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A flashy and destructive sweeper with questionable morals. 'Louder than God's revolver and twice as shiny.'

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a character in “Pokemon: Humanity's Unexistince”, as played by KingHink


Name: Louie

* Pokemon name: Jolteon

* Trainer Name: Richard Roland

* Region: Johto

* City: Nomadic, Goldenrod City often visited.

* "House Name/Location" : Homeless.

* Pokemon type: Electric

* Age: Maturity of 26

* Level: 74

* Description of Character: I was actually pretty happy. Never was a dull moment with Ricky. I would actually go as far to say that I loved the guy. Then again we had been together forever. Both of us had been tossed out like yesterdays trash when we were younger. Orphans... Well screw them all! We didn't need them anyway. Look how far we came. So what we ain't rich, we ain't got no home, or nothing really for that matter. But you know what else we didn't have? Worries. Not a single friggin' worry. Me and Ricky were tight, leaned on each other through all those hard times. And there were many hard times. Hunger, me getting my ass handed to me, him getting his ass handed to him. Oh? Did I not mention that we didn't hang with the savory crowd? We always had to make due with the undercities. Forced to play with the bad boys and bad girls. We toughened up pretty quick. We actually found a way to make some earnings on them underground fights. Heh... Now those were some fun times. I was THE friggin' sweeper. And ain't NOBODY messed with me. And I made sure that nobody messed with Ricky either. It was hard, though, they weren't always friendly fights. Most of the time it was us fighting to survive.

It wasn't supposed to end like this... We were supposed to get some badges and take on the league... but we never had that chance. We had been sleeping under a bridge, hiding out from some bikers who wanted to knock Ricky's teeth out after we beat down his scolipede fair and square... I had been curled up on his lap, with a newspaper blanket... but I woke up on the cold ground. I was freaking out, I'm being honest here, I had never been so scared. Did they kill him? Did he abandon me? Well as I later found out, he wasn't the only one missing. I'll find you, Ricky, I promise. And I won't forget the main lesson we learned about life, you gotta do what you gotta do.

Louie is a fiery and energetic kind of guy. He is also pretty clever, despite how rash he seems to act at times. He has a love for the flashy and an affinity for the destructive. And though his manner of speech can sometimes be pretty lazy or improper, don't doubt his literacy. Louie will do whats got to be done. He is pretty easy going until he has a job to do, or someone gets in his way. He is not afraid to put someone out... permanently if need be.


So begins...

Louie's Story

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Jak Character Portrait: Black-fang Character Portrait: Riot
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Louie was not a very happy camper at the moment. Which was unusual because he loved the rain. Especially storms. On the plus side there was a certain sense of freedom. If Ricky was here, we would have a ball... But Louie didn't need to think about that right now. Surely he would turn up, after all humans were pretty sluggish creatures, he couldn't have gone far. Then again, there was not a single other human in sight. What on earth was going to happen now?

Louie hated to admit it, but he was really starting to miss his trainer. He hated being alone... Well, in a certain sense anyway... He hated the thought of there not being anyone to return. He would have to make due... Now that was something he was used to. Ricky would hate it if he came back and Louie didn't take advantage of this kind of opportunity. They always made the best of their situations, this would be no different. And he would track down his trainer in the process.

The brash jolteon was trying to tear his way into a garbage can. He didn't know what was inside it, but by god it smelled great. And he was hungry. However, a harsh sound broke the silence... He had thought it was thunder at first, but no that was most definately a gunshot. That meant there was a gun! And most likely a human behind it! Quick as a flash, Louie sprinted in the direction of the sound. As he drew nearer he slowed to a stop, wondering if he passed it. He could hear some voices though, see the glow of a fire nearby.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Jak Character Portrait: Black-fang Character Portrait: Riot
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In the midst of my perchin' up on the circular rafters on the ceilin', I heard more than the patter of the rain outside. There we're the stompin' of a curious four-legged pokemon in the forest. Damn... I knew we shouldn't have shot the gun it the ruins. They echo sound like an alleyway. I flew to the door and opened it quickly, Scratch quickly pouncin' over to the door as well. We reached the doorway and in the precipitation, I could see the ears of a curious Jolteon peeking through the bushes.

Scratch let his claws sink through his fingers and I patted him with my wing, signalling him to back down. "'Ey! You over there! Scram, we got nothing that you gonna need buddy!", I shouted, tilting my head as I saw the hat on his head. It was severly simliar that of my headpiece. Eddie had sithered out a little further in front of us, his tail whipping around and making a rattling sound.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Jak Character Portrait: Black-fang Character Portrait: Riot
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Louie narrowed his eyes at the place. More accurately, he was narrowing his eyes at the ones who were there to greet them. He couldn't smell any human. Gunpowder but no human... So someone was playing around with human stuff. These guys most likely, didn't seem to be any one else around. He bared his teeth in an amused snarl when the murkow shouted at him."Surely you ain't talkin' to me, little birdy. And what I be needing ain't none of your business." He said, as his eyes went to the murkrow's counterparts... It was a real shame that Louie wasn't looking for a fight, because it would probably feel really good right now to tear into someone.

However good it might feel, there did not seem to be just the two enforcers he could see. He smelled more than just them, probably inside. No sense in rattling the hive. "You do be lucky there ain't nothin' I be needing around here. You can call your pets off. I ain't sticking around for you to need 'em." He said, watching for a few more moments before backing away. Ricky certainly wasn't here.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Jak Character Portrait: Black-fang Character Portrait: Varney Character Portrait: Riot
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Seeing that the Jolteon was walkin' off, i sighed in frustration before Pete went up to the doorway and he shouted, "If you're looking for the humans, there's a group of pokemon in Hoenn who are looking for them!" I widened my and squawked at Pete angrily. His face dropped in its dumbness and he made a sharp turn to the left, avoiding my talon heading for his eyes. "Those are the ones who crossed me, you dumbass! We don't need more of 'em!" I hissed loudly, trying not to let the Jolteon hear of the conditions. Though, before I could spot my eyes on him, he was gone in the trees.

Scratch furrowed his brow and muttered, "What do you wanna do now, boss?" I sighed softly and kicked a nearby pile of rocks from their orderly stack. "I don't know. But, we can't stay here any longer. We have to get to that other group. Besides, that Jolteon isn't even a threat." I stated simply, noticing the rain starting to slow. "What do ya mean, bossss?" Eddie questioned, twirling his head at me. "He can't get to Hoenn if he doesn't have a way across the water. And even if he did, I highly doubt he could drive a boat." I chuckled going into the interior of the ruins.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Jak Character Portrait: Scratch Character Portrait: Black-fang Character Portrait: Varney Character Portrait: Riot
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ImageWith the cognitive process going through my mind, I knew that the Jolteon heading for the forest was going to the group that was apparently threatening to Jak. There's always a way to get places. The Jolteon will find that way. The Jolteon will find that group. The Jolteon will tell the group about us... and our cover is blown. Or maybe... Maybe this is a good thing. Maybe this is a way to get my freedom. Jak will be coming after me that's for sure, but this'll buy me some time out of his hair for a while. At least he will stay away for a day.

I turned to my side, crossing my arms, complaining, "Why did you let him go?" Jak snapped back and said, "Hey! I make the rules around here, I can choose what I want to happen." I rolled my eyes and rasped out, "But he knows about the other group now. And he know about us. What's makes you saw that he won't tell the other group about us?" Jak furrowed his brow as if he was thinking for a few moments before crowing out, "Alright, you can go after him. But if you aren't back by sunrise, I'm after your ass." I nodded my head and immediately ran through the forest, jumping passed the brush and trees before making contact with the Jolteon with my eyes. I stopped with the rustling knowing that I was making a lot of noise. I came from the trees and rasped out, "Need company?" I held onto the tree, waiting to see what the Jolteon would do. Whether to gun or run...

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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Those long ear of Louie did pick up that fat little ghosts suggestion. Though as he turned away, what caught his ears next did bring a curl of amusment to his lips. Well, wouldn't we just hate to piss off the bossy little birdy, he thought to himself. He just might find that Hoenn group just to spite the guy. Oh well, it was a place to start. Though... How exactly was he supposed to go about it. Oh well. He would definitely find a way. As Ricky always said, 'ain't never there a good time to give up'.

Louie grinned to himself as he remembered all of Ricky's quirky one-liners. At least until the sound of something approaching, upon which he turned to face its direction. His spiny fur standing on end as he took a threatening stance, so they wanted to follow, eh? Then that weavile popped out its crested head. Only one? "Company for what? I thought I told that smart ass little birdy to call you off." He said as he bared his needle sharp teeth at the weavile. Clearly skeptical of any good will. Which is understandable as Scratch was playing enforcer just a few moments ago.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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ImageI furrowed my brows and began to let out a soft growl before softening my scowl. I didn't need to get myself killed. Though, the Jolteon's suspicion was correct. I probably would have done the same thing. At least he didn't have some annoying crow barking on his neck. My growling turning to light and scratchy laughter. "I just wanted to get away from that flying fool. He's just... so irritating. You on the other hand.... well, I haven't met you yet. But, I'm sure your better than that squawkfest, am I right?" I wheezed, coughing a little at my laughing. I knew that my lungs were a little beaten up because of Jak's smoking habit, but I got used to it.

I began to walk forward towards the Jolteon, releasing my sort of offensive stance and I stared at him with a smile. My smile soon faded, myself leaning against a tree that set a few feet between us. "It's just he's too unpredictable. He doesn't tell us his plans, he just says, 'Do this. Go over here. Kill this guy.' I'm not the one to follow orders though." I stated, staring at the ground. I sniffed in a little and said, "Y'know, I haven't even been in one of those... what are they called, pokeballs? Yeah those digital cages aren't for me." I stopped talking and began to trail in my own thoughts and got back to him. "So... I'm gonna ask again... You want some company?" I crossed my arms and looked up at him, wisping out my scratchy pipes.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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The needly fur softened some as the weavile spoke. He was silent for a little bit, as if contemplating the situation. "A little big for his britches, I think." He would finally say in agreement. Though it was not lost on him that there had to have been some reason that those pokemon followed him. Which was why Louie was wary enough to walk away rather than have murkrow for supper. "So you be a runnin' away? Is that right? So what can I be givin' you that he can't? That I wouldn't be bossing you around? Sounds fair enough."

His fur was back down in a docile position, to be honest he didn't really have any reason to trust this guy. But on the other hand he really didn't care that much either. "Well maybe you just ain't found someone worth listening to yet. But that hardly matters, ain't no human left to listen to. You know what, why not? I don't see nothin' wrong with no company." He said as he pawed at the wet ground."I was gonna head to Hoenn. Maybe spite the little crow while I am there. Or at least until I get a better lead."

The grin that Louie gave next was perhaps a little toothy, but he held out his paw. For the weavile to shake or pat or touch or whatever in agreement. "Welcome aboard, then, mate. I be called Louie." He said, introducing himself to his new traveling companion.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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ImageI listened to the conversation that Louie was putting out a smile, nodding along in agreement to the true statements he was giving out. I looked at his paw and tilted my head, not sure what it was to mean. I retracted my claws into their rightful places and set my hand on top of his paw, resting it there until I thought it was suitable to let off. "The name's Scratch." I stated, letting off a small smirk as a tooth peek through the left side of my mouth. The rain had finally slowed to a crawl and the sun peaked through the clouds dissipating away. My smile returned to a serious monotone face and I stated, "Now, don't get your hopes up on Jak though. I've seen him do things. Awful things. Things that make a Ghastly's Scary Face look like heaven. He HATES humans. Despises them he does. And whatever he's done to a human, he's done to all pokemon alike too. I'm surprised that no legendary pokemon have stepped in to stop him." I began to walk past Louie and I finally said, "I would never say these things around him of course."

I finally reached a clearing that opened up to a small town called Cherrygrove city. It was a small establishment; there were only a few houses in a small neighborhood, a shop and a pokemon center. It was deserted as well. There weren't even any pokemon rummaging through trash cans at all. However, there was barely anything to rumage for in the streets it seems. On the bright side, we were right next to the ocean at this town; boats still docked like they hadn't been touched. I viewed the city at its remarkable potential and said, "Well, we've got a way to Hoenn now... if I can figure out a way to drive one of those.... wooden machiines of course." The crunch of the wet fallen leaves beneath toes echoed off the trees as I continued down to the midst of the city. "And we have a chance with the pokemon center or the local store here. Where do you think we should go?" I explained, still knowing that I wasn't the leader of this showboat. We were a team and we had to work and think together.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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Louie took his paw back then patted the ground. "Scratch, eh? It do be bein' a pleasure." He then said with a laugh. "Hopes? I ain't so silly as to be thinking he is a nothin'. He gottens himself a little gang going on, if he was a nothing then surely they wouldn't be calling him boss. But I tell you what there Scratchy, I don't care how high and mighty he thinks he is, but once he starts stepping on my toes then he better watch it. I ain't no stranger to the darker side of life, brother. But tell me, do you think he is going to be a problem for us, or do you think we won't see him again?" He asked, if the bird was as bad as Scratch said, then Louie would definitely recommend some thinking about it.

In Cherrygrove, Louie kept his nose to the ground, sniffing a way at whatever. It was a little disappointing that the trashcans didn't have nothing good. His mind and stomach still drifting back to the can he was about to check when he heard the gunshot. Who was he kidding, he didn't have to eat out of the trash any more. Okay... well maybe he could. You know, for nostalgia's sake. "Well, I know once we get out on the water, we gonna be hard pressed to find something to eat. We might be wanting to take advantage of the chance to gather some things before we head out. We can stock our finds on the thingy we want to use... but you know, even more importanly than that. Do you know which direction Hoenn is?" He asked. "Working the water thingy is only half the battle, it wouldn't be doing us much good if we headed the wrong direction or got lost. Heading out is chance, regardless of being prepared or not, so how about we start first with the sure-fire thing of whats around. We can grab what we need, and maybe find a map at the pokemon center to point us the right direction." He said, thinking again."Though... can you read human?"

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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Louie grunted,"So we got to stay ahead of him then. Or take a way he won't expect us to take. But then again, there ain't really many ways to get to Hoenn..." Louie said as he walked with Scratch. Though he made a beeline for shelves of food, sniffing at them. Fancy foods. Well... fancy to him, Ricky was normally to broke to buy stuff like this. Whelp... Louie would have to be sure to eat a good share for Ricky's sake. He began pushing food off the shelves onto the floor. Human food, pokemon food, pet food.

Louie had gathered it all up into a pile when Scratch brought a pack for him. Well, now that would work a lot better, so he shoved in it what he could. With a little bit of trouble, Louie was able to put the pack on with himself, with a little bit of rolling and stretching anyway. Moments later he continued on with Scratch into the Pokemon Center. Once again, Louie was sniffing around, and when Scratch pointed out the map, Louie spat out a energy bar he had been carrying around in his mouth. "Well it's good you can read something. Even just a few words... Anyway, maybe we can find a fast thingy? By the time we get to Hoenn, won't that other group be somewhere else by then?" He asked, then jumped up onto the counter, his paws slipping a little on the finished suface. He always did want to jump up here before. Now he could.

"So what's birdy's problem anyway? You said he hated humans, you'd think he'd just be happy that they be gone. And there has gotta be others out there looking for their humans too. Why this group?" He inquired as he paced on the counter.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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Image"I'm sure if we just head off to the ocean we'll be okay. The only one's who can get to us is Jak or that creepy zubat Varney." I stated, shivering as I mentioned the name. As I continued pacing along as well, I felt a small piece of paper on my bare paw and I whined in confusion. I slid the paper from my sharp toes out and I began to read it. The contents on the sheet was very confusing. There was a list of items that somebody had apparently bought and there was a label on the top that said, "Sevii Islands." I pondered on this and I stated, "Here's a lead to where a human was. The Sevii Islands." I glanced back at the map and added, "And its kinda close to Hoenn."
"Now... about this group, I think that they're more than just a bunch of food stealers. They stole one of our stashes in Unova... Anyway I think that Jak thinks their a threat. Its only a matter of time before a group will go and..." I muttered.

Stopping in the middle of my ranting, my nose picked up the scent of berries. They smelled fresh picked and my eyes wideneed as I continued down the hall sniffing. "I smell food... A lot of it. I bet you smell it too." I muttered, cocking my head back and forth at each door until I saw a door that I pinned the scent on. I clicked the door open and it revealed an untouched supply berries. Leppa, Mago, the works. All the berries you could eat. Surprisingly, the pet food was minimal, as it had been touched by the straying pokemon.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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Louie laughed,"A zubat? A little zubat? What's he gonna do, nibble us to death?" He was clearly amused by the statement."Creepy or not, Scratchy, nothing a thunderbolt up the ass wouldn't fix." Louie grinned and hopped down from the counter to inspect the piece of paper that Scratchy found."Sevii islands, huh?" The jolteon said as he looked over the weavile's shoulder,"What makes you think that the humans would be there? But it's as good a place to start as any. Well, fat ghost said they were looking for humans too, and mentioned Hoenn with them. Maybe they will be heading there too."

Louie continued to listen until Scratch 's mind seemed to wander off, and soon enough, Louie smelled it too. But he was too busy salivating to give a response other than a nod. Now though Louie did have a small pack with human food in it, this did seem like a much better prospect. That is if he could manage to be able to stuff his face without being distracted this time. "You know, Scratchy. Think it would piss Jak off if we to eat this before he stakes claim to it?" He grinned with sarcasm.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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ImageI chuckled with a bit of a wheeze and I began to stash the berries in the pack that I was carrying. I didn't mind as to why I got these berries to keep. Once you have an opportunity to take something that hasn't been claimed, you took it. At least that's why I thought was right. After stashing the berries, I slipped the pack on and stated, "Alright then. I guess we're done here. I'll get the map and I guess we'll be on our way to the Sevii Islands." I exited the doors of the pokecenter and I stared at the at the floating machines that were on the water.

I jumped onto the nearest metal thingy and waited for it to go. I jumped again and it didn't budge. I pondered for a few minutes scratching the side of my head as I stared at the thing I was standing on. It confused me for a few seconds but I stared at a the back part of the boat, which had a piece that was different from the rest. It was some sort of motor, that probably sent this thing forward. I waited for Louie to get on board and I found a cord on the side of the motor. I pulled it a little and the cord extended out further, the motor making a small thundering sound. I put the cord back, a little frightened by the noise but I didn't let go of the handle. I jerked on the cord a bit harder and the motor made a loud thundery sound but then but to being silent. I yanked the cord with all my might and that did the trick.

I boat went forward slightly, sending me to my back. "Sorry 'bout that." I murmured, getting back up to my feet. After knowing that this thing was up and moving, I took grasp of the larger handle on the front end of the motor. "Hold onto your hat!" I shouted, squeezing the trigger that accelerated the machine down the water. The front point of the thing flicked up and then dipped back down slowly as we went flying!

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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Louie did indeed stuff his face. Until he was sure that he would get a stomach ache in a few hours. Only the did he finish stuffing the rest in his pack and caught up with Wheezy McWeavile. Now holding the pack in his teeth, He trotted alongside Scratch until they got to the boats. And Louie went and hopped inside, setting his pack down as Scratch began playing with it to see about getting it to work. "Maybe it is broken," he suggested as Scratch kept trying,"I bet if I gave it a--" Louie's suggestion was cut short as the boat lurched forward, sending him to land on his face as it was not to easy for him to get footing in the rocking boat.

Louie picked himself back up and rubbed his nose,"Don't worry about it, Scratchy." He responded and at the warning he abandoned his nose and put his paw over his hat to keep it from blowing off as the thingy sped off. Louie eventually did find his footing, and soon was stable enough to walk to the front of the boat. Looking over his shoulder he watched the shoreline shrink as they went farther away. "So how long do you think it will take to get there?" He asked, his voice loud so that Scratch might hear him over the motor.

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Character Portrait: Louie Character Portrait: Scratch
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"Easy enough." He responded. That is hoping the boat would last that long. The last time he ridden on a boat to go any length of distance it was a bit bigger than this. Then again Louie was not nautically inclined.

"Straight from ditto's friggin whorehouse here in Johto." He said with a crude laugh. "I was ditched at a daycare as an egg so I was told. Been with Ricky ever since I met the guy." He told him in summary. "What about you? Where are you from? And I got to ask, Scratchy, are you sick or something?"