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Peace in Apocalypse

Peace in Apocalypse


Zombie apocalypse. Survive, Befriend, Love, Prosper.

2,282 readers have visited Peace in Apocalypse since powerpack created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Infection has spread throughout the world, and as far as we know every country is infected. It has been around 4-6 months since the outbreak, time is so hard to tell when it means so little. Few survivors seem to remain, and the ones that do remain, few are sane of mind. Join up with us, or spread out on your own. But we all know we are strongest as a group, but only the strongest survive.

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I am starting this Roleplay for ANYONE who would like to join. I looked around for some time trying to find a good zombie roleplay, but the good ones were either already really far in, or really shitty. So if you would like to join, please do! I think I will start as soon as i get at least 1 other person to roleplay with. Please fill out this form if you would like to join, or use a similar form like this, I don't care either way... (I will make a sample, for my character, feel free to lengthen as you like.)

1. Zombies are strong, but slow and stupid, but can be killed just like a normal person would be, zombies are just slightly more resiliant. Example: Zombie can easily break down a door. Headshot will instantly kill as long as it strikes the brain. Multiple body shots will kill them aswell.

2. Realistic roleplaying is a must. Please don't give your character a gatling gun or a rocket launcher. This could be implimented in the future of the story (like...find an army base or somthing) but not at the beginning. And you aren't an epic scientist, you are not going to be able to cure the world. Its appocalypse, you just try to survive. You are not a "Mysterious Stranger" nor are you an epic marksman, or swordsman.

3. PLEASE don't write a book with your posts. 2-3 paragraphs is plenty. But if you feel you need to write more, do so as you wish. Just don't drag it on for forever. BUT no short ones. Make this interesting and fun to read, from a standby perspective.

4. If roleplaying with another person, please be patient with them. If they do not post somthing 10 minutes after you post, then come back later. I for one will not be able to be on this 24/7. I do have a job and school to attend to, but I will try to be on here as much as I can. I love to Roleplay!

5. PLEASE try to use good grammar. An easy way to make sure you spell everything correctly is to type thing out on Microsoft Word first and copy and paste it here! It works nicely. Or Google Chrome and Firefox have built in spell checkers.

6. Please do not get angry with me if I mess up. Chances are, you are more experienced than me and you could give me some advice If somthing is wrong, send me a message, or write an OOC message.

7. I don't care if you write ooc messages here. OOC commentary at the end of a post is always amusing, do so as you please

8. You are NOT a samurai, and therefor should not have a katana. A machete MAYBE. But what regular person actually has a sharp katana. You cannot run into a horde of 10000 zombies and slice off all their heads with one swing. But if you ARE a samurai, please disregard this message and continue slaying zombies like in a videogame.

9. If bitten or scratched by a zombie, you become one after 24 hours. Feel free to kill off your character at any time.

10. Your character and your real life are separate. If I am mean to you IN CHARACTER, it doesn't mean I hate you in real life. My character may hate your character, but it is fun like that. Don't bring this to a real world argument.

11. Help me out whenever possible! Give me suggestions on my writing, and tell me if somthing bothers you!

12. I am the "Gamemaster". Large zombie hordes will be summoned by me near the beginning of the game. Especially near the beginning, because we are still getting to know the other characters. Yes I just made this rule up. Yes I can do that.

I can't think of anything else. Let's have some fun!!!! If you think of any rules or regulations or ANYTHING, let me know!!!!!!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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"One zombie isn't a problem. Just point and shoot- like an old Polaroid," I comment, unconcerned. We had various weapons and Austin and Jason were busy setting up barricades. This would be a temporary home for a bit. Hopefully. I look over at Jet as he mumbles something. "What?" The day was dying and I hoped that the flashlights were still inside. We still needed to figure out the sleeping arrangements as well.


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"Yeah but that one zombie might catch someone off guard and bite him." I replied to Mara, then she said "What?", I looked back at her "Hmm? Oh, I said that's some beauty...the horizon I mean its worth while to gaze at it once in a while." I said then looked down seeing the stray Zombie, I stood up "Its there, Austin! Zombie right in front of us." I said and looked at it closely through the binoculars the zombie was obviously heading for us, but as I looked at it I saw something, something dangerous on its chest the zombie had what looked like a vest with an explosive of some sort "C4?! What the hell?!" I said and zoomed on its chest, I saw the C4 light was still blinking meaning it was active, remotely active, I looked at it shocked, "Guys big problem the zombie has a vest of ACTIVE C4 on it... Someones watching us!" I said.


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#, as written by safton
I began to offer my assistance with the drill; I'd helped build my fair share of hasty fortifications in my day, after all. However, before I had a chance to finish, Jet began to call out. "Guys, big problem: the zombie has a vest of ACTIVE C4 on it... Someones watching us!"

My first thought was that Jet was overreacting; perhaps his mind was playing tricks on him. The chances of having a zombie suicide bomber, or a human willing to employ one against us, were low. But it definitely warranted having a look... just in case. I grabbed my rifle and headed towards the door quickly.


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C4? I had only heard of that being used on video games and overseas at the war. Could there really be a suicide zombie? Thoughts ran through my head as I stood up to go take a closer look. Then I remembered, "Fuck. My truck..." Last time I checked bombs and vehicles full of diesel fuel didn't mix well. I look outside, and sure enough there was a zombie hobbling towards us with a vest on, with 2 blinking red lights. "Ah hell... JET SHOOT THAT MOTHERFUCKER!" I scream, hoping it doesn't get close enough to do damage to the truck. A tank full of diesel fuel would do quite a bit of damage.

((OOC...Seriously? C4?.....))


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(OOC: Yeah one strap of C4, didn't see that one coming right, Zombies are not the only thing to fear humans can go crazy and become crazy killing anything even other live people just for the heck of it.)

"Roger that!" I said, then took out my Colt M1911 and took point towards the zombie, I aimed as best as I could, and was about to shoot, but then something else shot, it wasn't me I thought; then felt something graze my shoulder I stood surprised I haven't been shot since the Vietnam mission I thought, then snapped back into reality. "Crap! Sniper!!" I said and went to over to Mara and grabbed her by the arm and pulled her towards the ladders "Go down quick!" I said.


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"Huh," I snorted a bit, before the screaming began. I stood up and looked down at the zombie. Jet had to be kidding, right? I heard Austin tell him to shoot it, which didn't seem like a good idea considering how they were reacting. "Erm are you sure that's-" I started, before feeling something whiz past my head. Jet grabbed me and started pulling me across the rooftop. "Go faster!" I yelled at him, tearing away from him and rushing to the ladder. I quickly jumped down before realizing that I couldn't fly.

"Oh crap," I managed to get out as my foot hit a rung. I grabbed onto another one and started climbing down the rest of the way down with one foot. My gun had fallen and lay at the bottom. I looked up to make sure Jet was coming and not full of bullets.


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#, as written by safton
Upon seeing the zombie with C4 attached to it, I immediately brought the AR to bear. I was not planning on letting that thing get close. I pulled the trigger, aiming at its torso. The strategy wasn't as suicidal as it seemed. The explosives strapped to the zombie were definitely C4 -- I recognized it easily enough -- and C4 was extremely stable. Tossing it into flames, shooting it with a rifle, or otherwise abusing it had zero chance of causing a detonation. Besides, better to go with the confirmed incapacitation than risk a head shot and miss, letting the zombie get closer and put us inside its blast radius.

The rounds tore through the plastic explosive and into the Infected, causing it to stagger. I didn't get a chance to see it fall before I heard the distant crack of a high-powered rifle. I heard Jet's call of "Sniper!" and I had little doubt he was right. We were being targeted.

I stepped backwards further into the store in order to shield myself, scanning the surroundings for the shooter.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Donley Character Portrait: Jason Redfield Character Portrait: Mara Green Character Portrait: Jet Silver's
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After Mara jumped down the sniper let out another shot is missed hitting the floor besides me I looked at the hole it made "Anti-personnel? No its Anti-materiel Crap!" I said, then another bullet shot I rolled to the side as it hit where I was crouching 'He's a good shot...' I thought then moved to the ladder jumping down after in cover I grabbed on the ladder to not fall onto of Mara. I climbed down looking at Mara "Your okay... right? Sorry for the scare...." I said, "I'm going to see how things are on the front, Stay clear of windows and out of sight that sniper is aiming for the kill." I said to Mara the looked down seeing her gun I grabbed it and gave it to her "Keep i close." I said then began jogging to where Jason was I avoided windows and other open spots; "Report?" I said when I got there, then looked at the zombie that had the C-4 it was on the floor dead.

"I know where he is its the office building dead in front of us, judging by the angle of the bullet that grazed my shoulder plates he up about 10th-15th floor. And its an AM sniper... It completely tore through the armor." I said to Jason placing my on his shoulder. Heading out would be pointless we would only get shot down, I new that and Jason too we needed a strategy "Let's get back and plan this through that guy is a good shot..." I said. Then the C-4 exploded I slightly jumped placing my hand over my face, It was far from the truck so it did from little to no damage which was good.


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I thanked Jet for giving me my gun and remained sitting by the ladder. If by some insane chance a person managed to get on the roof without being shot and tried to climb down, I would be able to shoot them. My foot and ankle hurt a lot and I really hoped that it wasn't broken. If it was, then that could cause some major problems. While we were here, it would be ok. But if we moved on, then I would be a sitting duck without the others or a mode of transportation. I sighed a bit, wishing I could do more to help, but all I could focus on right now was the pain. Maybe I could find some pain meds back here, but there were hundreds of boxes. Searching through each would be a waste of time and energy.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Austin Donley Character Portrait: Jason Redfield Character Portrait: Mara Green Character Portrait: Jet Silver's
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0.00 INK

The other tried talking things out while still protecting our "base" the snipe was firing controlled shot down on us trying to hit us but to no avail. "God damn it, you guys are really helpless!" I said to then as another sniper shot was fired "And this guy is pissing me off!!" I said and went to Jason and grabbed his gun from his hands "I'm borrowing this." I said before he could react and pointed out of the window.
I steadied my aim and calmed my breath and looked at the building finding a slight glare coming from the snipers barrel, "I see you!" I whispered before pulling the trigger, a single shot perfectly placed. Blood splattered around clearly I had shot his dead, the years of marksman training under his belt were still quite polished. I gave back the Gun to Jason saying sorry for my outburst but the fact is he shot the nuisance.

A few minutes later and the zombies where effectively shot dead, I made my way back to Mara seeing a bit of a pained face on her. "Are you okay? You seem to be in pain..." I said walking towards her while I sheathed my gun.

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View All » Add Character » 20 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Austin Donley
Character Portrait: don churn
Character Portrait: Peter Hanks
Character Portrait: Mara Green
Character Portrait: Florence Meer
Character Portrait: Jason Ramirez
Character Portrait: Jet Silver's
Character Portrait: Jason Redfield


Character Portrait: Jason Redfield
Jason Redfield

An elite ex-military and CIA operator traveling the post-apocalpytic United States, helping those that he can.

Character Portrait: Jet Silver's
Jet Silver's

A man who has survived a zombie apocalypse.

Character Portrait: Jason Ramirez
Jason Ramirez

"There's always something good to look forward least in theory."

Character Portrait: Florence Meer
Florence Meer

Burned her face horribly beyond repair. She now wears a white mask with nothing but two eye holes.

Character Portrait: Mara Green
Mara Green

"Get away from me or I hit you with the frying pan!"

Character Portrait: don churn
don churn


Character Portrait: Austin Donley
Austin Donley

Tall, Big, Jokes around alot.


Character Portrait: Jason Ramirez
Jason Ramirez

"There's always something good to look forward least in theory."

Character Portrait: don churn
don churn


Character Portrait: Mara Green
Mara Green

"Get away from me or I hit you with the frying pan!"

Character Portrait: Florence Meer
Florence Meer

Burned her face horribly beyond repair. She now wears a white mask with nothing but two eye holes.

Character Portrait: Austin Donley
Austin Donley

Tall, Big, Jokes around alot.

Character Portrait: Jet Silver's
Jet Silver's

A man who has survived a zombie apocalypse.

Character Portrait: Jason Redfield
Jason Redfield

An elite ex-military and CIA operator traveling the post-apocalpytic United States, helping those that he can.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Austin Donley
Austin Donley

Tall, Big, Jokes around alot.

Character Portrait: Jet Silver's
Jet Silver's

A man who has survived a zombie apocalypse.

Character Portrait: Florence Meer
Florence Meer

Burned her face horribly beyond repair. She now wears a white mask with nothing but two eye holes.

Character Portrait: Jason Redfield
Jason Redfield

An elite ex-military and CIA operator traveling the post-apocalpytic United States, helping those that he can.

Character Portrait: don churn
don churn


Character Portrait: Mara Green
Mara Green

"Get away from me or I hit you with the frying pan!"

Character Portrait: Jason Ramirez
Jason Ramirez

"There's always something good to look forward least in theory."

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Re: Peace in Apocalypse

Lol I posted thinking that no one would post and slightly did xD be awesome if the other post too.

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

Hmm... Where have all of you guys gone to?

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

awesome posting order we've got xD powerpack Slightly Me and safton (then repeat ) lol!

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

You guys have any room for another character??

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

I made a completely new char to see if you let him in this rp o-o

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

sorry i took to long guys ehehe srrys Dx

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

is this first person or third person? i've seen both

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

You already are a different person. No bigdeal. Insane, going to review char sheet now.

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

I've submitted a character. Let me know if anything needs to be changed.

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

I could play the person?

Re: [OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

We can begin. Someone needs to be the person in the car that I just destroyed. :) Please post here with all your intentions and such.

[OOC] Peace in Apocalypse

This is the auto-generated OOC topic for the roleplay "Peace in Apocalypse"

You may edit this first post as you see fit.