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Harry Gibbs

It's simple really. Just come to us and we will get you your lost item back. Discrete is our middle name.

0 · 692 views · located in Lake View

a character in “P.I. COLD CASE'S”, as played by Black Fox


Name= Harry Gibbs
Hair= Red (past his shoulders)
Skin= Tanned
Eyes= Green
Age= 35
Height= 6' 6"
Weight= 195 lbs

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION= Red hair just past his shoulders, sometimes in a braid other times loose, or in a low ponytail. Green eyes and kind of scruffy. Always wears a suit, always dark colors.

PERSONALITY= Friendly and caring. Has to much money so he donates allot of it and was a detective at one time but quit to open up his own business. Hard headed and stubborn to boot.

EQUIPMENT & ABILITIES= 9 mm hand gun, chrome finish and designed specially for him.

OCCUPATION/BACKGROUND= P.I. COLD CASE'S. Gibbs is the only person Dan trusts, and the only one who doesn't see him as a freak, monster to be destroyed or as an asset to use. Dan helps him out on hard Cold Case's he takes on. Why? Dan helped Gibbs out when he was 16 "Dan" by finding his Mother, who had disappeared, thought to have ran away. Instead she had been brutally murdered by his father and buried. Plus Gibbs helps Dan out by paying him for his help on Cold Case's that stump him. Most of the money goes into a Savings Account. And he is paid by the hour...$100.00 dollars an hour so it's a pretty hefty pay if it goes over/past 24 hrs. But Gibbs can afford it since P.I. is just a hobby for a Boom Baby = Rich, rich family...but not a snob or ass bout it. Does allot of charity events but doesn't consider Dan a charity case. He respects the boy, helps him out and keeps him safe. They are always in contact with each other. Gibbs is like an older brother to Dan, while Dan is the younger brother Gibbs never had.

So begins...

Harry Gibbs's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs Character Portrait: Rouge Santiago
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A soft chime echoed, catching Rouge's attention who smiled as she looked up at Gibbs as he stepped in with his red hair handing down over his shoulders and eyes closed as he yawned.

"Morning Mr. Gibbs."

Harry, who preferred being called Gibbs, waved slightly as he moved towards the desk. "Morning Tiego. How did
last night go? You find anything on the Scott case?" he asked as he leaned against the side of the desk, his green eyes skimming the computer and frowning at seeing all the black outs.

Rouge, also know as Tiego, shook her head as she sat her slush down, "No not yet. Seems the Scott case has been black listed."

Gibbs frowned at that, hating when a client's file has been black like this one obviously has. "Who was the leading Detective?"

Tiego leaned forward and typed several quotes before sitting back and stared at the picture of Detective Vega Green, but than began typing again when something caught her attention. Seconds later another picture popped up and she gasped at seeing the bloody body of said Detective shot in the head while sleeping.
"Seems "they" didn't want anything getting out." she said softly looking up at Gibbs.

Gibbs frown was slightly darker as he read over the reports and sighed. "Seems that way." he said as he straightened and stretched. "Fax everything you found to my desk and let me know when Adion gets in. He's late but I'm sure he is okay." With that Gibbs turned and headed for his office. Tiego watched silently before she turned back to her computer and went back to work.

The setting changes from Lake View to Gibbs Office


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Raven Summers Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs Character Portrait: Rouge Santiago
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0.00 INK

Shutting the door to his office behind him, Gibbs tossed his coat onto the coat rack and moved towards his desk and dropped into his chair. He sat there for several minutes with his head back and eyes closed as he recalled the appointment with Connie Scott just two days ago.


The door to his office opened and Tiego's head popped in and she grinned. "Hey Gibbs Mrs. Scott is here. Want me to send her on in?"

Gibbs looked up from the case file he was reading and grinned at Tiego, even as he laid the file down on his desk. "Yeah send her in. Than bring us both some of that lemonade you made."

"Will do." replied Tiego as she pulled back shutting the door behind her. He heard muffled voices minutes before the door opened again and a woman in her late 40's, wearing a lovely cotton sun dress with flat shoes and a brief case clutched in her left hand and her purse gripped in her right., the door closing behind her as she smiled slightly at him. "Thank you for seeing with out an appointment, Mr. Gibbs." she said as she moved forward,.

Gibbs smiled as he stood and moved around his desk to stop before the woman and took her offered hand in a gentle but firm shake. "It's a pleasure Mrs. Scott. Have a seat and Tiego will be bringing in some lemonade for us." he said as he stepped back and swept his hand towards the chairs before moving back around to his own chair and sat when she did.

"Thank you again Mr. Gibbs." smiled Mrs. Scott as she sat, smoothing out her dress and sitting her purse on her lap, and the briefcase on the floor by her feet, and smiled at the young woman who came in with a tray of iced lemonade, who smiled at her soft thank you before leaving and shutting the door behind her. She sipped at the drink before sitting it on the table between the two chairs and looked over at the man who had agreed to see her without an appointment.

Gibbs sat his glass on his desk and leaned back, folding his fingers together over his stomach as he turned his attention to the woman before him. "If you don't mind my asking, Mrs. Scott. How did you learn of me?" he asked in a soft baritone voice that was both gentle and soothing.

Mrs. Scott smiled as she shifted slightly. "A friend of mine is a dear friend of Jeaniene Andrews. You help her find her son three years ago. She said that you could help me out. That you wouldn't give up or quit."

Gibbs frowned slightly as he delved into his memories only to smile a few minutes later though it was sad. "Yes I remember Jeaniene. I just wish I had had good news for her."

Mrs. Scott smiled sadly as well as she nodded. "Yes many of us were horrified to learn that her own husband had not only kidnapped his own son but had dun such horrible things to the boy before killing him." she tutted slightly even as she shook her head. "Still though she gave me her card with your name and address on it. Again I'm sorry to have barged in without making an appointment."

Gibbs chuckled as he waved a hand. "Don't worry bout it Mrs. Scott. We take on case. Even though not made through appointments." he said with a smile. Only to sit up and looked at her with a serious glint in his green eyes.

The setting changes from Gibbs Office to Lake View


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs Character Portrait: Rouge Santiago
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0.00 INK

Mrs. Scott smiled as she sipped her lemonade again before leaning down and grabbing the briefcase by her feet. "Jeaniene said that you would need as much information as I could get. Well this is everything I could get from Detective Green...before he died." she said as she opened the case and pulled out a file and slid it across the desk. "He said that it seemed that each time he got close, something would happen and he'd be back where it all began."

Gibbs pulled the file towards him and opened it, his eyes traveling over the neat script of Detective Green. "It says here that your husband had been on his way to work the day he disappeared. His car was found at Greg's Gas Station, with his jacket and briefcase still in the passenger seat." he said looking up to see Mrs. Scott nod as she reached for her lemonade.

"Yes. Malcolm worked for Wilson and Hendricks Insurance. He said that he was working on a case dealing with the Gringgots Corporation and a potential money laundering fraud." she said as she sip her drink before holding it in both hands, trying to still their shaking.

"Hmm..." Gibbs went back to reading, a frown drawing his brows together and flipped a page his eyes narrowing slightly. "Your husband disappeared 6 months ago. Why did the Police give it over to the FBI?' he asked looking up at her again, noting how her hand tightened round her glass.

"The Chief of Police, Spencer Frost, said that when they dug deeper, it sent red flags up in the FBI Database. They showed up and demanded everything that pertained to the Gringgots Corporation. Said that my husband was part of the Fraud ring they were working on. That he was head of the Ring." she looked up tears sparkling in the depths of her eyes, which held both pain and anger. "I know that my husband has, and never had anything to do with Money Fraud! No one would listen to me, but Detective Green believed me and began to help me."

This time a tear slid down her cheek, which she wiped away with a tissue. "I feel horrible. I know its my fault that he is dead now, but I need to know what happened to my husband. And it doesn't help that the FBI is ignoring my calls. They even set me a notice stating that it has been placed on the back burner." she said softly, her voice catching. "I-I need to kn-know if he is sti-still alive or de-dead."

Closing the file, Gibbs stood and moved around his desk to crouch beside the distrought woman and patted her shoulder. "Mrs. Scott. Jeaniene is both a good friend and right. We here at COLD CASE'S will find your husband. But..." he paused and gripped her shoulder gently.

Connie smiled sadly as she wipped her eyes. "It's alright Mr. Gibbs. If he is dead, I will live. I just need to know if he is dead. If he is alive, or...." she took a deep breath and swallowed. "If he was part of the Money Fraud."

Gibbs sighed as he stood up and help Mrs. Scott gather everything up. "Give us a week to gather information, Mrs. Scott than give us a call and I'll bring you up to date. Also if it comes down to it, we may have to bring outside help in. But don't worry bout that right now. We'll only do that if every lead we have falls short or are blocked." he said with a smile as he lead her from his office and to the front of the main office.

"Do I pay now!?"

Tiago chuckled softly as she watched Gibbs and grinned.

Gibbs smiled as he shook his head. "No. Payment is due upon the conclusion of our findings, Mrs. Scott. You have a nice day and please take care of yourself." he said as he opened the door.

Mrs. Scott smiled slightly as she patted the males arm before heading out. "Thank you again Mr. Gibbs." With that she headed back down the boardwalk and towards her car.

Gibbs shut the door and turned back to Tiago and sighed. "I'm heading out. The Scott file is on my desk. See what you can find out. Seems the FBI took the case over than sat it aside." With that he headed out and towards his own car, his thoughts on what he had just learned.

Tiago sighed as she stood up and headed into Gibbs office, coming out seconds later reading over the file and slid into her chair as she turned on the stario systom that Gibbs had instailed shortly after she joined and sat back to read through the file, her left foot tapping on the ground to the tune of the music while the other she drew up into the seat with her. As the night life of Belmont Bay Boardwalk woke up and other shops closed, the door to the P.I COLD CASE'S stayed open.

The setting changes from Lake View to Gibbs Office


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs Character Portrait: Rouge Santiago
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0.00 INK

Rouge started her head snapping up from the computer and grinned as she jabbed her thumb towards Gibbs office door. "He good to see you Adion. And that's great, Gibbs will be happy bout that. He's in his office." she said nodding towards the the closed door. "Might want to grab one of the energie drinks." she said as she jabbed her thumb towards the closed door.

Gibbs sighed as he opened his eyes and set up, rubbing his eyes before cracking his neck. "Back to work." he muttered as he pulled the faxed sheets towards him and began to read over them, brows drawn in a frown again as he re-read the crime file on Detective Green as well as what Tiago could find, hating all the blacked out parts. "Damn assholes!" he muttered, jotting down notes.

The setting changes from Gibbs Office to Lake View


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs Character Portrait: Rouge Santiago
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0.00 INK

"Thanks." Adion said to Rouge as he walked over to Gibbs's office. He took a deep breath. Adion knew that he looked like shit, and not good shit, like that is made into fertilizer, but instead, more like the stuff seen at sewage plants.

"Boss, my good, old friend got me the un-blacked version of the Scott case. It was hell though. Found anything through the streaks of black?" Said Adion to Gibbs. His speech reflected his current level of sleep, slow and drawn out. Adion looked as if he fall down at any moment. What the head of the local FBI made him do was not horrible or difficult for him, but it was tiring.

The setting changes from Lake View to Gibbs Office


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs looked up a grin curving his lips at hearing Adion's voice, only to frown slightly when he saw his haggard look. "What did you have to do to get the information, Adion?" he asked as he closed the file he'd been looking at and set it aside.

The setting changes from Gibbs Office to Lake View


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

"Had to find some serial killer's pattern. 312 photos and constant explaining to analysis crew, and a whole night doing this. I'm more than a little annoyed that they waited this long to have me look at it, but I managed to get the file. Unblackened. Hopefully we find something that will lead us to what we need to find." Adion said to his boss. As much as he hated doing the all night picture sessions, Adion knew that the unblackened files were well worth the effort.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs sighed as he shook his head and stood up, moved around his desk and stopped beside his friend, hand held out his hand for the file. "Hand it here, Adion than go lay down. You need to get some sleep. From what I got from Mrs. Scott the other day, someone is trying to swipe this case into the dark and leave it there." he said as watched him, his worry evident on his face. "We may have to call in help."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Adion handed over the file, while listening to Gibbs. Adion got sleep and trying to eliminate file and ... 'CALL IN HELP?' Only one thought raced through Adion's head, and with no filter in its way, Adion said it. "Oh great. More nights lost to the FBI and their endless pictures." If their was anything that Adion hated, it was how the FBI always gave him the cases that had been open too long, but had not gone cold. That was something that they always pulled on him when he needed something from him, and if they ended up guarding the private investigator, then he could expect more pictures.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs frowned slightly as he watched Adion. "I'm not talking bout the FBI, Adion. I've got a that is very good at what he does. But unlike you, where you help the FBI, this guy will have nothing to do with them." he snorted as he grasped Adion's arm and lead him to the love seat in his office and pushed him down onto it.

"Hell he hates them and all the others that wish to get their hands on him." he said as he moved back to his desk and sat down. "Your good at memory techniques but this kid...he is good at finding one just by holding an item that person held strong feelings for." he said looking up from the folder opened on his desk.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

"Oh. Well, knowing that I can sleep in my own home tonight makes me feel better. So, how do we get in contact with him. I also have not been briefed on this specific case yet. I've spent all my recent time trying to get the resources on the case. Do I get to meet this kid?" Adion said. Little did he know that he was slowly begin to drift as his thoughts shot from place to place.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs chuckled as he looked over at Adion. "Dan is a hard one to get a hold of. Sides he'll only reply to me. And when he comes I'll introduce him to you and Tiego." he said smiling. He watched him for several moments. "Mrs. Scott's husband disappeared t
6 mths ago. Detective Green was murdered 2 mths ago and the case concerning her husband was Black Listed by the FBI."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

"That sounds oddly close to the serial killer that I spent all night looking at victims of. His MO was to kill the target, then stick around just long enough to kill the leading detective. In every picture of the scenes, he left only a single mark. It looked like a bird with its wings ripped off to the sides. It was usually in the blood of the victim. Half of the victims were obviously target he was hired to kill, by that there was a message cut into the target's skin. The other half, he had tortured in hidden places for fun. But, he never left a mark for the detectives he killed. Only a bullet through the ear." Adion said with seemingly fleeting moments of clarity.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs frowned slightly as he pulled the other file close and read over the information. "Hmm. Seems this isn't part of that case Adion. Detective Green was shot assassin style." he said as he closed the folder. Sitting back, Gibbs laced his fingers under his chin. "Anything else on this case or do the FBI have it all situated?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

"With how professional this guy seems, I doubt that they will be able to catch him, even though they know his current pattern. While they may keep most of their lips shut, it's not as tight as, say, the CIA. I foresee him changing his pattern soon." Adion said. Almost asleep with fading clarity and he can still make well footed predictions. However, those around him could tell that his body did not take all nighters for the FBI well. The time between when his eyelids would close and open was getting longer.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs sighed as he rubbed his eyes. "I don't know who this guy is, but right now I am working on the Scott case. So why don't you go to sleep. Get your rest and than we will get to work. With your help we may find somethings that they never did while at the same time logging it all sown." he said softly smiling at the nearly asleep male.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Gibbs was telling Adion again that he needed to sleep. Well, Adion did, just before Gibbs said "Down." Adion's body went limp for a moment before sprawling across the couch in his sleep.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Adion Volf Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

Chuckling softly Gibbs shook his head and returned his attention back to the file Adion had gotten and proceeded to read. As the natural light began to fade he turned on his desk lamp and resumed reading, brushing his hair back behind his shoulder and behind his ear, his eyes roaming over the file.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs
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0.00 INK

The file had everything. Where and when the victim went on a daily basis, what he drank, ate, liked, disliked, who he knew, and even his birth sign. It contained about 30 pictures of three crime scenes, all different rooms of an abandoned apartment, the walls covered in blood. It even had an unsent note, with blood all over it, from the lead investigator to the family.

The file did lack many things. There was not a single fingerprint or string of DNA. The hypothesis had not even been started. It seemed like the case itself never even started.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Harry Gibbs Character Portrait: Rouge Santiago
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0.00 INK

Yawning Gibbs opened the door to COLD CASE'S and froze when he saw the destruction and growled under his breath. "Tiago!?" he shouted as he stepped over the busted hybrid dwarf Palm tree and moved towards the desk, his heart pounding with worry and anger. Only to sigh when he saw her lying on the floor. Dropping to his knees he reached out and felt for a pulse even as he dialed the police.

"Yes. This is Harry Gibbs. There has been a break in at 3473 Harbor Boardwalk. Yes that's correct, P.I. COLD CASE'S. Yes my assistant, Rouge Santiago is unconscious. No I don't know who did it. This has never....Damn it just send the police and paramedics and get off my damn case." he snarled before closing his phone. "Fucking jerks." he snarled as he straightened and dialed Adion's number.