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Blaire Harmer

"Manipulative is a silly way of thinking about it..."

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a character in “Plumeria Research Facility”, as played by supertoastgirl



Full Name: Dr. Blaire V. Harmer
Age: 26
Date of Birth: March 21st 1993
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: Irish and English
Occupation: Biologist
Education Level: BA in Journalism and BS in Biology, MS in Biochemistry, Ph.D in Neurobiology
Level of Clearance: Level 2


Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Hazel

Physique: Blaire stands at an average 5'4 with a slim enough figure. The curves that define her are just enough that her clothes might suggest a lovely body when nude. Her face is structured with sharp angles that make her look hard and demeaning. Straight pearly teeth peek out beyond her puckered pink lips. Her eyes are a dark hazel color but beam bright with curiosity and charisma in everyday life and dark wavy hair frames her attractive face and flows beyond her shoulders. Blaire speaks slowly and deliberately, lilting softly in her Irish accent.

Distinguishing Features: Blaire's high cheeks make her look regal and important, as does the rest of her appearance. Miss Harmer is often found in fashionable clothing, tailored just enough to show a pride in herself and her body. Business is important to her and she shows this by dressing up in well fit dresses and skirts. A small tattoo a DNA molecule wraps around her ring finger, though the meaning of it is unknown even to Declan.


Education Level:
BA in Journalism. BS in Biology. MS in Biochemistry. Ph.D in Neurobiology.
Notable Skills: Charisma Blaire has always had the inmate ability of charisma and persuasion. She picks up social cues quickly and has the remarkable ability to make those around her comfortable. Having extensive experience with conducting interviews she knows how to ask the right questions and how to get confessions that people don't even know their saying. Some might call her manipulative, but she prefers to think of all social interaction as a game.

Writing Blaire is also very well acquainted with putting her thoughts into powerful words. Her writing career wasn't a huge success out of sheer luck, she has a natural talent.

Biology Her main subject and her strongest suite. Blaire has always had a deep understanding of the construction of human life and her comprehension has only broadened with time.

Notable Disadvantages: Selfish Despite Blaire's humble upbringing, she has a hard time putting other first. Her success and her fame is far more important to her that the whole of an organization such as Plumeria.

Mean Declan is a quiet brooding type,while Blaire is the type to get into petty fights. She finds enjoyment in seeing others lose their control over the conversation and squirm in their seat.


Blaire harmer prefers a life of excitement and disapproval, the opposite of her brother Declan who has always been seeking justice and peace. She was spoiled at a young age and expects to be accepted, appreciated, and admired by all she meets. Miss Harmer is well aware of her looks and is rather vain, she spends considerable time on herself. She seeks compliments and wants her name to be known. Socially she is as lovely as peach and easy to talk to, but sometimes the delight she gets from being mean to others gets in the way of this general viewpoint. However, Blaire isn't unlikable, her natural ability with words draws people in like a fish on a line. She fostered deep feelings of resentment toward her brothers because of the way they treated her. Blaire also has harbored feelings toward Declan, who is truly brilliant even with the disadvantages he faced. Blaire knows the privilege she's been given. Instead of being humble by such advantages she feels demeaned by them. She knows she isn't as smart as Declan or many of the others at the facility, but that her sharp words and pretty looks played a large part in her education. Blaire is insurmountably insecure about her wits, always wanting to be the best at everything.


All of the Harmer children were unplanned. The four older brothers that came before Blaire were born closely together; the eldest only two years older than the nextand so on. Blaire, however, was the noticeable oops baby. It wasn't until eight years after Declan that Blaire's mother found out that she was going to have another child. Miss Harmer's unexpected existence was a blessing for the Harmer family, finally gracing them with a daughter. Blaire was the apple of her parents eye, smart as whip and tirelessly seeking attention. In their youth Blaire was a burden to her older brothers, she knew how to get exactly what she wanted.

Her good looks didn't help her attitude as she grew up. Not only were her parents gushing over her, but now all of the boys in the village. Blaire, like Declan, showed early signs of high intelligence. Unlike Declan though Blaire's education was fostered and supported by their parents. Blaire's three eldest brothers never payed much mind to her. Their egos were often bruised by Blaire when they got into verbal battles. And instead of appreciating how brilliant their little sister was they picked on her. Knowing her beauty and her charisma they openly made fun of her sex life and often joked about how she wouldn't be eighteen before expecting her first child.

Declan, knowing the pain of being made fun of by his own kin, was kind and protective of Blaire. Though there was a deep bitterness between Declan and Blaire because she got the education that he wanted, their relationship was strong. Blaire's love and respect for her brother was so deep that she followed in his footsteps and took her education to the United States. Expectantly she flew through college with only a few speed bumps. Her interest in journalism sprang while she was abroad and after graduating with two Bachelor's Degrees she began writing for Universal Science, a internationally recognized magazine that covered uncommon, illegal, and unethical projects.

While pursuing her other degrees she wrote under the name Trinity Nova, gaining notoriety as one of the most intimate and scandalous writers. Declan disapproved of her involvement with Universal Science and the stories that she was getting published, but it payed well and she got to do everything she loved. After a couple of years of being on egg shells with Declan she came to him a year and half ago asking for a job, confessing that she had given up journalism and wanted to use her degrees in science to better the world.

Little did Declan know that Blaire wasn't here to work in the biology lab, but that she was here to write the most in-depth publication of Plumeria Research Facility in history.

Actions of Note within Facility:

So begins...

Blaire Harmer's Story

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Character Portrait: Declan Harmer Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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Image“Look, Blaire,” Declan started with his arms across his broad chest. He was propped against the counter of his small kitchenette, on the other side of him sat Blaire. Her posture was as neat as ever with her hands graceful folded in her lap and her shoulders back, as if to show respect to her older brother. A cup of steaming coffee was in front of her and it would remain untouched. “You can’t just-“

Declan stopped himself trying to find the right words. Words that would inspire her? Unlikely. Words that would at least fizzle out the flame. Plausible.

“I can’t just what?” Blaire asked, her voice was tender and soft but Declan sensed the subtle mockery. Declan was good with speaking but he had never been as gracious as Blaire. They both knew that to be a fact, but Blaire found a certain joy in reminding him of it. After a moment of tension, or rather a moment of Declan convincing himself that her tone wasn’t worth getting upset about, he continued. “This,” Declan gestured to the walls of the facility in which he lived, “this is their livelihood.” He emphasized the word ‘livelihood’ as if she didn’t understand basic human needs. Blaire’s green eyes, the same ones that their mother had, grew wide. If a stranger were to witness this scene they would assume that Blaire was growing afraid of Declan. But her eyes weren’t wide with fear; this was tactic that Blaire used often. Her eyes grew wide with expression but really she was expanding in boredom. Declan tilted his head and frowned at her. He had already lost her. “Blaire,” he said again, her eyes shifted toward him, “this is my life. You can’t waltz in here and pretend to be something you’re not.”

There was a pause. He had expected her to say something. Her body language shifted into a more guarded position, Declan took note of this. “Don’t you care about anyone?” he asked. His mood had shifted, soon the calm would start to heat up and then it would boil. Blaire pressed her lips together. For once in her life, Declan thought, she was too quiet. “What about David or Victoria? What about Adrian? Or me?” Each name was laced with more gunpowder and he was growing tired of her games.

“I like Adrian,” Blaire said with a crooked smile.

There were defined ideas that she had for the people who worked at Plumeria. Declan didn’t know how Blaire would, or could, get all the information she needed out of them, but she would no doubt be successful. Adrian was of course her main target, and what Blaire wants Blaire gets.

“That’s it!” he shouted, smacking his hand against the countertop. The steady boiling inside of Declan had turned into a sudden explosion. Blaire jumped in her seat, it was the first real sign of emotion that she had during this entire conversation. “I trusted you and you lied to me,” he said, lowering his voice. “You came to me, and I willingly- no, lovingly provided for you.” The bored look that had previously smothered Blaire’s features were washed away, just like the rest of the blood in her face. Instead of yelling, per Declan’s usual way of addressing such stress, his voice was low and intense. “There were no jobs for you here. Plumeria doesn’t have job openings. They don’t just hire people.” Declan threw his hands up into the air and let them drop, needing some physical way to express his frustration. “They have a specific mission and they hire very specific people.” An aggressive hand ran through his greasy black curls after he spoke.

“I wanted you here, you’re my little sister for God’s sake
 And I thought you wanted to be here for the good of these experiments and for my companionship.” Declan stopped, hoping that she would finally say something. Blaire was so difficult this way; she didn’t like to speak until she had the upper hand. Declan took a deep sigh and shook her head.

Image“You look just like Da when you do that,” she said carefully. Her words were delicate and reminiscent, but they were by no means a compliment. Declan’s dark eyes glared back at her. “Brother, this is my livelihood,” Blaire said, playing on Declan’s own words. “A story needs to be told. Truths need to be revealed.” The way she spoke made her ambitions sound like they were for the good of the planet. “And I’m a storyteller,” she said, smiling with great knowledge that she was indeed a brilliant journalist.

“You write a gossip column,” Declan accused. Blaire rolled her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest. “Universal Science is a harmful magazine and you know it Blaire,” he said with urgency. Her eyes began to fade again. “I know many a people who have lost their jobs or lost their projects to the government because of Universal Science.” Anxiety was settling into his voice, realizing the mass destruction that Blaire could cause Plumeria. Another spark of raw emotion ran through Declan as he spoke, “you alone have ended entire corporations as whoever fucking Nova!”

“Okay, stop.” Blaire said calmly as she gestured with her right hand, it was as if she had been in control of the conversation this entire time. “I’m not the grim reaper of science experiments,” she said with a dash of humor behind her lips. “I’m not here to ruin anything. I’m simply here to get the whole truth from sources that are reliable.”

“Who don’t know they’re sources,” Declan butted in. Blaire looked sideways and then returned her gaze back to her big brother. Perspiration was beginning to collect on Declan's brow and the veins in his neck were bulging with distress. He had never been very good at hiding his emotions.

“This story is going to take me at least six months to finish,” Blaire began her defense. She had already been here a year and a half without detection. Now it was only a matter of finishing the story before her brother cracked under the pressure. “You cannot say anything, Declan. If you even hint at something it’ll be over.” Declan shook his head, he was tired of protecting his sister for all the wrong reasons.

“I can’t,” he said, standing up straight and owning up to the responsibility of his position. Before he could go on Blaire interrupted him, “you can, and you will.” Blaire stood up from her seat, taking advantage of the space between them. “Remember that you recommended me for this job, and as far as I remember you don’t have the strongest track record with Plumeria.” Declan furrowed his brow, sensing where this was going. “If I get caught, you get caught,” she said simply. The love that Declan usually felt for his sister even the most disagreeable times had vanished. Blaire would frame him and Adrian would think the story was a joint decision. Some act of resentment against the establishment on Declan's part.

Something clicked inside of Blaire and it was as if this conversation they were having had never happened.

“Well I’ve got to run, big brother. Thanks for the coffee.” Blaire took one large gulp of what was now cold coffee and bolted for the door. “Toodles!” she chirped before closing the door behind her. Declan stared at the empty seat in front of him. It was moments like these when Declan, despite his years of study, would never understand how he and Blaire were related.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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God, it was far too early. Victoria wakes up to the alarm on her phone, the final alarm and the only one she ever actually wakes up to, if at all, singing Louis Armstrong directly into her left ear. Her head is pounding, but of course when isn't it, and making "It's a Wonderful Life" seem almost cruel, like one of those cheerful songs played in the battle scene of a movie. It could be worse, of course. Once upon a time she had not gotten quite used to the headaches that come with a terrible drinking problem, and they had prevented her from so much as opening her eyes the next morning. By now, they are relatively mild and easily cured with an aspirin and a stiff cup of coffee- black. Victoria loves sweet things, but she has never been able to stomach them early in the morning, even as a child, and prefers her morning Joe as bitter as humanly possible. Perhaps she likes her beverage to reflect the fact that she isn't a morning person. Well, it could be two in the afternoon and she'd groan waking up. So perhaps she simply isn't a waking up person. Today, in fact, it is already one when she wakes up craving coffee and relief. Perhaps a cool glass of bleach would get the job done just as well, she muses with some strange twist of joking cheer. There is no genuine risk there- Victoria is far too invested in her work, and far too terrified of whatever comes after death, to stare down a barrel willingly. Besides, if she wants the same experience she may as well glare directly into the eyes of Dr. Mason. She likes the kid, sure, but she swears that on occasion his eyes have done what scientists have thus far failed to do: achieved absolute zero.

"Sunday breakfast," she reminds herself brightly, using that and the still present desire for coffee to motivate getting out of the bed, taking a quick shower at the highest possible temperature (she likes her skin to be burning red from the heat), and shrugging on jeans and a lightweight cotton button up.

Victoria is completely convinced that breakfast on Sundays is always the most delicious, even when it is the exact same thing that is prepared on Tuesday or Friday. There is something distinctly Sunday-y about Sunday breakfast that simply warrants dragging yourself out of bed. The Enders family of three had not been particularly religious, and instead on Sundays would go and get breakfast before the post-church rush. That breakfast was always genuinely the best, as no one in the household cooked and the typical breakfast was a banana and a handful of pretzels on the way out the door.

She is on her way down the hall to the elevator when she spots the fairer Harmer sibling leaving her brother's room. "Giving your brother more things to brood over, Blaire?"

The biologist had just about darted out of the room, suggesting that some sort of disagreement or taunt may have taken place. Half the time the Harmers inspire that only-child longing for a sibling, the other half they make her thank her stars she had been the only progeny of her parents.

Victoria winces at a sudden new pulse in her headache. She had forgotten to grab an aspirin from her cabinet, damn it. Well, she'll have to grab one upstairs. Perhaps it had been indeed a few drinks too many last night. She can hardly remember how much it had been, though. It really is always a few drinks too many with Victoria, as anyone who joins her can attest. She always ends up either draping herself over people affectionately or trying to start a fight. It would be much better for the woman if she were the sort to just fall asleep.

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Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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ImageBy the time Blaire had escaped the deafening conversation that her brother was forcing upon her she was flustered. The fair woman slipped out of the door and closed it quickly behind her, as if there was some kind of experiment gone bad. Explosions. If you can't stop them, shut a door on them. Flipping her long brunette hair back while rolling her eyes to herself she didn't realize that this hallway was occupied with another. Victoria's lighthearted remark caught Blaire off guard. A quick moment of awkward tension coursed through Blaire before she answered. She cleared her throat and gained her composer with a small chuckle at the words that Victoria had asked.

"Who me?" Blaire asked playfully. "Declan hardly needs my presence to brood over something. You know him," she continued lightly, "if he isn't brooding than he isn't Declan." Blaire let out another soft laugh and smiled at Victoria. Blaire was now following her, assuming that Victoria was going to cafeteria. Despite being in Declan's cozy living area where he usually cooked for himself, he had not been hospitable enough to cook Blaire breakfast. Noticing a wince, Blaire looked Victoria over carefully. A Hangover. Victoria had hidden it well enough until then, Blaire was even a little impressed. "Here," she said while digging into her jacket pocket. Soon she revealed a couple of Aspirins and handed them to Victoria. "Ma taught me well," she remarked with another smile. "Next time though," she said in a playful voice, "take me with you." Blaire wasn't entirely sure if Victoria was the type of woman to go out and drink or if she preferred to wallow alone. Either way, Blaire wouldn't mind an invitation.

Suddenly, she remembered that Dr. Mason would be returning today. Or perhaps he already had. "Do you know when Dr. Mason is supposed to be in?" Blaire inquired gracefully. "I have a couple of theories I wanted to discuss with him." Adrian was a hard cookie to crumble, but Blaire was determined to get something out of him. Even after a good year and a half Blaire still ain't sure if Dr. Mason had even the slightest bit fondness for her. Most people found Adrian Mason to be off-putting and rude, but his major lack in social skills was something Blaire found to be out right charming about the man. However, with the task at hand, she didn't need him to like her, she just need him to trust her.

Blaire arrived at the cafeteria in leisure and the hall was nearly empty. Perhaps it was still too early for many of the scientists to get out of bed on what she knew as the day of rest. Miss Harmer got her usual: two subside up eggs, a piece of toast, a slice of bacon, and a small bowl of cereal with dried cranberries in it. Not being ever present to whatever Victoria might or might not have been saying to her, Blaire sat down at a little table in the middle of the hall and began to eat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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Victoria smiles at the quip about the brooding nature of the elder Harmer sibling, as it touches on a trait not unnoticed by many of his coworkers, the geneticist included. Of course, she is more interested in the little white pills passed to her by Blaire, little acts of grace smaller than the pads of her fingers. Thank god. "Bless,"
she is swallowing them now, the knowledge that the relief will be coming soon already comforting her mind despite not having felt the actual effects yet. With the amount of these tiny pills she pops, one would think she has another addiction beyond the bottle. Now she just needs food in her empty stomach, and a scorching cup of coffee running down her still raw throat.

"Next time though, take me with you," she winks in response, rolling back her shoulders to try and stretch out bones locked from her bizarre sleeping positions. No matter how she falls asleep, the woman always wakes up as compact as possible, rolled up or pressed against the wall her bed sits against. As though there is something wrong with the rest of her queen sized bed such that to rest on it would be a transgression.

"I'll keep that in mind- I'll never refuse the offer of a drinking buddy," Victoria looks up at the ceiling, a wry sort of smile twisting still at her lips. "I feel I've read somewhere that it's become unfashionable to drink alone too often- mustn't fall out of style."

"He should be by now- rest is not in the young director's vocabulary," Victoria responds before the two briefly part ways. Blaire moves towards the food, Victoria prioritizes mud. After getting her mug, the woman picks up three slices of bacon and a mushroom omelet. Her fondness for alcohol and coffee is almost exceeded by her love of mushrooms in any form. Almost.

She wonders at Blaire's frequent attempts to nab the attentions of Dr. Mason. Victoria finds him agreeable in the same way one might a porcupine- cute in a prickly, don't come hither sort of way. He gets the job done and, for the most part, greenlights most of her proposals for projects. That's all she can really ask- and he's likely the only boss one could have that wouldn't bother trying to send a card or flowers when Aron died, something that she deeply appreciates. Besides, she sort of feels that he is what the head of a strange research facility like Plumeria ought to be- just enough Shelley to keep things interesting, but not so much that it disturbs any reporters or supporters. It's a balance she finds deeply amusing.

Victoria sits across from Blaire and takes a long drink, enjoying the warmth that immediately fills her stomach. "I'd check the lab. He may be working through meals- if you find him, give him a granola bar or something, will you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Declan Harmer Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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ImageDeclan had spent the last fifteen minutes brooding over his coffee. Like the cup that Blaire had inhaled, thebrown liquid was only lukewarm when he chugged it down. Shaking his head furiously and making his way for the door, Declan made a mental note to address this problem with Blaire again. He would need a better plan, to somehow catch her off guard.

Dr. harmer hated dealing with the social repercussions of such sticky situations. He was sure that the next Harmer christmas would not be the same. He loved Blaire dearly, but there came a limit. Putting his work and his friends in danger was something that Declan couldn’t deal with. Perhaps the best method was to face the problem head on and confront Adrian about it. Surely if he spoke with the boss, before Blaire did anything unforgivable, Declan might be pardoned. It wasn’t a solid plan, especially since Declan had no idea how Adrian would react. Declan had no problem with the man, but he wasn't exactly on friendly terms with the pompous genius.

A crack of stressed out knuckles popped through the hallway as Declan paced through the facility. He just needed to walk around a little bit before continuing with his studies... Or his life, really. And Blaire. God forbid that Declan stumbleupon Blaire, who would undoubtedly be chirping away with one of his co-workers, pretending to be their friend.

Declan swiftly turned and took the stairs to the floor where his personal office was. Perhaps he would find solace in the work he had there. Reaching his hologram projector Declan decided to continue with Project U.

A couple of weeks ago, while Declan was going through the 3D scans of the experiments patients, he stumbled upon something rather strange. He was studying the 3D scans of many of the deceased patients, collecting and confirming data that would verify how they died. He was also creating a database of all of the inhuman abilities and how they were manifest through the physical body. While doing this he came upon ID number 78210, Pandora. A remarkable adaptation of the human body, clearly bred to kill. Intrigued, he rolled his office chair over to his computer and looked up her file. She was still alive. How odd it was, that this unbelievable creature could be amongst the deceased pile of holograms. Declan was puzzled at the thought, but decided to see Pandora himself.

Declan shuffled through his desk, trying to find a collection of felt tip markers. Once they were located he stripped the plastic covers, leaving them with just a rubber wrapping around the ink soaked felt. Dr. Harmer wasn’t afraid that Pandora would kill herself, but he always tried to err on the side of caution. The markers were a bit flimsy, but it was better than nothing. He also decided to bring some printer paper. Markers weren’t the best medium, as far as Declan could tell, but he didn’t have anything else. For himself, he grabbed his water bottle, a couple of pens, and his paperwork on a clipboard.

Taking the stairs, Declan descended into the depths of Plumeria. This would only be his third time visiting Pandora, and he had yet to actually enter her room. He spoke with her through a large glass wall, observing her, and making notes. Declan’s goal was to comprise a study of how patient treatment effects their disease, or in this case, their mutation. He wanted to prove to the facility that these patients were more than science experiments, that they were people and needed to treated as such.

Showing his badge to the security guards Declan approached the glass. Only the sound of the fading guard's footsteps were present when Dr. Harmer clicked the microphone on. “Pandora,” he lulled in his soft Irish accent, “I’ve something for you.”


ImageBlaire repeated stabbed at her milk, the cereal now completely consumed. She nodded at Victoria, taking in what little information she had to offer about Dr. Mason. Though the granola bar was a good idea. Her mother had always told her that the fastest way to a man’s heart was through food. Hopefully that applied to Adrian.

“It’s a wonder that man is still breathing, the way he endlessly works.” Blaire commented. It was a silly thing for her to say, considering that she was actually pursuing two full time jobs. She was working and living in a world renowned facility while chipping away at all the dirty little secrets. Just thinking about her mission sent a shiver down her spine. Her cause and the way she was literally in the field for her writing was a triumphant feeling. Starting to eat her single (and regrettable) slice of bacon she fantasised about the day her Plumeria story would be published. All of her hard work would come to light and thousands of people would know her name. The fame and glory really were what kept her moving forward. If Blaire was writing for a cause that wouldn’t give her a name, she would have quit out of boredom by now.

“Say,” Blaire began cautiously, “what have you been working on lately, Victoria?” It wasn’t uncommon for the staff to converse about projects they were working on, especially if they were small and seemingly insignificant. Even so, Blaire thought that since they were under the same oath of confidentiality it wouldn’t harm them if they shared a couple stories here and there. “That is,” she took a casual drink of the water she had before continuing her sentence. “That is if you can tell me.”

A quirky smile grew on her face as her ears opened in anticipation.