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Yuiama Kiata

"I am my own master the only one who may command me is Alpha. I wouldn't be the same person i am today without him, I would just be the ravage beast I was before.

0 · 486 views · located in Paranoia Prison

a character in “Paranoia Prison”, originally authored by The5thHorseman, as played by RolePlayGateway


Yuiama || Kiata

"I am the second in command of the Alphas, These guys are scumbags, but there my scumbags!"

This Is Me...

|Nick name:| Yui || The pale dragon

|Gender| Female

|Age| 232 but looks 24

|Race| Dragon

|Oddities| She is stuck in human form

|Sexuality| Heterosexual

|Years of sentence| 666

|Years Served| 100

|Prisoner Number| 0010 (it stands for, that she was the tenth prisoner at paranoia)

|Gang| Alpha

|Rank| Second In Command

Look At Me...

|Eye Color| Blue

|Hair color| White

|Height| 6'1"

|Weight| 134lbs.

|Skin Tone| Pale

|Distinct Marks| She has a magical titanium collars around her neck, wrists, and ankles, which prevents her from becoming a dragon.

|Physical Description| She is not zombie thin, in fact she is rather heavy, the weight comes from her muscles. she is rather tall for a human, she isn't meant to be beautiful. her human form is fairly pretty though even if her dragon form is what really counts sexually.

The Monster Inside...

â€ĸ being respected by everyone, even those more powerful than her
â€ĸ being in dragon form
â€ĸ feeling in control
â€ĸ the taste of human

â€ĸ feeling helpless
â€ĸ seeing an ally being hurt
â€ĸ disrespect
â€ĸ being forced into human form

â€ĸ she is not very good at human combat so she usually mixes
â€ĸ brutal and unpredictable techniques and magic
â€ĸ she has great muscle mass she isn't as physically strong as a human but she still is about twice as strong as a human.

â€ĸ training
â€ĸ fighting the demon from her past(Kenji)
â€ĸ being a menacing force
â€ĸ inspiring both fear and greatness

â€ĸ she is big and rather slow
â€ĸ her emotions can get in the way
â€ĸ her magic is rather strong but limited even though it is nearly unlimited in dragon form

â€ĸ Afraid of being powerless
â€ĸ Scared of Kenji secretly
â€ĸ Afraid of never being enough to have her father be proud of her

Why Not To mess with me


|Weapons| A Ring that amplifys her fire magic and a gauntlet that goes on her right hand, it powers her light magic

|Abilities| 1. Fire and Light magic, She can control not only fire but also blinding light, she has to have either a heat or light sourse OR magic itmes(her ring and gauntlet) The control of holy flames, a combination of light magic and deadly flames, she loses overall power everytime she uses it though her power slowly regenerates

|Personality| She seems nice at first and people try to flirt with her and they usually get punched in the groin. But truly she is cold hearted on the outside and the inside(that for one is a lie) She is fine in crowds as long as they repect her and treat her not as their equal but their superior, even Diana. She hates Kenji with all her heart, he feels the same an earth shattering battle to the death is bound to happen between them. She is bold and doesn't take any crap, she was the tenth prisoner to get put in Paranioa while Diana was the first.

|Crime| She was arrested because she was seen in her true form and they say she killed many men which is true but only when trying to escape the unfair jailing.

|Goal| If only she could break the spell on her and turn back to a dragon she could defeat he warden, most likely, but it depends on what the wardens fighting style is, if he/she can dodge a 50ton reptile shoot g holy flames and going on a rampage she still wouldn't win.

My Life As I Know It...

|Romantic Interests|
She is a stone cold warrior she has no need for love and she will kill you if you flirt with her(that is also a lie).

|Committed Crimes|

When her egg hatched it unleashed a blast of light energy that destroyed a entire city
When she was young she preyed on several humans and domestic animals
She defended herself from many humans that attacked her or threatened her hoard
She would steal things from people, mainly shiny metals for her hoard
You may have noticed that these things aren't considered crimes in a dragons mind so that is why she claims to be innocent

So begins...

Yuiama Kiata's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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[font=calibri] Her day had gone smoothly enough so far as a co-leader she had a lot to do. She made sure everyone was representing the Alphas properly. She made her way to a weight lifting room, she was insanely strong for her build. She bench pressed 300 pounds, knocked several punching bags off of their chains, and worked on her cardio. She saw a gawker, staring at her sweaty body. This kind of thing happened a lot but it pissed her off, she put a ring of fire around him. "You want this body huh?" She pretended to suduse the man easily entering the circle and pressing her body against his. He looked like he liked it, with a perverted grin on his face. Her body started to heat up, hotter and hotter. "That's a little hot." He complained he started to look upset and frightened. She would not stop holding him, the air rippled from the heat. The man started to scream wildly, "I'm not the co-leader of the most feared gang in Paranoia for nothing!" In a few seconds she calmed down, his body was a giant third degree burn, red irritated flesh glistened. She had done this once to her 'dear' brother. She heard many voices from the cafeteria, but she had smelled them before. It was a mix pot of species in there and as she entered she payed no attention to them but simply got her food and seated herself in a empty table. She looked over at a white haired girl who looked like she had once before she trained with her father, small and fragile as a flower. She was a dragon that she could tell but something..more. She shook off the strange feeling she was getting. Near her she saw her sworn enemy, the reaper. Most prisoners feared the day when the White Dragon and the Black Reaper collided. She didn't think much about him at the time and went to the mystery girl. Ignoring the Beta scum she sat her self across from the pale dragon. "Hello I hope that scoundrel didn't give you too much trouble, I detest to associate myself with such scum. It is good to find another dragon besides my 'brother'."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Nyx was surprised at the white haired girls bluntness. She didnt find the Reaper bad at all and Nyx wondered why this young woman hated him so much. He had been polite when he excused himself while Nyx just thought he would leave without a word. The woman in front of her looked like a stronger version of herself just without the mix-matched eyes, Nyx's hair seemed more silver then this womans and the fact that even if Nyx trained she would never build any muscle mass. It was the way she was made. Weak in strength yet powerful in magic. This woman thought she was just a dragon? Hopefully thats what everyone thought. Shyly Nyx removed her hood, letting her long silver locks flow down her back.

"Its nice to meet you i'm Nyx and no he caused no trouble" Nyx gave the woman a soft smile. Nyx had heard about the ranks, it was similar to the other prison's were Nyx was considered a Bishop of the head group.....she wondered what she would be placed in here. The woman in front of her seemed to radiant confidence and power yet Nyx knew if anyone challenged herself to a fight they would end up dead either caused by her friends or herself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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The Black Reaper

Hayden growled as she almost said his name. He hadnt given himself that name. No he would rather have gone name-less but the other prisoner's had named his that. Winter was the only on to know his name beside the Alpha leader because Winter had been one of the first people he had ever spoken to. He was about to answer her question when her eyes were drawn to the door where her brother Tristan stood. Having a mind link with Winter ad the other werewolves Hayden caught the last part. Though her brother was an outcast he was still a wolf and Hayden made sure none of the Beta's ever picked on him.

Hayden looked down at Winter before gently grabbing her and towing her over to her brother, not before casting a glare at the pale dragon that had taken his seat by the new girl. He didnt know what her problem was with him but he didnt have time at the moment as he grabbed Tristan and dragged them both to his cell.

Once they reached his cell he slightly closed the door and looked at the two of them.
"Explain now" he ordered. If what they were doing was going to end them up hurt Hayden needed to know.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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The Black Reaper

"I'm sorry Winter" Hayden said before he left the two and went back to the lunch room. Prisoners were starting to leave now that breakfast was over but Hayden felt for some reason he had to go back. Once he entered the room his eyes focused on Nyx and Alpha leaders right hand b*tch. Hayden's wolf didn't like her so close to Nyx. Hayden blinked in confusion. When the hell did he care? especially about a person he barely knows. His wolf didnt seem to care though as it tried to push a growl out of Hayden's mouth to which he suppressed.

Where was the Alpha anyway? Hatred bubbled in Hayden's chest just at the thought of Diana. Hayden walked over to the pair of females, glaring at the pale dragon b*tch. He sat down beside Nyx, not saying anything. He didnt know why but he just wanted to make sure she was safe.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Why does this happen? I truly thought today was going to be long has it been since this piece of trash challenged me? Maybe I should just fight him, so I can get outta here.

Before Diana could realize multiple members of Alpha, and some from different gangs had surround the man who dare speak before Diana. Diana sat on his throne listening to the voices of the other, he glanced at the brave soul in front of him. Diana knew this man, he was a bishop who joined years ago. Does this man have a death wish or something?

Diana rolled his eyes at the people, "I really don't want to fight with trash, so go away and I'll pretend nothing happened today." Diana waved his hand telling the others to take him away, but the man resisted and glared at Diana.

"You think you're better than me, just because you are Alpha? You're just scared to lose!" Everyone around the man whispered to him, telling him to stop now. They knew this wouldn't end well, and possible something really bad would happen to him.

"Hey man, Alpha just let you off, take it and go." They all agreed to the statement,it was a rarity for Diana to let someone, so it was a blessing to still be alive after what he just spoke. But the man stood firm to his spot glaring Diana in his eyes.

Diana stared at him uninterested,"I wonder what they have to eat today?" Diana called for a pawn to go and see what was to eat today. The pawn quickly ran out, and back to tell Diana that it was bloody meat. Diana looked out into the distance," Hmm...I'll go there now."

The Bishop was turning red, he knew that Diana was ignoring him on purpose,"You think I'll let you get away this...You son of a *****! Go to Hell!" The Bishop started to glow purple, activating his powers, which was the ability of speed.

Diana stared at him, his eyes cold and silent, "I have already gone to Hell. I was born and raised there." Diana's expression showed no sign of deep sadness or laughter instead he stared the man directly in the eyes. Never averting his powerful gaze, and soon the Bishop started to tremble.

Out of pure rage he attacked Diana, with lightening speed. A loud bang echoed the prison, causing everyone to hold their breath. A large bruise formed on Diana's cheek; blood dripped out of his mouth. Diana's expression didn't change, it was the same as always.

"Hahaha! How scary! The Big kitty can't even protect himself!", Diana looked at the Bishop with emotionless eyes, the aura around him turned the same color as the Bishop purple.The bishop slowly backed away from him, "You really are an idiot...don't you know who I am?"

Using the same ability as the Bishop, Diana strikes him back. The Bishop slammed to the ground, causing blood to splatter across the room covering the members and Diana. Diana licked the blood off of his face, and jumped down from his throne.

"Where are you going Alpha?" Diana didn't turn around and kept walking,"This blood is making me hungry. Going to get some food." Diana turning into his were form and sprinted in the darkness toward the cafeteria.

Once at the open doors he walked past numerous people, not caring for their stares, since he was in his Were form. A low growl came from Diana whenever someone crossed his path. Many people kept clear of him, this wasn't a rare thing for Diana, their are only a handful of people in this prison who can approach Diana without feeling frightened by just glancing at him. He turned back into his human form, and took his food.He picked a table away from people and began to eat quietly. The smell of blood still on him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Nyx was surprised when Reaper came and sat right beside her. Her strange eyes widen slightly when she caught sight of a large cat walking into the room, it then shifted into a man. He was shorter then Reaper but they both seemed to have a dark aura around them. The same as her shadow friends just stronger. The man sat two tables away from them but there was something about him that peeked Nyx's curiosity also like the man beside her. Glancing away she looked at her small kitten friend whom she had grown fond of and Nyx slightly panicked when the shadow kitten jumped off the table and rushed towards the unknown man. Without thinking Nyx hopped out of her seat and followed the kitten whom had just hopped up onto the man's table. Nyx was just about two grab the kitten when she was shoved to the ground, her already hurt shoulder hit the floor hard making her shadow friend meow in worry.

"Hey Alpha today is the day i...." the man was interrupted by the angry hissing of the shadow. The man swiftly stole the 'Alpha's' fork right from his hands and stabbed the little shadow.
"Now as i was saying i am challenging you Alpha" the man growled. Nyx looked at her little friend in horror. Emotions of anger took hold or her and her eyes turned pitch black. Her features became void of emotion as the man started to turn ghostly pale. He coughed loudly and his knee's buckled, he started becoming thin and bony.

"But how are you....." he gasped out, questioning the Alpha, to whom was still eating. Then the man's eyes landed on Nyx whom stood up, removed the fork from her dead shadow kitten and pet the small creature. Seconds later the kitten meowed as it purred in her hands and the man lay dead on the floor.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Arian Osilon Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Arian was already awake long before the sun rose, choosing to spend her time seated on her flimsy bed and revel in the dark. The night was her element, where she felt the most comfortable, and since she didn't need much sleep, she spent most nights looking out of the tiny window at the night sky. Her cell was small but neat, as she hated anything dingy. Her cell mates were sound asleep, and she could clearly hear their soft breathing, and the rise and fall of their bodies. She loved the prison at night, it was quiet and peaceful, and she could finally relax.

As the sun rose, the tiny room was slowly filled with an orange glow, the sunlight filtering in through the window. Soon after, her cell mates awoke, to which she responded with a look their way. Arian retreated to a darker part of the cell, where she kept her small stash of books. She might be cold hearted, and in short emotionless, but that didn't stop her from enjoying books. Opening up a novel, she passed away some time, completely ignoring the other two as they milled around in the room. They didn't dare bother her, one could never expect what kind of response she would give. It was never good.

One of the prison guards opened the door of the cell, the metal door swinging open with a creak. "Breakfast!" he said gruffly, not meeting her eyes. She stood up in a fluid motion, and exited the cell. She walked into a shadow, and it engulfed her till she was no longer there. She reappeared at the entrance of the cafeteria, and walked in. She scanned the room, sizing everyone up. Grabbing some food, she took her tray and walked towards the center of the large cafeteria.

Her eyes landed on her gang leader, Diana, and she quietly sat down across from him. Many people were afraid of him, his very gaze could freeze a person in their place, but it amused her. She did gain respect for him when he became the leader of the alphas soon after he arrived. Her gaze shifted to the pair standing there, a girl and a young man. From what she knew, the girl was an alpha like her, and the other was a beta. Arian regarded them with a blank stare, before turning her attention to her food. Whatever was going on here, she didn't want to get in the middle of it unless she was needed.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Arian Osilon Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Diana didn't have to glance behind him to know who it was. There are only a handful of people who dare go near him: Hayden the Beta Leader, Yuiama his Co-Leader, and Arian Osilon his Bishop. Diana answered in a clear voice, "Who are they?"

Diana's conversation was interrupted by a small creature standing before him, his expression remained emotionless but a spark of interest showed in his eyes. The shadow purred at him... Is this shadow tamed?

His thoughts were disturbed by yet another outcast looking for a fight. This was about the fifth outcast he has seen today, not including Alphas. Diana had paid no attention to the man, as his sight was taken by the small creature. His gaze shifted toward the outcast as he snatched the fork from his hand and stabbed the creature, killing it. He just stared at the small black shadow, as a young women ran toward it, cuddling the dead thing in her arms.

Diana felt a burning aura surround the area. He watched silently as the outcast, began to wither away, his very life being sucked out of him. Diana glanced over at the girl...She is the newbie, who became a Bishop...Nyx right? Diana didn't say a word as the event unfolded before his every eyes. He listened to Hayden's rantings, mumbling under his breath,"This has nothing to do with me...Why don't you look at the woman behind you."

In all honesty this whole thing was getting to much attention. The other members of Alpha started to whisper, soon surrounding his table. The man who had challenged him had the life sucked out of him by that girl, Diana could still feel the previous aura, which surrounded the girl. He knew the punishment for interfering a fight, before a Leader could answer...and it wasn't good. It wasn't that Diana was interested in her or wished to protect her, he just was curious if she understood the mess she just made.

Diana felt another fimaliar presence beside him, he glanced to see the Arian was seated eating quietly. He was focused on her, but was pulled back to the situation at hand by the other Alphas, yelling for Nyx to be punished. By this time he became aware of...Hayden. He truly didn't want to deal with getting growled at by his other self, as it seemed quite attached to the woman, which was extremely risky. If he had cared a little more, he would have said something...but he didn't so he also left the thought alone.

"Alpha! Did you just see that? She broke the law, come on Alpha punish her!" Diana glances over at Nyx to see her absorbed in the small shadow. He glanced up at Hayden, one thing Diana could feel from Hayden was that he understood the amount of her crime. Hayden's protective side caused Diana to smirk slightly. Everyone around him froze with surprise. It was a rarity to see Diana to show interest or smile period, and he just smirked.

Diana glanced at Arian's plate, than at his empty plate, "I want more. Someone get me more meat." The Alphas whispered between each other, "But Alpha-"

The man was cut short with a blow to his head. He was know on his hands and knees, blood spilling from his open wound. Diana laid his katana beside him, and looked at the Alphas again, "Get me more food. And this little incident didn't happen. If I find out someone let this out, you will all wish you lived in Hell. Understood?"

All of them nodded and scattered, pretending nothing happened. One of them brought Diana back more meat, than also left. The only people left were Yuiama, Arian, Nyx, Hayden, and Himself. Diana had to admit this newbie was powerful, but weak at the same time, which made him ponder a little. Diana tilted his head and stared at the woman holding the creature, "Can I see it?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Arian Osilon Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Nyx's eyes widened when they wanted to punish her. The shadows started to take form at the sound of a threat, silently hissing and snarling at the people whom wanted her punish. She found comfort in the Reaper being there along with her friends. She was surprised when the Alpha wanted to see her kitten and Nyx nodded her head knowing not to say no. She moved around Reaper to hand the shadow kitten over. But it decided it didn't want to leave the warmth of her arms as it clung to her. Gently Nyx removed the kitten that meow in protest until she handed it over to the Alpha.

Worry filled her chest, afraid that he might hurt her little friend. As if they could sense it the shadows kept a close eye on the Alpha, not wanting Nyx to stress so much. To relax her two other shadow beasts appeared. One of a large tiger and the other of a puppy. While the puppy floated into Nyx's arms the tiger shadow pounced onto the table and laid down, watching the Alpha study the kitten, its tail flicking in the air. The kitten hissed at the puppy in jealousy but didn't move from its spot.

"I am sorry about my friends, they just worry" Nyx said softly hoping the Alpha wouldn't get mad about the tiger on his table. It wasnt like Nyx had any control over them, that was not her power. Nor could they really be control because they are shadow demon beasts not shadows and darkness. These shadows have been with her since day one, always protecting her, they were her friends.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Kenji Arata Hiskawa Character Portrait: Saint Max Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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Yuiama The Pale Dragon

"You heard the man get out of hear before you wish you had!" The crowd cleared. One of the pawns got Diana more meat shaking with fright as he put the plate down. Yuiama knew that Diana was the cause of much fear in the prison and honestly she didn't. There was no reason for her to, unless she betrayed him but of all creatures dragons are known to be loyal to... Their masters, she didn't like to call him that. But before he came along she was no more than a wild beast in the form of a woman, he tamed her in a way making her more deadly and less predictable. They had been put in the same day they were both in the first shipment of inmates but not the last.

Yuiama saw the slight interest in his eyes and followed his gaze to the girl holding the shadow kitten. She was uneasy as he watched him take the kitten and observe it. A pitch black tiger jumped up on the table they were currently sharing. It made her almost jealous to see him taking such subdued in another dragon. Whatever like she once had for that girl faded away and was replaced by a new found resentment.

Kenji The Crimson Dragon

After his sparring practice with Koro they departed, he was a bit hungry but didn't want to run into trouble. He needed something and it wasn't in Paranoia. He knocked on the door of the scoundrel known as Saint Max a outcast and an infamous smuggler. No answer, he kicked his door of of its hinges. "You home you price of crap?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Korogu Lothash Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Winter Alicia Character Portrait: Lee "Babble" Monseft
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Ulyssess would be in a wheel chair, one guard would be wheeling him and another two watching him. He'd stop at the check in desk for prisoners, a nurse would be waiting for them and the main area would be seen through three sets of bars and high security. Ulyssess would be restrained in the wheel chair, his head hanging forward, his silvery long hair, silken by sight and touch covering his eyes but his mouth that had a permanent grin and it only widened as his eyed fluttered and batted.

However as he started to wake, slowly rising his head with a deep laughter one of the guard's wrapped his leather gloved hand on Ulyssess's neck and his laughter became a growl and he started to struggle in the wheel chair only making the guard tighten his grip around his neck, making his breathing wheezy. The nurse had uneasy expression on her face as the guard did this..

''Ben, grab him, the new inmate is awake..'' The officer with his hand on Ulyssess's neck rather calmly as he knew Ulyssess as he was a officer from the prison he was being transferred from and the guards both reacted as Ulyssess's started to growl further and start kicking the air and scream as his anger raised. So Ben and the other officer walked to each side of Ulyssess. One tried to stop him kicking around the place only to be kicked in the nose, breaking it and Ulyssess laughed at then only to anger the other officer and he grabbed Ulyssess from the hair and forced his head to the side, exposing his neck and Ulyssess just looked up at the officer, his eyes watered from the pain but a frown on his face none the less.

The officer with his hand tightly on Ulyssess's neck beckoned the nurse near and she readied a sedative to calm him, a high dose due to his resistance to such things and as she was about to plunge it into his neck he looked at the other officer pulling his hair to he was forced to tilt his head to him. ''Fuck you. Just fuck you.'' He would groan out only to feel the sharp pain of the syringe going into his neck, he'd wince from the pain and sudden chill to his body as the sedative started to kick in. A single tear fell at this point and the nurse stepped back and the officers removed their hands from Ulyssess as his head drooped again.

The officer that had been kicked in the face held his nose with a frown. ''He broke my fucking nose!'' He'd wheeze out in a growl as he huffed out anger, the officer in charge of wheeling Ulyssess around until he is put into the prison flicked his head slightly as sign to get medical attention then he finally turned back at the desk. ''Ulyssess is being transferred here ma'am. Here is his papers.'' He'd say as he passed her the file on Ulyssess.

She would nod then look at the drugged Ulyssess before filing away the papers and smiling again and pushing a button to wheel him in. The officer nodded to with a short smile and he did just that, entering the first gate then the next then the final with a man waiting at a window. ''Was he strip searched before coming here?'' The officer wheeling Ulysses nodded and the man in the window opened the final gate, two guards on the other end waiting for the new arrival and the officer passed him over and walked back out...

The officer would continue to walk away and stop to look back as the guards roughly took the restrains from Ulyssess, picked him up and sat him or rather shoved him on a two seater and restrained him once more by his wrists behind his back before lying him down more gently on the two seater as he was not moving on his own accord for some time so by law they had to watch for any signs of his health deteriorating so they grabbed a cushion and slide it under his head then when back to their posts only to say.

''Poor sucker....can't even walk around normally like the others, guess he is 'that' dangerous.''

The officer would sigh to himself then leave the prison and Ulyssess would just lay, cuffed on a two seater with a empty stare on his eyes, his silver hair over his face slightly...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hayden Black Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Nyx Nightshade Character Portrait: Ulyssess Necator Character Portrait: Arian Osilon Character Portrait: Yuiama Kiata
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What strange shadows? Watching his every move, should have been uncomfortable even irritating to a certain degree. But to Diana this was quite normal, he was used to everyone watching him. Staring, Glaring, Following, all of these were Diana's daily life in Paranoia.

He listened to the worry of Nyx, constantly defending her shadow friends. He really didn't understand why she was so protective of these creatures, but he really didn't care. The kitten meowed at him, causing Diana to focus even more on the small creature.

He watched the eyes of the kitten, who seemed to also be watching his movements. Tilting his head, the kitten followed. He kept noticing the creature turn over to stare at Nyx, giving Diana the impression it was jealous of the small pup in her arms. A small laugh escaped from his lips as he stood up,"You don't look absolutely useless?"

A soft breeze entered the cafeteria, causing Diana to stare at the door. There stood a messenger staring at his direction, his face was covered as always, so Diana couldn't see his expression. The messenger gave him a silent signal, causing Diana's expression to turn cold and emotionless once again. Swiftly Diana carried the kitten in the palm of his hand and handed him to Nyx, "They aren't entirely useless."

Diana quickly went over to the messenger,and both of them stepped outside, so they couldn't be heard. "What is it?" Diana was back to his heartless self, as he glared at the masked stranger.

"The Wardens told me to give you a message." The messenger handed him a note, causing Diana to glare even more. He snatched the note and read it carefully:

Dear Alpha,

We have acquired a new addition to are prison, and he seems to be a...wild one, who needs to be tamed. So we are giving you the responsibility of taming him.

- Wardens

Diana cussed every word know to man under his breath, "They really want to piss me off. Dropping a newbie on me. What am I to them? Oh, right a tool. Those pieces of trash, should just go die in a hole." Diana said all of this with the calmest expression on his face, you could say his words mislead his expression. Diana handed the letter to the messenger and walked back into the cafeteria.

Without looking at anyone he grasped his katana, while speaking to Yuiama and Arian,"I gotta go." That was all he said as he transformed into his leopard form and walked toward the door. He paused and looked up at Hayden for a split second, and without farther hesitation he escaped. Leaving everyone, including the messenger behind in the cafeteria.

Finally Diana was standing in front of the holding cell. The people working there didn't even glance at him, for they knew why he was here. Diana went past the doors and enter a large room. Laying cuffed onto a two seater was the newbie, he was currently knocked out. So keeping his leopard form, Diana laid on a coach opposite from him watching the newbie silently.