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Pirates: The Promised Treasure

Pirates: The Promised Treasure


Carve out your tale in a world full of mystique, romance, camaraderie and the swashbuckling we've come to admire about piracy. Beware, you are a pirate. Enemy of the government. Friend to free spirited rogues.

2,323 readers have visited Pirates: The Promised Treasure since ZeroTolerance created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


This roleplay is still under construction so bear with me, anything presented below is subject to change


In this epic role-playing adventure, you will roam the sea trying to build an army of like-minded rebels, in essence your crew. On your quest to search for and defend your treasure from other pirates and the government. Your treasure literally means the thing you value the most, it doesn't have to be a physical treasure such as a chest of gold, it could be friendship, your beliefs, abstract non-tangible things. Your treasure represents your hopes and dreams and the force that drives you as a pirate.

You will meet many people who will provide you with guidance and friendship - and many who will try to crush you under their boots. Let your head and heart guide you, but a word of advice; a sharpened sword and a touch of magic will lead to a longer life!.

Gameplay Info

Runes represent the manifestation of each individual characters " power". It supplements character strength and growth. Each character is allowed 3 runes of their choosing to augment their character. However, they're limited to selecting one advanced rune, one basic rune and one master rune. Certain runes are eligible for evolving into stronger incarnations. Special plot circumstances allows a character access to a Rare rune(must PM me if you wouldlike to to bear a rare rune.) Runes can be adorned on the right hand, left hand and forehead. If you're familiar with the materia system from ff7, runes function much like that.)

Bounties represent the level of threat a pirate poses to the governments , they're a badge of honor for most pirates. The higher the bounty, the more respect and prestige a pirate has amongst his/her peers. New pirates must accept a bounty no higher than 150,000,000.

Types of Pirates

Pirate Captain-A leader of pirates, commands his/her own personal vessel and crew.

1st Mate/Vice Captain- Second in-command.

Navigator- A highly esteemed pirate responsible for guiding the flagship.

Cruise Chef- A pirate responsible for preparing food and drink.

Pirate physician- A pirate doctor.

Pirate musician- A pirate who plays jaunty fare of tunes.

Pirate Canooneer-A pirate who maintains the armaments of a sea going vessel, similar to a sniper.

Pirate Shipwright- They are responsible for the building and the repair of the ship. Most pirates needed them for repair and general maintenance of their ships.

Pirate Hunter- A type of pirate that hunts other pirates for sums of money. Usually possess a highly level of battle skill. Typically are loners.

State Pirate- A type of pirate that works with in collaboration with governments , they are called dogs of the seas by other pirates and are thought of unfavorably.

Social Pirates- A person who became a pirate over societal reasons , i.e. anti-slavery pirates and anti-government pirates

Pirate Crews

HawkEye Pirates Flag

Captain: Hyde "HawkEye" Jackson
1st Mate: Jack Caesar
Physician: played by Ronan Stone.
Canooner: Katsumi Bakura


The Marines are the World Government's military sea force, and collectively serve as antagonists to the pirates. Trying to undermine and thwart pirates everywhere.

Marine Titles and Ranks

Commissioned Marine Officials
  • Fleet Admiral (元帥 Gensui?)-
  • Admiral (大将 Taishō?)-
  • Vice Admiral (中将 Chūjō?)-
  • Rear Admiral (少将 Shōshō?)-
  • Commodore (准将 Junshō?)-
  • Captain (大佐 Taisa?)-
  • Commander (中佐 Chūsa?)-
  • Lieutenant Commander (少佐 Shōsa?)-
  • Lieutenant (大尉 Taii?)-
  • Lieutenant Junior Grade (中尉 Chūi?)
  • Ensign (少尉 Shōi?)-

Infantry and Sailor Division-

  • Warrant Officer (准尉 Jun'i?)-
  • Master Chief Petty Officer (曹長 Sōchō?)-
  • Chief Petty Officer (軍曹 Gunsō?)-
  • Petty Officer (伍長 Gochō?)-
  • Seaman First Class (一等兵 Ittōhei?)-
  • Seaman Apprentice (二等兵 Nitōhei?)- played by A.
  • Seaman Recruit (三等兵 Santōhei?) or Recruit (新兵 Shinpei?)-


Once a pirates bounty reaches 300,000,000 or higher, they're eligible to join the Zodiac Pirate society.The Zodiac pirates are like a secret society of pirates who would be considered influential in the pirate world, they work much like a government would if a government were ran by pirates.

You don't need to be a captain to join the Zodiac Pirates, although the custom of the zodiac pirates is to have an animal which represents you, my animal is a hawk therefor my alias within the group is "Hawk"

Flag of the Zodiac

Races and Culture

Slave Price
Females: 100,000

(You should know what these are)
Slave Price
Females: 10,000
Males: 5,000


The Wing Clan, sometimes referred to as Fae or what we know as faeries, They are portrayed as human figures with wings that were sometimes angelic, butterfly-like or black feathered. They are thought to be a symbol of good luck and because of that they are highly prized as slaves.
Slave Price
Females: 1,500,000
Males: 1,000,000

Slave Price
Females: 500,000
Males: 800,000

A cyborg is a human or other life form that has been modified with machinery and metal for better functioning. These mechanical enhancements can include cybernetic replacements for missing organs or body parts, metal skin for extra protection, and weapons installed somewhere in the body.
They kinda all ready are slaves...unless they go rogue, I guess.

Slave Price
Females: 700,000
Males: 30,000
Note: ( The Beast rune has no effect on Beastkin).

Merfolk generally dislike humans and vice versa, all the other races are more or less isolated and don't have much contact with each other except as pirates.

Allied Attacks
There will be allied attacks, however you need to specifiy to me how the attack works and show me how yourself and the other character(s) have a bond relationship(through backstory) to make the combo pertinent. An ally attack is a special attack that two characters can perform together in succession for great effect.

Under Construction

Rune Compilation List

Elemental Runes:

Earth Rune-Basic Rune, evolves into Mother Earth Rune
Level 1: Clay Guardian - Raises all allies defense
Level 2: Vengeful Child - Allows for guaranteed counter attack
Level 3: Guardian Earth - Cancels all status and field effects
Level 4: Earthquake - Heavy earth based damage to all enemies (no hit on flying enemies)

Mother Earth Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Vengeful Child - Allows for guaranteed counter attack
Level 2: Guardian Earth - Cancels all status and field effects
Level 3: Earthquake - Heavy earth based damage to all enemies (no hit on flying enemies)
Level 4: Canopy Defense - All allies in current thread defend against magic once

Fire Rune-Basic Rune, evolves into Rage Rune
Level 1: Flaming Arrows - Light fire damage on single enemy
Level 2: Dancing Flames - Light-to-moderate fire damage to a group of enemies
Level 3: Blazing Wall - Moderate fire damage to a row of enemies
Level 4: Explosion - Strong fire damage to all enemies in thread

Rage Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Dancing Flames - Light-to-moderate fire damage to a group of enemies
Level 2: Blazing Wall - Moderate fire damage to a row of enemies
Level 3: Explosion - Strong fire damage to all enemies in thread
Level 4: Final Flame - Heavy fire damage to all enemies

Lightning Rune-Basic Rune, evolve into Thunder Rune
Level 1: Thunder Runner - Light lightning damage to one column
Level 2: Berserk Blow - Light-to-moderate lightning damage to one enemy
Level 3: Soaring Bolt - An extreme amount of lightning damage is divided among all enemies
Level 4: Furious Blow - Strong lightning damage to one enemy, light damage to all near by enemies.

Thunder Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Berserk Blow - Light-to-moderate lightning damage to one enemy
Level 2: Soaring Bolt - An extreme amount of lightning damage is divided among all enemies
Level 3: Furious Blow - Strong lightning damage to one enemy, light damage to all near by enemies.
Level 4: Thunder Storm - Extreme lightning damage to all enemies

Water Rune-Basic Rune, evolves into Ocean Rune
Level 1: Kindness Drops - Heavily recovers one ally in current thread
Level 2: Breath of Ice - Light ice damage to all enemies
Level 3: Kindness Rain - Moderately recovers all allies in current thread
Level 4: Silent Lake - Temporarily suppresses magic use of enemies and allies

Ocean Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Breath of Ice - Light ice damage to all enemies
Level 2: Kindness Rain - Moderately recovers all allies in current thread
Level 3: Silent Lake - Temporarily suppresses magic use of enemies and allies
Level 4: Mother Ocean - Fully recovers any one ally, from the brink of death

Wind Rune-Basic Rune, evolves into Cyclone Rune
Level 1: Wind of Sleep - Puts all enemies to sleep in current thread with a 40% chance.
Level 2: Healing Wind - Fully heals ally in current thread
Level 3: The Shredding - Moderate wind damage to all enemies in current thread
Level 4: Funeral Wind - Strong wind damage to one enemy, in current thread 25% instant death

Cyclone Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Healing Wind - Fully heals ally in current thread
Level 2: The Shredding - Moderate wind damage to all enemies in current thread
Level 3: Funeral Wind - Strong wind damage to one enemy, in current thread 25% instant death
Level 4: Shining Wind - Heavy wind damage to all enemies, Light recover to allies

Death Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Stealer of Souls - Moderate dark damage against single enemy, steal life to heal user
Level 2: Final Bell - Instantly kill or moderate dark damage to all enemies in horizontal row *
Level 3: Black Shadow - Heavy dark damage to all enemies
Level 4: Hell - Instant kill or heavy dark damage to all enemies*

Rune of Condemnation-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Black Shiver - Light darkness damage to one enemy with very little damage to user
Level 2: Endless Ordeal - Moderate darkness damage to one enemy with very light damage to user
Level 3: Inevitable Blade - Moderate darkness damage to all enemies with light damage to user
Level 4: Dark Summoning - 80% chance of instant death to one enemy with a 10% chance of instant death to user

Resurrection Rune-Advanced Rune
Level 1: Scolding - Light holy damage on one enemy, increased damage to undead
Level 2: Yell - Revive ally in current thread from unconsciousness
Level 3: Charm Arrow - Heavy holy damage to all enemies in current thread, increased damage to undead
Level 4: Scream - Heavy healing to all allies in current thread
Level 5: Outcry - Brings all allies back from the brink of death once, while dealing moderate holy damage to all enemies

Magical Sword Runes

All magic swords essential do the same thing but consist of different elements, add an elemental offensive buff to the users weapon or defensive buff to the users armor. The following magic swords as follows. Magical Sword runes are recommended for melee oriented characters.

Cyclone Sword
Level 1: Gale Sword-Enhances weapon with a wind attribute.
Level 2: Gale Armor- Enhances body with a wind attribute
Level 3: Sword and Shroud-Simultaneously enhances both weapon and body.

Rage Sword
Level 1: Rage Sword- Enhances weapon with a fire attribute
Level 2: Flame Armor- Enhances body with a fire attribute
Level 3: Sword and Shroud-Simultaneously enhances both weapon and body.

Thunder Sword
Level 1: Bolt Sword- Enhances weapon with a lightning attribute
Level 2: Bolt Armor- Enhances body with a lightning attribute
Level 3: Sword and Shroud-Simultaneously enhances both weapon and body.

Flowing Sword
Level 1: Flowing Sword- Enhances weapon with a water attribute
Level 2: Flowing Armor- Enhances body with a water attribute
Level 3: Sword and Shroud-Simultaneously enhances both weapon and body.

Mother Earth Sword
Level 1: Earth Sword- Enhances weapon with an earth attribute
Level 2: Earth Armor- Enhances body with an earth attribute
Level 3: Sword and Shroud- Simultaneously enhances both weapon and body.

Effect Runes

Beast Rune: Activated
Under the effect of this rune, the user can transform into a bestial form of themselves. While as a beast the senses, strength, durability and agility increases, however intelligence is reduced and allies and enemy alike are susceptible to attack. Recommended for bare-fist fighters.

Barrier Rune: Passive
Chance of repelling magic.

Gate Rune: Activated
Once activated, user gains double strength and agility for three posts, then they suffer a massive health reduction (to the brink of death).

Counter Rune: Passive
Increases chance of counter-attacking.

Rubber body rune: Passive
You become stretchy like rubber, making you much more durable and versatile . Fight like everybody's favorite copywritten rubber pirate with this rune equipped, useful for fighter type characters.

Sky walker Rune: Passive
Under the effect off this rune, dominion of the sky is granted. Meaning, you can walk on air.

Vampire Rune: Passive
Restores a portion of health with each successful attack.

Double-Edge Rune: Passive
Damage Dealt and received x1.5.

Berserk Rune: Passive
Puts user in berserk state. Attack damage x1.5. Cannot use magic in beserk state.

Firefly Rune: Passive
All enemies target the user if possible.

Gale Rune: Passive
Speed x1.5.

Hazy Rune: Passive
Evade x1.5.

Killer Rune: Passive
Critical hit chance x1.5. Ideal for swordsmen

White Knight Rune: Passive
User takes damage in place of allies.

Magic Absorb: Passive
With each successful physical attack, the user gains back some of his/her magic ability.

Medicine Rune: Passive
Automatically uses Medicine on injured allies.

Nymph Rune: Passive
Spells do either 1.5x damage or .5x damage.

Phero Rune: Passive
User takes damage in place of allies of the opposite gender.

Skunk Rune: Passive
Enemies avoid attacking the user if possible.

Spark Rune: Passive
All allies with speed lower than the user go immediately after the user physically attacks.

Sunbeam Rune: Passive
Recovers the user's health very lightly in battle and with every second this rune is attached.

Turtle: Passive: Passive
Negates all negative status effects for user.

Violence Rune: Passive
When reaching Critcal health, the user becomes Violent. Damage x3.

Wall Rune: Passive
Defence doubles, but offensive ability is cut in half.

Warrior Rune: Passive
Reduces defence by half, while doubling attack strength.

Wizard Rune: Passive
Reduces magic defence by half, while doubling magic attack strength.

Steel Rune:
Turns your body into solid steel.

Rare Runes

These are lucrative runes sought after for their exclusivity, not everyone can wield these runes. These runes can only be obtained by either killing the original host or through inheritance. Rare Runes are usually very powerful.

Falcon Rune- Considered the ultimate sword type rune. Unleashes a flurry of attacks totalling 1000 hits to a single enemy in almost an instant . This attack cannot be countered by conventional means. This rune can only be used once per sitting. (Reserved)

Red Rose Rune- Another sword type rune, The red rose rune leaves any target under a trance after a successful blow. Under trance, you can hypnotize the enemy to do anything you desire.

Godspeed Rune- Heightens speed to superhuman levels.

True Earth Rune-The final form of the Earth elemental rune.

True Fire Rune- The final form of the Fire elemental rune.

True Lightning Rune- The final form of the Fire elemental rune.

True Wind Rune- The final form of the wind elemental rune.

True Ocean Rune- The final form of the water elemental rune.

Sun Rune- Commands the power of the sun.

Twilight Rune-Commands power of Luna(the moon).

Star Rune- A rare unique rune that allows the user to command the constellations, can reign down meteors.

Custom runes can be accommodated into the story so feel free to PM me with your suggestions and I may approve your rune in the RP.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
Height & Weight
Pirate Affiliation: (What type of pirate are you? Which crew do you belong to? Do you wish to start your own crew?)

Right Hand Rune-
Left Hand Rune-
Forehead Rune-
Your Treasure:
Home Country: Refer to the map


Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors

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-10 miles outside the range of the the coastal country Remo, the sea faring vessel S.S.Yemaja entered the final phase of its journey to the port capital Albono. Current time of day: day break. Outlook: sunny -

Captains Quarters
-From his rested bedridden position, specs of light passed through the stain glass window fixture above the captain's bed post , the way the sunlight hit the window gave off an illustrious displaying , which served as Hyde's personal alarm system. A hand extended to the corners of his mouth, muffling a harsh yawn. The pirate gathering a few seconds of recollection, recounting the true motivations for their voyage "A mandatory summoning of all Zodiac members at the town of Albono, Remo. This must be pretty serious if old man Redbeard wants us all in one place".

It was obviously at least to Hyde the purpose of the mandatory meeting, It seemed that rumors of famous pirate captain Brandeau's defection and detaining by the Marines were more than just that. In his possession of course, the rune of punishment. The true destruction rune. If the Marines managed to extract the rune from Brandeau... such a thought was unpleasing to him. Moreso because he bore one of the true runes as well, therefore he understood its potential destructive force. This could signal a tilt in power against the pirates in favor of the world government forces, Hyde seemed hesitant to button his shirt now as he carefully considered the possible outcomes of this discovery. Entirely enmeshed in thought until a distant sound alerted him back to reality.

He then approached his door which lead atop the deck, the way his cabin was situated, was done to give him a bit more prestige. Everything about the man was meticulous and carefully planned, although never inauthentic in intent , his hand would find itself along the the stir of the sea it a few passive rings. "This is your beloved Captain speaking, rise and shine. All crew members assemble to the front deck of the ship. There is a matter of importance I'd like to discuss with each and one of you"

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Katsumi was working on repairing some of the broken rifles in her workshop like room containing various weapons from cannons to blunderbusses. She was whistling a little tune to herself when the sudden bell had startled her and she accidnetly fired the gun having the bullet firing through the hull only making a small hole so she quickly tried to hide it and rushed up teh stairs to the deck to report in. The door to the deck flew open and she ruhsed out onto the center of teh deck and turned to her captain and saluted him not knowing if it was nescesary or not and said slightly cheerfully. "Katsumi reporting in sir." She called hims sir also not sure if she should call him Hawkeye or sir or some other differentiation of his name.

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Below the deck, In the small, (but slightly larger than most) room, a soft, rhythmic tapping could be heard. It was not a repairman, clinking his hammer, nor a dancer, practicing his steps, but a tired young man, tapping on his window, just for the sake of tapping. In said room, said young man was lying on his bed, staring out the window, and even though the new day was starting, the young man couldn't help but feel a bit sad, as he always did when a night with such clear skies, crisp air and beautiful moon came to an end. The past night, like most, hadn't held much sleep for Jack, his insomnia keeping him awake. But unlike most would, Jack considered this a gift rather than a curse, as it allowed him to appreciate the perfect night his goddess had given him, and ponder his thoughts without interruption. Deciding it was probably best to get up now, Jack dressed himself, putting on his shirt and pants, (While also hiding a gun under his shirt, just in case) and slipping on his precious crescent moon necklace. He washed his face, and was just on his way out the door when he heard the bell, and the faint voice of his captain above the deck. He hurried up to the deck, curious to see the reason of the captain's summoning, and greeted his boss with an eager smile, and a quick nod.

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In the counrty Arlan at its capital Karb within the cities central population amongst the markets, main services and navy station current time: Day break. Outlook: Sunny with slight cloud covering.

Shrouded by a thick brown cloak its hood large leaving little room for vision past its material Nimbi Williams walked slowly arching her back as though she was crippled through the streets of Karb avoiding what attention she could from the few people awake. Acting as an elderly person always helped keep people uninterested in her, the cloak hiding her appearence made it difficult but she had too or else she really would stand out amongst the humans that paraded around setting up market stalls for the morning.

Moving quickly she snuck behind some of the stalls being set up and when a back was turned her pale skinned, smooth webbed hand flashed out from under her cloak grabbing a delicious apple from its stack before tucking it away safetly again. Happily munching on her prize Nimbi made her way forward through the rising crowd, the smell of fish was strong and made her stomach growl out of frustration making her hold her hand to it to calm its desire, an apple would not be enough to feed her. It was a good idea to stop in Karb since it was a coastal town, no matter how near it was to Remo, her home country, she really didnt want to go back there, someone may recognise her and she didnt want to have to run from her hometown's people again.

As she carried through the center of the city the sound of crunching boots and rattling guns against thighs made her stop and suddenly duck behind the few humans that were around before she could find a wall to hide against. Navy soldiers, they were stopping here to gather supplies before moving on, the reason Nimbi was here. They had some expensive treasure with them, a blue diamond, if Nimbi could steal it and sell it on she may be able to buy a decent boat for once instead of the crap she had at the moment, not to mention food and water.

Focusing on the navy soldiers as they rounded a corner Nimbi moved silently well skilled with staying elusive due to her expierence of having to stay hidden inorder to remain free, the curse of being a merfolk. Following the two soldiers she watched intendly to see if she could learn anything from them, and the whereabouts of the blue diamond.

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Good, this is about the crowd I expected anyway....*Arms crossing over chest, his demeanor revealing a somewhat somber presentation, stepping down from his position so that he stood even level with his crew* All right then, I don't think I have to tell you why we're currently heading to Remo, I'm sure most of you have figured out this emergency meeting to Remo is somehow related to the rumored capture of the pirate captain Brandeau and you would probably be correct in making such an assumption , and without divulging too much about my association.... I would like to be as transparent and accountable as I can with you guys now, so that you know what's in store for your future.

The next few weeks will most likely be intense and you'll see action like you've never seen so far . Depending on our actions now, we could very well see the start of a full on war between the pirates and the governments. There's a good chance we may encounter ferocious sea titans, catastrophic runes or even worse... admirals. We've avoided the misfortune of any ship causalities so far , but I can't guarantee that will always be...

I suspect our crew will play some role in the storm that's brewing down the road. Knowing what's at stake, I feel it's important that you guys have a say in the matter. If you wish to back out now , I'd gladly part a fare of gold and a personal vessel for your endeavors, but for those who want to see this through...I'm honored to have you fight beside me.-A careful eye roamed the crowd before fixing onto Katsumi-

Katsumi, could you be a dear and relay this message to the rest of the crewmates who may have missed the speech?

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"Of course and since you mentioned the high amount of fighting we may be ding mabye it will be good to test out soemthing ive been working on. But ill deleiver the message first." She nodded and cheerfuly walked down to the living queaters of the vessel and cleared her throat as though she was going to yell and instead took outher pistol and fired in the air to wake the rest of the crew mates. She then yelled. "Ok everyone wake up I have a message from the captain and you all should be up anyway!" She put her pistol away and waited shed rather give them to all of them at once in stead of 1 at a time.

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A green haired fay awoke from the corner of a small bed. She smiles as she rubs her eyes getting rid of the sleep. Walking down, she grabs a very small sundress and slips it on, before washing up. After she completed the task, she begin to fly down to the front deck. Her green hair flew behind her as she whizzed by workers of the ship. Celestia spots the captian and hovers by him. She waves and speaks in a cheerful voice, "reporting to duty captain sorry im late!" She looks around spotting the other crew members. She smiles happily at the sight, then notices Katsumi, she follows her before sitting down on the railings of the ship. Her legs kick back and forth, as she hums a jolly tune.

Lyra walked down the towns of Bellafonte, her ivory hair following behind her. Town folk back off at the sight of her and her deadly collection of weapons.
Looking around, she spots a familiar bar close by, Walking in, she seats herself near the bar, and peers at a couple of small statues which seemed to be embedded by valuable jewels.
A bartender comes along and slides the statues out of her sight hoping to wipe any dirty little schemes running through her head.
"My, Lyra you came again, what may i be a service for ya!" The bartender asked in a hearty voice.
Lyra smiled a cunning smile at the man, and begin peering around like what she was going to say was going to be a huge secret. She spoke in a whisper. "Have you heard any news on my father's locations, better yet treasure near by~."
The bartender gave a toothy grin and leaned to whisper into her pierced ear. "Well i heard your father was in a town by the coast, but't heard of much..Sorry Lyra."
She exaggeratedly sighs at the news, before smirking a bit, her purple eyes gleaming. "Its no big deal, Frank, thanks for everything though, im going now!" She gets up from the seat, and begins to walk off.
"What so soon! you just came a couple of weeks ago!" The bartender known as Frank shouted. She looks over her shoulder and gives off a grin. "Im a pirate gotta keep moving, you know that surely..but ill come back one day!" She laughs before walking out. Frank shakes his head before noticing the statues missing and a note left behind that said..
"Thanks for everything Frank -from your trusted pirate lassy, Lyra."
He shook his head before laughing at her game
As Lyra walked down the streets, she tossed the stolen miniature statues up in the air. "Hm..i wonder how much these will sell..1 k maybe hehe~" She smiles before slipping the statue into her bag.
"Announcement!" A voice shouted.
Lyra looked around to see a marine holding a picture of herself, her eyes narrowed feeling danger. She slowly backed off into an ally way, and begin to listen.
The marine boy shouted, "If anyone sees this women, named "Lyra Storms" the daughter of a marine, and turn her in alive will be greatly awarded!"
The towns folk murmur with excitement on how much gold they might earn from this capture.
Lyra cursed under her breath before running off, her hand resting on her gunblade ready to attack.
She must hide of at least make it into another town, maybe another country! She got too far into this adventure to let down now! Spotting a cart full of hay, she jumps into the back, just as the ox begins to pull out of town.

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She turns to see fay behind her. "Im assuming you rone of the crew members so im telling you what captain had just said you kind of missed the speech so yah..." She cleared her throat. "Since were on the way to Remo for the Zodiac Societies meeting about the dissapearance and suspected capture of Brandeau who is a captain. He warns us it will be dangrous so well probably be seeing some action. Sadly this may be between other pirates but also with the Marines already after us it wont be easier to stay aloof. Anyways Well be there within a few hours or so latest by tonight but who knows. Just make sure your reayd by then ok. By the way i dont have your name mind if I get it?" She said catching breathe because she talks kind of fast for some reason and it always sounds cheerful.

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The Fay nodded, and smiles cheerfully. "The names Celestia and im the musician of this awesome crew, whats your name?" She asked just as cheerfully, her head tilting just a bit with curiosity.
[sorry its so short XD]

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#, as written by T3XT
A paces the deck of a large Marine ship, the Beauty. 'A' is his full name. Mop in hand, pulse of the International Waters beneath his feet, he resumes his normal, unappreciated duties as always.... Wet...mop...dry...repeat.

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She smiled a little. "Im Katsumi nice to meet yah. So your the musician I was wondering who our musician was. Well what instrument do you play?" She said leaning agaisnt the wall of the ship still waiting for anyone else who had not gotten up yet. "And any idea if anyone else is still asleep i still need to give them the message from the captain." [I dont mind]

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Nimbi Williams

Nimbi had been watching the navy men for a good while, she even put up with them drinking in a pub for goodness knows how long. Paitently she had sat outside blowing her out of her eyes completely bored stiff and wondering why she was stilll there. Eventually they had come tumbling out of the pub however and after a good walk, their stumbling slowing down the pace the two men led Nimbi to non-other than the navy station within Karb making her take a step back.
"Damn it" she muttered a curse when she saw the tall structure, of all the places, she had been hoping one of the men had the blue diamond stashed on them perhaps the captain of the measly navy ship that had brought it to the town. Of course they would have instantly have it guarded at the station, it was an obvious place, and she knew it was there from the drunkards ramblings about wanting to go see it inside.

This was going to be a tricky situation, but she wanted that diamond, no needed it to survive the next few weeks. She was going to have to be carefull, it wasnt the first time she had stolen from the navy, hell that was the only reputation she had going for her as a pirate. Something she just ended up as through her strange life.

With a confident smirk Nimbi began to put her plan into action as she took in everything she could from the structure before her. Catching sight of something she gleamed immediantly, instantly kicking into action. Darting back into the city she weaved through the streets and Arlans people making her way in a circle to the back of the navy building, it was just as guarded there as the front. However like all buildings the back is usually easier to sneak into, especially when they have an water source rushing through a small underwater entrance into the building itself probably coming out in the laundry room for manual washing. This town wasn't that generous to have much technology yet.

Smiling again Nimbi sneaked through the streets untill she could find an opening where she wouldnt be noticed near the stream, looking around for safety hesitantly she clung to her cloak and quietly one foot at a time dropped herself into the stream. Her skin shined its blue hue mixing with her paler skin, her purple hair roaming in the streams current as she breathed in the oxygen the water had through her unique system. Faster than any human she swam straight the current pushing her until she came upon the underwater entrance the cloaks wet material little hinderance to her, at the entrance were bars which she expected. However she knew how to get by them, metal in water did not go well and they were weaker than they should be due to rust, so using her merfolk's karate she breathed a deep breath and swung her hand breaking the rusted metal in half allowing her to pass through safetly. She had been practicing her fishman karate for sometime and her strength was growing.

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"hehe katsumi..its a pretty name!" She compliments before she continues to listen. Well what instrument do you play?"
"Hm..i play many, but i take a liking in string instruments!"
"And any idea if anyone else is still asleep i still need to give them the message from the captain."
"No i dont think so, me myself i dont know many on this ship." Celestia replies sheepishly and she rubs the back of her neck with a grin.

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"Thanks." she said smiling and continued to say. "Hmm I do enjoy string instruments and Im pretty sure were short one person There was one guy who came with me when the captain called us...then you woke up and im pretty sure were missing somebody. Well nevermind ill get it to him when I find him." She said smiling and then said. "Well Im the canooner ive been working all night on something new hopefully it could be helpful in combat. Do you want to see it so far?" she said as she began to proceed to the weapons room which also served as Katsumis room though with all the weapons the only thing sshe could realy fit were her bed and duffle bag with a few belongings.

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"Canooner..Cool! and yea i wanna see!" She jumps around in the air excited like a little child would do when they wanna peek at there new doll or present. She follows quickly and flies beside her. As she does she looks around the halls to see mysterious doors that can lead to who knows what. Shaking her head she continues to follow.

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Katsumi tries to open the door but as usual the door became stuck and she had to kick it pretty hard to have it fly open. "Guess I should fix the door its to damn rusted to even open normaly." She enters her room/armory and the walls have mounted rifles and pistols all around and guns in racks along with swords and 2 cannons along with a barrel of ammo of various sorts. "Well here we are this is my room." She said sounding happy she enjoyed being around her stockile of weapons for some reason. She pointed to a wide barrels blunderbuss that has 7 rifles around the barrel which is about 6 inches wide smelted to it and connected by wires at the trigger which leads to a crank on the end of the butt on the blunderbuss and two legs that would hold it up to stand like a stand and the rifles all had a poorly made clip cartdride that probably held 2 bullets that did not count the one within the chamber already. "This is what im working on I hope it could be used as makeshift gatlingun with the blunderbuss attached in case someone get sto close as its being reloaded." Shepicked it up it was about 60 pounds or slightly less do to the large weight of all of the rifles attached. "I have not tested it yet but I hope to soon I just have to make a few more touch ups to it and i can fire off a round or two to test it." She said with a giddy voice as though she couldnt wait to do so.

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Trece, frowns as he unfolds an envelope given to him by a dark figure stamped with the navy symbol. "I don't like this" he mutters to himself peeling the envelope open as he prepares his ship to leave. The letter simply reads

Find the Zodiac Pirates and kill everyone of them and whoever is involved in their operations.

Tossing the paper over board Trece finishes releasing the sails and untying the boat from the dock. Closing his eye's he tries to figure out pirates who might have connections to the Zodiac. Sighing to himself he mutters "one stone for two birds I guess its the hawk i'm after to start." A small smile creeps over his face now where is he Trece thinks as he leaves the ghost town he docked on.

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Celestia giggles before following her in. As she flies in, she looks around in awe. "W-wow s-so many weapons a-and Armour!" She spinned so fast that she felt herself going down. She gently lands onto a desk feeling dizzy, she smiles like a ditz.
"This is what im working on I hope it could be used as makeshift gatlingun with the blunderbuss attached in case someone get sto close as its being reloaded." Celestia shakes the dizziness off before beaming at her. "Thats amazing Katsumi a-and its HUGE!" She flew toward the weapon and stood on it.
"I bet the captain will be pleased with this!" Celestia said as she walked down the weapon.

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She chuckled and sat down on her cot. "Yah I have knack for weapons so captain put me here and I have to say I enjoy it. And thank you that weapons is my prize possession but it will be done soon just need to touch it up a bit." She said running her finger down a barrel of one of the rifles hanging from the wall.

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The town of Albono, located on the coast of Remo. Nothing extraordinary, another average port town. But, notorious for a landing zone of outlaws, therefore, it had everything any ill thinker would ever dream of: taverns, inns, hovels, madames and their charges. Any uptight, high-class, dame would be ill-advised the walk the muddied streets. But, as many say, one man's trash is another man's treasure, and so it was with the town of Albono.

Ronan was making his repairs, nothing new, the ongoing repair of his skiff, the Lady Luck. His golden skin remained exposed, free to enjoy the sea breeze as his taught, lithe, muscles pulled tight against the strain of hoisting the mandatory lumber from the dock. It was a large load for his small frame, but years of hardwork, and determination have taught him to live up to the challenge. He had to finish his repairs, and find a crew, he had no money left, he couldn't pay his dues to the dock-keep, he had to move on.

He picked up a load of rope, and draping it over his shoulder, shimmied up the small mast to relay the lines. The skiff wasn't large, wasn't elegant, but is was fast, fast enough, and well-cared enough to outrun caravels and frigates. Only able to handle a crew of five at the most, the lady wasn't self efficient, hence the ongoing search of a true crew, a true band to run with. Hopefully, the search would end soon. Ronan had posted a notice for any man or woman looking for a vessel. He had his dreams to pursue, and a jack-of-all-trades would be invaluable to any band.

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Hyde would retreat to the confines of his cabin, sinking to his bed where he sat atop his bed post, hands clasped together, fingers laced with a solemn look which contoured his face , from his positioning, it looked like he was kneeling as if he were at an alter, he was in fact doing such a thing. Observing ritualist prayer. Uncharacteristic for the captain, Hyde had long abandoned such beliefs of appeasing the sea gods, believing them to be mere superstitious legend, he was a sea atheist or at least agnostic, perhaps he needed to re-affirm himself with protection from a higher extistence or maybe it just felt right at the moment. Hyde was a bit of a mystery to even himself at times, taking to his feet now, he would re-exit his lodging, making his way towards the top deck, managing to climb the flag pole, he would releave the look-out from his obligation, so that he could check out the perescope for himself. Landahoy mates, we'll dock in the town of Albono in about 20 minutes. Make preparations to dock, weigh anchor.

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Sat up hearing the captain give orders to prepare. "We better get moving well be in Albono soon." She said rushing out of her room and up to the deck. She began to ready the anchor and various other things so that the ship could dock correctly. She had never been to Albono or the country of Remo for that matter so she was excited to see what other countries were like since she had not been traveling for long on the ship.

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All right gentlemen...and women, now that we're in Albono...I have some special matters to see to, you feel free to explore the town and what not, I know it's not much to look at but there's fun to be had in this town only if you look in the right places..I hear there is an underground casino and market hidden somewhere, but remember we move out tomorrow evening at 01:00 sharp so bear that in mind. Other pirate crews should be around, so try and make some friends, and oh yeah...don't let yourself be defeated by too much rum and gin. -Approaching the portside of Albono, the Yemaja firmly anchored into the port, on opposite ends of the yemaja were two other pirate vessels one he recognized as belonging to Blackbeard , the other one(blackblade's) he was not familiar with, although it's appearance gave off an unsettling vibe. He gestured a behind back wave toward his crew before heading into town, his winter cloak swaying with each step he made, the meeting of the pirate lords would be held in an underground facility hosted at the mayors manor.

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Tracking down hawkeye's ship Trece arrives slightly before him at the dock in Albono, muttering to himself "Why would he be coming here?" Trece grabs a long black coat black cloak that completely covers his figure and obscure's everything about his features and weapons. Heading to the most likely place for some of hawkeye's crew to go to Trece prepares awaits the members of hawkeye's crew at the local bar. Thinking about the dock Trece asks himself "who did the other vessel docked here belong to."

Nevermind he mutters to himself "now the question is; do I follow the navies orders or do I assist the pirates" Trece ponders caught in-between his choices. "Well I guess it depends on the pirate and on the navy member" he says watching the hawks ship dock.

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#, as written by T3XT
Lazily sitting in the crow's nest of the Beauty, A takes a moment to enjoy the view. However, the moment is interrupted when he sees a small figure at the edge of his vision. Another ship...?

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Ronan Stone
Character Portrait: Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson
Character Portrait: Kirin Glass
Character Portrait: Jack Caesar
Character Portrait: Lyra Storms
Character Portrait: A
Character Portrait: Katsumi Bukara
Character Portrait: Nimbi Williams
Character Portrait: Celestia Song
Character Portrait: Trece Desafortunado
Character Portrait: Fox


Character Portrait: Fox


Character Portrait: Trece Desafortunado
Trece Desafortunado

Hey some people have all the luck ya I'm talking about you.

Character Portrait: Celestia Song
Celestia Song

Never give up hope!

Character Portrait: Nimbi Williams
Nimbi Williams

"well this is a hunk of junk aint it? Sure I couldn't have that pretty ship over there instead for my price or is it really too low? hmmmm"

Character Portrait: Katsumi Bukara
Katsumi Bukara

"Its a complete disaster nothing else could make this work!" Whats wrong you ask? "Were out of Rum thats whats wrong!"

Character Portrait: A

"'A' really is my full name. May I help you?"

Character Portrait: Lyra Storms
Lyra Storms

Heh, touchin my jewels huh...well your on the next stop to davy jones locker. WIP

Character Portrait: Jack Caesar
Jack Caesar

"Luna smiles upon us."

Character Portrait: Kirin Glass
Kirin Glass

Where'd my rum go?

Character Portrait: Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson
Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson

This be an anti-slaving vessel. The toll is either your life or the slaves you carry.


Character Portrait: A

"'A' really is my full name. May I help you?"

Character Portrait: Lyra Storms
Lyra Storms

Heh, touchin my jewels huh...well your on the next stop to davy jones locker. WIP

Character Portrait: Katsumi Bukara
Katsumi Bukara

"Its a complete disaster nothing else could make this work!" Whats wrong you ask? "Were out of Rum thats whats wrong!"

Character Portrait: Kirin Glass
Kirin Glass

Where'd my rum go?

Character Portrait: Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson
Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson

This be an anti-slaving vessel. The toll is either your life or the slaves you carry.

Character Portrait: Jack Caesar
Jack Caesar

"Luna smiles upon us."

Character Portrait: Trece Desafortunado
Trece Desafortunado

Hey some people have all the luck ya I'm talking about you.

Character Portrait: Celestia Song
Celestia Song

Never give up hope!

Character Portrait: Fox


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Fox


Character Portrait: Lyra Storms
Lyra Storms

Heh, touchin my jewels huh...well your on the next stop to davy jones locker. WIP

Character Portrait: Katsumi Bukara
Katsumi Bukara

"Its a complete disaster nothing else could make this work!" Whats wrong you ask? "Were out of Rum thats whats wrong!"

Character Portrait: A

"'A' really is my full name. May I help you?"

Character Portrait: Nimbi Williams
Nimbi Williams

"well this is a hunk of junk aint it? Sure I couldn't have that pretty ship over there instead for my price or is it really too low? hmmmm"

Character Portrait: Jack Caesar
Jack Caesar

"Luna smiles upon us."

Character Portrait: Trece Desafortunado
Trece Desafortunado

Hey some people have all the luck ya I'm talking about you.

Character Portrait: Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson
Hyde "Hawkeye" Jackson

This be an anti-slaving vessel. The toll is either your life or the slaves you carry.

Character Portrait: Kirin Glass
Kirin Glass

Where'd my rum go?

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