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Kita Otoya

"Every day's a good one if you smile about it."

0 · 363 views · located in River Lake | USA

a character in “Pastries and Blood”, as played by Apocalyptic_Tea




”You’re the only North Star I would follow this far!”

Nickname: Call him Kit if you want to embarrass him, otherwise it’s just Kita.

Age: Just barely 20, though no one believes him when he tells them that. They still ask what grade he’s in.

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Role: Resident Handyman/Miscellaneous worker extraordinaire


Hair Color: Kita’s the brightest ginger that ever walked the earth, and trust me, he’s reminded of it all the time.

Eye Color: A reddish-brown that has the tendency to startle the superstitious. He has the sort of eyes that reflect the light all too well, revealing the flecks of red and gold around his pupils.

Skin Tone: He’s Caucasian, but it’s obvious he likes the outdoors. He has visible tanlines on his arms from sleeves of various lengths, and it’s not uncommon to find him with sunburn on his cheeks, ears, or nose from forgetting to put sunscreen on them. He definitely isn’t so dark he looks like he lives at the beach though (much to his vexation).

Height: 5’11”, though don’t ask him because he’ll swear he’s an even 6’0”.

Weight: 155

Physical Description: Kita has a lot of things that stand out about him. He’s muscular, he’s tan, he has bright orange-red hair. But upon meeting him, none of those things will be the first a person notices. No, by far his most special feature is his smile. Kita was blessed with nice teeth and a wide mouth, and when he grins his entire face lights up with it. He smiles with all the energy he has, and it’s proven to be rather contagious. He’s broken many hearts with that smile of his, though he’s as oblivious to that as he is everything else.

Working with his hands has given Kita a nice body, though he won’t be auditioning for the Olympics any time soon or anything. His muscles are more wiry than bulging, but not to the point that he could be described as skinny. He likes to be active and that shows. He holds himself and walks with a confidence he might not necessarily deserve, considering how utterly clumsy he can be sometimes. He has big feet, but don’t make a joke about it because he’ll probably melt into the floorboards.

He has a scar here and there on his arms, fingers, and one on the back of his neck. Most of them has a story he’s always all too eager to share, but the one on the back of his neck he’s not as excited to think about. That’s why he grows his hair to cover it, making his hair a typically shaggy mess right down to the fringe he’s constantly pushing away from his face. Overall, he's a decently attractive fella, but he's not the type to flaunt it.

Potential Interest: Kita’s kind of a huge idiot when it comes to things like romance. Oh, and he also gets totally flustered around anyone he finds attractive, especially when they’re female. Males he at least can meet ‘man-to-man’ (as he puts it), but he’s grown up to be very respectful towards women and when they’re cute, he has no clue how to act. That’s not to say he prefers one over the other; Kita’s very much a man of equal opportunity.


Music: He loves it to pieces, and really takes songs to heart. His absolute favorite music group is Owl City. Probably the one sure-fire way to get him out of a bad mood is to play them.

Outdoors: Kita loves being active. He loves nature and animals and even thinks bugs are cool. He’s not majorly into sports, but take him for a hike and he’ll love you forever.

Reading: This is something Kita doesn’t actually like to talk about, and if you catch him with a book he’ll probably hide from you. He doesn’t always understand the stories, and he has trouble sitting still for long periods of time, but when a book captures his interest he finds authors and writing skills and fiction to be just plain amazing. His favorite is the Harry Potter series.

Talking to people: Kita has a genuine desire to enjoy other people’s company and make them happy. Even if it’s just light conversation, or sitting silently while someone complains to him, Kita is usually pretty content in the company of others.

Food: Oh man, Kita loves food. It totally would have been fine for the pastry place to pay Kita in desserts if that were, you know, legal. And if he didn’t have an apartment to pay rent for.

Clear nights: He doesn’t know the first thing about stars or planets or anything, but damn if it isn’t pretty to look at. He likes the smell of the air at night, too.



Spicy stuff: Kita has a cat’s tongue, so any intense flavors tend to hurt his mouth. Same goes with something too hot, too sour, ect.

Misogyny: It takes a lot to make Kita angry, but being disrespectful towards women is the easiest way to do it. Don’t even begin to tell a kitchen joke in his presence.

Intolerance: Actually, scratch that. Don’t be homophobic/racist/ect either if you want to get along with him.

Board games: More like bored games. You can’t expect him to sit around that long for fake money!

Sleeping: If Kita had his way, he’d never sleep. It just wastes time, and he doesn’t like dreaming.

Horror films: He doesn’t like feeling scared, and he tends to overthink movie plots to begin with. It’s just better for all involved if he sticks to romantic comedies.


  • Physical Strength: Like I said, he's no Olympian, but if you need someone to help you move or grab that box full of tools from the top shelf, he's your man.
  • Humor: Kita's the kind of person who definitely takes everything all in good fun. Sometimes if he's teased he'll get mega embarrassed, but he'll never be angry about it and he appreciates everything from puns to dry sarcasm.
  • Hands on Learner: As long as Kita can do something to see how it works, he can pick stuff up decently quick.
  • Understanding: Didn't feel good coming into work this morning? Kita will lighten your load. Sad but don't feel like talking? He'll give you your space. It takes a lot to offend or upset him because he usually knows where people are coming from and is willing to give them a break.


  • Personal: If someone doesn't like Kita or is cruel to him, he tends to take it really personally. Even good-natured criticism can get him down.
  • Push Over: While he'll stand up for some things, more often than not Kita will agree to things because he doesn't like to argue.
  • Dancing: He CANNOT dance. Like, at all.
  • Visual Learning: Things just don't stick with Kita when he learns about it through reading or watching. Listening is a little better, but even then it's not great.
  • Idiot: Now, I say this with love, I absolutely do, but Kita is an idiot when it comes to self-preservation. Really, it's amazing the kid is still alive. He doesn't seem to have a danger gauge at all. People who don't know him better would say he's brave, but really he just sort of forgets that certain things are dangerous or a bad idea or could kill him. So far, this lack of common sense has ultimately benefited him, but truth be told it's only a matter of time before people go from facepalming at his actions to yelling at him while he lays in a hospital bed over them.


Kita is the sort of person you either love, or pretend to hate because you don’t want to admit he kinda makes you laugh sometimes. His sunny disposition makes it pretty easy for him to get through a day with a smile on his face. He’s good at shrugging things off most of the time, and finds the positive side to life. He likes to laugh and smile, and does both frequently and genuinely. Kita takes the uncertainty of living and the mystery of the unknown and chooses to be excited about it rather than pessimistic, and this outlook really gives him a chance to experience things in a positive way. This includes people as well, and this shows in the way he really takes the time to get to know everyone he can and take pleasure in their uniqueness. He's easily embarrassed, though, and his naivety and modest attitude means he blushes rather often and is an ideal target for teasing.

With all of this in mind, one would think Kita would have a lot of friends. Though it’s true he has plenty of people he’s friendly with, and plenty of people who talk to him about their problems and such, he doesn’t really have anyone he can rely on himself. Well, maybe that’s not entire true. To be honest, he’s never tried. It’s not that he doesn’t trust people, exactly, he just has a hard time opening himself up and letting a relationship be reciprocated on both sides. He much prefers to be the caregiver than to receive it.


If someone successfully manages to get him to relax around them, he becomes very protective of them. Not in an overbearing way, as he believes everyone has the right to make their own decisions, but he will do his best to keep an extra eye on you to make sure you’re okay.

In the meantime, he himself isn’t the best at taking care. He’s very much a puppy in the sense of wanting to just go all the time, and as a result he usually winds up with scrapes he doesn’t treat, nights he doesn’t sleep, and mornings he forgoes breakfast. He really just needs someone to tell him to slow the hell down every once in a while.

Kita isn’t the smartest person. He doesn’t have a ton of common sense, never did well in school, and is usually slow on the uptake with most things. But Kita’s number one trait is that he tries. He really, really does try, and it’s hard to resent him for that.


Kita grew up in a single-parent household. His dad bailed not long after he was born, leaving just him, his older sister, and his mom. His mom had to work two jobs on occasion, leaving him and his older sister with the retired army veteran down the hall in their apartment building, but he was nice and had cute cats. His sister Letti was his idol in every way – she was strong, smart, and brave. They probably gave their mother a gray hair or two with their various intercity adventures, but they had fun. They were happy.

When Kita was seven, things changed. On the way home from school during a particularly snowy afternoon, their car was hit by a drunk driver. Him and his mom both managed to walk away from the accident with nothing more than a scrape or two, but his sister was sitting on the side of the car that got hit head on, and broke her spine. She survived, but was paralyzed from the waist down. Medical bills put them into crippling debt, and as soon as Kita was old enough, he began taking under the table jobs in order to help his mom out. There were times it was only through the kindness of strangers that they managed to keep a roof over their head, but they got by. Letti was never the same after the accident, but she was still Kita’s sister, and he still loved her dearly. He took care of her as much as he could, and perhaps most importantly, she reminded him that no matter what, she could still take care of herself.

At 15, Kita’s mom remarried. Her new husband was a kind man, and he did well for himself in the business world. They, along with a child from his previous marriage, all moved in together, and things got easier. He helped Letti get a helper dog, which really brought back her smile. Kita began feeling out of place in the house, missing the three-person unit they used to be. He felt guilty for feeling that way though, because it was obvious both his mom and his sister were happier than they’d ever been since the accident.

He was relatively popular in high school, including one girlfriend that lasted about six months before she broke up with him. He was big into after school clubs, especially Nature Club, which he would have become the president of if he wanted it, but he's not a leader. He didn't really have any best friends though, and if he ever hung out with anyone after school, it was always in groups.

At 17, Kita decided he needed to figure out his own life. After he graduated high school, he got a job working construction and moved into his own apartment. He’s been a job-floater ever since, working in one place for a few months before trying to find someplace that suits him better. He’s 20 now, and he still doesn’t really know what he wants to do with his life.

So begins...

Kita Otoya's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson Character Portrait: Nero Senka Character Portrait: Senka Nero
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Working the night shift had its perks and its disadvantages. It was nice to have the day to sleep and do whatever, but at the same time, losing the sunlight was a bummer. And there wasn’t a lot of time for other nighttime activities, like catching fireflies in summer or nighttime drives just because or… whatever else.

Not that Kita was complaining. Not even close. He loved his job with a passion. He loved the smell of pastries as he walked through the door, with the dark backdrop of the sleepy town in the windows. He loved the people he worked with, and the nighttime customers that came through after a late-night shift or teenagers in the midst of a nighttime adventure, or the freelance people who were so grateful anywhere was even open this time of night that wasn’t a gas station. And every night, he put on his simple work clothes of a white t-shirt and blue jeans, and he happily got into his car to drive to work with a smile on his face and an excited air about him. He’d worked a lot of jobs before he found Delilah’s two years ago, and he could say with 100% assurance they couldn’t even compare.

His mom thought it was so weird a person like Kita worked at night, when he seemed like such a daytime person. In truth, he was an anytime person. He liked to think his demeanor was good for the tired masses that made their way through the bakery, when he wasn’t tucked away in the back fixing something anyway. Not that the rest of the team weren’t uplifting, because they absolutely were. Yet another reason he loved his job.

His stomach grumbled halfway through his drive, reminding him he hadn’t eaten yet today, and he sighed. His relationship with food was complicated; he loved it, but he never wanted to take the time to sit down and eat it. He had stuff to do! From the moment he opened his eyes to when he got into his car for work, Kita was moving. So it made sense he kinda forgot on occasion. And anyway, that was another perk of working at Delilah’s. There was always someone there willing to feed him.

He grabbed his tool belt from the trunk once he’d parked behind the building, clicking it around his waist before entering the little shop. He’d tried to smooth down his hair before he got there (to look more professional of course), but considering he’d opened his windows on the drive up, his orange locks still were a bit of a disaster. He doubted anyone would be surprised, though, considering he sometimes came in even worse and he never got in trouble for it.

He smiled a big grin when he saw Senka behind the counter, handing a woman her change, and waved energetically at her. Jen had beaten him there tonight, and he turned his wave at her, though he didn’t stop to chat because she was with a customer and he didn’t want to interrupt. He noticed she’d made her hair green that day, and promised himself he’d make sure to tell her it looked nice. And he’d tell her without accidentally burning himself on the stove like he’d done yesterday. He almost blushed just thinking about it. That had been dumb, but she’d been nice enough to get him some ice, so that was good. He guessed.

Making his way over to the counter, he greeted Senka happily, “Hola, bosslady.” Then he was hopping over the counter instead of walking through the space provided like a normal person, which would have been awesome. Of course, as he did so he didn’t quite get his second knee high enough, resulting in a rather audible bang as he hit the floor on the other side. He jumped to his feet in front of his commander-and-chief and grinned again, pretending that hadn’t just hurt to hell, while a few people sitting near the cash register chuckled to themselves.

Now looking slightly sheepish, Kita began to ask, “Do you know if the dayshift folks said anything about the-“

“Kita! Thank god you’re here, this stupid dishwasher has been acting up all day and if it's not fixed, you guys are gonna run out of plates before you hit midnight.” A waitress who was waiting for Arty to get there and relieve her cut him off before he could ask Senka exactly that, and he turned to the girl with an enthusiastic nod. He was the only handyman the store had, so he occasionally worked days too, meaning he knew pretty much everyone and they all relied on him some way or another. He tried not to make it obvious how completely happy that made him.

“On it.” He put two fingers up in an imitation of a salute and said to his nighttime gals, “Ladies,” flicking his fingers in said salute before he disappeared to get the dishwasher back into proper order. Most likely after that it would be a slow night for him, but he always found something or another to keep himself busy. Yet another reason he loved the bakery, no two days were ever quite the same.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Artyom Masterson
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Artyom Masterson

-up, fallin’ down~! Don’t misunderstand me… The radio snapped on, blaring music in the side of Artyom’s head, dragging him quickly from his sleep. Shortly after which a few poorly aimed misses slapped his hand against the wood of his nightstand, he finally connecting with the radio alarm. Having successfully silenced the noise, he closed his eyes and buried his face in the soft pillow to escape the afternoon light that was peeking in through the shades.

-you’re gonna’ act that way~! I think there’s….. Artyom’s sighed into the pillow, then rolled over onto his back. He listened to the music for a little bit, then he cut off the radio and rolled out of bed.


A shower, a change of clothes, and a slapped together sandwich later, Artyom donned his coat and headed out from his apartment. Once he made it out onto the street, he pulled a the small cigarette case he kept in his coat and lit one of the cigarettes he had rolled earlier that day. Then he proceeded to make the short trek to the bakery where it was almost his shift. Living rather close, he had the luxury of not needing a motor vehicle.

It was a rather strange little restaurant and even with living in the big city for most of his life, Artyom hadn’t ever encountered anything like it before he moved to this small town. It had been nearly a year now since the place had caught his eye a few days after he had arrived. The interesting part about the place was that the servers dressed up like personal servants and were much more involved with the customers. He had been lucky to grab a job there, considering his relative lack of past experience. Considering the pay was pretty decent, more than most similar jobs he could have gotten.


As Artyom finally began to approach the front of the café, he slipped around the back instead of taking the main entrance. He normally liked to go in the back, mostly because his coat smelling of tobacco didn’t mesh well with the usual fragrances of the main lobby. Wouldn’t want to put off any customers. He also hadn’t finished his cigarette yet. He stood out by the back of the dumpster for a few moments to finish it, then mashed the butt into the dirt before heading inside the kitchen entrance.

When he walked in through the door, Artyom noticed that the kitchen seemed to mostly empty at the moment, save for a couple of legs sticking out from behind one of the dishwashers. Chuckling a bit to himself on the inside, Artyom didn’t disturb Kita by saying anything. Instead he walked over to the coffee machine and grabbed a warm thermos that was on the counter near it. Pouring himself a cup, he leaned up against one of the refrigerators nearby and watched Kita work.

The kid seemed like a natural at that sort of handy work. Fixing random stuff was not something Artyom himself had that much trouble with, but he generally had to think about it a whole lot more. From watching Kita, it looked as though the redhead already knew what needed to be done the instant he started.

“Artyom!” A female voice called him out of his thoughts on Kita’s handyman abilities. “Good your finally here. Tell Senka I’m heading out then will you?” The waitress who Artyom was relieving commented as she made her way through the kitchen.

“Cup for the road then?” Artyom responded to her, raising the mug he was drinking slightly.

“No,thanks though.” The woman responded as she started out the door Artyom had entered.

“See you then.” Were the white haired man’s last words to her before she exited the room.

Artyom felt a little down about how fast he had gotten spotted. He had hoped to be able to slack off enough to finish his coffee. In the end he just shrugged, poured out his mug, and started in towards the male changing room.

“Good thing we got you around Kita, my solution would have just been to hand wash everything.” The man joked as he exited the kitchen.


A few moments later Artyom was dressed in his regular waiter’s uniform and walked back out into the kitchen. The uniform was a little more bright than his other clothes, the biggest change being into the clean white shirt from the dark brown jacket.

“Finished yet Kita?” He asked without seeing as he entered the kitchen. Wondering if the redhead had finished tinkering on the dishwasher. If he wasn't, Artyom was prepared to lend a hand.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson Character Portrait: Nero Senka Character Portrait: Artyom Masterson
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"I'm delighted to make your acquaintance."

♬ ♪ ♬ ♪

Diana was sitting on the park bench as his locket played its soft melody. Diana found it calming and quite relaxing, especially when the night sky shone so brightly. Closing his eyes, Diana absorbed the precious music he held so dear to his heart. The gentle rhythm and the cooling breeze started to cause Diana to doze off. At this moment a nap wasn't a terrible idea, but it wasn't a well thought out one. He had work to do in a hour,so dozing off would cause him to be late. Diana tried to resist the erge to close his eyes, but was beaten by the smooth melody of the lullaby.

Dozed off Diana awoke to the sound of whispering,"Hey look at that beautiful person. Maybe we should go over there?"

"No, that would be rude...but I get what you mean, she really does look beautiful."

"I know right! Come on it wouldn't hurt to go and say hello, would it?"

"No...", closing his locket and stuffing it in his pocket, Diana opened his eyes to see two young ladies in front of him. A graceful smile spread across Diana's face as he stared at to lovely women. They most have been tourist, since Diana didn't recognize them at all. Was the whispering from them? "Yes, how may I be of assistance to you, two beautiful young ladies?"

The tallest lady was wearing a white miniskirt, along with pink sandals decorated with beads, a light pink blouse, and the accessories she adorned herself with were matching rose earrings, orange, teal, purple, and white bracelets, also she held a beautifully crafted purse. The slightly shorter one was wearing a lighter pink blouse then the other, black pent pants, the same color high heels as her shirt, and was adorned with matching pink tear-shaped earrings and a magnificent watch, she also sported a pink handbag with a black buckle.

Both of them blushed slightly as they were at a loss for words, it seemed as if they hadn't realized that Diana was a man, until hearing him speak. Still you could see that they didn't seem to mind at all, they were to entranced by Diana's eyes. "May I be of assistance?" Diana answered in a gentle tone,which only made them blush more.

"Um! We were wondering...if you...", Diana waited patiently as they discussed amongst themselves on the proper words to address Diana with. Diana took a quick glance over at his cell phone to see that he was late for work. Diana wished to go, but didn't want to show disrespect to these ladies. He thought over some proper ways to handle this situation.

"If it isn't rude...", Diana naturally glanced back at the young ladies with his regular smile,"Would you like to have something to eat with us?" The question was spoken so quickly, it took a minute longer for Diana to process it all in his mind. It wasn't like this was the first time he had been asked by a stranger to do something, but it has been awhile. Diana was distort, yet you couldn't tell on his face, as he made sure to keep it calm and natural. He didn't want to be rude to these ladies, but he was holding up Ms. Senka's precious time.

Suddenly Diana came up with a wonderful idea, which could make both parties happy. "I would love to, but if it wouldn't be to much of a burden, would you mind accompanying me to my work? It is called Delilah’s Gourmet, it's a wonderful place where you could relax and enjoy some delightfully baked goods?" The women blushed at Diana's honest reply, and both squealed with excitement. Both nodded their heads at Diana, agreeing to his proposal.

Diana entered the shop with both girls beside him. Each taking turns to ask him numerous questions, which Diana skillfully avoided, "If you wouldn't mind please take a seat while I fetch some tea."
They both sat down and began to look at the menu. Diana smiled as he saw his friends all working,"Hello everyone."

Diana looked over to see a women reading a book quietly. He gracefully made three teas, two of them headed toward the table of the women. And the third went to the mysterious young lady reading peacefully. Diana smiled kindly,"This will help you relax, while you read. It has honey in it so I hope it is to your liking Miss."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson Character Portrait: Nero Senka Character Portrait: Artyom Masterson
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Senka had been leaning over the counter, staring at the blank space of the doorway before her attention was taken. The familiar voice of Jeanelle echoed through her ears as the girl attempted to frighten Senka. In response, Senka twitched slightly and turned to face the girl. She opened her mouth to respond, however; the girl bounded off towards a calling customer. She smiled and shook her head. It wasn't long after that Kita appeared and greeted her before he attempted to jump the counter. Senka's eyes widened slightly as she made for the boy when he fell over instead of gracefully landing.

"Kita are you okay?" she questioned, however; the boy was up on his feet in no time. She smiled softly and shook her head as he was dragged away to fix a problem. She sighed, taking in a deep breath before returning her attention towards the customers that seemed to be coming in. Oddly, there were more than usual in the store. Even though the bakery ran all day, it hardly had any customers at night time. It was far too late in the day for anyone to have a sweet tooth, however; there was an occasion when someone would. Then again, the bakery did have other things besides sweets, such as their coffee and other light treats.

Still, it was a bit odd that there were more people than usual. She didn't dwell on the matter long since it really wasn't a problem. The more customers, the more she could fulfill happy wishes. That was her motto. Soon, the sound of more people coming in captured her attention, however; she just smiled at who it was. Diana was accompanied by two women as he came in. He showed them a table before he greeted everyone. Senka waved at him in response as she tended to the customers who were ready to pay. She watched as he gave the woman that came in earlier, a tea. She seemed to be reading a book of sorts, however; Senka was too far to be able to tell what the book was.

Leaving the woman to Diana, Senka returned her attention towards the sudden influx of people coming into the store. She smiled and greeted each customer who would then fill out an order or take a seat. She served three tables, took five orders, and by the time she knew it, Senka was out of the one ingredient she needed: flour. With a sigh, she left the counter to Jeanelle and Diana. They could handle the register and the customers as they came in. Heading to the back, she needed to find Artyom and Kita. They needed to be informed of her temporary departure so that they could help out should Diana and Jeanelle be overwhelmed (which was unlikely really). Once she spotted the familiar red hair and white hair, she waved towards them.

"Hey Arty, Kita! Can you help Jeanelle and Diana watch the front for a bit. I need to make a run," she stated softly, smiling in the process. Once that was done, she left the two to continue what they were doing and grabbed her wallet. Stuffing it into her apron, she waved goodbye to her employee's and walked out the front door. It was a good thing the place she received most of her supplies from was also an over-night place. Otherwise she would have had to wait until the morning. As she left the bakery, Senka began humming a light tune to herself, taking in the night as it washed through the town.

The sounds of the nightlife echoed throughout, the occasional whisper of an owl or the soft mewling of a cat following after. Senka truly loved this place for all it was worth. She grew up here, this was her home. She was brought out of her thoughts by the flashing lights of a car. She frowned slightly, tilting her head to the side as she approached the scene. Already there was a large crowd forming. They were being held back by the police, placing the horses around the perimeter in the process. She told herself that it wasn't her concern, that there was probably something small and minuscule, however; curiosity grabbed hold of her feet and caused her to walk towards the scene.

"Oh my," were the only words that left Senka's mouth, hand flying to cover said mouth in the process. There, behind the visage of the officers, there a lay a body covered in a white blanket. It was obvious enough that the person was no longer of the living. If the large pool of blood surrounding their body wasn't a give away, it had to have been the covered face and the lifeless movements. She couldn't tell who it was, however; it did not stop a feeling of sadness to fill her being. She could hear the officers telling the others to "Move along, there's nothing to see," and "Go home", but no one was listening. Instead, they all stood around, muttering to each other of the possibility of who it could be and how it might have happened.

"Hey Sen," a voice called out as she turned towards the source. She greeted the male as he stood beside her. "I heard it was that old beggar down the road," he spoke as Senka merely frowned. She didn't know the man but she often left him change when she could spare it. She even gave him a few meals at the bakery when he passed by. She tried offering him a job a few times, however; the man always refused without giving a reason why. She could feel something tighten against her chest as she removed her gaze from the scene and turned her attention to the newcomer.

"Nikolai," she greeted finally. "Did they say how it happened?" she questioned. He only shook his head in response. As far as anyone knew, the man had passed out in the alleyway and was found on top of a broken bottle. It left others wondering if he had just passed out drunk and fell on his bottle, however; Senka knew better than that. Petar had never been a drunk, at least in all the times she had interacted with him. Whatever it was, the news caravan had already arrived and was filming. There was no doubt in her mind that this was already airing on the television. She only hoped that one of her employees would change the channel in the bakery as to not cause any disturbances.

She bid her goodbye to Nikolai and left the scene, the images still playing in her mind. A passing breeze caused a chill to run down her spine as she glanced around. Frowning, she passed it off as just a response to what had just been seen. After all, the town wasn't exactly a large town, and everyone knew almost anyone. Still, she couldn't help this chill from causing goose-bumps to form along her arms as she made her way to the store.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanora Aiken Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson Character Portrait: Nero Senka Character Portrait: Artyom Masterson
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0.00 INK


Kita poked his head out from the back of the dishwasher when Arty returned, flashing him a large grin. He was still glowing from the off-handed compliment the man had tossed him a little bit ago, before he'd gotten changed. Kita loved feeling useful, it lent to a sense of belonging he'd never take for granted again after living in his old house.

"Pretty much. I'm mostly just tinkering now for something to do," he admitted. On the nights he worked as a waiter rather than a "fixer-upper", as Senka called him, he had to change into the uniform and he hated that. Well, hate was a strong word, but if he could spend his time in the back fixing stuff he was definitely at his happiest. Back in the beginning it had been great, because he always had a ton to do. But after working here for almost two years, he found he was almost too good at his job, leaving him with less and less to get done. Which was good that less stuff was breaking down, but it also meant Kita was often left restless and hyperactive with nothing to expend it on.

Then Senka came back to let them know she was heading out on a run, which meant that everyone from the night team must have gotten there. Kita slid out from behind the washer and hopped up, putting his wrench back into his tool belt. He was about to offer to go for her, but she seemed in a hurry and was out the door before he'd even managed to stand up again. He didn't like it when she went out by herself, which was stupid, but Senka didn't sleep a lot and he always worried about her. A symptom of having spent the first 14 years of his life living in a city, he supposed.

"No worries, Senka! Be safe!" he called after her, then turned back to Arty.

"I guess I gotta change," he noted with a heavy sigh, scratching the back of his head. But then he was smiling again, because at least he looked more like part of the team when he was dressed more closely to everyone else. They didn't have a set uniform, exactly, but they did kind of have a 'look', and he always felt sorta professional once he was dressed in it. Hopefully tonight was busy and there’d be plenty of people to talk to. "I'll meet you at the front!" he told Arty, heading out to his car to grab everything he needed.

The parking lot he chose to use, considering he wasn't a customer and didn't want to take up space, was across from the bakery, so he sprinted in order to cut down on time. The night air was crisp with the scent of trees and wet grass, which were some of his absolute favorites. He grabbed his uniform, and on his way back, he noticed a girl walking along the road, one who hardly looked old enough to be out alone at night. He frowned, slowing down from his job across the street, and waved at her. He didn't want to scare her by approaching, though, so he didn't get any closer.

"Good evening! Be careful on your own, alright? It's late!" he called to her, before returning on his run back to the bakery, arms full of clothes.

Once he was back inside, he didn't think much else of the girl, changing and quickly heading to the front of the store. He was used to loose, casual clothing, and he always moved a bit awkwardly in his uniform.

It was picking up and turning into a busy evening, which explained why they'd run out of flour so quickly. He wasted no time in picking up the next order and finding the corresponding table, winking at Jen as he passed her on the floor with a grin. He noticed Dia was in, too, talking to an absolutely beautiful woman in the corner, but he didn’t want to bother him when he was working so he didn’t say anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson Character Portrait: Nero Senka Character Portrait: Artyom Masterson
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0.00 INK

Jeanelle Watson
"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work" Aristotle

Jen was explaining what a creme brulee was exactly and how one was made, when out of the corner of her eye she saw Kita arrive. She blushed slightly, but it wasn't noticeable thanks to her makeup. She eventually finished explaining she saw Kita dorkily try and jump the counter. She laughed and walked around the shop, smiling at everyone and talking to everyone. She cheered up a baby here, helped an elderly person there, and all around just helped. She took in a couple of orders, only needing her notebook for a family of 10, and she zipped into the kitchen, and got every slice, and every cookie onto plates and returned back onto the floor, ready to serve again.

Whilst walking around, she saw that Dia was talking to a rather lovely looking customer. She smiled, seeing they were having a nice chat. Dia always made the more silent customers smile and talk, as this one appeared to be the quiet, book type, as Dia was. She was walking around when she saw Kita wink at her as he walked to pick up orders. She grinned back and as he walked off, she saw that the T.V behind him was on the news channel, and it was depicting a dead body and...Senka! She was in the background, but when Jen looked at her, Senka seemed to look at her, worried. Jen knew she was actually looking at the cameras, and knew what she was thinking, that the cafe tv should probably be on something else before the kids in the shop got worried. Jen picked up the remote, and changed the channel to another generic singing competition. She sighed, and when she put the remote down, an almost empty macaroon shelf caught her eye. "Hey Arty, Kita! I'm just gonna be baking for a while okay?" She smiled, and stepping briskly into the kitchen, Jen got to work.

First, she sifted some of the remaining flour, then she sifted some soft sugar, then whisked the two together. Then, into a separate bowl, she beat 3 egg whites whilst adding flour, making a meringue. She added food colouring, then mixed it. After mixing the colour in, she added it with her flour mixture, and mixed that, all the while smiling and humming, knowing that Kita and Arty would handle the customers. She continued with her macaroons, adding the new batter the a tray lined with baking paper. She dotted the macaroon batter on then put them into the oven. Jen sighed and smiled, happy she was baking. She watched the customers sitting, drinking and eating various baked goods. She walked out and coloured with a little child as they both waited, as the kid's mother was chatting on a phone. When the oven beeped Jen apologised to the little kid who's name was Gale, and rushed into the kitchen as the mother mouthed a thank you at her.

Jen opened the oven and took in the delicious smell. She sighed happily and put the current cookies on the work bench. She then got some frosting and decorated all the cookies before sandwiching them together with more frosting. They were finally done and she smiled at her creations. Delicious totoro cookies. She took one and ate it, and made a little squeal of delight that they had turned out so well. She put half of the rest of the irresistible macaroons on her orange tray and the other half of them on the macaroon shelf. Jen then practically bouned out of the kitchen and walked towards Gale and his mother. She crouched down and held out the tray to him. "Here! Have a macaroon! On the house." This last sentence was more directed towards the mother as she winked at the busy mother. She got a smile in return as Gale ate up a macaroon in glee. Jen grinned at him and gave him a high five before walking over to Kita and holding out the tray with a cheeky grin. "Macaroon?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan Character Portrait: Vanora Aiken Character Portrait: Kita Otoya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Xiiver

Vanora was slowly walking down the dimlit streets of her new hometown. Discretely watching people who are most likely on their way home after a hard day's work. Maybe home to a family. Vanora admired people who did everything for family because that is exactly how she wanted to live. The coven was her family now, and she would do anything to keep them safe in any way she could.

She had drifted into her thoughts so deep she hardly noticed she was walking towards a group of people. She was pulled out of her own little world when as she walked into a stranger's back. She stumbled back a few short steps as she held her hand over her nose, rubbing it. Even though it didn't hurt, she had gotten so used to acting as human as possible. She apologized and as she did she finally started to realize there was something going on in front of her. She could smell the blood. It did not smell very appetizing. She figured the person whose blood it was may not have been the most healthy. She was intigued enought to make her way through the mass people, gaining odd looks as she did, as if they were telling her this was nothing for children. She simply ignored it.
She did not stay long. Despite being a vampire, seeing someone dead was nothing she was used to and did not plan on making it a regular thing. It made her uncomfortable even though she knew she had nothing to do with the man's death

Her light steppes once again brought her down the streets. She looked into shops through windows as she passed. Pretty dresses, shoes and lovely flowers were the things to catch her eye. Suddenly as she was eyeing a dress she did a quick turn. The wind had brought a scent she was unfamiliar with. She had never smelt anything like it. She took another whiff as she continued walking. Looking out for anything which might be the source. "Good evening! Be careful on your own, alright? It's late!" She looked in the direction the voice was coming from. A redheaded boy was waving at her. The scent came from his direction. She didn't even listen to what he said. She just saw him dissappearing through what seemed like a backdoor. Vanora was intrigued and curious. She started taking quicker steps around the corner and ended up in front of a pastry shop. She just stared at the entrance and she could smell whatever it was whenever someone opened the door to the shop. After some hesitation, she walked over and entered the shop, and her eyes landed on Lenore. Instantly she felt calmer and chose a table close to her for comfort. She waved at Lenore as she sat down.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Vanora Aiken Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson
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0.00 INK

Kita had been cleaning the glass on the front display case (the day people never did it) when Jen came up to him, and when she held out the macaroons for him, his entire face lit up in an enormous grin directed her way. He hadn't had time, but normally he liked to go into the back and keep her company when she was baking, because she was so much fun to watch. Everything she did always turned out good to Kita, even though she wasn't always happy with it. But either way he got good food, so he was certainly satisfied.

"Yes!" he responded enthusiastically, grabbing one and stuffing it into his mouth. "Thif if fo good," he told her without even swallowing, but when he realized he was being kind of dumb again he turned a light shade of pink as he swallowed down the rest of the treat. It really was good though. The pastry was a reminder of how hungry he was, only scratching the surface of what he needed. "Thank you! I forgot to eat again today," he admitted to her with a pout, sure she was going to call him out for it. If not her, Senka probably would. But then maybe they'd feed him more, which he'd never specifically asked for but was always appreciated. Jen was always so nice to him, and he liked to think he returned the favor a bit every time she laughed because of him (when it was intentional or not. Usually not, if he was being honest).

At that moment, though, he realized there was a new customer who was as of yet unattended, and that simply wouldn't do. Not when so much of their reputation was based around their excellent customer service, after all. "Customer, I got her," he told Jen with a smile, slipping the rag he'd been using to clean the display case with into his pocket. Before he headed over to her, however, he remembered something important and quickly added, "Oh, Jen, I like your hair today!" He gave her one final grin before spinning around on his heels to head over to the table with their new patron, a very typical spring in his step as he went. He hadn't paid any attention to the news, as he usually found it really boring. As such, the mood in the air that had been present before the report ended completely went over his head.

"Good evening... miss? Ma'am?" The greeting turned questioning when he arrived at the table, tilting his head slightly as he took the person in. He rubbed the back of his ginger head and laughed a bit at himself, feeling embarrassed he couldn't quite place her age. "Sorry, I meant that as a compliment!" he assured her, though he was seriously worried she wouldn't take it that way. The person was thin, with delicate features and pale skin. All of it made it kind of hard for Kita to discern exactly how old she was. Most striking was her hair, which was similar to his in it's vibrancy, but while his was a bright red-orange, hers was a deep scarlet. She was beautiful, which of course instantly turned Kita into an intimidated mess.

"That was probably a stupid thing to say, I hope I didn't offend you or anything. You're very pretty," he tried, hoping it would fix potentially making her mad, but then he realized that might not have been any better and decided to quickly move along. He wished Dia wasn't busy with that other also totally gorgeous woman, because he would know how to handle this so much better.

"Uh, anyway, welcome to Delilah's! Can I help you with anything?" he asked, planting a more calm smile on his face so she knew he wasn't trying to hit on her or anything.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan Character Portrait: Vanora Aiken Character Portrait: Kita Otoya
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Xiiver

Vanora had sat down at the table and was now straightening her dress. It was an act of nervousness most likely because there were so many unfamiliar people even though Sparrow was her, she did feel quite nervous but somehow managed to keep it together.
She looked at Sparrow and saw her to be in a conversation with a very, handsome, almost beautiful, man. Vanora watched her smile and mentally saved the image later so she could get it on paper. She looked genuinelly happy, which made Vanora's face soften and she relaxed more.
She looked around her and noticed the news right before someone changed the channel and she instantly thought of what she had seen earlier. It sure was worrying, what if someone started suspecting them? Sure, they were new but maybe that made them more suspicious? She didn't know and decided to let it go for now.
She turned her attention to a mother and a child and her face softened yet again and she was lost in her thoughts. She innocence of the child was so refreshing to watch. So pure. It made her melt and the corner of her lips tugged slightly.

"Good evening... miss? Ma'am?" She turned her heads towards the voice, snapping out of her thoughts. As she did the scent from earlier hit her again. Her nostrils flared but her facial expression stayed the same. After so many years she could hide her excitement quite well. She couldn't place her finger on what it smelled like but it smelled...nostalgic. Yes, somehow it reminded her of home. 'Home...' She returned her attention to the male in front of her and finally got a chance to see what he looked like. His hair was so bright orange it made her fascinated. It looked like nothing she had seen before, she actually wantd to touch it, as weird as it seemed. He looked about her age, well, her mortal age and he was nervously trying to explain himself and Vanora was puzzled. She had never met a man like this before. All the men she knew and had known were calm and compsed in every situation. She found it sweet. "That was probably a stupid thing to say, I hope I didn't offend you or anything. You're very pretty," Had it been possible, her cheeks would have been bright red right now.
She had gotten compliments before, but none so genuine and it felt...nice.
She placed her hand on her cheek in an embarrassed manner and lowered her gaze.
"I'll have a cup of Earl Gray tea, thank you." She looked at him again and spoke gently as she smiled for the first time in a long time. She just couldn't help it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lenore Sullivan Character Portrait: Diana Fiore Character Portrait: Vanora Aiken Character Portrait: Kita Otoya Character Portrait: Jeanelle Watson
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0.00 INK

Jeanelle Watson

If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.A.A Milne

Jen laughed as Kita shoved the macaroon into his mouth, and tried to speak. She always thought his belly was a bottomless pit, but sometimes hers was too, so she understood. She blushed at the compliment, and smiled. "Thanks Kita! You really should try and remember to eat before you leave! The customers won't get a chance!" She chuckled, and ruffled his hair before he ran off to assist another customer. She watched as he dorkily tried to find the right title for her. The curly haired ginger's eyes softened as Kita attempted to make smooth conversation. Most customer's eyes did when he served them. She was very good at controlling her blush, Jen thought, normally girls her age blushed at Kita. Jen certainly did. She shrugged, and looked to see how Dia was going with the other lady. She saw her blush lightly, and smiled. Somehow, Delilah's gourmet had been lucky enough to land the perfect waiters.

Jen thought she might as well be a hospitable waitress, it was her job after all. She walked over, her boots clicking slightly, and her apron's blue skirt swishing. She smiled brightly, and stopped at Dia and the woman Lenore, apparently, and smiled brightly at them both. "Would you two literate folks like a french macaroon? Still warm from the oven, freshly baked here in Delilah's gourmet!" Her face was lit up in an expression of delight and happiness, and she added on another sentence. "On the house."