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Project Hybrid



a part of Project Hybrid, by stormwolf321.


stormwolf321 holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Project Hybrid.

15 Characters Here

Lovi Mfalme [51] "Hi there mate."
Spot Willow. [47] "Hush."
Marne Levasseur [46] I only wanted one bite...
Farai Cerberus [46] "I'm your deadliessst nightmare..."
Bleu Rielington [44] "I win."
Nikki Dimmidiatus [35] "Huh...?"
Dax Ravenson [33] "What's wrong with you, friend? / So tough and resilient... / Oh wait. I killed you."
Kira Mori [32] "Don't try to escape, it's only going to make me more excited!"
Seth Frost [20] "Trust me. Have I ever lied before?"
Rhys Warren [12] "What can I say, I'm a prick... No pun intended."

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Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington
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Opening her eyes, Bleu stood up. She was dry now, and clean, but still craved the feeling of the cold liquid on her body. Tempted to dive into the pond, she made her way to the water's edge. Small ripples shook the water. She dipped her foot in the pond, shivers traveling up her body. The water was very cold, but incredibly refreshing. Shaking her head, she stepped out of the water. Now was not the time for relaxing.

They all had to get moving soon, or Econ would be on their tails. Bleu looked around at the pathetic group of hybrids around. All of them were injured and probably not mentally stable. At least, the ones present weren't. She noticed that they were short a hybrid or so, but didn't worry. They probably went out as a group hunting.

Thinking of hunting made her stomach growl. She didn't realize how hungry she was. The last time she had gone hunting had been on a mission, and it hadn't been for food. When she was younger, she had been let out frequently into the grounds that surrounded the government facility she was housed in, but that privilege was quickly taken away when she had tried several times unsuccessfully to escape. She brushed her hunger pains, aside, though. She didn't have time to be hungry.

As she sat back on her rock tying her shoes laces, she heard growls. Her eyebrows knit in confusion as she scanned the area. Finally, her gaze landed on Lovi, as he gripped Spot's arm. Bleu shuddered as he yelled into her face. He snarled angrily, making Bleu shake. She'd never seen him so angry. Lovi then gripped Spot at her jaw. He leaned close the hybrid, and Bleu didn't hear what he had to say.

The tiger watched as the lion took a seat on the bank of the pond. He seemed to have calmed down. Surviving was stressful enough without the added bonuses of watching over more lives and keeping them breathing.

Bleu smiled deviously to herself, then. She had an idea. Slowly, she pulled off her shoes again. The noise they made while walking would give her away. Slowly, she made her way over the sun-warmed stones. Each step was taken with caution. Quietly, she stalked behind Lovi. She had to stop to calm herself several times when she had the urge to giggle. When she was directly behind the lion, she placed her hands on his back, and pushed him with all her might, sending him sprawling into the water, with her laughing ferociously as he fell.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur
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Lovi watched as Marne disappeared into the forest. He glanced around with wide, and frustrated eyes. "Are you kidding me?" He asked himself, shaking his head. He rubbed his face and sighed. "No, no, Marne, Follow the fox. SAPH's on our tail and you're going to follow someone we don't even know," He clenched his jaw. He knew she couldn't hear him, but the sarcasm let him relieve some anger. He wasn't planning on waiting for her. That long. He sat down on the bank and put his hands in his face. After a minute or two, he decided they needed to leave. Farai was disappearing into the forest, but Marne and the other one hadn't returned. Just as he was going to stand up, he felt two hands on his back. Before he could react he was being forced into the water. He thrashed around a bit before breaking the surface of the water. He saw Bleu laughing at him and realized she was the culprit. Was this girl for real? He shook his head at her and shivered. The water was pretty cold, but he had to admit it was refreshing.

He made his way to the bank and crawl out, shaking off and sending water everywhere. He glared at Bleu and bared his teeth at her. At this point he didn't care if she knew he was mad. He was just ready to go. Just as he was walking past her, he had the sudden urge to get revenge. He shot another look at her, just before he would leave her eye sight, then turned and tackled her into the water. It was just as cold as it was the first time, but it was much more satisfying to see that she was soaked as well. He popped up out of the water and laughed, a bit devilishly. He hopped out of the water and shook off again, not bothering to help Bleu out. He looked at her with a smirk on his face that was very much a mix of superiority, and admiration. Either she had guts to push him in, or she was oblivious to the fact that he was pissed. He wasn't entirely mad anymore. Just annoyed. "Come on guys. We can't wait around anymore. They'll catch up." He shot a look towards Spot and his lip twitched. He took off at a jog and entered the forest where Farai had. He caught up just in time to see Farai catch his balance. "You alright?" he asked half heartedly, as he stood up on his hind two legs. He stretched out and took a peek at his back. It was pretty much healed already. His hair and jeans were still soaked, but his chest was dry. He might need to find a jacket or shirt soon. Tearing his t shirt wasn't the greatest idea he'd had, but it still made his back feel better.


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amur woke to seeing only darkenss at first until her nightvision kicked reveal a giant cavern no windows nor doors.she tried to move but something held her back.and try as she might she coulnt quite get a look at her constraints. she was kneeling,her arms outstrechted being held by invisible chains that dissapeard in the darkness that not even her nifhtvosion could pierce.her tail swished behind her until she realized she couldnt really move that either.she snorted laughing atthe thought that they would go so far as to chain her tonsuch a degree they would even cchain her tail.she looked around once more but didnt see anything in her line of sight.she looked up and if she looked hard enough she could see something that looked a lot like a cat walk. "well doent look like ill be getting oit of her anytime soon now does it" she muttered to herself.thats when a sharp timgling went through her body sending it rigid. "HELL THAT FRIKIN HURT GOD DAMMIT" she yowled only to get shocked again this time with more power and pain.she saw colors that should not be there and nearly suscumed to the waiting darkeness. 'no i will mot give in,they can shock me all they want but i will not give in.' "IF YOU WANT TO KILLL ME DO IT YOURSELF YOU UGLY BASTARDS". of course her use of languae and defiance only proved tonthem that she needed to be punished. they shocked her again this time with even more power than before and enough to send her into uncounciosness.but she atood her ground panting hard.sparks rippled over heer body and she shook hard and her body kept goong into seizer mode. until finally she could no longer resist it anymore.looking up Amur howled at nothing with such ferocity and bloodlust the scienest who were 3stories above her could feel her killing intent sending shivers down their spines.until finally she went silent signaling she was finally uncouncious.the scientist left the room in a hurry still feeling her bloodlust and entered a small well light room with maps coverning everinch of space as well as each and every hybrids profile showing there weakness, their strengths even what foods they liked and didnt like.a man in a military styled suit stood at the head of the table looking down at all of the scientist ad gaurd personel.hhe was a bear of a man short croped hair that was already graying at the sides. a giant scar marred what looked to once be a handsome face but now it was cold and vicious. "So would you care to tell me what the Hell that was? i thought you said that thing would be dead after the second shock!?" te man exclaimed. "w-we are t teriably sorry are calcularions were wrong i guess..." "i guess is all you have to say ! suppose these calculations right here on this lion hybrids profile i will not send my men into a fight without knowing that these these calulations of yours are right!"the man spluttered "now until youbare sure that everything is as it should be we wont retrieve your experiments you have until tomarow noon.after that i will send my men to kill not capture is that understood!" "ye yes understood"said one of the scientist as they acurried out of the room like mice.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington
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The sight of the large lion flailing around in the water was hilarious. Bleu laughed so hard her stomach hurt, and clamped her hands on her stomach. Laughing felt wrong. When was the last time she laughed? It had to have been years ago. Thinking back, she remembered Dr.Mae. The woman was the mother-figure in Bleu's life. As a child, Bleu would train with Dr.Mae. The woman would find ways to make Bleu smile and laugh without being obvious. Happiness was very much frowned upon in her old facility. A small smile appeared on her lips and she thought.

Suddenly, a heavy weight was slammed into her body. Flying sideways, Bleu gasped and fell into the cold water. Under the surface, she felt hands on her arms, and fur tickled her cheek. Lovi. He pushed away, sending her further into the depths of the pond. Revenge at its finest. She smiled, then her eyes widened as she felt the tightness of her lungs.

Breaking the surface, she coughed. Water was in her lungs. She squeezed her eyes closed, laughing and coughing at once. The sound was confusing, but she didn't care. "You're lucky I having this new-found healing ability!" she laugh/shouted at his back. Watching as Lovi walked away, she admired his muscles, and the water slipping off of them. He was all muscle, and almost frightening next to her small frame. She stared as he walked, then dragged herself out of the water to catch up to him.

(Yup. Continuing this. :) )


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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Marne saw the fight continue between Firefox and Prickly Pete, and knew that without intervening, someone was going to walking away from this covered in the other's blood. Well, if Marne had anything to say about it(And manipulative creature she was, would have intervened anyway), it was going to be to HER benefit.

As the punches flew, Marne took note of Foxfire's leg and Sir Pokesalot's lack of any form of defense on his abdomen. Once the two fell from the tree branch they had been fighting on, and props to them for not breaking it, she scurried down her tree, dropping to the forest floor and picking up two quills. Without hesitation, she poked the tips into her pinkies, a dab of blood forming on each one.

Hunters in the Amazon use the toxins on the skin of the poison dart frog to paralyze and kill their prey, and Komodo dragons are notorious for their bite, which has so much bacteria in it that a single bite can kill several men. Marne took this idea one step further. Thanks to her durability whenever disease and poison were involved, she had taken it upon herself to infect herself with enough bugs, viruses, and and other unpleasant things to almost guarantee a kill if enough of her blood mixed with another's. And like the infectious bite of the dragon, it would NOT be pleasant. Thankfully for the two on the ground, she hadn't had any refills on diseases or poisons for a while, so they would only be paralyzed with pain.

As she snuck up on the wrasslin' pair, she held the two quills in her hands like daggers, and pointed one of the tips at the two on the ground, hiding the other by standing with her right side pointing towards them and keeping her left arm to her body, almost giving her the look of a swordfighter.

"Oi!" She said, her voice raised to grab attention, "both of you, hands where I can see them. One wrong move, and you spend the next day wishing I hadn't shown myself and just killed you instead." There was no hesitation in her voice, but she looked like she couldn't take either of them on even if they teamed up on her. Of course, that was her plan.