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Daniel Matlock

"I've been in worse scrapes. This place has nothing on Helmand..."

0 · 545 views · located in Denva Quarantine Facility

a character in “Quarantined”, as played by safton


Characters Name: Daniel Matlock

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Role: Subject

Description: Daniel is a somewhat imposing individual, standing at six foot two with an extremely athletic, rather than outright muscular, build. He has dark brown hair that he prefers to keep close-cropped in typical military style. He also keeps his face clean-shaven. His piercing green eyes, however, are among his most distinctive traits.

Personality: Daniel is proud of his military background, and does not hesitate to state such. He tends to exude an air of confidence, often leading others to call him cocky. Despite this, he is not an arrogant individual.

Daniel is not the most outgoing or social person. Although he is capable of cracking the occasional joke (albeit said jokes are often sardonic and/or sarcastic in nature), he generally maintains a serious outlook. Some would describe him as having a "Type A" personality. It takes time for him to warm up to those around him -- however, he is a loyal friend to anyone who manages to earn his trust.

Lacking solid parental figures early in life left Daniel with certain authority issues; the Navy managed to sort these out to the point that he is capable of working well with others. However, Matlock still prefers to take charge in situations. He doesn't easily trust anyone other than himself, instead preferring to rely on his own skill set and determination.

Before being quarantined, Daniel was an "hotshot" young SEAL, eager to prove himself to his comrades and his superiors. Now that energy has been directed towards finding a way out of the Denva Quarantine Facility as soon as possible. He'll do what it takes to survive, but underneath it all Matlock has an altruistic streak and feels a commitment to those that he can help. As such, he'll do whatever he can to assist the other subjects...

History: Daniel had a rough childhood, being born and raised by a lower-class family in California. His father was an alcoholic (and often abusive) deadbeat. Arguments, sometimes escalating into full-on brawls, were a frequent occurrence in the Matlock household.

However, despite his troubles at home, Daniel did well in school. He showed signs of gifted-level intelligence and took part in many sports, including wrestling, football, and the swim team. However, he wasn't able to acquire any scholarships. Not willing to put himself nor his family in debt with student loans, Matlock took a different path. After graduating high school a year early at the age of seventeen, Daniel enlisted with the Navy.

He quickly applied to BUD/S and was accepted. After more than a year of intense training, Daniel was proud to join the ranks of the SEALs. He has seen combat in Afghanistan and had just recently returned from deployment in order to go on leave. He chose to spend his allotted time on leave by visiting London when he was informed about his impending quarantine...

Possible Romance: (To be determined.)

So begins...

Daniel Matlock's Story

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Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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#, as written by safton
Daniel Matlock

Daniel was moving towards Shanae when the door to his dorm burst open. Monica entered, knife in-hand. Within seconds, she had "collected" Nick and had left just as soon. Matlock watched the scene with a clenched jaw; unable to do anything about it. He figured he should get used to the feeling of being helpless, but he doubted that would ever happen, even if he ended up being here for years.

After the door slammed shut again, Daniel self-consciously made his way to Shanae where she was curled up in bed, staring at the bleak wall. Unsure of what to say, he decided to say nothing. Instead, he pulled a small, plastic chair from the corner of the room, placing it next to Shanae's bed before sitting down. Slowly, he placed one hand on her shoulder. He knew that he should say something to her, or at least make sure she was okay medically. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came.

His heart was beating quickly, although he was sure that was just the emotional stress. His hands were trembling, no doubt the adrenaline. He'd crash soon enough, but that wasn't important right now. No... everything that was important was in front of him. After all, he had an obligation to help these people, these "subjects" to the best of his ability. In particular, he felt a debt to Shanae... for what he had let happen to her on his watch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Shanae Vena
Shanae had heard the door burst open from her corner of the room. Monica's rough voice echoed across the room before the door slammed shut. Shanae's hands clenched tighter in a desperate attempt to somehow make up for the thoughts that flew through her mind. She didn't want to think about what was to be done to Nick. She knew he had been the one to be taken, as the contact they had became a little more distant, though if she really tried she could contact him. She didn't. She emotionally couldn't talk to anyone at the moment.
Shanae heard the grating of a chair across the room to near her bed. She didn't react, only to try and stop the crying. There was no point. She was most likely going to go through worse than this, and if she cried every time, she was probably going to give Adrian a ball. She felt someone gently touch her shoulder, and though she didn't move, a quick probe into his mind told her it was Daniel. For some reason this comforted her slightly. Her previous misgivings about communicating with anyone disintegrated. She lay there for a few minutes before mustering the strength to send him a message.
<Daniel?...What are we supposed to do?>
Her tears threatened to fall again as she sent it. She prayed Adrian would never separate her from anyone, as being unable to touch a person, she would be powerless to communicate. She feared for the rest of them. Too many people had died, and each had been witnessed. Her broken emotions felt like they were going to choke her as she forced them down.
Suddenly the door smashed open again.

Adrian Carlos
Adrian watched as Monica delegated the tasks between herself and Destiny.
He was content with the decision, however he had thought the process through and decided he didn't need so many people. Erin seemed stronger then Emily, so he could do without the latter.
"Destiny? Before you go, could you please get Emily to clean up while you take the class? Once she's done, kill her. I don't need her"
She hadn't been recorded down yet or changed, so he could do what he liked without having to pay. And now there was Danielā€¦
Adrian strode down the hallway before entering Dorm one. Nick was missing so obviously Monica had already begun. Contemplating this Adrian realised he was going to have to use another room for his lesson. He could always use that room set aside near his ownā€¦.He had been thinking about using it for a while, perhaps he'd use it for Shanae. She now had a use and he needed to know where she was at all times in order to use it. He could do that as he took Daniel up.
His eyes roamed around the room before meeting Daniels. His face hardened as her saw his position near Shanae's bed.
"Daniel. I think we need to talk about your little comment in the gym, don't you?" His voice was hard and emotionless.
At the sound of his voice, Shanae started, twisting her head around before sitting bolt upright on the bed. She cringed against the wall, before her eyes hardened and she stiffened, giving him a harsh, cold look full of hatred.
He gave her a hardened glance of his own before turning back to Daniel.
"I suggest you get up and move" He hissed, before glancing back at Shanae's white, blood deprived face "And make sure she gets there"
He turned to walk out of the room before spinning back around. "And Shanae? No protest?." He gave her a mocking smile "I like you better silent"
Her hard expression crumpled as despair washed over her features "...and that is also a better look for you"
Adrian swept out of the room leading them both upstairs. He passed the door to his own room before turning into another just passed it, opposite the experimental chamber. Unlocking it from a row of keys, he swung open the steel door. The door had a small slit just big enough for a small hand to slip through, with a slide to block and open it as pleased by whoever remained outside. Inside was cold and dark, a single dim bulb illuminated the room in a dark, shadowy light. Against the blackened stone wall was a row of long chains, each containing a small clasp at the bottom.
Catching Shanae looking at them, Adrian decided to inform her of their use.
"Those are for the people I have already figured out their use. Though I must say I need to make sure I know absolutely everythingā€¦"
Shanae whitened even further, though she was forced to stay silent.
Across the right wall was a wooden rack, as soon as Shanae noticed it, Adrian took hold of a handful of her hair and wrenched it backwards, jamming the nozzle of his gun under her throat.
"Get on" Adrian instructed Daniel, purposefully clicking the loading device into place. He followed Daniels every move with his eyes, cold and dark until Daniel was lying on top of the torture device. Shoving Shanae aside he deftly strapped down Daniels limbs.
Then he left, locking the door behind himself. They could wait, he needed to make sure the experimental chamber was ready for after.
As soon as he left, Shanae moved over to Daniels side, falling to her knees beside the rack. She grabbed his hand gently squeezing it.
Her whole body was shaking as tremors of fear ran through it. Adrian, as far as she knew had never used the rack before. Why now? The tears she had so desperately held in tumbled down her face as the dismal thoughts of the future swung into her mind.
<Don't make anything worse, don't say anything> she pleaded with him, her thoughts tumbling into his own mind <You've got to liveā€¦>
She squeezed his hand tighter. Both hands were strapped above his head, the handle waiting to be turned. She put her head against the unforgiving wood as her head span under both blood loss and fear. Why was she here? She had no need to be here. She couldn't watch him, and yet Adrian would make sure she would at the very least hear everything. And now there was nothing to do but wait.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Adrian Carlos
Adrian swiftly entered the experimental chamber to quickly go over the Doctor's latest apparatus. The rectangular, bullet-proof glass box was perfect. At the top a few transparent tubes led to a small box to the left. Opening the box to peer into it's content, Adrian was satisfied. There was a small amount of wood, with matches set aside for later use. A top the wood was two strange, gleaming beads. Both were fiery red in colour, and partially transparent, seeming to contain a sort of golden liquid. Both had been carefully placed on the wood, directly beneath the two tubes connecting the small box to the glass case. Adrian briefly checked the security of the connections between the glass case and the tubes, before re-reading the instructions the "doctor" had left for him. The page was filled with scrawled writing giving great detail of the use of the box and it's contents. Adrian rolled his eyes. It wasn't rocket Science. Through all the scientific rubbish, Adrian had managed to glean the main object: Light the wood to ignite the beads, to release the gas that had taken him so long to acquire. Once there it could travel through the tubes to filter into the glass case.
Underneath these complex instructions was a few pages of security and health hazards, that Adrian decidedly ignored. It didn't bother him. He wasn't the one that was to be risked.
After double checking everything, he decided he would continue his fun, before working. Daniel would provide the fun he needed.

Shanae Vena
Shanae's hand shook as Daniel nodded. She had to get out, yet that was currently not an option. She couldn't save Daniel as she saved Jason. This was Adrian's excitement, and even her energy was not worth that.
<Shanae, if something happens-->
The door to the cell smashed open as Adrian came into the room. She immediately withdrew her hand. To anger Adrian was to hurt Daniel further and not something she wished to do. Contrary to her thoughts, Adrian seemed somewhat pleased about something, and as he looked up his harsh features warped into a hard smile.
"Well that's a first Shanae. Didn't even cry when I beat you. Seems I broke you a little too well?"
Shanae didn't even have the energy to give him a look, instead fixing her gaze on the floor. That was as much attention she got from him, he turned from her and walked up to Daniel. She wasn't going to be the one stuck with his gaze tonight.
Adrian stared down at Daniel, his cold, ice blue eyes unblinking as he enjoyed the SEAL's helplessness.
"So Daniel...tempted to kill me. Well, try doing that after this." his eyes lit up in savage joy as he wrenched the handle in a full turn, immediately pulling both ropes taunt and applying the pressure on Daniels limbs. He clicked the handle into place, ensuring he no longer needed to hold it there as he talked with his victim.
As his feet Shanae moaned, curling up in a ball desperately trying to block out the sounds and images the room bought forth as well as Adrian's cold mocking voice.
"Do you know how long it took me to get this?...Of course the government said it was inhumane and that it may not be used as well as it could be, well we'll see what they think after" He immediately gripped the handle and with dark laugh jerked it around a little more, before clicking it a little further into place.
Almost straight after, he felt someone grip his ankle and Shanae sent a forceful thought straight into his head.
<Don't kill him...I'll give you all my energy and do anthin-> He brought his heel down on her hand, glaring at her interruption.
"The reason I cut out your tongue in the first place was so you would shut up"
He turned away from her allowing her to cradle her injured hand. She had known it was futile, yet something made her try, she could not do nothing, though it appeared it would make no difference.
"A SEAL eh? You'd think you'd learn a little more self control then insult the man that could, and will take your life."
He forced the handle even further, jamming it into yet another notch.
"You didn't even need to get on here. What a waste. You know I'm going to kill Shanae anyway, a bullet would have been a nicer way to go then the way I'm planning" He gave Daniel a mocking smile, before grabbing the handle and wrenching the handle as hard as he could, straining the ropes to their limit.
He would have to slow down soon. He couldn't afford to impair Daniel, as much as he would like to. In his excitement he may even have gone too far already, however in his adrenaline filled state Adrian did not particularly care, yet the more ambitious side, the one that needed the box stopped him. No need to release Daniel, but let him hang there, pushing him neither further, nor giving any relief.
He pulled his knife out of his belt and held it just under his chin.
"At the moment, the chance of either of us killing the other would go to me"
Shanae lay curled up near the torturous device. Her hands covered her face in an attempt to stop the continuous sobs racking her body. In desperate need of help, knowing that no one could do anything, Shanae pulled together her remaining strength to contact Nick. As soon as she found his mind she contacted him.
<Nick, Adrian's killing him!> Unable to control her emotions, they flew between their thin connection point, straight towards Nick. Not wanting to let him feel her state, she immediately broke contact and retreated into her own mind. In her current state she did not think of the fact that Nick would have no idea who "he" was nor would it help in any way, yet in a wave of desperate need Shanae had to contact someone and the only one on hand was Nick. In a sudden rush, the realisation that Nick to was being torture, Shanae broke down, if she had not already. Every single one of them was in trouble, and there was nothing she could do to prevent it.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Shanae Vena
Shanae let out a soft groan as Daniel didn't respond. She hadn't expected him to, though she had hoped...She stroked his head gently, trying to calm him and also herself a little.
<You're going to live, you have to> She was shaking badly, yet she tried to stay standing in order to keep an eye on Daniel. He had to live.
A wave of dizzyness over took her, and she found herself once again leaning her head on the rough, harsh wood of the rack. She was forced to sink to a sitting position as the room tipped dangerously. She closed her eyes, desperately trying to imagine herself away from the horrors of the room, yet the intense stabs of pain from her back held back her concentration. She gave up, and allowed herself to sink into a half conscious state where everything numbed slightly. Her mouth was less of a problem now, wounds in it seemed to heal faster then elsewhere. She lay there for around a quarter of an hour in a strange dreamlike state, before the sound of a door grating along the floor jerked her from her dream. Her mouth gaped in wordless terror as Adrian made his way closer Daniel. She tensed up, immediately wishing she hadn't, yet pushed the thought aside as Adrian lifted his fist strike her. She felt the glance of the side of her head as her vision went black and then strange pricks of light brought it back again. Her head pounded with the force of the blow as she looked up at Adrian's cold, calm features.
"I did tell you that you shouldn't dawdle." he said calmly, before turning his murderous gaze towards Daniel's motionless figure. Adrian made a move to drag Daniel off the rack, before Shanae grabbed his arm and using every inch of her strength hauled it back.
<He is not ready> she drove the thought as hard as she could into Adrian's head. Adrian recoiled as if in shock, before forbidding anger filled his eyes. He grabbed Shanae by her shoulders, driving her back first into the wall. She let out a scream as her back slammed into it, driving each one of her nerves crazy. Her head fell forward, as she collapsed to the floor, desperately trying to draw in a breath.

Adrian Carlos
Adrian was beyond angry now. Shanae had dared defy him twice. He was barely restraining himself from killing her on the spot. His clenched fists shook with a mixture of anger and restraint as crouched down near Shanae's head.
"I have had enough of you interrupting me. Once you have healed somewhat, I am going to get Monica or Destiny to have you straight in the box. And this I promise to you. As soon as I have found this thing I am looking for, and it is sent to the governement. I promise you, with my own hands I will kill you. I will not let you die with hands of the box. Oh it will be slow Shanae, I can promise you that. And before your own death you will watch Shayla and Daniel die. You have my word" His words were so intensely filled with hatred and rage, Shanae backed up hitting her head on the wall. Adrian grabbed her white neck with one of his hands, smashing her head into the bricks with force.
"Do you hear me Shanae?"
Blood trickled out of her mouch, and her eyes started to glaze over, though they focused and unfocused continuously as she tried to stay conscious. He didn't get a reply, and the anger leapt forth into his eyes.
"You haven't helped Daniel one bit"
He strode over to Daniel and grabbing both his shoulders threw him to the floor, kicking him hard in the ribs.
"You will watch hi-" Adrian's voice broke off as he spotted Shanae's limp form. She was no longer conscious, her stick like figure slumped against the stone wall.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Adrian Carlos

"She'll do what you want. I'll get to the chamber."
Adrian smiled.
"I know" he said as though there was no possibility of defiance. "Your not doing me any favours, don't fool yourself. You would have ended up there whether you like it or not."
He was a little irked that Daniel hadn't shouted or really shown much pain as he dragged him off the rack, but that was trifling for what was to come. Beside, from the look of it, Daniel would take a while to get the chamber whether he liked it or not. The smile slowly faded as he thought of this, but he would not resort to dragging him there, not yet. He didn't want to waste the energy, he wanted to enjoy it after all.
He glanced over at Shanae slumped near the wall. She wasn't waking up anytime soon. He was honestly just wanting to get on with it to find it. It would be difficult to find, hence why he needed Nick, but Adrian had suspicions it would be no easier to get once it's location was known, hence the other mutations. Adrian laughed silently to himself. He liked that word. That was what they were after all, not even human anymore.
He walked over to Shanae, as he waited for Daniel to get to the chamber, staring down at his handiwork. She was a mess alright. So was Daniel, actually. That aroused his humour again. Shanae was silent as a shadow now, thank goodness. She irritated him with her pitiful objections. Now that she would remain silent, he could use her more easily as a kind of servant. Yes, that pleased him. She would be his silent shadow, doing what he bid without objection or will. Then again, she showed her defiance in her removing them would make her useless, better to ignore them and enjoy the frustration lit within.
He glanced over his shoulder back at Daniel.
"I should move fast if I were you. I am not a patient person" he smiled revealing his straight white teeth.

(Sorry it's short, not sure what to write. Bleh, will be better next time)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Adrian Carlos

Adrian waited for a while after Daniel left before picking up Shanae's limp form. He needed a lever to convince Daniel to get in the glass cabinet, Shanae would be that lever. He frowned as her eyes flickered open, she was more of a pain when she was awake, then again now he wouldn't have to carry her. He shoved her forward watching her stumble, before managing to right herself against the door frame. The wounds that had re-opened on her back started to seep blood through the bandage. She leaned, white and pale against the door frame her weak stance proving to Adrian that he would need to give her some incentive to move.
"Get moving. Someone ought to watch Daniel passing."
Her face showed it's fear and sorrow as she silently tried to move down the hall, using the walls to support herself. Adrian followed close behind, his hand resting on his loaded gun. She stopped halfway down the hall, and Adrian gave up trying to move her, and gabbed both her shoulders, steering her the rest of the way.
"Once Daniel is no longer a distraction, you will go back to serving me, as a silent shadow"
Her weak body stiffened slightly, yet no soundless words came into his head, and Adrian allowed himself another smile at he thought that he had finally broken her.
The finally turned the corner and as he entered the chamber, Adrian spotted Daniel. He shoved Shanae away from himself before pulling out his pistol.

Shanae Vena

Shanae stumbled forward and spotting Daniel clasped one of his hands with both of hers.
<Don't do anything he says, not even ifā€¦>
The tip of Adrian's gun pushed into the back of her neck.
"Matlock" Adrian said in an almost bored tone "I suggest you remove Miss Vena's hands and get into the glass case"
Shanae tightened her grip on his hand, thinking fast.
<Please. You mustn't move. It's better for me to die now then later when Adrian has time to do the job properly.> Her pleas were desperate, she couldn't watch Daniel follow so many of the othersā€¦ <You have to listen. He's going to kill me anyway, don't let him do the same to you. Please"
She felt Adrian grab her shoulder and wrench her backwards, forcing her to release Daniel's hand. Adrian's hard fingers dug into her shoulder as a soft metallic click echoed in the room.
Shanae attempted to struggle forward, but Adrian only tightened his grip on her and pushed the barrel of the gun to her neck.
"Daniel. I am warning you once. Get in the box" Adrian's voice was harder now. Shanae glanced over as the bullet proof glass case in the centre of the room. The tubes confirmed her suspicions that this was another experiment, and seeing as this was the first she'd heard of it, an untested one. The thought scared her, all the experiments that were untested resulted in death. She looked at Daniel, her face white. Her hands shook badly, and her throat ached as she desperately wanted to beg Daniel to stay. Tears filled her eyes, as her vulnerability got to her, and she realised that there was nothing more to do to try and convince Daniel. She couldn't even cry out.
She had had enough of watching other people die, she would rather be dead than continue to live here and watch Danielā€¦
Don't. She mouthed, pleading and begging him with her eyes. Just Don't.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Adrian Carlos

Adrian nodded, satisfied as Daniel moved into the case. It seemed Shanae was a good lever. He shoved her aside, having no further use for her until Daniel was dealt with. He swiftly shut the door, satisfied as there was a soft click as the locking mechanism snapped into place. He then slid his hand up and down the sides of the case, double checking that it was seal proof. The door only opened from the outside, insuring Daniel would stay put even once the fire was lit.
He moved over to the box that was connected to the case by the plastic tubes. The small luminous beads glowed slightly atop the wood. Finally he could use it.
He took out the box of matches, and after striking one on the side of the box, carefully placed it under the wood. The flames licked at the wood hungrily, soon consuming it before moving onto the beads. Adrian quickly shut the case in order to keep it's possibly deadly contents inside. Suddenly there was a loud popping sound as one of the beads broke open. A kind of red haze rose above it and began to travel up the tubes. There was a sharp hiss of gas escaping as the red haze finally reached the glass case. The haze was not smoky, but a sort of clear gas with the slightest hint of red. Adrian turned his gaze towards Daniel, waiting expectantly for his new experiment to take effect.

Shanae Vena

Shanae felt herself shoved aside, and was unable to regain her balance. She fell to the floor, taking in a sharp breath at the pain. She ignored it however as she looked up at Daniel through the glass. She made her way to the glass case, a sob escaping her throat. Her fingers fumbled down the sides of the door, desperately looking for a latch. Her fingers only met a cold, smooth surface. She continued to push her fingers around the corner of the glass, until they found a small hole. Looking up she saw a tiny keyhole. She looked up at Daniel, sudden realisation on her face. There was nothing she could do. The terror was etched into her bright green eyes.
She pressed her palms against the glass, wanting so desperately to let him out, but knowing Adrian had already removed the key. The sudden popping of the beads made her jump, and her eyes widened as she watched the red gas seep into the glass container; straight to Daniel.
Her tears fell thick and fast as she slammed her fist into the glass, before sliding down it. Why? She mouthed through her tears. Why? She brushed away the tears coating her face, before placing her hand back on the glass. She would give anything to be able to just talk with him one more timeā€¦
Adrian's cruel gaze was directed at Daniel and Shanae found herself shaking in a mixture of anger and fear. For a split second she drew his gaze, and she cringed as he gave her a satisfied smile. His dark blue eyes cut into her own, and the smug expression and savage joy that was in them made her freeze, then he returned his gaze to Daniel. Shanae followed suit.
Daniel's familiar face looked down at her and her heart ached for him. His own green eyes met her tear-filled ones and a fresh stab of sorrow broke her down. She looked up at him through blurry eyes, praying that somehow he'd make it; knowing that it was too late.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erin Finch Character Portrait: Destiny Phillips Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Shanae Vena

Tears rolled down her face as Daniel fell to his knees before falling to the floor. Her vision was badly blurred and she could barely see his limp form. Adrian had killed another. She had watched so many...even with all the others Daniel felt different. He had almost made her feel as though he could get them out. She choked on the memory. She had only known him for a short time, but she had half trusted him. That was rare. Truly the only person she trusted was Shayla. The thought sent another torrent of tears down her face. Who knew what was happening to Shay? Everyone she'd ever trusted had been hurt. Mel, dead, Shay continuously tortured and now Danielā€¦ Shanae stayed silent as the minutes ticked by and Adrian waited till the gas was less concentrated. Her head ached and the sorrow of loosing yet another one continually racked her body in the form of silent sobs.
Adrian stalked forward and unlocked the door to the case opening it and catching Shanae's head as he did so. The red haze quickly dispersed, no longer concentrated enough to do damaged. Shanae stumbled forward to reach Daniel, before Adrian quickly caught her by the waist, dragging her out of the room. Through her tears, Shanae could barely see Daniel, but Adrian quickly quenched any idea that he was alive.
"Shanae give up" he growled at her as he forcibly removed her from the room "I've killed many before, and he won't be the last"
Shanae went still allowing him to drag her from the room and down the hallway. She sensed she was not going back to the dorms, but the knowledge ceased to worry her as her sorrow continued to eat away at her. She no longer cared as Adrian hauled her to the corner of the cell before picking up one of the chains on the ground and snapping one of the clasps onto her thin wrist. He threw her onto the floor, before kneeling down to her level.
"You've seen so many others die Shanae, why so much fuss for him?" Adrian lowered his voice even further "You only endanger those you become attached to Shanae. Every single one I have killed, slowly and painfully...Shayla will be the last, then you can follow her."
Shanae remained motionless, curled up in the corner. She drew her knees up to her chest, her dark hair falling over her face hiding the pain and sorrow. She leaned against the corner of the room, wishing herself away. If only he had listened...she had been forced to watch him die and soon she would see Shay follow before Adrian turned to her. The tears continued to trickle slowly down her face, and she made no attempt to stop them.

Adrian Carlos

Adrian smirked as he left Shanae to his misery. He knew Daniel wasn't dead, but in her hysteria, Shanae had missed that fact so he had left it that way. She could mourn him for a while. The only regret was how silently Daniel had fallen unconscious. He had been hoping for a more violent, painful end. It seemed that the sensation had almost pleased Daniel and that had angered him. At least Shanae's reaction was satisfying. He could use that small bond she had with Daniel later.
He walked back into the experiment chamber before the phone rang.
Picking it up, Adrian's face darkened.
"Now? I am in the middle of something now, I won't move themā€¦"
If it was possible, his face darkened even further.
"Fine. But I insist on have rights with them. I have seven at the moment. I'll change the last one now in order to be ready for your arrival. You could have given me a little more time than a few hours."
Adrian snapped the last bit out before slamming the handset down into the cradle.
He needed to collect them all.
He first went straight down to Destiny's class.
"I need them all upstairs in the room to the right of my own. All against the wall like Shanae. I'll take Erin, but I need Jason and Axel there now"
He grabbed Erin by the wrist hauling her along to the chamber.

"You are going to do exactly what I say, or so help me I will kill you all. I don't have time to mess with rebels today" Adrian spat through gritted teeth. This time he meant every word he said. He needed this to work and he needed it to work now. This was when he was his most dangerous, he was no longer so rational to make sure that he was careful about punishments. In this sort of state one wrong move would kill you.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Erin Finch Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Adrian Carlos

"Wh. What's going on?"
Adrian ignored the girls question and continued to drag her into the chamber.
"Adrian" He turned and sure Monica coming up beside him.
"Nick was a success. I used Shay, and he's agreed to find your object. Shay's still alive. He's down there cleaning the room right now. Anything else you'd like me to do?"
Adrian couldn't help but feel a strong sense of pride and satisfaction. Finally he might actually get there. Then he frowned. The stupid institute would interrupt him.
"Good. I need you to take Erin up and use the needle with the clear liquid on her. After you've finished that, get Daniel to the room on the right, use Shanae if he won't. I need everyone there in less then an hour. The Science Institution rang up, and insisted that the government needs our experiments to be tested. We're to take them to there, though I've made sure we'll get full rights of them. I am just going to have a quick chat to Nick, and then we'll get them all moving"
The word came from the chamber, and Adrian couldn't help but roll his eyes. Daniel wasn't particularly subtle.
"That would be Daniel. At least he's awake now. Both he and Shanae have something going on, so they need to be watched. If they team up with Nick and Shayla we might have some trouble"
He didn't wait, but briskly walked back down the hall, leaving Erin to Monica's mercy.
When he finally reached the box, he through the door open to find both Nick and Shayla covered in blood.
"The colour suits you" Adrian said rather smugly "I here your ready to find what I am looking for. Good. You'll do it once we've moved you. After your finished here, which I can assure you will be quick" he gave them a pointed look before continuing "You are both to go the room to the right of my own"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Erin Finch Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Monica Flack

"Good. I need you to take Erin up and use the needle with the clear liquid on her. After you've finished that, get Daniel to the room on the right, use Shanae if he won't. I need everyone there in less then an hour. The Science Institution rang up, and insisted that the government needs our experiments to be tested. We're to take them to there, though I've made sure we'll get full rights of them. I am just going to have a quick chat to Nick, and then we'll get them all moving" Monica nodded, taking in Adrian's orders quickly. She heard a soft mumble from the room and Adrian explained that it was Daniel and how him and Shanae seemed to have something. At this, Monica couldn't help, but raise her eyebrows. First Nick and Shayla, now Shanae and Daniel. Though, as it could be a problem for them, it could also be a great asset. At least it would be fairly easy to get any of the four to follow orders from here on out. Especially considering that the group happened to be the most rebellious of all the subjects.

When Adrian had left, he left Erin with her, and Monica sighed, grabbing onto the girls arm with an almost bruising grip. "Alright, you heard what he said. Give me any trouble and I'll kill you." She hissed and dragged her into the room with all of Adrian's experimental equipment in it. Daniel was still in the chamber, half awake, but she would get to him in a moment. First, Monica sat Erin down in a chair and strapped her feet to its legs before pulling over a small table, that she set before the girl. "Nervous?" Monica grinned wickedly and grabbed Erin's arm, holding it down on the table and turning it, wrist up. "Make a tight fist." She told the girl and slapped her wrist. When the vein showed up, Monica smiled and took the needle with the clear liquid, pressing its tip into the girls skin slowly. Once the needle was in, she forced the liquid into her victims blood before pulling the needle out of her skin again and replacing it with a soft cotton pad and bandage.

What would the injection do? She wondered, tossing the needle away and leaning back on one hip to watch Erin out of the corner of her eye. She wanted to see her reaction, but she had other orders to attend to. So instead, she crossed the room to the chamber Daniel was in and pulled him out, urging him to walk. She didn't shove him or push him, since she figured he was weak from whatever Adrian had done so she just gave him a slight nudge on the shoulder to make him move. "Come on Daniel. Walk." And she lead him from the room and down the hall to Adrian's room, stopping at the door on the right for a second to open it before pushing the boy in and closing the door again.

Monica sighed and ran her fingers through her dark hair, glancing down the hall. Now that Erin was changed, what was Adrian's bigger plan? How long until she was out of a job? She wondered to herself silently before heading back to the experiment room to check on Erin.

OOC: Ew. I'm sorry about how terrible this post is, but I'm not feelin' it tonight, next one will be better. Promise.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Destiny Phillips Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Jason Conelly
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Shanae Vena

The door to the cell was thrown open, making Shanae jump. Her head swung around to see the reason for the disturbance as Axel carried Jason and placed him gently down against the wall. Jason looked awful. There were jagged whip marks all down his back, and the blood loss was obviously getting to him. She knew exactly how he felt. Desperate to keep her memories at bay she managed to crawl over to them. Even so she found herself close to losing it again as she forced back tears, instead focusing on how she could help Jason. There was nothing she could do about Daniel. Adrian was right in a sense, he killed everyone and it wasn't as though she'd be immune to it for much longer. She saw Axel give her a searching look.
"Are you okay?" his voice broke the silence "And Jason are you feeling any better?"
She stiffened at the question, struggling to keep her emotions in check before placing a hand on both Axels and Jason's hands.
<Daniel's gone. I don't want to talk about it> she turned her face away trying to control herself. She withdrew her hands to make sure the emotions didn't slip through the thin mental bond, though she had a feeling it was a little late. Finally she took in a shuddering breath before turning back to the task at hand.
Mustering energy to conceal her feelings, Shanae took back Jason's hand.
<It might be wise to remove the back of your shirt to stop it getting infected>
The cloth was sticking to the wounds, and if the blood clotted around it there could be serious problems. She kept her face a hard mask, though her eyes couldn't hide how she truly felt. She tried to shove her thoughts to the back of her mind as she'd done with so many others, but Daniels face kept coming to the front. If she hadn't been so stupid and allowed Adrian to use her it wouldn't have happened. She knew he was going to do it. She just knew he'd use her, why hadn't she managed to change it? The memory of Daniel stepping into the glass made her freeze. He shouldn't have done it. She would rather be dead then live any longer.
Suddenly her mask cracked, and her hands started to shake. She quickly took back her hand from Jason, before curling her knees up to her chest. She buried her face in her hands trying to stop the memories. The door smashed open and shut, she didn't bother looking up it didn't matter.
"Shanae, we need to--"
Her head snapped up in time to see Daniel fall to his knees. She opened her mouth in a silent cry as the shock carved itself on her face. A strange mixture of joy and shock flew through her veins as she rushed over to him grabbing one of his hands in both of her own.
<How?> The thoughts poured into his mind, as tears threatened to fall <He told me he'd kill you. Don't ever listen to him again. Promise me.>
She clutched at his hand like a lifeline. Adrian had never lied about something like this. He always followed through. Thank goodness this was different. Then the sudden fear of a repeat flowed through. If they stayed much longer...No. She would not let it happen again.
<We have to get out> Her thought was firm, with an unquestionable undertone of need. <We have to>

Adrian Carlos

Adrian left Shayla and Nick, knowing they would obey his orders. The sound of a horn stopped him in his tracks. His face creased into a scowl. They were already here.
He marched to the front door before unlocking it and re-locking it behind him. A large white truck was parked in the facilities driveway, with an irritated driver waiting to drive through the large iron gates. If possible Adrian's scowl deepened as he moved forward, and in an obvious display of annoyance, unlocked the rusty iron padlock. Pulling open the heavy gate, with some difficulty, Adrian watched with heated eyes as the truck drove through. The truck turned around before slowly backing up, the back of it slowly getting closer to the door. It stopped about two meters away from the locked door of the facility before the truck driver got out.
The man was in a long white lab coat, and his rather thin, gangly body seemed rather wiry. Adrian didn't soften his features as the man reached out a hand. Adrian didn't take it.
"I thought you said an hour" he said flatly, as the smile dropped from the mans face and he withdrew his proffered hand.
"We thought you might need a hand getting them loaded, and it may take a while"
"I think I am quite capable of taking care of myself" Adrian snapped before demanding to see the inside.
A little peeved, the man agreed, though he now had a sour look on his face. He through open the back doors allowing Adrian to expect the inside.
Adrian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. It did suit what he wanted well. The inside of the truck was lined with around eight separate cage-like confinements. Each were made purely out of metal with thick bars down the front.
"Well at least you got one thing right" Adrian said gruffly, before opening each of the doors.
"Lucky for you there ready now, I'll be back with them in a while."
"I can hel-"
Adrian turned and gave him a cold glare.
"No. You can't"
He went back inside before slamming the door back in the smarmy mans face. He hated them trying to control what he did. Thank goodness the government had figured out a way he could have rights with the mutants. The stupid white coat could experiment on them as much as he liked, but he, Adrian, would have complete authority. He would get Nick to find the box, and then in between experiments the others could retrieved it. He found Monica and Destiny in the hallway.
"I need both of you to get the lot of them outside. There is a truck waiting for them, make sure they are each caged separately and none get away." He gave them both a pointed look. "Destiny, collect Nick and Shayla, Monica you can deal with the group upstairs, I'll take care of Erin. I assume she's sorted?" He gave her a questioning glance.

"We're all moving to one of the Science facilities." he couldn't keep the sneer out of his voice "but I'll need the both of you with me to make sure we keep control of them"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Jason Conelly Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Shanae Vena

Daniel's green eyes met her own in response to her question.
"You know I can't promise that. Not if it means you--" he paused, "any of you will get hurt."
Shanae frowned about to speak, when Daniel gripped her thin hand tighter, answering her other question.
"My thoughts exactly,"
<I'm working on it... but if anyone else has any bright ideas, I'm all ears. I'll do whatever it takes to get us out of here.>
<If it's going to work you can't listen to him.> she sent firmly <We're going to get hurt whether you do what he asks or not. You don't have the luxury of "helping" anyone.>
She then realeased his hand briefly, before moving over to Jason and Axel. She gently picked up Jason's hand and moved it next to Axels in order to place her hand over both of them. She then reached back over to hold Daniels. She tested the link with her mind. She felt the probe extend into all three minds, and she nodded satisfied that she could speak to all three at once.

<We will get out> the statement was sent with reasonable force. <The only question is howā€¦>

(Same issue as Safton, time for interaction!)

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Jason Conelly Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Shane had placed her hands on Axel's hand. Axel was so shocked when all of a sudden he heard Shane's voice in his head. <Daniel's gone. I don't want to talk about it> Axel looked at her with his mouth dropped open unable to speak for a moment. She had moved her hand away from Axel's, then she turned away from him looking sad. But before she moved her hand away he could feel emotions that weren't his own. "When did you learn to do that? And why aren't you talking normally?" He looked at her alittle confused about all of it. She seemed to look at and talk to Jason in her head. She looked at his cuts and looked like she was trying to help him. Axel sat there wondering if everyone had powers what they were. All of a sudden Daniel came through the door and had said, "Shanae, we need to--" As soon as he had said that little bit he had collapsed against the wall. Axel looked at Shane and she looked like she was about to cry her eyes out. Axel felt kinda happy for the two of them they looked great together. Shane had put her hand on Daniel's and sat there for a minute. He figured she was talking to him, then all of a sudden Daniel started to speak.

"You know I can't promise that. Not if it means you--" Daniel paused for a moment and went on, "any of you will get hurt." From what Axel could tell she was still talking to him. Daniel blurted out, "My thoughts exactly" While saying that he seemed to have a little smirk coming across his face. Shane then walked over toward moved Axel and Jason. As soon as she did so she put their hands next to each other. Axel heard he voice in his head once again. <We will get out> Axel could clearly hear everything easily. <The only question is howā€¦> Axel looked at her and thought maybe she could hear his thought so he thought hard so she could hear him. <Well we have my super strength and my weird new pain tolerance. Maybe we can have me distract people while you have the others use their abilities to get us out.> He looked at every and felt a strong urge to do whatever he could to help them.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Jason Conelly Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Shanae Vena

<Well we have my super strength and my weird new pain tolerance. Maybe we can have me distract people while you have the others use their abilities to get us out.>
Shanae glanced up at Axel and nodded slightly. It seemed all of them had something...just how they could use them was the problem.
<We could use that> Shanae said slowly <But it would have to be carefully planned, and there would need to be a way you could follow us out...It's not just Adrian that we need to be careful of. There's also Miss Flack and Destiny.>
Shanae stiffened slightly remembering Axel's previous question.
"When did you learn to do that? And why aren't you talking normally?"
<Axel?> she started, her expression pained <To your previous question...I didn't learn to do this, Adrian did it. I can speak to Nick directly at anytime, and everyone else through touch...I can also give energy and see.> she stopped trying to word it appropriately. <...opportunities/choices that can be made, though at random.>
She stopped completely. Not wanting to think about the second question, but finally deciding he needed to know.
<For the second question. I can't talkā€¦> her thoughts became more quiet <Adrian, removed my tongue>
She said finally, focusing on the cold stone tiles.
There was an awkward pause, before Shanae came up with an idea.
<I can contact Nickā€¦>
She reached out her mind to Nicks while attempting to keep the link with all three of the others. It took her several attempts before she made it. Now hopefully the others could here Nick as well as herself.
<Nick? I'm upstairs with Axel, Jason and Daniel> she felt a thrill of joy at being able to add Daniels name to the list, before managing to contain her feelings <We're trying to plan...what has happened with you?>
A sudden thought rammed through her head.
<Where's Shayla? I need to know she okay>

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Shayla Bones Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Axel Pierce
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Shayla Bones

Shay watched Nick drop the mop and run to her. ā€œShhh.ā€ He said gently, silencing her thank you's. She felt him untie her and she dropped her arms to her lap, leaning on him as he wipped up some of her blood with the rag. Her wrists burned where the rope had been tied, and she looked down to see that they were bruised and bloody. Shit. ā€œDonā€™t thank me for anything.ā€ She heard him say, and struggled to look up at him, but was hardly able to lift her head. How could she not thank him? He'd just stopped Monica's torture and possibly saved her best friend from the same thing. Even if that meant giving into Adrian.

She was going to speak up when she felt something against her lips. ā€œCome on take a sip.ā€ Nick said, and she forced herself to tilt her head back, catching the look of guilt on his face as she did. Water ran down her dry throat and she sighed softly, drinking it gratefully as it cleared away the clogged, scratchy feeling of her screams and the blood in her mouth from biting down on her tounge was washed away. She sat, leaned against him in silence as he finished cleaning her up, giving her small drinks of the water. When he was done, she had to sit up on her own, using the post for support as he slid her bloody shirt off. The pain in her back made her close her eyes, even though she knew he was being as gentle as he could. Once the ruined shirt was off, he helped her slip into a clean white t-shirt. The new, soft cotton fel good on her burning skin and she sighed as he lifted her gently and moved her. Thank you Nick. She though silently to herself as she leaned her shoulder against the wall and closed her eyes. The wounds on her back were closing up, leaving behind white scars, but her nerves still screamed with pain and her energy was still draining.

Shay didn't even know how long it had been before she felt Nick's closeness again. He wrapped his arms around her gently, waking her from her half-asleep state, and lifted her up. It was strange, accepting help from him. It wasn't something she was used to, but she was just happy she didn't have to walk. Her legs felt like jell-o and the thought of holding up her wieght was agonizing. He carried her out of the room and down the hall. She curled up in his arms and allowed herself to feel small for a moment. It felt good to not have to be the strong one all the time. ā€œShayla? Iā€™m sorry.ā€ She heard Nick say, and lifter her eyes to look at him. There was guilt all over his face.

Shay shook her head softly, noticing that the pounding was going away a little. "For what?" She whispered, voice still a little hoarse, but rgaining it's strength. "If you're sorry for them using me against you, don't be." She placed her hand against his cheek for a second before dropping it. "I'm just as guilty of that as you are. And you can't possibly be sorry for stopping Monica. If you think you've let me down by agreeing to her terms, you haven't. And you don't have to be sorry that she beat me either. I've handled it a thousand times, what's one more?" Shay sighed softly with the effort of talking. "You didn't do anything wrong. Don't do what I do and blame yourself for everything. It's a hard habit to break." She finished and rested her head back against his chest, closing her eyes halfway.

Monica Flack

On her way to check on Erin, Adrian stopped her and Destiny walked up behind. "I need both of you to get the lot of them outside." He said, and she could tell by the tone of his voice that something had irritated him. "There is a truck waiting for them, make sure they are each caged separately and none get away." He gave them both a pointed look, but Monica shook it off and nodded obiediently. "Destiny, collect Nick and Shayla, Monica you can deal with the group upstairs, I'll take care of Erin. I assume she's sorted?"

Monica grinned and nodded. "Yes. I was just going to check on her now, but I guess you can handle that." And she turned to carry out his orders when he spoke again.

"We're all moving to one of the Science facilities." he sneered behind her "but I'll need the both of you with me to make sure we keep control of them."

"Of course." She grinned and left them there, heading back towards the room she'd just left Daniel in. Once she was there, she threw the door open and gave them all a nod, making sure they were all still there. Shanae, Axel, Jason, and Daniel. Yep. Good. "You're being moved." She said simply. "You're to come with me and give me no trouble." She raised her eyebrows. "And to make sure you don't try somethign stupid at your first breath of fresh air, you're going with me one by one." She jerked her thumb towards Shanae. "Starting with you. Come on Vena, up." Monica yanked the dark haired girl to her feet and dragged her from the room by her arm, walking briskly down the hall.

At the door, she took Shanae's arm by the wrist and wrapped it around to her back. If the girl tried to run, she'd break her own arm. And with that, she shoved her outside and walked her quickly to the truck Adrian had described. The man standing nearby leaped forward like he was going to take over, but Monica held up her hand. She could see why Adrian had been so pissed. "No. Just lock the cage." She hissed and shoved Shanae in the truck, pushing her quickly in the first cage. Once it was locked, she whirled away and repeated the same process for the three boys, making sure to put them on one side of the truck and Shanae on the other so that they couldn't talk without speaking outloud where she could hear them.

Once she was done, she stepped from the back of the truck and leaned her hip against it, arms across her chest to wait for Destiny with Nick and Shay, and Adrian with Erin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Jason Conelly Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Adrian Carlos

"Yes. I was just going to check on her now, but I guess you can handle that. . .Of course."
Adrian smiled at Monica. She pleased him. He moved on down the hall, ready to collect Erin. He was almost there before, he turned back around and walked back to the kitchen. He grabbed a sack before continuing down the hall. He turned and found Erin tied to a chair.
He didn't bother explaining anything. Better to leave them wondering. He pulled out a knife and held it just under Erin's chin, lifting it slightly.
"Well that is rather interesting"
He removed the knife and swiftly cut the bonds that held her, before delivering a swift blow to the head.
"That's in case you decide to try anything" Adrian said in a growl, before grabbing both of Erin's shoulders and directing her down to the door. Before he exited he tightened his grip on her shoulders.
"For your own interest, I have my gun ready"
He then continued to the truck. He wasn't good at subtle threats. Finally they reached the truck, and Adrian gave Erin a non to gentle shove into the cage next to Shanae's. He made great care to force her to smash her head on the door frame before slamming the door shut.
It appeared Monica had already brought Shanae, Jason, Axel and Daniel down. Her efficiency helped relieve his bad mood somewhat, though he noted that Shanae had now got over Daniel's apparent "death". This annoyed him a little. No doubt it had made her happy. This made Adrian unhappy.

Shanae Vena

<I can help. I think. I have wings.>
Shanae glanced up at Jason. She wondered briefly if perhaps they could be used for flying, but she was distracted by his haggard appearance. He looked worse than before.
< I know how you feelā€¦ > she sent gently. Glancing at the whip marks littering his back. No doubt her own looked the same, at least she had managed to get a bandage. She should have stashed some spares. She was about to ask if he knew how the wings could help, or if they could be used for flight, when the door slammed open.
Shanae jumped before pulling her hand away from the others.
"You're being moved. You're to come with me and give me no trouble. And to make sure you don't try something stupid at your first breath of fresh air, you're going with me one by one."
Shanae started to back away before Monica pointed her out.
"Starting with you. Come on Vena, up."
She felt herself wrenched up by her arm. Something was wrong, they were never let out of the facility. What could possibly have happened to make Adrian behave so drastically. The terror shone in her eyes, but there wasn't much she could do. Monica escorted her swiftly to the door, and she managed to glance back at the group quickly before Monica set off with her down the hall. As soon as they reached the door, Shanae stumbled slightly. She'd never seen it open before. She immediately collected herself and was about to yank her arm out of Miss Flack's grip when her arm was twisted painfully behind her back. She let out a startled gasp before being thrust outside.
The light was exceedingly bright outside, and Shanae was forced to squint her eyes against the glare. She hadn't truly been outside in four years. The roof didn't count. Suddenly she was pushed forward and she found herself in a small metal cage. She swung her head around in time to see a strange man slam the barred door shut. Then Miss Flack left. No doubt to bring the others. The confined space made Shanae freak out further. She couldn't stand, and was forced to stay curled up near the back. The cold metal did nothing to add comfort. Gradually the three boys were taken in as well. She glanced up at Daniel, before trying to fit her hand between the bars to contact him. She couldn't reach through. She pulled her hand back, her hands shaking. One of her worst fears had come true. She was unable to communicate. She glanced back up at the other three, before looking back around her confinement cell.
What was going to happen? She felt her fear grow stronger as the unknowns far outweighed the known. Suddenly Adrian appeared and shoved Erin beside herself. Shanae backed away, retreating as far as she could. Adrian slammed the door shut before turning to the rest of them. He held a sack and proceeded to pull out small hunks of stale bread. Her stomach tightened at the thought, and despite her fear she found herself reaching out to desperately try and attain a piece. Adrian passed the bread through the bars of the cage to each of the boys and then Erin.
Finally he turned to Shanae, and reached into the bag and was about to give it to her when he paused.
"How exactly do you plan on eating this?" His own face, while mocking, also seemed to be a little surprised.
Shanae froze.
"It doesn't particularly bother me, I was going to kill you anyway, and that seems reasonably torturous, though I might decide to lengthen the procedure" Adrian said, the confusion gone from his face. "I didn't exactly think of that, but I suppose it doesn't really matter either way."
Shanae made a choking sound. Adrian distributed the rest of the bread to the empty cells for Nick and Shayla before leaving. Her face was white. Surely he couldn't let her starve...though truly it wasn't far beneath him. He was right however. She couldn't swallow properly, and would be unable to eat anything solid.
She glanced up at the others, her stomach contracting harshly again. She hadn't eaten since a day or two ago, when Shayla bought something after the box. Shanae assumed it didn't matter too much, seeing as it didn't appear that she would fed until it was too late.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos Character Portrait: Jason Conelly Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
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Jason Conelly

He opened his eyes to look at Shanae when he told her that he had wings. He saw her glancing at his back. He wasnā€™t too sure what he could do with the wings. He remembered earlier in the day he had practiced with them, learning how to move the new muscles. But he wasnā€™t sure if he was able to fly with them, he guessed they would, they were large enough, strong enough. <I know how you feelā€¦> Jason was slightly confused then he remembered the whip marks on his back, they still hurt, but the momentary distraction eased the pain, if only a little.

Suddenly Monica appeared in the room and started ordering them about again. Only this time, it was different; he knew he heard that they were going outside. But he knew that no one was supposed to leave the building, it was so heavily guarded and they were supposed to be in ā€quarantineā€. He watched Monica descend upon Shanae and haul her to her feet, carting her out of the room and down the hall. He was still amazed at how good his hearing was, he heard their footsteps, the sound of a van door, and some metal type scraping, and footsteps again. It was the same until it was his turn to go, and he figured out what that scrapping sound was, it was the sound of a metal door, of a cage. He was tossed roughly inside one and he just sat there, he was too tired to do much else.

He watched the others being brought in, one at a time, all being looked into the cages like animals. Then he saw Adrian march up, a small bag in hand. He went to each of their cages and tossed in some bread, by the way it looked to him, he could tell it was stale. He looked up as he heard Adrianā€™s footsteps stop at Shanaeā€™s cage, and he taunted her, flaunting the lack of her tongue and the fact that she wouldnā€™t be able to eat normally. He hated that man, making fun of things they had no control over, things he had caused himself. Jason curled up in the back of his cage, making sure his back didnā€™t get too agitated and just waited, what else was there to do seeing as they were all looked in cages. He didnā€™t even bother to raise his head at Danielā€™s question when he spoke; he doubted anything was alright in this situation.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Erin Finch Character Portrait: Shayla Bones Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos
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<We could use that> Shanae said slowly to everyone <But it would have to be carefully planned, and there would need to be a way you could follow us out...It's not just Adrian that we need to be careful of. There's also Miss Flack and Destiny.> Axel felt Shanae shiver then he heard in his head, <Axel?>he looked at her and her expression looked pained <To your previous question...I didn't learn to do this, Adrian did it. I can speak to Nick directly at anytime, and everyone else through touch...I can also give energy and see.> She paused for a second and continued with <...opportunities/choices that can be made, though at random.> Axel tried to understand what was going on while listening. She didn't think aloud with them for a minute. Then she continues sending thoughts to them <For the second question. I can't talkā€¦> her thoughts became more quiet <Adrian, removed my tongue>. When Axel heard that he about jumped, at this point he thought of nothing better then smashing the man's head in. She looked around and then said <I can contact Nickā€¦> She started trying and thought <Nick? I'm upstairs with Axel, Jason and Daniel> She seemed to happy to say that. She went on with <We're trying to plan...what has happened with you?> Then she quickly thought <Where's Shayla? I need to know she okay>

Axel heard Nick's voice say <Shanae? Shayla is fine and still very much alive.> Then all of a sudden he heard Jason's voice in his head <I can help. I think. I have wings.> Axel was awestruck at the fact Jason had wings and could fly. Then Shanae had said < I know how you feelā€¦ > All of a sudden the door slammed open and everyone moved there hands away. Monica walked in and said, "You're being moved. You're to come with me and give me no trouble." She raised her eyebrows at everyone. "And to make sure you don't try somethign stupid at your first breath of fresh air, you're going with me one by one." She jerked her thumb towards Shanae. "Starting with you. Come on Vena, up." Monica yanked Shanae to her feet and dragged her from the room by her arm. Everyone was slowly brought into a weird van it was so bright outside. Axel enjoyed his moment of freedom, then he got into the van then shoved into a cage. Axel felt his stomach ache for food and couldn't wait to get something to eat.

Suddenly Axel saw Adrian appear and shove Erin beside Shanae. Shanae backed away, moving as far away as she could. Adrian slammed the door shut before turning to the rest of them. He held a sack and proceeded to pull out small hunks of stale bread. He started handing everyone pieces, he finally reached Axel and Axel about ripped his arm off for the bread. He started eating the piece slowly to try and help with the hunger pain he was feeling. Adrian stopped at Shanae and said, "How exactly do you plan on eating this?" His own face, while mocking, also seemed to be a little surprised. "It doesn't particularly bother me, I was going to kill you anyway, and that seems reasonably torturous, though I might decide to lengthen the procedure" Adrian said, the confusion gone from his face. "I didn't exactly think of that, but I suppose it doesn't really matter either way." Axel looked at his bread and looked at Shanae he said, "Well if you dont mind someone like Daniel could chew it up for you until its like a liquid then slowly transfer it to your mouth. But that will have to wait till we are stopped."

Axel slowly ate pieces of his bread while listening to everyone he heard Shayla ask, "Someon- Someone mind telling me what the hell is going on? Now. Before I pass out would be nice." He saw Shanae touching Erin's hand and knew she was telling her what to say to her. Then out of no where the van started to move swiftly causing everyone to shift about. Axel held his arms against the bars and didn't move a bit. He looked at everyone and then there was a giant bumped as if they hit a curb. Even Axel moved upward with that bump he thought to himself, 'I wonder where this jerk got his license from.' He kept eating his bread and then got down to about fifteen percent of it. He decided to keep the rest to hand the Daniel after they got out of the van, so he could feed it to Shanae.