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Jacqueline Labelle

"Whether this is real or fake, I'll continue smiling. It's just easier to face any situation like that, isn't it?"

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a character in “Project Jabberwocky”, originally authored by Jakuri-chan, as played by RolePlayGateway


Jacqueline Labelle

Nickname: Jacqli
Gender: Female
Age: 17

Appearance: With light brown hair that falls to her waist, and a smile lighting up her face, Jacqli looks to be more or less your normal, average girl. Her eyes are a clear amber and are normally open widely, showing their strange color. Her skin is light and fair, normally you’ll see her without glasses on because she is wearing her contacts, but at times she’ll be too lazy in the morning to bother putting them in so she’ll show up at school in plastic, dark framed glasses. She always has her glasses on her though, just in case she loses a contact or something random.

Jacqli tends to keep her light brown hair up in a ponytail at all times, and it is really rare to ever see her with her hair down at all, really, she looks to be an entirely different girl when it’s free. And always, ALWAYS, Jacqli keeps her hair up in said ponytail with her bright violet hair tie.

She's a rather lanky thing, she's barely at a healthy weight for her height so she's kind of bony. In addition, because of abuse she suffered in the past, Jacqli bears scars on her skin of various size and of differing status, the places where her skin was marred in the past happens to be of varying color at times. Most of these scars are located in areas where her clothing would normally cover, however there are a few scars that are on her shins and her forearms that are obviously not from the standard childhood scrapes and falls; they had to have come from an injury that was done by another person. Some of these scars include old burn marks, gashes, and things of the like. . . .

Preferred Clothing: Jacqli prefers things like baggy hoodies, jeans and that sort of thing. She’s a very casual dresser and hates being stifled with overly formal wear that is annoyingly complicated and a pain to move in.

Height: 5 ft 3 ins (160 cm)
Weight: 99 lbs (45 kg)
Measurements: 30-22-31 (76-55-78)
Hair color: Light Brown
Eye color: Amber
Role: Real Girl

Love Interest: ”I don’t believe in love, okay?”

Skills: Music; if there is one thing Jacqli has a gift for it is music. She’s a natural singer and has always had a gift for this. Her voice is soothing, able to lull even the most tempest of souls into a state of rest, the truth of the pain in her heart echoes within the words she sings and those feelings transfer into the hearts of those who hear her. Instrument wise, she can also play the flute.

Writing; while not as excellent as her musical skills, Jacqli does have a way with words and writing.

Acting; due to years of acting like she’s happy when she isn’t Jacqli has become something of an amateur actress who is able to fool even the most observant of people into believing what she says and how she acts . . . though there are a few cracks here and there.

Personality: Jacqli really is an odd young lady, she’s the eccentric type of girl that you eventually find yourself liking simply because she’s around so much that she kind of becomes part of your life without realizing it. She’s mostly smiles and laughs, able to cheer up people pretty easily if given the chance. She hates seeing people who are upset; so she keeps a bright face all the time to try and make people feel happy themselves. No matter what is going on in her own life, she never shows any signs of being upset or hurt, she feels like she has to be the strong one, always. . . . She is a rather lax woman, prone to seeking out the most peaceful solution in a situation and preferring it not come to exchanging blows. She is gentle, kind and seemingly very caring.

Underneath this, she is a sad figure. Her constant smiles and her strangely lax persona can be off-putting despite her efforts, so Jacqli has been a woman who has existed in a state of isolation. She lives as she is, and lives with her heart in isolation. Deep inside she longs for a friend, but she knows well that she may never receive this blessing and thus has resigned herself to living a life alone. She is contented in this, or so she claims, as long as she can live on, day-to-day, and do so in peace, then she’ll be happy enough.

This isn’t the truth though, the truth is that Jacqli does have problems in her own life, but she only lets these get to her when she’s by herself or thinks no one is around. The smile will just leave her face as soon as she’s shut a door and is in private, and there are times where she cries herself to sleep. Yet she has never let anyone see this, she doesn’t want to be a burden and she’s scared that if she became too emotionally attached to someone or let someone do the same to her, that she might hurt them, or vice-versa. This is why she does not allow her friendships to become anything more than skin-deep; even if inside of her heart she longs for a friend, she also fears losing that person.

Because she always feels hollow inside, she wants to try to keep others from having to feel the same way, which is why she adopted the all-smiles policy. If someone was able to see passed her facade and to the hurt girl underneath, there is a chance that one of the smiles she pastes on her face, might actually be completely genuine, and from her heart. Problem is that she’s a very talented actress in maintaining this mask, and it’s hard to even spot a crack in it, even for the most experienced of people.

The truth of her inner doubts and sorrow really come to light if she is happened upon while playing her music, or while she is singing. During these times she loses herself within her music and she becomes vulnerable.

There are a few quirks to her though, despite her inwardly sorrowful self, there are some things about Jacqli that are amusing . . . such as her phobia of extraterrestrial aliens. Get her going on it and she will not shut up unless someone clamps a hand over her mouth.

But, because of her attitude toward people and the fact that all of her relationships are very shallow, Jacqli seems to not care if she returns to reality.

Distinguishing Features: Her clear amber eyes, long ponytail and thin frame.

Charm Points: Her lulling voice and brightly colored eyes.

Likes: Writing, reading, books, music, stars, animals, flowers, and making people smile.
Dislikes: Seeing anyone upset or sad, and people thinking she’s sad.
Hobbies: Stargazing, writing, reading, singing, and making people smile.

Neilasparophobia - Aliens
Achluophobia - Complete darkness
Aquaphobia - Deep water
Brontophobia - Loud booms/thunder
Claustrophobia - Tight spaces

Personal History: She was born into a broken family from the get-go. Her mother was only sixteen when she had her, and her father ran off as soon as he found out about the pregnancy. Jacqli’s mother had been too far along to have the baby aborted when she spilled the beans, and at that point in time she wouldn’t even consider adoption. . . . Her own mother abandoned and disowned her upon finding out about this out of wedlock child, so she was left to raise the baby all on her own. Right off the bat though, she started making some critical mistakes, she took up drinking when she was only seventeen, and became a full-blown alcoholic by the time she was a legal adult, and she also started on illegal substances, little Jacqli was more or less left to raise herself from that point onward.

Her mother was absent from her life for the most part, out at all hours, doing God knew what, and Jacqli often sent herself off to school, and often the only times she actually ate WAS at school; weekends were hard on her due to the lack of food. Despite her absent mother, and being on her own, Jacqli always behaved and did her homework like a good little girl, part of her hoped that maybe her mommy would stop, for just a moment even and praise her for being so good. This was her life up until she was in seventh grade; when her mother got a boyfriend who came around a lot. Jacqli’s mother started staying home a little bit more as this man would show up off and on, he himself part of the same crowd her mother was.

To put this bluntly; he was abusive and prone to violent outbursts when his temper blew. Yes, Jacqli was abused herself. . . . Until that is, one night things got out of hand when he nearly did Jacqli’s mother in during one of these fits. Jacqli herself let out a scream so piercing and loud that one of the neighbors called the cops to complain about noise; and when they arrived and found the scene, the boyfriend was arrested while her mother was sent off to the hospital, and into a rehabilitation center for her drinking and drug addictions

Jacqli would later one testify in court against her mother's ex-boyfriend and he would be locked away in prison for some time. . . . Because she lacked any known relatives in the area, Jacqli was shipped off to live with her grandmother who lived half a country away from where she was then.

Jacqli’s mother would have been able to come and retrieve her child after completing her rehab treatment, yet she never came, and Jacqli never heard from her. It had been three years since then. She lived a modest life with her grandma, and had become rather content with how things are. Despite this though, there had been an innate sadness deep within Jacqli, she felts like it’s her fault everything fell apart in her life, even between her grandma and her mother. She honestly believes inside that she is little more than a burden, and that’s why her mother wanted nothing to do with her, part of her really feels like she never should have never been born.

Jacqli shares a rather shallow relationship with her grandmother, it's at least obvious that they cared about each other, though it sometimes seemed like Jacqli's grandma was hiding secrets from her.

These strong feelings are the reason she maintains that constant smile, and shallow sort of attitude where she encourages others to smile and be happy. Today, she is still this girl, keeping that facade up and doing her best just to get by every single day. She never had any close friends due to her personality and personal policy of not letting people get too deep into her heart or mind for that fear of them getting hurt or her being a burden upon them, and as such, she spent much of her time alone. Most of her private time was spent with her having her nose in a book, writing on the computer, or her mulling over her life and things of a similar nature.

After she moved in with her grandmother, Jacqli happened upon an old flute in her closet. Her grandmother said it was an old thing, but Jacqli could have it if she wanted it. Happily, the teenager took it and began to teach herself how to play it, it didn’t take long for her to become quite good at it; it seemed that music was the one area where she excelled. She loved that flute, and kept it on her most of the time.

In all truth, in her high school life, Jacqli is viewed as a freak by many because she always seems to be smiling. It has kept her from gaining any friends, and most people really find her off-putting.

Like everyone else in the world, Jacqli has tinkered around at least a little bit with the Jabberwocky games, she's tried them before at arcades, however, since she lives with her grandma, who doesn't work, she never had a lot of spare money to become a regular customer of them. From the short time she did spend experimenting with them, Jacqli did like it. When she found a seemingly good console in the trash, she couldn't help but taking it home with her. . . .

Deep Sea Girl ~ Miku Hatsune
I sank into the sea of sorrow, and even opening my eyes is a hassle
I'll fall endlessly like this, and I wonder if I won't be found by anyone

Where will I head to, what should I do? A single ray of light suddenly shined in
I felt like I'd reach it if I held out my hand, but it got swept off by the waves, out of my sight

I wonder what in the world that was; it was warm and bright
Subconsciously, I give off counter-illumination
So who's the liar?

Still the deep-sea girl sinks
She'll be confined to the yonder of darkness
Yet the deep-sea girl wants to know about you
Because she found the person who'll steal her heart

This place had no day or night, but still, the sleepless nights continued on
As you spread your wings of freedom far and swam, you were so beautiful

Then light poured in again; when I was fascinated by it, our eyes met
You noticed me and turned back toward here
I was a liar to you...

The deep-sea girl sinks on purpose
Her cheeks blushing red in the middle of the darkness
The black sea still won't allow the deep-sea girl
The courage to show her bare heart

My clothes are so dirty, even my smile is ugly and twisted
I can't face anyone, so leave me alone already!

Inaudible feelings overflowed and dissolved
In the next moment, you abruptly made yourself invisible

She's prone to worrying, so she gets all anxious
The darkness hides him away and she's all alone
At her limit, the girl holds out her hand

"Look, you also hid away your wonderful nature"

The deep-sea girl is pulled along by her arm
She sings in the marine snow of blessings
The deep-sea girl wants to know more about you
Because she found the person who'll steal her heart

I'll leave this sea and take off now

So begins...

Jacqueline Labelle's Story

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~ Jacqueline Labelle ~

”Wake up.” she heard someone’s voice first. . . .

Her vision blurred in and out, shadows ate away at the periphery of her vision as she began to slip out of her unconsciousness. A set of uncertain, clear amber eyes opened to the world, confusion dancing upon the features of their owner as her barely working brain attempted to piece together the last moments of awareness she had before succumbing to darkness. It didn’t quite work at first though, as she simply felt detached from her body, like her brain could tell it to move all it wanted, and it wouldn’t do squat. She felt strange, very strange . . . sort of like everything about her body was completely foreign. Putting it blatantly, the feeling wasn’t a very pleasant one.

Sighing softly to herself, Jacqli had this overwhelming urge to go ahead and shut her eyes again, and to fall back into the embrace of sleep, to write this off as a mere dream. It would be easiest to go and do that, wouldn’t it? Shutting her eyes, she remained still where she lay upon the cold ground, her face pressed against it. The coolness sort of felt nice. . . . The question of her whereabouts nagged at her, and the teenager opened her eyes partly, simply allowing herself to blankly stare ahead at the unfamiliar surroundings, a vacant expression upon her face. Think Jacqli, you know what happened to you before is in there, you just have to dig it up.

Taking in a deep breath, the girl forced her arms and legs to listen to her commands, and she forced herself up to her knees with a few groans of protest. Her joints were aching a bit it seemed; but from what? Remaining on her knees, Jacqli craned her head side to side and took in her surroundings with wide eyes and a shocked expression upon her face. This . . . definitely was not home. So then, where was it? Jacqli jolted suddenly, body tensing up as the happenings of before she had blacked out came back to her.

That’s right . . . she had been on her way home from school when she’d gone to throw a bottle of soda away, she’d found a random Jabberwocky game console in the garbage can. It looked brand new, and there was even a game in there with it. Having tried the games before at an arcade one of the few times she had a little extra money, Jacqli knew that getting a console for free was a once in a lifetime opportunity—a snowball had a better chance in Hell than she did of ever getting one of those things at retail price. So . . . how could she not have gone ahead and taken it with her? It wasn’t like she had a life or friends to worry about, and she had thought that maybe video games could fill those long, idle hours at home alone with her grandmother.

It was in the garbage, so there seemed like there was nothing wrong with taking it with her. Same for the game. She thought that maybe she was getting a bit of luck in her life, given everything she had been put through in her life previously . . . but it seems that might not have been the case looking at where she was now. Jacqli could remember, she’d gotten home, her grandmother was gone to the store, and she herself had gone upstairs to her room and hooked the console up, put the game in and did what she was suppose to do in order to get it running. She simply went ahead and said ‘Play,’ then her whole world just went black.

So, I passed out after starting that thing up . . . so, what does that mean in terms of my location? she thought, blinking questioningly as she looked around herself again. Was, was this the game or something? Okay sure, she didn’t exactly have a lot of experience with Jabberwocky games or anything, but even Jacqli felt like something was wrong . . . her whole body felt that way. Like it was adjusting to something she didn’t quite grasp at. The few times she tinkered around with the games at arcades, they had been nothing like this, nothing so . . . immersive? Was that the right word? Though impressive, they had been standard things, you sort of knew what to expect, not like this, not dropping you into a world so real, so very detailed.

Staring ahead, Jacqli raised one of her hands up and set it upon her face before promptly pinching one of her cheeks sharply, resulting in her squeaking and uttering a loud, “Ouch!” With a groan, she rubbed at the place where she had grabbed hold of her skin. Okay, so, she wasn’t dreaming because that pinch had hurt, and also, as far as Jacqli knew, one couldn’t quite feel such sensations in the Jabberwocky games. . . .

So, what did that mean exactly? Wherever she was, it sure wasn’t home, and whatever happened to her was not normal. The world around her was like an upside down city, the buildings where constructed to the underside of a landmass and were left to hang, suspended. So, basically, it was in the sky—a floating metal city.

Hand still upon her face, Jacqli ascended to her feet, brushing the front of her black hoodie off, as well as her worn out old jeans. Remaining quiet, she looked around, before her mind went back to before, what had woken her up—she had heard another person. So, I’m not alone? she thought, bothering to really look around herself this time. There were people all around her, but they seemed strange, something seemed very off. . . . What exactly, Jacqli could not place, but the teenager was able to tell they weren’t acting ‘normal.’ Vaguely disturbed by their rather fake mannerisms, the brunette turned around on her heel and gazed to what was behind her. There were people, other people who looked out of place in this world. They were talking a bit, or at least making remarks about the place.

Not saying a word to them, the girl stood where she was for a moment, taking in their rather clashing appearances. A girl her age in a fancy school uniform, and two men who were a couple of years older than herself, one in a suit and the other wearing a rather interesting outfit and having his hair dyed pink. Then there was her, the girl with the ponytail and hoodie that had a bit too much of a neckline for comfort’s sake at times. Yeah . . . saying this weird group clashed might have been a bit of an understatement when she herself was included.

They don’t look like they fit in with the scenery here at all . . . like me. she thought to herself, a rather unsure look upon her face, Should I . . . talk to them? I mean, what do I do here? Seriously, what was she suppose to be doing right now? Everyone else in this place didn’t seem right, and before her were three other people who looked like they themselves were in the same situation as she was. Maybe. . . . Either that, or her idiot self had gone and screwed something up when trying to play that game and she’d somehow wound up in a comatose state and was maybe stuck in a lucid dream. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to go and get involved with random people, but, Jacqli didn’t know what else she should do.

Taking in a breath, and steeling herself, she took careful steps toward them, managing to catch the end of the girl’s remark about the name of the place they were, ”Home to a person who couldn’t spell,” At hearing the tone in the remark, Jacqli stopped in place and looked upon the group with wide amber eyes, blinking for a moment, completely silent. Honestly, she looked like an idiot.

She shook it off though after a moment, and looked back up to the people, giving a nervous smile to the lot of them, “Ah . . . um, h-hello there. Does anyone know where it is we are, or how it is you get here? Because, I haven’t the slightest clue. . . .” she spoke quietly, her voice uncertain, before she proceeded to enter panic-mode, “I-I’m sorry if I should know or something like that, I just . . . put a game into a Jabberwocky console I found in a trash bin outside my school and next thing I knew I woke up here! So, really, I don’t know what’s going on.”
