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Saint Max

"Not the seas, not the walls of Pandora, not the darkness of the shadows, can stop the flow of cash."

0 · 489 views · located in Paranoia Prison

a character in “Paranoia Prison”, as played by Mathew Littlepaw


Saint Max


❝200$ per pound. Best price you're gunna get from a smuggler around here.❞


❝The Basics❞

| Name |
Maxwell August Brody. Mad Max, Saint Max, Monkey

| Gender |

| Age |

| Role |
Outcast Smuggler, well known in Pandora for being able to get things through the fence that others cant.

❝Deeper Description❞

| Time Incarcerate |
7-8 years

| Eye Color |
Green, hidden with Black contacts.

| Hair Color |
Midnight black, making him easily mistaken for a Shadow just by his hair.

| Height |

| Weight |
201 lbs

| Skin Tone |
Pale/Light tan

| Distinct Markings |
3 stab wounds in his sides, with and 4 claw marks on his back from Number attacks.

| Physical Description|
Standing a towering 6'2", over most people, Max is thought of as a brute more than the genius he really is. His black raincoat and orange undercoat, both smuggled inside Pandora, conceal his identity from Eyes and humans alike, making the Eyes and the Warden himself unable to identify him when he is in public. His real name, and face, are only know to the Gang leaders who occasionally come to him to get something inside the walls of Pandora.



| Reason for Incarnation |
Max has been locked inside Pandora for 7+ years, but he is far from out of contact with the rest of the world. No one knows why he was put here, probably for drug trafficking or arms smuggling, but he is currently living out 3 40 year sentences for smuggling inside Pandora.

[right][font=fantasy]| Skills |
✔ Max commands a great amount of respect inside Pandora for doing his job. Almost every well known gang in Pandora owes him a favor or 2.
✔ Max is a master thief, and a cutting lenguest. From just a conversation with him, you would be out all of your money by either him taking it while you wernt looking, or you willingly giving it to him.
✔While the only "power" Max has is the power of money, fu***** with Max would be considered by most to be a "Bad Idea".

[font=fantasy]| Likes |
♥ Stealing
♥ Selling/Buying stolen goods
♥ Smuggling
♥Magic the Gathering, avid collector.

| Dislikes |
✖ Has no real "super power" to speak of.
✖ A roamer has been floating around for years that he is actually afraid of the Pandora Eyes.
✖ Anyone caught communicating with him can face up to a life time sentence in Pandora.

❝Welcome to my Life❞

| Personality |
| Theme Song |
[url=LINK TO SONG]Song Title[/url] - Artist

❝Who I Am❞

| History |

So begins...

Saint Max's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Saint Max Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Yuiama The Pale Dragon

"You heard the man get out of hear before you wish you had!" The crowd cleared. One of the pawns got Diana more meat shaking with fright as he put the plate down. Yuiama knew that Diana was the cause of much fear in the prison and honestly she didn't. There was no reason for her to, unless she betrayed him but of all creatures dragons are known to be loyal to... Their masters, she didn't like to call him that. But before he came along she was no more than a wild beast in the form of a woman, he tamed her in a way making her more deadly and less predictable. They had been put in the same day they were both in the first shipment of inmates but not the last.

Yuiama saw the slight interest in his eyes and followed his gaze to the girl holding the shadow kitten. She was uneasy as he watched him take the kitten and observe it. A pitch black tiger jumped up on the table they were currently sharing. It made her almost jealous to see him taking such subdued in another dragon. Whatever like she once had for that girl faded away and was replaced by a new found resentment.

Kenji The Crimson Dragon

After his sparring practice with Koro they departed, he was a bit hungry but didn't want to run into trouble. He needed something and it wasn't in Paranoia. He knocked on the door of the scoundrel known as Saint Max a outcast and an infamous smuggler. No answer, he kicked his door of of its hinges. "You home you price of crap?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft
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0.00 INK


Ulyssess would be in a wheel chair, one guard would be wheeling him and another two watching him. He'd stop at the check in desk for prisoners, a nurse would be waiting for them and the main area would be seen through three sets of bars and high security. Ulyssess would be restrained in the wheel chair, his head hanging forward, his silvery long hair, silken by sight and touch covering his eyes but his mouth that had a permanent grin and it only widened as his eyed fluttered and batted.

However as he started to wake, slowly rising his head with a deep laughter one of the guard's wrapped his leather gloved hand on Ulyssess's neck and his laughter became a growl and he started to struggle in the wheel chair only making the guard tighten his grip around his neck, making his breathing wheezy. The nurse had uneasy expression on her face as the guard did this..

''Ben, grab him, the new inmate is awake..'' The officer with his hand on Ulyssess's neck rather calmly as he knew Ulyssess as he was a officer from the prison he was being transferred from and the guards both reacted as Ulyssess's started to growl further and start kicking the air and scream as his anger raised. So Ben and the other officer walked to each side of Ulyssess. One tried to stop him kicking around the place only to be kicked in the nose, breaking it and Ulyssess laughed at then only to anger the other officer and he grabbed Ulyssess from the hair and forced his head to the side, exposing his neck and Ulyssess just looked up at the officer, his eyes watered from the pain but a frown on his face none the less.

The officer with his hand tightly on Ulyssess's neck beckoned the nurse near and she readied a sedative to calm him, a high dose due to his resistance to such things and as she was about to plunge it into his neck he looked at the other officer pulling his hair to he was forced to tilt his head to him. ''Fuck you. Just fuck you.'' He would groan out only to feel the sharp pain of the syringe going into his neck, he'd wince from the pain and sudden chill to his body as the sedative started to kick in. A single tear fell at this point and the nurse stepped back and the officers removed their hands from Ulyssess as his head drooped again.

The officer that had been kicked in the face held his nose with a frown. ''He broke my fucking nose!'' He'd wheeze out in a growl as he huffed out anger, the officer in charge of wheeling Ulyssess around until he is put into the prison flicked his head slightly as sign to get medical attention then he finally turned back at the desk. ''Ulyssess is being transferred here ma'am. Here is his papers.'' He'd say as he passed her the file on Ulyssess.

She would nod then look at the drugged Ulyssess before filing away the papers and smiling again and pushing a button to wheel him in. The officer nodded to with a short smile and he did just that, entering the first gate then the next then the final with a man waiting at a window. ''Was he strip searched before coming here?'' The officer wheeling Ulysses nodded and the man in the window opened the final gate, two guards on the other end waiting for the new arrival and the officer passed him over and walked back out...

The officer would continue to walk away and stop to look back as the guards roughly took the restrains from Ulyssess, picked him up and sat him or rather shoved him on a two seater and restrained him once more by his wrists behind his back before lying him down more gently on the two seater as he was not moving on his own accord for some time so by law they had to watch for any signs of his health deteriorating so they grabbed a cushion and slide it under his head then when back to their posts only to say.

''Poor sucker....can't even walk around normally like the others, guess he is 'that' dangerous.''

The officer would sigh to himself then leave the prison and Ulyssess would just lay, cuffed on a two seater with a empty stare on his eyes, his silver hair over his face slightly...