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Kuro Nisseki

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a character in “Psychic Mansion”, originally authored by Kawaii Desu, as played by RolePlayGateway


    Full Name: Kuro Nisseki
    Nickname: Alistair
    Titles: Piercing-Guy
    Gender: Male
His hair is usually messy, raven black. His height is 1'90 meters, which can often result problematic for him. His eyes are of a lavender-silver colour, which also turns into dark purple depending on his mood. He cannot be bothered looking formal, or even 'good' in a matter of saying, so he goes with the most loved, casual clothing style, sometimes, even for special occasions.
    Personality: He doesn't like talking much, and he seems to be avoiding making friends with anyone. He had this personality from since he was fourteen. Infact, four years didn't change much in him. He has six piercings on both ears, and two in his nose, and one on his tongue. He has a large dragon tattoo which covers up most of his back, and some russian letters on his arm. “ДраĐșĐŸĐœâ€, which means Dragon. It seems to be his favourite mythical animal. He also has an un-healthy obsession with puppies, kittens, and just baby-animals, but he keeps it to himself.
    Psychic Ability: Aura Reader: Even though that ability doesn't give him any fighting abilities, it is very useful for self defense, and detection of an enemy's movements.
    Special Traits: He loves reading, and in a way he is kind of shy, not very willing to talk to people, but perhaps he's just afraid of the response. He tends to be mysterious from time to time.
    Special Non-Psychic Abilites: He seems to know how to throw a punch, his strengh is almost 'trained'. Which often causes peiple to think he has had a shady history...
    Your Story:
Despite actually avoiding to become friends with people, he actually wishes to have his old friend back, he mentions him alot, but never says a name or describes him. His main wish is to stop blocking people out.
    Feelings towards having a Room mate:
Piercings and Tattoos
Silence and Reading
People that try to get to close too him (He seems to unwillingly push them away)
His Psychic Abilities
Ravens and Crows
    Extra: He seems to be disturbed by his psychic ability, as if he unwillingly saw things in people..

So begins...

Kuro Nisseki's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki
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Ren sauntered through the halls. It was time for the students to come back from their vacation and after seeing their families, meanwhile Ren spent his whole vacation in the Mansion. He was Doctor Everett's nephew, and even though that old man encouraged him to go see his parents, Ren disagreed, as he had held a grudge for them, despite the fact that he really wanted to see his little brother. That, except for his uncle, was the only person in his family who didn't think of Ren as a nusiance, in a way. Even though Ren could teleport, and take a glimpse at his brother, that required energy that he was not going to willingly spend, instead, he used it to go exploring while he could.

Soon enough, the halls that Ren was walking through were crowded, so he had no other way but to teleport, to avoid any fuss. He didn't like crowded places much, since many of the psychic families didn't like him, and thought of him as a snobbish kid. Almost everyone knew who he was, and he didn't like that either, even if he was a people person, he didn't like the way he was treated: "Oh Mister Everett."
'Pah-leese, they don't even care.' He thought as made his way to a clearing, and teleported, so he wouldn't accidently drag someone with him. When he had landed, he had realised that he was just outside the mansion. With a loud sigh, he sat down right on the spot.

Then again, he was kind of curious who his room mate would be. In the last quarter, his room mate refused to share a room with him because appearantly, Ren's laugh was a little too much for him. 'Annoying' He thought.


Kuro, just in time had managed to pick up directions for his room. Once again, his room mate had changed, not everyone wanted to be with someone as gloomy as him. But that didn't bother the tall boy, he lazily walked over to his.. No, their room, and opened the door. It was a bit different from what he imagined, the room was larger that his previous one, and there was more spacing between the beds, which was nice.

His eyes locked on a large black army bag infront of a bed, it was his bag. Lovely, that someone had decided to drag his bag upstairs, probably one of the guys paying off their debts for disturbing Kuro while he was meditating, or something like that. He shrugged and walked over to the bed behind the bag, flopping down on it, staring aimlessly at the cieling. Then his hand reached for his pocket, as he took out the direction sheet again, wondering who his room mate was to be this time.

A certain "Gabriel Honey-Sinclair", to him, it sounded french, but he was simply jumping to conclusions. Even though his mother was french, his main language was Russian, even though he didn't talk on it all that often. Then again, he had no one to talk to.
"I wonder if this one will run away in fear." He muttered silently to himself, slamming the sheet onto the bed, staring back up at the cieling.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

She sat there silently, next to her grandfather in the car. Her small body was tense, hands balled into little fists on her lap while the silence persisted—it was an uncomfortable sort of quiet. Awkward and uncertain. But
between him and I, that’s how it always is. Gabriel reminded herself, her lavender eyes flickering over to the elderly man’s stern face, holding their gaze there for a moment before the man’s own eyes turned to her. A soft yelp came from her throat at this, her muscles tensing up as she looked away from him, and down to her feet. Face going red with embarrassment and shame, the girl resorting to chewing on the inside of her cheek while awaiting whatever orders and words her grandfather had for her before she stepped out of the car, and took her first steps into her new life at the Goruden Mansion.

“Haven’t I told you before that it is not your place to be timid?” he spoke, his voice terse.

The elderly psychic’s authoritative voice sent a jolt through Gabriel’s body and she found herself inwardly flinching at his words, before opening her mouth up and forcing a response from her throat. “Y-Yes sir!”

Maxwell Sinclair’s head turned, slowly, and he fully looked upon his illegitimate granddaughter, his own eyes showing no sadness that she was about to be gone from his life for the months to come. “Then Gabrielle, act with the pride your surname allows, do not shy away from the harshness you are certain to face in the coming days—you are the child of the Sinclair family. Even if you only possess diluted blood, you have in you the essence of our proud clan. Do not shame that.”

A soft sigh happened from the girl’s lips as she relaxed a bit, her head drooping as she heard his words, ‘diluted blood’ sticking with her the most. “I am sorry grandfather; I will do my best to act as you wish me to.”

His head turned away from her, “As I expect. Remember, here, you are to act the part of your name. The last heir of our line, the prideful son of the late Aldric Sinclair. Though your blood is not pure, you are strong and worthy of your name. Do not ever dare let anyone think otherwise by how you proceed.”

“Yes grandfather,” Gabriel tucked a bit of her short hair behind her ear, her words coming out softly. “I know what my place is here. I am Gabriel, the grandson of Maxwell Sinclair. Despite my tainted blood, I am a strong psychic, I am a boy who is gifted in many ways. And, I am to never let anyone know of my weaknesses, nor shall I allow anyone to know the shame I inflict upon our name by having been born a girl.”

“Very good
now, it is time you leave.”

At his words, Gabriel turned her head and looked to her grandfather one more time, opening her mouth to say something to him before sighing a bit and simply electing to remain quiet. The last thing she wanted to do now was to enrage the man before leaving
she and him already didn’t get along as things were, and the last thing Gabriel felt like doing was upsetting him. I should just go. she thought, reaching out and setting her small hand on the door handle. She sat where she was for a moment though, turning and looking out the tinted windows of her grandfather’s limo. A glint of melancholy ran through her eyes as she thought about what lay ahead of her, what her life was going to be, how she was going to be living. Mindful, secretive, always having to be on guard of the fact that she was female....

She couldn’t act like a normal enough girl, hell, she couldn’t even dress like one. . . . Her hair was now short, and she herself was wearing clothes that barely stayed on her they were so baggy, a black shirt that’s neck hole hung off one of her shoulders, only to be covered by a white hoodie she could almost swim in. Along with a pair of black capri things that were barely staying on her by means of a belt—frankly, Gabriel looked like she was nothing more than a misanthropic little boy who didn’t know how to size his clothing. The only thing that did fit her were her black Converse . . . that was it though.

Things were going to be hard for her, very hard
but this was the way she had to live, right? Her grandfather was ashamed of her and the fact that she could not at all do anything worthwhile with her powers, so, it made sense that he didn’t want to put up with her anymore. Sending her away to ‘train’ seemed the best excuse to be rid of her. Haven’t I already come to terms with this? I know he wants next to nothing to do with me, only to make sure I don’t shame our family name. As soon as I’m away from him, I can just act like myself so long as I don’t spill my secret....

Eliciting a soft sigh from her lips, Gabriel finally pulled on the door handle and popped the thing open before setting a foot onto the pavement below. Quickly she swung herself up and out of the back of the limo with a rather forlorn look on her face, she turned around and bent back into the car, grabbing onto her suitcase before looking at her grandfather again. Swallowing she turned her gaze away from him and spoke one last time, “Farewell grandfather, I-I wish you the best.”

To this, the elderly man merely nodded as his granddaughter backed out of the car and proceeded to shut the door herself. Gabriel stood there, at the entranceway to the train station which would take her to the Goruden Mansion, watching the black limo pull away slowly, her shoulders drooping. It was time for her to face her new life as a boy head on, wasn’t it? Yes
it was, unfortunately.

Things were definitely not going to be easy from his point on, though it really wasn’t as if they’d been otherwise. Her mother had rejected her and her father upon finding out of the fact that they were both psychic, she went missing, then
her father had been murdered in what seemed to be a mugging. She’d been taken in by her grandfather shortly after when the search for her mother failed to turn up anything, right about as soon as she was about to be deposited into the care of the state.... Even then, the elderly man really hadn’t wanted much of anything to do with her, only taking her in for the fact that she shared a bit of his blood and his last name, even if it were hyphened with her mother’s maiden name, and as soon as he deemed her to be an annoyance, he shipped her away in order for her to apparently hone her powers, or whatever. My uncontrollable ability to suddenly wind up twenty feet in the air when I’m not paying attention.

Gabriel took in a very deep breath, raising her head upward as she shut her eyes, letting the sun’s light wash over her for a moment as she composed herself and her thoughts as best she could. No matter the situation life had left her in, or Fate, or whatever deemed how it was someone’s life turned out, things were as they were, and there was no changing that. Her mother was missing and her father was deceased, her grandfather was a prideful old man who couldn’t deal with the fact that she was born between his son and an otherwise normal woman.... There was no changing that. “It’s not like I have control over what’s happened and what he thinks of me, the only thing I can do is to make sure that I don’t upset him anymore than he already is.”

He’d done enough, Maxwell had paid someone to forge documents on her, changing all records of her that there were to have her listed as male—even going so far as to have her name changed from Gabrielle to Gabriel.... Before they’d left their home so that she could be left to the care of the Goruden Mansion, he’d even applied some weird sort of ‘psychic block’ to her using his powers so that no one would be able to peep in on her thoughts, whether on purpose or by accident, so far did the block extend that her emotions and feelings would remain her business. Maxwell wanted to everything he could to keep the world from finding out that the last remaining bit of his blood had been born a girl, an illegitimate one at that.

Letting out a sigh, the girl shrugged to herself
and went on her way, heading up toward the train station so that she could finally reach the place which was about to become her new home.

So, she wasn’t quite sure how much time had passed or how long it took for the train to actually go between the station to the Mansion considering she managed to doze off on the way there, waking up literally fifteen seconds before the train was due to go back from its stop near the school. Only thanks to the fact that her powers had decided to spontaneously work while she’d been out, causing her to bump her head on the ceiling of her train car.... She had to rush off the thing so quickly, that she about got stuck in the doors to the car she was vacating as they closed. After a short run from the station, Gabriel finally found herself arriving at the Goruden Mansion. The chat between herself and her grandfather in his limo before she’d boarded the train had otherwise been left to the back of her mind.

The negative thoughts and sentiment’s left in its wake had all but evacuated her mind, leaving it open and empty—though quickly filling to the brim with curiosity. It was busy, there were many people scattered about the grounds it appeared
how many of them were students or were residents, she didn’t know. Hauling her suitcase up from the ground with a slight groan, she began her trek forward onto the campus grounds. All around her were people her age, a montage of teenagers whose heritages Gabriel could only imagine.

“I guess...getting to my dorm room would be the best course of action to take first.” She mumbled to herself, stopping in place for a moment. A slight breeze blew through the campus, rousing Gabriel from her thoughts as it caught some of her too short hair. Sighing before shaking her cranium, Gabriel nodded to herself, “Yes, dorm first, other things come later.” A placid look upon her face, she adjusted the heavy suitcase in her hand before taking off in a rather hasty walk, walking toward the Mansion. Luckily for her, Gabriel had already gotten over the whole thought pattern of how awkward the living conditions might be for her as the living quarters were co-ed it was possible she’d be living in the vicinity of both guys and girls around her age, as well as probably sharing a room with a boy. While it would indeed be uncomfortable for her if that were so, it probably wouldn’t seem as much for whoever she lived with, as far as said person would know, she would be a he.

Walking through the halls of the building, Gabriel mentally recited her dorm number to herself as she passed by every room that was not hers...when she finally did come across good old number 5, she stopped in place and looked at the door for a moment before actually moving toward it. Turning the doorknob, Gabriel stepped inside what was now her new home, her head down. She wasn’t even sure if she had a roommate...Maxwell had only told her, her room number before he’d sent her off, not whether or not she’d be rooming alone. So, Gabriel wasn’t sure what to expect upon taking her first steps into the room.

The room was quiet
but it didn’t exactly take too long for her to realize that she was indeed not alone. Hand still on the doorknob, and still holding onto her heavy suitcase with her other hand, Gabriel stood in the doorway of the room, drawing her head up with a questioning expression upon her features as her grandfather’s expectations rang back through her memory to mind herself and her secret. Standing there, in front of one of the beds was whom she presumed to be her roommate. Of course, it was a guy, things always seemed to work out that way. You can’t control some things, just roll with it best you can....

After a moment of staring, and of silence as she tried to figure out what to make of her evidential roomie, Gabriel realized that she was probably coming off as rude. Well
he’s tall, kinda looks dark.... But then, I look like I’m a thirteen year old boy, so looks definitely are deceiving. she thought before blinking a few times, shaking her head while cracking something of a nervous smile. Gabriel let go of the doorknob, and raised her hand up in an effort to gesture hi. “Ummm, sorry about the random silence from me, and the staring, I’m Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
I guess that I’m gonna be your roomie for the year.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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Kuro didn't bother looking at his room mate when he heard the door open. He remained laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, in deep thought, oblivious to everything, or so it seemed. He closed his eyes for a moment, not wanting to look at the person infront of the door. He could feel that he was watched, but he was used to it, it wasn't a first for him... And clearly not the last.

Inside his mind, he was re-playing the images of how he ended up alone through all these years. How he was the 'silent, awkward kid'. When he was finally done, we worked up the courage to sit up, that was, when the young 'boy' talked.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at him, silent, not willing to reply at first.

Then he realised, that if the boy didn't run away yet, it probably was worth a go.

"Gabriel.. It's nice to meet you." He spoke rather silently, hesitantly, it would give a bad first impression, to most people at least. "I'm Alistair.. Please call me that." He said in his usual, silent tone, narrowing his eyes, looking away for a moment, then back at the boy.

"You look... Awefully young." He told him, "Looks like you either didn't hear the rumors about me, or you just don't care... Or you have no choice, which is probably the right answer."


Ren seemed completly oblivious to Cupcake's confession about her powers. The spirit thing didn't bother him at all. He just gave her a smile in return, remaining silent. When he sensed the tension she had, he realised that he had to say something.. He didn't want to make her run away for some reason..

"Uhh.. Is there an evil spirit behind me, or are you just tense because I found out your psyche?" He raised an eyebrow, his tone sounding pretty sarcastic. "In any case, I'll protect you if there is one, and as I said earlier. Since you're my friend now, I'm not letting go. Even if you were a serial killer and could back stab me.. Not that I believe that you are one, it's just how I feel about my friends." He chuckled, then stuck his hands in his pockets and turned around.

"Anyway, the crowd seems to have dissolved a little. Do you want me to lead you to your room, before the crowd makes its way OUT of the mansion, and we'll get stomped to death?"

The setting changes from Academy Hill to Rooms


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

So, he returned the stare
that was something she deserved, considering she’d stared at him for at least a good minute before actually speaking. Her roomie though, he stayed quiet for a moment, seemingly observing her, his expression a vigilant one. The silence, and the fact that she had a set of eyes directly on her, from someone who was perhaps ten feet from her made the smile vanish off of Gabriel’s face while her hand returned down to her side.... Within the realm of the quiet, the girl simply moved her eyes from side to side, doing the same with her head as she awaited a response, something that acknowledged her introduction besides the intent gaze she was being paid. Okay, I sort of deserve it, it is still awkward though.

....besides the favor being returned for her own rather rude observance of him prior, the only other reason Gabriel could speculate him looking at her so very closely would be because he was dissecting her appearance—the fact that she didn’t exactly look like the gender she supposedly was. If I’ve been found out already, grandfather’s not going to be happy. she thought, swallowing back a somewhat sick feeling at the notion of being discovered within her first two minutes within the mansion. Feeling her heart suddenly kick into high gear within her chest, Gabriel began to tremble a bit from anxiety. Was he going to say anything to her or not
? Maybe he was just shy or something
people weren’t always what they appeared, something she knew too well.

“Gabriel.. It’s nice to meet you.” Finally, he responded, though his voice was rather quiet. Seemingly cautious, although this didn’t escape her notice, Gabriel brushed it aside as she let out a soft sigh and drew her gaze back to him, drawing a smile back over her lips. Well, at least he’d finally spoken and cut through that awkward quietness. Whatever the reason he seemed tentative to speak, she didn’t know and she wasn’t going to question it. She had no reason to yet do so or think more of it than possible apprehension, after all, she was certainly feeling her own share of it given her circumstances. “I’m Alistair.. Please call me that.”

hmm, well, at least I got his name. she thought to herself, moving her free hand over to grasp at her heavy suitcase, holding onto the handle with both of her hands, proceeding to step into the room. Standing in the doorway of the room is kind of stupid looking when this is as much my room as his
plus, this thing’s getting annoying to hold onto. Gabriel groaned a bit as she shuffled on into her new domicile.

Alistair began to speak again, “You look
 Awefully young.” Hearing that, Gabriel turned her head up from looking at her suitcase, expression quizzical of his statement, yeah, she did look young
for a boy. He was just making an observation though, so it was nothing to worry about, so, the girl simply shrugged it off. “Looks like you either didn't hear the rumors about me, or you just don't care... Or you have no choice, which is probably the right answer.”

She blinked a couple of times, following the last thing he said, and returned to staring at him, one of her eyebrows raised curiously. Okay, I have no idea what the hell he’s talking about. Rumors or whatever—sheesh, sounds like Alistair here is under some weird impression about people
? As far as things went, Gabriel really had no impressions about anything or anyone around her as far as the Mansion went or the students. She was inexperienced as far as other psychics went, the only contact she had with them had been within her own family, and while under her grandfather’s care, she’d been isolated from the world, from others, so she knew next to nothing about any other families who possessed supernatural abilities. This Alistair was no different than any other stranger to her in the world.

So, he had rumors going around about him, and whatever his past encompassed seemed to have him assume that people were going to know about them, or think the worst within him. Even if I knew about these ‘rumors,’ I doubt I’d care since I know better than to fall victim to idle gossip. Gabriel sighed to herself as she moved over to the still empty bed, dropping her suitcase to the floor below with something of a surprisingly loud thud. So, he’s kind of quiet for whatever the reason and he seems to assume I’m going to think something bad of him off the bat. Tch, I’m not like my grandfather there, I know better than that....

Gabriel spun back around on her heel and crossed her arms, tilting her head to the side as she looked at Alistair, kind of observing him for a moment as she tried to figure out what those rumors he’d mentioned concerned, or why he’d think she’d be rooming with him without a choice. Honestly, she couldn’t see anything about him by appearance alone that would involve such things. “....yeah, I can’t say that I know what the Hell you’re talking about. I fall into the ‘didn’t hear the rumors’ category there, not that it would matter anyway. Rumors are idle gossip, it’s shallow to fall victim to them, and even more so to believe them.”

A small laugh slipped from her throat along with a smile surfacing over her features as she set her hands on her hips, “It’s true, your appearance comes off as intimidating, but eh, looks can be deceiving, can’t they? I look like I’m young, but for all anyone knows I might really be centuries old
of course, I’m not, I’m sixteen, but whatever.” She waved her hand around as a gesture, before turning back around to mind her belongings. “Like you said though, it’s nice to meet you, Alistair. I hope that we can become friends.”

The setting changes from Rooms to Academy Hill


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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"You are..." He stared at the boy for a moment, narrowing his eyes, inspecting the features of the 'young' male infront of him. "Fragile." He concluded, standing up.

He walked over to the boy, staring down at the suitcase. Then at Gabriel. He was feeling rather tall, since he literally had to 'look down' in order to be able to talk to Gabriel properly. At that thought, he sighed. It was troublesome to always have to 'lower' his head while talking.

After a moment of silence, he ruffled the boy's hair. "Do you need any help moving that around?" He asked, half-smiling. It would look like a smirk from ones point of view, but.. That was actually his smile. "They didn't help you get here? Thought they'd atleast bring your suitcase up for you, in an apology for sticking with me." He narrowed his eyes.

This boy is.. Strange. I've never seen people like him before.. Alistair thought, And sixteen? He doesn't even look his age...

He kept running horrible images of how horribly this boy must have been treated in school or by society. As far as Alistair knew, the 'human' survival chain consisted of the strong picking on the weak. Bullying.

He gave off a light shrug, trying to clear away the thoughts, but they kept on rushing into his head like no tomorrow. After all, he was an outcast in the 'human' society too. Maybe.. We might.. Get along. He thought, but stuttered even in his head. Having friends was new for him, even if he didn't have any bad intentions.

I can't believe I'm referring to my family as .. Human beings.. What does that make me? With that final question in his head, he seemed to zone off for a moment, staring blankly ahead.


For as long as it lasted, Ren was happy with the company he had. Even if the people in the mansion did seem to give... Unfortunately, bad looks, or evil grins, at either Ren or cupcake, he simply ignored them. It was after all his duty to protect her, so he stated himself.

As they walked, Ren couldn't help but to notice Cupcake's... Constant zoning off. Or so he called it. She seemed somewhat troubled, appearantly by something he could not see or understand. He stopped, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Cupcake... If you're feeling uncomfortable.." He went silent for a moment, wondering if he should tell her about his apportation abilities. Then again, she could pester him to use them for her selfish needs.. He quickly shook his head,

No. Cupcake isn't like that! Even her aura feels nice.. He thought.

"If you're feeling uncomfortable.. I could teleport us to the door of your room? That is, if you're fine with it. Sure apportation, or teleportation, is a rather uneasy thing at first go. But hey, it's better than standing in a place crowded with spirits that only YOU can see." He chuckled, smiling brightly at her, "If it's ghosts you're talking about. How am I going to protect you from something I can hardly even sense? Even for an Aura Reader, spirits auras are pretty 'smokey', unless they interfere with our world much. That's what I've been told in class, atleast."

The setting changes from Academy Hill to Rooms


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

She would be all right here, so long as she minded herself and her little secret, how it was she choose to act didn’t matter. As long as she wasn’t found out as a girl, and she kept her grandfather’s wishes of keeping the Sinclair name from being dragged through the mud or shamed by her.... She could just be herself. Maxwell intimidated her, when she was caught within his presence, she couldn’t help but cower and submit to his wishes and will. That was what got her into this situation to begin with, dressing, acting and assuming a role as the opposite gender. He wanted her to have been born a boy, the pride he carried in the Sinclair name was too great to let the world know that his line was to possibly end with a girl, a girl who’d been born out of wedlock. It shouldn’t have mattered, how it was she came to be within the world should not matter. She was alive, and living now, she hadn’t chosen to be born to the situation she had, to a set of teenage parents who were not ready to be a mom and dad, but who did their best anyway. Gabriel knew that her grandfather though had wanted her to be erased from the world, while in his care she overheard several of the servants whispering among themselves about her, their thoughts....

“Goodness, that girl.... I can’t believe that she’s really the Master’s grandchild, or even poor Aldric’s daughter!”

“What happened with her
this time?”

“Again, she wasn’t able to keep her abilities in check and she managed to float right up to the ceiling. She couldn’t get herself down either—the Master had to break away from his duties to bring her back to the ground.”

“Ugh, again? That’s the second time this week. Tch, given the fact that she can’t control herself or her transvection, I can see why it was the Master wanted Aldric to have her destroyed. She’s an embarrassment to the family name.”

The memories were bitter ones, but they were what they were. The words spoken by the maids that day were true ones, she’d never had proper control over her transvection, and it always wound up getting her into some strange predicaments. Compared to her grandfather, and her father, she was an embarrassment, both men had incredible powers and abilities whereas she...just floated around at random. Even though her abilities were unstable, and pathetic compared to other psychics, no matter what it was that was thought of her by others—these were things that couldn’t be helped, she was as she was. Her father had loved her despite everything, and so had her mother, before she’d discovered the fact that her husband and daughter were more than human.

Gabriel knew that Maxwell had deposited her to the care of the Goruden Mansion because he’d grown tired of her entirely. And, while that did indeed hurt some, it was something with which Gabriel could live with. Even if she had to go around, with her gender hidden, at least here she had some chance to being ‘free,’ her grandfather wouldn’t be breathing down her neck always; making her sacred and timid. At least here, she could more or less be herself, let her personality show through so long as it didn’t endanger her secret. No telling what Maxwell would do if that happened.

She could only sigh to herself, as her eyes drew down to her suitcase. Damn thing was heavier than she thought it’d be....

“You are
” Alistair started to speak again, catching her attention. I’m what? She turned around, looking at her roommate, eyes holding a questioning glint while it was he seemed to be surveying her again. Was he unsure of what to maybe make of her
? Stares were something she was probably going to have to get used to since she definitely had an
interesting appearance. “Fragile.” he finished, as he stood up.

‘Fragile?’ Sooo, he thinks I’m fragile? All that staring, and that’s what he thinks? Huh, well, I guess him thinking I’m fragile is better than him seeing through my disguise and act. Gabriel kept her eyes on him as he stepped over toward her, standing near her
looking at her suitcase. Her own gaze flittered back to it for a moment—before there was suddenly a hand on the top of her head, ruffling up her hair. The sudden action elicited a squeak from Gabriel’s throat, as her heart jumped into her throat from being caught off guard.

“Do you need help moving that around?” Alistair asked her. Gabriel’s eyes widened a bit though, as a familiar and much unwanted feeling washed over her. The fact that she’d been surprised had.... Well, it’d shaken her already poor reigns on her powers. “They didn’t help you get here? Thought they’d at least bring your suitcase up for you, in an apology for sticking with me.” he went on. However
Gabriel was currently elsewhere.

No, no, no! she thought, as a sense of weightlessness settled in over her. The last thing she felt like having happen now was drifting up to the ceiling of the room. While it was true that psychics came in all forms—whether they possessed transvection like herself or teleportation, Gabriel didn’t feel like having her power show itself quite yet. A worried look on her face, the girl began to panic a bit as it was her feet started to lift up from the floor below, her body turning midair so that her stomach was facing the floor. Her arms went out in front of her as she looked about, as slowly but certainly her body raised upward, Alistair though, he seemed to have blanked out before her, not noticing the fact that she was floating midair right near him. A couple of whimpers and uncertain noises slipped from Gabriel while she remained airborne, she continued to look around as she, maybe, lifted upward to about six feet in the air. Then, without warning, as always though, the full force of gravity returned to her. She felt the return of her body’s weight
and with a small “Eep!,” she went plummeting back to the floor below.

She hit with a thud, and an “Omph!” followed by a groan, and a couple of coughs, the air having been knocked from her lungs at the sudden fall. Well, at least that wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been
I didn’t hit the ceiling this time. she thought, laying there, flat to the floor for a moment before she raised her head up and blinked a few times, doing her best to gather herself and her marbles. After a few seconds, the girl shook her head a bit, remembering that right next to her was the guy she was suppose to be living with for the coming months. Her little display definitely had to make for an interesting sight
and impression. Well, what a way to reveal just what makes me a psychic in the first place than that.

With a small laugh, and a nervous smile playing over her features, she looked back up at Alistair before trying to speak, “Umm, yeah, help with the suitcase would be appreciated. I didn’t have any help in getting here, my grandfather dropped me off at the train station way down where, and I was sent up here on my own
though, I don’t know who you’re talking about as far as ‘they’ go, or why anyone should’ve bothered with my things just because you’re my roommate.”

Raising a hand up, and setting it on her bed, Gabriel got herself up to her knees, her face tinting a shade of red. “I really don’t get what the big deal is
if anything, you might wind up finding me annoying to live with!” she laughed. “As just now, I have a tendency to randomly float up into the air whenever it is that I’m not expecting it. My powers aren’t quite within my control yet.”


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While still phasing off, Alistair didn't realise that his room mate was.. Floating? Levitating? Well, in that moment he didn't really care much.
Huh.. His aura is a little bit different from what I expected. It seems a little unstable.. He thought, still staring blankly ahead.

Then he shook the thought off, "Sorry, my psyche was acting up..- he raised his glance to his room mate, which was about to fall down. That caught him off guard.

When the young boy hit the floor, Alistair felt kind of guilty, if he hadn't phased out, then he could've caught the boy. He blinked as Gabriel began laughing, but didn't reply to her words. With a silent sigh, he held his hand out, "The floor is cold, you'll get ill." He said in his usual manner, not seeming very interested in his room mates health, but he was still feeling guilty over not being able to catch him.

"I'm sorry.." He muttered, managing to give a light smile, "If I didn't let my psyche take over, then I would've caught you... It's just that.." he paused, he wasn't sure how to say it, some people found it offensive when they were told that their psyche was weak, but then again, he had already called the boy young and fragile, and if he didn't get mad and throw the suitcase at him, then it probably was alright.
"Your aura seemed a bit, off. I'm not sure how to describe it, let's just say, I would've expected it to be a little more stable."

Then he paused, realising that he completly let her previous words slip past him.

"Oh!" He blinked, tilting his head, "You got here all by yourself? That's new.. I'm glad you didn't get lost on your way here." he nodded, "You see, Gabriel, I'm an aura-reader, so I can easily see through a person. They find me a 'danger' to their society, since I know what they don't. It's like, whenever they get worried, I can almost read right through them. It's like a curse, I can't always control my psyche, so sometimes I end up knowing what I don't want to know. The reason I phased out earlier, is because I can't read your aura. That's why it seems unstable to me.."


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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

For a moment, she could’ve sworn he seemed almost
perplexed by the fact she’d laughed off her little midair drop. Gabriel kept a sort of half-hearted smile up on her reddened face regardless, even as it was Alistair managed up a rather quiet sort of sigh, before it was he extended his hand out to her, who was still sitting on the floor. Ah
he sighed, maybe he’s going to find me annoying following that little display. Well, if that were the case, she wouldn’t much blame him. Many people seemed to get tired of her, but that just seemed to be a part of her existence, something with which she was going to have to deal with her whole life. If that were the case then, if Alistair were beginning to get annoyed with her already, that was all right. Alistair was...well, she didn’t quite know how to describe him yet, after all she barely had a few minutes in to figure him.

But, from what she had heard him say so far, and how he’d acted, he didn’t seem to be a bad guy at all. If even he definitely had some issues going on that she couldn’t quite grasp, with assuming off the bat that she’d been stuck with him against her will or that she knew about these rumors regarding whatever about him
he seemed to be a pleasant enough guy. There was no doubt about him being very tall and intimidating though, however, compared to her grandfather, the atmosphere he carried wasn’t so very tense, or daunting. Whatever rumors went on about him, they were that, rumors and idle hearsay that really had no importance. Whether or not she wound up annoying him, the truth was that she might’ve been lucky to wind up with a roommate she actually felt comfortable enough around—despite the whole awkward bit about her really being well, a her. As long as she minded that though, it shouldn’t prove a problem though.

Her eyes went from his hand back up to his face though, as it was he began to speak, “The floor is cold, you’ll get ill.” His voice carried with that same tone as when he’d first addressed her, a distant one. It sounded like he was apathetic, but she didn’t think as much. Gabriel blinked a couple of times, and then looked back to his hand. Even if he meant to just help her up
honestly, as stupid of her as it was, she couldn’t help the smile leaving her face while it was a bit of a blush settled in over her features. Whether or not she was disguised and passing herself off as a guy, underneath the ruse, she was still a girl.

“I’m sorry..” he mumbled, smiling just a bit as he apologized. “If I didn’t let my psyche take over, then I would’ve caught you
 It’s just that..” Alistair stopped talking, and Gabriel blinked a couple of times, not entirely following him. He was apologizing for spacing out and not catching her when her powers had spontaneously awoken themselves and made her hover six feet into the air
? People spaced, she did it at times, and when she did, it sometimes led to her floating! But, why did he trail off?

was taking his help in getting back to her feet wise to do considering the fact that even so much as doing so was enough to make her face go red? Overall, she really was still a girl after all, it seemed.

“Your aura seemed a bit, off. I’m not sure how to describe it, let’s just say, I would’ve expected it to be a little more stable.” he concluded. This caused Gabriel to draw her gaze up, a glint of questioning running through her eyes. Her ‘aura,’ as he’d said, was not stable. He’s slipped off because her aura was odd
? Well, that made sense; although, because of her grandfather’s little psychic shield trick, she didn’t even have an aura to give off. So long as a psychic more powerful than Maxwell did not decide to peep into her mind
the block would remain intact, and her mental and emotional energies were only hers to know. Alistair though, seemed to be making her abnormal aura the focal point for the moment.

While he remained quiet a moment longer, her eyes sank back down to his still held out hand. She was really dwelling upon this too much, jumping back and forth between thoughts, only for them to go back to this. It was just a gesture of help, to get her back to her feet, nothing else. I know that but still, embarrassment, though, I guess it is still nice to know that underneath everything and despite grandfather keeping me shooed away from the world; I really am still a relatively normal sixteen-year-old girl. Regarding guys and all. Hell, this whole situation, it really hadn’t been thought through very well. What had Maxwell been thinking
? Signing her up to come here as a boy, potentially getting her stuck with a guy for a roommate while her actual gender was hidden? Even she herself hadn’t completely thought it through, sure, she’d steeled herself for it, gotten over the worst of the shock ahead of time, but when confronted with a situation
there were probably going to be some problems on her emotional end.

“Oh!” Alistair suddenly exclaimed, his head tilted to the side a bit as something seemed to register, “You got here all by yourself? That’s new.. I’m glad you didn’t get lost on your way here.” a nod from him, and something of a small smile from her. He finally realized what she’d said about that? And, getting up to the Mansion on one’s own was unusual
? “You see, Gabriel, I'm an aura-reader, so I can easily see through a person. They find me a 'danger' to their society, since I know what they don't. It's like, whenever they get worried, I can almost read right through them. It's like a curse, I can't always control my psyche, so sometimes I end up knowing what I don't want to know. The reason I phased out earlier, is because I can't read your aura. That's why it seems unstable to me..”

Her eyes a bit wide, quizzical, she looked at him, taking in what it was he’d just divulged to her. So
that’s what was up with him? An Aura-Reader? His powers made people not like him or something of the sort? Well, if someone was lying or acting
like herself there, then they would have every reason to see Alistair as a danger indeed. But he couldn’t see her aura thanks to the block she had over herself. How do I explain that one
? And even if he couldn’t control his abilities, it wasn’t like she was in much better shape herself. If not for her inability to control her transvection, she wouldn’t still be on the floor.... Right, why was she still on the floor anyway? Alistair had held his hand out to her in order to help her get to her feet, though of course she hesitated in taking it due to some completely harebrained reason, she was acting the part of a guy, he thought she was a guy, so she had no reason to act otherwise.

If she blew her secret
Maxwell would certainly have her head.

Clearing her throat, Gabriel mustered up a nervous smile to him, before she removed her hand from her bed and reach out and took hold of Alistair’s hand, and took his help in getting back to her feet. still resulted in her face going rather red. Although indeed a silly reason for it to have happened, that small instance was the first time Gabriel had actually set her hand in a guy’s that wasn’t in her family. Her hand was very small compared to his.... But then, compared to him, she herself was very small. He easily stood a foot above her in height, at least, and as she was, she didn’t even weigh in at one-hundred pounds. Something of an uncomfortable expression passed over her features, as she felt her heart about jump into her throat as she stood back up to her full, yet still, diminutive height. Quietly she pulled her hand back to herself from Alistair’s before she smile again, still anxious.

“Ah, thank you for the help up.... You don’t need to worry about not catching me when I plummeted, that sort of thing tends to happen to me quite a bit thanks to the whole uncontrolled aspect of my transvection. If I wind up startled, or if I daydream, I’ll suddenly start levitating or something! It happens when I sleep too
I’ve woken up more than once against the ceiling.” She laughed a bit nervously about that, prattling on, still a bit on edge about the fact that she’d gotten flustered over just taking his hand to help her up.

Her hands went behind her back, “Anyway
my aura—you said you couldn’t read it....” she trailed off, trying to figure out how to explain that one. “Well, honestly, that doesn’t really surprise me, I’ve always had this thing to me where I seem to automatically reject any psychic’s attempts to read my mind, emotions, or see my aura. I kinda seem to block out all mental based abilities like that.” It was a lie, but not an improbable one, as there were people who existed under such circumstances. “I-It’s weird, but that’s how I am. But, even if I wasn’t, I don’t think I’d consider you a ‘danger’ for being able to read into my aura.”

Even with her face still tinged pink, Gabriel gave him a smile. Alistair seemed to have gotten a bad hand in life, the way he kind of seemed to act hesitant before, assuming what he had about her being assigned him as a roommate when she didn’t know squat about him
well, it was explained by the whole, ‘they find me a ‘danger’ thing. Maybe people just got totally asinine toward him for something he couldn’t control, so he was used to being on guard often to prevent things from hurting. That’s not something he’ll have to worry about with me.... Even if I do have something to hide, he won’t be able to know that, I can be myself without too much fret, so long as I don’t push it and make it apparent I’m a girl.

“I think you’re a really nice guy, Alistair! I know, going off a few minutes here, but that’s my impression of you. Makes me glad to have you for a roommate, and it’s better than being stuck alone since I’d probably get all lonesome like that. No thanks....” She turned toward her suitcase
she needed to get unpacked. Still within her lingered a trace of being flustered for having hesitated in taking his hand to help her up though, for the stupid, immature fact that was the first time she’d actually made physical contact with a guy outside of her family, or who was employed by her family.


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my aura—you said you couldn’t read it....” she trailed off, trying to figure out how to explain that one. “Well, honestly, that doesn’t really surprise me, I’ve always had this thing to me where I seem to automatically reject any psychic’s attempts to read my mind, emotions, or see my aura. I kinda seem to block out all mental based abilities like that.”
Alistair gave her a quick nod, he knew all about it. He himself could block out others if he wanted too, but he had nothing to hide, and almost never had negative thoughts about anyone. He didn't feel like talking about the topic however, just mentioning that he could do that, or that he knew about those kinds of abilties might make him suspiscious. He wasn't afraid, there was actually nothing to hide, but he didn't want people making things up if something got out.

Not that they would, ofcourse. Most are just scared of him, plain scared. If someone is walking down the halls with him, the surrounding people would immediately start feeling pity for that person. But it didn't bother him, not anymore. Ofcourse, initially it started off as a big pain, but he was still a kid, he was always different. Deep inside he just wanted some friends, but in 'that' society, no one seemed to want to accept him, since he knew more than he was supposed to.

As he grew older though, he soon realised that he didn't even care about what people said or thought. He just wanted to learn to control that god damn ability that kept on popping up whenever it wasn't such a good moment. Like now, when instead of helping his new room mate, he phased out thinking about, what? One's unstable aura? Heck if he even cared, it didn't bother him.

“I think you’re a really nice guy, Alistair! I know, going off a few minutes here, but that’s my impression of you. Makes me glad to have you for a roommate, and it’s better than being stuck alone since I’d probably get all lonesome like that. No thanks....”

Wait, what did he just say? Was that some sort of... Friendship confession? He didn't even know what it felt like to have friends, it was.. Awkward. He stared blankly at Gabriel, not sure if he should reply or not.

It was a mix of feelings, and doubt in his head. Did Gabriel say that to make him feel well? Or is it the truth? He just stood there, silent. No emotion, no reaction, nothing. Then he smiled. A real smile, which was a rather new expression to see on Alistair's face.

"Thank you.."He muttered, there was something.. Soft in his tone, but it still seemed a little distant.


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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

She did her best to go about her business, if she was going to make it through this school year with her little secret intact, and without having to face her grandfather’s wrath; she was going to have to mind herself. Keep control over anything that might occur to make her act, well, off. Sure, it was true that she did act rather ‘off’ as things were when you compared to her to most any other teenager
but in general; there were things about her that she had to maintain some sense of control over. Like any possible weird flustering feelings that might bubble up. There were going to be ill at ease moments, certainly, given her situation, how could there not be? Pretending to be a guy, rooming with a guy who thought as much of her.... Yeah, awkwardness would be abound, soon enough.

Still, gotta keep some things in check or risk who knows what. Without Maxwell there to breathe down her neck now, she had a chance to live like she couldn’t for the last few years—she could be herself in a way. Make friends, and maybe act more like a normal kid her age
minus the notion of dating given her situation, but that wasn’t a big deal. She could do without that, but the idea of actually being around people her age, and maybe actually having companions too was nice, a little anxiety inducing, but it was nice! I definitely want to be able to make friends with Alistair here since he’s my roommate, and he seems really nice
if I blow my secret, that could cause some serious problems, and that’s the last thing I want.

Thinking on it
since she’d gone and prattled out what she had about him being nice, and that she was glad to not have gotten a room alone in light of having him as her roomie, Alistair had gone kind of still and silent. Her face still a bit pink, Gabriel tucked a bit of her short hair behind her ear, the sleeve of her hoodie slipping over her hand while she looked up at him from her suitcase. I made things really weird with what I said, didn’t I?

Gabriel herself remained quiet as he did, just looking at him and hoping she hadn’t managed to make him uncomfortable. Although, Alistair was staring at her rather vacantly
like he didn’t know what to make of her words. But, after a moment of the silence and staring, he suddenly broke into a smile, a real one. Seeing him smile made Gabriel’s heart suddenly feel like it leapt up into her throat, again. But, she managed up a smile in return to him, as she unintentionally set a hand on her chest to calm her heart down a bit. He actually looks really good when he smiles.... As quick as that thought surfaced though, she shoved it back down—things she needed to mind; like that.

“Thank you..” he spoke quietly, there was a soft edge within his voice, and still it sounded as if it remained somewhat far away.

That was all right
she was just glad to know that what she’d gone and prattled out didn’t make him feel weird. That was the last thing she needed to go and do with her roommate. Alistair seemed like he was going to be a good person to live with, he really seemed a pleasant person, and she didn’t want to make him uncomfortable with her. “There’s no reason to say ‘thank you’ to me when I’m just being honest.” Her smile kept up.


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Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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He blinked as the girl set her hand on her chest.. He didn't want to give her a heart attack! He was only being honest.. Heh, maybe smiling didn't suit him at all. He never smiled before, maybe on rare occasions around his 'family' but never around 'outside-people'. He gave her a quick nod as she spoke:

“There’s no reason to say ‘thank you’ to me when I’m just being honest.”

"I think, you're going to be a pleasant person to live with, Gabriel." He half-laughed, still smiling. It was a new thing for him, he didn't know how to stop if he wanted to, then again, he didn't feel like he wanted to stop smiling, either. "You've managed to somehow get me to smile.. Which is rather new, for myself. And.. Well, that's pretty rare. Last time I actually smiled was years ago. I'm glad that you decided to trust me instead of the rumors... Not that you heard them from the 'others' yet, but still. I hope your opinion about me wont change." He told him, his glance moving to his un-packed black army bag.

Alistair gave the younger boy a quick nod, before walking over to 'his' part of the room, picking the bag up and setting it on the bed. He didn't like un-packing, but then again, better do it now than later, he didn't feel like having to sort out his things in the middle of something, 'possibly' important. He could just walk away, it didn't bother him since he could read most auras in the mansion, Student or not, not many tended to even bother blocking him out. Maybe some just didn't know how.

Suddenly he stopped, 'There it goes again...' he thought, sitting down on the bed.

If there was one, horrible thing about being an aura-reader, it was the fact that he would get flashbacks of his or someone elses past every now and then. And since Gabriel was blocking him out, it clearly was one of his memories. He sighed, sitting down in an 'annoyed position', holding his head with one hand.


"Kuro! Hey!" A young, teal-haired, tiny girl ran up to him, she seemed to be very happy.
"Ah.. Aoi.. Hi." He gave her an awkward half-smile. He remembered her face, she was the only person that he trusted, or possibly ever loved.

However, I could feel her aura approaching, it had been so for the past months. It started to hurt. At first, my Aura detection was some-what.. Weak, but as it began growing, it has become more of a pain than ever.. I think I could drive myself insane.

"You seem a little awkward today." She blink at his half-smile, he was usually very happy around her.
"I have.. My reasons." He said, rubbing his neck as he stretched.
"Looks like school really got to you..." She paused for a moment, looking at him, "Is it true, that you can 'read' a persons thoughts?"
He blinked at her question. Did she know? That was so spontanious.. "Ofcourse not! Who made up such a silly thing?"
She smiled at him, "Good.. I really wouldn't be comfortable around you if you did.."
"Why, do you have any secrets you want to keep from me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
She twitched at his question, seeming to want to dismiss the whole conversation, but looked back at him, giving him a nod. "Yes, Kuro. And they might hurt you more than me."


When it stopped, Alistair shrugged and sighed. "Good riddence." He muttered silently to himself.


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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

She maintained the smile upon her face, hand remaining over her chest. She had to look the part of a real idiot at the moment, but the action had been of second nature, completely unintended. A reaction to a sentiment that was otherwise alien to her and something she needed to keep from bubbling up within her. Gabriel never had really been one to think much of the opposite gender, but given that she was somewhat free wasn’t impossible that’d change. But it was really something that shouldn’t.

“I think, you're going to be a pleasant person to live with, Gabriel.” Alistair laughed a bit, which made her smile widen a bit. She hoped that she wasn’t going to turn out to be an annoying person to live with—it wasn’t as if she knew. Her roommate continued to smile, “You've managed to somehow get me to smile.. Which is rather new, for myself. And.. Well, that's pretty rare. Last time I actually smiled was years ago. I'm glad that you decided to trust me instead of the rumors... Not that you heard them from the 'others' yet, but still. I hope your opinion about me won’t change."

Gabriel shook her head a bit—signalling that what she thought of him wouldn’t not be so easily influenced by the tittle-tattle of others. When it was people allowed their perceptions of another to form from showed a weak-will, in her opinion. She preferred to come to terms with what she thought of a person based on her experiences with them. I’ll do my best to be as good a roommate as I can...and to not be too awkward given everything.

A nod was given to her by Alistair, as he stepped away from her, and headed back over to his portion of the room. She kept her eyes on him for a moment, before turning her attention back to her suitcase. Moving her hands as she knelt down, the girl clutched onto the thing’s handle again, knowing that hoisting it up would be a bit tedious. Exhaling, feeling herself calm down somewhat at last from the awkward feelings that were attempting to boil up within her, Gabriel stood upward, groaning as she struggled a bit to get her bag off the floor and onto her bed again—how had she managed to carry the thing earlier...? Seemed as if Alistair was up to the same thing as she was. Trying to unpack. I shouldn’t have brought so many books with me.

With a huff, Gabriel managed to sling her suitcase onto her bed with some force. “Hooo....”

After a moment of rest, the girl crawled onto her bed, and began to unzip her bag with something of a small and pleasant smile upon her features. She felt rather...content at the moment, comfortable for a change. Things really felt a lot lighter without Maxwell there, looking over her, and it was something she welcomed. Though it was very true that her grandfather had deposited her here because he was both tired and ashamed of her, that did hurt, it was okay because it gave her an opportunity to live and smile. Maybe she could actually live a bit normally, like someone her age should...there were, of course, activities she couldn’t participate in, however, in the grand scheme, it was all right. Papa would’ve wanted me to be able to live with a smile—he was never ashamed of me.... I’m sure he can rest easier with me at least in a better position in life. she thought.

It was true, she missed her father dearly, but she came to terms with his passing some years ago—she knew Aldric wouldn’t have wanted her to live in perpetual despair over his death, all he’d ever wanted for her was for her to be happy. Now, maybe she could actually long as no one figured her gender out.

Perhaps about halfway through with emptying the contents of her suitcase into a pile behind her on her bed, Gabriel noticed that Alistair had seated himself on his bed, head held in one of his hands. Hmm? she stopped what she’d been doing, the contented smile leaving her face while she looked at him. Is...he all right? Gabriel tilted her head to the side, wondering. He’d seemed in good spirits just shortly ago—perhaps something with his abilities? Mental-based psychic abilities weren’t something she was very familiar with given the fact that she never developed any. The only supernatural power she’d ever come to possess was her transvection, so the strife which came with the other side of the coin were foreign to her entirely. She imagined them to be troublesome though. If her random levitations were so very annoying and irksome, psychic abilities like Alistair’s—his ability to read auras—had to be worse.

Why it was he got a bad reputation or whatever by others just for something he couldn’t control...such things were ridiculous to her.... Such shallow tendencies were one thing she would never come to understand about people.

Gabriel kept her eyes on her roommate as it was he seemed to come out of whatever had he’d been caught up in. He shrugged to himself, and again she tilted her head to the side just a bit. “This is going to sound very lame of me, since I probably know the answer...but, are you okay, Alistair?” A tone of concern laced her voice, as well as did the sentiment cross over her face.

“Is there anything I can do to help, or, well...?” Alistair was too nice for her to not be a bit worried.


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He just sat there awkwardly for another moment or two,

Wait... No, I only have one flashback a week.. Is this..?

Then suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice. He suddenly looked up, turning his head towards Gabriel.

“This is going to sound very lame of me, since I probably know the answer...but, are you okay, Alistair?”
He gave his room mate a slow nod,

“Is there anything I can do to help, or, well...?”

He looked up, thinking. Then back at Gabriel, giving a half-awkward smile, "There is. Please slap me, next time I go into my.. Flashback thing." he said, chuckling, "They're not particularly happy, and I find no joy in seeing my past. Y'know how they say, you need to move on sometimes, it's rather hard with this gift. This is why I don't trust people, because I remmember what people in the past have done to me." he said.

Then he paused, it might seem a little un-clear.

"Right now, after becoming 'friends' with you, I got one of my 'flashbacks'. About a very good friend I had a long time ago." He said, wondering if there was a connection, "Apparently, my Psyche associates you with her. She was the only person I trusted as a kid. And, well, in the end I was forced to abandon her because I was afraid my Psyche would scare her. She doesn't know where I am, or how I'm going. I've changed completly all contacts, thinking about her is a real pain, y'know. Friends are supposed to be friends. She's probably gotten over it by now, but I haven't. It's one of the most annoying flashbacks I've ever had, and for god-knows-what reason, it's associated with you. I can feel it." He laughed, then looked back at his stuff.

"Anyway, I have to unpack my stuff." He said, returning to look at his bag.


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Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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[Gabriel(le) Quinn Honey-Sinclair]

A clear look of concern slipped over her features as she listened to him. He suffered from flashbacks due to his ability to read auras
and he’d just had one of them, and the memory was evidently associated with herself. Alistair had divulged information about himself that he hadn’t had to, and asked her to slap him if she saw him slip into one of those episodes. But, for what reason that memory of his, about the friend he left behind out of fear, was linked with her, Gabriel hadn’t the slightest idea. The fact that she’d offered up her friendship to him, and the fact that he’d accepted it triggered a painful memory. Flashbacks, memories and a painful past
tragedy, sorrow and loss, that was something her past seemed to be riddled enough with—but somehow she was able to act without it hindering her now. She wasn’t an aura-reader, her psychic powers were physically based; she had transvection, so she’d never know the hindrance that came with what Alistair could do, or what any mentally-based psychic could do, or had to deal with.

She could forget, she could detach herself from her past and her memories without much of a problem because she didn’t have to worry about anything involuntarily triggering them like Alistair. She couldn’t understand how it was he felt exactly, she’d never be able to—but then, no one person could understand how another felt in any given situation. With each and every person on the planet, there was bound to be a unique and individualistic reaction to the same event or situation. Sympathizing was possible, but full comprehension wasn’t.

If I tried to say anything comforting, or whatever, about the memory he recalled, it might seem like I’m just patronizing him. Most people didn’t care for that sort of thing. Certainly, she didn’t.

Gabriel remained seated on her bed, looking at her roommate, not wholly sure how to respond to him at the moment. The fact that something in him associated her with that memory of his
what he said about his past, not trusting others, it was kind of a lot to take in and dissect and respond to at once. But
he’d revealed it to her, and even with what he said about not trusting others, he’d still gone ahead and spilled. Him not trusting others, and so readily talking to her as he had, openly
it made a small, dull pain form right in her heart.... The circumstances under which she lived, and what it was she made others think too, it made her feel guilty. Alistair had trust issues with people, but he accepted the idea of them becoming friends in the future with a smile, and here she was, having to lie about a rather large factor about her person—her gender.

That’s not really my choice though
I have to say I’m a boy, and be a boy before the eyes of everyone around me or else.... I don’t know what grandfather would do. Gabriel’s eyes drew downward, to the small hands she had placed upon her lap, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. Likely, he’d wrench me from the Mansion, pull me away from the sight and presence of others and confine me back to being alone again, keeping me under his watch for the rest of his lifetime. I don’t like having to lie to Alistair, or anyone, about being a boy, but.... a sigh slipped from her, Even if it does wind up making me feel guilty, I’m going to give into being a bit selfish, and go ahead with lying for the chance to finally have some happiness.

Even living under the prospect of a lie, she did have more freedom than she had with Maxwell. At least, she could actually be with people, and make friends, live her life. Like her dad would’ve wanted for her.

Again, the girl looked upward, giving a caring sort of smile to Alistair, she couldn’t understand what exactly he’d been through or things of the sort, but, rejection, being treated less than well for matters beyond one’s control.... That was sort of something she got, but it was something she’d been able to let go of and leave behind in her past. She was ready to step into her future, readily; she had no fear of people or what they might think of her, she’d been able to free herself of the pain that came with her differences, and oddness. Her mother’s rejection, her being scared of herself and her father because they’d been psychic, her grandfather’s disappointment and scorn for her not living up to the Sinclair name.... Those were things she had been able to leave behind in her past.

“I can’t say I comprehend. If I did, that’d be the biggest load of hogwash ever said by anyone, and it’d be a straight out shallow thing to say to you. But, I do at least hear you, Alistair. The past is a very painful subject for some, not so much for others. Whatever it might be that is hard for someone to overcome, for whatever the reason, might be barely a bump in the road for someone else.... Why I’m associated with this memory of yours, I don’t know either.” Gabriel shrugged, smile a bit nervous. “To tell you the truth, I’m probably someone who’s moved on a bit too easily from their past. I’ve let go of things I probably shouldn’t have been able to so simply.”

why I’m here now. Honestly, my grandfather sort of just dumped me here from his care because I don’t live up to his expectations as the heir to our family’s name. He’s too proud to accept the fact that I’m all that’ll be left of our family after he kicks the bucket, because my abilities as a psychic are pathetic, in his opinion, since all I can do is float around at random. I should probably be all upset by that, but I’m really not. I can’t control what the old guy thinks of me; bad or good, in the end I’m actually rather glad he plopped me here to be someone else’s problem rather than keeping me under his watch all the time. Gives me a chance to be a bit free for a change....” Without having meant to, she’d prattled on, slowly turning to set her gaze on the window on the other side of the room.

“Whatever happens though, you’ve got a friend in me, Alistair. Even if I don’t always understand, I’ll still do my best to be a friend.” Whether or not she had to lie about her gender
what she said was true, going around as ‘Gabriel’ or Gabrielle,’ it didn’t matter, she would be a friend to Alistair. Just, hopefully if by chance her secret spilled itself
it wouldn’t tear apart their weakly established companionship.