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Project Hybrid



a part of Project Hybrid, by stormwolf321.


stormwolf321 holds sovereignty over Earth, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

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Earth is a part of Project Hybrid.

15 Characters Here

Lovi Mfalme [51] "Hi there mate."
Spot Willow. [47] "Hush."
Marne Levasseur [46] I only wanted one bite...
Farai Cerberus [46] "I'm your deadliessst nightmare..."
Bleu Rielington [44] "I win."
Nikki Dimmidiatus [35] "Huh...?"
Dax Ravenson [33] "What's wrong with you, friend? / So tough and resilient... / Oh wait. I killed you."
Kira Mori [32] "Don't try to escape, it's only going to make me more excited!"
Seth Frost [20] "Trust me. Have I ever lied before?"
Rhys Warren [12] "What can I say, I'm a prick... No pun intended."

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2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Spot Willow.
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“Allow me to show you.” The girl speaks, clearly blanketing her irritated emotions. Farai smiles with the same 'Enthusiastic' grin as she carried before heading off with her. The walk through the woods was a bit awkward between the two. He didn't say anything, and the beautiful silence from yesterday has long past and replaced with a more somber and weary feel. Not that Farai minded. He preferred not to speak to anyone. He was afraid that whatever leaves his mouth would come out in a somewhat aggravated and sarcastic way. Not wanting to upset anyone for the sake of his acceptance in the group, Farai stayed silent.

They reached the water in no time. The pond looked fairly clean. Or...The cleanest a pond could get. It was then that the snake faced an obstacle. Temperature. As cold as it was outside of the water, the hybrid dreaded what it must feel like inside the pristine liquid. Farai bit his lip, and his eyes slightly glanced over toward Spot. His eyes mirroring that of anxiety. He was deathly afraid of going in shock. It was...a useless feeling, not to mention terrifying. The feeling of your body rapidly shutting down...It was indeed horrendous. Taking a slow approach, Farai dipped the end of his tail into the icy water. An immediate drop in internal temperatures fluctuates throughout his body and the snake shivers. After a couple more minutes, his body temperature matched that of the waters. Farai takes off his bloody mess of a shirt that acted as a bandage over his penetration wound. What was revealed, disgusted the snake. The wound looked as if it was trying dearly to fight off infection. Dried up pus and dirt stuck to the almost-scabbed-over-injury and Farai looked away for a second. The hybrid whimpers as his tail slides into the water. Taking in a sharp breath through his teeth as the water seeps through the exposed flesh cleaning out any bacteria, dirt, and other harmful or, not so needed, substances. Once the itching pain subsided, Farai washes out his shirt before ringing it out and using it as a washcloth over his various cuts and scrapes. Finished with the clothe, the snake ties it to one of the chains on his tail to allow some time for the wound to breath.

Once he was done freshening up, Farai stands and walks along the bank. After a few good meters away from his previous spot, Farai snakes his head down, and toward the water. His hands rest on the ground to support his body as his lips carefully greet the waters mirror-like surface as he drinks the water through his slightly parted lips. The water ran down his gullet, refreshing his thirst and smoothing out his stress. Once finished, Farai looks over at Spots and greets her with a slight bow of his head. "I mussst thank you for leading me down here...I know I can't be...the mossst greatessst perssson to be around." Referring to his moodiness and diet(How he eats), Farai believes that he should thank the group sometime as well. Not only that, but his sentence generally revolved around his...problem. When stressed, it keeps the snakes mind focused on the distress keeping his mental side almost hidden. It wasn't a huge problem, just the sudden changes in mood and talking to ones self can make another feel a bit uneasy. From the point of the capture to the moment near the pond, he has no remembrance of any mood swaps or past conversations with himself. He just figured she knew. And if not, he would think she would consider it as a thank you.

Farai took this silence as a moment to observe his surroundings. The water easily reflected the images of the trees and birds flying overhead. The golden rays of the sun glinted off its motionless surface. Farai noticed the pond branched off further into the forest. "Should that be the way our journey continuesss?" He asks the leopard hybrid. "Asss they sssay, alwaysss have water clossse at hand." He speaks calmly before turning away from the pond. "We should bring the othersss here...We wouldn't want one to get a deadly infection from one mere cut. Now that would be ironic..." He says with a chuckle before heading off.


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Spot Willow.
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Spot stayed in silent, her blue eyes on the snake as she watched him clean himself; she could tell he was cold- the poor reptile was shirtless. She could sense his fear of becoming too cold; though, because she had never experienced going into shock from cold water- or going into shock ever, she couldn't relate. Spot knew she was much better at containing her body heat more than some of the others; this though, she did not know why. If anything, she kind of preferred the cold over warmth; though, once again, she hadn’t known why- her hybrid animal was always favoring the warmth of the African Savannah. Maybe she was part snow leopard?

Her eyes lingered off of Farai as he left the pond, heading over towards the stream that had branched off; Spot began to think some more as her eyes wondered away from the ground and soared to the sky. She knew that she probably had the least severe wounds out of everyone, and from the wound Farai had obtained, she’d rather not stay around others as they cleaned their wounds. Despite him cleaning his wounds, Spot could still smell the flesh that was on the verge on infection; the looks which made Spot slightly shiver at when she had re-thought the severity of the wound that had matched the scent perfectly.

"I mussst thank you for leading me down here...I know I can't be...the mossst greatessst perssson to be around."
Spot turned towards him, her eyes examined him cautiously as she stood away from the tree she was previously leaning on; she said nothing despite what he said, already knowing what it had meant. Instead, she allowed him to continue speaking- if he had any more words; which, to her guess, she was correct.
"Should that be the way our journey continuesss? Asss they sssay, alwaysss have water clossse at hand. We should bring the othersss here...We wouldn't want one to get a deadly infection from one mere cut. Now that would be ironic..."

As she watched him walk away, Spot took off her sweat jacket she had on; it would probably fit Farai perfectly since it was a bit too big for Spot anyways. It wouldn’t be much, but it would keep him warmer than he is now. Spot walked towards him, throwing the jacket over his head as she walked past him, only to slightly slow down to speak. “Don’t misunderstand, you’re right; you are one of the worst persons to be around…” She began, already insulting him with her crude voice. “Yet, you are the only one I’d rather be stuck with out of the group I’m in.” Despite what she said, her voice was still crude, as she picked up her pace slightly, her face stone and blunt like.

Aw, had it finally came the time where Spot was actually caring for another? Perhaps; or perhaps she just didn’t want to be with a group full of idiots. At least Farai had some thought in that skull of his; the others though, where pretty much like morons on a platter to her. No, scratch that; there were a few that she wouldn’t mind being stuck with- just that those unlucky few often reminded her of lunch.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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Seth Frost

"He's clearly gone mad." "It's a good thing we brought him in for termination now than later." Shaking their heads in dismay, several personnel dressed in orderly, white lab coats noted their periodic observations into designated logs specific for the assigned subject they were responsible for. An observation mirror allowed them to privately peer into the subject's small, glass confines without any awkward tension directed towards them from the captured mutant. Inside, a young male, sprawled onto the smooth, pearly floor, continued to fan out his arms and legs in rhythmic motions. Without snow however, an angel could never form beneath him. Nevertheless, he carried on, blue eyes distant and dazed. Short, white locks of hair wet with sweat clung to his pale forehead. Besides his vibrant blue eyes, his entire being and presence was subtle: He blended in perfectly with the equally white room. Boredom wearing him down, he exhaled a tiresome sigh. The warmth rose into the frigid air, dissipating into hazy tendrils and eventual nothingness. Out of no where, the male sat upright, fox tail flicking lazily behind him. He smirked at the unkempt reflection of himself in the mirror wall, before shifting his gaze upwards. The personnel behind the one-sided glass were taken aback by the sudden attention. It was as if his eyes bored past the decieving mirror and through the researchers' eyes, peering into their corrupted consciences. For a mere moment, his eyes glowered with seething dark energy but immediately returned to their usual, seemingly naiive gaze before any of the personnel could notice. "Hey! Can I have my meal now? It's fifteen minutes late," he shouted in a subtly whiney voice. A researcher turned his head to survey the clock behind them: It was fifteen minutes past the subject's scheduled rations and samples. "Lucky guess...," the man muttered under his breath. The young male on the other side raised an eyebrow, grinning at the glass. The researcher coughed uncomfortably. "It's about time we have our coffee break. Let's go. It's not like it'll finally do something worth noting." The man glared at the confined, fox-like mutant, before shutting the observation room door after everyone filed out. Aware that his audience had disappeared, the young male flopped lazily onto his back, staring at his reflection on the mirror ceiling. He covered his eyes with the back of his arm, thinking aloud. "What are you doing Seth? You should be fighting back, otherwise, everything you've done would be a wast-" Seth's self-scolding was abruptly interrupted, without warning.

Pulsating flashes of red ricocheted off the mirror room. Deafening sirens wailed. Seth laughed, quickly pressing his hands against his fox ears. His tail swished back and forth wildly, perhaps out of anxiety or crazed excitment...maybe even both. Due to the light brightening the observation room, Seth could now make out a shadowy figure hastily walking to the far end of the room. Before he could muster any theories or explanations as to who the mysterious shadow was, Seth's body became overwhelmed with sudden gravity. The creamy tiles beneath him slipped out from under him. He helplessly slumped into a cramped capsule. The tiles instanteously pushed themselves back into place, as the door of the capsule locked with a finalizing click. Without any chance to recover or think, tremendous pressure was exterted onto the capsule. Reopening his shut eyes, Seth took in the blue sky engulfing him. Adrenaline coursed rapidly through his veins, heightening his senses. He braced himself against the sides of the glass capsule, eyes wide with delight. The beautiful hues of blue that stretched endlessly across the sky overwhelmed any reasonable logic for fear. Eventually, the capsule reached it's maximum height and began to plummet towards the earth. Subdued by gravity, Seth's body flung upwards, pressing against the capsule's top. The sensation of weightlessness brought a smile to his face, despite the dire situation.

Within moments that seemed like eternity, the capsule eventually crashed to earth. It shattered in half upon the straying impact against the outstretched limb of an oak tree. Seth narrowed his eyes, redirecting his attention back to reality. Quickly seizing the oppurtunity, he leaped out of the capsule shell and reached for a branch. The sound of shattering glass chimed below. Despite the wind being knocked out of him from the branch hitting his stomach, Seth managed to grin. "That was close," he chuckled. The ground was far out of reach, yet he jumped anyway, judgment clouded with adrenaline. He didn't feel anything as the ground rushed up to him, harshly catching his body, but he knew he'd feel it later when the adrenaline ebbed. Pulling his leg towards him, he surveyed the damage. Blood trickled from a red cut running up his leg, perhaps from a lashing branch on the descent down. It could hinder his ability to move for awhile, but it wasn't anything serious. Without hesitation, Seth ripped a sleeve from his white atire and tightly wrapped the wound. Standing to his feet, he took in his surroundings. Amongst all the greenery and silent life around him, something shining in the distance won his attention. He jogged eagerily towards it, slightly limping. He studied the shard of glass and the foreign scent that lingered on it. His eyes narrowed with the thought of not being alone. Tilting his head back, he sniffed the air. Scents of something animalistic yet human wafted through the woodsy air. Were there others sent here? Face tensing with focus, Seth stared at the dense thicket before him, determined to find out who else survived.

(OOC: Seth won't recognize anyone. I'll leave it up to you all whether or not Seth is really a stranger or someone familiar.)


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington
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Farai walked calmly through the forest. Amber eyes fixated on the hidden road which lead them toward the clearing. Farai's ears caught the sound of Spots making her way beside him. Iris's glance over to her side only for his vision to be obscured by what seemed like clothing. This caused the snake to stop and pull the clothing downward until it was over his body; not his head. Farai looked down at the brown jacket before realizing what Spots had done. He couldn't accept her jacket! It was freezing outside! She could get sick which would, in turn, slow everyone down! Just as he was about to question her abrupt actions, Farai felt his internal temperature rise gradually. The dry jacket captured just enough heat to cause his temperature to increase, and although it was slow, it was still inviting and kept the snake from taking it off.

As soon as the snake began to continue, Spots spoke. “Don’t misunderstand, you’re right; you are one of the worst persons to be around…” Her sentences were uncouth and although some might take offense to her blunt statement, Farai took pride in it. His eyes lightened up and a smirk tugged on his lips. A snake wasn't supposed to be the best thing to ever walk the planet. He took pride in being called the worst because snakes were indeed, the worst. Especially rattlesnakes. Usually depicted as intimidating and killing machines. The infamous rattling discord sent shivers down peoples spines. But not a second later, the leopard hybrid states something that surprised the dark hybrid to the fullest. “Yet, you are the only one I’d rather be stuck with out of the group I’m in.” Farai's eyes dart behind him for a second. Turns out to be a second to long before his body runs into the trunk of a tree he was approaching. Farai grunts and waivers on his feet a bit prior to regaining a bit of his conscious that was lost within the impact. Whilst regaining composure, he felt his cheeks warm up. Wait...was he blushing?! Farai whimpers and continues forward, turning his face away from the girl. Farai was sure it was from embarrassment, but normally he wouldn't...blush. He hated, absolutely despised the feeling of embarrassment. The blush, thankfully, faded within a few seconds and Farai took a bit of time to ponder her statement.

That sentence...The moment after the capsules collided with Earth, Farai had deemed Spots as his favorite out of the group. Mostly because she was solitary just as he, and actually had a working mind. Had Spot done the same with him? Not really sure if she did or not, Farai decided to leave it as a question mark. "Madam...I mussst sssay the sssame about you..." And it was true. As much as her fake enthusiasm and scolding irked him, she was still his favorite. Pfft! She was better than getting stuck with any of the other people in their group. If anything, he enjoyed her company....He was becoming a bit too soft...Farai sighs and looks down at the jacket. While others would say thank you, Farai didn't. What with the awkward silence and the past events, Farai found a 'thank you' at this time, would be too...informal. Instead, he gave her a smile to show that he was genuinely grateful for the jacket.

They came to the clearing soon. Too soon...He inwardly enjoyed the small talk they experienced and the silence that followed. He clearly didn't want the walk to end. Farai even considered going hunting a dragging her along whether she wanted to or not. But, not everyone enjoys what fate brings to their feet. He wondered if Spots was feeling the same way. He chuckles at the thought of his acquaintance dreading to reach the group. Constantly finding ways to distract herself so she wouldn't coincide with the group...Acquaintance...Farai frowns. He wasn't...comfortable calling her acquaintance all of a sudden. Ally? Companion? Partner? Friend? Friends...Were they friends? He couldn't quite tell. Her statements toward him were still blunt and uncouth. And he was pretty sure she would still scold him if he were to speak with her right at the moment...Friend was the only thing he got. Farai felt that they had a bond, just not as strong as what friends usually have. Companion sounded as if she or he was attached to one or the other. Partner sounded as if they Ally sounded close to friendship. Farai truly had no idea what they were to each other...He was over thinking this...

Farai, leaving yet another question unanswered, walked over to the group. There was no need to start a fire. They might; no...they better be leaving soon. The snake looks over the group. There was no sign of their precious leader, so Farai looked toward Bleu. Carefully walking over to the girl, he speaks calmly, "I advisssse that everyone follow me and Ssspotsss to a ssmall pond not to far from here. We wouldn't want anyone to get deathly ill. Sssome time to clean out any injuriesss would be time ssspent well...I would alssso like to sssuggessst our next route. The pond branchesss off farther into the woodsss and I think ssstaying near a conssssissstent water sscourccce would be the sssafessst way to go...But of courssse I will need an approval from Lovi...Do you perhapssss know where the lion went?" he asks as he scanned the surrounding forest for the lion hybrid.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson
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The moment Farai had knocked the wind out of himself, Spot jumped; once again, suddenly startling her. Why was it Farai who did things that always seemed to suddenly cause her to jump or become startled? It was the most annoying feeling she’d ever had; a snake scaring a leopard- who’s ever heard of that. A scowl was planted onto her face, her blue eyes not leaving Farai as he turned away from her; probably embarrassed that he had lost his composure- or, at least, that’s what she had suggested in her mind.

It was only a few seconds before the snake’s dark and elegant composure came back; almost reassuring the both of them that Farai hadn’t lost his mind- yet. "Madam...I mussst sssay the sssame about you..." Spot kept her eyebrows from slightly raising, and instead, kept her blunt and emotionless facial features. There was a lingering feeling that had made her happy that he felt the same; almost happy that they had a mutual understanding with each other. The way Spot took it, it was more of a ‘if the group had gotten caught, and I only had enough time to save one other person, it’d be you’ type of understanding.

Though, despite Spot repeating that over in her mind to reassure herself that it was nothing but that, the tiny yet lingering feeling that floated around inside her made her a bit aggravated. Spot released a slight growl from the pits of her throat, the thoughts that had polluted her head following the growl out as well. Her eyes examined the sky above her, before she closed them; allowing the wind to blow at her back. After a few seconds of taking in the cold wind that danced around her body and went up inside her nose, Spot’s eyes opened as she could now see the opening; her thoughts taking full control of her head now.

Despite the fact that her head had now overflowed with thoughts; the same question still floated to the top and ended up drowning every other thought- what is their destination? What where they going to do once they obtained this freedom? Spot despised the feeling of becoming lost and not knowing where they were going; it bothered the absolute crap out of her. It felt like she was a blind man heading into traffic; her stone faced became an irritated scowl as her nose wrinkled up and her brows furred together. If only she had her arms crossed, she’d look similar to a pouting child. Sure, Spot might be alright if she went out in society, perhaps others too, like maybe Bleu; but that was it. Those like Dax, Farai, even Lovi would have a hard time fitting in- what humans has ears and tails and wings?

Her thoughts where obscured by the sight of the clearing; their quiet and peaceful walk now coming to end. Great; now she’d be stuck with the group once more. For the first time, Spot actually wanted to stay with someone; or rather, preferred to stay with one person than a huge group. Maybe if she was lucky, she’d be stuck with just Farai and Nikki like the day previous of today; that was a nice walk. It was quiet and spaced out from each other- a walk that made Spot a bit more comfortable. As they entered the clearing, she walked past Farai and Bleu and towards the others, stopping at the fire pit they made previously.

While she listened to Farai make his announcement about they water source, Spot picked up the now cold and ashy wood, throwing them far off to the side. It was something she learned when she was younger; a simple trick that had saved her hide various times.
Rule 1 of becoming an assassin- never allow the enemy to pick up on your trail; become invisible and erase all evidence that you even existed. Spot’s eyes skimmed the fire spot; the grass was all burnt and ashes where everywhere- it was obvious that someone had been here.

She bent down, scrapping the cold dirt and grass over the spot that had once been inflamed; Spot’s hands gently grazing over it as the ashes became buried underneath the dirt. She flicked her hands up, flinging the dirt around her, yet now enough to get onto others. Her eyes trailed onto the ground, before going up to the feet of those who where still sleeping. Spot saw the footprints that had followed them around the area that lead up to them; despite her slight worry that the group will get them killed; Spot said nothing and went back to hiding the now almost invisible fire pit.

Once she was done, Spot stood, shaking her hands together to get rid of the loose dirt that had accumulated onto her hands. She had made sure to lighten her weight that she had put on each foot from leaving too noticeable footprints; it was as if her body went into total stealth mode. The group was indeed lucky that they had her, otherwise, she’d already found them. Her eyes looked around her, her scowl returning as her displeasement became completely noticeable.

Before she could think another thought, a slight rumble that formed words came from her throat. “Might as well hold up an arrow that says, ‘here we are’.” She whispered, her voice filled with unsatisfaction and sarcasm; her hands fisting into her hips as she examined the area.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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Back at the "main" camp, it seemed like no one was worried about Dax and Kira. Lovi was the only one who looked even a little relieved to see the two, showing how much the others care about their own kind, so to speak. It wasn't long before everyone got moving once again, either. Dax, staying up in the sky, was apparently the only one who noticed another capsule, much like his own, flying across the sky and crashing into the trees well beyond the group.

He figured Kira was going to be the only one who would listen to him, floating down to her level behind everyone to tell her about the potential threat (or ally) that just landed. It wouldn't be too difficult to find Lovi's team again in the daylight.

"SAPH is sending more. / Perhaps to kill us, or die. / Should we check it out?"

"If it's the same crap they sent us in, they probably wanted the hybrid to die. We can find Lovi again later; let's get to that crash site and see what fell out of the sky this time." She looked at herself, sighed, and continued, "But after that, I wanna wash myself. I heard them talking about a small pond a little ways from here. Let's go!" she gave Dax another smile and off they went.

Kira followed Dax through the trees toward the new capsule's landing zone, finding a fox-like beast running by them a few trees away. "Must be him," she said, calling him out with a simple, "Hey, you!"

Hope he isn't rude like the others.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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Seth Frost

Wary of the unknown presences amongst him, Seth turned his head towards their direction. His ears twitched at the subtle sound of twigs snapping underfoot. His brows furrowed at the strange scent of something neither human nor him. "Were there others that were captured?" Seth's perplexed thoughts trailed off, as two figures shadowed by the thick canopy of leaves overhead approached him from a distance.

"Hey, you!" "Female. Young. Cautious? Hesistant, perhaps?" Seth muttered aloud, analyzing the situation and the unfamilair mutants, as well as all the possible scenarios and their outcocmes. "A polite, first impression might be most favorable..." Seth thought. Inhaling a steady breath of woodsy air, Seth jogged towards the two figures, arms raised in an innocent manner. "H-hey," He stammered, perhaps purposely. Grinning meekly, he surveyed the two mutants. "Is it safe to assume we're in similiar positions, right now?" Seth's eyes narrowed as they quickly observed the minor scrapes and injuries inflicted on the mutants. "They've been weakened. Could be a plus, if we're on opposing sides. Not that I really belong to any side..." Seth chuckled pathetically at the unfortunate yet true thought. Trying not to arouse suspicion, he quickly regained his innocent, naiive facade, waiting for a reply that could determine everything.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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#, as written by Saika
"If by 'similar'," Dax started, "you mean you were sent to be / Killed by SAPH, then yes."

Briefly staring off into space, Seth hesitated, allowing the undeniable truth of the matter to sink in. He understood why SAPH would want to desperately eradicate his existence along with the dangerous knowledge he possessed, but he was intrigued as to what could have possibly possessed SAPH to send other hybrids to their own doom, only for the same failure. It couldn't be as simple as overwhelming abilities in endurance and strength. Were these mutants as dangerous and mad as he? Could he trust them? Reluctant towards his only available options, Seth decided to commit to his friendly facade, for now.

"Yes. I'm..." Seth hesitated over the exchange of his name. Surely no one would recognize it: He had been isolated to the desolate environment of the harsh arctic. His capabilities and past would remain forever secret. "Seth."

The girl responded. "I'm Kira; bird-boy here is Dax. SAPH tried to kill us and plenty of others just yesterday, and we're pretty sure they know we're not dead." She gestured toward the sky, prompting Seth to look at the smoky trail his cage left behind from his flight.

"Tracking us?" he asked himself. "I see... they want to be positive we're dead, so they left something for a backup squad to follow." Seth looked to the pair again, wary of their attention to detail. "Have you encountered anyone yet?"

"Not yet. I'm not sure if they've actually sent anyone; maybe they thought the injuries some of us sustained would be enough to kill us."

"'Us'? There are others?" Seth's ears and nose twitched, his senses heightening to pick up any other distinguishable freaks in the area like himself. Though they were subtly mixed with scents of oak and other wildlife, Seth managed to barely detect the distant presence of other hybrids amongst them.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

Lovi's ears perked up as he heard movement a ways away. He scanned the trees a few times, but he was soon satisfied that it was nothing to be worried about. He sniffed the air, and caught a strange scent. Just as he was going to track it, he was distracted by something back at camp. Dax and Kira were talking to a boy he recognized slightly, although everything was starting to look familiar, so he couldn't separate the emotion. He heard that his name was Seth as he and Kira spoke. "I'm Lovi." He said and nodded to him. Seth, the fox-hybrid. Lovi bit the inside of his cheek and glanced back in the direction the odd sound had come from. He walked the rest of the way back to camp, which wasn't far. "Listen up, everyone. Farai's right," he glanced at him, then continued. "Let's get cleaned up, but be careful. Spot, lead the way. After that we need to get moving," Lovi said and started walking. He reached a hand out to Bleu to help her up. He wasn't going to carry her, unless she needed it. Exercising the leg would be god for it. Painful, and it might cause bleeding, but that's better than it getting stick. "Come on tiger," he said to her. As they all made their way to the water, Spot in head, Lovi began thinking the best way to share his concerns.

"Alright, we all need a 'partner', someone we are accountable for. That doesn't mean you have to be with them every waking moment, however. No one goes off on their own without letting someone know they're going. If you leave and no one knows you're gone, and you don't show up within a day, we'll assume you left by choice, and don't want to return, is everyone clear?" Lovi said. He rubbed his face. "Everyone has their own strengths, and we'll need each and everyone one of them to survive," He scanned over the group. He was easily the biggest one there. "Clearly my strengths is well.. leading and strength itself. Spot and Farai, I know you can both hunt. Last night, I got lucky. I'm not the best.. What else are you good at?" He asked them. He then turned to Kira. "You're the fastest here, and Dax, you're the only one who can fly. Marne and Nikki, you two have stealth. Bleu, you're second in command, so holding the group together. Strength, too? We're the alpha felines, strength and leadership should come naturally," He sighed. After a few seconds, he realized that the last comment might have been offensive to Kira and Spot, but he decided he didn't care.

"Last but not least, we need to have each other's backs no matter what, okay? We have to become a team, whether our species mix or not," the lion concluded. He looked tired, and not once in his speech did his face change from the half worried half heart broken look he had.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

"Clearly my strengths is well.. leading and strength itself. Spot and Farai, I know you can both hunt. Last night, I got lucky. I'm not the best.. What else are you good at?"

Spot’s ear twitched at the sound of her name being called- she still hadn’t forgave him for hurting her leopard pride; more so over, she hadn’t allowed herself to let go of the annoyance she had for actually following him around. Spot allowed him to finish speaking, before her blue eyes pinned Lovi down like he was prey, despite him being nearly twice her size. Her eyes panned over the group, realizing that there was a new face; a fox like hybrid- though, it didn’t really stop her from opening her mouth. First impressions didn’t matter if the person didn’t matter; which they hardly ever did.

“Well, allow me to give you guys a bit of a wakeup call.” She stated, her voice filled with a bit of annoyance and crudeness. “From the looks of it and how we prepare ourselves, I’d say we have about a 10% chance of surviving till the next sunrise.” Her arms crossed over her chest as she leaned against her hip. “But of course, that isn’t my problem.” This time, her voice was almost as if it was testing Lovi; as if she was signaling for fight- though, Spot hadn’t known of the annoyance and testing that was filling her voice. Though, her statements weren't exactly false; she had felt as if she and the group was being watched- yet, she couldn't exactly tell whether it was paranoia or true, so she just ignored it... for now.

Anyone would be a bit crabby having their own ‘owner’ throw them away after years of staying with them; not to mention the soreness and achiness of her body as well as the bitter cold that continued to bite her ass. Though, it was only a few seconds later before she realized the change in her voice. “Anyways, I will lead the way; but for now on, we have to be more observed of our surroundings. If not, then they could easily catch our trail and kill us within a matter of seconds- and I am not helping anyone but myself when that time comes.” Her statement was back to its blunt, Spot-like composure as she began to lead the way; ignoring whatever was said.

Though, it was true; she wasn’t like others who hid their true intentions- if the time came to it, she’d leave them. She’d leave eventually; in fact, once they arrived on the brink of society- if they arrive around society, Spot would silently disappear. Kind of how she would on missions; the way she’d leave her ‘comrades’ when the job was finished. Spot was often known for that; in fact, she became a bit famous for it- until the agency started to assign her solo missions. Though, there was always that problem of Spot not doing it until a week or so after they assigned it- and that was only when they bugged the absolute crap out of her.

Though, Spot suddenly stopped in her tracks at Lovi’s final sentence. "Last but not least, we need to have each other's backs no matter what, okay? We have to become a team, whether our species mix or not," With that sentence, Spot slightly cringed; a team? She was fine with partners, but a team? Words like family, team and friends made her stomach twisted up in knots; perhaps it was because she’d never had anyone like that? Or perhaps the ones she had either betrayed her or she killed them with her own hands. Within seconds, Spot began walking, irritation radiating off of her body as she lead the team to the water source; the bitter words still being pushed and shoved by her tongue in her mouth.

Despite the irritation that she had harvest, Spot knew she couldn't act selfish- though, it was very hard counting her entire personality was a bundle of selfishness and solitude. Spot knew that without the group- or to put it in a more correct term of words- without the few people she could stand within the group, Spot knew she’d be a bit lonely. Without the bossy lion, Spot knew her mind would be somewhere else- somewhere in darkness. She released a sigh, seeing the water source as she stepped aside.

It pained her greatly to admit this-really. Spot’s face slightly contorted as the pain within her stomach began to grow; it really was something absolutely painful- nearly unbearable. Within seconds, Spot’s face before twisted with distress as her stomach began contracting; her blue eyes looking at the faces of the other before she tried to mask it. Then it came up; her body jerked around a tree and she vomited up whatever could vomit. Blood swished around in the puddle of clear liquid and whatever else was in her stomach; dying it crimson color.

She bared her teeth in distress, growls being released from her throat left and right; Spot’s eyes watched it before stood straight up and regained her composure. Her face going back to being blunt as her eyes hid the pain that began to escalate. A burning sensation trickled up her throat and left her nose; she cursed underneath her breath. Within a few seconds, Spot turned back around, as if nothing happen; a look on her face that almost warned others that if they asked her about it, they’d get bitten. Though, it was obvious that she was still in pain, her body slightly jerking and her breathing becoming heavy; finally, Spot walked across the plain and over towards a stream and bent down to get a drink, ignoring whoever was cleaning their wounds in the pond- or who was speaking to her for that matter.

The cool water washed down her throat, easing whatever fiery pain that resided in her throat; her stomach’s pain had even stopped for a short while, almost thinking of how it should react to the cold water. Though, once she drank her fill, the pain started up again.

((Sorry, everyone is a bit scattered now, so I just decided to kinda include everyone in the post... if I am wrong, just tell me and I will edited to your likings. :) ))


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

Lovi appeared from the brush, and stated they should follow Spot after agreeing with the snake. Apparently, he had heard everything the snake had said and as soon as Spot took the lead, everyone followed. Farai sighs and walks up behind Lovi. His eyes flick among the group until they rest on a new face. Farai didn't seem to recognize this guy at all, and seeing that he wasn't attacking the group, Farai figured he was an acquaintance. Farai snaked his way beside the newcomer and greeted himself. "It ssseemssss we have a new member in our bunch...Heheheh, name'sss Farai..." He speaks as if he were talking to a friend. He didn't even bother to hear his name however. Instead he cackled underneath his breath muttering, "The more the merrier..." Yes, with a new group member, the strength in the bunch increases. His protections strength increases. The dark mutant straightens his back as Lovi began to address this...'partner' thing.

"Alright, we all need a 'partner', someone we are accountable for. That doesn't mean you have to be with them every waking moment, however. No one goes off on their own without letting someone know they're going. If you leave and no one knows you're gone, and you don't show up within a day, we'll assume you left by choice, and don't want to return, is everyone clear?""Everyone has their own strengths, and we'll need each and everyone one of them to survive,""Clearly my strengths is well.. leading and strength itself. Spot and Farai, I know you can both hunt. Last night, I got lucky. I'm not the best.. What else are you good at?"

Hmm....Farai was powerful. He could lift a heavy object with his tail, but only for a small amount of time...When night falls, he could watch over the group. He wasn't going to waste his energy staying up all night, but he was pretty sure he was the only one here who could sleep with his eyes open. And although rattlesnakes weren't adept climbers, SAPH had done countless of training on him until he could scale a tall tree, even a cliff, easily. Though, he didn't know how this could help the group. Maybe as a lookout, this could come in handy. Farai had somewhat of a sixth sense as well. Two tiny slits just behind his nostrils allowed him to pick up warm-blooded animals heat. But, he had never really had to use it, so he was a bit rusty with it. Plus, he never really thought of it as a working sense.

"Last but not least, we need to have each other's backs no matter what, okay? We have to become a team, whether our species mix or not," Farai couldn't agree more. For everyone's survival, they must rely on each other. Not just themselves. His thoughts were soon interrupted when Spots spoke up. “Well, allow me to give you guys a bit of a wakeup call.”'Uh oh...' A pained expression appeared on the hybrids face as he prepared for whatever came out of his ally's mouth. “From the looks of it and how we prepare ourselves, I’d say we have about a 10% chance of surviving till the next sunrise.”'Way to bring everyone down...'His expression shifted to a scowl. “But of course, that isn’t my problem.”'Wait...Not. Her. Problem?...What is she talking about!?' Thankfully, her tone of voice changed calming Farai down only slightly. “Anyways, I will lead the way; but for now on, we have to be more observed of our surroundings. If not, then they could easily catch our trail and kill us within a matter of seconds- and I am not helping anyone but myself when that time comes.” The first section of her statements was fact. Her last sentence however, irritated Farai.

Once they reached the pond, Farai turned his back on the so-called 'team' and observed his surroundings. After a couple of minutes, the sound of sloshing liquid and gagging caught his ears. His head cocked toward the source and, to his surprise, he found Spots curled over and vomiting whatever was left in her stomach. Farai couldn't suppress the chuckle that bubbled up his throat when she regained her composure. His eyes rolled and he looked over the group. Was anyone going to comfort her? Try to make her feel any better? From the looks of things, nobody was willing to tend to the leopard hybrid. Why would they? After that speech she just gave, he wouldn't want to either. Plus, she may not want comfort...Farai had no idea...The snake gives a deep sigh and, after a drone out pause, decided he could interfere somehow.

Farai gets off the tree he was leaning on and straightens his back before trekking off toward the leopard. Once he had caught up with her, her face exhibited agony. Water was apparent on her lips showing the snake she drank quite a lot before he came. Last time Farai saw her, she was puking blood. Not a good sign. Puking period wasn't a good sign. Was she sick? Did something she eat make her ill? 'Hm...poor girl...' The questions seemed to linger in his head instead of multiplying. The snake walked up to to the side of her and examined their reflections. Silence droned on before Farai spoke after putting his hand on her shoulder. "Ten percccent huh?..." He mutters. He wasn't angry anymore. Farai was sure he was just going through one of his mood changes. Farai 'hmphs' before abruptly sitting close to the waters edge. "...We need to get a move on and you vomiting will only ssslow usss down..." He says calmly. "We can't afford anymore wassssted minutesss..." Farai took off her jacket and placed it beside Spots. He turned toward his own trench coat and grasped the long end of the coat. He began to pull until a large piece of clothing tore off. He dipped it into the stream and ringed it out. Farai then got up and placed the cloth on top of Spots' head. "Put that on your forehead..." He says bluntly. "I'm not much of a doctor but I recommend not eating sssolid food until the nausea sssubssidessss ." He states. After a droned silence, Farai speaks again. "Do you...Know why you vomited? I read that people who are ssstresssed vomit...But that'sss only for sssevere cassesss...Maybe your ssstomach jussst didn't agree with sssomething..." The snake had no idea if puking blood was normal or not. He's vomited before but not like this.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

"I'm Lovi." Seth's head immediately turned, at the familiar voice. His eyes widened at the sight of the lion hybrid. Realizing his frantic thoughts were reflecting in his surprised expression, Seth silently regained his composure. He gave a small, polite nod in Lovi's direction, trying to hide a growing contempt that he couldn't understand yet.

Another abrupt introduction from a snake hybrid curtly interrupted Seth's thoughts of alarm. "'sss Farai..." Only offering the mutant his divided attention, Seth gave a delayed nod, eyes distant. Although he trained and completed missions in the arctic and tundra regions within his assigned radius, Seth was frequently sent temporarily to other regions to aid other hybrids by offering his exceptional services as a notable spy. Staring at Lovi for a few more moments, it unearthed memories that Seth bitterly buried away, like an unforgiving blizzard hiding a carcass beneath a blanket of fresh snow.

Almost instinctively, Seth's panic amounted to grabbing one of Dax's wings, trying to hide behind it only for the feathers to be yanked out of his grip. Then he tried to hide behind Kira, and eventually had to settle on scurrying into a tree and using the leaves as cover.

"I think Lovi scared him," Kira chuckled to herself. Kira was really disgusted with the arrogant attitude of the leopard girl, Spot.

Why does she piss me off so much? Kira thought. She obviously has a superiority complex, but that can't be the only reason, right? Kira tried to control her anger while she tried to dig up old memories; she was going to save it to unleash her wrath upon the leopard later.

It seems as if he doesn't remember me. Does he remember anything at all about that mission? Perhaps he's just pretending. He might recover some memories though, so I shouldn't deny him knowing me. I can't remind him of anything, either. Exhaling a steady breath, Seth replaced his stern expression with an innocent, simple-minded facade.

"Ah, sorry..." Seth apologized meekly, "I've just had a bad experience with... lions." Lowering himself from a lofty branch, Seth silently jumped down beside Dax and Kira, scanning the area to see even more hybrids. "I heard something about... 'partners'?"


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

Marne smiled and nodded to Lovi, but, on the inside, was absolutely seething at Spot. Why was it all the cats thought that they could do whatever they wanted and then yell at the team for every mistake? She was more than capable of hiding herself, and in fact, probably had been the set of tracks Spot WASN'T able to find, due to it being very little more than a few broken branches and footprints where the trees had been too far apart. Regardless, you honestly couldn't blame the others for their stealthless approach to travel, several of them had been soldiers, deemed unfit for the subtleness spywork had often needed. As she saw the fox hybrid, however, she instantly froze in panic and hid in the nearest tree. She had always hated foxes, they tended to ruin her best laid plans. Also, natural predator. She held onto the tree trunk as she spoke from her safe perch.
"Who's the fox-boy, and why the hell wasn't he in Econ with us?"


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Rhys Warren
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Snow
Rhys slowly followed behind the lion hybrid as he led him straight to the circus. He made sure to keep his distance, choosing to hide up one of the sturdier trees so he could peer down at the group only when necessary. The thick trunk and leaves provided good cover, and he wasn't a carnivore so the scent he gave off wasn't nearly as strong as the others. Despite knowing this, he just couldn't calm down. He never had to hunt before, and tree bark didn't exactly give him the same fighting experience. Rhys laid his forehead against the trunk of the tree and gritted his teeth at the thought, only to perk up as one of the females started talking.

'Observe your sourroundings'? Great. Though what really caught his attention was the sound of puking that followed. Rhys calmed himself for a moment and focused. His nose twitched slightly. Blood, and a decent amount of it. So at least some of them were wounded. Rhys probably wasn't the sharpest porcupine out there, but he knew that wounded or not, he was outnumbered and trying to take them all on at once would just be suicide. So he followed them to the river, keeping silent and safely far away only to scamper up another tree with the destination. Guess he'd just have to wait for someone and their 'partner' to seperate from the others just enough so he could finally pick them off.


9 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

Bleu shifted over and sat up as Lovi woke up. The tiger watched him, noticing that he seemed confused, then saddened. The corners of Bleu's mouth went down, and a frown formed across her face. She understood how he would be feeling. The last place she woke up before going to Econ was in the terrible government facility. She was so homesick that she missed the horrid place. Lovi must've been feeling homesick, too.

She watched as he sat up. "Did you sleep okay? Were you warm?" Bleu hesitated, and then answered. "I slept fine. And, I was very warm, thanks to you." She smiled as he drifted past her with a purr. She didn't knew that lions could purr. Tigers supposedly couldn't purr, but they could produce a similar noise.

"Em...Might I add that Lovi should get the firssst pick. Not only isss he the leader but I do owe him one rabbit..." Farai held up breakfast, and Bleu laughed softly, remembering the look on Lovi's face the previous night when Farai had taken the biggest rabbit from the lion. The tiger's stomach growled, but she refused the meal again. She could go a long time without eating-she had experience from her days in the desert-and others needed the meal more than she would.
Everyone looked south, and she did as well. Out from the brush came Dax and Kira. Bleu smiled as they greeted the group, glad to not have to worry about the hybrids. They looked tired, and wouldn't be able to rest. The group had to get going soon. Econ could be on their tail.

Bleu leaned against the truck of her tree, her mind wandering. Her life had been rearranged in two days. Granted, her days before the attack hadn't been great, but she still missed them. Everday she would wake up at 7 AM, and begin training. She would work all day, and get three energy shakes throughout the day. After training, they would send her into the city to complete a mission, then send the men in blue to come and retrieve her. She longed to see Dr.Mae again, but that dream wasn't worth keeping. She wasn't coming back, and neither was Bleu. She never wanted to face that place again.
The hybrid shook her head. Now wasn't the time. She wanted to stay focused. Quickly, she undid her messy braid and ran her fingers through her hair. The blonde locks were tangles and matted, and she eventually decided to take her time. Finally, her hair was silky and smooth, and she let it hang loose on her back.

Her head perked up, and she heard a distant roar. Looking around, she noticed that Lovi had disappeared. She sighed, and frowned again. She figured he was still upset. She listened as Farai talked about moving. Looking, she brushed herself off. "I think getting everyone cleaned up is a smart idea. As for our trail, sticking to the river is smart, but-" Bleu stopped mid sentence as a fox hybrid walked into the clearing. Her eye brows knit in confusion. She scanned her memories, but still couldn't remember the hybrid.

Lovi then returned, and spoke to the group after intorducing himself to the fox. "Come on tiger," Lovi said. Bleu smiled, and squeezed his hand. She pulled herself up. It wasn't as painful as she had thought. Slowly, she unwrapped her bandages, and gasped. The wound was virtually healed. All that remained was a wide scar running the width of her thigh. Carefully, she tested her leg, finding that she could put most of her weight on it. She gazed at Lovi.

"Alright, we all need a 'partner', someone we are accountable for. That doesn't mean you have to be with them every waking moment, however. No one goes off on their own without letting someone know they're going. If you leave and no one knows you're gone, and you don't show u within a day, we'll assume you left by choice, and don't want to return, is everyone clear?" Bleu looked to the group, watching them all nod and listen. "Everyone has their own strengths, and we'll need each and everyone one of them to survive. Clearly my strengths is well.. leading and strength itself. Spot and Farai, I know you can both hunt. Last night, I got lucky. I'm not the best.. What else are you good at?" He then turned to Kira. "You're the fastest here, and Dax, you're the only one who can fly. Marne and Nikki, you two have stealth. Bleu, you're second in command, so holding the group together. Strength, too? We're the alpha felines, strength and leadership should come naturally." Bleu nodded. She was very strong, and leadership was something that came naturally to her.

The group slowly walked towards the pond, with Spot going on and on about how she wasn't going to worry about anyone but herself. The hybrid spoke about how they really had to chance of living the rest of the day. Bleu grimaced as the girl ducked behind a tree, emptying her stomach. Spot must feel bad, but she needed to work with the rest of the group or they would all certainly be dead.

The tiger found a spot on a corner of the pond, and pulled off her socks and sneakers. Slowly, she dipped her right leg into the cool water. A small area of the liquid was then dyed a light crimson, and the tiger scrubbed the dried blood from her leg. She scooped some water into her hands, and splashed it onto her face. She sighed deeply, loving the feeling the the cold water on her face. She wet her arms, other leg, and hair.Bleu pulled herself out of the water, and sat on a large rock in the sun shine. Her face was turned up towards the sun, and Bleu smiled slightly. This was her first day, finally free.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

Lovi bit the inside of his cheek when Spot began speaking. The way she was looking at him, like she wanted to kill him, was obvious. he knew she had no match against him. Maybe if she had a weapon, she could stand a chance, but he knew he could snap her neck in half, so her looks didn't worry him. She was blatantly fighting his authority and it was pissing him off. He could feel the anger inside of him growing. His swallowed it back and continued walking behind her. "If not, then they could easily catch our trail and kill us within a matter of seconds- and I am not helping anyone but myself when that time comes.” Spot said and continued to walk, not glancing back at the group. His lips raised up, revealing his sharp canines. His breathing was heavy, and bordered a growl, but he tried his best to control himself. Her words were harsh, and Lovi wasn't going to stand for it.

As they approached the water, the other hybrids began to wash themselves off, but Lovi approached Farai and Spot. She was wiping off her mouth after throwing up, and Farai was asking her if she'd eaten anything that might have upset her stomach. She took a drink of the water to rinse out her mouth, and from the look on her face, Lovi assumed that her stomach began hurting again. He looked back at the group. Bleu was sitting on a rock, smiling at the sun. He turned back to Spot, and stole a glance at Farai. The lion was considering asking Farai to step away, but he knew everyone would hear anyway; he wouldn't be able to help himself from yelling. "Listen to me Spot," he started. He grabbed her arm and looked into her eyes. He bared his teeth at her and let out a low growl. His golden eyes turned black as he began to speak again. "If you think you'll do better on you're own, you be my guest. Get out of here. Right now, you're being a selfish bitch. If you think you don't need us then leave! If you're going to stay you better keep your mouth shut," He growled at her and began to turn away. He grabbed her jaw and put his mouth by her ear, breathing deeply. "I swear to God if you put any of us in danger, I will kill you." His voice was a dangerous whisper. It should at least strike some fear in her. He leaned back and looked in her eyes once more. He growled at her and leaned in, so they were almost nose to nose. "I hope I've been clear." With that, he pushed her away and made his way back to the group.

Lovi dipped his head in the water and pulled it back out again, shaking to get the excess water from his mane. He washed the blood of his chest and arms and scanned the tree line. He got the feeling of being watched again, just like before. A little ways away, he saw movement. Tree branches moving. He took a step and squinted to see better. A squirrel jumped off the tree and ran in the brush. Lovi let out a sigh, but he wasn't satisfied. "We need to get moving," he said.


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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0.00 INK

Spot’s hands were firmly placed onto the ground; not moving. The pain jolted her body and she could no longer hold back from showing her pain on her face; yet, she stayed silent as she hunched over the stream, the burning sensation from puking returning to her nose and throat. Suddenly, her heart race began to escalate as she felt the pain slamming itself against her stomach; a growl which showed off her teeth where planted onto her face. Even during this unspeakable pain, Spot wanted no contact- she wanted to be left alone; left alone so she can deal with this by herself.

Finally, after what seemed like forever to her, the pain suddenly stopped, but a new one rose; it was the feeling of becoming weak, her senses draining from her body- so much, that she barely detected Farai heading towards her. Her blue eyes scanned him distrustfully as she watched him sit down, repeating the words she had spoken before with such crudeness. "...We need to get a move on and you vomiting will only ssslow usss down… We can't afford anymore wassssted minutesss..."

His voice was calm- was he soothing her? For what reason? She had just told off almost everyone in the group; she was extremely bitchy and nearly claimed herself as someone not worth helping, so why was saying this? Perhaps it was feelings Spot hasn’t been able to experience; feelings that where completely foreign to her in every way possible. Her blue eyes starred at him for a while before she smirked, slightly showing her canines off. “You don’t have to force yourself; you can laugh at me- I would.” She bluntly said; though, her words where true, she’d laugh at herself if she saw how utterly pitiful and pathetic she was- so utterly pitiful and pathetic, that she had a cold-blooded snake come over to her to try and comfort her.

Another words Spot despised; it was a nicer word for the weak- or at least, that was how it had been taught by her. Though, her thoughts where interrupted by an abrupt pat to head; a moist cloth sticking to her forehead- what the hell? Now Spot was completely confused, which only fueled the aggravation that had seeped within her. Her petite fingers uncurled from the dirt beneath and slightly touched the cloth that was given to her; the cold of the cloth bringing color back to her face that was lost. In distraught, Spot’s blue eyes looked above her, and onto her forehead, trying to see the cloth he had handed her. Her mouth opened slightly, but nothing came out; right when she was about to speak, after she had thought through her words, Farai spoke in her place.

"Put that on your forehead..." Spot’s eyes shot towards him, almost questioning him on why he would do such a thing. "I'm not much of a doctor but I recommend not eating sssolid food until the nausea subsides ." Of course you aren’t a doctor; why should your recommendations even apply to me? Her mind questioned as her mouth still continued to hang open, still in an almost shocked way. Though, her mouth did raise, into a snarl like position, but she meant no harm, nor did anything leave her throat; Spot just watched him, as if he was a type of toxicant that would turn around and bite her once she’d given him her trust- oh wait, he was a type of toxicant that could bite her. Finally, her mouth closed as she leaned back onto her knees and sat down on her feet, listening to him as he continued to speak once more. "Do you...Know why you vomited? I read that people who are ssstresssed vomit...But that'sss only for sssevere cassesss...Maybe your ssstomach jussst didn't agree with sssomething..."

“No; I didn’t eat anything that would cause me to vomit.” She said finally, after a while of silence between the two; her response becoming confident and almost sure that she hadn’t eaten anything. “And I doubt it’s stress; I am the least injured, so why would I be stressed?” She questioned. In Spot’s eyes, she shouldn’t complain a tiny bit; though, her words a while ago had completely contradicted what her thoughts where now. “I have no stress.” She argued slightly, before she placed the cloth down on her knee, watching the jacket that stayed at her side. “Why are you helping me?” Spot’s voice was demanding almost as she asked the question, her eyebrows raised.

She was honestly curious; not only would Spot make fun of herself at the moment, but she’d leave herself. Leave herself within a heartbeat- those who where unable to go on, where unfit; right? Before Farai could answer once more, she went on speaking. “You are the last person I’d thought who would come over to help me; I thought you’d be all for the idea of allowing me to stay behind.” It was as if she was joking about this; her voice portraying as if she was playing jokes- though, she was completely serious about this. Perhaps Farai knew more about the feelings she was incapable of knowing; things like family, or friends, pals or even acquaintances. They where either allies or enemies but no in between or neutrals; one or the other. That was it.

Before she could open her mouth once more, Spot was suddenly pulled up by Lovi; which indeed had made her jump and her heart race from the unsuspecting event- boy, was her senses this dull? Though, they quickly came back, as if a semi truck had been slammed right into her head; if it wasn’t for Lovi’s tone of voice and the slamming sensation that returned to her head, she would’ve certainly have bit him- hard.
"If you think you'll do better on you're own, you be my guest. Get out of here. Right now, you're being a selfish bitch. If you think you don't need us then leave! If you're going to stay you better keep your mouth shut," Through the throbbing feeling that resided in her head, Spot snarled a little, her arms trailing up his and gripping onto his hand.

Was Lovi’s arms always that big? It they where, Spot hadn’t noticed until now; her grip was weaker than her usual one, but it was enough to dig into his skin as her teeth continued to bore at Lovi, knowing how empty her silent threats where. "I swear to God if you put any of us in danger, I will kill you." His breath crept into her nose, making its way through the scent of vomit and processing itself within her brain; it was a bad smell, one that she’d comment on if she wasn’t trying to fight off the earthquake that rattled her brain. It was when he seemed to become closer that her horrid migraine began to cease; has she always had these things? No, this was a bit different; perhaps it was too much stress? Or maybe it was internal bleeding from the crash.

Though, her thoughts didn’t make it far before Lovi’s dangerous growl pulled her back to reality. "I hope I've been clear.” Spots eyes squinted at him as if she had blanked out on his entire speech, though everything came back as a rush of memories flooded her head as well as the piercing pain; as if she was being thrown onto the ground- oh wait, she had been. A growl escaped her pink lips as she glared back up at Lovi, her eyes not moving from him as he turned back towards the group. Boy, wasn’t that embarrassing? Spot knew she had it coming for her; one of the main reasons she said it in the first place. Wait, no, she said it because… because… “Because…” She whispered, her lips barely moving as she pondered on why she actually said it in the first place- oh, that’s right. Her arrogant and selfish attitude wouldn’t have allowed her to stay quite any longer.

For now, she’d stay with them; though, the first chance she’d get, Spot would be gone. Then, it was then, that Spot felt the same presence she’d felt a while back; once again, she wasn’t able to decipher on whether it was paranoia or an actual person following them. Of course, the government had to be following them; but it wasn’t this type of feeling, it was as if, someone unwelcome was secretly hiding within the thickets. Her eyes scanned around the area; a bit too stunned to spew something smart assy out in her defense from Lovi. Despite her creeping feeling, she said nothing, nor did she voice anything out. Perhaps, if the feeling became stronger, she might slip a word to Nikki, Bleu or Farai; but that was it. Lovi and the others could die for all she cared- in fact; everyone could burn in hell for that matter. Or at least, this was her thought at the moment.


8 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Seth Frost Character Portrait: Arturo & Kodiak
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"You got some more wood, right?" Kodiak responded with a negatory roar. "What do you mean you thought I was supposed to get the wood? It was my turn to grab lunch today." Another roar, this time more inquisitive and insulting. "Whatever. At least we got some extra food out of this. C'mon, let's break us some firewood."

They liked to wake up a little late, since they were able to relax for the past few years. Arturo isn't counting, obviously, but he had a good guess for how long they've been gone. With Kodiak setting up the fire (yes, the bear knew how to make fire), Arturo shoved some fish on sticks. He never could decide whether he preferred them raw or cooked, so he always had both. Kodiak loved his fish raw, but never explained why. Arturo thought it was just evolution, but evolution could get him to like smoked salmon, right?

"This is the life..." was one of the conversations they had most, but every time they did something drove them out of their makeshift home. They apparently didn't even need to say it this time.

"We need to get moving," someone said nearby. Arturo and Kodiak hushed themselves to listen. There were quite a few people, with varied footsteps. Stepping far enough away from his ratty yet cozy campsite and into the way of the hybrid group with his bear in tow, they weren't going down without a fight using everything in their verbal — and possibly physical — arsenal. Not like they could run with the potential killers so close. At best, he could hopefully deter at least one of the cats, but most all looked hungry or angry.

"Please don't tell me those assholes are still looking to kill me. They had to send a whole squad, too? Come on; it's been what...? Three years since the last attack?" Of course, he killed the last attacker, and now he was mostly talking to himself. "Why haven't you given up yet, SAPH? It's obvious some of your jerkwads are s'posed to be good at sneaking, so why ya gotta insult me with direct confrontations?!" With a sigh he concluded, "C'mon, there's gotta be more of you here, right?"


11 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Nikki Dimmidiatus Character Portrait: Spot Willow. Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Bleu Rielington Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost Character Portrait: Arturo & Kodiak
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Amber iris's gazed deeply into the river. The soothing sound of water running over rocks and across the bank calmed the serpent hybrid. Until the silence was interrupted, Farai looked as if he was deep in thought. As soon as Spots had begun to speak, his true thoughts came crashing down on his head and jolted him awake. His head cocked over toward Spots' side and he studied her expression. “You don’t have to force yourself; you can laugh at me- I would.” Farai didn't say anything. Instead, he just stared at her. His mouth slightly open as he continued to study her. After a good bit of silence, Farai finally spoke. "I do admit...I did chuckle a bit when you regained your composure..." He snickers at the remembrance of her acting as if nothing happened, just as he did when he hit that tree. He stops suddenly. "But why would you think I would laugh at you now? Everyone hasss vomited sssometime in their life...And that'sss no laughing matter..." He states matter-of-factly.

“No; I didn’t eat anything that would cause me to vomit.”“And I doubt it’s stress; I am the least injured, so why would I be stressed?” Farai tilted his head upward toward the canopy of the forest. "A lot hasss happened over the passst few daysssss...I myssself are sstresssssed..." Farai answers as he slumps his back over. He was exhausted, aggravated, and really wanted to be sleeping over a hot heating pad right now. But he wasn't. And in his point of view, Spots looked in a much worse condition then him. She was in a group full of nitwits, their owners practically want them dead, and now, she was puking up a storm. Who wouldn't be stressed? "...I jussst figured..." He states after a silence. “I have no stress.” 'Everyone has stress...' The snake thought. Her following question, and statement, made Farai lift an eyebrow before turning his head toward her again. “Why are you helping me?”“You are the last person I’d thought who would come over to help me; I thought you’d be all for the idea of allowing me to stay behind.” Farai stood up off the ground. He answered her first question, ignoring her following statement. "Well...Issn't it obviousssss?" he asks as if he were quite offended. "Think dear girl...We are the foresssst...With the government out to kill usss...We need all the protection we could get." He states simply, putting emphasis on the word we. Basically, he was saying that he needed her for his protection or...They all needed each other for everyone's protection. What are the odds of one measly mutant surviving alone with the entire government out for their hide? At least a group had a fighting chance. "And why on Earth would you believe that I wouldn't come help you!?" His voice heightened in tone and his body tensed. His facial expression looked harsh, maybe even saddened. "Isssss it becaussse I am a ssnake!?" He growls. A silence follows before his lips curl up in a smile and he begins to laugh. Ah, it was only one of Farai's many attempts to get someone frightened.

Farai was about to speak once more when his eyes caught glimpse of the approaching Lovi. The lion hybrid returned the glance and, just then, his eyes told Farai everything. The snake grins sheepishly before scurrying back a bit, not wanting to be caught in the middle of Lovi's rage. The snake watched from a ways away as the lion grabbed the girls arm tightly and bared his teeth. Farai flinched and his iris's darted around, trying to find something to entertain him instead of watching Spots get a harsh punishment for her words. He didn't know what, but something didn't suite him well with the predicament he was in. Was it Lovi's presence? Spots's trial? Or was something going on that he could simply not see? What ever it was, he believed it had to be linked with the scene in front of him so, he diverted his eyes elsewhere.

After the intimidating scene had passed, Farai immediately stumbled toward Spots. "Gee, Isss it ssssafe now?" He asks jokingly. His eyes mocking that of fear as his head moved from side to side as if he was watching out for Lovi. Studying Spots' expression, Farai decided to leave her alone for a while. His fun would have to continue later.

Farai returned to the group, by the rivers edge, just as Lovi spoke. "We need to get moving," Farai noticed the uneasiness in the hybrids eyes. Was there something, or someone, among them that they couldn't see? Farai was never really good at sensing a hidden presence. He always had to rely on pure sight, or heat signatures. However, witnessing the scene with Spots not to long ago, the snake was hasty with his decision to not anger the lion hybrid. The snake quietly responds with an 'OK...' as he stands and walks up beside the lion hybrid. His belly churned in distress letting the snake know that he was hungry; again. The snake pushed the aggravating sensation away, repeating in his head that he could wait until they got out of here. Farai placed his fist on his hip, shifting his weight to that side as he impatiently waited for the group to get a move on.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lovi Mfalme Character Portrait: Kira Mori Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Dax Ravenson Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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"Hi. I'm Seth." Seth flashed a sheepish smile at Marne. Close behind Dax and Kira, Seth followed the others towards the pond spoken of. Once there, he cleaned the shallow scrape that ran up his calf. The water was warmer than the arctic temperatures he was accustomed to, but it worked well enough. He took a moment to shield his eyes from the bright sunlight that was reflecting off the water. Although the temperature was tolerable — even comfortable — for the other hybrids, Seth desperately wished for a frigid drop. He subtly glanced over at Dax and Kira. Making eye contact with the latter by accident, Seth hastily switched his gaze to the tree tops above them. Shafts of warm sunlight seeped through the leafy openings. His ears twitched, picking up a quiet rustle in the distance. Seth's eyes narrowed toward the source, deep in thought about the many wondrous possibilities the rustling could be, like a moving buffet wondering if there were even more hybrids to worry about.

Kira saw Seth cleaning his cuts, and she started to the same. Her cut in the right leg was still there, and was extremely painful. Kira gently cleaned the wound, avoiding looking at it. Ugh, it really hurts!

She gave a quick look to Dax and told him, "You're injured, too, so you should do the same." She looked at the water and saw her reflection; her hair was all messy and she was really dirty. She filled her hands with water and washed her face. Unsatisfied with what she could manage, Kira did her best to clean her hair. After that she tried to comb her hair with her fingers, but in the end it didn't work.

I guess I will have to stay like this... Kira growled a bit and then looked at Dax and Seth. Dax didn't seem to give a damn about the blood that crusted on his legs; he just brushed it off, and used the water to clean his wings. His hair seemed to always be messy, and Kira felt a little envious that he could deal with it so well.

Seth stood up, brushing off muddied grass from his pants. Curious about the unaccounted scent and noises seemingly belonging to no one, Seth calmly walked past Dax and Kira. "I'm going to hunt down a quick snack. I'll be back soon. If Lovi gets upset, stall for me please." He threw in an innocent smile, hoping they wouldn't question him. Without any further exchange of words, Seth disappeared into the thicket. Unseen by wary eyes, Seth's pleasant expression quickly became cold and stern, without hesitation. His eyes scanned for any sudden movements, while keeping his attentive ears sensitive to anything breaking the natural noise. Occassionally, he'd pretend to track smaller prey, in case anyone followed close behind. Yes, he was that paranoid.

After a few minutes past, Seth reluctantly jogged back towards the pond. A sudden prick of pain raced up his arm, halting him immediately. Examining his arm, Seth frowned at a thin, sharp quill piercing his pale skin. He plucked it away and threw it onto the ground. To his surprise, however, the forest floor was littered with plenty of quills just like it. Perplexed, he leaned against a tree to analyze any possible explanations. Clearly the quill belonged to a porcupine. Was this region a habitat for porcupines? If not, where had it come from? Seth's reeling mind was interrupted by yet another pang of pain. Cursing under his breath, he found another quill jammed into the bark of the tree. Without wasting a moment more, Seth followed his intuition up the tree, struggling a bit due to his injured leg. Resting on a branch, he peered up into the tree's sunlit canopy.

There, sitting on the branch above him was a male, porcupine hybrid. Seth grinned. "So you're the one that everyone's been sensing." He held up a quill. "I believe this belongs to you."


2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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#, as written by Snow
Twitch twitch. He batted his nose with his hand and looked off every direction. Twitch. Yeah, the scent's strong, I get it. I just don't see any... The sudden voice broke off his thoughts and his eye's immediately shoot down to peer at the sight just below him. That explains why, he looked every direction.. except straight down. His eye's narrowed in frustration at the sight of the quill in the fox-hybrids hand. Dammit, what was he suppose to do, wear a hairnet?!

"Wow, how'd ya' guess", the male retorted with his usual cocky smile as he gently shook the long healthy quills that blanketed his back. "Guess I should thank you for returning my quill though", he started, eying the male's injured leg. Why would the hybrid bother trying to climb such a tall tree with an injury? Guess weird logic came from weird creatures... "Let me take you somewhere to treat your wound", the male advised as he plucked off a long sharp quill that protruded from his side with his thumb and index finger. Rhys gestured the sharp point at the male. "Or It'll just get worse...", he threatened in a change of tone, the smile fading from his lips as he crouched down on the branch, ready to act if necessary.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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"I'll be right back, guys. I need to do something quickly." Marne said to the group as Seth took off, and Marne leaped from branch to branch, silently following the fox boy from above. She didn't trust him at all, so she was going to make sure he didn't do anything stupid. As she landed in a large oak tree, she noticed that Foxxy had stopped, and was talking to a porcupine hybrid. She snuck a little further downwind of the two, and pricked her ears to listen in on their conversation. From the snippet she heard from the porcupine, he was apparently threatening the Incredible Mr. Fox. So... Either Star Fox was being blackmailed into spying, or Porky was going to try something bad.


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Rhys Warren Character Portrait: Seth Frost
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"Sorry, but I have no intentions of backing down calmly nor returning to SAPH for extermination." Seth flicked the quill away and crouched down, pressing his lean, robust body against the branch, ready to spring off at once. He grinned, mad with an unsettling delight. "If anything's going to get worse for anyone, it'll be you."

Without any unintentional flinch or words hinting so, instanteously, Seth propelled himself against the tree's trunk and sprang upwards to the branch above, in one swift, fluid motion. Losing momentum due to a weak launch from his leg, Seth was unable to kick the hybrid square in the jaw as he intended. However, he quickly recovered, having mentally mapped out the changes in a few variables. Wary of the branch's weight capacity, Seth hastily planted his feet and threw a daring punch at the hybrid. Barely grazing his cheek, Seth's fist flew over the hybrid's shoulder. Already teetering on the narrow branch and left with nothing to brace himself with, he latched onto the porcupine mutant's shirt. However, it was too late. Losing his balance, Seth tumbled through the air, dragging the hybrid with him. They desperately kicked and punched, as the two wrestled on the descend down. DA DA DA DAN~ SUPER DAX SWOOPED IN AND BROKE THEIR LANDING. EVERYONE MADE PEACE, SHARED COOKIES, AND VOTED SPOT OFF THE ISLAND. THE END.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Farai Cerberus Character Portrait: Marne Levasseur Character Portrait: Seth Frost Character Portrait: Arturo & Kodiak
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"I'll be right back, guys. I need to do something quickly." The mouse girl spoke before darting into the woods, just after the fox guy seemingly disappeared. Farai slightly opened his mouth, almost protesting her future intentions to go chasing after the fox, however, she had already left. Farai furrows his eyebrows in a scold and begins his hasty pace; back and forth, back and forth. Everyone was tense, agitated, and uneasy. All of which made Farai tense, agitated, and uneasy. The very reason why the snake wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. He wondered, could mouse girl and fox boy sense another presence around them? Is that why they ran off? Should they be running off with them? Or were they unaware of the unseen? Farai hoped they'd be unaware. This thought however, aroused a bit of anger. The two knew the group was in a rush, so why stall!?

Farai growls, and continues his treading, making sure to step over his own tail rather than trip on it. It's, happened before. After more agonizing minutes, the grumbling of his stomach was becoming apparent, and the snake had resorted from calmly pacing, to hastily walking along the river, leaving the group behind. Under his breath, profanities and threats could be heard, thrown to an artificial presence. His eyes suddenly flicked toward the river. The gentleness of the water was replaced with a much more violent stereotype. The gentle slope he walked along altered into a very steep incline. Pristine blue waters turned into a menacing white as it berated against protruding rocks and up the bank. Nearly reaching the mutants feet. Farai had lost track of time, unexpectedly taking longer than what he wanted. A streak of fear passed through the mutants eyes. What if he lost his protection? "Calm down Farai...I'll jusssst follow the river upwardsss and, if they took my adviccce, I should be fine..." He states as a mere attempt to calm his own self down. It helped somewhat, but the snake couldn't help but feel a lack of security. He was pretty sure none of his 'teammates' were around him. So really, the snake was indeed shield-less.

It wasn't long until the snake decided to continue his journey once again, however, his paranoia did not subside. The sensation drove him mad as he bitterly spits nonsense at the life around him. The group did this to him. How? He had no clue, but their agitation seemed to rub off right onto Farai. Why wouldn't the feeling go away now? He was already a good ways away from the group. Unless, someone was indeed watching them. The very thought sent a chill down his spine. He was never the one to spy...Or like spying. He just couldn't stand the idea of taking information from somebody who doesn't know you are there. Like being invaded of ones own personal information, and have no idea about it. Farai was the one to go right ahead and kill; get it over with. Spies however, do things differently.

A crackle jolts Farai out of his thoughts, in just enough time to catch a nearby limb before he fell. As his eyes looked downward, his foot had mistakenly stepped on a protruding stick which broke under his weight and fell into the river. Farai lets out a sigh of relief and regains his barrings prior to studying his surroundings. The river only seemed to act harsher indicating a steep decline up ahead. A waterfall perhaps. That would be a view. The water gently gliding down toward earth. It reminded him of when he was younger, looking through a book about a place called...Yosemite he believes. He remembered the promise he was given to see such scenery by Skylar. The promise to one day visit Yosemite, the Smoky Mountains, and of course, Shenandoah. But eventually...Missions got in the way as well as training and now, this. Well, at least the snake could view yet another magnificent sight before he gets killed off by sundown.


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"are you sure we are safe"one of the scientist asked David."its perfecty safe dont worry,you could be screaming in her ear and she wouldnt wake up"he said cofidently."well your not the one in the same room as her officer David"the scientist snaped at him."well that much is true but it wouldnt really matter dhe could easaly break through the two-way mirror,so in the end im in just about the same amount of danger as you are".Camly David entered the room and screamed in Cananns ear just to prove his point."see nothing"chuckling a bit David left the room.and it was true Canann was still asleep but it was reaching the time that she will wake up.suddenly red lights began flashing and along cane the sirens blaring.
the already nervous scientist began to panic and quickly left the room "Whats going on why are the alarms going off?"noises such loud noises if he were fully awake.Canann opened her eyes just enough to see what was going on.she was in a white room with a scientist,who was panicking.strange why is he panicing for is it me that he's scared of,no otherwise h would be in the same room as her.she closed her eyes again and reopened them.noticing the flashing red lights and the muffled sirens.where she was releived when the scientist left and tried to move but she still couldnt.she was drowsy when her eyes cufht movement in behind what she assumed was a two-way mirror.a strange figure stood watching her when suddenly the very same scientist pulled anlever openig up thefloor beneath her.disposeing her a tube like structer much too small for her large frame.and then she was shot out into the air going up for a bit until gravity decided to enter the equation.Canann mareveled at the clear blue sky and she became aware that she would soon hit the earth.but there wasnt much she could do she has yet to fully awaken therefore her body was paralysed.oh well its safer that my body is limpnrather tense she wont get hurt much this way.
the capsule finally hit the ground cracking the glass window but otherwise still in one piece.Cananns head snapped back hitting something hard and she lay there her breath shallow.she wasnt sure which took her first,her need to sleep or her counsious drifting away caused by the pain she felt at the back of her didntt matter as long as she didnt have to feel the pain and soon she was asleep.darkeness had taken her.

*Canann went back to sleep so whoeverfinds her will have to wake her bur be careful though.she landed someways away from where seth landed and not long after he was launched so ill leave it to you guys as to how they find her:)