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Ren Everett

It doesn't matter who you are, if you're my friend, I'm not letting go.

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a character in “Psychic Mansion”, originally authored by Kawaii Desu, as played by RolePlayGateway


Full Name: Ren Everett
Nickname: Renny
Titles: Joker
Gender: Male
Appearance: He has chocolate brown hair, which matches the colour of his eyes, even though they have a spark of golden in them. He is 1'87 in height. He isn't bulky, but not to skinny either, you can detect abs too. His skin is of a tan-ish pink colour. He never wears the school uniform, and is often told off for that.
Personality: Ren always smiles, he almost NEVER has a gloomy or serious expression on his face, and if he does, you wouldn't be able to tell if he's faking or not. That's the way with most of his feelings, people cannot tell when he's being serious or joking, and he is often mistaken for a player, due to his overly-friendly approach towards some girls. He is well known around the whole mansion, not only because he is Doctor Everett's Nephew, but also because he causes alot of trouble.
Psychic Ability: Apportation, and Aura Reading, even though it isn't as great, and he can be blocked out. Aura reading however, takes up less energy than apportation.
Special Traits: Eccentric in his own ways, Hyper, Kind and Protective when it comes to his friends, and Rebellious when it comes to school or rules.
Special Non-Psychic Abilites: Due to him being Hyper, sports is his best.
Your Story: When Ren was born, his parents gave him to his uncle, due to them being scared of his Psychic abilities. They have come to visit him, but they were never his family. Soon enough, Ren grew to understand that they never truly cared for him, when they had a second child, a younger, non-psychic boy, which they didn't ever leave. His main goal was to live his life happily, as if he'd die on the next day, blocking out all negative emotions.
Feelings towards having a Room mate: "I'd LOVE to be room-mates with someone fun and hyper like me! Or just a good friend!"
Likes: Cats, Reading, Sports, Skipping Classes, Sleeping In, Teasing people.
Dislikes: Maths, Gloomy People, Overly-Handsome Guys (Even though he has high-self esteem himself), Being treated differently due to his past.
Extra: He has a feline named Ringo.

So begins...

Ren Everett's Story


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki
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Ren sauntered through the halls. It was time for the students to come back from their vacation and after seeing their families, meanwhile Ren spent his whole vacation in the Mansion. He was Doctor Everett's nephew, and even though that old man encouraged him to go see his parents, Ren disagreed, as he had held a grudge for them, despite the fact that he really wanted to see his little brother. That, except for his uncle, was the only person in his family who didn't think of Ren as a nusiance, in a way. Even though Ren could teleport, and take a glimpse at his brother, that required energy that he was not going to willingly spend, instead, he used it to go exploring while he could.

Soon enough, the halls that Ren was walking through were crowded, so he had no other way but to teleport, to avoid any fuss. He didn't like crowded places much, since many of the psychic families didn't like him, and thought of him as a snobbish kid. Almost everyone knew who he was, and he didn't like that either, even if he was a people person, he didn't like the way he was treated: "Oh Mister Everett."
'Pah-leese, they don't even care.' He thought as made his way to a clearing, and teleported, so he wouldn't accidently drag someone with him. When he had landed, he had realised that he was just outside the mansion. With a loud sigh, he sat down right on the spot.

Then again, he was kind of curious who his room mate would be. In the last quarter, his room mate refused to share a room with him because appearantly, Ren's laugh was a little too much for him. 'Annoying' He thought.


Kuro, just in time had managed to pick up directions for his room. Once again, his room mate had changed, not everyone wanted to be with someone as gloomy as him. But that didn't bother the tall boy, he lazily walked over to his.. No, their room, and opened the door. It was a bit different from what he imagined, the room was larger that his previous one, and there was more spacing between the beds, which was nice.

His eyes locked on a large black army bag infront of a bed, it was his bag. Lovely, that someone had decided to drag his bag upstairs, probably one of the guys paying off their debts for disturbing Kuro while he was meditating, or something like that. He shrugged and walked over to the bed behind the bag, flopping down on it, staring aimlessly at the cieling. Then his hand reached for his pocket, as he took out the direction sheet again, wondering who his room mate was to be this time.

A certain "Gabriel Honey-Sinclair", to him, it sounded french, but he was simply jumping to conclusions. Even though his mother was french, his main language was Russian, even though he didn't talk on it all that often. Then again, he had no one to talk to.
"I wonder if this one will run away in fear." He muttered silently to himself, slamming the sheet onto the bed, staring back up at the cieling.


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Beautrix was currently sketching in her notebook a rough outline of the school. She had been out here now for about an hour, stalling. So far...12 deceased spirits...3 guardians...and four demons. She shook the thought out of her head as she looked up again at the entrance to start sketching out the details. Well...that was until some guy suddenly appear out of nowhere and was now just sitting there; causing her to yelp in surprise. Well....her parents weren't joking when they said people of all kinds. She sat there for a bit longer just looking at him before she blushed and quickly looked down after realizing that she was staring. She closet her notebook and pushed it back into her bag, zipping it closed before standing up. I need to go in... She thought to herself, forgetting about the boy that was there. She walked up to the entrance and peeked inside seeing as the doors where held open for easier access. She peered down the long hallway that was now filled with students, her bright pink eyes filled with worry. What if she scares off all her friends...? Her powers tended to scare off ever friend she'd try to have. But once she revealed her secret or if they found out they ran out the door with their tails between their legs. She sighed and leaned back against the wall, looking down at her feet. A new school...a better chance...?


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Ren tilted his head as he heard a yelp behind him. He blinked turning around, looking at the girl which seemed to be staring at him. He raised his hand to wave at her, but she stood up and walked into the mansion. "Eh? Am I that scary?" He asked himself, blinking several more times. But he couldn't bother going after her, infact, he thought that chasing after girls was either stalkerish, or a way to show affection.. Which he didn't have for strangers, even though he would gladly make friends.

He shrugged and crossed his arms behind his head, laying down, staring up on the sky. He was oblivious to everyone and everything around him, it didn't bother him much that he was right infront of the mansion entrance. The stampede of people had already passed inside, anyway. Or so he hoped. He sighed, blowing his brown bangs out of his eyes, as he began counting the clouds.


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Beautrix sighed and plopped down onto the ground next to the wall, right outside of the entrance. She fiddled with her necklace quietly, trying to find some encouragement to go inside. Her gaze wondered over to the guy, that was now laying down, again. He seemed so...aloof and care free. If only she could be like that...she looked up at the tree she had been sitting under. This place was filled with activity, she just wished she could walk around with a blindfold on everyday. She giggled to herself at the thought. How silly...her mother had always told her to face her fears or else they'd consume her. It was a pretty scary thing to say to you six year old daughter at the time but now that she's grown up she understand it perfectly. She had seen so many different groups of people, all of which were with either family or friends. She could just try harder and maybe she could get someone to be her friend? She stood again, brushing off the bottom part of her sweater. She didn't even have a map of the inside of the school...only how to get here. How did her mother expect her to find her way around? She quietly stood there for a moment hesitating before going towards the boy laying on the ground. He seemed friendly, there were quite a few happy spirits surrounding him, so it wouldn't hurt to try right...? She was standing above him now where his head laid but she kept a good enough distance so that she wouldn't be in his personal space.

"Uhm, hello..." She said almost inaudibly as she glanced at him before looking away again. " you by chance k..know your way around the school?"


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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"This is my last year of school in this place, and you ask me if I know this place?" He raised an eyebrow, not bothering to get up. He smiled at her, "So that means you don't know who I am.. FANTASTIC!" He then exclaimed, quite happily, standing up so that he would face her.

He was taller than her, but that didn't bother him much. "Looks like you and I will become good friends!" He laughed, "Anyway, where do you need to go? I can bring you anywhere. Or are you looking for someone? Ren Everett is at your service, but you can call me Renny, that's what most of my friends call me anyway. " He said. "Or are you interested in meeting cute guys? We can arrange that to, so who do you like?"

Ren smiled brightly, "Just kidding."


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Beautrix blinked, taking a small step back, as he suddenly got up and greeted her happily; she blushed at his last comment looking down again. To be quite honest she wasn't exactly used to eccentric guys...or girls...or people really. Wait..did he just..say friends? He wanted to be her friend? Really? No, no that's impossible they just met! He was probably just being friendly and trying to be nice to her. She looked back up at him and thought of what to say without stumbling over her words. She was always a mess in front of guys, in her old school she never had to deal with them. It was a private all girls school after all. She finally responded.

" name is B-beautrix Halona..but you people call me Cupcake...but uh! You don't have to c-call me that! Beautrix is just fine, or just Hally.." She quickly said, blushing like an idiot. Oh gosh, this was going to be hard...she was about to speak again but something caught her attention.

"Who'd you get as a roommate?

"Ooo! I got my crush!


Roommates? As in sharing a room with another person? That can be of the opposite gender? Beautrix thought she was going to faint on the spot. She looked back up at Ren again with a worried expression. "W-we have roommates here?"


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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He smiled brightly as she took her time to answer. He seemed to somewhat notice that she seemed uncomfortable around him, or so he thought. That was, untill she spoke.

"Cupcake? That sounds really cute! I'll call you that, if you don't mind!" He smiled brightly at her, "You're rather forward, aren't you? Being called cupcake and all. But don't mind me and my awkward mind, I can often end up saying awkward things." He began speaking very quickly, untill he heard some girls speaking. He knew their voices sounded very familiar, but he couldn't make out who they were.

Then he looked down at her. "Since most of the rooms are under construction, yes. We have room mates here. I wonder who my room mate is. Heh, actually, I wonder who YOUR room mate is. Just gotta hope if it's a he, that he wont take advantage of my cute new friend. If you get in trouble, call me!" He raised his thumb, pointing at himself.


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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"Cupcake? That sounds really cute! I'll call you that, if you don't mind!You're rather forward, aren't you? Being called cupcake and all. But don't mind me and my awkward mind, I can often end up saying awkward things."

She blushed, laverting her gaze from his face. He was really friendly but she wasn't used to this at all. "U-uh they call me that..cause..I really like sweets.." She explained. Her went wide eyed as she looked up at him dumbfounded and his next statement. "Take...advantage..? Why would a guy do that? you mean copy my homework....?" She asked a bit quietly. She hadn't the slightest clue as to what he was talking, this being due to her being sheltered from men all her life. She just got nervous around them, it was a problem for her. It also got in the way her trying to find a job because her co-workers were usually men. Maybe she could find a cafe or something to work at, and she could just wash dishes? So that she didn't have to deal with the costumers...That sounded nice... Hey, maybe this guy was her roommate? It'd be better since she kind of is... acquainted with him now.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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"Take...advantage..? Why would a guy do that? you mean copy my homework....?"

"H-huh? What, you don't know what that means?!" He exclaimed, almost surprised, "Woooow. You really are a good girl.." he begun rubbing the back of his head, wondering if to explain it or not. "Well, when a guy takes advantage of a girl, it usually means that.. Well, in short words, flirting like... Flirting and stuff." Ren thought, it wasn't the best way to explain it, but he wasn't sure how else to... "And maybe take advantage of you by copying your homework, guess it depends on the type of guy."

Then he got the awkward idea of creeping her out..

"But y'know.. You're alone, in a closed room with a perverted guy, and he starts hitting on you, and you can't get out.. Keke~ What will you do then? People wont exactly barge into your room to rescue you.." He said in a creepy, yet joking tone, walking up closer to her, making a 'creeper' face. Then he stopped, smiling. "Just kidding, I'm not trying to scare you or anythin'."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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She tilted her head slightly at his explanation. Flirting? Well yea sure she'd be really flustered but it wouldn't hurt her right? She didn't mind helping people out with their homework, I mean, nobody liked homework. Plus she was helping them out in the process. Back at her school she was a real push-over, people took advantage of how nice she was. She was usually always stuck with staying after to finish up someone else's job like cleaning up their table, taking out the trash. Though she thought she was making friends she found out that they didn't exactly see her that way...She sighed to herself but jumped when he was suddenly closer to her. She clutched her bag to her chest as he spoke. She only had one thing to say.

".....I...I didn't think flirting was that scary. It's just...words..?" She squeaked out, taking another step back. This guy was really nice but...he was a tad bit weird. It was new to her though so she was actually pretty interested in his personality.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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"Aww. You're so squishy." He laughed at her, ruffling her hair, looking up at the sky. "I actually scared you. Jeez Cupcake, you really will have a hard time around me. But hey, since you're my friend, I'm not letting go now!"

Ren gave her a reassuring smile, then tilted his head as he heard his name. He looked in the direction of the sounds.

"Look, that's Ren Everett.." A girl squeaked.
"What's he doing, talking to that girl?" Another one protested.

He twitched, narrowing his eyes in a rather cold stare. They looked away as they noticed. He turned back to the girl. "I'm sorry for the plethora of girls, since I'm Doctor Everett's nephew, that makes me a bit.. Known around the mansion. That's why I want to be friends with you. You don't know anything about me, and it means that I can have a new start.." He told her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Squishy? Was that slang for something? Oh no, does he think she's weird now? She frowned but blinked when he ruffled her hair. Friends.... "I have a friend...." She muttered to her self, smiling lightly at the ground. It was a real friend...he wasn't asking her to clean up...or to go get something for him...he actually was her friend. Cupcake didn't mind his personality actually. I mean yea..he was..kind of scary..when he wanted to be. But the spirits were right about him, he was a sweet guy. She snapped out of her thoughts as she heard his name. Was he popular? I bet he had tons of friends....

"Look, that's Ren Everett.."
"What's he doing, talking to that girl?"

Cupcake looked down at herself in confusion. That girl...was there something on her face? She reached her hand up and let her fingers rest at her lips. Maybe she should have put make-up on like all the other girls? Even though she hated make up. But she just wanted to fit in....She really needed to stop over thinking things. She saw Ren give off a cold stare, she frowned. He shouldn't ever didn't suit him.

"I'm sorry for the plethora of girls, since I'm Doctor Everett's nephew, that makes me a bit.. Known around the mansion. That's why I want to be friends with you. You don't know anything about me, and it means that I can have a new start.."

She was silent for a moment before reaching into her bag and pulling out a small sticker of a cloud with a cute face on it. She carefully peeled it off and hesitantly went on her toes to stick it on his cheek. "New start...ok well...I...I don't know who that doctor guy is but uhm, as long as you have that sticker you can't f-frown....Renny." She said shyly, tucking the roll of stickers back into her pocket. She used to do this with her father all the time. He'd probably think she was weird for doing that...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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"New start...ok well...I...I don't know who that doctor guy is but uhm, as long as you have that sticker you can't f-frown....Renny."

His eyes widened slightly as she put the sticker on his cheek. He smiled at her, "You.. You don't like it when I frown?" He asked her, raising an eyebrow, "Ofcourse you don't... Okay Cupcake. But you really can't expect me to protect you from people talking ill about you while smiling? They wont take me seriously." He laughed.

It was funny. He had lots of female friends, but she was different. She was.. Sincere. She didn't have to 'fake' being who she was, and she didn't wear a ton of make-up. And she was shy, but she wasn't afraid of him. The important thing, she wasn't afraid of him. He often did things to test how people would react.. And it mainly turned out that most would be frightened. But she was different, it made him happy.

"Ah well. If anyone gives you trouble, call for me, okay? Now that we're friends.. Well, I would expect people to look badly upon you. After all, everyone had their own opinion of me." He smiled awkwardly.


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Beautrix shook her head at his question. He shouldn't let a frown soil his face...he had a nice smile and laugh. She giggled at the thought of him smiling about absolutely everything. She finally felt relaxed enough to smile back at him happily. "I uhm, I hope you won't have to b-because I don't want to cause any trouble..." She said truthfully. She looked at him confused. Why would people look at her badly just because of their opinions on him? She thought he was really cool...isn't that what everyone else thought? She pursed her lips in thought. This school was already confusing her.

"....If they said..s-something mean to you...they're wrong." She said, trying to sound stern. it wasn't exactly working but she just wanted to get her point across. "I don't see any scary spirits around you......You're nice...and you're own person.." She muttered, but loud enough for him to hear. Giving out compliments wasn't exactly her forte. She was quiet but then realized what she just said. Oh no! Now he's going to find out about my weird powers and run away...they always did. All of them.



Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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Kuro didn't bother looking at his room mate when he heard the door open. He remained laying on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, in deep thought, oblivious to everything, or so it seemed. He closed his eyes for a moment, not wanting to look at the person infront of the door. He could feel that he was watched, but he was used to it, it wasn't a first for him... And clearly not the last.

Inside his mind, he was re-playing the images of how he ended up alone through all these years. How he was the 'silent, awkward kid'. When he was finally done, we worked up the courage to sit up, that was, when the young 'boy' talked.

He raised an eyebrow, looking at him, silent, not willing to reply at first.

Then he realised, that if the boy didn't run away yet, it probably was worth a go.

"Gabriel.. It's nice to meet you." He spoke rather silently, hesitantly, it would give a bad first impression, to most people at least. "I'm Alistair.. Please call me that." He said in his usual, silent tone, narrowing his eyes, looking away for a moment, then back at the boy.

"You look... Awefully young." He told him, "Looks like you either didn't hear the rumors about me, or you just don't care... Or you have no choice, which is probably the right answer."


Ren seemed completly oblivious to Cupcake's confession about her powers. The spirit thing didn't bother him at all. He just gave her a smile in return, remaining silent. When he sensed the tension she had, he realised that he had to say something.. He didn't want to make her run away for some reason..

"Uhh.. Is there an evil spirit behind me, or are you just tense because I found out your psyche?" He raised an eyebrow, his tone sounding pretty sarcastic. "In any case, I'll protect you if there is one, and as I said earlier. Since you're my friend now, I'm not letting go. Even if you were a serial killer and could back stab me.. Not that I believe that you are one, it's just how I feel about my friends." He chuckled, then stuck his hands in his pockets and turned around.

"Anyway, the crowd seems to have dissolved a little. Do you want me to lead you to your room, before the crowd makes its way OUT of the mansion, and we'll get stomped to death?"


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Cupcake looked up at him in utter confusion. He wasn't...scared?

"Uhh.. Is there an evil spirit behind me, or are you just tense because I found out your psyche? In any case, I'll protect you if there is one, and as I said earlier. Since you're my friend now, I'm not letting go. Even if you were a serial killer and could back stab me.. Not that I believe that you are one, it's just how I feel about my friends."

She was completely silent for a full minute before she smiled and started giggling. He..he didn't care! He treated her like it was normal. "I...most people run away.." She admitted, moving so that she was next to him now, signalling that they could go in now. The thing that was frightening her was to see all the spirits that resided in the school. Places with constant activity proved to have higher spiritual activity and power. She wanted to help them but...right now she had to work on her psyche and learn to be able to find the 'on and off' switch. Some of the spirits she's seen gave her nightmares for weeks and migraines...

She looked down the hallway and immediately turned her head away to the side wall. "So...many.." She muttered, grasping the strap to her bag tightly. Can't they just go away for now...


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona Character Portrait: Kuro Nisseki Character Portrait: Gabriel Honey-Sinclair
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"You are..." He stared at the boy for a moment, narrowing his eyes, inspecting the features of the 'young' male infront of him. "Fragile." He concluded, standing up.

He walked over to the boy, staring down at the suitcase. Then at Gabriel. He was feeling rather tall, since he literally had to 'look down' in order to be able to talk to Gabriel properly. At that thought, he sighed. It was troublesome to always have to 'lower' his head while talking.

After a moment of silence, he ruffled the boy's hair. "Do you need any help moving that around?" He asked, half-smiling. It would look like a smirk from ones point of view, but.. That was actually his smile. "They didn't help you get here? Thought they'd atleast bring your suitcase up for you, in an apology for sticking with me." He narrowed his eyes.

This boy is.. Strange. I've never seen people like him before.. Alistair thought, And sixteen? He doesn't even look his age...

He kept running horrible images of how horribly this boy must have been treated in school or by society. As far as Alistair knew, the 'human' survival chain consisted of the strong picking on the weak. Bullying.

He gave off a light shrug, trying to clear away the thoughts, but they kept on rushing into his head like no tomorrow. After all, he was an outcast in the 'human' society too. Maybe.. We might.. Get along. He thought, but stuttered even in his head. Having friends was new for him, even if he didn't have any bad intentions.

I can't believe I'm referring to my family as .. Human beings.. What does that make me? With that final question in his head, he seemed to zone off for a moment, staring blankly ahead.


For as long as it lasted, Ren was happy with the company he had. Even if the people in the mansion did seem to give... Unfortunately, bad looks, or evil grins, at either Ren or cupcake, he simply ignored them. It was after all his duty to protect her, so he stated himself.

As they walked, Ren couldn't help but to notice Cupcake's... Constant zoning off. Or so he called it. She seemed somewhat troubled, appearantly by something he could not see or understand. He stopped, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Cupcake... If you're feeling uncomfortable.." He went silent for a moment, wondering if he should tell her about his apportation abilities. Then again, she could pester him to use them for her selfish needs.. He quickly shook his head,

No. Cupcake isn't like that! Even her aura feels nice.. He thought.

"If you're feeling uncomfortable.. I could teleport us to the door of your room? That is, if you're fine with it. Sure apportation, or teleportation, is a rather uneasy thing at first go. But hey, it's better than standing in a place crowded with spirits that only YOU can see." He chuckled, smiling brightly at her, "If it's ghosts you're talking about. How am I going to protect you from something I can hardly even sense? Even for an Aura Reader, spirits auras are pretty 'smokey', unless they interfere with our world much. That's what I've been told in class, atleast."


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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"If you're feeling uncomfortable.. I could teleport us to the door of your room? That is, if you're fine with it. Sure apportation, or teleportation, is a rather uneasy thing at first go. But hey, it's better than standing in a place crowded with spirits that only YOU can see. If it's ghosts you're talking about. How am I going to protect you from something I can hardly even sense? Even for an Aura Reader, spirits auras are pretty 'smokey', unless they interfere with our world much. That's what I've been told in class, at least."

Cupcakes quickly shook her head and held out her hands. Oh no, she hated it when people worried over her. It was selfish of her. "Oh, no, no! I-it's I heard t..that teleporting hurts the person that uses it.." She said, adding in the last part quietly. She'd rather walk one thousand miles herself then ask someone to use their powers just for her. She's been seeing spirits since she was born, she needed to get used to them, no matter how scary.. She shyly reached up and held onto the bottom of his shirt as she continued to walk forward. It's fine...he's nice and said they were I shouldn't feel scared..


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Character Portrait: Ren Everett Character Portrait: Beautrix Halona
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He gave her an uncertain glance for a moment, clearly he wanted to teleport her, if seeing all those ghosts was uncomfortable, but at the same time, he couldn't argue that with his health, teleporting was indeed hard. Then he smiled, remembering about the sticker on his cheek,

"You're so considerate.. But if you really don't want to teleport, then I'll be glad to walk with you on your way there." He told her and began walking, but stopped as he felt something pull his shirt. He looked down at her, grinning in a rather playful way, "Aww, Cupcake is scared. Hehe, don't worry, I'm here." he gave her a thumbs up, and slowed down a little.

His average pace was a bit faster than hers, since he was taller, but slowing down didn't bother him much. "So, what's your room number?"

Ren didn't know his own room number himself, but for him, finding it out was just a matter of time. He could easily just teleport down to the assistance office, and ask about it, but with Cupcakes.. She didn't want him to use his teleportation abilities, or so he seemed to understand.

Ofcourse, he could simply as a passing by girl to go get information for him, but then again, was he really that lazy? He looked around, there was an incredible weight on his shoulders, he couldn't leave Cupcake alone, since she could get lost or something.. And if she didn't know her room number. Oh well, he didn't really expect her to after all, perhaps it would've been wiser to get directions when they were passing by.