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Karvana's Champions/Exalted

"For the Glory of the Mother."

0 · 695 views · located in Ulmish Mountains

a character in “Pantheon: Whims of the Gods”, as played by Taunbon


This CS will contain all of Karvana's Champions/Heroes/Exalted as they become relevant or needed.

Name: Dora'Kham, better known as just Kham.


Physical description: The mighty Kham is truly a massive monster. Standing at nearly thirty feet tall, his stature is one that no mere Minotaur could ever aspire to be close to. Large, powerful muscles ripple under the scarred black fur that cover every inch of his body, four massive horns erupt proudly from his forehead over his blood red eyes. Kham is covered in black platemail from head to hooves making him a massive behemoth of muscle, metal and rage.

Age: 158 (As an Exalted, he does not 'age')

Gender: Male

Personality: Kham has two sides to him, the most common is that of the dutiful Kham. Kham is loyal to a fault, obeying the Mother's will without question or complaint which is why his duty is to guard the gate of the Obsidian Palace as Kham will stand still for years, without complaint or issue, because it is as the Mother commands. It helps that, just like all Minotaur, he is rather dim-witted. It is often remarked that Kham is akin to a three year old inside the body of the giant. He tends to only speak few words at a time and longer, more complex, words can confuse Kham. That said, confusing Kham is not a smart thing to do as a confused Kham is a violent Kham.

The other side of Kham is the Blood Frenzy. When in battle, Kham is overtaken by bloodlust turning into a rampant killing machine that can no longer tell ally from foe. He will tear into his own allies just as eagerly as he will the enemy making Khan a powerful, but dangerous ally. The only being he will never assault, no matter how lost into the Blood Frenzy, is the Mother. Not that he hasn't tried, he has once, but after she... defeated him, he understands that she is his Alpha and will no longer challenge her. The blood lust expands beyond such petty things as the love for violence, it is a primal need for blood. Like most minotaurs, they will devour the flesh and blood of their enemy, even in the middle of combat, tearing flesh with their teeth even as they rend flesh from bone with their blades.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

Skills: Kham only has one skill. Combat. Kham is a whirlwind of destruction. Not only is he large and immensely powerful, he is also incredibly fast for his size along with his instinctual mastery of close combat makes Kham a nightmare to have to face and a terror upon the battlefield.


Strength - Being a Minotaur of incredible size, he is immensely powerful further strengthened by the Mother's blessing. Kham can easily tear trees from the ground, roots and all, and use it as clubs, tear horses in half with his bare hands and wipe out entire ranks of soldiers with single swings.

Durability - Despite being covered in platemail, his flesh is iron, able to deflect normal weapons off as if they were striking at a stone wall. Even if he is to be wounded, he can ignore even grievous and mortal wounds letting him fight on even after his body has been hacked nearly apart.

Regeneration - Yet another blessing from the mother, Kham was gifted with an amazing regenerative ability able to regrow his limbs, given time, and minor wounds close before the attackers very eyes further increasing his durability.

Weapons: Dra'Ka and Drogon, the twin axes of Kham. The axes are enchanted by the Mother, herself, to be supernaturally durable and sharp able to, when backed by the massive muscles of Kham, sheer clean through steel. Each axe is so immense that a human would struggle to lift just one, but Kham wields them as deftly as rapiers.

Notable feats:
- Unification of the Forbin Forest Beastmen Tribes.
- Sacking of Troman.
- Slaying of the Spawn of Mother, Kragontis.
- Slaying of Duke Valtis and his entire family line.
- The Doom of Kotin, personally shattering the fortresses gates and leading his forces to its fall.
- Tearing the spine out of a fellow deities Hero in a duel.
- Personally slaying 14 Ogres, one after another, in the legendary Beastman Arena of Tog'o'Kai.
- Snapping the back of an Elven Prince... and his steed.

Strengths: Immense strength, incredibly skilled, regeneration, durability, utterly fearless and loyal.

Weaknesses: Dim-Witted, Immense Blood Lust (willing to kill allies and will stop in the middle of a battle to feast on his kills), and orders (will not leave the Mother unless commanded, and he can't leave her realm until she bids it.)

Goals: To serve the Mother and follow her to greater paths of blood and glory.

Name: Vassa'Rem, known as Vas to the Mother and select few, and the Mother's Shadow/Silence by everyone else.


Physical description: Vas is a small beastwoman, specifically, of the feline variant. Her body is covered in soft, pale fur with long, luscious black hair flowing down to the small of her back. She is a very dainty woman with small hips, long legs and arms, and a slender neck. Among beastmen, and even some more.. odd members of the 'civilized' race, Vas is a beauty, if not an undesirable beauty since her body is not suited for childbirth. The most striking feature is her sharp blue eyes that seem to catch even the tiniest details and always have a spark of humor lit inside them.

Age: 319

Gender: Female

Personality: Vas is incredibly intelligent for her race to the point it becomes hard to believe she is a beastwoman. Quippy, sardonic, and snide, Vas has a very sharp, and biting, tongue that she will use as if there is one thing she loves to do, it is let her opinions be known. Stubborn, she will not back down if she feels she is in the right which has led her into arguments with the mother, although, she will bow her head and do as obeyed if the Mother is serious, which is rare. Out of all the Exalted, she is the one who gets along best with the 'civilized' races and even finds them amusing and interesting.. which leads to one of her more 'undesirable' traits, her enjoyment of 'pleasant' conversations.

But, Vas is a professional. When it is time to do her job, she does her job. Yet again, unlike most of her kind, Vas doesn't take any enjoyment in killing. She feels nothing but a cold detachment from the act, nothing more than bathing or cleaning her gear. Vas has absolute faith in her abilities that borders on arrogance. She will often take risk that are unnecessary because she believes, without consideration, can do it.

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

- Archery, Vas is an amazing archer able to hit a coin at four hundred paces..... after it was slung from a ballista.

- Stealth, as is her job of assassin, Vas is a master of the stealth arts able to enter highly guarded fortresses without making a sound or alerting a mouse.

- Knife fighting, Vas is extraordinarily skilled with daggers and knifes able to outfight others with larger weaponry thanks to her skill and dexterity and, just like with archery, she is an amazing knife thrower.

- Apothecary, incredibly knowledge in planets, Vas can make numerous tonics from simple cures and antidotes to some of the most toxic and poisonous substances on the planet which she coats her weaponry and bolts with.


Speed/Dexterity - Vas is supernaturally fast and dexterous able to dodge arrows at pointblank, easily flip from walls to walls to scale immense buildings, fall from extraordinary heights without harm and fit through tight locations (thanks to being a feline).

Intangibility - For brief moments, Vas can turn intangible. She cannot be 'hit' when she is like this, but she also cannot strike others. While she can go intangible her weaponry and armor cannot making it a skill she uses in desperation as it tends to leave her weaponless, and without clothes, when she does so. She tends to go intangible and run through nearby walls to escape from people.

Shadowmeld - She can 'become one' with the Shadows. This lets her, functionally, turn invisible so long as she is within a shadow. She uses this to aid in her infilitration of buildings.

Weapons: A small repeating crossbow that is kept in a holster on her right hip. She can quickly draw it an put a bolt in a man's eye before he can open his mouth to ask a question. On her left thigh is a small quiver of bolts tipped with the venom of the T'sukan spider, a poison that will put a horse down in seconds.

Inside her sleeves, and along her back, are numerous small throwing daggers tipped with the venom of the orcta flower, a powerful neural-toxin.

Her 'primary' weapon is a long dagger forged from the fang of a Garchont King Spider, the fang is magically enchanted to never lose its venom still bearing the deadly toxin from the lord of all spiders, and the fang of a Garchont King Spider is nigh-unbreakable.

Notable feats:

- Murder of the entire Long Horn Tribe.
- Assassination of High Lord Arakin and his family.
- Assassination of High Priestess Katherine.
- Assassination of dozens of other nobles, mercenary warlords, and other powerful beings.
- Murder of her father, Carne Saberfang.
- Slaying of her Sister, Raa'tha, in a ritual dual of honor.
- Single handed slaying of a Garchont King Spider.

Strengths: Intelligent, highly skilled, master infiltrator and poison expert.

Weaknesses: Stubborn, curious, obstinate and arrogant.

Goals: Vas... doesn't know what her goals are... she just... lives. She doesn't let herself think about it.

Name: Selena


Physical description: Selena is an.. odd woman to look at. The large white beast skull perched on her head as status symbol among the beastmen kind, although, 'civilized' races would never understand its meaning. Long, dark auburn hair flows out from under the skull with an, odd, white strip of hair cradling her face. She has plump, ruby lips, shockingly bright green eyes that seem to pierce through the soul of whomever she looks at and soft tan skin. On her back is a massive, intricate tattoo of wings that cover her shoulders.

Age: 426

Gender: Female

Personality: Selena is a proud and aloof figure within the Exalted, the first of their number, and many say, the greatest. She doesn't tend to.. mingle with the other Exalted and tends to stick by herself or by the Mother. She does not take slights well, having killed for far less, and her vengeance is nearly as brutal as the Mothers, and just like the Mother, Selena will wait for the opportune moment to strike down her foe, bidding her time and strength for the killing blow. This patience serves her well in diplomacy and her position as Herald letting her engage in long, often annoying, discussions with the mortal races.

Despite her.. cold and aloof nature, at her core, Selena loves war. Lives for it. The carnage, the bloodshed, the feeling as thousands of beings bow before her, kill for her, bleed for her... It is rare to see her argue for 'peace' and will only do so when ordered which, luckily, has only happened twice in her nearly half-century of service.

Alignment: Lawful Evil

- Master spear wielder.
- Master sorcerer
- Skilled Orator
- Master Rider
- Great Military Commander


Gift of Tongues - Selena can speak and understand any language, even ones that normally could not be spoken by human kind.

Mistress of Sorcery - A master of sorcery and the magical arts, Selena rates as one of the greatest sorcerers to have ever graced the human race. Centuries of experience and learning tricks from a goddess tends to help with that.

Tame the Beast - Selena can tame, and control, any non-sentient creature with her will alone.

Weapons: None, when she needs to use a weapon, she summons the 'Mother's Sting.' The weapon of Karvana as only Selena is entrusted with carrying it.

Notable feats:

- First, and only, Human to ever become Chieftain of a Beastman Tribe.
- Unified 47 Beastmen Tribes into histories largest Beastmen Horde.
- Conquered 2 Nations, burning them to the ground and enslaving or slaughtering their people.
- Was reported 'slain' three separate times only to 'rise' again elsewhere giving birth to the rumor that she was immortal.
- Slayed Torgtha, the mighty Ogre Lord and crushed his army on the field of battle.
- Mastered shaman and druid magic of the Beastman. Would later master the arcane, blood and dark magic.
- Managed to escape the slaughter of her horde at the hands of an alliance of 'civilized' races and their god's champions.
- Nearly murdered by her own love, but was granted ascension by the Mother.
- Returned to the world to slay the betrayer, but instead of slaying him, she asked the Mother to Curse him. Which she did turning him into a Spawn.
- Various other acts of Heraldry over her service.

Strengths: Magic, Intelligence, Combat Skill, Patience and Beast Mastery.

Weaknesses: Proud, Aloof, Vengeful and a warmonger.

Goals: Unknown

Name: Skarruk (Scar-Rook) and Shebaba (She-Ba-Ba)


Physical Description: Skarruk is fairly average for a goblin with a long hooked noses, large black 'bug' eyes, small pointed ears and green flesh. Standing at a mighty height of 4'3, Skarruk is just as scrawny as any other member of his race, his patchy, scratchy black robes hanging freely off his body. His body is covered in small scars and bits of missing flesh having been attacked by various beast that live under the mountain, and the worst foe of all, other goblins. Just like most of his race, Skarruk doesn't understand the other races obsession with personal hygiene as bathing just makes ones scent more noticeable to the other monsters in the tunnels, his skin is grimy, his gums receding even as his teeth are yellowing in their wake, the only thing that is 'nice' about it is at least his hair isn't revolting... because just like most of his race, he doesn't have any hair! But, as Skarruk would say, Nothing wrong with a good ol' stench about someone.... As a tunnel goblin, Skarruk hates bright lights, sunlight being one of them, so when he is ever cursed enough to have to venture to the outside world, he pulls a large dark hood over his head to protect his sensitive eyes.

Shebaba is a large female T'sukan spider, a large black spider that lives in the dark tunnels of the various mountains of the world. They stand nearly 4' high and are monstrous beast created by the Mother 'eons' ago. The front two legs of the Shebaba spider are incredibly sharp as the chitinous plate comes together to make natural blades that it will use to lash out at people often baiting those unfamiliar with them by raising them into the air making the foe think they intend to bit when, instead, they intend to bring those bladed legs down upon the foe crushing or tearing them apart. Two large eight inch fangs chitter in her 'mouth' beneath her eight 'soulless' black eyes as she rubs them together.

Race: Tunnel Goblin and T'sukan Spider.

Age: 8 (Skarruk) and 3 (Shebaba) (Goblins age rather quickly, 15 being an old goblin).

Gender: Male (Skarruk) and Female (Shebaba)


Skarruk - Skarruk is, like most goblins, a coward. He doesn't like to fight, but he certainly does like to win and take their belongings. He will often only stay and fight if he has no other choice or if his.. 'companions' are more dangerous to his life then his foes. His cowardice is usually only overpowered by his greed as Skarruk loves things. Just... things. From shiny gibbins to odds and ends people cast off, Shebaba is saddled with numerous packs and knapsacks filled with this 'junk' that he will often dig through from time to time to ensure all is still there. People that try to take his things are met with force, but he will often try to steal the belongings of others from their valuables to the junk they forgot they had at the bottom of their pack, and he is certainly not above stealing from the dead.

Shebaba - Shebaba is not sentient, but she will enter 'moods' at times becoming more agitated or aggressive on some days.


Skarruk -

So-So spear wielder: Skarruk, being a goblin, doesn't enjoy fighting one on one... or even six on one, they prefer thirty to one and that other goblins be in front of them, as such, personal martial prowess isn't something that is studied preferring cunning to strength, but Skarruk is 'decent' with his spear and shield... decent enough to putting off getting eaten for awhile.

Spider Rider - Mastered not only how to ride but control and tame, a T'sukan spider. Which is a feat since spiders don't take kindly to being ridden, their odd running grate makes it difficult for most beings to stay in control, and the spider's ability to walk of sheer surfaces without issue (such as cliffs or walls) make it a true challenge to master the art. Skarruk can also fight and fire his bow from the back of Shebaba without issue.

Cunningly Sneaky - True to his nature, Skarruk is incredibly sneaky able to hide himself quickly and creep along without making sound. He is also gifted with locks and taking things from people's pockets without their notice.

Scavenging - Skarruk can find a use for almost any scrap or 'trash' that other people would toss out. This does tend to make him a bit of a hoarder (as his numerous bags and satchels can attest to).

Shebaba -

Silent and Deadly - While Shebaba often 'chitters' with her teeth, she will instinctively quite down when near prey or at the urging of Skarruk. Shebaba will not make a sound as it creeps along the ground, ready to hunt its prey. Shebaba is also incredibly fast, able to do burst of sprints that will outpace most other animals, however, it can only do these fast burst every now and then before becoming tired.

Wall Climber - As a spider, Shebaba can climb up cliffs and walls with no difficulty, able to traverse terrain normal steeds, like pathetic horses, could never hope to do.

Jumper - Shebaba can fling her body great distances letting her jump over obstacles she doesn't want to climb, just between platforms, or trees, and can jump upon prey which she will often do from the shadows, jumping in and injecting her venom before they know what is happening.

Silk - Also known as 'webs', Shebaba can create large amounts of silk that she will use to make large traps which comes from her abdomen. She can also contort her body, lift her abdomen and eject large strands of webbing at foes to pin them down and then go in for the kill. This web is extremely strong and is quite valuable as a crafting material.


Goblin Shamanism - Skarruk is a fairly accomplished goblin shaman.

T'sukan Poison - Shebaba's venom can bring down an adult horse in seconds, if Skarruk knows he is in for a fight, and can't run away from it, he will coat his spear and dagger in her venom as well.


Skarruk - Goblin T'sukan Spear (shabby wood spear with a T'sukan blade leg lash to the tip instead of metal), wooden shield, goblin dagger, spider carapace armor (breastplate, arm/leg guards held together by spider silk) made from the shells of male T'sukan spiders, and a small shortbow with a quiver of sixteen arrows.

Shebaba - Poisoned fangs, blade like front legs.

- Spider Rider
- Strong Companion
- Goblin Shaman Magic
- Stealthy
- Creative

- Cowardly
- 'Average' fighter
- Goblin (thus not well liked by other races and rather small)
- Kleptomaniac

Goals: To become warchief of the Tuskor Goblin Tribe.

So begins...

Karvana's Champions/Exalted's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment Character Portrait: Karvana
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#, as written by Taunbon
The Mother

The Obsidian Palace, as the name suggest, it was an impossibly immense palace that appeared to have been carved from one massive piece of Obsidian for the construction was flawless, from the immense obsidian pillars, to the beautiful walls and even to the doors, themselves, were all solid obsidian opening to the will of the user instead of something so brutish and inelegant as physical contact. Above the hall, obsidian chandeliers hung with eerily purple flames burning granting light to the abyssal palace.

Near the front of the hall, but not upon the throne, was the Mother, her lower body transformed into that of a snake, the long tail curled under her acting as an impromptu seat, her small, pale elbow planted on the cool scales of what, one could only assume, to be her 'hip'. Her dark eyes were focused on the far wall where a 'window' to the mortal realm had been opened. While no one on the mortal realm could see it, save for a fellow deity, in her dimension, it allowed her, and the exalted sitting or standing around the hall, to view the actions unfurling on the mortal world below. While she did not need it to see, Karvana would often open them to give her Exalted something... enjoyable to view.

Currently, they were watching a beastmen raid, of some tribe that wasn't worthy of her memory, on some poor human village, but what the beastmen didn't know, but she certainly did, was that a patrol from the nearby fort was coming by very, very soon, and that is what she wanted to see. The ensuing conflict and bloodshed between the raiders and the patrol, she would never admit it, but she may have... encouraged the raid to happen at that moment just so she would watch the.. festivities.

"Serena," Karvana said, her voice soft and containing warmth that did not truly exist, "My dear herald," she continued, yawning into her hand as she lowered her eyes to the small human curled up within her 'tail'.

The white skull moving as the woman in question looked up to meet her eyes, "Yes, Mother?" the human woman asked, her voice light as a feather dancing upon the breeze.

"I want you to attend our... glorious king's little meeting of his," Mother said, reaching down to tuck a lock of Serena's hair away from her face, "I have more important things to do," she finished flashing a small white smile.

"You just don't want to go, do you?" The human asked, her unnaturally bright eyes sparkling with mirth.

The Mother laid a tiny, pale hand on her chest in mock indignation, "Me? Just not want to go?" She said, her eyes widening in false shock, "Why, I never... well, yes, that is it exactly," She let her sharp chin fall on the palm of her hand as her other hand waved in the air as she spoke, "Can you fault me for it, my herald? Those little gatherings are always so terribly dull. Humans this. Humans that. Elves that. Elves this. Have to protect the world! For order! If I have to listen to another misbegotten righteous speech from our wonderful king, I may very well just fall right asleep, and you know how deities are, I would then have to pretend I cared about their feelings when I awoke."

The edge of Serena's lip twitched at her Mother's antics, "We wouldn't want that, I shall go in your stead... as always," she said, untangling herself from the Mother's tail taking a few moments to straighten out her dress.

With a wave of her hand, Mother opened a portal to the King's Halls, Serena, as a mortal, could not open a gateway to another deities realm without their permission, so she had to do it for her.

Serena, Herald of the Mother

Serena stepped through the portal and emerged in the silver hall of Lycaon, the sudden light and atmosphere change hurting her eyes. Blinking away the sudden pain, she let her gaze slide around the hall finding two occupants already present, Kurn, as the Mother called him, 'The God of Mind Dissolving, Soul-Crushing, Boredom,' to which Serena gave a small nod to the sitting god to show the etiquette demanded respect, and of course, the God-King Lycaon.

Serena bowed at her waist, "My Lord, I apologize for my Mother's absence and any inconvenience that it may have upon you. She is preoccupied with..." She paused, "Important business elsewhere."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Karvana
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Whisps of dark aether gather and shimmer, swirling to form a gateway. The unmistakably calm symphony of whispers are the tell tale signs that it is from Shalom, the resting place of the dead. A place much unlike its implications to be actually quite... hospitable.

The shadowy form of Hazarmaveth begins to manifest from the portal, hunched and humble, much unlike the more brightly colored gods he bears no grandeur in his entrance as the portal simply closes behind him. He stands before Lycaon and makes a gesture that can only be interpreted as a polite bow.

"An honor you would summon one so lowly such as I," he speaks softly, his voice is deep yet almost as a whisper. "I would say it were a pleasure, but I know the news not to be so."

He grows quiet momentarily, looking around at all who are currently present, politely nodding to each one. Not everyone was yet present so he stood back to wait patiently. He then turns his attention to Serena, fixating his gaze yet not turning to face her directly.

"It would appear Karvana continues to challenge my absentee record," He says, a slight hint of bemusement in his tone. "The usual plots and reveling in chaos I would presume?"

The setting changes from Arkngthan to Etheria and the Astral Sea

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment Character Portrait: Aeristhatia
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Lycaon sat on his silver throne as one by one his fellow deities entered the room filling the massive hall. The king tried to greet each of his guests as they arrived in his halls. "I"m glad you can come to lend us your wisdom." he said to Kurn as he entered. As Serena described her master's absence Lycaon gave an audible sigh of annoyance. He had a feeling that the mother would send one of her underlings to take her place. For once He had hoped that she would of neglected to send anyone at all. Despite his disdain for her master he greeted Serena courteously. He continued to greet each god as they arrived. When the god of death came before Lycaon with his formalities the king chuckled at his comment regarding Karvana and responded by saying, "Your not so lowly as you think yourself friend. If more of us were like you we'd have a far more peaceful world." When the last of his guests as of the moment entered with her objections Lycaon was ready to get angry but quickly held himself back when he noticed the way she looked at Entorios. He had always found the younger gods amusing and was rather curious about what would become of the two younger gods.

"Brothers and sisters, not all of our ranks have yet to gather here but I feel that our business is urgent and we can begin our discussion now and let the others catch up if and when they get here." the king said as he rose from his throne and paced through the room as he spoke. "As you all know we were only able to defeat our predecessors by using the miraculous metal known as adamant. It is the one thing that we are incapable of creating and it is said to be the bones of the fallen primordial gods themselves. As time has gone on we have used our precious supply for various purposes ranging from binding a few of our own numbers over the year to forging weapons of incredible power." As he made his last comment he gestured to his spear, one of the few adamant weapons. "Our stores of adamant are almost completely empty. If we were ever to have an internal threat we would have no means to bind them and will instead wage war against each other forever with no means of permanently defeating the other since we would both be immortal. This unsolvable conflict will accomplish nothing save the destruction of countless lesser lives." As he made this last comment he looked toward Serena, the only non-god in the room. "I have managed to find a rather large vain of the stuff deep within the Ulmish mountains. Anywhere else and it would easily be ours; however, Ulm is one of the few gods not part of this court and I fear that if he were to discover what lies in his lands than it would be vary difficult for us to acquire it without severe casualties and the hatred of the race of giants for the rest of eternity. I have gathered you all here to discuss a means of acquiring this adamant."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Vescteseg Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment
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Kurn, God of Enlightenment

As the rest of the gods continued to stream into the hall, Kurn stood back up and folded his hands into his white and shimmering robes. He moved to his position in the room next to Hazarmaveth and listened to Lycaon's words. He took in all of this information and instantly knew the wisest decision to take, but he did not speak just yet. He looked around the room and wondered what the other gods would come up with, judging their reactions as he smiled brightly at everyone. Finally he decided to take the floor after Lycaon had finished.

Stepping forwards into the center of the circle of gods, the white haired youth of a man came to rest and turned to look at everyone in one motion before he spoke. "In a situation such as this, trust is something that must be front and foremost. But Ulm is not always the easiest one to do so. If this adamant is to be obtained peacefully, perhaps a god is not the best option to use to get it. I believe that a mortal should be used in our place." Looking over at the only mortal in the room his eyes flashed lightly before he continued with his speech.

"If we influence a mortal, with the right traits of course, he or she might be able to... whats the word, trick Ulm into letting them have access to the adamant and once the mortal is in possession of it, we will able to claim it for the vault." He now turned to Lycaon and took slow steps toward him with his arm outstretched in his direction. "A word of caution, oh King. If you carry out this plan, choose your mortal wisely. Not just any will do." Kurn steps back out of the center and into his place once more to let the other gods and goddesses discuss other options or even add onto his own plan.

While they were talking, Kurn closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his short white hair. It had been forever since he had been in a physical form. He had to get used to it again, and soon. His cycle of travel was fast approaching when he would wonder the mortal world for a time.

The setting changes from Etheria and the Astral Sea to Arkngthan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Vescteseg Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon
Serena shrugged at the God of 'Death', the jest not really worth commenting on. Her Mother did tend to keep to herself and away from the meetings of the Gods, and she wasn't sure if she had ever seen the Mother attend one of them, but then, she did seem to like to keep to herself very rarely going to another God's realm, and it has been even longer since the Mother last stepped foot on the mortal realms. Her silence wouldn't be noteworthy as it was quickly devoured by the various appearances from the other deities and many of them had their own antics to further draw the attention away from her, but then, as the only mortal among gods, did she truly want attention?

She turned her head to face the King of the Gods as he begun his speech, a fairly standard one although she wasn't sure why he looked her when speaking of the mortal races. Personally, she found an eternal war between Gods and Mortals that brought about the extinction of numerous races as rather exciting. She didn't need to ponder on it to quickly figure out her Mother's opinion would closely match her own. This discussion wouldn't require her input much, if at all, but it was her duty to remain there and listen to it in order to give the important information to her Mother.

The discussion died before it even began as the God of Corruption, Vescteseg, made his entrance smashing the floor and making Serena grip a nearby wall as the earth trembled beneath her feet. No doubt she was the only one to notice as the only 'lesser life' in the room. As the God of Corruption and the King of the Gods exchanged words, Serena hazarded that this meeting may just be interesting after all, it was rare for Vescteseg to come to these meetings, akin to how it was for Hazarmaveth and her Mother. The tension was broken by the arrival of Selyse, the Klethi waved Vescteseg to come over to 'plot', and, of course, the God of Boredom gave a cryptic message about getting a mortal to do it. He just couldn't resist it, Serena idly wondered if it was some sort of... compulsion.

Crossing her arms, Serena continued to watch the discussion in her adopted silence, her sharp green eyes moving from deity to deity within the silver hall.

The setting changes from Arkngthan to Etheria and the Astral Sea

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Vescteseg Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment
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0.00 INK

After listening to Kurn speak, Aeristhatia twirled Myrelette thoughtfully until it turned from a glass to a scepter once again. It seemed like an excellent plan, considering mortals were very....disposable to the gods. However, Ulm would most likely take advantage of that As well.

As one of the younger Gods, Aeristhatia felt it improper to speak now on such a matter. However, as you know, She is anything but proper and so in her mind it seemed perfect to logical to give her imput.

"Why don't we give this mortal a companion to help them on their journey, Lycaon? An animal, perhaps? I'd offer a platypus, but I render that to be somewhat unhelpful to our hero. Maybe one of you gods have an idea?"

Feeling the earth quake with Vescteseg's entrance, she stepped back in line, muttering something under her breath with disgust and rolling her eyes. Of course this troglodyte of a God had to come prancing into the meeting like this. Hearing Lycaon's didsain for him, she couldn't help but chuckle, which she instantly regretted. She hoped Vescteseg hadn't heard it...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment Character Portrait: Karvana Character Portrait: Aeristhatia
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Lycaon listened to his court and considered their various suggestions and advice. Kurn was wise and one of the few gods who wasn't primaily concerned with their own interests and had rarely failed him in the past. He considered the idea of a mortal agent of the gods to retrieve the adamant. He racked his mind to think of a human capable of this task and only one could come to mind. She is insanely persuasive and can talk herself out of most things however she was stubborn and vary hard to control. He thought of Aeristhatia's suggestions and chuckle to himself at th thought of her platypus. He had always found tho use creatures funny and was certain that Aeristhatia was drunk when she created it. He considered sending klethi's mortal as she suggested; however, she she was too random and unpredictable to eb counted on alone.

"Kurn I do agree with your sugstion that we send mortal champion to deal with this issue. The giants are a dangerous people and Ulm is an unpredictable titan so I purpose we send a team heroes. As many of you know I had a daughter who is half god and half human. Getting Nymeria to want to help us will be difficult but if I can persuade her than she would be a very capable agent for us She will be accompanied by Klethi's candidate who seems to be capable enough." Lycaon then turned to face Serena. "It is said that your master's exalted are among the greatest warriors in the world. I would a honored if one of your ranks acompany our party of heroes." He then turned to face Aeristhatia. "Honestly with a team like this a platapus of te godess of trickery couldn't hurt."

This plan seemed risky but it seemed to be his best choice given the situation. He had little trust for the mother and her exalted but he knew that she was loyal to her servants and that it would be highly unlikely that she would disrupt his plans if one of them were part of it. He knew next to nothing of Klethi's elf but they tended to be useful people and he doubted that he would pose a threat to the plans.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Vescteseg Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi
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Aeristhatia boredly watched Kern talk to the other Gods. She enjoyed Kurn, but he tended to get a little bit....bland sometimes. This gathering was becoming increasingly monotonous, and she wished it was over. She looked to Lycaon with a silent plea of suffering. Rolling her eyes she began playing with a lock of hair. "I might as well become the goddess of unnecessary pain If this keeps up." She muttered to herself. She knew fullwell how important this matter was, however it was hard for her limited attention span to comprehend. She attempted a subtle sigh to show her discontent, but it came out as a large "HHHHHUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGCCCCCCCHHHHHHHH". She was met with a handful of giggles from some of the other gods. She hated when they used her favorite things against her. It wasn't like they threw tarot cards at klethi when she was being annoying...

The setting changes from Etheria and the Astral Sea to Arkngthan


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon
Serena watched with disguised interest as the deities began pitching their various champions and heroes for this 'quest'. Even Klethi which surprised her, Serena was unaware of the Goddess having any such champions, perhaps it was just a mortal she doted on? The God-King, of course, elected to send his daughter, a demi-god. Beings Serena never had much respect for, power should be earned, clawed for, killed for. Beings born with power handed to them weakened them, a person should be beaten, burned and tempered like a fine blade. If they broke, they should be discarded as worthless and flawed never to be thought of again.

When the God-King turned to her, Serena blinked in surprise never expecting for him to desire a member of the Mother's Exalted to join in this quest which is why she never intended to offer. She pondered the situation, her mind trying to wrap around the request, she wasn't sure if this was worthy of the Mother sending an Exalted, a mortal champion? Perhaps, but then, her Mother did like to surprise her by doing things counter to her expectations. Sometimes, Serena was sure she did so purely for the sake of spiting her ideals.

Thankfully, she was given a retrieve from answering by the God of Corruption offering a trade. Serena doubted the value in the offer, and even more in should the Titan be fool enough to agree to it. She, herself, would not trust the deity to keep his word as there was nothing stopping him from simply retaking the land once he had his, outrageously high, demand of Adamant were met. But that would likely spark a war, one between Giants and the creatures of Corruption which would be beyond amusing to witness, and if she were so lucky, get to bloody her own hands it, "As speaker for the Mother, I also support the idea of a trade." She also would advise a negotiation on the amount of Adamant being given, but that wasn't her place.

The God of 'Deaths' champion captured her attention in a vice. A halfbreed? While they were not uncommon, Beastmen raiders tended to get their passions up and slaves were often taken, but to see an adult halfbreed that wasn't a wretched creature was rare. The beastmen tended to look down upon them as weak for their human blood, they were often social outcast left ot die on the fringes, if they were born to a human mother away from the tribe, they were often killed or left in the forest. This halfbreed didn't have the more... distinguished characteristics, but Serena knew her Mother would be amused greatly by his existence and participation in the quest... But Klethi was opposed to it, and Serena could not find fault in her reasoning.

Serena stepped forward bowing slightly, "I second Lord Hazramaveth's.... hero. If accepted into the party, God-King, I, on behalf of the Mother, pledge she will also send a member to join be it Exalted or Mortal Champion."

The setting changes from Arkngthan to Etheria and the Astral Sea

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Vescteseg Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon
Serena, Herald of the Mother

Serena loathed Entorios more than most other deities. When he sung, she was compelled, as a mortal, to listen and be enchanted even when she did not wish to be. It was both demeaning and robbed her of what little power she had. It was violating and wrong, robbing away free will as it tried to shove its own hollow, empty 'emotions' there instead. Why the God had decided to sing a pointless tale was beyond here, if the other gods were so foolish as to base this off a story from old then they were equal fools.

Then, to her eternal annoyance, the Godking decided that Entorios' mindless rabbles had sense to them, perhaps his musics stole the freewill and violated the gods just as it did mortals? If so, perhaps they should fashion a muzzle from the adamant when they got their hands on it. If they wanted deniability then an Exalted could not come, Mother would protect them, and their numbers were fairly well known in the mortal realms even if they were, more often than naught, cursed and hissed with loathing by the 'civilized' races like those pathetic elves.

She assumed the God of Corruptions issue with the heroes was more to do with the lack of his share if they should succeed, but Serena didn't much care if a war against the giants 'ended' badly for everyone. With that, it came to an end as they all left one after another after, Ulm, had 'coincidentally' wandered into Vescteseg's realm at such a peculiar time and then Klethi, herself, departed after making some declaration or another, Serena hadn't been fully listening as she had been pondering on how convenient it was for Ulm, the Titan that rarely left his mountain, to move just as they planned on sending some 'heroes' into his realm.

Bowing her head to the Godking, Serena sent a silent prayer to the Mother and, moments later, a dark portal swallowed her up returning her home.

Back within the Obsidian Palace, she let her shoulders fall ever so slightly as her green eyes found her Mother had changed her shape, again. This time, her lower body had become a monstrous spider abdomen and legs, with large insect appendages sprouting from her back, a look she used often.

The Mother

"Over so soon?" Karvana asked, surprised that the meeting had ended so soon given her fellow deities... natures. Turning her head away from the portal that was showing the final moments of the raid, the Beastmen leader, Shaggroth, having just been slain by the human captain in single combat, "Come here, my herald, tell me what transpired," out of the corner of her eye, she spotted the captain removing the head of Shaggroth to be shown to his leaders as a grizzly trophy, the corner of her lips twitched at the action.

She did so love when they did that. Killed the terrible 'monsters' then desecrated their corpses, paraded their corpses around and spoke about how they were the 'glorious heroes' that slain the monsters while oblivious to their own monstrous actions, but it was always easier to ignore the monster within their own souls by loathing the monsters around them. She would keep an eye on the captain, perhaps he would become one of her children yet.

Focusing her attention on Serena, she watched with a small smile flirting across her lips as her herald sat on the steps and leaned against her leg, the skull on her head being pushed back as she took solace in her comfort. Her six knees bent as one as she leaned down to run her knuckles over Serena's pale cheek, "Speak, my dear."

Tapping her finger against her lips, her eyes were dancing with amusement, "A quest? How amusing," tilting her head to exaggerate her body language, "What to bring to the little party... I wonder?" After a few seconds, Karvana waved her hand, "No matter, I have time to think on it later, let us view this little half-breed morsel, shall we?"

Waving her hand, the 'window' changed to that of a bar showing Winston Borne speaking to Hazarmareth in a tavern. While the 'window' was impossible to see for mortals, Karvana didn't doubt Hazarmareth could not see it if he looked. Her eyes traced the half-breed, taking note of his missing eye and arm, the scars, and his more bestial adornments, "How precious," Karvana said, "What stories I missed due to Hazarmareth keeping him a secret from me. Tsk, tsk."

"He doesn't like the gods," Serena said, her eyes closed uninterested in the 'boy' as she continued to rest against Karvana's leg.

"So it seems," Karvana said as he left after speaking on whatever 'agreement' they had, "But now I am here. With a few pushes and nudges, he will come to me, his mother."

"I wouldn't be so sure," Serena said, "He seems close to Hazarmareth," her tone annoyed at the 'boy' taking attention away from her. Perhaps she should tag along and 'remove' him. Making sure to leave so few pieces not even Hazarmareth could put him back together again.

"He will. They always do," she said, a hint of finality in her voice, "But let us see what else is on? Shall we? Let us watch this demi-god," Karvana said, her voice mocking the word, "that will be leading this little 'quest'."

With a wave of her hand, the window changed once more, this time, to the demi-god sitting in the bar. Hands at her side, Karvana watched the woman, content to see what skills she had, and to determine what to send with their party, perhaps she would even let the little demi-goddess pick?

The setting changes from Etheria and the Astral Sea to Etheria


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hazarmaveth Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Kurn, God of Enlightenment
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Taunbon
Serena, Herald of the Mother

Serena lounged upon a bed of cushions strewn around the floor, mindlessly picking at the bowl of grapes to her side as he eyes roamed the courtyard of Obsidian Palace. A few of the Exalted practiced their arts in the field, hacking and slashing at each other to prove their dominance over the other as, even the Exalted were not above such desires, and out of the corner of her eye she spotted Vas sitting in a dark, gnarled tree twirling her dagger in boredom. Serena shared that boredom, it had grown dull on the mortal world, as of late, with little need of their skills and the lack of any amusing events that they could watch unfold.

Some of the younger Exalted looked forward to watching the 'quest', but Serena didn't. She had watched them unfold before, it was mostly walking... and more walking... with a bit more walking added in for good measure. Perhaps, a conversation here and there as they 'bonded' which was, somehow, even more dreadful to have to witness and the less she spoke about the 'love' that would sometimes blossom during long, extended periods of isolation with members of opposite sexes, the better. Yes, the fighting was far and in-between, 'quest' were a dull affair.

Plucking a lone grape, she brought it to her lips and slipped it in, closing her eyes as she chewed. It didn't help that Mother hadn't shown any enthusiasm either after the initial news. She had yet to pick a champion despite the 'group' supposed to be meeting today to start out on their 'quest'. It seemed her desire to aid the quest was based entirely on watching the half-breed and how he preformed. Serena was glad the half-breed had taken refuge in the realm of the 'God-King' as, if he hadn't, there had been a good chance the Mother could have ordered Vas, or herself, to bring the half-breed to the Palace, so the Mother could take a 'closer look' at the boy. That task would not have been difficult, but Serena would have questioned the value in the boy and wasting her time on maimed half-breed.

A voice swam through her mind, a warm voice, "Serena, dear, it seems the God of Boredom has 'invited' me to his realm which means the quest has begun. I have decided on my," the voice paused, and Serena could picture Mother tapping her finger against her lips as she pretended to ponder on the word, "'Champion'. I will open a portal to their location, be a dear and help to send them on their way."

Serena pushed herself up from the cushions, taking a moment to clear away the wrinkles in her dress as she did so. The dark portal opened tore open space in front of her with budding curiosity on the 'champion', Serena stepped through it.

Skarruk and Shebaba

Skarruk's black eyes took in far more light then any human's could possibly hope for, so the secrets of the dark, dank tunnels could not hide from him. He was on a hunting trip, a suicide trip really, to explore the troll warrens and bring back their 'treasure' for the Chieftain. But that is what he got for overextending his authority as tribal shaman, he gently prodded Shebaba's abdomen with the end of his spear, coaxing her to keep moving through the tunnels.

His skin crawled with every step she took within the caves, his heart thumping faster in his small chest as he fought down the panic that was rising, he wanted to turn Shebaba around and flee. One troll was bad, two was worse... but an entire Troll Throng? That was death, and he had no desire to have them puke out their stomach contents on him as he dissolved in the acid of their bile. Shebaba must have sensed his fear as she stopped once again, Skarruk let out a curse in Gou'Toki as he prodded Shebaba again, but she wasn't moving.

Skarruk frowned and smacked her harder, a loud crack splitting the air and echoing down the tunnel as the shaft met her armored carapace, and still nothing. Not even a chitter of warning to him for his blow... nothing. She hadn't disobeyed him since she was a spiderling, and more then that, she had never not responded at all. Skarruk shivered as a chill ran through his body, his dark eyes scanning the tunnel as his instincts screamed at him that something was very, very wrong.

Finally, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted movement, something in black that he had not noticed before. Instinctively, he tried to prod Shebaba again, but she wasn't moving, merely staring ahead as if lost in her own world. Gripping his spear tighter, he started to chant in Gou'Toki calling upon the magical energy in the air to come to him as the shadow started to move, "Drath tokin'ra Ko.." his voice died as the magic he called to him was being unraveled. Unraveled faster then he could draw it in, his panicked mind raced as his instincts continued to scream at him to run away from the figure, that it was dangerous.

But the shadow kept coming, advancing at a slow, almost lazy, pace. Reflexively, he thrust his spear at it when the shadow came in range, but it was smacked aside the blow as if it was nothing more then an annoying gnat, before he could move, it shot out at him like a viper, gripping his throat and lifting him off Shebaba as if he weighed nothing. Skarruk clawed and scratched at the arm holding him, his dirty nails failing to break the material over its arm, grasping for his belt, he tried to pull out his dagger, but a flash of pain blurred his vision as the shadow slammed him into the cave wall.

Blinking away the tears, his vision cleared and finally, at this range, he was able to see the shadow for what it was. A human, but not just any human, his dark eyes fell on the pale beast skull on her head, and his heart froze in terror. The Herald. He had never seen her. None in their tribe had, but they knew her. Just as all knew the Mother. It was an instinctual knowledge, no different then breathing, a primal fear and awareness that lurked in the back of their mind, buried deep within their very creation. But the knowledge did little to alleviate his fears.

"Skarruk," The herald said in gou'toki, her voice cold. It was odd, it held no accent, no personality, it was as if Skarruk had read the words carved upon the wall, "The Mother has chosen you to preform a task. Succeed, and you shall be rewarded. Fail and pray that your death is quick."

His black eyes widen in equal parts fear and surprise, he would have asked why, but he had trouble forming words around the thin hand gripping his throat, "You are to join a... group formed by the gods and aid them in their task," with that, her hand released his throat, and gravity took its toll, his body smacking into the cold, hard ground as he breathed deep trying to fill his lungs with the musty tunnel air.

"W-What task?" Skarruk gasped, pushing himself to his feet.

The Herald watched him, her face revealing nothing as she waved her hand and as the air itself seemed to tear, a dark portal coming into existence, so abyssal it seemed to even draw in the lesser darkness of the tunnel into its embrace, "Go," the Herald commanded.

Skarruk fumbled around, his dirty green fingers combing the ground until they bumped into the shaft of the spear. Picking it up, he returned to Shebaba and climbed on, the soft chittering sound his companion made were soothing as they echoed in the tunnels. It was a familiar sound, one he hadn't thought he would find so comforting once he had been deprived of it. Gently nudging Shebaba, he led her towards the portal, and with once last look at the Herald, her through it.

Skarruk let out a pained cry as the burning light seared at his eyes. He dropped his spear as his hands came up to cover his face, gripping it in agony as his pupils tried desperately to adapt to the massive amount of light assaulting them. His eyes clasped closed, his hands shot over his head and gripped the hood of his cloak, pulling it over his head to mercifully shield him from the harsh, blinding rays of light that peaked through the trees.

From the sanctuary of the shadows provided by his hood, Skarruk blinked away the pain and flashes of light, he could smell humans, an elf... beast... He gripped his spear even as he felt Shebaba move under him. Finally able to see, he looked around, his head moving in quick jerking motions as he scanned the forest, from the other 'champions' in it, to the large beast prowling around them. Shebaba had adapted quicker, it seems, as her fang's chittering grew louder, a warning to the others, as her two, blade-like front legs lifted into the air ready to strike at anything that came too close.

"The Mother's...... contribution," the cold voice of the Herald said from behind him, he turned his head, almost glad to have her there as while she was terrifying, she was a terror he was more familiar with. Skarruk looked at the group one more time, before gently laying his hand on Shebaba's head, calming the spider as it lowered its legs and left its aggressive pose.

The rustling of grass drew his attention back to the Herald who had stopped half-way in her turn to go back into the portal, her head turned to fall on one of the, what Skarruk could only assume was some kind of wounded human, "The Mother has taken an interest in you, half-breed. She will be watching your actions from now on, do not disappoint."

It seemed she did not want, or need, a reply as the Herald turned back and entered the portal, the dark vortex closing behind her.

With his only... 'ally' gone, Skarruk gripped his spear tightly, his knuckles turning yellow from the pressure, "Skarruk," he said roughly, his voice till hoarse from the near strangulation, "Shebaba," he said, touching the spider on the head to give introduction. His large black eyes kept jumping from human, to... wounded.. human, to elf, to beast trying to watch them all for signs of treachery or aggression at the same time and failing at anything more then looking like a jerking patient going through withdrawal.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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0.00 INK

Borne grunted a bit at this sudden introduction, less than pleased to see a goblin, let alone one sent by... her. He clenches his fists, knuckles turning white, pupils dilated, hair starting to bristle from the back of his neck yet unseen through the cloak obscuring it. He draws back some like he is ready to strike and... ... ... sneezes. Enyo pops up from his pack with hair standing on end.

"Pardon me,." He says gravelly. "So... Skarruk? I am Borne, this is Enyo."

Borne paces around Skarruk, watching for any reaction, scrutinizing him. He stops and lets out a disappointed sigh, having noticed the strangulation marks and how unprepared he seems to be.

"Well that is a pity," he mutters under his breath. "Well, welcome aboard."

He points forwards to the trail for his mount to see, moving on down a trail to scout ahead.

"Oh well, might as well get moving now that everyone is here, and by the way, Skarruk..." He pauses, glances at Fenris and says something in broken but legible Gou'Toki, something he hoped only Skarruk understood. "Avoid the elf, Klethi cursed him with bad fortune and it could spread."

He wasn't going to take any risks, even with an unprepared wretch as he.

Watching, eh? In that case I hope she finds what I've got in store very entertaining. He grins under his scarf as he continues on the trail.

The setting changes from Etheria to Etheria and the Astral Sea

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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0.00 INK

As the heroes materialized on the boarder of Ulm's lands Nymeria stretched out her arms. She hated living in Arknghtan were her father was in control, but here in the wilderness there were no masters and servants, just a vast wilderness perfect for adventures.

"Gotta love divine teleportation." she said cheerfully. "I was only about four when I had the fortune of experiencing it for the first time." When she heard Fenris's complaint regarding riding she responded by saying, "I don't think you have much of a choice but ride Fenris my perverted friend. The mountains of the giants is too dangerous to stay in one place for too long and we'll cover more ground on these magnificent beasts than on foot. Anyway it looks like this one likes you and it would be a shame to hurt her feelings." as the demigoddess spoke she mounted her own warg.

"Of course we've got a plan." she then said to Borne. "We ride into the mountains, retrieve the adamant before Ulm notices, and kill anything that dares get in our way."

The young woman's excitement was quickly drained when she saw Serena and the Mother's champion enter the portal. Nymeria had little love for goblins. They had killed several of her former comrades in battle and she had sent a good few dozen of their number to join her fallen allies. She had to admit that she did like the spider creature though. She wondered if she were to ask nice enough if she could try riding it or if she could get it when its master was killed on their quest.

Nymeria was surprised that Karvana also showed interest in Borne; perhaps, he would be a far more useful companion than she thought. After Borne and the newcomer had finished speaking she rode over to Skarruk and offered him her hand.

"I'm Nymeria. Daughter of Lycaon, Thane of the Elven high-kin, slayer of the dread dragon Belirand, and champion of the god-king Lycaon. I am glad to meet you and hope your spear will be of use to our party."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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Fenris felt his cheeks grow hot when Nymeria called him a pervert, but he chose not to even look at her until she said the worg liked him. " can you tell?" He looked at the creature, which minutes ago didn't even exist. Or did it? Just as a normal animal. There went the "gods" meddling in life exactly like they shouldn't.
Fenris approached the animal and spoke quietly with his back to his companions. "Hello. My name is Fenris. I hope you don't mind, but I think I'm going to have to ride you. I'll try not to be heavy."
Fenris recognized the language Borne spoke in but didn't understand the words. He placed a tentative hand on the wolf-mount's neck before half-turning back to the rest of the party. He had the most neutral response to the appearance of the goblin. "...hello." Goblinoids were the lowest tier in Azal society; as a species they were regarded as slow, and their failure to grasp arithmetic or literacy made them easy to dupe and swindle. Azal had no laws against tricking a less intelligent gambler. But Fenris didn't judge people by their ability to judge outcomes, and most of his experiences with goblins made him more pitiful than distasteful. "I am Fenris." He did not have any desire to make introductions. He had much desire to get this done quickly. "Mercutio, would you like to share my saddle? Or I can empty one of these saddlebags, and we can travel akimbo." He played with buttons and rifled through the contents of the bags on his side of the worg. "This one carries only food, and is a perfect size for you. Unless you prefer more room. Mount, I do not know your name. If we shared a language I would ask it. In case somehow you do understand me, that platypus is Mercutio." He pointed. "Would you mind if he accompanied me?" Fenris may have looked silly talking at the creature, but he regarded it seriously, taken great concern in receiving some sign of consent.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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Mercutio Looked warily at the goblins, hiding his discontent behing dignity. "Salutations, dear friends. I am said to weigh no more than a loaf of bread, so do not fear for your strength!" He took a flourishing bow and waddled over to Nymeria. Remembering Fenris's advice on terms of endearment, he attempted some light conversation. "My dear gal, Fenris would like to inform you that he thinks you are very porky! Although I am not very familiar with terms of endearment, I believe that to be very kind indeed, and so I do say I must agree. You are very porky, my dear! " He patted her leg, (as it was all he could reach,) and walked away back to Fenris and the goblins, smiling with glee. "I can ride however you may need me to, Fenny!" He enjoyed the feeling of giving one a "nickname" as it made him feel closer to his Fenris's level of intelligence. "I can even take the reins If you need me to! However, I would be most comfortable in one of your wolf-pouches, as well as anywhere else." All things considered, Mercutio was quite timid around the beast, but felt somewhat safe around Fenris.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Fenris
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#, as written by Taunbon
Skarruk's black eyes jumped from person to person, trying to measure them as he evaluated their gear and potential valuables in the back of his mind. His nose was assaulted by the new scents and smells that were almost overpowering from the mangy smell of the over-sized wolves, the smell of human's, dew from the planets, to the atrocious stench of an elf that nearly made him gag as his stomach rolled threatening to spill his earlier meal over the side of Shebaba.

His gaze snapped to the human male... thing. His nose said it was human but also something else. The missing arm would, normally, point at a weakling and perspective target, but considering the size of the group, Skarruk wasn't sure he wanted to pursue such a thing just yet. If he looked closer, he may have been able to pick out the differences between his face and the human female's face, but they all looked just as alien and hideous as the other to make such an action, especially at the time, not a notion that passed his mind.

His body jerked in the saddle when the human spoke in broken Gou'Toki, Skarruk only had a very rough understanding of the 'common' tongue and did not expect another to be able to speak the tongue of his kind. Even though it was... terribly done, broken with an atrocious accent, it was better then when the Herald spoke as her lack of... anything in her voice had been incredibly disconcerting. Skarruk had no idea who this 'Klethi' was, and he had no idea why the human man, Borne, thought he would want to get closer to the foul smelling elf. Even now, the stench was assaulting his nose, how they could stand to be around such creatures surprised and amazed him, he had heard tell of cowardly, weak goblins that were exiled from their tribes and made way down to the realms of the weaklings and had learned to overcome the stench of the elven kind, but Skarruk could not fathom how that was possible.

Movement snapped his attention to the human female, the one who radiated danger and sent his instincts screaming to flee, she grew closer, and his grip on his spear tightened when she held out her hand to him and started to talk. He had no idea what some of the words were like 'thane' or that it seemed this 'Lycaon' was some sort of deity to her. But he did understand the word Dragon. She had killed a dragon? His first thought was she was lying, obviously, but his instincts told him it was true. If she wasn't so hideous as the rest of her kind, he may have been able to tell what she was saying, but their facial expressions were as alien as they were bizarre.

His black eyes fell to her hand... what did she want? Skarruk had no idea why her hand was just sticking out to him like that... Did... Did she want tribute?! That had to be it! Why else would she show weakness by extending an empty hand to him unless it was in confidence of her victory and the demand of tribute for his life!? He almost struck out at her hand, but if he did, he would die. If not from her, then from the wolves. Growling, he bent down to reach in one of the satchels that hung from Shebaba and removed a small, black obsidian stone and pressed it into her hand, his heart breaking at having to give up even one of his valuables.

The setting changes from Etheria and the Astral Sea to Etheria


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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Borne hears the "plan" and rubs his hand across his forehead. To him it just sounded like: Break in, kill stuff and get the adamant. Even to him this sounded reckless.

"Ulm is a craftsman on top of being incredibly strong," He states flatly while scratching his shoulder. "Added, he's likely guarded by constructs of some kind."

He turns back and looks at his group, looking for any response from each of them, even for anything non-verbal. He then turns to the warg he is riding upon and grins.

"My first order: you will serve as my equal," He seems to be talking to the warg now. "You're free to make any suggestions or comments, things like that... or in your case gesture or act on them..."

He looks back to the others again.

"Guess we'll think of something on the way there, and deal with whatever gets in our way until then."

The setting changes from Etheria to Etheria and the Astral Sea

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Fenris
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Nymeria was surprised when the goblin riding the massive spider offered her his stone of obsidian. "I'm really not sure what to say. Thank you." she said slightly flattered to the goblin. She wondered if he wanted a gift back and she searched her pockets for something of equal value. She found her bag of silver coins and took several out. She knew goblins didn't use her kind of money but that they would find silver valuable and a suitable gift. She put several of the coins in the goblins hand as a response to the stone. Perhaps her first assumptions regarding the goblin were wrong.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Mercutio greeting her and describing her as porky. She had never been called that in her life. The demi-goddess knew it wasn't the platypus's fault and instead directed her anger towards Fenris. "My dear amphibious friend, you should never call a woman porky." she said to Mercutio. "Go over and tell Fenris that if he says anything like that again then he will become very intimate with my swords." she was relatively annoyed at the elf's decision to walk but at this point she didn't care as long as he was willing to keep up. He'd be riding soon enough.

"I like Borne's idea. It'll be getting dark soon and I want to cover as much ground as possible."

Far away back in Akgnthan Lcaon patiently listened to Klethi's comments as he watched the heroes. He was tired and couldn't wait to see this whole adamant business be finished with but at the same time he had to admit he was interested at watching how his daughter did. "Klethi my dear there is far more to Nymeria and her allies then meets the eye. Its true that she is a bit of a bitch, I think she gets that from me, but her heart is in the right place and when worst comes to worse she will gladly lay down her life to help her companions. Even your Fenris. Now come with me. I'm tired of this place and I have heard that Kurn is watching the quest at his temple with a wide variety of gods and mortals. He has this thing called popcorn that I would love to try."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Ulm Character Portrait: Fenris Character Portrait: Mercutio the Platypus
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#, as written by Taunbon
Skarruk watched the human woman, Nymeria, with trepidation to see if his tribute would be accepted or not, and to his relief and pain, it was deemed acceptable. To his surprise, she dug into a pouch, one he took special note of and would keep note to look for any such bags on the others, and produced several silver coins. He had heard the other races use such coins as payment, he had found a few himself left behind by adventurers or taken on raids, of course, the goblins preferred the superior way of bartering, or stealing, for goods.

His black eyes rested on the coins in her outstretched hands. A trade? Was that what she wanted? Had she been trying to measure his worth by seeing what he could offer then providing a trade afterwords? If so, he approved. This, Nymeria, had a lick of goblin sense. Reaching out, he took the coins and placed them in one of the numerous satchels, "Good trade," Skarruk said, his squeaky voice rang out with a nod of confirmation along with it.

'Ulm' yet another name he did not know, but the others seemed to. Was he supposed to know who, or what, that was? It seemed that was where they had to go, to this 'Ulm'. Skarruk wasn't sure what they were doing, but if these people were going, this... 'Ulm' had to have valuables worth taking.

"Shebaba," Skarruk said, tapping the spider lightly on the flank. Shebaba chittered in response, her large fangs rubbing together to produce the unique T'sukan Spider sound. His body rode with the odd movements and motions of the large spider as it approached a nearby tree and scaled up its rough surface as simply as one might take a stroll along the road. It came to rest on one of the large bottom branch, while the branch bent from the weight, it made very little sound and no leaves were dislodged from the 'light' step of the spider.

He had taken the high ground not only because it was safer, the leaves above provided him more shade from the harsh sun, and it got him a bit further from the new found smells, some of which which were going to be hard to get used to. When they moved, he would have shebaba jump from tree to tree to keep pace.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lycaon Character Portrait: Winston Borne Character Portrait: Nymeria Character Portrait: Karvana's Champions/Exalted Character Portrait: Klethi Character Portrait: Fenris
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0.00 INK

"Well, I didn't want to be the first one to say it," Klethi teased with a smile. "But I think she gets it from you, too. With all due respect, of course. Anyway, are you inviting me as a guest to another god's function? While I'd never turn down a date, I must warn you that you will be responsible for my actions. And my actions are often quite liberal. We may adjourn if you would like to try this 'popcorn' invention. It sounds ghastly, though; what would corn be popped for? Wouldn't that just make a mess?" Now she was quite interested. "Perhaps I will learn its secrets, and Fenris will find himself without suitable vegetables for the duration of his journey."

Fenris watched the exchange. He kept no money on his person (in fact his only possession besides his clothes was the magical instrument). " it customary to exchange gifts?" He wouldn't be the first to challenge tradition; he slid what then was a lute from his pocket, but the goblin had mounted his spider and bounded away. "...we will trade later, then?" He held it up to Nymeria. "Or would you like it? Your father gave it to me." Was I supposed to give him something back? I didn't offend him, did I? He was, once again, lost, misunderstanding and over-analyzing social ques.
"I have no intentions of calling you porky," Fenris blurted in an attempt to change subjects. "I don't think you look like a pig at all. Except for obvious mammalian qualities, like hair and lack of fur, of course. Right. We should be going, then." He turned back to the warg. Obviously it couldn't communicate in a language recognized by any of Fenris' companions, but it shifted in such a way that gave him pause. His brows came together for a moment, then parted in understanding, and he spoke a language that was near elvish but rolled with growls and purrs. They two communicated (albeit awkwardly) while everyone else was no doubt waiting impatiently to get started.
"...then I shall all you D'artangion!" The declaration clearly wasn't received well; the warg shook its head. "You're right, that name is silly. Perhaps Recidiver? Then that shall be your spoken name." It was difficult to approximate a language with no spoken qualities to one the rest of the party could use. "Let us be off, then, Recidiver. Mercutio. I will go first." Without waiting for confirmation, he started walking.