sweet girl." she lied, with a smile. "Also to make sure that the girl has yet to ruin our plans."she said with a nod as if it were an afterthought. "But first, my love, tell me, how is this place?" she asked her, sounding a lot like she actually cared. She did not one bit, but she needed Ashley to stay by her side, and if she were honest- which was rare unless the truth hurt more- then she would say that she did enjoy Ashley's company as carnal as her company had was. She was the niece of her sworn enemy after all, she just happened to be attractive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Amorie Simms
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Ashley knew that Victoria wasn't actually here. Her Aunt Erieda had made sure that she wasn't ever allowed to come back to the Mortal Realm. Ashley used to be quiet fond of her family up until they had done everything in their power to keep Victoria away from her. That was when she lost it. The only person that she hasn't thought about killing was her brother. Killing him again wasn't a good sign so she has avoided it. In fact she still talks to him on the promise he doesn't tell anyone. Their conversations are secret and happen behind closed doors. Victoria said that she was here to check on Ashley and the smile on her face widened a bit. But then she added her daughter Sunday. Ashley doesn't like Sunday. At all. She was nothing like her mother. "But first, my love, tell me, how is this place?" The dragon didn't even know where to start. "I hate it here without you. I am surrounded by family and then Uncle Alex insists I come to this stupid school." She started. This entire mortal realm experience was not fun. Especially with people telling her what to do all the time. It was not her cup of tea. Scavenger was someone she tolerate more than the others. The dark haired gal was still not her favorite, but it was better than Alex Davenport going around telling Ashley what to do and what not to do. "When can I come home?" The only reason, Ashley joined this group was for Victoria. If she had known the misery involved she would have second guessed the decision.


Amorie started playing games on her phone once more. Nothing important was going on at the moment. As usual. The only interesting thing happening right now was her high score. As she played, she shifted around in her seat to get more comfortable. She didn't plan on putting the game away anytime soon. Then her game was interrupted by a text from her friend. She lost. Again. Mumbling a few swear words, she checked the message. His family was throwing a party and he was inviting her. Amorie didn't mind. Especially if Alec wanted to go. He wouldn't deny her friend of his family so she would support him. Even if he found them annoying seventy percent of the time. So she texted back.
[TO] Alec
[MSG] I don't mind attending the party. We can always ditch if it starts to get weird or boring. And if we leave, then the sleepover becomes an option. Deal?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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Image"I hate it here without you. I am surrounded by family and then Uncle Alex insists I come to this stupid school." Ashley complained and Victoria nodded, feigning sympathy. "When can I come home?"

"When this is all over and I can return to this realm." she told her gently. "Just do as Alexander says, and soon you'll be returned to me, my love." She told her sweetly."I miss you, darling, you must know that, our bed has been so cold without you beside me." she told her, ghosting her finger over Ashley's lips. "Soon, my love, soon we will be together again, and we can walk the realms without fear of prejudice." she said and smiled.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent
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Ashley was hoping that Victoria would say that she could go home this instant. But she couldn't. She was to obey Uncle Alexander for a bit longer. Endure the people she was to take orders from until Victoria could be in the mortal realm. "Soon, my love, soon we will be together again, and we can walk the realms without fear of prejudice." The dark skinned beauty sighed a bit, but nodded. Soon. Soon felt like forever. But Ashley wasn't going to argue with Victoria. She would never argue with Victoria. Her intentions for Ashley were better than most. "Alright." Her voice, soft. "I should go. Uncle Alexander is probably planning my punishment for this." Although she never cared for family. He was still her uncle and so she calls him that. Even if he doesn't like it.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Ashley Vincent Character Portrait: Amorie Simms
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#, as written by Kaeru


Alec turned his head towards Sunday, eyes wide, following her sudden outburst. She wanted to spend time with him. He should have expected as much, but the way in which she'd gone about telling him brought a flush to his own cheeks, although seeing her blush too made him feel slightly less self-conscious about it. Clearing his throat, he shifted his gaze forward, noticing that they were walking over relatively uneven ground; he didn't want to trip. As Sunday went about trying to fix her sudden burst, Alec couldn't bring himself to meet her gaze again, even though he felt slightly guilty about giving off such a negative reaction. He should've taken into consideration how sensitive she seemed, and how slightly crazy she was in addition to that. With the slight nod of his head, Alec forced a smile, but said nothing.

It was then that his phone buzzed against his leg once more, and he read Amorie's text. She wants to go... Shit. He shook his head slowly, then realised what he was doing and typed out a simple message in response to her.

[TO] Amorie
[MSG] It'll get weird before it gets boring, trust me, so we can just ditch after a while. Say a time, I'll pick you up.

Truth be told, Alec was enjoying the prospect of being able to take a night away from his family, where he could just sit down and watch movies until he fell asleep. What had made the idea all the better was that he'd found a friend who would join him in that, or in this case, invite him to spend the night. Sure, Amorie had her quirks - one of which being that she had the tendency to disappear out of the blue - but she was more like him than any of his other friends, and he appreciated that. But, no, instead of relaxing, Alec had to go to a hectic party, one of which his parents and grandparents would wholly disapprove of, to perform in his Aunt's band, be surrounded by annoying family members, and most likely have to deal with the awkward situation of introducing his new stalker acquaintance to his close friend. How fun it will be.

"Looks like I'll be there after all," Alec murmured without enthusiasm, slipping his phone back into his pocket as if the action in itself required most, if not all, of his remaining patience and/or energy. "Oh, and with Alexis, or... 'the dark-haired girl', just stay out of her way and you'll do fine. She won't bother you." He used his free hand to flick a finger under her chin, almost in a teasing manner, but the gentle and care-free sort of way that a friend would to another friend. He smiled, but it did not reach his eyes, which were hollow and tired. Letting his hand drop, he continued the rest of the way in absolute silence, not meeting Sunday's gaze for worry that she might start some other type of conversation, and came to a halt in front of the school gates. He didn't think he'd be allowed much further than that. Allowing his hand to slip out of hers, he gave her another brief and forced smile. "I'm in that building over there," he told her, pointing. "If you run into any trouble, you come find me." And with that, he turned and left, without waiting to hear her response, and made his way over to the college, where he'd find Amorie.

Alec travelled around until he found the classroom that his friend was sat inside of, and entered, looking entirely drained. He took the seat next to her with an exaggerated huff, his hands resting in his lap. "You will never believe what I just got myself into..."


Alex had been seated at his desk for some time now and, after informing the class of which pages they were to cover, had pretty much left his students to their own devices, which they were taking full advantage of. Some were chatting, some were on their phone, others were asleep. Only a select few had actually bothered with the assigned task, but Alex did not care enough to set them straight. Being a teacher was only his cover; a job to pay for his crappy apartment in the town so that he could roam the realms without first having to wander around in a gloomy forest and/or risk being seen by someone who might've found themselves a bit too curious. Whether the students learned anything from their classes or not, it was of no concern or worry to Alex.

It wasn't until he heard the loud sounds of heels travelling down the hallway that he'd even bothered to remove his chin from his palms and glance in the direction of the door, at which point a familiar blonde was making her way through it. It was totally uncharacteristic of him, but Alex felt it appropriate to roll his eyes at the sight of her, before he turned his head back to his class with an obvious look of utter disinterest painted onto his expression. It had become apparent to him over the past few hours that his followers, allies and family were of no mind to simply leave him alone for a bit, and allow him to get on with his 'job' in the peace that he so desperately craved. He'd brought some Remei with him simply because he needed eyes and ears around Parkwood, but other unwelcome visitors were beginning to appear. First his daughter, then his own son - whom he'd thought was locked away in another realm, then Victoria, and now Brooklyn.

As she spoke, Alex let out a slow, steady breath, giving the impression that recent events, combined with that moment, had quite simply caused him to deflate, leaving him as a hollow costume as opposed to a living, breathing man. Shoving his rear outward to shuffle the chair back, Alex had to practically heave his weight up, before he nodded to excuse himself, and made his way out of the classroom, where Victoria and Ashley were still stood, chatting like a couple of school girls. He cleared his throat impatiently, directed a glare at his niece. "Ashley, back inside. Read and annotate the assigned pages in the text book on your desk, or whatever." He gestured for her to enter and, without glancing at Victoria, turned his head back to Brooklyn. "Such a pleasure to see you here," he grumbled, lacking sincerity. "How may I help?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Alexander Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris
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"Looks like I'll be there after all," Alec said, clearly not happy with this development. He didn't want to go, and Sunday, while she wanted hi mto be there, it was only so that she could be with him, she didn't care what they did. Not that it mattered, he seemed weary of her. "Oh, and with Alexis, or... 'the dark-haired girl', just stay out of her way and you'll do fine. She won't bother you." He said and flicked under her chin with a finger, causing a giggle to bubble up from her chest and a blush to redden her cheeks. He smiled again, yet it didn't reach his eyes. She knew his smiles, his true ones, the ones he'd been giving her, was not them. It was quiet after that, Alec seemed to be avoiding her gaze as much as she was avoiding his, but not for the same reason. He was weary of her, which was her fault, not his, while she had a hard time believing he was even there, holding her hand, flicking her chin like she was friend.

She wanted to tell him the truth, tell him what he meant to her. She was in love with him, but there was a reason. He'd been her reprieve, something that she could focus on when her mother's wrath became too much, when her body was racked with pain, and she shivered. It was by pure accident that she'd stumbled upon his image in her mother's broken mirror. At first she was just curious, what was her mother looking at? Why did she break it and who was this boy? But then, over time, Sunday didn't care, she just watched him, go on his daily life, given him privacy when he needed it, but still. He made her forget.
And she loved him for it.

"I'm in that building over there," Alec said after dropping his hand, Sunday was colder for it ,but she let it go. He pointed to the building not far away. "If you run into any trouble, you come find me." He said and she nodded and watched him walk off.

She coulnd't call him like she had before, he didn't like that, but she hoped she'd see him again, soon.

She turned and walked inside the building and immediately she found that, she wasn't in the right building. The General had told her what building, showed it to her and this was not it.

She couldn't remember what he said exactly, her mother had struck her for one reason or another, and it all but left her mind.

Whimpering, she looked around. Unsure of what to do.

She pounded her head with her palm.

"Think, Sunday, Think!" she told herself, trying to jog her memory, she gasped when it came to her.

It wasn't Parkwood High, It was next to Parkwood High.

Sunday hung her head. The General was going to be cross with her...worse, he would tell her mother how useless she was.
Even if she when it now, it wouldn't end well.

Sunday took off in a full run, and jumped, her body shifting into that of a tiny black bird, and she perched herself in a tree so she wouldn't weep.

Maybe, just maybe, The General wouldn't find her...maybe Alec would, he said if she ran into trouble to find him...but he was afraid...he should be afraid. She knew it was best to keep her distance for now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Sunday jumped a bit when Alec rose, giving her a look. She looked down at her knees, ashamed.
"That's not why I brought you up here," He said softly, causing her to look up at him. "I certainly didn't mean to give you the impression that I wanted anything more than to just be in your company," he continued, and Sunday felt her body relax, she knew he wouldn't hurt her, but at the time, she wasn't sure what he wanted from her. Now she knew, he wanted nothing but her company. She smiled at him, a small one, but sweet.

"I won't do anything until you tell me that you're ready," he went on and Sunday looked at him. "It's so important for this to work out that you trust me, and that you're comfortable with me. You don't have to be worried about me expecting too much of you, y'know. I'm not the type." He said and Sunday could barely breathe as he reached out, and softly brushed against her jaw. Chills rose up her arms, as she gazed into his eyes. "I will always respect your boundaries." He told her and without thinking, Sunday darted forward, and pressed her lips, against his. Realizing what she had done, she pulled away and climbed off of the bed, backing into the wall. "I'm sorry, I should not have done that." she said and it all came flooding to her at once. She realized then, that she was doing exactly what her mother wanted. He said he wanted her to trust him but he couldn't trust her.
She didn't deserve his kindness.
"I'm sorry, Alec, I'm so sorry, No matter what I really do love you." She told him before ran to the window, pulled the window open and after turning to a small black bird, she flew off.

She landed in a tree about not too far from the hotel and switched forms again. She sobbed silently, bitterly. She was finished, she didn't want to be her mother's child anymore, she didn't want to be apart of the Remei. She was finished with it all.

Climbing out of the tree, she found her way toward Symone, Slade and her consort.

"Lady Morrigan, excuse me, but...I quit. I don't want to do any more, I can't...." she blurted out. Symone who'd been embracing her brother, looked at her. "Sunday....Your Mother-"
"Can't hurt me anymore, Slade will protect me." she said and reached for Slade's hand, but no sooner did she grabbed his arm, she was snatched back from the Human Realm and into the demon realm

Sunday looked around with a gasp to find herself in her mother's dark and desolate throne room.

"Can't hurt you? You think I Would have sent you up there and not have you watched? Foolish girl, What ever made you think I trusted you that much? and Rightfully it seems as the first chance you got, you turned on me..." Sunday clenched her fists, as her mother laughed from her throne. "Slade will come for me...."

"Oh I'm counting on it." She said. "You were never meant for Alec, that was a trick for you, no, you were meant to lure Slade, Erieda's favorite son, and heir. They all have the same weakness, they'll do anything for their children." her mother said and Sunday looked horrified. She tricked Slade, who promised to protect her with his life....he just might and was then something occurred to her.
"Wait... Their Child-"It was then that the floor beneath her opened up and she found herself falling on to a all too familiar bed, demon chains snapping around her wrists and ankles.

"They've missed their favorite play thing." Her mother said, before the now ceiling closed and Sunday heard the all too familiar hiss of the Incubi.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Symone was in complete shock when Sunday suddenly disappeared. How Victoria managed that, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. It was mere moments after, that Alec appeared, looking eerily like his father, right before he snapped. Suddenly, Simon grabbed her wrist roughly.

here is Victoria? Take me to her!" He snarled and Symone only frowned. She wasn't used to seeing Simon like this but she couldn't blame him, the girl believed that he would protect her, she wouldn't have believed that if Simon didn't tell her himself. "I'll see her dead if she hurts that girl. I swear it." He said and Symone took a breath. She knew Victoria was cruel, so it was good chance, Sunday was already hurt. What Symone didn't understand was why? As far as she could tell, Sunday was doing exactly what she was told.
"Then you'll see her dead....Victoria....she is cruel beyond reason....I'll take you to her," She said and as much as she didn't want to go back so soon, a little girl's life was in danger.
"Alec, you're coming too, She's gonna need you....hopefully." She said and with that a portal opened and Symone crossed with her brother and son in toe. She could never open a portal into Victoria's Keep, but she could in front of it. Oddly, it didn't matter as Victoria was waiting for them, having allowed aportal to open right in front of her.

"Good Evening Davenports." Victoria said from her throne. Symone narrowed her eyes, she could see the demonic barrier between them and Victoria, so she held her arms out so that her son and brother would make a valiant dash and get themselves hurt. "Welcome to my very humble abode....You see, your sister, and mother, Mother and Grandmother in your case, young Alec, banished me here, so this shouldn't come to you as a surprise, but I was not happy...your mother kill my father, and yours was the end of my brother." she said and smiled. "So, this, is punishment....I assume you are here for the girl?" she asked as if she were a barista at a coffeeshop speaking to a regular.

"Victoria, this is between you and me, leave them oout of it." Symone spat and Victoria laughed. "Don't be so vain, Symone, this isn't just about you, this is about all of you, you took m family from me, and my home..." She said darkly and Symone shook her head. "So why are you taking it out on Sunday, She's your daughter!" SHe said and Victoria then smiled. "Indeed, biologically, I did spit her from my womb, but she was never my daughter. She took too much after her father." she said and her eyes darted to Simon for a moment and Symone's eyes went wide.
"You want, have her...she was very little use to me anyway. she said and with that, a blood covered pale girl appeared in middle of the floor, black hair covering her bruised and bloody face, naked and shivering.

"By the Gods...." Symone gasped. "Sunday...."

"Look at her, completely useless, all that effort it took, Killing the Vampiress, taking her form, Fucking her husband, all of that effort, for this...." She tutted shaking her head. "Oh well...You're all here now, It suppose, she counts for something."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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#, as written by Kaeru


"Then you'll see her dead... Victoria... she is cruel beyond reason... I'll take you to her," Symone said, and Slade nodded, his eyes more alert than they had been in a long time. Slade knew, on some level, that he could not defeat Victoria in this state. He was too weak, since his full power had not been recovered. Just speaking outside of the Necromancy tricks was difficult beyond belief, so it was no wonder he could not manipulate the shadows or shift his form. However, he valued his word more than anything, and he had promised Sunday her safety. If she had already been hurt, the least he could do was deal back to Victoria what Sunday had been given. He had the horrible feeling, however, that he would be relying on Alec and Symone more than he'd ever wanted to. "Alec, you're coming too. She's gonna need you... hopefully," Symone continued, and Alec scoffed, seemingly more annoyed that he'd even been addressed by his mother. "As if you could stop me," he snapped back. Slade said nothing, only nodded.

It was then that a portal opened before them, and Slade followed after Symone as she stepped through, leaving Dahvie stood outside of the hotel, his eyes blank. "I'll just stay here, then," he mumbled. Silence.

Suddenly, they were in a dark room, and the first thing Slade noticed was the woman seated not too far from them. Victoria. His initial instinct was not to question Sunday's location, or to speak any words to the vile creature seated in her 'throne', as she called it, but to lunge forward and strike. He was stopped, however, when Symone's arm struck out in front of him, and his head snapped around to look at her. "Welcome to my very humble abode... You see, your sister, and mother, mother and grandmother in your case, young Alec, banished me here, so this shouldn't come to you as a surprise, but I was not happy... your mother kill my father, and yours was the end of my brother." As Victoria spoke, Slade's head slowly turned around, and his brows shifted from a frown to an incredulous stare as necessary, like he was trying to make sense of everything. "So, this, is punishment... I assume you are here for the girl?" she continued, and a low growl emitted from Slade's throw, his body beginning to hunch like he was some sort of feral animal ready to tear down an unsuspecting rabbit.

Symone interjected, but Slade's entire focus had been drawn to Victoria. Not much else could permeate his vision enough to avert his steady glare. "Don't be so vain, Symone, this isn't just about you, this is about all of you, you took my family from me, and my home..." Victoria spoke. Alec began absentmindedly fiddling with his own hands, which were held out in front of him, an undeniable sense of what he assumed was guilt mixed with pure, unyielding hatred forming in his stomach, twisting his insides so that he thought he might be sick right there in the throne room. But it was not a hatred for Victoria that corrupted him then. "So why are you taking it out on Sunday, she's your daughter!" his mother persisted, but Alec paid no mind. He could feel his fingers curling into his palms once more, re-opening the wounds that had only just healed, yet again drawing blood. It ran across the previous, which had now crusted and stuck to his fingers and knuckles. He'd had his hands stuck in his pockets before then, so no one had likely noticed. "Indeed, biologically, I did spit her from my womb, but she was never my daughter. She took too much after her father."

That's what did it, Alec reckoned. Those particular words, and the way Victoria glanced at Slade. Those were the factors which caused the snapping of the string within Alec's mind. It was almost like everything just came apart around him. She's my cousin, was the only thought circling around his mind in that moment. It kept popping up, like an unwelcome guest, and settling in his focus. Above that, not much else was audible to him. His eyes were blank. Slade, on the other hand, looked like he might implode. His face, which was bright red, was the same as Alec's, but without the twisted rage and dead eyes. Those only appeared when Sunday did, and for the longest time it seemed neither of them wanted to move. Slade turned his head, his eyes watering, but Alec couldn't bring himself to look away.

"Look at her, completely useless, all that effort it took. Killing the Vampiress, taking her form, fucking her husband, all of that effort, for this..." Victoria continued, but by that point Slade had run out of reactions to give. He remained motionless, his eyes trained on Victoria. It didn't seem to sink in how she'd gone about tricking him, how she'd killed his wife so that he might put a baby in her belly. None of that settled in, it just bounced straight off and onto the floor.

Alec started forward, unzipping his jacket as he went. When he was stood just before Sunday, he shrugged it off of his shoulders and draped it over hers. Touching one arm, he guided it through the arm hole, then did the same for the other, before he zipped it up again. He didn't glance down at her, and kept his eyes trained on his hands as opposed to her bruised and battered body. Though he doubted he would've felt much other than sickness by that point. He slipped one arm under her legs, while the other held her back, and he lifted her up. "For what it's worth, which I'm smart enough to know is nothing," Alec started, his eyes shifting to Victoria, "I'm sorry for everything that was stolen from you. Everything you lost. It can't have been easy. But... if you ever touch Sunday again, if you ever come for her, I will personally take everything else from you, and leave you with nothing. Not even your pathetic excuse for a life."

Walking past his mother, Alec went straight through the portal without looking back.

"I doubt you brought us here just to make a show of Sunday," Slade began, having relaxed considerably now that Sunday was out of Victoria's reach. "So what is it that you want?" he asked, his voice now rid of any previous tension or anxiety in his expression.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Alec Iris Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Symone watched as Alec wrapped Sunday's broken body in his jacket, and carried her off. He was very much raised by her mother but the words he spoke to Victoria. She was grateful for that.

Victoria only laughed in reply. "He's a sweet one..." she said grinning, causing Symone's eyes to shift into a shadowy black. That little girl was her neice, and quite possibly the sweetest thing she's ever met, she did not deserve such brutality.

"I doubt you brought us here just to make a show of Sunday," Simon spoke, his voice was that eerie calm he's inherited from their mother, Symone knew things were about to get very violent. "So what is it that you want?"

Victoria sighed. "What do I want?....Gee, I can't say..." she said and with a snap of her fingers, Iron bars dropped down around the two of them. Symone felt weak instantly. This was fresh, cooled Iron. It was toxic to the both of them, in this state. "I have all that I need right here...or I will once Erieda shows up, because you're sweet little son, will probably tell her, or someone well, and then she'll be back down here, break the accords and send the realms back into war." She said simply and then approached Symone's bars. "Then I will kill them all, your sons, I will feed your daughter to the Incubi, the loved Sunday, I can only imagine what they 'll do with fresh girls, like Eida, and perhaps your sister too, what was her name, Alexis?"
As weak as she was, Symone had to laugh, causing Victoria to frown. "You don't know my sister....She'll eat those demon's alive, quite literally before they touch Eida." she said before she spat in Victoria's face.

"Well, then I'll just make sure you watch,a s they ravaged her body."

"You think the General will allow this." Symone said, seeing the sigil on the back of Victoria's hand as she wiped her face. "Please. He's too busy worrying about his failed marriage to think about me, besides, he wanted a war, now, he's got one." She said and strode off, leaving Symone and Simon locked in those cages.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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0.00 INK


It didn’t take long for Alexis and Dahvie to reach the demon realm, time wasn’t the issue. Alexis was.
The Netherrealm and the Demon realm were alike in that, death a lot. So by the time she actually sit foot in the realm, she was a like a feral dog, vicious and snarling. It would be up to Dahvie to keep her contained, and that would be difficult for her mother, let alone anyone else.
However, she maintained enough control to continue with her mission i.e finding her brother and sister. Barreling through the near countless halls of the demon realm, she tore into any demon tht crossed her path, tooth and nail, she clawed, ripped, and maimed her way through each demon like it was Sunday dinner. Grinning madly, she howled and hollered, so much so she was sure her siblings would hear her coming. They wouldn’t be the only ones.
”Well well, what do we have here?” Victoria sneered. Alexis twitched and barked. ”Another snack for my incubi, Sunday was much too small for them, they broke her mere moments, I’m sure they’ll have fun with you, they like it when they fight.”
Alexis had never seen Victoria before, but she knew of her, and she knew she was responsible for most of their family’s grief; Ashley killed Andy, Slade’s wife, and Sunday’s tortured and just being general pain in the ass for her mother and sister. So it really did take everything she had not to rip her throat out then and there. Luckily for Victoria, she dropped Alexis down in the a room on a bed, that was covered in blood, skin and hair. Alexis gave a deafening roar. ”I WILL BRING HER THEIR HEADS!” she roared as seven incubi climbed on the the bed for her. Alexis didn’t know where Dahvie was, at that point but it didn’t matter because it in the time that it took Victoria to closed the hole she dropped her in, Alexis came crashing back up, after lobbing seven heads up and letting them hit the floor with sickening, wet thud. Alexis, now covered in black demon blood, her red nether marks glowing threatening, staring and Victoria who looked scared.
Good She should be.
”You can not hurt me, you are Fae.”
”No... I am not.” Alexis hissed and Victoria knew she couldn’t be lying. If she were lying, then she would in fact prove she wasn’t Fae because Fae can’t lie, and if she weren’t lying....well she couldn’t because Fae can’t lie. ”It is only by my mother’s wishes that you yet live....cross me again, and I shall have to disobey my mother....” She said and with that, Victoria was gone and Alexis went after her brother and sister.
It didn’t take her long to find them, she stalked up to them on all fours, stepping sideways and frontways, She looked up at Simon, twitched. ”We came to get you, let’s go before I lose all control.” She warned, the gruffness in her voice was already indication enough that she was not joking.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru


Dahvie had spent the larger majority of his life in the Demon Realm, and so it had become more of a home to him than the Human Realm ever could have. Strange as it was, he felt more at peace there, while Parkwood and the hotel was filled with memories (mostly bad), and it was as a result of this that he then felt comfortable enough to display a wider range of emotions. The only one that found its place in his facial expression was determination, with a slight hint of anger. His wife had been taken, or so he presumed, and he would aid Alexis in retrieving both siblings. Giving a sideways glance to the snarling creature beside of him, he huffed, and knew that the only way he would be able to keep up with her in that form was to change his own. He didn't think he'd have to so soon, but they had a task to complete.

Not giving him enough time to act, Alexis went barrelling through the halls of the building where he assumed Victoria had made her home, and that's where she would've been keeping Symone and Slade. As they ran, Dahvie called upon his second form, and - unlike other Wraiths, whose flesh turned black upon shifting - he could feel the colour draining from his skin, leaving him white as snow. His hair changed too, mimicking the colourlessness of his skin, while his blue eyes turned pale but did not lose their colour. Suddenly, he was able to run faster, and he managed to stay at Alexis' heel, using the delays of her tearing through Demons to his advantage. He reached out with his mind, and located his wife, who was also an incredibly powerful telepath. No doubt Alexis' connection to Symone was more biological.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Dahvie turned upon hearing the voice, and it was only based off of assumption that he gathered it was Victoria. He hadn't seen her since she was a child, when she first captured Ashley's attention. Since the murder of her brother. Of course, she and his wife both worked with the Remei, but Dahvie hadn't found himself too involved in their schemes. He found he didn't really care. Dahvie paid little mind to Alexis as she voiced her stress through barks. "Another snack for my incubi, Sunday was much too small for them, they broke her mere moments, I’m sure they’ll have fun with you, they like it when they fight," the woman continued, and a small frown settled on Dahvie's brows. In that second, Alexis was gone, but Dahvie wasn't worried for her safety.

Another few moments passed, and Dahvie said nothing, which he thought at the time was incredibly awkward, but no sooner than he thought to say something to her, Alexis turned up. He watched the heads roll across the floor, before directing an amused smirk at Victoria, who looked like she really wanted out of the situation. After a brief back-and-forth between Victoria and Alexis, they were off again, moving down the hallways with unparalleled speed. When they found the siblings, Dahvie went straight to Symone, and he stood by her side, ready to assist if she needed to lean on him for support. He nuzzled the side of her head lovingly, but said nothing.

Slade found himself feeling sick under Alexis' stare, but not because of her state, because it suddenly hit him that all the information he'd been told in the past day was true. He had a daughter, who'd spent her entire life being tortured and raped, while he was completely unaware, surrounding by loving family and friends. And, to make matters worse, the information - he assumed it was because of Alec - had become public knowledge. He wondered, briefly, if Sunday knew, and imagined all the possible ways she might react when he told her. "We came to get you, let’s go before I lose all control," Alexis said, breaking Slade from his train of thought, and he nodded absentmindedly, walking a little closer. "I'm with you," he said, gesturing for her to open the portal. He still looked weak, despite his unnatural resistance to certain Fae weaknesses; the iron was lethal to him, and that mixed with all the stress and negative thoughts pounding on his skull was making him deathly ill. You could tell just by looking at him that he might collapse under his own weight, but the hand he pressed into the wall steadied him enough that he could remain upright for a while longer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alexis Davenport Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Erieda Davenport: Queen of the Seelie Fae Character Portrait: Symone Iris Character Portrait: Dahvie Iris
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Symone smiled meekly as her husband came for her. She shouldn't have left without him, and in all honesty she had no idea he wasn't with her when they crossed into the portal. She smiled at him, brushing her hand against his cheek sweetly. He was almost an animal in this form, but he still loved her, and she him.

Thankfully, Alexis opened a portal and Symone managed to drag herself toward it. The cold iron was not something she could handle well, despite being more wraith then Fae.

"Lexi, did you see-" Symone called, making sure that Dahvie was with her this time, keeping her hand on him, more for her own strength then it was to drag him along.
"Victoria yes....she yet lives....make sure Father keeps his word."Alexis said, and Symone swallowed, she hated when Alexis was like this, she wasn't her sister, she was something dark, and for the current Queen of Demons, that was saying quite a bit.

"I will, The-"
"Dead...."Symone smirked some.
"I told her you would eat them."
"She didn't believe you. Come." She said and they moved through the portal.

Symone took a deep breath, as they entered the forest. Fresh mortal air was something she couldn't quite describe, almost like walking inside a warm home after being out in the cold.
Alexis, then stood up, stretched and cracked her neck, taking in the scent as well. She reacted well to fresh air like they all did.
"Ahh That's better, no one dying around here." she said and smiled at them, and though her marks were still glowing, she wasn't what she was in the demon realm, but she still was covered in black blood.
"C'mon inside." She said and led them all inside. She found her mother with Uncle Tommy.

"Whoa....Hey guys." He said as he stood up from the couch, he seemed to be talking with their mother. She turned and smiled at her. "Well done, Alexis, I would hug you but...."

Alexis only shrugged, and headed upstairs for a well deserved shower.

"Mom....Uncle Tommy." Symone smiled, weakly. Her mother walked up to her, and embraced her, and Simon both. "I'm so sorry for all this, this is my fault....her revenge..."
"Victoria hates everyone, especially me....don't apologize." She said, and then smiled at Tommy, who hugged her with an arm and kissed the top of her head as her mother went to Simon. She tried not to feel jealous, especially given what he was going through.
"What are you doing in this realm, Uncle Tommy?"
"Your Mom needed to talk, so I came."
"I'm glad you did." She said softly.

Meanwhile, Erieda went to Simon, touching her son's face, she gave him a once over. "I know must be wondering, yes, we know, and Sunday knows, she was...happy, to know, in a way, that you are her father, She loves you already...she loved you before and she still does now. ." She told him and only could imagine what he was going through, and she did, two of her children were harmed because of their father, though it was unintentional, but still, it didn't stop her from wanting to harm Alex.

"She's out with Alec now, they are shopping, you have to talk to her, about for him...We aren't in the realm for that sort of thing, and I think it is best for you, to talk to her." She said softly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Eida Iris
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kaeru

After she was dragged through the portal, Eida hit the cold stone floor with a considerable amount of force. Her arms struck out and managed to break her fall, but only slightly. She scrambled to her feet within a matter of seconds, after a very slight delay, her eyes darting from corner to corner. She paid little mind to the hissing sounds and scuffled movements behind her - if these demons, whatever they were, meant to attack her, they would have done so already. No, she knew there was some other foul reason she was brought here, to what she quickly figured out was the demon realm. She'd been here a fair bit, being the crowned princess, but the entire realm was dark and unsettling. As she shifted her gaze around, she didn't quite recognise where she was, but she gathered it was some type of throne room. Not her mother's, mind.

"Well, well, you're Alec's older sister, you don't look like much?"

Eida turned, a deep frown on her brows. She'd never met this woman before but she knew of her, she could recognise the bitch from a mile away from all she'd been told. Victoria Montez; she had been the source of her family's pain and herd times for quite a while now. She had a dark, twisted sort of beauty to her, and Eida couldn't help but feel a sense of fear swelling in her stomach. She was too stubborn to show it, and so she stood straight, held her head high, and maintained a somewhat challenging glare. "What's it to you?" she asked, "And why the hell was I dragged all the way here? You could've just asked..." She figured the uncooperative and brash routine was unlikely to get her anywhere fast but she really didn't have many other routines.

"It's everything to met, actually... You're dragged here because I have plans for you."

This made Eida's eye twitch a little, and her frown only continued to deepen - if that was at all possible. She crossed her arms over her chest, and continued to stare at Victoria. "Fuck no," she growled suddenly, "i never wanted any part of this war, so yeah, I'm gonna take off now, but you have fun with your schemin' now, alright?" she said, and turned on her heel, about ready to fight her way through the castle if need be. There was no way she was joining in this war, she was trying to stay as far away from that as possible... She wished, in that moment, that she could have stayed by Mych's side as he checked the hotel. He might've been able to save her. Or that they had never left the Dragon Realm at all.

"Oh no no, darling, I'm not scheming... Your mother is... This was her idea after all."

Eida halted in place, and turned very slowly towards Victoria. She believed that her mother would understand she wanted no part of the war, that it was breaking her to pieces. She believed that her mother might be considerate enough not to drag her straight into the mix of the war, even if there was some purpose for it. This entire war was unnecessary, but her mother was willing to risk their already shaken bond for it. "My mother?" she asked, as if she couldn't quite believe it. Victoria wasn't fae, she could have been lying; demons were deceitful by nature.

"Oh yes, she was so proud of your brother, when he took control of all of this, she didn't want to leave you out of it, but she's too damn lazy to do it herself."

A cold feeling pierced her chest, and she felt her breath hitch in her throat. This was all her brother's fault, this entire war and all the pain it caused everyone. For some reason she chose to believe this news, and she said nothing for the longest time, before she wrapped her shaking arms around her lower torso. "A-Alec... hes doing all of this?" she asked, before pausing once more. "And... Mother encourages him." She didn't even know who her mother was anymore. Not only did she try to drag Eida into everything, but she also nurtured Alec's psychotic, bullshit goal - whatever that was. She took another deep breath, seemingly collecting herself and her thoughts. "What the hell do you want with me, then? I'm not powerful like him."

"Hm, she seemed to be under the impression that if we broke you, your powers would surface."

That was perhaps the most ridiculous thing she'd ever heard, and if made her stand a little taller, her arms dropping to her side. IF they thought she could be powerful, there were better ways to go about doing it than breaking her. She didn't even feel worried about the prospect of being 'broken', she was still a little hopeful that whatever they planned to do to her wouldn't break her spirit. She figured herself to be a strong girl, despite the fact that she had recently fallen into a depression. She could not be broken as easily as Victoria might've imagined. "Try to break me all you want, I will never fight for you," she spat, and after a slight pause, added with confidence, "and they'll come for me, you know. All of them. This was true; her family would come for her soon enough if they learned of her disappearance. And if Mycah heard her yell, no doubt he'd bring this entire place down in search of her. This thought made her smile a little, though the frown would not budge an inch.

That's the idea."

Eida's expression dropped slightly as she felt many pairs of cold hands gripping various parts of her body. She struggled a little against her restraints, since she'd begun to imagine what these creatures were and what they would be doing to her soon enough. She'd heard that Sunday suffered this same abuse all throughout her childhood. Seeing the effect it had on her made Eida panic a little, but just like always, she would never show it. Victoria spoke up again and drew her attention away from the Incubi, causing her to stop struggling.

"But it'll be too late, and it will break the accords, so war will happen, regardless if you powers are awakened or not."

"There are so many other ways you could've gone about doing this, you dumbass," she growled, "what's the point in taking me? You get some kind of sick pleasure out of giving young girls to a group of Incubi?" She could feel the anger taking over her, enough that she was speaking without knowing if she was only pissing Victoria off more. Surely that wouldn't be too good for her, but all things considered, she didn't know if it could get much worse than this. "And I know I can't stop you right now but by the gods, you'll pay for this shit with your life, just you wait."

"No, not pleasure... My father did it to me, it made me stronger, gave me my power, I thought it would bring out the Daemon in Sunday but it just broke her, and surely it will do the same to you, if it calls your power, then your mother gets what she wants, if it doesn't, another Davenport to suffer at my hands... it's a win either way."

At the click of her fingers, the Incubi all tightened their grip on her and she could feel herself being dragged away against her will, which again made her struggle. She couldn't do much though, and despite herself, she didn't want to make too much of a scene in front of Victoria. She wouldn't give her the satisfaction of watching Eida panic. And so, as she was pulled backwards, she tried to seem the furthest thing from scared that she could, her eyes shifting from the Incubi to Victoria.

"You'd better hope your mother is right, or all this will be for nothing, for you anyway."

And with an evil laugh from the throne room, the doors slammed shut and Eida was at their mercy.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Sashi Dallas
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Well, Sunday will surely want to know where I am, and I need to check up on her... I'll call up and check with my family, since we're... going through some things at the moment, let's say, but hopefully - if nothing truly terrible has happened - we might be able to go somewhere with Sunday," He told her and Sashi nodded. She wasn't sure what he meant about his family, she'd only sort of meet his sister, but she figured that was just family. She had her own dark past she'd rather not bring up so she wouldn't judge. "I know she'll be disappointed about not going to the carnival, I want to make that up to her, but I also want to spend more time with you... If that's what you want," He said and Sashi tilted her mouth. She was about to answer but his phone began to ring loudly in his pocket.

"Forgive me, I should take that," He said, and suddenly stood, nearly knocking the chair over and making her jump a little. He moved toward the door and she just followed him with her eyes until she couldn't see him anymore. She waited with a small frown on her face until she heard a loud crunch, which caused her to stand up and rush to him. His phone was basically dust in his hand, his eyes were glossy, and he seemed to go pale. He turned to her. "I... I have to go, it's..." He said before rushing out the door, and all she could do was call out. "Sim--" Before he was out the door. She could have gone after him but whatever it wasn't, she wasn't sure she wanted to know. She felt a chill wash over her then, and the man from the carnival's words echoed in her mind.
You will 'ave ta make a choice, Let 'er go, or Let'er die..."

His voice still sent shivers up her spine.

The guy actually had the nerve to tell Simon to come find him when he made his choice. Either they break up, or she dies. What the hell kind of fortune was that?

But now she wondered.

With a huff, She walked back into the kitchen, and began clearing the dishes. None of that was real, what happened when she was a child, the orange haired, yellow eyed pixie with the missing wings, it was just a figment of her childhood imagination and a way to cope with what happened to her at that age. What that man said wasn't real either, just something to get a raise out of her, so that the next time she nearly fell or something, she'd remember and she'd think she'd escaped death or some shit, make him seem believable. She finished clearly the dishes and remembered the teddy bear Simon won for her was still in the car, so she went to go get it, and as she came back in and slammed the door behind her, she felt something.

"A human?"

Sashi turned around to find a dark haired, pale skin woman standing in her living room. "What the hell?"

"I didn't believe it when they told me, but he actually mated with a human....How incredibly quaint." said the woman. "Who are you, what are you talking about, and how in the actual hell did you get in my apartment?"

The woman just laughed at her. "He thought you were a good replacement for the last one, and could raise my daughter, please."

Sashi looked at her. She was stunning as she was creepy. "You're Simon's Ex?" the woman looked at her, unimpressed. "Hardly...I kill his ex, took her body, and birthed the whelp I'm forced a daughter." She thought of what Simon said, he hadn't been with a woman since Sunday's mother, this was her....

"Your Sunday's Mother, you're the salty bitch that had her raped." Sashi was seeing red at this point. She cared so deeply for Simon, but Sunday, she loved that girl, she loved her too damn much.

The woman only smiled. in a "guilty as charged" sort of way, that man Sashi look to her left, eyeing the lamp that was sitting on her end table. Suddenly, she was yanked forward by some invisible force, and into the woman's palm went her neck.

Sashi's eyes went wide, as she realized what just happened. All of it was real, the orange haired pixie that saved her once as a child, and clearly the man's words. She was going to die, and for some reason Simon had something to do with it.

"Don't be a fool, well anymore then you have been," Said the woman. Sashi must have looked confused because the woman chuckled." You have no idea what you are dealing with, do you? what you've walked into?" Sashi just looked at her, swallowing the lump that formed in her throat, thankfully the woman's grip wasn't too tight. "You know nothing, You did not know that the man you've been sleeping with is the Prince of the Faeries, his daughter half Fae, half demon, " She said, and Sashi tried not to look surprised but honestly, after the Force grip this woman just put on her, anything was possible.

"Wha-what do you want?"

"For Simon and all the rest to suffer...They both care for you, him and his daughter...Imagine what would happen if I took you from them too." She said, and she felt the woman's grip on her neck tighten unto her head felt full. Sashi chocked, hard, gagging and gasping for air, but none came. It was all she could do before her vision went dark.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sunday Montez Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Sashi Dallas
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#, as written by Kaeru

Simon had wanted to get Sunday out of there as soon as possible, so when his mother ordered it, he could only nod and hoist her up off the bed, eager to leave. He took her to his own room, knowing he would be able to stay with her for a long while, but while he was primarily concerned for his daughter, he felt he should slip away to call Sashi at some point, to apologise for abandoning her so suddenly and without sufficient reason. He mainly wanted to check that she was safe, he hadn't really finished fixing the lock on her door.

He lay with Sunday on the bed, holding her close to him as she wept. He wanted to comfort her but he would allow her to get this all out first, she had been hurt by Alec - emotionally or physically, or even both. "He called me pathetic, he said my mother was right and he didn't care if I died," Sunday told him through her tears, and Simon felt anger welling up inside of him. He'd never thought Alec would behave that way towards Sunday, but then... the boy was more involved than Simon had ever imagined, and he didn't know the boy too well. He could only hope Symone hadn't encouraged Alec, that Erieda would deal with him before he could escape to hurt more of his own family.

Simon gave a very slight huff of breath and lifted a hand to stroke his daughter's hair. "Well, screw him," he muttered, "you're not pathetic and Victoria is all kinds of fucked in the head. You can't put much to what Alec says, there's clearly something wrong with the kid." With her head on his shoulder, he leaned over to place a brief kiss on her forehead, still frowning though considerably less so now that his daughter was safe in his company.

"Father?" she asked, sitting up. He took a moment before also sitting up, his eyes focused solely on her until she spoke again. "That's Ms. Sashi's shoe," she continued, and suddenly alarm bells rang through him, causing him to turn suddenly. "There's a note inside," she told him, and at this he shifted off the bed and began walking towards it. "Father... She has her... Oh no no no no no." If he hadn't been holding the note in his hand at the time, it still wouldn't have taken him that long to put two and two together. "She has her, Father! She has Sashi!" Simon felt physically sick, and his chest was tight with worry and anger alike. He was frozen for a moment, before he turned to Sunday.

"I'll get her back," Simon told her as he walked closer to the bed. He pulled Sunday's hands away from her face and looked her straight in the eye. "Don't panic, I'll go get her before anything bad can happen, and everything will be fine. I promise." He leaned forward and hugged her tightly once more, leaning back to kiss her forehead before he stood up straight. He turned to the open space behind him and used it to open a portal, which he stepped through immediately. He knew of only one place where Victoria liked to make a scene of things, and that was the throne room. He knew that's where he'd find Sashi, so that's where he went, but as he appeared on the other side of the portal, he felt his breath hitching in his throat.

Sashi lay unconscious, enclosed within a large iron cage, presumably made of such to keep Simon out, else he would have walked over and simply bent the bars aside. He still approached, walking slowly and paying attention to little else, and as his hand touched one of the bars, he recoiled his hand with a hiss of pain. He wouldn't be able to get to her like this. So he looked around for a way to free her, but his eyes instead settled on the pale woman standing on the other side of the room. Simon's eyes narrowed, and he remained quiet for a moment as he looked her over.

"I don't know what hideous scheme you've got going on in that head of yours," he told her, "but it's pointless now. Erieda has Alec, and we've rescued our family members. The Remei is no longer under your control. You've no allies, no power to back you up... So what's the point in keeping Sashi?" he asked, though it was somewhat rhetorical. "Just let her go... And this won't have to end badly for you, even after all that you've done."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Montez Character Portrait: Slade Davenport Character Portrait: Sashi Dallas
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Victoria waited patiently for Simon to show, his little pet laying in a heap in the cell in the middle of her throne room. She didn't even blink when he appear. His mere presence here would send the Demon and Fae back into war, him being Erieda's Crowned Prince. All things Remei aside. This wasn't about Alec and his so called peace, this was about revenge, she wanted them all to suffer. He walked right up to the cage, touching his skin to the iron and she smirked when he hissed in pain.

He glared daggers at her and she only smiled from her throne.

"I don't know what hideous scheme you've got going on in that head of yours," He hissed. "but it's pointless now. Erieda has Alec, and we've rescued our family members. The Remei is no longer under your control. You've no allies, no power to back you up... So what's the point in keeping Sashi?" he asked, and she smiled. "Just let her go... And this won't have to end badly for you, even after all that you've done."

"You think this about the Remei?" She said and scoffed. " Hardly." She said, and she noticed the little human stirring so Victoria stood, and sauntered up to the cage, her fingers touching the bars in the way he could not. "This is about you...that whelp of a daughter, and the all the rest of your wretched family." She said, just as the tawny skinned human awoke.


When she came to, she found herself on a dark marble floor, reflecting the world around her with shades of red, black and deep purples. She felt so weak, her head spinning.

She heard her name and she looked up to see that she was in a cage, metal bars around her, and outside of it, was the woman from before and, Simon
Sashi looked at Simon, there was fury in his eyes. "Simon..." She breathed as she pulled herself to her feet, by way of the cell bars.
The bars opened and Sashi was dragged again, and the woman grabbed her around the neck with her arm. "You took everything from me....My father, my brother....My throne....I will take every you all hold near and dear, and I will kill it slowly." She said, and it was then that Sashi saw the blade flash, the entire thing was a brilliant silver. "This is freshly forged iron, Simon." She told him, her cheek resting on Sashi's. "Made just for this moment."

Sashi looked at them both. This woman was going to kill her. That man, Linto, he was right, she was going to die, she didn't even care about how he knew after all she'd seen.

"It's not your fault, Simon. It's not." She told him, and the woman laughed. "Ahh, Look at that. It knows it's going to die." She said and Sashi felt the sharp jab in her stomach, at first it was like a pin prick, until it was yanked out, and plunged in again, and again, Sashi couldn't even count the times she was stabbed, all she could do was watch and gasp, as blood gurgled up her throat.

She looked down to find only the hilt of the iron blade. She looked up at Simon, shaking her head, or at least she thought she was, before her body went limp. "So weak...."The woman said, the only thing holding her up. "Funniest thing to find she had no idea what you are, what any of us are..." She said, and released Sashi, causing her to fall on to her side, blood pooling around her. "I'll give you to a moment, it'll be your last." She said and with that she was gone, and Sashi could only breath short gasps.