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Victoria Enders

"It does not steal away my brain. I give it willingly."

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a character in “Plumeria Research Facility”, as played by SuperfluousBuns




Full Name
Victoria Noelle Enders

Thirty-Seven [37]

Date of Birth:
December 29th


Sexual Orientation:

German and American

Head of Genetics

Education Level:
PhD and MD in Genetics and Molecular Biology

Level of Clearance:
Level Five


Hair Color: Brunette
Eye Color: Hazel

Victoria stands a bit taller than the average woman at 5'9", with a slender but hardly model-thin physique. Pale skin and uncalloused hands give away her job, which hardly forces her outside often, and does not require too much physical effort outside of moving equipment. Her torso is slightly shorter than her legs, something that her typical ensemble of dress pants and a blouse with heels only accentuates- though she usually takes the heels off and changes into flats within the hour of arriving at work. Her arms and legs are slender to match the rest of her, though she is quite worried that may not be true for long, given her drinking habit.

Distinguishing Features:
The most standout features of Victoria's are likely her eyes, which can focus in on a person with all the ferocity of a stalking wolf. They have a certain sarcasm to them, made more noticeable by her defined eyebrows that can raise in the most critical of fashions. Also distinct are a collection of tattoos on her back, including the chemical formula for adenine, a tiny rendition of the planets, the number 42, and a small double helix.


Education Level:
Victoria got her Bachelors in Molecular Biology from John Hopkins University, and her MD and PhD in Genetics and Molecular Biology (Essentially Molecular Biology with a heavy concentration in the genome) from MIT.

Notable Skills:
Polygot - Raised by an American mother and German father, Victoria grew up speaking both German and English. Her parents enrolled her in a school with a special language program from an early age, which added Mandarin Chinese to the languages she grew up with. Besides this she also speaks Spanish and understands classic Latin. Being able to speak these languages (and understand to some extent other similar languages such as Dutch and Italian), Victoria is an asset to the company when it comes to translating for foreign visitors, so long as they belong to one of the above mentioned languages. A mind wired early on to switch between three languages has made her mind more flexible, and has benefited her in other studies as well.
Brilliant Geneticist - While she may not be an excellent employee in general, Victoria is a world class geneticist. She has been published countless times, including a textbook that she wrote several years ago soon after completing her doctorate. Perhaps some people have a natural inclination towards science- Victoria has always been fascinated by the way cells and DNA work, and how they create beings so complex as those who walk the earth. This early fascination blossomed into a lifelong obsession with how things tick and what she can do to change the speed of the hands, the volume of the tick, etc. Very few people are able to work in a field which they are so infatuated with, and though she may not appreciate it quite as much as she should, her work is perhaps one of the only things keeping Victoria from completely giving up. The human genome may very well be her greatest love. The time that she arrives at work may be variable, but the precision and meticulousness with which she carries out her research never is.

Notable Disadvantages:
Alcoholic - If Victoria weren't so damn good at her job, she would have been given the boot years ago when she first began drinking far more frequently than a mere 'social drinker' would. She has gone perhaps three days in the past month without having several drinks, and perhaps five without getting at least tipsy but more than likely very drunk before bed. Drinking has become part of her before bed routine, and if she cannot find someone to drink with her (she quite likes drinking buddies) she will just as gladly do it alone. To be quite honest, she is very close to having her security clearance altered simply out of fear that she will one day wander to the other levels while intoxicated and do something very foolish indeed. She is a rash drunk, prone to mood swings that switch most notably between incredibly affectionate to very hot tempered. Strangely enough, even when she is drunk it is difficult to pry out of her talk of feelings or the past, so there is no silver lining to it at all. If nothing else, at least she has the decency to not overdrink while working.
Unprofessional - Still, the brilliant mind is not suited to be the face of any company, though her features may be intelligent. She runs a very strange department in her style, and while no one may question her results or the legitimacy of her research, the environment which she runs is odd indeed. Victoria likes to blast big band jazz or crooning blues over the lab, keeps her own office in absolutely terrible condition, and frequently shows up somewhat late to work with a hangover, despite living only a few floors above her labs. Her lack of punctuality and keeping with a conventional work environment gives her a reputation as one of the less reliable members of the staff, and her tendency to not always adhere to the instructions of the director have many convinced that she is a loose cannon waiting to shoot off.
Very Closed Off - Even when in a drunken stupor, wrapping her arms around a person and declaring them her dearest friend, Victoria will not speak about her own feelings. She is relentless in this, the sort who might receive news of her closest relative's death and take no more than a five minute work before continuing with work. This apparent coldness gives her a sort of reservedness that doesn't fall perfectly in line with her otherwise volatile personality. It is perhaps the source of that kernel of reliability and discretion in her that makes her suited to the job, though it also makes it difficult for others to sympathize with the woman.

Sarcastic || Intelligent || Logical || Sympathetic || Protective

Anyone who knows Victoria is well aware of her biting wit, normally pointed at whichever member of her staff has recently made a stupid mistake or asked an every more stupid question. She is not inclined towards many moments of sincerity and warmth, at least not in ways not veiled over with false insults, and this is something most have simply grown accustomed to. This is not to say she is entirely unpersonable, the doctor is very good at putting on the charm when she needs to, having become quite accustomed to working patrons of the sciences and boards giving out grants back before she began her work here at Plumeria. She is too intelligent of a woman to not know when to be sour and when to be sweet, after all. But her resting face can be defined as bitch, and her eyes simply have a sort of judgmental look about them even when she is simply staring off into space. This has been the case since she was a child, and while she once would practice smiling when not paying attention, the woman has long past moved on from caring about such things. It is important to note that her sarcasm is very rarely actually harsh. She will not mess with someone whom she knows cannot take it, and does not cross lines marked with pleading looks. Of course, that is when she is sober. After a few too many drinks, the woman can become very volatile indeed, and in that situation may say things that she otherwise would not broach the topic of. Her moods when drunk range from overly cheerful and affectionate to angry and downright childishly cruel.

Still, she is able to maintain her head longer than many when knocking a few back as is her night time custom. This comes from a great sense of reason and control that is broken up only by her drinking problem. While she may at times seem contrary or a little out there, Victoria will always respond to reason. She is, at her core, a scientist, and this requires a level of rationality that she does not lack in. The woman is not obstinate where facts are involved, though she may remain dangerously curious in the face of reasonable restrictions. Still, she will rarely allow impulse or emotion to guide her when she knows that they will only lead to trouble. She has a good sense of when and when not to go out on an instinct, and this finding of a middle ground is what makes her a creative and competent scientist. It is perhaps also what keeps most of her staff from disliking her too much, though there are certainly a few who may grumble a bit. With her reason comes a level of sympathy that she will never allow to be expressed without being laced with sarcasm. She will send a person away early if they are clearly distracted by illness or a recent sadness, forcing them even if they protest that they are perfectly fine. Victoria does not like to see others in unnecessary pain, and has a frightening memory for what hurts others. Harassment in her lab is almost unheard of, besides her normal taunts, because at the first whiff of it she has pulled a person aside and made very clear that she does not tolerate such bullshit. Victoria is sympathetic to her surroundings, even if she is not always the most naturally charming and outgoing of people.

She is protective of herself and others. Even when in a drunken stupor, Victoria cannot be compelled to share her deeper feelings or secrets to someone. At least, she has maintained a defense of privacy to this point. She is a very closed off person in these senses, coming across to those who do and don't know her alike as cold in the way that she bottles things up. One might inform her of her grandmother's passing, and she will be silent for a few moments before dismissing the messenger and continuing with work. Perhaps this is her brand of professionalism, but more likely she has difficulty expressing herself and certainly loathes the idea of anyone seeing any weakness or vulnerability in her. Victoria relies on a reputation of being impenetrable, as it helps to convince her that this is truth.

Victoria is the daughter of an American Mother and a German Father, classic case of falling in love with the student studying abroad. Her father came to America to spend a year studying Art at William and Mary in Virginia, where her mother was studying languages with the hopes of being a translator or perhaps a teacher. Long story short, the two fell in love, her mother applied to study at her father's college in Germany for the next year, and the two married. Victoria was born while they were living in Germany, but by the time she was six years old they had decided to move to America. They did not make a great deal of money, her father an art teacher and her mother working as a translator, but it was enough for the family of three to live comfortably on. Victoria was enrolled in many different programs at the insistence of her parents, the most notable being an elementary school with a language focus, her track being Mandarin Chinese. She grew up surrounded by art and language, and so it surprised her parents when she began expressing more interest in math and science, though they were supportive. Her love affair with science started in the second grade, around the same time that she realized that people had differences, and thought perhaps these differences were the source of her difficulty interacting with the other kids. She became obsessed with human genetics and environmental factors, wanting to know the concrete of what made people who they are.

She seemed convinced that if she could master this, she would be able to make friends more easily. By middle school she was enrolling in prestigious science programs, writing reports, visiting any expo she could get herself to. Her parents whole-heartedly supported her in this. For high school she enrolled in Thomas Jefferson, the Virginia magnet school for STEM known for it's rigorous curriculum and highly competitive environment. Here, she thrived off of the competition, but continued to falter in the water when it came to forging bonds. She'd practice smiling in the mirror at home, practice conversations in her head. She'd become good at interviews, at speaking with adults, but couldn't nail down her peers. By junior year she had simply learned to fake it, and this skill would carry her long enough to develop social skills that at least surpassed many of her colleagues, even if they were far from perfect.

At this same time, she was making a name for herself at national science fairs, in essays she'd submitted to journals, etc. She was the poster child for her high school. She would later attend John Hopkins for undergrad, and MIT for graduate studies in genetics and molecular biology. She continued to be well known in certain circles for creative research and ideas, although she had a bit of a reputation for sarcasm and coming off as trying just a bit too hard in casual social situations. She became a bit of a social drinker in the hopes of gaining more ease and confidence in conversation. It was around this time that she met Aron Richter, a student a few years her senior at MIT who seemed to always been in all the same places as her. They married while working on their doctorates. He was relaxed, cheerful, and helped to counteract her sarcasm and defensiveness. She stopped drinking. They published works together, conducted research, and became known as a power couple in the field of genetics. It was around this time that they were both offered positions at the Plumeria Research Facility. It was only a few months after beginning work there that differences of opinions on the work being done at Plumeria, and the rumors surrounding it, began lodging itself between them. Aron left the facility, and Victoria remained behind to continue her research. They were likely going to divorce, but Victoria secretly harbored the belief that they could patch things up. And then Aron died in a car crash on his way to work. They may have been separated, but Victoria lost her husband that day. She began drinking again.

Since then, Victoria's dedication to her work, drinking habits aside, has brought her up to the position of Head Geneticist for Plumeria. Many of the older employees, who worked here for the brief time that Aron did, know about him, but many don't know he ever existed unless they read an article they published and wonder about the other name. She prefers it this way.

Actions of Note within Facility:

So begins...

Victoria Enders's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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God, it was far too early. Victoria wakes up to the alarm on her phone, the final alarm and the only one she ever actually wakes up to, if at all, singing Louis Armstrong directly into her left ear. Her head is pounding, but of course when isn't it, and making "It's a Wonderful Life" seem almost cruel, like one of those cheerful songs played in the battle scene of a movie. It could be worse, of course. Once upon a time she had not gotten quite used to the headaches that come with a terrible drinking problem, and they had prevented her from so much as opening her eyes the next morning. By now, they are relatively mild and easily cured with an aspirin and a stiff cup of coffee- black. Victoria loves sweet things, but she has never been able to stomach them early in the morning, even as a child, and prefers her morning Joe as bitter as humanly possible. Perhaps she likes her beverage to reflect the fact that she isn't a morning person. Well, it could be two in the afternoon and she'd groan waking up. So perhaps she simply isn't a waking up person. Today, in fact, it is already one when she wakes up craving coffee and relief. Perhaps a cool glass of bleach would get the job done just as well, she muses with some strange twist of joking cheer. There is no genuine risk there- Victoria is far too invested in her work, and far too terrified of whatever comes after death, to stare down a barrel willingly. Besides, if she wants the same experience she may as well glare directly into the eyes of Dr. Mason. She likes the kid, sure, but she swears that on occasion his eyes have done what scientists have thus far failed to do: achieved absolute zero.

"Sunday breakfast," she reminds herself brightly, using that and the still present desire for coffee to motivate getting out of the bed, taking a quick shower at the highest possible temperature (she likes her skin to be burning red from the heat), and shrugging on jeans and a lightweight cotton button up.

Victoria is completely convinced that breakfast on Sundays is always the most delicious, even when it is the exact same thing that is prepared on Tuesday or Friday. There is something distinctly Sunday-y about Sunday breakfast that simply warrants dragging yourself out of bed. The Enders family of three had not been particularly religious, and instead on Sundays would go and get breakfast before the post-church rush. That breakfast was always genuinely the best, as no one in the household cooked and the typical breakfast was a banana and a handful of pretzels on the way out the door.

She is on her way down the hall to the elevator when she spots the fairer Harmer sibling leaving her brother's room. "Giving your brother more things to brood over, Blaire?"

The biologist had just about darted out of the room, suggesting that some sort of disagreement or taunt may have taken place. Half the time the Harmers inspire that only-child longing for a sibling, the other half they make her thank her stars she had been the only progeny of her parents.

Victoria winces at a sudden new pulse in her headache. She had forgotten to grab an aspirin from her cabinet, damn it. Well, she'll have to grab one upstairs. Perhaps it had been indeed a few drinks too many last night. She can hardly remember how much it had been, though. It really is always a few drinks too many with Victoria, as anyone who joins her can attest. She always ends up either draping herself over people affectionately or trying to start a fight. It would be much better for the woman if she were the sort to just fall asleep.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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ImageBy the time Blaire had escaped the deafening conversation that her brother was forcing upon her she was flustered. The fair woman slipped out of the door and closed it quickly behind her, as if there was some kind of experiment gone bad. Explosions. If you can't stop them, shut a door on them. Flipping her long brunette hair back while rolling her eyes to herself she didn't realize that this hallway was occupied with another. Victoria's lighthearted remark caught Blaire off guard. A quick moment of awkward tension coursed through Blaire before she answered. She cleared her throat and gained her composer with a small chuckle at the words that Victoria had asked.

"Who me?" Blaire asked playfully. "Declan hardly needs my presence to brood over something. You know him," she continued lightly, "if he isn't brooding than he isn't Declan." Blaire let out another soft laugh and smiled at Victoria. Blaire was now following her, assuming that Victoria was going to cafeteria. Despite being in Declan's cozy living area where he usually cooked for himself, he had not been hospitable enough to cook Blaire breakfast. Noticing a wince, Blaire looked Victoria over carefully. A Hangover. Victoria had hidden it well enough until then, Blaire was even a little impressed. "Here," she said while digging into her jacket pocket. Soon she revealed a couple of Aspirins and handed them to Victoria. "Ma taught me well," she remarked with another smile. "Next time though," she said in a playful voice, "take me with you." Blaire wasn't entirely sure if Victoria was the type of woman to go out and drink or if she preferred to wallow alone. Either way, Blaire wouldn't mind an invitation.

Suddenly, she remembered that Dr. Mason would be returning today. Or perhaps he already had. "Do you know when Dr. Mason is supposed to be in?" Blaire inquired gracefully. "I have a couple of theories I wanted to discuss with him." Adrian was a hard cookie to crumble, but Blaire was determined to get something out of him. Even after a good year and a half Blaire still ain't sure if Dr. Mason had even the slightest bit fondness for her. Most people found Adrian Mason to be off-putting and rude, but his major lack in social skills was something Blaire found to be out right charming about the man. However, with the task at hand, she didn't need him to like her, she just need him to trust her.

Blaire arrived at the cafeteria in leisure and the hall was nearly empty. Perhaps it was still too early for many of the scientists to get out of bed on what she knew as the day of rest. Miss Harmer got her usual: two subside up eggs, a piece of toast, a slice of bacon, and a small bowl of cereal with dried cranberries in it. Not being ever present to whatever Victoria might or might not have been saying to her, Blaire sat down at a little table in the middle of the hall and began to eat.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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Victoria smiles at the quip about the brooding nature of the elder Harmer sibling, as it touches on a trait not unnoticed by many of his coworkers, the geneticist included. Of course, she is more interested in the little white pills passed to her by Blaire, little acts of grace smaller than the pads of her fingers. Thank god. "Bless,"
she is swallowing them now, the knowledge that the relief will be coming soon already comforting her mind despite not having felt the actual effects yet. With the amount of these tiny pills she pops, one would think she has another addiction beyond the bottle. Now she just needs food in her empty stomach, and a scorching cup of coffee running down her still raw throat.

"Next time though, take me with you," she winks in response, rolling back her shoulders to try and stretch out bones locked from her bizarre sleeping positions. No matter how she falls asleep, the woman always wakes up as compact as possible, rolled up or pressed against the wall her bed sits against. As though there is something wrong with the rest of her queen sized bed such that to rest on it would be a transgression.

"I'll keep that in mind- I'll never refuse the offer of a drinking buddy," Victoria looks up at the ceiling, a wry sort of smile twisting still at her lips. "I feel I've read somewhere that it's become unfashionable to drink alone too often- mustn't fall out of style."

"He should be by now- rest is not in the young director's vocabulary," Victoria responds before the two briefly part ways. Blaire moves towards the food, Victoria prioritizes mud. After getting her mug, the woman picks up three slices of bacon and a mushroom omelet. Her fondness for alcohol and coffee is almost exceeded by her love of mushrooms in any form. Almost.

She wonders at Blaire's frequent attempts to nab the attentions of Dr. Mason. Victoria finds him agreeable in the same way one might a porcupine- cute in a prickly, don't come hither sort of way. He gets the job done and, for the most part, greenlights most of her proposals for projects. That's all she can really ask- and he's likely the only boss one could have that wouldn't bother trying to send a card or flowers when Aron died, something that she deeply appreciates. Besides, she sort of feels that he is what the head of a strange research facility like Plumeria ought to be- just enough Shelley to keep things interesting, but not so much that it disturbs any reporters or supporters. It's a balance she finds deeply amusing.

Victoria sits across from Blaire and takes a long drink, enjoying the warmth that immediately fills her stomach. "I'd check the lab. He may be working through meals- if you find him, give him a granola bar or something, will you?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Victoria Enders Character Portrait: Declan Harmer Character Portrait: Pandora Character Portrait: Blaire Harmer
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ImageDeclan had spent the last fifteen minutes brooding over his coffee. Like the cup that Blaire had inhaled, thebrown liquid was only lukewarm when he chugged it down. Shaking his head furiously and making his way for the door, Declan made a mental note to address this problem with Blaire again. He would need a better plan, to somehow catch her off guard.

Dr. harmer hated dealing with the social repercussions of such sticky situations. He was sure that the next Harmer christmas would not be the same. He loved Blaire dearly, but there came a limit. Putting his work and his friends in danger was something that Declan couldn’t deal with. Perhaps the best method was to face the problem head on and confront Adrian about it. Surely if he spoke with the boss, before Blaire did anything unforgivable, Declan might be pardoned. It wasn’t a solid plan, especially since Declan had no idea how Adrian would react. Declan had no problem with the man, but he wasn't exactly on friendly terms with the pompous genius.

A crack of stressed out knuckles popped through the hallway as Declan paced through the facility. He just needed to walk around a little bit before continuing with his studies... Or his life, really. And Blaire. God forbid that Declan stumbleupon Blaire, who would undoubtedly be chirping away with one of his co-workers, pretending to be their friend.

Declan swiftly turned and took the stairs to the floor where his personal office was. Perhaps he would find solace in the work he had there. Reaching his hologram projector Declan decided to continue with Project U.

A couple of weeks ago, while Declan was going through the 3D scans of the experiments patients, he stumbled upon something rather strange. He was studying the 3D scans of many of the deceased patients, collecting and confirming data that would verify how they died. He was also creating a database of all of the inhuman abilities and how they were manifest through the physical body. While doing this he came upon ID number 78210, Pandora. A remarkable adaptation of the human body, clearly bred to kill. Intrigued, he rolled his office chair over to his computer and looked up her file. She was still alive. How odd it was, that this unbelievable creature could be amongst the deceased pile of holograms. Declan was puzzled at the thought, but decided to see Pandora himself.

Declan shuffled through his desk, trying to find a collection of felt tip markers. Once they were located he stripped the plastic covers, leaving them with just a rubber wrapping around the ink soaked felt. Dr. Harmer wasn’t afraid that Pandora would kill herself, but he always tried to err on the side of caution. The markers were a bit flimsy, but it was better than nothing. He also decided to bring some printer paper. Markers weren’t the best medium, as far as Declan could tell, but he didn’t have anything else. For himself, he grabbed his water bottle, a couple of pens, and his paperwork on a clipboard.

Taking the stairs, Declan descended into the depths of Plumeria. This would only be his third time visiting Pandora, and he had yet to actually enter her room. He spoke with her through a large glass wall, observing her, and making notes. Declan’s goal was to comprise a study of how patient treatment effects their disease, or in this case, their mutation. He wanted to prove to the facility that these patients were more than science experiments, that they were people and needed to treated as such.

Showing his badge to the security guards Declan approached the glass. Only the sound of the fading guard's footsteps were present when Dr. Harmer clicked the microphone on. “Pandora,” he lulled in his soft Irish accent, “I’ve something for you.”


ImageBlaire repeated stabbed at her milk, the cereal now completely consumed. She nodded at Victoria, taking in what little information she had to offer about Dr. Mason. Though the granola bar was a good idea. Her mother had always told her that the fastest way to a man’s heart was through food. Hopefully that applied to Adrian.

“It’s a wonder that man is still breathing, the way he endlessly works.” Blaire commented. It was a silly thing for her to say, considering that she was actually pursuing two full time jobs. She was working and living in a world renowned facility while chipping away at all the dirty little secrets. Just thinking about her mission sent a shiver down her spine. Her cause and the way she was literally in the field for her writing was a triumphant feeling. Starting to eat her single (and regrettable) slice of bacon she fantasised about the day her Plumeria story would be published. All of her hard work would come to light and thousands of people would know her name. The fame and glory really were what kept her moving forward. If Blaire was writing for a cause that wouldn’t give her a name, she would have quit out of boredom by now.

“Say,” Blaire began cautiously, “what have you been working on lately, Victoria?” It wasn’t uncommon for the staff to converse about projects they were working on, especially if they were small and seemingly insignificant. Even so, Blaire thought that since they were under the same oath of confidentiality it wouldn’t harm them if they shared a couple stories here and there. “That is,” she took a casual drink of the water she had before continuing her sentence. “That is if you can tell me.”

A quirky smile grew on her face as her ears opened in anticipation.