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Pokemon - War of the Shadows

Orre Region


a part of Pokemon - War of the Shadows, by organizedchaos.

Modern-day Orre Region.

organizedchaos holds sovereignty over Orre Region, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

612 readers have been here.


This is Orre Region in the modern day.
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Orre Region

Modern-day Orre Region.


Orre Region is a part of Pokemon - War of the Shadows.

10 Characters Here

Lina Cross [0] A young, but experienced pokemon trainer.
Demetri Mason [0] Cold, calculating and rich.
Mikhail Swift [0] Former Team Cipher member, now one of Celebi's chosen.
Yong Floyd [0] A Cipher with a fiery passion.
Reeka Alison [0] A 15 year old Girl Who will do anything for a good time.
Oceane Air [0] Villainess with a legendary friend
Kata Ari [0]
Ven Marcus [0] Mastermind of Illusion
Valencia Willow [0] Daughter of a noted pokemon researcher.
Rance Blackthorn [0] Dragon Trainer, and ancestor of Lance.

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It felt as though he were floating, suspended in the air for a time undeterminable. He could not see, and he wondered if some horrible accident had befallen him. Had he died somehow? Was this what it was like to lose your life? No. He remembered, somewhat, what had happened.

Celebi had revealed itself to him; of that he was certain. He had journeyed across the entire Orre Region to capture it; of that he was also sure. But what had happened when he found it? He remembered other people, people he had never met before, all discussing seeing the Celebi. He had approached them, began talking, then blackness. Nothing. Absolute disorientation.

And then, he was lying on the ground. Or, at least, it felt like the ground; there was certainly some substance beneath him. He decided there was no point in trying to discern his whereabouts with his eyes closed. He opened them.

He was in a forest. A forest? He certainly didn’t remember being in a forest before. In fact, he remembered being outside a large factory of sorts. Then what?

Looking around, he noticed he wasn’t alone. There were the four other Trainers all lying in a circle around him. Demetri Mason was trapped in a forest with which he was unfamiliar with four other people that he didn’t even know. Quietly, while the others were still unconscious, he began going over the details, trying to make sense of what was going on.


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A voice. Someone had spoken, and it appeared the question was aimed in his direction. Glancing to his right, he noticed that a girl was sitting up and staring at him. Why was she staring at him? Had she been the one who had spoken? Taking a quick peek at the rest of the bunch, he noticed that they were all still out cold. Sighing and scrubbing his hand through his hair, Demetri spoke.

“I’m not quite sure what happened. I remember a large building, a factory of sorts, and seeing you and the rest of these people and a Celebi, but from there, nothing.” He told her. It was all true, of course, but that wasn’t the entire story.

Demetri remembered the void and the feeling of floating. Had she experienced anything along those lines? The question still remained as to what had caused the transformation from urban city to forest and shrubbery. Closing his eyes, Demetri began massaging his temples in an effort to clear his thoughts and rid him of the massive headache he felt.

As he rubbed, he decided to review the facts. What did he know about Celebi’s? He knew they were legendary, often heard of though rarely experienced. He knew that they were supposedly masters of time and space, and could reportedly transport themselves anywhere and anywhen. Had this occurred? Had Celebi transported this group of youngsters through time and space? If so, then why? Demetri decided to voice his concern.

“Are you familiar with Celebi lore?” He asked the girl, opening his eyes and staring at her expectantly.


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#, as written by lilozzy
The one time she let's Shinx walk beside her with Luxray and the little devil runs off, Kata had chased down the little Pokemon finally catching up to it in some parking lot. The Shinx was excited, and Kata soon saw why, a Celebi hovered over the lot. She saw a few others standing around too, then something happened and she saw darkness.

The first thing she heard upon coming two was the sound of people talking, she opened her eyes to see the green canopy of trees, she slowly pushed herself up and looked around. Three other people were standing a few feet away from her talking, another lay on the ground not to far from where she was. Everything seemed to be ok, no immediate threat. Her Luxray sat on the ground beside her, Kata gently rubbed his head. Standing up she brushed the pine needles off her clothes and walked to where the others stood, the Luxray following at her heels.

"What just happened?" she asked rubbing the back of her neck, "I saw a Celebi and now I'm here.." she glanced around at the forest again, it defiantly wasn't a parking lot, nothing looked familiar. She knew the Legendary Pokemon had something to do with this, that and the over curious Shinx who likes to run off.


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Ven landed on the ground with a soft "thud!". The ground was covered in thick foliage and detretus from the plants around him, making his landing very gentle, although a little disoreinting. Ven may be the Master of Illusion, but time travel was one thing he would never be able to get the hang of.
He had been sent back in time with one purpose only. He recalled his last conversation before the jump:

Ven stood in a dark room, in a room of a three story warehouse. He had been summoned there to receive his new mission. A screen in front of him flickered to life, and the dark shdow that was Team Cipher's leader appeared. Ven bowed his head slightly in recognition. "Sir, an honur to see you again."
"Enough frivolity, Ven. I have an important mission for you. It seems one of the Celebi we had intended for our project has escaped and has formed a team of trainers to try and stop us."
Ven was taken a back by this. "But, surely you don't mean it's sent them back in time?"
"I'm afraid so," said the shadow. "The five of them have already landed in the past. I'm sending you back in time early, to proceed with our mission. If you should encounter one of these young ones, deal with them immediatly."
Ven bowed again. "You can count on me, sir."
"Oh, and one more thing, Ven. I have sent back others to help you. Be sure to help them as well." And with that, the screen flickered into lifelessness again.

A few short hours later, he had been whisked back through time. Ven glanced around now, looking at the forest he had landed in, unsure where to start. He reached in side his coat and pulled out a Pokeball. He opened it, the bright flash of light welcoming his longest and most trusted companion. The small symbol Pokemon, Unown, greeted him with it's sing-song like cry. This creature, an Unown of the "U" variety, was his first catch. He had since caught one of every variety of the mystrious creatures, but this one stayed by his side always. "Wel, old chum, shall we begin?" The Symbol cried again as they moved into the trees.


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#, as written by lilozzy
"Why are we here then?" Kara asked looking around, "And where did the Celebi run off too?" her Luxray nudged her leg then nervously glanced around, she petted his head, knowing he was uneasy about something, who wouldn't be, they ha just been thrown back in time. The Pokemon kept nudging her leg, his growls more persistent now, "What is it boy?" she asked looming down, Luxray nodded towards the trees around where the group stood.

Kata then realized what ment, "Anyone see a Shinx running around?" she asked, her face worried. The baby Pokemon was still learning basic moves, and couldn't even fight really well. She quickly turned around, nor seeing the little guy she bit her lip, "Look I know we are trying to figure out why we are here, but I need to find Shinx, he could get hurt out here,"


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Ven no sooner entered the trees when something was already making it's way toward him. He stopped in his tracks and looked up at his companion. "Unown, be ready for anything!" The Symbol let out a doft cry, floating next to his master's shoulder. Ven turned and looked at the bush to his left, where the movement had been. He inched forward, not sure what to expect. Ven was about to call out to his Unown to attack when the being made itself known.
A young Pokemon, a Shinx to be exact, emerged from the bush. It was small for Shinx, but then again, it could be a new-born. Ven smiled. This young one must of just hatched. That means it's owner must be near by. Quite possibly those trainers the Celebi brought back.
Leaning down, he offered his hand out for the small Pokemon. "Easy fella. I'm not going to hurt you." He petted the Shinx, feeling the electric energy flowing through it's body. He gentley lifted the Pokemon into his arms, petting it to calm it down. "What say we find your trainer? Get you home, okay?" He set off at a brisk pace, turning back to his floating companion. "Unown, keep your eye out for anything. Warn me if you detect anu one near by, alright?" Unown gave another of it's trilling sound as the made their way through the underbrush once again.


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#, as written by lilozzy
Legendary Pokemon had always been just that to Kata. Legendary. Parts of old stories her grandmother use to tell her, yea she had seen one or two before but she had thought they were flickers of light or something. Nothing like the Celebi, who interacted with her and the others.When the guy with the Lucario told her where Shinx had gone off to the nodded, and turned in the direction, ready to go find it. But then a thought popped in her head, what if she got lost? Kata had been lost in the woods before, she knew what to do, but not knowing the area or where any towns where if there were any towns. She bit her lip and turned back to the group, "We shouldn't separate.." she said aloud. Luxray suddenly turned to face a section a brush, a loud rustling could be heard, someone was obvious coming thru. The fur on the Pokemon's back stood straight up and small sparks could be dancing from tip to tip, "Is it Shinx?" she asked the Pokemon, he kept looking towards where the rustling was coming from, Luxray wouldn't be acting that way if it was, so she guess it was someone or something else.


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Ven walked a few yards before he heard the distinct sound of voices, just beyond a clump of bushes. The Shinx in his arms started to get restless, as did his Unown, who alerted him with a soft chirp. "I can hear them. I know." He began to walk towards the the voices when a voice broke through the brushes, loud enough for him to catch.

"Be careful by the way. I doubt we're the only ones who got transported here."

Ven stopped for a second, this comment taking him aback. Dang. It seems I have been detected, and they already suspect me. No other choice. He threw on his best smile and breached the bushes, gazing around at those who were there. Five trainers, an even balance of boys and girls, all appearing to be younger than himself. There were also three Pokemon in attendance: a Lucario, a Dratini, who seemed attached to his master, and a Luxray, who seemed very on edge at his presence.
Ven looked around, then smiled at them all. "I'm sorry, didn't know I was interrupting something. I found this little guy a ways out there and thought he might belong to someone." He let the Shinx down onto the ground before continuing. "When Unown," At this, his little partner appeared at his shoulder "Heard your voices, we figured we'd try here first. Seems my hunch was right." He looked around at them all. "The name is Ven, by the way."


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#, as written by lilozzy
As soon as Ven put Shinx on the ground the little guy ran over to Kata, he rubbed against her leg before going to standing beside Luxray. The larger Pokemon was watching Ven with a careful eye, Shinx stood behind Kata, he seemed to sense the tension in the air and it made him nervous. When the guy who had the Lucario mention Team Cipher she glanced to her Shinx then back to the man who had returned him. Cipher is where she had rescued the egg that he came from, she knew they stole Pokemon for their own use, so why did this one return Shinx?

"Thinks for finding him, he has a habit of being curious," she nodded to Ven.


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Ven took the hand he was offered. "A pleasure, I'm sure." One of the other's, one of the boys stepped forward, commenting on his choice of partner. Ven smiled and glanced up at the Unown. "Yes, that is normally true. but this little fellow was my first capture." The Symbol floated down near him and Ven placed a reassuring hand on him. "I'm not sure what it is about these curious little creatures, but something just draws me to them."
The Shinx he had returned had seemed to have found it's way back to it's owner. The Luxray still seemed to be eyeing him. Ah. The protective partner. Ven turned and smiled to his owner. "It was no problem. Can't have someone so small wandering off. Never know what could happen out there. Someone might try to take the fellow." He pulled back his coat and fingered the Pokeballs on his belt. "Not sure what I'd do if someone try to take one of my babies. Especially my Unown." The Pokemon chirpped in reply.
Another boy approached, and his comment caught him off guard. Uh, oh! This one seems a little to well informed. est play the innocent act. Ven raised a questioning brow. "Cipher? What's a Cipher? That some brand of cereal? Or a new Pokemon? Sounds powerful." Ven eyed the boy. Now that he was a little closer, the boy did seem familiar to Ven, but he wasn't sure how. he raised his hands, showing a sign of resign. "I assure you, I mean you no harm."


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"Ah, this is leading nowhere..."
The voices did not seem to be closer than when they had started walking. Dragonite curiously looked at Rance. Its eyes were asking "what do you want to do then?"
"Dragonite, fly up and search for people. If you can't see anyone, fire your Hyper Beam or Flamethrower upwards, and watch out not to destroy stuff. I really don't know what consequences it can have in the future, but we need to find people as soon as possible, and get information on the Ciphers."
Dragonite nodded and flew upwards, floating in the air for some minutes. "Draaaa", it shouted down. Then it lift its head to the sky, and fired a Flamethrower.
*Hmm, that should do. If anyone is here, they will see it*, thought Rance as the blazing flames were shining on his face.


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it was barely a minute after Dragonite had fired the "signal". He hadn't expected for seomeone to appear so fast.
The girl that came didn't notice him at first, only Dragonite, but he waited until she saw him. "Oh... um, sorry. I didn't see you. Are you, by chance, not sure how you got here?"
He waited a second before replying. He was pretty sure that this girl was in the same situation as he was now. "I... think so, yeah. I'm not sure but if I remember well, it was a Celebi. Do you know where we..."
"Draaaa", Dragonite interrupted him. Rance sighed and said "Ah, excuse me a second please" to the girl. Then he asked "What is it, Dragonite?"
"Drag." It landed, picked up a branch from the ground and broke it with its paws.
"You heard a branch break? Can't you go and see that on your own then, please? I want to see if there are more people around."
Dragonite nodded and flew off, while Rance turned back to the girl.
"Sorry. Dragonite can't wait to tell people things like this..."


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Yong was hiding in the trees out on scout duty as Team Cipher's leader had told him to. Yong then saw two kids walk by under from where he was and decided to spy on them to find out why they were out this far in the forest.

Yong then heard one of the kids say that he was "Mikhail". "I know that name from somewhere", Yong whispered under his breath. Yong searched his memory for the name that he recognized.

"Oh yeah! Now I remember! He was the one who left Team Cipher after they caught the Celebi and altered it into Shadow Celebi, but how did he get in the past?

That didn't matter to Yong right now for he was infuriated that someone could leave Team Cipher in their greatest moment. Yong motioned over his Infernape who was in another tree. Infernape then bounced across trees to Yong.

"Ok Infernape use Fire Blast on those two down there!", Yong ordered Infernape. "Infenape!", was Infernape response as it shot a mouthful of flames at the two innocents.


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#, as written by Zeique
Geldin decided to walk around, aimlessly for the most part. Soon he came across two trainers that seemed to be battling, but there was tension about the area. Geldin could easily notice this could be bad, and he had to act quickly lest he wanted to wind up in the mess somehow worse than if he did nothing. Taking off a Pokeball and a Luxury ball from his belt, expanded them and gave them a toss. "Shibirudon use Thunder in front of Gyrados, Shanduraa use Flamethrower in front of Infernape! Slow this for a second my Pokemon!" Geldin followed his Pokemon out from the bushes immediately after, this way two foreign Pokemon wouldn't confuse them too much hopefully. "The way this seems I figured this isn't a battle for fun you two, what is going on here?"
(Shibirudon and Shanduraa are linked to a site with info on them. To know their abilities and all of my Pokemon Click Here)


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#, as written by Zeique
"I am Geldin Meishi at your service," Geldin gave a slight bow but kept his eyes on everyone in the area. "And I figured this wasn't some random battle between two well mannered trainers." Geldin looked the trainers over, making sure he analyzed everything he could about them before acting upon anything. Not giving a second for anyone to speak after Mikhail had done so Geldin retaliated. "I follow my own command, not those Cipher, and never forget that." Though it was clear Mikhail had hit a nerve with his statement Geldin kept his voice at a reasonable tone and volume. "As for this battle I'll strike down attacks aimed for anything besides another Pokemon." He sent a quick look to each trainer, slightly pausing on Yong for only a moment longer than the rest. "Does everyone understand that completely? And before you respond allow me to inform you I do have more Pokemon." Geldin put extra emphasis on the 'I do have more Pokemon' and clearly meant it. He grabbed the rest of his small Pokeballs, two per hand, and got ready to send them out if there became a need for it. Clearly Geldin didn't want to take a single chance on anything harming anyone, his eyes even said that Geldin would stop the attack.


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Yong smiled at his new accomplice knowing this was going to be all the more easier. Yong was cut off from his train of thought when Infernape jumped back because a Flamethrower almost hit him. Yong did not like seeing the guy with fairly new Pokemon,"Hey, kid! What do you think your doing! You have no matters in this business what's so ever!"

Yong was hitting his raging point as his fiery eyes burned with incredible passion and and newly found anger. "Ok I'm going to give you guys to the count of three to give me some answers! And by answers I mean why you are all here and who are you!", Yong shouted with rage at the crowd of people. "When I get to three, folks, I'm going to order Infernape to burn this whole forest down and Oceane and I here will be the only ones getting out alive......1........2........"


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#, as written by Zeique
As Yong speaks Geldin looks to him and laughs, "Why burn it down? Think it through before acting stupid. How do you know one of us doesn't have a way to stop you before you can get too far?" Geldin holds up a Quick ball and a red and black ball, he then expanded both of them to get ready. If this was a bluff Geldin only gave a body language saying it was possible. Any bluff someone could find in him could only be taken as a fifty-fifty, though Geldin knew this wasn't a bluff.


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"Wow... it seems we have attracted a crowd, huh?", Yong said turning to Oceane. Yong knew that he could not bring five trainers down at once and especially one that was trained for Team Cipher! Yong considered his options and found it best to report to the boss about this forest incident.

"Come on, Oceane,", Yong said as he threw out his Pokeball and a Charizard emerged from the blinding blue-white light. "We have to get going our shift is over", Yong said as he climbed on Charizard's back patting the spot where Oceane is to sit while also returning Infernape. "We have to be going now", Yong teased as his Charizard was ready to take to the sky as soon as Oceane got on.


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#, as written by Zeique
Geldin recalls Shibirudon and Shanduraa, then he puts away all but the red and black ball. "Well come on out Gochiruzeru, we could head out on our own once they leave." From the ball comes what must be a Gochiruzeru and it looks around for a second. The Pokemon hugs Geldin sounding excited, "Gochi gochiru," it seems kind of like the Pokemon has a crush on Geldin. "How are you Gochiruzeru?" asked Geldin as he put his hand on the top of the Pokemon's head. Happily the Gochiruzeru said, "Gochiru go gochi," and as if he understood Geldin nodded and smiled giving the Pokemon a light hug.


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#, as written by Zeique
Once Geldin got a good distance away he had Gochiruzeru land and rest for a bit. After a while Geldin decided to do some mental training with his prized Pokemon. "Come on everyone be a guard for now," He yelled out as he tossed up the five Pokemon on his belt. The five Pokemon along with the Gochiruzeru took a spot around him leaving room for one other. All five newcomers; Jaroda, Shibirudon, Warubiaru, Shanderaa, and Kojondo let out a small cry as they came out. After they were in position Geldin took the Dark Ball from his necklace, expanded it and toss it up. "Come on out my old friend, Zoroark!" Geldin hollered as a Pokemon alomst as tall as him came out. "Zoro!" howled the fierce Pokemon and it came out. The Zoroark looked to Geldin and seemed to smile in delight from seeing his trainer. "Ready for some mental training today Zoroark?" geldin asked as he looked to his Pokemon with nostalgic memories. "Zoro zoro," the Pokemon replied with a slight nod of the head. "And you remember what to do if another trainer comes up right?" Geldin asked and the Zoroark nodded quickly. The two of them then sat down and began to meditate. The place they chose was also along the path to the closest place to rest up to the group he had left. If the group had enough information they would pass by Geldin, if they would notice him was a different story. Although with a ten foot snake, seven foot electric eel, a large red alligator, something that looked like a fancy decoration, a person of royal status wear Gothic clothes, something similar to a ferret, and giant fox it would be difficult to not notice. Geldin's Pokemon all knew what to do if anything happened and they would react instantly. Just as extra caution Gochiruzeru decided to redirect any form of detecting them without seeing them directly to the small town nearby.


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#, as written by Zeique
Shortly before anyone got to Geldin he returned all his Pokemon to their respective Pokeballs. Right after he did that a small Pichu leaped out of the bushes and ran by. The Pokemon was scared and for good reason: a group of mean and angry looking Toxicroak were following it."Hey Pichu get behind me!" at this time the Pichu saw little other option so it quickly scurried behind Geldin. Geldin expanded a Darkball and at this time the non-Cipher's could see the Pichu clearly scared of the infurriated Toxicroaks and Geldin ready to defend the Pichu. "After this Pichu be more careful okay?" Geldin requested and glared at the Toxicroaks. "You bunch should leave this Pichu alone, especially since there are way more of you than there is of this fella! I won't warn you again so please leave and forget about this." It was clear Geldin wished not to have to attack the Toxicroaks but would if he had to. Surely enough as if they payed no attention, and the Toxicroaks came after Geldin and the Pichu. Geldin sent out his Warubiaru and commanded it to use Sand Tomb to create a wall to stop them from getting closer. One of the Toxicroak used Poison Sting just before the wall could stop it and got Pichu. With the strength of the two Pokemon so great the Pichu got badly injured and poisoned. The second Geldin saw this he commanded Warubiaru to use Mud Slap and scare off the Toxicroaks, lucky for Geldin the Toxicroaks knew they wouldn't win and wisely fled. Not giving a second to spare Geldin returned his Warubiaru and picked up the Pichu. "Don't worry Pichu I'll get you some help as fast as I can." with that Geldin turned to rush off to the Pokemon Center so the nurse could hopefully help it.