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Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?


A mysterious war is brewing and everyone's pointing fingers. Can a new guild find out the reason before the land is torn apart?

1,841 readers have visited Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom? since Child of the Winged created it.

Copyright: The creator of this roleplay has attributed some or all of its content to the following sources:


This is just a restart of my old roleplay Pokemon: Kingdoms Divided! If you're part of the old one, just resubmit your character!

Three grand kingdoms, the grassy Kusa, the fiery Hi and the fluid Mizu, have declared war on one another. Not even the three rulers know why this war that could destroy everyone is happening, but against all wishes, it is. Families torn apart by type differences, people on the streets, begging for what could be their last meals. No one is happy, not even the rulers.

But from the already fallen kingdom of Doku, rises an unlikely hero. A ruler in her own right, a guildmaster. She plans to revive her fallen clan and start anew, right in the center of her old kingdom. She wishes to stop this war but she will need help. I only have one question for you.

Who will you follow?

Welcome to the redux of Kingdoms Divided, now known as The Fourth Kingdom! Horrid title I know, but it's the best I can think of...

But enough about me. The main plot is self explanatory really. Three large kingdoms are in an all out war over something that only they know about, and our dear heroine, Alima is gonna try and stop them. But like all good plots, she's gonna need help, and a lot of it. But so are the kingdoms! So, who are you gonna side with?

The Grass Kingdom of Kasa, with its vast forests, large plains and hidden alcoves? The Fire kingdom of Hi with raging volcanoes, deep valleys and sky-scraping mountains? Of maybe, the Water kingdom of Mizu, with a large ocean, warm beaches and small islands is more you? Perhaps, you might be a rebel, a touch different than your brethren, the guild of Fumei, nestled in the sand dunes, deserts and oasis of former Doku, is more your place.

No matter where you end up, you'll still be a large part of this world. So take the reins and jump right in!

I would like to at least have one member from each kingdom. The only real type restriction I have is no fire or grass in Mizu, so on and so forth, without real reason. If you don't want to be a part of your kingdom, feel free to become a guild member. Every Pokemon is a gijinka/moemon/whateveryouwanttocallitmakesnodifferencetome but there are no humans, I'm not sure I made that clear... Also, all rulers, minus the Guild leader are legends.

The guild Fumei
Guildmaster Alima the Skarmory (CoTW)
Her second in Command, Astron the Flygon (ceh12)
Guild Members Whisp the Spiritomb(triblade), Leon the Riolu (Check Mate) and Yupo the Miltank (Pantsu)

The kingdom of Kusa
Queen Artemis and King Apollo (CoTW)
Her son, Amos the Tauros (Pantsu)

Royal Knights Open, Open and Open

The kingdom of Hi
King Jantrok the Heatran (ceh12)
His daughter, Suzaku the Arcanine (DreamerOnTheStars)
Royal Knights Lon'shin the Thyphlosion (Vexxy), Open and Open

The kingdom of Mizu

Queen Reserved for Dreamy
His twins, Taobi the Huntail and Fedui the Gorebyss (ceh12)

Royal Knights Open, Open and Open

Character Skeleton
Code: Select all
[b]Kingdom and Rank:[/b]

[b]Personality:[/b] Paragraph and a half

[b]History:[/b] About two paragraphs is fine here. Nothing too short, kay?

[b]Move Set:[/b] Up to 5 cause I feel like it!

1: Please be kind to me and everyone else. I can stand a bit of teasing but nothing too mean, kay?
2: Don't let OOC affect IC. Ever. I hate when that happens. You can collab with someone but run everything past me.
3: I'll only take a couple of shinies. Maybe 4 at the most...
4: Keep it nice and PG-13 please. Anything too adult can go the PM. I doubt we'll have that problem in this but better safe than sorry.
5:If you read these, good for you! Now use the words winged or child in your CS! Make sure to bold them so I can see them!

Toggle Rules

The GM of this roleplay hasn't created any rules! You can do whatever you like!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 6 authors


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Artemis and Apollo Character Portrait: Alima
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In the heart of the desert, nestled a beautiful oasis, lays a single small hut, made only of sandstone and rock. Big, burly men guard the only entrance, their eyes always alert. One catches something glinting in the rays of the sun, nudging his friend to attention. Soon, that glint becomes a figure, making the guard uneasy. Pointing their spears at the newcomer, they growled.

"Now, now, you two. Can't even let your Guildmaster through?" The two guards merely blushed in embarrassment as their fearless leader walked towards them. "Oh, stop it you two. You're just doing your jobs. I'll send others up to relieve you of your posts so you can rest." Alima patted each on the shoulder, grinning. The two men relaxed as she entered the hut, then tensed once more.

Inside the hut, there's only a small stairwell, leading deep underground. Alima quickly hopped down the steps and to the real entrance, a small hole with a single ladder. Without even looking, she stepped into the hole, where she landed in the main square of Doku castle. Her guild members ran about, some keeping shop as merchants, others running errands for the merchants. She entered, smiling at the hustle and bustle that was her mini kingdom. Many stopped to greet her or even thank her. She took it all into stride, her feet never stopping until she reached the large building that was the Guild's base.

Once inside, she was quickly bombarded with words, most from the orphans who she had taken in. She laughed and hugged them before leading them into the large office that overlooked the busy square. The children sat over behind the desk and played quietly while Alima sat, sighing, and began to read through the piles and piles of missions, reports and letters that she seemed to get. As she tiredly read through the reports, she found a startling one, one she'd hoped to never have to see. "War..."

"Can one of you come here?" She asked the children, who all eagerly ran over to help. "Haha, well, since you all want to help me, can one of you fetch Astron? I bet he's in the training hall. Hm... And can another find Yupo? I also need to speak with her...." Two of the children, a Sandshrew and a Whooper, nodded and ran out the door, the Whooper headed towards the training center while the little Sandshrew sprinted towards the markets.

While she waited for her second in command and her favorite merchant, she watched the children play, her finger tapping her leg worriedly. This does not bode well for her or her guild...

Artemis and Apollo
In the moss covered castle of Kusa, King Apollo bit his thumb and cursed. A mysterious female told him what the kingdom of Hi was planning and he was appalled that their Fire neighbors would even think such things. The hooded girl was now leaving the castle, her lips upturned in a twisted smile that none could see. Her job was done and her Papa would be so proud of her. She giggled as she slipped into the shadows, eager to report her last report to Papa.

Apollo on the other hand, stormed into his and his sister's room, where she sat, writing another letter to her son. Artemis squeaked as her brother entered and looked back at him.

"B-brother..?" She stood and walked over to her pacing brother, who was grumbling under his breath. "Brother, what happened? Who was that girl?" She questioned and he sighed.

"A messenger. She brought news of the Kingdom of Hi's plans..." He muttered, finally sitting on the bed. His sister sat beside him and held his trembling hands. She looked at him with confused eyes.

"Plans..? What plans...? What has happened..?"

"Not happened, going to happen. They want to burn our kingdom of peace. Contaminate the air we breath and slaughter our loved ones... Then, just to make it all worse, the king wants to hold you, my sweet sister as his new queen..." Apollo looked at his big sister, who held tears in her eyes.

"And this is true?" She asked, lifting a hand to wipe her eyes. Apollo only shrugged.

"She's the only source I had from Hi, so I would assume yes." He muttered, looking back down at the plush green carpet. "So, I'll take out the enemy before they strike us. I'll ride to war and... With your blessing, I'll have my nephew as my general. I know you coddle the boy but I think a bit of strategical training wouldn't hurt him, sister..." Artemis nodded.

"I... I understand. But if my baby boy is on the front lines, then I will be there as well. I haven't seen my son in years... My poor boy..." She smiled softly at her brother and gave him a kiss on the cheek before returning to her letter.

She knew that Apollo needed time to think, so she busied herself with finishing the letter to her son, even adding the part where she believed it was time for Amos to return home once more, if not for his mother then for tactical training. Artemis sighed as she handed the letter to one of the Ninjask messengers that she sends to follow and protect her son. The masked man nodded before flying off to where ever her son was now. She truly missed the boy.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisp
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Slowly Whisp's eyes open to the sight of the sun rising above the horizon. Yawning Whisp looks around and whispers below his breath a incoherent phrase. The wind bringing ominous tidings of war to his ear, the wind from the people not staring at him for
sleeping in the middle of the road that is. Getting up quickly he turns startling the onlookers and then spinning away he starts turning in circles not knowing which way to go. "Enough" a thought echoes through his mind with alarmingly commanding tone.

Back in control of himself Whisp mutters "Well I need to go back to camp to double check if this is true and if it is what we are going to do about it." Starting the half of day walk through the desert to the camp Whisp realizes one thing; he forgot to eat before he left the town. Every step a challenge he finally drags himself to the guild camp at noon and then with a sigh of relief and a grumbling stomach he collapses at the gate.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzaku Blaze Character Portrait: Jantrok Losogi Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko Character Portrait: Alima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

In the eastern wing of the Fumei guild there was a training session in the miniature battlefield that the guild called their training hall. Inside was a green and yellow boy whizzing back and forth to dodge the blasts of various ranged attack thrown but not hitting their target. The boy was the second in Command, once again betting his position if he would be shot and all of the applicants still failed even though Astron hadn't taken off. Truly he was cheating slightly with him having them not aim but he didn't care, a bet was a bet in his eyes and they failed after fifteen minutes.

As a child enter Astron signaled a cease fire with a nicely worded "STOP!!!". They all jumped back except for the wooper boy who rushed over to the Flygon, who was taking a quick breath but was unable for the boy grabbing his hand and tugging "Come on, Alimi needs you!" he said with a slight annoyance and Strong had no choice but to comply as he walked with the boy. He rolled his eyes as he was led through the guild and to the guildmaster's office by the hasty child who presented his catch with to the guildmaster proudly. "I found Astro!" he said happily and rocked back and forth.

Astron rolled his eyes "Well, more of which dragged." he said removing his hand and patting the kid on he head before bowing to Alima. "So, what's with the sudden call?" he said plonking down in a chair and crossing his legs as he fixes his bandanna and awaited a response from his guildmaster.


The kingdom of Hi, a large mountainous region surrounded by lava and other heated rock, making it the home of most fire types. It's king stood in his garden, admiring the burning metal flowers from the ground as he plucked one and smelled it happily. "Smoldering iron..." he muttered softly then started back towards his castle home.

The talk of war had been floating around lately and with rebels raiding small villages near the boarder he got angry at the stuck up water types. He decided he would have to attack them before they planned the invasion they had foreseen from the profits. He did not care for superstitions but he did need to address his princess to tell her what she would be doing, she needed to help fight not just for moral but that she was also an excellent warrior.

Jantrok got to her door and tapped on it gently. "Sazaku, are you in? I need to talk to you." he said with the slight bit of urgency in his voice but he didn't want to be too forceful so as to make her mad even before telling her of her duty.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yupo Character Portrait: Amos
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Pantsu

Doku markets hustled and bustled with activity; the mercantile center of the "kingdom" is hardly small at all. Although Doku is mini-kingdom, its busy markets still attracted diverse hoards of consumers, travelers, and peddlers from all parts of the land. Merchants could be heard pestering passerby's for their business, furiously bargaining for good prices, and advertising their wares. There isn't a moment of rest in Doku's economic hub. The people of Doku itself, many people would say, consists of a diverse group of nomads who don't belong in the other three major kingdoms.

In the middle of the market, among the flow of activity, hollered the voice of a merchant not quite as loud as the other members of trade. "AROMATIC MILK," the merchant cried above the marketplace chatter, "GET YOUR FRESH MILK HERE! Get it while it lasts!" A busty miltank by the name of Yupo stood, like all the other merchants, on the sidelines of the flow of traffic. She carried two wood-woven baskets upon her sturdy arms; each basket contained numerous bottles of milk. She never had to advertise for long before a customer wandered her way. In fact, her special milk had gained quite a following in Doku; customers both old and new flock to her station for her dairy. She is able to sell so much milk in a day that she is often put into a deficit of milk. Yupo produces aromatic milk, milk that is cultivated on special grasses and herbs. Where she got the milk from? That's a secret.

As Yupo finished serving her customers, she tugged at her black hood for shade. The sun is relentless today, she observed as she gazed into the cloudless sky. The miltank unconsciously placed a clump of grass in her mouth and lazily began chewing the greens into a mush. A flash of gold entered the periphery of her right eye and soon a familiar figure was seen weaving in and out of the crowd. The sandshrew seemed to be approaching her. The cow furrowed her eyebrows in concentration; where had she seen such a familiar face? Was he the son of one of her customers? No, no. She had an inkling that this sandshrew was important. Ah! It dawned on her. This sandshrew was one of Alima's orphans!

At this sudden visitation, Yupo was both confused and happy at the same time. Nevertheless Yupo approached the sandshrew with milk baskets still in her hand and a naive smile on her face. She asked stupidly, "does the guildmaster want milk?" Yupo blindly followed the boy back to Alima's station.


It was sunny in the small border town of Kusa. Perhaps a little bit too sunny. The young prince was growing restless, sitting on a dainty patch of grass, surrounded by a sea of dirt. Honestly, one would think there would be more grass in a town bordering the plains of Kusa. The finicky tauros, known as Amos, raised a hand to his forehead to allow himself some coverage from the merciless sun. He swore his horns were growing darker by the second.

It wasn't really the sun he was most agitated about. It was the fact he was bordering so close to this home kingdom, Kusa. It was a while since he had even been as close to his home as this. Nostalgia was already kicking in, and Amos didn't like that. He left that prison for a reason.
For the past several months, he had been catching glimpses of suspicious looking ninjasks. They were too... fancy to be random passerby's. He knew they were following him, and that they were messengers from the palace. But to what extent are they shadowing him? Perhaps those pesky bugs would force him to return home. Amos, horrified at the prospect and in spite of his delicate breeding, cursed beneath his breath. What horrified him even more was the fact that it would make sense for his mother and uncle to want him home now... now that relations between the kingdoms were worsening. It's not like he didn't love his mother, but...

Amos shook his head fiercely, dark brown locks of hair tumbling all across his face. He shouldn't be frightened; he hated his weaknesses. He was the prince of Kusa, for God's sake. The young bull stood from his patch of grass and turned to leave; before taking a second step, he stopped dead in his tracks at the sight of an approaching ninjask messenger. Amos spied the letter in his hand and his fears were confirmed. A low growl emitted from the back of his throat as his hands itched towards the back of his waist, where they found the hilts of his twin blades. He was really tired of these damn pests; his temper boiled.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yupo Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko Character Portrait: Alima Character Portrait: Amos
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0.00 INK

Alima, Astron and Yupo
Alima looked up as her two requested members entered. She tossed the large report at Astron. "You seen this yet?" She asked, petting the Whooper on his head. Her "children" have done well. "Just read that first page there..." She sighed as the children returned to their play.

"Four years we've worked. Four hard, long years." She held her head in her hands. "And not once did we hear of any fighting. No wars. But then suddenly, right as we're about to reveal our status to the kingdoms, this happens." She stood and paced, a frown marring her face. "I believe in fate but this... This is no coincidence." She walked over to Yupo and took one of the milk bottles, paying the girl properly.

"Thank you for coming quickly, Yupo. I know you're only a merchant and I have no right to ask this of you, but I need your help. With the war, many children will be left, abandoned. Just thinking about that makes me mad. So you and I will travel through the kingdoms, saving as many of these lost souls. We have the resources to help them." She pleaded, looking the Miltank in the eyes before facing Astron again.

"I'll be leaving so I'm leaving the guild in your hands. Everyone'll listen to you, just as they listen to me." She smiled at her second in command. "I trust you to protect what I have built up, my friend." She then opened the milk bottle and drank from it, feeling her body relax slightly. "Alright, the two of you are dismissed. And Astron, don't try to take on all this guild tasks. Ask some of our senior members like Whisp or Leon, okay?"

The Ninjask messenger approached the young prince, holding his hands up in defeat. "My prince. I come with a message from her highness." The Ninjask pulled out the letter from Artemis and held it out. "My prince, I will not force you to take this but I would suggest it. After all, she still is your mother." When the letter was removed from his care, he bowed and turned to leave.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yupo Character Portrait: Leon Mercy Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko Character Portrait: Alima
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Leon smirked and sent his fist flying towards the dummy. 'Close combat!' His eyes glowed with a red hue and a barrage of lightning fast attacks hit the fake opponent before smashing it into smithereens. There was a chorus of amazed gasps. "aha!" Leon cheered and turned quickly towards the other guild members [kids]. "And thats how you defeat your opponent young ones~" He bowed flamboyantly and enjoyed the clapping of the young-lings.

"heh~" He sniffed, watching the kids pull at his shirt, asking him and beaming. "Wow! Teach me that move!" Or "Can you do another one?"

He waved his hand off. "Not today." They whined. "Another time." Winking, he went off in long strides, but stopped slowly. His ears twitched.

"Did you hear the guild masters back!"

He blinks, 'she's back?' Turning his direction, he headed toward the office and within a couple of meters, he heard his name being said. 'Oh~ What is this?' Leon smiled interested, he turned near the door and listened in. "Alright, the two of you are dismissed. And Astron, don't try to take on all this guild tasks. Ask some of our senior members like Whisp or Leon, okay?"

"Hm?" He blinks. "Ask about what?"


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Suzaku Blaze Character Portrait: Jantrok Losogi Character Portrait: Aurora Character Portrait: Taobi and Fedui Havelock
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A giant flare of creme laid on the bed, and it laid there simply unmoving.. However as soon as the knock resounded through the large room, the flare turned to be a large amounts of fur and in its stead, was a female who kneeled in a ready fighting position. An enemie?! An intrude? She thought, her eyes narrow and ears alert.. Though she easily calmed as the strong voice of her father hit her ears.

"Sazaku, are you in? I need to talk to you." She softened, and sat on the bed normally, as if she was a normal girl.. Which she isn't since she was a princess of the great flaming hi and a strong one at that.. However, Suzaku did have her soft side, so when she heard the urgency in her father's voice, she blinked worried. Was this about the war?

Looking down at herself- to make sure she was decent, she allowed her father in. "Come in Father." She replied with an eased voice filled with trust. "What is it that you need..?" She paused for a moment, her eyes gleaming with worry. "Is it about the war?"

The usually light and beautiful waters of Mizu appeared dark and almost wild with waves. The sky above seemed troublesome as well. Was this the sign of war? Water pokemon below the surface looked around in worry but seemed to stop because of some strong force. What was it? The currents begin to grow fast and the pokemon made way for- A swift white shadow speared through the deep waters with some unnatural grace and power. "The queen." Some murmured, shocked by the urgency and slight anger that flared from her. This was unusual as well as the weather. Aurora was known to be calm and extremely docile, but of course her anger was something feared- it was rare, but with this war, the sea seems rough as it expressed her mood.

"Make way!" A kingdra guard proclaimed, and bowed with respect as the silver shadow slowed revealing the queen, Aurora. Her long white hair floated in the water, swirling around her face and body beautifully along with her flowy dress. Her eyes however were wary and did not match her appearance at all. It made the guard tense. "Call the guards and line the borders." She finally spoke, her voice strong. "Strange activity has been sighted, which is believed to be from both kingdoms.. " The guard nodded sternly, and asked for anything else..

The lugia nod. "Call my children, I need to speak to them."

"Of course." He replied, before swimming off, hopefully to find the twins. Slowly, she turned away and made her way towards her throne and in a blink, she sat tiredly, her eyes loosing its strong gleam, replacing it with a weak one. Aurora has been making daily patrols around far boarders, making sure kingdoms havent marked their way.. Why she did it herself?

The queen didnt want any casualities for now, and she didnt want to be left useless despite the fact that she was queen. But that was one reason why she had to talk to her children. In the middle of war, it was dangerous and many would target anything to hurt their main target.. To her, the kingdom is important, but her children.. She sighed.

She loved them dearly.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yupo Character Portrait: Whisp Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko Character Portrait: Alima
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0.00 INK

#, as written by ceh12

Astron leaned on the wall as he snatched the report midair and read it quickly. It was not surprising to him seeing how three different completely opposite. It was also to his understands a dark power had been wafting around the areas making bad omens appear everywhere, this all coming from the crazy unknown child who refused to play with the other orphans. He believed her just for the reason of her being right about a lot of things but then again she was a child... and most likely psychotic.

"I'll be leaving so I'm leaving the guild in your hands. Everyone'll listen to you, just as they listen to me. I trust you to protect what I have built up, my friend." Astron sighed and nodded. He didn't mind being in charge but he hated always staying back whole Alima taking a high ranking member with her but not as high as him. It was just one of those things that got under his skin but he had no idea how else he could respond other than yes.

"Alright, the two of you are dismissed. And Astron, don't try to take on all this guild tasks. Ask some of our senior members like Whisp or Leon, okay?" "Hm? Ask about what?" Astron turned to leave and smirked, throwing his arm around the ghost type and laughed. "We're gonna have some fun my schizophrenic spirit" he said guiding him out in a gleeful manner. He wanted to relax at the moment and it would involve using Whisp as a scapegoat. "Later Alima, you too Skim Milk"

He then simply moved away from him and nodded. "Alright sorry to take you away but I may need your help late but for now I'll be in my roost." He said moving his goggles on and taking off to the highest point of the castle, an inaccessible tower only allowing flying types or pokemon with wings to fly in.

(Culd only get in one Ill get the others tomorrow)


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Whisp Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko
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0.00 INK


Waking up outside the camp whisp has just enough time to grab a small bite to eat before being dragged to the tail end of a meeting. An arm bein put on his shoulder whisp looks into the eyes of Astron who tells him "We're gonna have some fun my schizophrenic spirit" Not qute sure about the tone in his voice when he said that Whisp follows walks with Astron to bottom his roost before Astron tells him "Alright sorry to take you away but I may need your help late but for now I'll be in my roost."

Sighing Whisp decides he needs to eat a bit more then maybe he should try to find some more information if he can.

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View All » Add Character » 12 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Alima
Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko
Character Portrait: Taobi and Fedui Havelock
Character Portrait: Lon'shin
Character Portrait: Amos
Character Portrait: Artemis and Apollo
Character Portrait: Jantrok Losogi
Character Portrait: Suzaku Blaze
Character Portrait: Leon Mercy
Character Portrait: Whisp
Character Portrait: Yupo
Character Portrait: Aurora


Character Portrait: Aurora

"The power of One.. I'm the sea guardian." [Little messy]

Character Portrait: Yupo

"Would you like some milk?"

Character Portrait: Whisp

"It will be done one way or another by one or another."

Character Portrait: Leon Mercy
Leon Mercy

"You wanna go!"

Character Portrait: Suzaku Blaze
Suzaku Blaze

"My fire will burn on forever!"

Character Portrait: Jantrok Losogi
Jantrok Losogi

"I shall keep my child safe"

Character Portrait: Artemis and Apollo
Artemis and Apollo

"Sister, this is what's right." "If you say so, brother..."

Character Portrait: Amos

"Feh, as if you could tame me."

Character Portrait: Lon'shin

"Honor and ease are seldom bedfellows."

Character Portrait: Taobi and Fedui Havelock
Taobi and Fedui Havelock

"I'm going to rule." "If you want too."


Character Portrait: Taobi and Fedui Havelock
Taobi and Fedui Havelock

"I'm going to rule." "If you want too."

Character Portrait: Jantrok Losogi
Jantrok Losogi

"I shall keep my child safe"

Character Portrait: Yupo

"Would you like some milk?"

Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko
Astron Der Jenko

"Spirit of the desert, yeah that's me."

Character Portrait: Whisp

"It will be done one way or another by one or another."

Character Portrait: Lon'shin

"Honor and ease are seldom bedfellows."

Character Portrait: Alima

"Look, this isn't natural, so we have to find the reason for it!"

Character Portrait: Aurora

"The power of One.. I'm the sea guardian." [Little messy]

Character Portrait: Amos

"Feh, as if you could tame me."

Character Portrait: Artemis and Apollo
Artemis and Apollo

"Sister, this is what's right." "If you say so, brother..."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alima

"Look, this isn't natural, so we have to find the reason for it!"

Character Portrait: Astron Der Jenko
Astron Der Jenko

"Spirit of the desert, yeah that's me."

Character Portrait: Taobi and Fedui Havelock
Taobi and Fedui Havelock

"I'm going to rule." "If you want too."

Character Portrait: Whisp

"It will be done one way or another by one or another."

Character Portrait: Amos

"Feh, as if you could tame me."

Character Portrait: Aurora

"The power of One.. I'm the sea guardian." [Little messy]

Character Portrait: Lon'shin

"Honor and ease are seldom bedfellows."

Character Portrait: Jantrok Losogi
Jantrok Losogi

"I shall keep my child safe"

Character Portrait: Yupo

"Would you like some milk?"

Character Portrait: Artemis and Apollo
Artemis and Apollo

"Sister, this is what's right." "If you say so, brother..."

Fullscreen Chat » Create Topic » Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?: Out of Character


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Most recent OOC posts in Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Ecch! Crap, I'm sooo sorry guys! A lot of drama came up and I wasn't able to get on! Anyone still here?

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?


This is John Cena... I have no idea where I currently am or why Im on that part of the internet... damn bionics.... oh well I'm gonna type before I lose all of my instanity

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Sorry ill post ASAP, probably by tmmr
Also i stil need to reply to your pm tsubasa

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Blah! Too many distractions! But I will have my second post up by tonight! Maybe.

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

I started an hour after you posted and I just started getting off topic for a bit then posted and went to sleep.

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

The ultimate struggle.

And you people are up at strange hours for me. I can't handle.

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

I thought I was gonna get second post... but when I finally finished writing, there were two more posts ahead of mine. The struggle to write faster.

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Im mostly done with mine but tiredness and me being a master-crastinater and all...

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?


>my face when tri doesn't have a picture

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Welp I don't got a fancy picture but I got my first post....

(I want fancy picture.)

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?


>still a better love story than twilight

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?


We have everyone, can we start?!?!?!

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

So excited. This was my favorite roleplay for the longest time and I hope this redo will be just as amazing!

And Dreamy totally read my mind about the Queen... I wanted her to be a Lugia...

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Wonderful, hopefully we can start soon!

Re: Pokemon: The Fourth Kingdom?

Dreamer, you can take her.. I already have 2 characters.

Thank youuuuuu. > <