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Ara Nicole Chezum

Senior-West Side

0 · 185 views · located in Mansfield Town

a character in “Perfect Imperfections”, as played by Risa


Ara Nicole Chezum

She is just shy of eighteen years old.


Senior!! Whoo!

West Side. She’s never even stepped one foot across the train tracks.

::Social Status::
Cheerleading Captain. Popular. Rich. Queen Bee.

Ms. Chezum is definitely model-worthy and has turned a man’s head several times. She stands about 5.7, just a little shorter than her friends. Her legs are long and are one of her most prominent features. Her body is slender and Ara is toned and fit, mostly due to her cheerleading. She has a small waist, emphasizing the curves in her hips and bust. Though, she isn’t voluptuous, yet still shapely. She tends to wear clothing that shows off her knock out figure.

Her face is heart shaped and set off by semi-high cheekbones. Her eyes are a dark chocolate hue, thanks to her Columbian and Spanish father. They are flecked with bits of green and grey, courtesy of her mother, making them appear hazel from time to time. Though, it all strictly depends upon her attire. They are framed by long dark lashes and emphasized by shaped brows arched artfully over them. Her nose is small and softly rounded, in one word- cute. Her lips retain some fullness to them, her top lip being slightly thinner than her bottom. They are always soft and moist as a result from her religiously applying lipgloss or chapstick.

Ara’s skin, because of her descent, has a soft olive undertone to it. She is not even close to being as dark as her father, but is rather more on the lighter side. However, because of her caramel undertones she is about half a shade darker than most, yet she can easily be surpassed in the color spectrum if one were to get a tan. Unlike her mother, who is of a Scandinavian and Irish descent, she does not burn or freckle. She tans very nicely in the sun. She has a healthy glow about her skin and it is unblemished, as she takes meticulous care of it. She is not big on makeup, only wearing mascara and occasionally a mineral powder. She feels that it clogs her pores and she is quite confident in her natural beauty.

Her hair is dark brunette, but within its tresses are lighter shades of mahogany and chestnut. It usually appears dark, but in direct sunlight the copper tones are brought out making it appear more auburn. Her hair has very loose finger curls; almost a beach wave type look. It falls down to the middle of her back and has long layers. Despite that she always has her stylist cut it so that is forms a “V” at the bottom. She doesn’t really have bangs. What would be considered so is swooped off to the right side of her face, loose tendrils often framing it, giving her more of an elegant and mature look. That’s if it’s not up in a messy bun or some extravagant hairstyle that one of her friends have talked her into doing. But either way, loose tresses always seem to find a way to fall down.

As far as dress is concerned, Ara has money. Why wouldn’t she spend it to buy nice clothes? She will only be seen with name brand items. That is mostly due to her mother’s part though. Really, Ara could care less as long as she looks nice. She isn’t vain, but she does take pride in how she looks. If she doesn’t look good in it she’s not wearing it. That being said, she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty if she has to.

She usually wears form-fitting clothes, but never so grossly tight that it screams “Desperate!” If Ara is anything, it is most certainly not desperate. She does have her modesty. She has never been one to let it all hang out or show it all off. Despite her friend's efforts, and her boyfriend's much to her irritation, to try to get her to loosen up more, that is one area where Ara is firm. She has a wide variety of style, but in a nutshell she loves wearing skinny jeans. She’ll wear capris and you will most definitely catch her in a cute dress, especially a summer one. Yeah, she can be really girly. Of course, her most favorite days are the much-loved sweats and large t-shirt days, complete with the carefree attitude and messy bun. Unfortunately, most don’t ever see her that way, as she won’t walk out of the house like that.

She is totally a shoe and purse person. She actually has a walk-in closet dedicated to her shoes. She wears anything, from her beat up red converse to her classy six-inch black heels. She is constantly shopping around for shoes and purses. In a way it is sort of like her hobby. It may be considered superficial, but hey, at least she isn’t addicted to drugs or shoplifting. You will most likely see her sporting a Coach or Prada bag.

Ara is unique. Like everyone else she has her desires, strengths, and weaknesses. And like everyone else she is her own person. To be honest there is so much to adequately describe her, but let us start with the basics shall we?

It is well known throughout school that Ara is rich. She is used to having the means to provide for herself. So, it is only natural for me to say that she takes advantage of her wealth sometimes, especially since she is an only child. However, that is not to say that she is totally spoiled rotten. Her father immigrated to America and was penniless, not a dime to the poor guy’s name. Miguel Chezum had to work his butt off to make it up the social ladder. Because of that there are some things that he will make Ara work for. He never wants her to get to the place where she feels like work is beneath her. He has instilled a good work ethic into her. She is not lazy and she respects those who work hard.

Ara can most definitely come off as stuck-up, especially to the east-siders. She rarely talks to them, not out of spite. But because that is just how it is. The west and east-siders have never really socialized. That’s how it has always been. She doesn’t really know what she would say. And as far as she is concerned all the east-siders hate her and her friends. To them she is Miss Priss. Why try to be friends now if it just won’t work? Secretly, she can sometimes be a bit intimidated by some of them, mostly the guys. I mean come on? How can she not be when they all walk around with huge scowls on their faces, like they want to kill you. Though she would <b>never</b> show it.

That is not to say she is totally caustic. She is actually very kind and has an air of charm once you get to know her. She loves to laugh and joke around. A true smile from her lights up her face, though those are far and few in between. She is fiercely loyal to her loved ones and would defend them in a heartbeat.

Ara does <b>not</b> stand for bullying. Despite her social status she’s been known to put a stop to it if she sees it. It doesn’t matter whether the victims are from the west or east. This primarily stems from the fact that her father was a victim of it in society when he first came to America. He taught her to stand up for others. Unfortunately, Ara may have a loose definition of bullying. It really all depends on what’s being said and whether the atmosphere is tense or not.

In general Ara is confident in herself. Only in the realm of love can she be a bit unsure and naïve. But Ara has never gone <b>all the way</b>, much to her boyfriend's annoyance. She is still pure, despite what the majority thinks, mostly because she’s always chickened out near the end. Every girl has her insecurities, but she doesn’t have a low self-esteem. Her parents loved her and taught her to love herself. Because of that she respects herself and will never be a doormat to anyone.

Ara can be pretty stubborn. She blames that trait on her Irish blood. She is used to getting what she wants, one way or another. With trivial things or when her parents say “no”, that she can handle. She tries to improve that part about her, but then she’ll just excuse it away as her having a “fiery spirit”. Ara, though not usually an ill-willed person, has been motivated by envy or spite to get something that she really wants, especially when it pertains to relationships, whether family, friends, or a boyfriend. But don’t worry. She’s never really been driven to that point.. Yet.

Ara has a strong spirit and an assertive attitude, if you let her. Oh, don’t be fooled. She’s not fearless. Yes, a lot can intimidate her, but she will never let on that it does. She is the girl who will face her fears and overcome them. But she is also the girl whose fears, if she lets them, will overcome her. She is the one who puts on her flashy smile, but is falling apart inside. That is one of her faults.

“What is her major flaw?” You may ask. Simple, perfection. She strives to appear perfect and put together. Why? In her early years, her parents went through a lot, especially in their marriage. Her father being a workaholic and her mother a perfectionist to the T. They struggled a lot and her father even cheated on her mother, several times. Yet, for the sake of appearance her mom put on a fake smile and pretended everything was fine. In the midst of the chaos her parents projected their perfection to everyone else, and that is the type of household Ara was raised in. Despite her parents’ good intentions, they’ve unjustly ingrained into her that she can’t let anyone see her faults. Because of that there are some things that even her closest friends don’t know about her.

Everything that she does is to appease her parents. That is why she can be so uptight, why she’s Miss Priss. Her mother dictates how she dresses; she must always appear prim and proper. Who she hangs around with, dates must reflect her own social status and wealth. If not then she is lowering herself, according to Mommy Dearest. It may be superficial, but this is all Ara knows. To go against the status quo is unthinkable. Her parents would disown her! ”The earth’s balance would tilt out of place! As she says. This is the fear that holds her captive.

Only her true friends ever see her fun-loving nature. And even then she can be a bit hesitant to really let loose every once and a while. She can’t help it. It’s just the way she is.

Not her boyfriend, unfortunately. Is this girl falling for someone else??


There is chemistry between us. So much that your imperfections, to me, are perfect. ;)

So begins...

Ara Nicole Chezum's Story