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Pokemon: It's Our Destiny ::Redux::

Pokemon: It's Our Destiny ::Redux::


There are but twelve humans who were chosen to be children of Arceus. All of whom will be saviors and guardians to Pokémon and human alike. Near the days when a terrible evil shall threaten all, these Chosen will be gathered to realize their destinies.

2,196 readers have visited Pokemon: It's Our Destiny ::Redux:: since Vix created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


Twelve very special children have been training since they were eight years old. What have they been training for? They’ve been training to become Guardians – Of the world. It has been said that a great evil will arise and attempt to use them and their Legendary guides as tools. Tools to stealing Artifacts of Arceus and then to control the world and all who reside in it. What do they seek the most, though? They seek Arceus’ Mystic Shards. The Shards that created all Pokemon. There are more out there, oh yes there are. And with them, much can be done with them.

Nearly fifteen years has passed since the first Chosen Ones entered the village hidden within Pinwheel Forest. What have these kids been doing? They’ve been training along their Mentors and Guardians to become all that they could be – Some longer than others. They’ve become a family (some a little closer than just that). They haven’t been locked away, oh no. They’ve been allowed to live outside of and venture outside of the village and play an active role in society - Though they’ve always had a Mentor nearby. They’ve traveled with each other and witnessed the evil doings of Team Mystic – Even struck back a few times. But the time has come now that they will be deemed ready. Ready to leave the village and complete the tasks at hand:

  • Locate and keep safe all of the Mystic Shards
  • Locate the Sword of the Vale and ensure it’s safety
  • Right the wrongs done by Team Mystic wherever their travels take them
  • Bring down Team Mystic

A special ceremony will be held for them before they are sent off. They will work their way through the places in the Unova region and finally make it to Kanto where it is said Team Mystic has made their Headquarters. They’ve got all the time in the world, because they can’t move too fast. If they do, they will be found out by Team Mystic and their quest will only become harder. A journey to discover theirselves, forge deeper relationships with one another, and save the world. What more could a kid ask for?


The Legend
There was once a legend that existed among Pokémon.

Perhaps you might have heard it.

Maybe you haven't.

"Which legend", you ask? Well, it is the legend you might be connected to. So I suppose it is your right to know.

In the beginning, when upon the Earth there was but a small landmass and a large sea - There was but one Pokémon among humans: Arceus.

Arceus grew lonely, and therefore created 17 shards which represented each Type known today. Those 17 broke into several more shards, some even merged with others creating Dual Types. These many shards birthed the Pokémon you all know today. Arceus then created the last shards - some of which became 'Legendary Pokémon' with the duty of being Guardians to nature and Pokémon, helping to expand Earth before going their separate ways.

However, some of those last shards have actually been said to have been carried and protected by Legendaries until the ones of Prophecy would arrive. These shards did not become Pokémon. Ten Legendaries visited ten infants in the secrecy of night, bestowing upon them their shards. These shards were said to give special capabilities. Such as telepathic communication with their Pokémon, understanding of Pokémon speech, and most are determined to be destined with that Type. But not just destined to be with - to become their Guardians. And one day save them all. After the last shards, Arceus was unable to create more. After some time, Arceus all but disappeared.

Over time - History became myth to most. Legendary Pokémon who were supposed to guard nature often fought, wreaking havoc and Evil groups arose and began exploiting Pokémon. The story of Chosen Ones was claimed to be a hoax and a silly bedtime stories made up by Jigglypuffs

Those who believe in these Guardians. These Chosen. They pray that they realize their destinies soon and right the world.

The Prophecy
There are but twelve humans who were chosen to be children of Arceus. All of whom will be saviors and guardians to Pokémon and human alike. Guarded and guided, destined to be with a Protector. Their lives intwined with their Type. It is said that they will be extraordinary. They will understand our language and speak to our minds.

Near the days when a terrible evil shall threaten all, these Chosen will be gathered to realize their destinies and finally become one with their Pokémon. They will save us all from an era of unrelenting darkness and chaos.

The Dragon. The Grass. The Psychic. The Flying. The Water. The Fire. On the eve of their eighth birthday, their Guardian will come for them. They will be trained together as a family. When they are ready, they will venture out into the world and they will right the wrongs one at a time and find my treasures before finally facing the Great Evil.


Character Sheet Skeleton

Code: Select all
[IMG]Image of character here[/IMG]
[i]Quote here[/i]

[i]Don't give me a million and one things that your character could be called. Give me four or five names that they would normally be addressed as. What they would prefer.[/i]


[i]Male or Female?[/i]

[B]Classes:(up to 4)[/B]
[i]Yes - You may mix/match classes from different branch as long as it's explainable. Try to have them all link together.[/i]

[i]At least 8 sentences that tells - Height, weight, eye color, complexion, hair length and color, physical features such as tattoos and piercings, and body type.[/i]

[i]How do they normally dress?[/i]

[i]Potions, Pokéballs, Poké treats, Clothes, ect.[/i]

[B]Region, Hometown:[/B]
[B]Starter Pokémon:[/B]
[i]HAS TO BE THE TYPE CORRESPONDING WITH THE TYPE YOU CHOSE. And no, you aren't limited to the three generic starters from the games. [/i]

[i]A good paragraph to describe your character.[/i]

[i]Are there any habits that they have? Nervous ticks?[/i]

[B]Theme Song[/B]

[B]Special Abilities / Traits/ Attributes:[/B]

[B]History / Biography:[/B]
[i]This doesn't have to be quite so extensive. Just a basic outline of what they were doing before they were taken away for training. After Character Relations have been posted, you may edit as you see fit, of course.[/i]

[B]Current Pokémon Team:[/B] - The RolePlay is set into the far future, technology has advanced quite some bit and trainers are now capable of traveling with ten Pokeballs. Try not to start out with all slots filled, though. Pokemon may know up to 7 moves. - This is not the games.

[left][IMG]Insert Pokemon Sprite Here[/IMG][/left]
[b]Name[/b] - Did you give it a Nickname?
[b]Species and Type[/b] - What Pokemon is it and what Type(s)?
[b]Gender[/b] - Male, Female, or Genderless?
[b]History[/b] - How did you come by this Pokemon? Please give a good five sentences or so.


Sprites found here and here.
Pokemon Natures found here
As far as the Pokemons' ability, look for the specific Pokemon on Bulbapedia or even Seribii and it'll let you know. Bulbapedia is a bit more detailed, though.

Classes and other Information may be found within the OoC tab.


Miu Hess
Dragon Female l Guardian: Latios l Age: 19 l The Breeder Prodigy

Fabian Langley
Dragon Male l Guardian: Latias l Age: 21 l The Dragon Sculptor

Morganna Whithurst
Grass Female l Guardian: Celebi l Age: 20 l The Hardcore Professor

Oliver Hess
Grass Male l Guardian: Shaymin l Age: 19 l The Martial Artist

Kairi Aogiri
Water Female l Guardian: Phione l Age: 16 l The Tomboyish Underdog

Rong Adranos
Fire Male l Guardian: Heatran l Age: 20 l

Mizora Seiji Tsubasa
Flying Female l Guardian: Ho-Oh l Age: 17 l

Mavish Tenau
Psychic Male l Guardian: Mew l Age: 18 l The Psychic Gearhead

Toggle Rules

  • Professionalism. This RP is intended for those who are able to make and bring a good story to an end, as such we expect each player to have a certain level of professionalism, present original and interesting characters, contribute to the story and not drop-out without even notifying. This is not Advanced so we are certainly going to take things in a more relaxed pace but this is also "High"Casual so a certain level of seriousness is expected.

  • The decisions taken throughout the story will influence and affect the world around our characters. Every major choice has a consequence and will count towards the different endings.

  • This RP is intended to be somewhere around 17+ as such romance, gore and tasteful "adult" situations are accepted. What that basicaly means is that you are allowed to hint towards "steamy-romantic-situations" but nothing more, should you want to...emm... engage into detail then take that to the PMs. Blood, gore and violence is allowed at just about any levels as long as you don't exagerate. Strong language is also allowed but again, don't overkill.

  • Stay civil on the OoC thread - All personal spats should be taken to PMs.

  • No metagaming, mixing, auto-hitting, or godmoding. Its unattractive.

  • Keep IC posts detailed - 250+ words of detail with proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Try to refrain from multiple short sentences containing six or less words. Also make sure to read everyone's posts and reply in accordance to whatever may pertain to your character. Also: When posting, don't post a bunch of meaningless BS just to take up word space.

  • Don't post multiple times within a small time frame for dialogue - Collaborate with the other player(s) in RPG Write and post the Character Interaction as one post. This is not a race to see who can post before everyone else, so I suggest that there should be at least one post from each other Player between your last post and your next.

  • Be active both In Character and Out of Character. I understand that you've got a life behind your screen to attend to and shit happens. But I seek active players. Don't apply to this RolePlay if you won't be able to keep committed to it. If you think that you might get 1/3 into the story and then lose interest, don't apply. If you're going to be gone for 4+ days, let someone know beforehand - I suggest that in the case of your extended absence, you should designate another player that you think would do well to play your character until your return. If you suddenly lose interest, don't just dip out and leave your character here. Abandon your character for another player to adopt.

  • Please try to be original and creative when making your character and don't make a Mary-Sue or a Gary-Stu. Your characters have to have some sort of flaws; Be it emotional, physical, mental, or psychological.

  • Tag your characters in your posts and post in your character's location, please. I did not spend ages adding Places for them to just sit there and look pretty.

  • I will allow the use for reservations. Be warned, reservations will only last for 24 hours. That should be sufficient time for you to think of your character and find the necessary information you need. If you need more time, do not hesitate to ask for it. Also note that I have the power to reduce the time if I see fit. I usually do not allow reservations, but for now I will make an exception. There are limited spots so this is not a first come first serve. Just because a spot is reserved doesn’t necessarily mean that someone else cannot ask for that spot and it does not mean guaranteed acceptance. I know this might seem like it cancels out a reserved spot, but it does not. I will allow two people to reserve one spot. It’ll be like a battle for the spot. Characters will be accepted depending on how detailed they are and if they followed the rules.

  • I am God of this Role-play as this Role-play is my child. I am not a wrathful God, but I do not take kindly to those who usurp my throne. Please, let’s keep everything civilized and just have fun. If you would like to be my co-gm, then please do not hesitate to PM me. I could always use someone to help me manage this role-play and move it along.

  • Again, there are limited roles as I do not want this RP to be overrun with too many characters. An RP tends to die when there are more and more characters in it. In your character sheet where the spot for password is, in capital letters, put Lalo if you have read the rules.

  • Chosen Ones may possess only Pokémon of their type. [For now]

  • Please use logic when picking your Classes and Skills. The Classification System generally marks these trainers as Experts or Masters in that specific field. But, they can also be well trained in one class while not having it. (You can be a Black Belt, but not have it as a class) The Class you choose signifies your trainer's path in life and their passion. But don't make them skilled in every class besides their own. Thanks.

  • Try to branch out when classing your character - I've noticed that Classes under Breeder and Martial Artist seem highly popular, but please try to be a bit different from everyone else.

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 5 authors

4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oliver Hess Character Portrait: Fabian Langley Character Portrait: Miu Hess Character Portrait: Morganna
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Vix
Friday 22, 5021

Hidden within the massive Pinwheel Forest, there was a large village.The village was often considered to be underground due to the valley that it was so lowly built in. It's a lovely village, though I might say. Three parts were surrounded by water while the back part was surrounded by forest. Within that Village was a massive mansion on a hilltop, a University, fields of crops of all sorts, many homes, and many shops. It was early morning and there were people and Pokemon alike bustling around busily with streamers, gift boxes, platters of food, and other various things that one might see at a celebration. What was this place? Who were these people? And what were they so excited about? Well, now. Let’s look deeper into this picture and watch firsthand…The story of The Chosen Ones.

The place was called Pinwheel Village – A Utopia hidden deep within Pinwheel forest. The people who lived there lived in perfect harmony and as equals with their Pokemon. They were an Arceus-fearing people who were quite religious and held strong respect for the old ways. They were people from an ancient bloodline of folk who had been waiting for eight small children to be brought to them by Guardians. After their years of wait, the children began to come to them with their Guardians one-by-one. They began to train these children and teach them all that they could about right and wrong. Battling with Pokemon, respecting Pokemon, and basic care for Pokemon. It does sound quite a bit like these children were whisked away and kept there, doesn’t it? They weren’t. When they were ten years old, they were free to leave the forest and explore either alone or together. But a Mentor would leave with them so that they could continue their training while they were away from the village and they would always come back every two months if not before and weren't released for another five months. Some of them went out and made themselves famous. Others were content with just exploring. Most of them would stop by to see their parents. But, they were home now. Home for the final time for a long time.

These eight young men and women were special – They were Chosen Ones of a prophecy, destined to save and protect the world. It seems like a lot for such young people, but they took it surprisingly well. Or at least most of them. Which is why they are the Chosen Ones. Unlike any other humans, they actually understand Pokemon speech and can communicate back. They have a unique connection to all Pokemon – Especially Pokemon of their own Type. And especially Arceus. Arceus often delivers unto them dreams, showing them fleeting images of Artifacts that it left behind for them. Artifacts that could control or destroy life as they knew it. Or, if in the right hands, they could bring balance and harmony. But, now I’m babbling. Let’s move on to the story of their journey.

There was a mansion on a hill with a river running by it within Pinwheel Village. This was the place where the eight young men and women were raised together and taught together. In the kitchen of this place, soft candlelight caught on the soft, tan flesh and ebony tresses of a young woman that was bustling around, preparing a lavish cake. The cake was getting bigger and more extravagent with each layer she added, decorations and icing not once being spared. It was obvious that she had been working on this cake for hours – If not by the fact that there were seven tiers – Then from the lavish designs upon them. Delicate red flowers of icing dotted the outer edges while the sides were laced intricately with iced designs in shades of blue, the whole cake covered by her own secret recipe icing of sweet taste. On the inner edges of each tier were Liechi berries that surrounded the base of the next tier, though the top tier was adorned only with a Watmel berry that had been cut delicatly to resemble a Gracidea. It wasn’t perfect, but it was quite good. It was obvious that the young woman loved to cook. With shining blue eyes, the woman looked down at herself and huffed; She was covered in berry juices, flour, egg yolk, and icing. She would leave the cake to be escorted to the Ceremony Site by the waiters. Untying the apron from her waist, she quickly left the kitchen and began her descent up the stairs and to her own room, avoiding people if she could. Inside her room, a Dragonite was curled around a cerulean egg that had a tuft of black fluff on the top of it –That was her Deino egg that her parents had given her on her last visit. She was letting Atreyu help her hatch it. Resting atop of him was an Altaria that had a semi-swollen belly. Melody and Atreyu had been flirting a while and even got to the point that they were serious. That explained why he was so intent on honing his parental skills as of late. Also in her room was a Shelgon of olive color sleeping under a pile of blankets – Mint didn’t move very much since her evolution a few months ago. There was also an Axew and a Gible snoring on her bed with a pile of fluffy pillows – Ashdir and Chomper were the best of pals and hardly separable. Shaking her head, she stripped off her clothes and tossed them into a hamper before dashing to the shower where she spent twenty minutes running hot water over her body before bathing. Smelling like fresh Gracideas, she finally jumped out after another twenty minutes and began to dress. Her Pokemon were still sleeping. She smiled softly as she adorned an extravagant crimson dress that she had bought only two weeks ago for this special day. Her brother and his Mentor had fashioned her a rose choker to match, and she wore that as well. She stopped to take a few moments to update her website. There were a slew of questions that people had left her and she tried her best to answer most before posting her ‘Daily Breeding Tip’.

Don’t try to rush hatching your egg. Make sure that you take care of it as you would a Pokemon that’s already been born. Keep it warm and talk to it. Even play music for it! And if you have a Pokemon that’s expecting, having an egg around is a great way for them to tap into their inner parent!

All done with that, she finally decided to leave and head for the garden until she and the others were called upon. As usual, she went barefoot, her feet hidden away by the skirt of her dress, grabbing her sketchpad and a pencil on her way out of the door. Out in the garden, she did her best to ensure that she didn’t dirty her dress, taking a seat upon a stone bench. There were many Pokemon lounging about, though one in particular approached her and bumped it’s head against the young woman.
Are you excited?
Of course I am! We’re finally going to begin our journey!
You’ll be realizing your destiny soon with the others.
Who do you think the Elder will appoint as the leader?
I’m not quite sure – It looks to be between you, Oliver, Morgana, Fabian, and Mavish.
I can't wait to find out. I'm sure that the others would make fine leaders.
Aye, they would. There’s also going to be a surprise at the Ceremony…but I won’t tell.

The Latios ambled away before taking off into the sky to stretch out her wings, leaving Miu to continue their drawings at the end of their conversation that had taken place without a single mouth opened. She hummed to herself, a light smile on her face.


“Urgh! Ka!”
“Kukukuku! You two should stop so we can go get cleaned up.”

In the forest on the outskirts of the Village were three people – A young man with raven colored hair tied into a ponytail, an older woman sporting blonde and brunette waves under a black beret, and an older man with chestnut curls. Both of the men were shirtless as they engaged in hand-to-hand combat. The man with chestnut hair had his leg extended to the younger man’s face who had grabbed his foot with his hand and held it there. “Alright, alright.” The young man with golden eyes released the other and smiled brightly. “Can’t wait to see you guys there!” Before either of them could get in a word, the young man had taken off down the path to the mansion. The Mentors were behind him, but walking at a leisurely pace. The slow rising sun was beating down upon him, making the sweat that clung to every rippling muscle gleam. He couldn’t help but crack a grin as some of the women he passed lightly swooned – Way to build his ego. Oliver dodge through the garden and only paused to see his sister, though he was jogging in place as he talked to her. “Hey! Gonna shower, grab breakfast! Meet cha back here!” Before Miu could say anything, he was off and away into the house. He scaled the stairs with little difficulty and dashed into his room. He had a rather large four poster canopy bed that wasn’t anywhere near close to being made; Upon it, there were six Pokemon piled upon and curled up next to one another: Belladonna the Bellossom, Sage the Pansage, Dahlia the Lilligant, Sweet Pea the Leavanny, Scilla the Shaymin, and Strelitzia the Leafeon. They stirred only just a bit as he closed the door silently behind him. He tore away the pants and other things that he wore before spending a total of thirty minutes showering. When he re-emerged, he was wearing a formal suit and had his hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. He glanced over at his Pokemon with a light smile, going over to pet them all. “You all had better be at the ceremony today.” His voice was a whisper before he got up and departed to the garden, stopping in the kitchens to grab a small bagel. Arriving there, he took a seat next to his sister and peeked over at her drawing. “Why’re you always drawing pictures of Fabian? It’s creepy.”

She blushed deeply with both embarassment and anger. “Shut up, Oliver!” Miu looked to her twin with infuriated golden eyes. “I’m letting you know before we even leave: You may be my brother, but don’t forget that I’m eight minutes older than you. I’m not a little girl and you need to stop treating me like it. I hate it when you stop guys from even holding idle chatter with me. I’m socially awkward with males enough for them to think me a fool; I don’t need you to add on to my embarassment. Now, Arceus-damn it! From here-on-out, any time that you try to prevent me and a male from speaking, I’m going to punch you in your gut! Understood?” She was normally a quiet girl, but she was known to get rowdy with her brother. Though, this was the first time she showed any true anger towards him outwardly. She then went back to her drawings, leaving him to process her words with his jaw agape. “I’m sorry, Miu. But I can’t help it. I’ll…I’ll tone it down.” He sat there, twiddling his thumbs some as he watched his sister move from sketch to sketch, never staying on one for too long – This journey brought out changes in them even before it began.

As he sat there, Miu got up in a huff with her things, heading deeper into the gardens where she soon felt her body slam into something and found herself falling. It was only by a miracle that Lati was nearby, catching her with his wing. She blinked slowly as her sketches floated down all around her. “Nyeh...” She let out her usual strange sound of confusion, looking to see who it was and found that it was Fabian.


“Where the fuck is everyone else? They should be here already. I bet their lazy asses are waiting for their Pokemon to wake up. Or just waiting on someone to come and get them. Lazies!” A young woman sporting a form-fitting green dress was pacing the grass near the side of a lake on the far side of the Village. Her crimson tresses were done up into nice curls that were piled some upon her head while the others cascaded down her back. Standing silently nearby her were a group of Grass-Type Pokemon that were all her own. Each one of them were named after their attitudes – All of them as fierce as their companion and trainer. Barbarous the Carnivine, Vehement the Roserade, Malign the Abomasnow, and Impetuous the Serperior. The only one of the Pokemon that didn’t have a fierce nature was the one perched on her shoulder, patting her cheek to sooth her; Celebi. Celebi had no name given because Morgana didn’t want to change anything about her Guardian and didn’t feel that it was her place to give Celebi any other name.

“Bi, bi! Celebi! Celebi bi!” (You’re so tense, Morgana. You should really loosen up some.)
“Ugh! I know, but how can I when I’m the only one here? Are the Mentors even ready? What about the Elder?!”

She huffed softly as she began to wring her hands together some, anxious about the pending quest. Morgana had been tense and more short-tempered than usual the past few days as the Ceremony grew closer and it hadn’t been easy on anyone. She was the Professor of the group – Always trying to instill her knowledge with a firm hand and often talking about things that she saw as simple, but usually went over the heads of everyone else. She only wished that her family could be here. That they could see her and be proud of the things that she was going to accomplish. A sigh left her as she sat down in a decorated chair, letting Celebi braid some of her curls. Her Pokemon gathered at her feet and sat near her, offering kind smiles and thoughts.

“I just want this day to end and for us to be gone soon…” Leaving home and loved ones was never easy. And the longer she stayed here, the harder it would be for her.

1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blue
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Kairi lay drifting on the other side of the lake with her arms folded behind her head. Eyes closed, she let herself drift as she bathed in the warmth of the gentle rays that beamed down from the sun. Half her body submerged and her pokemon splashed around her frivolously. Her mind was a dove. Free of all responsibility, soaring high into the sky abandoning all thoughts of obligation then disappearing into the broad horizon.

"It's time." peaceful images shattered like glass. Her peace broken. The sun above her became coveted by grey clouds. Her eyes popped open. Sakka, her Phione was drifting right before her face.

"I don't want this," she thought back. "I didn't choose this." Blue ducked her entire head underwater holding her breathe attempting to swim away. All of her poke'mon sighed and swam after, except for her Psyduck who was a bit confused on why everyone was swimming away.

"Destiny chose you." Sakka returned, following close by.

"Screw destiny!" She wanted to scream.

Manaphy appeared before her cutting off her path. "We chose you." It swam to Sakka's side among the rest of her pokemon. "We all did."

Kairi folded her arms and looked away defiantly. She loved her pokemon. She had to admit that if this destiny didn't choose, then they may not have become apart of her life. That was a reality that created the heavy feeling of a lump in her chest. She gave in, "whatever".

Her pokemon danced around her, cheering. She put them all in their pokeballs, even Psyasugi who was just catching up. All put away except her guardians and Mantyke who she commanded to use surf. Moments later she was above water riding her mantyke like a surfboard across the lake on a wave of water which rushed to the other end where she spilled over, crashing onto the shore in a cascade of splashes.

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Morganna Character Portrait: Rong Adranos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Fencer
Sunlight streamed through the window illuminating the sleeping figure of the young man messily lying across the bed with his pokemon, all the sweat he made clear the heat produced by his friends and watching silently the scene was the dragon-like pokemon his oldest friend, "Ro , wake up," he said solemnly,
"Huh? my turn to watch?" the trainer replied half sleeping while around his neck it can be seen the hands of a Monferno.

"Wrong, we are in the village, wake up already" the young man let out a yawn as rearranged his ideas, right the Pinwheel Village, he returned last night after two months for an important event, at least Teran said it was an important day and then he returned to the village ahead of them, Rong removed carefully Osaru's hands and stood up while preventing that the others wake "Well I'll go take bathe, I'm covered in sweat" he took off the wet t-shirt when Drake spoke again, "And blood, it seems that your wound opened while you were sleeping ", looked at the small trail of blood he had in his neck.

Rong recalled that he was wounded, wasn't serious but the last night when he came back the professor Mizuki, who was waiting for him, said he should go to see proper medic, the trainer shrugged as he recalled the way received the wound:
He was on the way back and it was a rookie mistake, the kind of mistake that he only has in and near the village where he always drop the guard, Rong climbed a tree to take a tasty-looking fruit without checking the resistance of the branches and then jumped to a branch that couldn't support its weight to end up falling, luckily all his years of experience allowed him to fall without serious damage, except wound in his neck that was made by a broken branch as he fell.

"Well I'll bandage it after the shower," he said and headed to the bath as Drake sighed in signal of disapproval, he spent twenty minutes in the shower using cold water and after finished began to search for appropriate clothing for the event. Drake felt remorse to see the many scars he had on the body of the young man, especially the one of the burn he had on the shoulder, "You look tired, why don't you rest?" Rong asked while holding bandages on the left hand, Drake nodded and the trainer threw 5 Pokéballs and five of his friends disappeared,
Now in the almost empty room he finished dressing, when he stood wore black jeans, a gray shirt with stripes and a dark blue jacket, the only thing that stands unnecessarily was poorly a placed bandages on the neck.

"XIao, Where is the ceremony?" he asked to his Guide, the legendary Pokemon that brings the Victory.

"The lake" said yawning and jumped to the shoulders of the young, "Let's use the shortcut!"

"Fine with me" smiled and began to run towerds the open window of his room and jumped, down there is a sturdy tree, Xiao jumped to the treetop and Rong grabbed a branch that used to prolong the momentum and remaing in the air, before touching the ground he tossed a pokeball "Ark, come here!", the great canine placed himself in the landing point, Xiao jumped from the tree at the same time that the Trainer fell on above the Arcanine, who now carrying the two of them began to run, "The Lake! the Lake!" said cheerfully Victini and Ark headed that way.

He got there a little after that Kaire lifted a lot of water when reached the lake shore, Rong looked around, a glance he saw Morgana wearing green and Kairi, sighed, didn't get along too well with Morgana and Kairi has the habit of throwing things, well he had to admit it was interesting.
"It's good to see you, I suppose I get time".

3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Mavish Tenau Character Portrait: Morganna
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12
Maverick slept in his room silently surrounded by his pokemon. The room had a rust colored paint adorning the walls that he had put on himself after he learned he would be staying in the psychic room which was completely pink and white. So he made up a color using some of the rust of the old parts he had and used it in paint to give it a nice feeling. The place smelled of faint grease and heat from the constant machines he would bring in and work on.

Goof was sleeping on the ceiling upside down which was his usual place on account of him being in an experiment when he was younger. It didn't work out but it did give him weak suctions on his feet and he had gotten accustomed to climbing up and sleeping beside Herione who was a bad snorer but when she was near Goof she never made a noise. Maiden was sleeping on her side an her arms. The egg was a gift from Mewbie who dropped it off on Maverick's birthday. He had said it contained a psychic type and would need a good trainer. Maiden however fell in love with it the second it was in sight.

He looked around and saw that Tinker asleep and was gumming on a banana the peel still on. He had no idea why he liked bananas or when he started liking them but Maverick knew it was what made him work and he was fine with them. He continued his search but he didn't see Duchess anywhere.

He sat up and yawned only to see Kairi rush inside his room and pull him into a hug. Maverick, I have to tell you I've always loved you." Maverick blushed and stuttered. "W well Kia I've always kinda liked ...". He looked over the girl then saw her green eyes were light blue. he heard snickering then growled. "DUCHESS" he shouted and the Pokemon revealed herself from the hall and the girl turned back into a giggling Mew. "Sorry me and Mewbie couldn't resist." she said in a flowing voice that held in the air for a moment. Mewbie on the other hand giggled and spoke in a small childish voice. "You sounded funny." Maverick rolled his eyes and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Maverick went into the shower and washed off an easy layer of dust dispersing off as the water hit him. He had hardley ever showered and this was his first in a week since he was from a place where some people hadn't bathed since they were younger than him. He finished washing and put on his regular set of clothes and the necklace with the pure white opal. He took a deer breath and clenched it tightly.

It was the only thing he actually knew of his mother than she loved opal. He wanted to find her with all his heart but knew that he had work to do here before he could go back to Orre and save the remaining Pokemon from Cipher's clutches. He had never told anyone of his plans to leave them once their job was done but he knew that it was expected.

He reentered the room to find all of his Pokemon awake and chattering among themselves. "Okay everyone in except Goof. " they all nodded except for Goof who was still on the ceiling. "Hooray" he yelled then fell ontop of Maverick when the last Pokemon was returned to their ball. "Sorry" he said laughing. "Hush up you crazy " Goof just nodded and dashed after his trainer as they both dashed away to the garage.

Maverick made it quickly to the almost empty garage which only contained his sand bike and some of the other chosens regular bicycles which always made Maverick laugh whenever they rode them. He revved up then engine then pulled out a pair of pilot glasses and quickly out them on as Goof jumped in.

He sped off making a loud VVRRROOOOMMMM going through the town. He lept going and eventually made it to the part where the ceremony was to be held. He stopped his bike with a skid and saw Morgana sitting with Celebi on her shoulder. Mewbie popped out and instantly tackled the small pokemon who was about his size. "Celebi, Celebi let's play." he said giggling lightly. Maverick put the bike on hover making it stay in position but have the front half fall down. "Hey leaflet where's everyone else?" he asked getying off and Goof walking beside him.

6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blue Character Portrait: Miu Hess Character Portrait: Mavish Tenau Character Portrait: Mizora S. Tsubasa Character Portrait: Morganna Character Portrait: Rong Adranos
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0.00 INK

"How's my arms now Ama...?" A red head asked calmly, glancing up briefly at the majestic bird, who was perched up upon a great tree. Watching her with intent eye.
It been around 5 hours since she started training, and she always had one flaw with her arm... it wasent in the right position!And she couldnt leave like that, can she? "Well?"
Ama's piercing eyes studied her, and after a few anxious moments, he finally nods with approval. "hmph, Its finally fixed that fatal flaw...Mizora" The bird mumbled with pride.

The girl now introduced as Mizora smiles a bit, and began to stretch. "Great! Now..." She looks at the tree's shadow and calculates. "We should head out to the others...its about time.." The Ho-Oh nods, and spread its large wings, covering the sun from her sight. As it swooped down, Mizora easily jumped on, and they both began to fly to the group's meeting place. Though a gusting current hit them both, but the great ho-oh flew steady. 'What-' She blinks in wonder, and a splash of cold, sea water gave them the answer. "Kaisho" The two of them muttered, and as of cue, the lugia rose to their sight, shaking droplets of water on their persons. Ama grumbled, but Mizora smiled at the water pokemon's antics. "haha want to come with us Kaisho?" Kaisho, the lugia, whistled in a soothing tone, and nodded. "Why of course, Mizora, I wouldnt give up the chance to see you becoming a full fledged guardian. Specially after you worked so hard." Lugia chuckled, and with that he flew ahead, his wings waving in fluid motions, but was almost mocking Ho-oh's abilities to fly. And Ama took the message with ease. Flapping his wings, he shot forward, dodging flying pokemon, and catching up with the legendary sea pokemon. "Competive are we?" Mizora questioned the two, who merely continued their quiet challenge. Giggling a bit, thehe girl relaxed against the fire birds body, and her eyelids fell slightly in a sleepy manner. "It's been awhile...hasent it..?" There was no response from both the bird but she knew that they both understood her meaning. It been a couple of years maybe since she seen the others...and she was always left to wonder how they were at the shrine. Though knowing that they were under the same sky was enough for her.
"We are here Mizora...and it seems we are beaten to the chase.." Kaisho whispered, his voice deep and fluid. Mizora nods, her eyes closed. "I know, I can feel them..." There aura's were obvious to her, and she knew their auras by heart. "Its seems that most of them are well...I'm glad!" Mizora stated happily, her eyes twinkling with joy. Of course Ama and Kaisho noticed the change in their guardian, and they both looked at one another with a smile. IT didn't seem like it, but Ama was protective over the human called Mizora, and was always glad when she was glad... [Kaisho too was like this, but this was obvious to her and Ama, seeing how he was more open then Ho- oh.] She was always tending to cultural pratices and training at the shrine, so being with the others should be great, besides he knew that she was waiting for this day. She was finally proclaimed as a "guardian"...

"Well...Mizora...shall we meet them...?" Mizora looks at the birds, her mufti-colored eyes bright. "Of course!" With that, she flipped off the birds back and literally flew down below, anxious in seeing all of them again, her red hair going crazy. As she approached the ground, she quickly prepared herself and within seconds, she was on one knee, a smile gracing her lips "Been awhile.."
Quietly, Mizora stood up, and dusted off the invisible dirt. She was actually surprised by her own attire, noticing that she forgot to change. She was current in her "Miko" outfit, its red and white material going along with her red hair, and red/yellow eyes. She waves briefly, smiling kindly. "Sorry I'm late." A soothing gust of wind hit her back, as she noticed the auras of her guardians landing nearby. Their forms were much to large to land in such a cramped place like this, so she let it slide. But surely they were both watching her from a distance, making sure she was alright. Knowing this, made her feel comfortable and at ease, so with a smile, she stepped forward, closer to the others.
[I took my old post and edited out a bit. Sorry about that, i was hoping for a new post but i didnt want to keep people waiting >.<]

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Pinwheel Forest

Pinwheel Forest by RolePlayGateway

"Be safe and be wary."

Pinwheel Village

Pinwheel Village by Vix

"Respect Arceus."

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View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Miu Hess
Character Portrait: Oliver Hess
Character Portrait: Mavish Tenau
Character Portrait: Fabian Langley
Character Portrait: Rong Adranos
Character Portrait: Mizora S. Tsubasa
Character Portrait: Morganna
Character Portrait: Blue


Character Portrait: Blue

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them."

Character Portrait: Morganna

"Ugh...Why are you so stupid?"

Character Portrait: Mizora S. Tsubasa
Mizora S. Tsubasa

"Even after the rain, with just a little sunshine...a rainbow can appear." [Still adding detail and editing a bit]

Character Portrait: Rong Adranos
Rong Adranos

"For the sake of the world!, Hmm ... that doesn't sound very good, For the sake of my friends!... I guess that's better."

Character Portrait: Fabian Langley
Fabian Langley

A dragon tamer from Mahogany Town.

Character Portrait: Mavish Tenau
Mavish Tenau

"Don't call me Mavish"

Character Portrait: Oliver Hess
Oliver Hess


Character Portrait: Miu Hess
Miu Hess



Character Portrait: Oliver Hess
Oliver Hess


Character Portrait: Miu Hess
Miu Hess


Character Portrait: Blue

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them."

Character Portrait: Mizora S. Tsubasa
Mizora S. Tsubasa

"Even after the rain, with just a little sunshine...a rainbow can appear." [Still adding detail and editing a bit]

Character Portrait: Morganna

"Ugh...Why are you so stupid?"

Character Portrait: Fabian Langley
Fabian Langley

A dragon tamer from Mahogany Town.

Character Portrait: Mavish Tenau
Mavish Tenau

"Don't call me Mavish"

Character Portrait: Rong Adranos
Rong Adranos

"For the sake of the world!, Hmm ... that doesn't sound very good, For the sake of my friends!... I guess that's better."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Morganna

"Ugh...Why are you so stupid?"

Character Portrait: Fabian Langley
Fabian Langley

A dragon tamer from Mahogany Town.

Character Portrait: Rong Adranos
Rong Adranos

"For the sake of the world!, Hmm ... that doesn't sound very good, For the sake of my friends!... I guess that's better."

Character Portrait: Mizora S. Tsubasa
Mizora S. Tsubasa

"Even after the rain, with just a little sunshine...a rainbow can appear." [Still adding detail and editing a bit]

Character Portrait: Blue

"I am free, no matter what rules surround me. If I find them tolerable, I tolerate them; if I find them too obnoxious, I break them."

Character Portrait: Oliver Hess
Oliver Hess


Character Portrait: Miu Hess
Miu Hess


Character Portrait: Mavish Tenau
Mavish Tenau

"Don't call me Mavish"

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Pinwheel Forest

Pinwheel Forest by RolePlayGateway

"Be safe and be wary."

Pinwheel Village

Pinwheel Village by Vix

"Respect Arceus."

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