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Numerous people have been apparently diagnosed with harbouring the deadly plague seeds of Denva. All of them have been removed from their homes and placed in a new facility in order to be "quarantined". (One Subject, One Staff slot open)

8,744 readers have visited Quarantined since Shané created it.


You've been sent to the box. The escape didn't go as planned. There were too many dogs and the fence was too high...and then there was Adrian. He stands watching you know. His cruel ironic smile twisting his features as he contemplates what will be a good way to teach you a lesson. The box is not known for it's gentle methods...


Numerous people have been apparently diagnosed with harbouring the deadly plague seeds of Denva. All of them have been removed from their homes and placed in a new facility in order to be "quarantined". No one has ever come out and apparently all victums of Denva die...
None of the subjects actually have Denva it was a ruse from the government in order to get something but only two people in the facility know, Adrian and the mysterious Doctor. All the subjects go to unusual classes created by Adrian and are supervised by staff. Every now and then people are requested to visit the Doctor, yet no one knows what goes on and no one that has been there has ever talked. Then there is the box. If you are sent there you know you are in trouble. It is torturous...litereally. And everynow and then Adrian loses his temper and someone doesn't make it out...
Another problem is the experimentations. Those that go to the Doctor end up with unusual don't have a choice what ability you get and sometimes when you understimate what you can do certain...accidents occur.
Survive all this and you have a possiblity of...well living. Not much else is worth mentioning.

What your characters do is entirely up to your own interests whether it be escape, find out what is happening or just staying alive. Also if you are a subject at some point if your character is called up to the Doctor you will be given a unique ability. I will choose this, you can suggest ideas, but the idea of me choosing makes it harder for you to plan what your character can do with the ability making it more realistic.


The Doctor played by Shané

Adrian Carlos played by Shané

Staff Members:
1. Monica Flack played by Desire9960 (Staff B)
2. Destiny Phillips by Shattered233 (Staff B)
3. Staff A Slot Open


Dorm 1:
1. Shanae Vena played by Shané
2. Daniel Matlock played by Safton
3. Nicholas Brown played by Shattered233
4. Jason Conelly played by Yogitheambrangyl

Dorm 2:
1. Axel Pierce played by Hawk10002002
2. Emily Ann Aven played by lovethelost543
3. Erin Finch played by Carmen1021
4. Shayla Bones played by Desire99600

Candice Torrent played by Precious (Killed by Experimentation)
Olivia Farrow played by Rhyme (Shot by Adrian)
Kevin O'Malley played by Wheatley (Killed by Experimentation)

Character Roles:
Staff members:Your characters can be staff members and they work under Adrian. Staff members can direct and punish subjects. The Staff's main job is to basically control the subjects. There can be two types of staff, those that know what is going on, and those that don't. All staff know Denva is fake, however have signed a contract of secrecy, which, when broached will end up in some rather...unfortunate consequences.
a. The first staff are not trusted by Adrian or the mysterious Doctor. They are basically there to feed the subjects, control them and teach them basic skills, like that you would need in Uni or upper high. They roam the corrodors during the night and day (different shifts) and also when Adrian decides take them to the classroom to learn etc. These classes are announced on the PA. These staff are often at the facility for money, so Carlos would probably fit this category. These staff also are limited in their punishments- can only send a subject to Staff b. not to Adrian himself.
b. The second staff are more informed. They know that the area is for human testing (there is actually more behind it, but only Adrian knows this ). They are there to use the classroom and assess the abilities of the new-found mutants. For a while they were just like staff a, as all the subjects died before gaining the abilities...until now. These staff do not do the regular jobs such as cleaning and feeding the subjects- but simply assess the subjects and also have the authority to send the subjects to Adrian. In general these staff are hard and actually enjoy punishing those under them

Any people detained for containing "Denva". Must expect to be possibly hurt and punished by staff. All sleep in dorms.

Character Skeleton:
Characters Name:
Role: (staff/subject)
Description: (This can be brief, however only if you have a picture, no anime or cartoon please)
Personality: (brief so we can roleplay it out)
History: (Indepth)
Possible Romance:

Other Details:

The Facility:
This place is honetly like a grey insane asylum. It has a barbed wire fence surrounding the facility and large dogs (trained by Adrian) that surround the area. It is four stories and the size of a small castle. The whole Facility is one large fortress, with grey concrete walls and barred windows. Rather then having separate houses, it devides areas into the four floors.

1st Floor:
Forbidden to subjects and staff alike. It is a long hallway with one door at the end and two either side. The centre door opens to reveal a large laboritory and behind the laboritory is the Doctors chamber. Inside the left of the two doors back outside the hall is Adrians chamber and on the right is a mysterious room.

2nd Floor:
The staff dorms are all quite lavashed. On this floor there is also a recreational room and dining hall for the staff.
If subjects are caught up here, they will probably find themselves in the Box

3rd Floor:
Another long hallway containing four doors on the right. The first one opens to reveal an extensive dining hall, the second a large class styled room and the third a gymnasium. The last one is called the box, which is a black, punishment room. Basically Adrian's torture chamber. He is literally the only person who wants to be in here.
The walls, floor and ceiling are painted black. There is a single globe hanging from the ceiling creating a dark and forbodding atmosphere.
In the centre of the room is a whipping post. It has numerous marks where desperate peoples fingernails have dug into the wood. Against all four walls of The Box are cupboards filled with Adrian's various intruments

4th Floor:
The 3rd Floor is a long corrodor with numerous doors leading to the different dormitories.All dormitories contain a bathroom and a main room containing five beds. There is one closet shared by all occupants that is only for clothes. No personal items are allowed.

The Daily Schedule:
Daily classes are honestly decided on the day by Adrian over the P.A. The reason for this is so to make changes easy for Adrian to have all subjects exactly where he wants them. In general however the classes are usually:

1st Zone- 2 hours- a physical training class using the gymnasium. These are usually extremely hard classes and end up either breaking the subjects physically or mentally- Usually run by Staff B.

2nd Zone- 1 hour- Regular class- Maths, English etc. This will probably not be mentioned too much in the Roleplay unless the subjects talk with their teacher. Run by Staff A.

Free time- This is usually because the staff need a break, and the subjects are left to there own devises for a while- Though limited to Floors 1 and 2. Usually spent in Dorms with at least one of Staff A. supervising.

3rd Zone- As long as needed- This is where (when they get unusual subjects) the mutants are assessed. The assessing is extremely hard, and by the end of this all subjects eat and go straight to bed. Only one meal per day

The Rules:
1. Subjects are completely banned from Floors 3 and 4.
2. After 8:00 all subjects are to remain in their dorms.
3. No leaving the Facility
4. Must obey all staff members
5. Any subject who steps out of line will be delt with accordingly
While there are only a few main rules- Adrian and Staff B. thoughts are law, even if you were unaware of them.

The Era:
It is in the modern era. So all general technology for staff, however Subjects are not able to have any personal items, so they do not have anything.

Toggle Rules

1. This is a literate roleplay- No one liners, at least three paragraphs (exceptions are fine everynow and again, everyone gets writers block at some point)
2. No godmodding or power playing- this one is kinda obvious- even though your character may inherit certain abilities does not make them all powerful!
3. Romance is definately allowed, just don't blind us!
4. Please keep out the cussing- be mature please find more creative ways of showing your characters anger!
5. Enjoy yourself and add new subplots along the way (escape attempts, romance, random goals etc.)
6. Make sure you post your posts in the correct OOC, just makes it easier for me.
7. All reservations can be removed by me at any time, though standard is two days.

Browse All » 6 Settings to roleplay in

Denva Quarantine Facility

Denva Quarantine Facility by Shané

Somewhere everyone wants to leave, yet no one is able too...

The Box

The Box by RolePlayGateway

You don't want to be here...

Lower Dorms

Lower Dorms by RolePlayGateway

Where subjects spend most of their time.


Upstairs by RolePlayGateway

You are not supposed to be here...


Downstairs by RolePlayGateway

The dining hall, the classroom, gymnasium and The Box are found here.

Middle Dorms

Middle Dorms by RolePlayGateway

This is the staff dorms, forbidden to subjects

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 12 authors

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#, as written by Shané
In the year 2012, London was hit with a viscious viral pandemic. Certain facilities were raised all over the country of England in order to contain the virus. There were seemingly no symptyms, as the virus was one of blood. Apparently the only outward sign of the disease was a slight change in skin colour which could only be seen using specific machinery. Doctors managed to set them up near schools and through these machines located numerous victims. All were sent to the now new quarantine centers set up by the government. Perhaps the most richly funded of them was the Denva Quarantine Facility. For some reason the government seemed to be honing in on this particular one, almost as though this one held some sort of research that it needed. While these facilities attempted to keep the problems quiet, mayhem was spreading through the country.
During the day, certain families would be located and most of the children were taken and re-located. The most interesting cases were sent to the Denva Quarantine Facility. A few of the people had, in desperation, set up rebel groups in order to keep their children, however these futile efforts were soon to be stopped, the government squashing any defiance on the issue. And while the whole country lay in fear and bewilderment the work of the facilities remained as mysterious as ever. The staff refused to talk, obviously being payed to keep silent, and the only other people that ever came out of the facilities were the dead that the virus had apparently claimed.
The casulties began to rise until it became clear the virus had a 100% death rate. Apparently the virus seemed to die down, though some claim the government ran out of money to keep up their huge funding. Now there were only about ten cases every four years. No one knew why this was the case and those dedicated to finding out were incidently misplaced in various incidents. Every new case was sent to the remaining facilities nearest to them. However the government could not afford to keep them all open. All facilities were shut down beside one...the Denva Quarantine Facility.

The setting changes from Denva Quarantine Facility to Upstairs


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#, as written by Shané
Adrian Carlos

Adrian inspected the new machine before him. Perhaps The Doctor would be finally successful...perhaps. He allowed a thin, grim smile tilt the corners of his mouth. It had been updated at least twenty times in the last four years. Not once had it given the desired results, quite frankly Adrian was almost at his wits end with The Doctor, and had been considering...misplacing him.
Adrian was Upstairs in the testing room. He allowed his hands to run gently over the queerly shaped headpiece. It's matallic sheen glistened between Adrian's caressing fingers. There were wires running up from the top that joined to a strange looking mechanical structure in the corner of the room. It was a large black box, the top had a glass semi-sphere attached to it which looked rather like an upside down fish bowl. Inside was a bubbling maroon liquid. There were a few different dials at the bottom of the box, though all were carefully labelled, they seemed to be rather randomly placed.
Turning away from the machine, Adrian left the room and turned into his own chamber. The whole room had a dark and brooding atmosphere to it. As he approached his desk, Adrian grimaced slightly. He had work to do before he tried it out...then there was deciding who was next. There was still the two girls from the last lot...Shanae and Shayla.
Adrian's face contorted with distaste as he thought of them both. They had had their small run of mischief...probably time to finish them off. He had a particular dislike of Shanae. She had a rather infuriating way of staying just within the boundries. Fortunately, Adrina could push the boundaries further in and allow himself the honour of an hour or so in the box. While Shayla seemed to be outright rebellious, Shanae tended to have a sarcastic mouth and a more calculating way of bending rules. Yes, that was the difference, while Shayla broke the rules outright, Shanae bent and twisted them.
He had just spent the last half and hour beating the rebellion out of Shanae in the Box. He smiled slightly as he remembered her pain filled face...yes it was good to be in charge.
And then there were the new subjects. They had only been there a week and during that time Adrian had been a little distracted by the new modifications of the machine to keep order. Time to show them his type of discipline. He would use one of the two girls as an example.
Then to get back to sorting out who was to have the next visitation to The Doctor. Two at a time, but definately not the two girls together. No need to give either the support of the other, plus taking one of them and a newer one would hopefully drill the fear deeper into the newer ones. Now...which one. Probably a male. They were harder to scare, this, if it succeeded, would result in scaring the others. It always worked like that. Get the stronger ones nervous and the rest would follow. Axel might just cut the bill...
And then Shayla or Shanae. He sighed. Shanae. She had been there too long. Plus, even the death of her sister had not broken her, maybe killing off Shayla's friend would finally break the blonde haired brat. Maybe it was time for Shanae follow her sister, that is if the machine failed. He frowned at this though, it had better not.

The setting changes from Upstairs to Denva Quarantine Facility

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#, as written by Shané
Shanae Vena

Shanae was sitting on her bed, gazing out of the barred window. Her legs were pulled up to her chest, her head leaning slightly on her arms. Her deep green eyes were sombre and the suffering was clear. The left side of her forhead was blackened with a large bruise were she had been struck. Her lip was also split in the middle and the metallic flavour of blood could still be tasted in her mouth. Her long black hair partially covered these injuries, however she could not hide her back.
Adrian had lost his temper a bit and had used the whip on her. A long, bloody line was carved across from her left shoulder right down to her right hip. It hurt to move. Her shirt was slightly ripped and the blood had begun to soak through. She would have to ask one of the staff for a bandage, but for now, she could barely walk without the wound proclaiming it's presence. Better to wait til the others came back from the dining hall. She would ask one of them to get it for her. Just don't them ask Miss Flack. If that was the case, Shanae would prefer to keep silent and just endure it. Afterall, it wouldn't be long before she would no longer feel anything. Shanae knew Adrian had it in for her, and The Doctor was her next apointment, then she would follow Melissa...her eyes filled with tears at the thought of her younger sister. She closed her eyes, her sister had deserved better...alot better. Maybe a life? Searing anger burned through her at the thought of what Adrian had done to her.
All the new ones had no hope either, at least for now some of them did not know of the hell that was almost indeffinately their future. One was only around twelve, thirteen. Where was the justice in that? She had not had the chance to meet any except in glances. Most of them were shocked to even see her twice. The last week, she had mostly spent her time in the Box awaiting Adrian's presence. She had spent the last five nights there, and finally he had come. The only time she had seen the others was when they were filed past for classes. Some pitied her, others refused to look at her altogether. Not that Shanae could blame them, Monica would probably manage to find a crime in even that. The only person who had dared to talk to her was Shay.
Shanae smiled, the last. The last two. That was what they were, any minute she would be back. Finally Shanae would see her without the stupid bars of the Box in the way and a rather grim punishment over hanging her. Hopefully she would have brought something from the dining hall for her. She hadn't eaten properely since she got into the Box. She just prayed her friend wouldn't be caught with the spare food in her pocket. If it was Carlos it would be alright, but Monica? Shanae shivered. And then instantly regretted it. It hurt too much. Her head was pounding and her ears were ringing slightly remembering Adrian's last blow.
There was a slight creak as the door to the dormitory opened, and Shanae quickly wiped her eyes, and attempted to re-arange her hair to hide the blatent bruise and split lip. She turned, hiding her now scarlet back, wincing as she did so. Who was first back from the dining hall?

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#, as written by Rhyme
Night time. Midnight. In the comfort of home. Olivia stretched out her legs under her blanket, hiding the fact that she never changed into her nightwear. Her best friend for life, Bianca, was supposed to signal her so they could go and screw around in the city. It would be fun, and Olivia was bored out of her mind, she had nothing better to do. She was on a sugar high and couldn't sleep. Bianca said that's what happens. Bianca Williams. Tall. Brown hair. Pretty, and began developing rather early, just last year, at age twelve. She was the one boys noticed. Olivia, usually at her side, was the one boys tried not to anger. She smiled ruefully at last week, when she had beaten up that prick Roger for being a little too pushy while hitting on her friend. Olivia figured he wouldn't be a bother anymore. She looked dolefully out her window on the second floor. That would be her escape, leaping into the branches of the tree, a few feet away from the glass. Her parents were asleep. Derek was, as well. His snores rumbled through the house.

Denva? Not too much to worry about. Sure, people are being taken, but that was to create a cure, or at least keep the rest of the population safe. Olivia was content at leaving it at that. Ashley, one of her clique had been taken a few weeks prior, but Olivia was confident she'd recover and return to them. Olivia wondered how she was doing. The red-head lying in her bed felt sad for her friend, torn away form everything, but she'd be back. It's the Government, anyway. Here to help.

A bird whistle. Olivia perked up and glanced out her window. Bianca was standing there, inviting. Olivia then smiled at her friend, opened the window, and-

"It's a little late to be going out, sis." Derek yawned, but he stood at the door, looking at his sister with bleary eyes. Olivia visibly scowled, and squared her shoulders.

"This is my personal life." She retorted briskly. "So get out of my face."

"You're my little sister. You do as I say."

Olivia snorted derisively, flipped him the finger, opened the window and leaped out, a streak of blue, her signature hoodie. Giggling, the two young girls ran off, hailed a taxi, and get absolutely hammered with alcohol at this bar- one which didn't really care if you were underage.


She walked back from the dining hall. At first, she had wanted not to eat, but realized that would be an incredibly stupid thing to do. Olivia felt incredibly small and invulnerable ever since she had been captured. Taken to this place. It had been a week, and Olivia had a terrible sense of foreboding. Dead eyes were around her. Haunted eyes. Haunted, despite if the person with those eyes were awake or asleep. They were dead, Olivia could smell that stench. She almost cried out, but couldn't. She didn't want to.

Goddamn, Derek. You better not get caught, too.

Bianca wasn't here. Neither was Ashley, or the rest of her friends. They all had been taken here prior, but they were nowhere to be seen. Perhaps they were already dead. Friends forever, they had once said. They'd stick together forever. But she was alone now. Well, perhaps not so. There was a girl that Olivia couldn't get out of her mind. Battered, beaten, and with green eyes holding the most pain she had seen in a long time. But those eyes also had defiance to them, a strong defiance. Whoever she was, she had been here a long time, and she was strong. You had to be strong to last very long.

The girl, she had to be a veteran. She would know a lot. Olivia wanted to ask her questions, mostly for her own benefit, but maybe help the girl, as well. She felt pity and reverence towards her. In just this first week. As she walked carefully back to her dorm room, trying her best not to notice the barred windows, giving her a tantalizing view of freedom she'd most likely never feel again. This would be the long haul, most likely. But she didn’t want to die. She promised to fight the staff as hard as possible, whenever she could. She also put in her mind to talk to the girl with the sad green eyes.

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Shayla Bones

A few minutes earlier...

As Shayla ate, all she could think about was her friend. Her only friend. She knew that dark-haired Shanae always had a reservation in the box, and while Shay was noticed, she never quite got the attention she wanted. Yes, she wanted the attention. Normally people would hate the beatings and their time in the box. It would beat them into submission, but not Shay. Shay had a theory that if she used everything her brothers had thought her to the best of her ability, they might just get fed up with her to let her go. Then there was also the plus that she was telling them they couldn't tell her what to do. Though Shanae was different. For her, her time in the box was always the worst because she knew the only reason Adrian was keeping her alive was for the sake of beating her again. The man was sick and even as she thought of it, Shay nearly set down her dinner.

She sat with no one for that was the precise amount of people who could handle her. No one. Only Shanae could spend real time with her. They'd been together for four years. They'd arrived on the same date and had hit it off immediately. At first, their dorms had been the same and they'd taken the cots next to each other, talking up far past curfew and repeatedly getting hit for it. Sooner or later, they'd moved Shay out of the room, seeing as she was a "bad influence" but it hand't stopped her. She'd found other ways to convince Shanae to skip classes and explore forbidden areas with her. She sometimes even slept in Shanae's dorm.

As she thought about her poor friend, Shayla slipped piece after piece of food in her pocket with Miss Flack standing right over her. A sly little smile twisted it's way onto her lips for she was almost never caught and when she was, she simply lied her way out of the punishment. Though sometimes her mouth got her in trouble. When they finally began herding the children out of the dining hall, Shay stood, leaving her garbage on the table and earned a lovely glare from Miss Flack, to which, she returned a wink and a blown kiss. This only enraged the woman more and she tried to approach Shay, but was cut off by the herd of teenagers and Shayla slipped safely out of her grasp with a laugh. A noise nearly nobody else in the building dared to make anymore.

A few moments later...

Shayla purposely skipped her own dorm, slipping easily into the little crowd heading for Shanae's. At the doorway, she stopped, looking in on Shanae's slim dark form huddled on the bed closest to the window. Being the last two of the last bunch, the two of them had earned their window spots, but while Shanae talked about who would take their places once they died, Shay talked about who would take their places once they escaped. "Hey there stranger." She laughed, leaning her elbow on the door frame. From the window before Shanae, silver shafts of moonlight slanted towards Shay, illuminating her white-blonde hair, pale skin, and amplifying the effects of her silver eyes. The whole thing making her look like something from a movie. Some people though Shay was an albino, but in reality, she was just one slice shy from this for she had just enough color in her body to give her hair a slight yellowish tint, cheeks a little blush, and her eyes their metallic shine. In terms of appearance, the contrast between her and her best friend was startling.

Pulling herself off the door frame, she smiled at the new kids. "Look. If we're not back before classes tomorrow, when they ask you afterwards, you saw us there." Flashing them a blindingly white grin, she knelt in front of her huddled friend, softly brushing the dark waves from her eyes to asses the damage. "Oh my God Shanae." She whispered, bushing her fingers lightly over the bruise. I'm sorry." Giving her a sad smile and a smirk she stood and sat cross-legged on the cot next to her, handing her the food she'd stolen while she bandaged her back with yet another stolen item. "And they say I'm a bad influence on you." She smirked and laughed at the worried look in Shanae's face as she looked down at the food in her hands. "Relax girl. Eat. I didn't get caught. Do I ever?"

When she was done with the ointment and bandage, Shanae had finished eating and she knew the new kids were all watching them in their beds. They knew she wasn't supposed to be here. She rarely stayed in her room. In the four years she'd been at the facility, she'd slept in her own bed for probably the first years she was with Shanae, but after that, maybe seven times. "You ready?" She asked Shanae, an excited gleam in her silver eyes as her lips turned up at the corners to form a sly smile. "The roof tonight? Please? I miss the stars." Shay never went up to the roof without Shanae and she hadn't in the last five days her friend was in the box. It'd just seemed wrong and she was beginning to miss the fresh air only they could taste. So many from the last batch had begged them for their secret exit, but they'd kept it to themselves and now Shay was itching to get up there and spend the night in the fresh air with her best friend. It was the only time she was herself, the tough sarcasm dropped, and she could really talk to Shanae.

Monica Flack

A few minutes earlier...

Monica watched over the grim dining hall with a gaze that she assumed was all-seeing. Without her notice, right below her, Shayla was slipping food into her pocket. Monica glanced down at the girl with the almost white hair and her stormy grey eyes immediately darkened, rolling like thunderstorms. Shay and her friend were problems. She wished she had Adrian's authority and could just kill the two. They put a rebellious feeling into the new kids and it was something Monica didn't like. But Adrian enjoyed his toys too much. He kept them alive only so that he could get another beating out of them and while sometimes she wished she could be the one doing it, she thought it would be much smarter to just kill the blonde one. Shanae had a mouth on her, but at least that could be beaten out of her. After her beatings she was always quiet and submissive until Shayla convinced her into causing more trouble. Adrian had it out for Shanae, but Monica had it out for Shayla. She saw her as an obstacle that could easily be gotten rid of. If it weren't for Adrian.

Of all the admirable qualities about him, like the dedication to his work, his attachment with keeping the two alive for later beatings was infuriating so she made sure to always hit the two harder, watch the two closer, and punish the two rougher. She was the one who was always sending them to Adrian, and while Shayla was sometimes turned away or talked her way out of the punishment (God knows how), Shanae never seemed to fail. It was annoying really that the blonde could so easily slip from her grasp and as the group was begin herded off, she managed to do it once again.

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Candace quietly ate her dinner to herself, like everyone else in the dining hall. She wasn't too hungry, but didn't want to waste her only chance at food. She dreaded the Denva Facility. Everyone here was so boring, so quiet, so annoying. She hadn't really had time to converse with anyone, except for the brief conversations with the people in her dorm before they went to bed. The only person she truly liked in her room was Kevin, she felt bad for him. He was only 13, and he had to go through such a tragic experience. She felt sorta like a mother figure to him, and promised to herself that she would always look out for him, and make sure nothing happened to him. Then there was Axel, not exactly the friendly type. Candace kept conversation to a minimal with him, and avoided him, because she didn't want to have to deal with him. And their last roommate was Shayla, who never seemed to be in her room. When the girl with the green eyes wasn't in the box, Shayla was always at her side. At night, Candace could hear the girl screaming in pain, it's kinda sad actually.

Everyone was getting finishing their food, and getting ready to leave the dining hall. Candace focused her attention on Shayla, who slipped right pass Ms. Flack after ticking her off. Candace finished her food, got up from the table and started walking towards her dorm. Kevin was already inside, on his bed ready to sleep for the night. He was bunched in his blankets, looking colder than ever. "Hey Kevin, you ready to sleep for the night?". He meekly nodded his head. Candace didn't know why, but she felt a protection towards him, sorta like a Mother bear and his cub, but why? Candace has never been nice, or caring towards others. Maybe this change of environment was messing with her head, and her emotions, but for some reason she felt the need to protect him, as if he was her own. "Well, you look a bit cold, I don't think Shalya's going to be here tonight knowing that her friend is out of the box, you can have her blanket". She grabbed Shayla's blanket, and draped it over him, having him drift off to sleep.

Candace heard murmurs from the other room, and peeked her head out the door to get a better listen. "You ready?", a voice she recognized as Shayla's. "The roof tonight? Please? I miss the stars," most likely her friend's voice, but she wouldn't know because she hasn't met her yet. Then two figures, only visible by the light drifting in from the one window in the long, narrow hall, emerged from the first dorm, and walked out into the hall. They were planning on sneaking off tonight, eh? Well, Candace was a bit curious, and ready to learn anything she could from these two, in order to survive here, even if it meant being nice for awhile. Candace slipped on a coat, and a comfy pair of shoes. She then made her way into the hall, and began to follow the two girls to wherever they were headed, quietly, so they wouldn't know she was on their tail.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shayla Bones Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Candace Torrent Character Portrait: Kevin O'Malley Character Portrait: Mira Truman
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Axel still not use to his new surroundings sits down, and starts to eat his meal by himself. He looks around while he eats what he could only guess is some kind of meat. While he looks around he can tell people are scared, maybe scared of him or just scared of the facility all by itself. He just shrugged his shoulders and continued to eat his meal. After a few minutes he is about to get up when he sees some girl stuff food in her pocket. Axel knowing that she would get in trouble decides to get people to distract the really hot female staff member. He leans over to a guy he had heard a couple things about and say to him, "Hey Mira we need to get alot of people to distract that staff member over there." He pointed to Monica and continued with. "The reason being that girl over there I think her name is Shayla. She stuck some food in her pocket so tell people to get up and distract the guard all at once. You go over there and tell them. I'll go over here and tell that group."

After a few seconds everyone was told and threw their stuff away at the exact same time. After that they all rushed in front of the staff member causing a big enough distraction to watch as Shayla ran off. Axel was happy to see she was safe and thought it ok to leave now. He walked away slowly enjoying his stroll back to his room. The room was shared between four people. The first being the youngest, Kevin O'Malley, he was quite smart and Axel kinda liked him but would never tell anyone that he would look out for the little guy. The next is Candace Torrent, the really pretty girl Axel kinda admires, is the girl who seems to always be with Kevin and she acts like his mom. The last girl, being the one Axel has least knowledge about, is Shayla Bones she always seemed to be gone from the room at night.

Axel finally reaching the room goes into it and sees Candace with Kevin. He watches as she walks over and takes Shayla's blanket and sets it on Kevin. He watches as he slowly falls asleep. He looks at Candace and starts to think to himself. He thinks 'Man she is beautiful and good with kids. What can't she do?' Then from the room over he hears Shayla making plans with her friend to go to the roof. Candace looks out the door is about to run off when Axel says, "I'll watch Kevin go ahead you can go find out what they are doing. But I'd like some of the details after you get back." And with that she was gone to chase after them while Axel watched over Kevin making sure nothing bad is to happen to him.

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The table was filled with Irish blue collared workers, each of them with cards up their hands, and chips by their side, playing under a lightbulb that hung from the cieling. The room itself was dim but the lightbulb illuminated all the six blokes that sat on the round table. Men in their 30's and 40's smoking, drinking, drinking, drinking, and a child sipping his juicebox, obviously out of place and dropped two red chips on the table. An uproar of laughter came from everyone except the boy's father.

"Come on! Get da boy outta here Seamus, befor 'e losses all den dollars!"
"Jus' giv da wee lad a chance!"
"Wha' chance? We ain't gona deal wid any dandrums."
"Oh! Oor ya scared? Need ya motha's teet to suck on n' kiss g'night?"
Seamus spoke up, proud of his silent boy, and ruffled his brown hair. After a few more seconds Seamus won the arguement and his boy started playing.
After the first couple of hands, no one took the boy seriously, he lost the first few hands and had an obvious tell; his face would scrunch up at the sight of a decent hand.

Till about the fifth hand where a solid round of bets were placed on the table, Collin and Seamus even went all in, and one by one all cards were down. A three of a kind, full house, straight, two pair, and high cards. Kevin still had his cards in his small hands and grinned at the crowd before him.
"Dun tell me' he gots anything betta den a pair of Jacks?"

A flurry of hearts, one by one, in a red straight flush.
"How's it feel to be scammed by a lad?" Kevin spoke for the first time that night, hands outstretched over the chips as he pulled it all in greedily, then played around with each color. He loved the reds, blues, greens that delighted his eyes and flipped the chips up in the air.


It was useless. Kevin cursed himself for eating supper too fast and crawling in bed so early in the night. Why were these blankets so goddamned thin? It was almost as if they were designed to let air come and go as it pleases.
The whole asylum was like living at school. A dysfunctional school in hell. They had work of math and english one day, then Gym, except it's more like torture the next.
On the thought of torture, there was some sort of torture going on here, Kevin could tell by some of the screams he had heard in different times of the day and the beaten bloody looks of people in the morning. As much as the lad tried to be stoic at the sight of it; it always scared him and the screams made him jump.

He was still shivering, wondering if this night was gonna be another sleepless one or a night in which he didn't know if he had slept or not, until Candace had come along. At first Kevin wanted to distance himself from the woman; who at first he thought was a little crazy. Now he didn't know what to think, looking up to this pretty woman, being comforted with an extra blanket. All of this motherly love was new to Kevin but in a place like this he knew better then to reject it and...perhaps...he embraced it...a little.
The note of Shayla made his mind wander. Why was she out everynight? How did she do it? Is she going to escape? As much as Kevin would've loved to hear her escape from this...this place, every morning she was back, either in her bed, but always here.

Kevin embraced the extra blanket, being granted the warmth that he desired and nearly fell asleep, hearing Axel's words that woke him up slightly. Axel was a strange man. A good man, a little self-absorbed, but that was all Kevin coud make of him. It was frusterating not to know anything. How long he would be stuck in this dreaded place, how painfull the tortures are, how many years it will be until he died.
As much as the boy wanted to sleep he couldn't. His thoughts were stuck in the past, when him and his father were cheering and jeering the Irish cops on the day he tested positive for Denva. Seamus was doing 80 on the road as the pigs were chasing him, past the gaps on roadblocks, with all tires flat from spiketraps set up, it was when they ran out of gas they were caught.
Maybe Hollywood would make a movie about it...

There was no use. Kevin stood up back onto the ground, blankets wrapped around him for warmth, and put his ear on the wall. With a hand raised, he knocked on the concrete wall with his small knuckles, a solid knock greeted him back. Kevin did this, again, again, and again in various spots of the grey trying to hear a hollow spot but to no avail. For a second he glared at Axel, nearly forgetting his existance, and stared at him for a little while to get a point across: Don't tell anyone.
After five more minutes he finally found a hollow spot, small as it was, right beside one of the pathetic excuses for a bed. For a second he was glad, smile evident on his face, but he felt like he was nearly going to drop any second. Eyelids heavy, Kevin walked back to his small bed, and fell on top of it before he readjusted himself and his sheets.

It's just another conspiracy. Like 9/11. And Nessie.

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#, as written by Shané
Shanae Vena

"Oh my God Shanae." Shanae let a grim smile cross her face.
"Yeah, he didn't exactly go light." Her voice came out in a hoarse whisper.
"Shay..." she let her voice drop "I don't think we have much time...he lost his temper. I almost went like that last kid"
As she spoke she traced her fingers down the now scabbing line down her back. The whip had rarely been used, though it was known as one of Adrian's favourites. He tended to like the older methods of inflicting pain, though there was one time his impatience and temper got the better of him. He had whipped a small boy to death. Granted the boy had definately gone to far and death was probably enivitable at that point...however, Shanae shuddered, she felt sure that Adrian had not planned the death to be so quick.
As she brooded over her rather dark thoughts, Shay bought out the food. At first Shanae was a little concerned at the amount, but as Shay said, she rarely got caught. At least not straight away. As Shanae devoured the food she noticed one of the other two girls in her dorm. The red head looked curiously in her direction, and Shanae quickly looked down. She could not answer questions at the moment, though the poor girl was proberbly just as confused as Shanae had been when she had first arrived. Eventually she finished and she smiled, the first sign of true happiness, as Shay suggested the roof. She did not need to answer, as Shay had already moved to the door.
Wincing, as she got up to follow, Shanae took another look at the other girl.
"We'll be back" she said quietly before leaving. She felt bad about the fact the Shay and herself had a refuge that the others didn't, however it would not do to have everyone exposed to it. Though, and as she thought her eyes lit up, she could just imagine Adrian or Monica coming to see there precious subjects all gone. The smile quickly vanished, one day that would be the case, and unfortuanetly Shanae had a bad feeling about where they'd all be.
As both the girls crept down the corrodor, Shanae noted the dorm next to theirs. It wouldn't hurt to get to know the others...always best to have allies.
There was a small doorway behind one of the panels on the second floor. It was a dangerous risk to go up on to one of the forbidden floors, however in the current situation it was well worth it. The small doorway was probably once an old laundary passage for the servants. The Denva Quarantine Facility was actually a very old house probably built in the Victorian era, and therefore had many such passageways for servants and the like. Most of the passages had been locked or in Adrian's sick sense of humour rigged. This particular one had been locked, however whoever had done it had been rather careless and had not fully clicked the padlock. Shay had been the one to discover it and both her and Shanae often used it as their own getaway from the horrors beneath them.
The small passage led up to the roof. It was in the very middle and was hidden from view by the rest of the sloping sides of the facilities roof. It was a small concrete square about two metre's in length and width. In the middle of the concrete square was a small circular hole, which in the past probably held a pole for a washing line. This had long since been removed.
As Shanae and Shay drew closer to the foot of the stairs, the pair felt familiar fear that always came on these late night journeys. It really was a matter of time before they got caught, however it better not be this time.

Adrian Carlos

Adrian had just finished sorting out the schedule for next week. He prayed that this time Monica would have an extra class to teach. One that would test the future abilities which would magically come to the next two that visited The Doctor. Adrian had decided to have Shanae go first, followed by Axel. Both would probably turn out with similiar abilities, though Shanae's would probably be stronger, due to her being weaker and her body would probably have trouble resisting the tests. Then again he could probably just ajust the charge going through, though that would increase the risk of losing Axel like the past ones. Actually the younger one, Nicholas. He might be more useful for those talents, Axel would probably prove to be stronger and therefore more effective with the second plan.
Both would be given slightly different shots in order to have more of a chance of a different ability, though of cource the similarities would be there too. The problem was it would take multiple sessions to give them the strength Adrian required for...his purposes.
Knowing this he also had small back up plans. While the first machine would produce the first results, the newly invented injections would probably created a different affect, which again might finally create a break through, though it too would take time. Unfortunately the shots would probably create a lot of pain, not necessarily from the jab. This would make it harder to bend the subjects...these ones would have to be malleable, or he could just use force. More fun that way, with more chance of strength in these particular ones.
His other back up required the enhancing of certain elements, which The Doctor had finally managed to complete. They took the form of certain pills. This could probably be taken using the food.
Now to arrange the pairings.
Adrian took out a small sheet scrawling his list on the page:

#1- The Machine
Shanae and Nicholas- Kevin
#2- Injections
Olivia and Axel- Amory
#3- Tablets
Shayla and Mira- Candace

Adrian looked over it, satisfied that finally there might be a sucess. The third names would have to go after the pairs, to risky to have three in the room at one time. Also they could also be back up in case of errors. No, not this time. There were going to be no errors.
Adrian walked over to the small microphone, and holding down the red button spoke over the P.A.
"Carlos Errant to collect Shanae Vena and Nicholas Brown. Both to see The Doctor" Adrian said smoothly. He smiled, it was time to break the trust between Carlos and the other subjects. Time to let him be forced into bringing the subjects to what they knew was going to be torture. Lately his relationship with the subjects had been getting a little out of hand, time to stir the pot a little.

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Shayla Bones

Shayla smiled as Shanae followed her to the door. The moonlight shafting through the barred window illuminating her movements. Before heading out into the hall, she did a quick check and smiled. "We're right on time. Miss Flack should be several hallways behind us." She said, for Miss Flack always did her nightly rounds at the same time, but judging by the sound of her echoing footsteps, she was still pretty far off.

At the door with the flimsy padlock, Shayla hesitated. They had a follower. Her eyebrows shot up to her hairline and she turned did a quick 360, making seem like she was just checking, not suspicious so their stalker wouldn't know she'd heard him or her. When she did this, she found a slight disturbance in the shadows at the other end of the hallway. The form had curves that only one of the newbies had. It was Candace and she was following at quite a distance. Shay had to give her her props for following her and Shanae wasn't an easy task and getting this far was a shock.

Shay tilted her head towards Shanae as they continued to walk, picking up her pace slightly. "We have Candace following us, but she's far enough back that Miss Flack will get her. Don't turn around, keep walking." Shay knew it was wrong to leave the girl to the wicked female staff member, but she didn't even know if she could trust the girl. If she knew about their hiding place, who else would she tell? Plus anyway, a slap from Miss Flack could teach anyone not to follow them again. Unless they were invited, nobody followed them. The kids from the last batch had caught on pretty fast. Hopefully these ones would too. Shay and Shanae's lat-night runaways were theirs only for now. It was their time to think and plan. To discuss the escape Shay believed in wholeheartedly and Shanae only half trusted. Of course they would get as many people out with them as possible, but these kids had gotten here but a week ago, and if none of them even had the guts to talk to her, they weren't worthy of being included in the planning and she couldn't quire trust them yet.

About halfway down the long hall, she could hear Monica's shouting and a muffled scream and Shay winced. No use in turning back now. They were at the foot of the stairs. Shay let out a huff of breath and steadied her heart as the tension grew, grabbing Shanae's hand. "I know I say this ever time we do this, but if we get caught, at least I'll be there with you." Her words were grim, but she knew their risks were high and getting caught on a forbidden floor surely meant the box. Shay had been caught with Shanae numerous times, and most of the time she did her best to hide Shanae in the shadows, but when they'd taken the fall together, keeping eye-contact with Shanae made their time in the box faster and less painful.

Squeezing her hand, Shanae and Shay took to the stairs and as a muffled announcement came over the P.A, she prayed it wasn't for them.

Monica Flack

Monica was doing her nightly patrol. The patrol was unauthorized and she did it in her own free time, but Adrian let it pass because out of all of his planned patrols, hers had caught the most. Including Shay and Shanae. Her little patrol was a way of showing Adrian that she would overachieve in every possible way if it gave him a second of his attention. Monica thought about the troublemakers she'd dealt with in the past and sighed as she walked. Shanae and Shay hadn't exactly been a pair forever. They'd, at one point, had five members of their little rebellion. Shanae's sister Melissa, most likely only along for the sake of her sister, a boy Shay had seemed extremely attached to Garrent, and small mouse-like girl named Flisa.

Melissa had suffered a fatal visit to the Doctor, Garrent had been tortured to death because he wouldn't give away the whereabouts of the groups night time escape, and Flisa had... Well Flisa was still a problem even though she no longer existed. Killing Garrent and Melissa had been a joy though for even if she couldn't kill Shanae and Shay without Adrian's consent, they were able to kill a girl Shanae had loved and a boy Shay'd been caught kissing. The deaths of their friends had somewhat soothed the girls rebellion, though they still bent the rules every chance they could, they were no longer flat out disobeying.

Pulled from her thoughts by movement in the shadows ahead, Monica smiled and skipped forward silently, creeping up on the unsuspecting girl. A shaft of moonlight illuminated blonde hair and Monica's heart skipped. Had she caught Shay again? Her fingers reached out for the hair and grabbed a fistful, pulling back hard. To her dismay, the blonde of this girls hair was much too dark to be Shay's but instead it belonged to a girl from the latest batch, Candace. "Candace," she smiled wickedly. "I don't suppose you have a good reason for being out? Following someone perhaps?" She said, hoping to scare her enough to tell if she'd been following the two trouble makers. She ran a finger along her captives jaw and grinned. "Do we have a trouble maker in the making here?" She asked, referring to the girl. "Well. She sure is pretty. You know, until..." And with this, Miss Flack lifted her hand and slapped the girl hard, making her drop to her knees holding her cheek with a muffled scream. She knew the slap would leave a good-sized bruise for her skin was already swelling. "Want to explain what you're doing out?" Monica hissed, pulling Candace's hair back so that she was forced to look her in the face.

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Candace left the door, as she heard Axel saying he'd watch Kevin. How kind of him, maybe he wasn't as bad and snappy as she thought. Candace continued walking, far enough back to where the girls couldn't hear her footsteps, or see her. She clung to walls, and hid under the shadows cast by the long gloomy walls. Where were they heading? Hopefully they were smart, and had a plan. If this was just a little stunt for attention, Candace would seriously be disappointed. Even though it's only been a week, it's felt like years. She was willing to do anything for a chance at an escape, or something that could make her days better here at the facility. They suddenly came to a stop, and were fidgeting with something, but it was too dark and dusty to see anything. Maybe if she just moved a little closer - "Candace, "I don't suppose you have a good reason for being out? Following someone perhaps?" a voice, strong obviously belong to the dreadful Ms. Flack. As she spoke, she yanked Candace by her long blonde hair, causing pain to go throughout her scalp. Candace refrained herself from fighting back, because she didn't want to make enemies at the facility too quickly, but she was still going to hold her ground. Regaining herself, Candace said "Ms. Flack, I just thought I left something in the hall on my way back from the dining hall, do we really need to get violent?". Candace spoke her words firmly, not backing down. She didn't want to come off as weak, something Candace knew people would take advantage of. She herself, preys on the weakness of people, and uses it against them, that's what a mean girl is all about. Ms. Flack looked fiercely at her, obviously not amused of Candace's attitude. She brushed her fingers against Candace's face and said, "Do we have a trouble maker in the making here?". Candace pushed her fingers away and said, "Don't touch me". Smirking Candace was scared of what would happen next. "Well. She sure is pretty. You know, until...", and with that Ms. Flack slapped her strongly against her face. Candace's face burned, and her whole face felt like melting off. She was almost certain it would leave some sort of mark. She dropped to her knees, and tried to keep her scream in, but it muffled out. "Want to explain what you're doing out?" said Ms. Flack as she was forced to look into those fierce eyes.

"I was doing exactly what I said I was doing," still trying to keep composure, but tears were pouring down her cheeks. Candace stood, hovering a few inches over her. Ms. Flack snared, and said "Dismissed," with a possible look of fear on her face, or was that even possible with Ms. Flack? Candace briskly took off to her room, but over the intercom she heard, "Carlos Errant to collect Shanae Vena and Nicholas Brown. Both to see The Doctor". The Doctor? Don't people die from visiting the doctor? Candace thanked her lucky stars that it wasn't her, and hoped for the best for Nicholas and Shanae. She walked back into her little dorm, and saw Axel laying on his bed, yet still awake. He looked shocked to see her left side of her face nice and red. "I don't wanna talk about it", Candace retorted. She changed into her nightgown, not caring what Axel thought, and lay down on her bed. It was cold, and the wind was strong in her. It blew through the room, making the tiny little window's curtains flutter. Candace turned on her side, away from them, and looked at the wall in front of her. Her bed was closest to the door, a blessing and a curse. She didn't want to be as close to everyone else, but she heard footsteps and screams throughout the night, due to the cheap old walls. Candace knew she would probably get little, to none sleep tonight, so she stared at the dark chipping wallpaper, and pondered her thoughts.

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Nicholas Brown

Nick sat down at the far end of the dining hall and slowly began to pick at the cheap slop the place called meat. He let out a long deep sigh as he finished and stood up with everyone else slowly walking back to his dorm. He sat down on his cot next the barred window. He glanced over at the beaten and bloody girl feeling a rush of guilt. He sighed and moved over to talk to her when her blonde friend came through the door giving her food and asking her to come with her to the roof. As the two left the dorm he laid back whispering to himself. "Don't get caught."
He looked around the room at the others sitting around. The fear they felt seemed to play across their faces making them look younger then they where. He turned his head looking back out the window that seemed to lock his fate in place. He was going to die here and there was nothing he could do to change that.
Him and everyone else that where wrongly taken from there homes where going to die here. He sighed again and looked around. One thing he was sure of was that he would give this staff a hell of a time in breaking him.
His grey eyes shot open as his name and the girl that was sitting in his dorm were called to see the doctor. He bit his lip until he tasted blood waiting for Carlos to take him and the poor girl to meet their almost certain fate.

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Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Candace Torrent Character Portrait: Kevin O'Malley
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Axel sits in the room watching Kevin when all of a sudden, Kevin sits up and decides to get out of the bed. Axel looks at him confused as he goes around the room knocking on the wall. Hearing a thud each time he did so. Kevin stopped for a second and stared at Axel and that's when he understood. Kevin didn't want anyone to know he was doing this, so Axel nodded his head towards Kevin to show he understood. Then he watches as Kevin goes back to knocking on the wall till he hears a hollow sound from the wall. Surprised He looks at the spot Kevin knocked at and it was right by the bed. Axel had an idea that maybe he would be able to use that sometime in the future. For now though he'd have to wait making sure he took care not to get killed or caught.

Finally Kevin laid back down and fell asleep. Axel sits there for a minute and thinks about what to do till he feels tired. He decides finally to do some pushup and situps to make sure he stay fit if he ever needs to fight back against the guards. So he does about 50 push ups when he hears the mega phones turn on and say "Carlos Errant to collect Shanae Vena and Nicholas Brown. Both to see The Doctor". Axel jumps up because he was worried for what might happen to these people but was kinda glad it wasn't him. He sat there for a minute and thought to himself 'I wonder what happens to the people see the doctor. Does he help them? Does he kill them?'

Finally his train of thought about all the people being called in was interrupted by the fact Candace walked in the door. He looks at her and sees the bruise on her face and asks "What happened to you did someone hurt you?" But she told him "I don't wanna talk about it". He looks at her and was quite surprised to she her getting undressed in front of him. He quickly covers his eyes and can tell he is majorily blushing. He nervously said, "The kid is sleeping quite well I hope you'll be okay. You look a little shaken. Well I hope you sleep well. Oh and by the way you look really pretty. I thought you'd like to hear that but eh." Axel tired and confused decides to do so too and lays down after awhile he finally manages to drift off to sleep, as did Candace herself.

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#, as written by Rhyme
Okay. Time to think of a plan. Top priority: get out of here. No one else matters, and it's more than obvious the two girls that have been here for a longer period of time won't help the newer ones. And none of the ones who've been shipped in with her seem to have the intelligence to escape.

Olivia shoved her hood up over her head, and pulled her hair out through the hole. Yes, not attractive, but she always did that. Not sure why, but it felt nice being able to let her hair flow freely. It helped her feel better, in spite of everything. She'd need whatever small comforts she can get. Because Olivia knew she'd have to be cunning, and cutthroat to make it out of here alive. Denva had a supposed One hundred percent Mortality Rate, which obviously implied what she'd known for a while. This is simply a slaughterhouse. That's just it. Although what she and that man who had helped her for roughly a month, on the run, had attempted to find out the reason why. They had searched every lead desperately.. and that desperation is what brought her into this hell hole. Hopefully Derek was fine, as well as Mr. Brunner.

A few days earlier she had tried to map down the areas that she could see through the windows, the outside, and the defenses. But it was too much, too complicated and too hard to plan without paper and pen to aid her. Now that it's been a week, she had successfully gotten a pen from one of the staff, who had been asleep on the switch. She still needed the paper, but until the opportunity arises, Olivia would have to make do with her panties. It was uncomfortable, walking around in pants without nothing between that at bare skin, but, no matter.

God, it better mark on cotton.

Somehow, it did. This would prove to be a good thing. Olivia fervently mapped down the surrounding area, stealthily, keeping a watchful eye not to be seen. A while ago names had been called. Irrelevant names, with no meaning. As long as it wasn't her, she'd be okay.

Rather them than me. I'll get myself out.

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#, as written by Shané
Shanae Vena

Shanae winced as she heard a resounding slap echoe in the corrodor. She knew Candice had been caught, and no doubt she would see the result of the sound tomorrow. Trying not to dwell on the fact that that could have been them, Shanae followed Shay up the stairs and onto the roof. There had been a dull announcement, but Shanae had not managed to catch the exact words though she had a bad feeling about them. Even if it had been for her or Shay, at least they would have a little time. Probably it would just be Adrian calling one of the staff to him and ordering them about.
As she stood on the roof of the building, Shanae looked up at the array of stars in the sky. The stars were their brightest at this time of night.
Shanae breathed in deeply. The long days she had endured in the Box had been full of stale air and smell of fear. Here, she could almost forget the hell that lay beneath her...almost.
She knew Shay and herself could not stay for too long, as Miss Flack would probably stop her rounds soon, and her dorm was too close to the small entrance. Miss Flack was notorious for hearing sounds the subjects desperately did not want her to hear.
"Shay...we need to help the ones back there. Do you remember when we first much easier would it have been if we had known what would be a head of us. One of them is only thirteen for goodness sake! Why? Why do they need us? Honestly, I think there is something...something I cannot put my finger on behind this place." She shivered slightly.
"Shay, you know we'll be next...we need to pass what little knowledge we have before..." she stopped. Changing her direction slightly. "At least we will probably go together. Adrian hasn't had his stupid "fun" with the others yet, he would want to do that first before he sent them I think. So I think we can safely hope that we will be together..."

Adrian Carlos
Adrian was getting impatient it had been about fifteen minutes since he had called Carlos. Knowing it would probably take longer, after all Carlos would have to round the two brats up. It was a shame he would not have time to toy with Nicholas, but hopefully...if all went well, he might just later.
Deciding that it may be best to have something to do while he waited he decided to call a night class. His eyes lit up as he thought of the night class. Of all the classes these were the ones most subjects dreaded. Miss Flack was excellently thourough in her job. And most subjects struggled to get up the next morning. Finding the thought rather pleasing Adrian let another announcement ring through the night.

"All subjects to file into the gymnasium for a night class. Miss Flack to meet me on Floor 3"
Adrian smiled, he would ask Monica to find fault with two of them to give him something to look forward to. And while he waited for Shanae and Nicholas to be collected, he could enjoy watching and assessing the new ones. Time to regain control of the facility.

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Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Candace Torrent Character Portrait: Kevin O'Malley
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Axel woke up after he heard the cracking of the speaker. He listens closely to what it say and hears, "All subjects to file into the gymnasium for a night class. Miss Flack to meet me on Floor 3". He gets up and puts on his pants and shirt then decides to stretch a tiny bit to wake himself. He looks over to see Kevin and Candace asleep still. He walks over to Candace and puts his hand on her shoulder and shakes her a tiny bit while whispering, "Hey Candace I'm sorry but you need to get up all of were paged to the gym." She even opens her eyes and looks to see Axel standing over her. Axel sees the bruise had gotten worse on her face but not wanting to seem like a jerk he says nothing about it. He then thinks to himself 'Man she is pretty. I wonder if I have a chance?' He then says to her, "Come on get up and get dressed but this time please don't do it in front of me. Even though you're pretty please have some decency for yourself."

With that said Axel walks over and tries to wake up Kevin. After a little work he gets him up but looks over to make Candace is dressed. To his surprise she had just taken off her nightgown so Axel quickly puts his hands over Kevin's eyes so he can't see Candace getting dressed. While he is covering Kevin's eyes Axel has his back turned so he doesn't see either. After a minute he asks her, "Are you fully clothed yet?". She says yes and that we could turn around so Axel lets go of Kevin. He then tells Kevin "Get dressed because we have to go to the gym for a night class. Okay little guy?" With Kevin got dressed with clothes Axel had gotten out for him.

With all of them dressed they all went down heading towards the gym. Axel's mind was going a million miles an hour imagining what exactly they were going to do to everyone. Axel looks and sees some of the others heading to the gym but he doesn't see Shayla or her friend. He hoped they were okay and didn't get caught going to the roof. After a while of walking and alot of thinking Axel as well as the others had finally reached the gym. Once he is there he looks around and sees no one is there to watch them. He finds it really weird but doesn't care he didn't wanna have to deal with anyone anyway there were only a couple people he thought were worth actually being around. Those people being his his family, the other patients, and anyone stronger than he is. He thought how he really hated the guards already not only for keeping him locked up and the fact they woke him up so early in the night.

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Candace awoke to Axel shaking her."Hey Candace I'm sorry but you need to get up all of were paged to the gym, Come on get up and get dressed but this time please don't do it in front of me. Even though you're pretty please have some decency for yourself." Candace laughed a little and said, "Axel don't flatter yourself. I was just tired when I got in, I wasn't dressing to please you." Candace said it a bit rude, she kinda felt bad, but she was too tired to apologize and deal with crazy emotions. It's not that she didn't like Axel, he was actually sweet and handsome. It's just this crazy, hell hole is toying with her emotions. She changes into a a t shirt, and jeans and let's Axel and Kevin it's safe to look. She also rummaged between her two, thin, ratty matresses to get her concealer that she snuck in. They didn't manage to catch her bring it in, what a relief. She covered up her bruise, to where it was barely visible, but still would probably raise questions. Axel woke Kevin up, and Kevin got dressed as well. Grinning, Candace asked "Good nights sleep?". Candace pondered on why they had night classes anyways? Her body was drained from the day's classes, and now they have to do night classes?

When they were all finished dressing, Candace grabbed a leather jacket, and they all made their way to the gym. When they got there, everyone was there but Shayla and Shanae and no sign of Carlos or Monica. How long were they gone for? Monica was still probably making her rounds, could they caught? Oh well, they can handle themselves. Candace looked at everyone, and they all looked frightened, nervous of what was going to happen. Candace chuckled. I know you were supposed to be afraid of what was going to happen in a place as wicked as this, but Candace wasn't. Getting her first slap last night, really woke her up, she'd have to show no fear and get through this without breaking down. It was going to be tough, but Candace was pretty confident she could make it.

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#, as written by Rhyme
Oh, God damn it.

Night gym class. Really? She was hoping to sleep a little, and spend the rest of the night examining the area, planning the patterns of the dog patrols. The pattern of their movements was the same each day, she had noticed this by tracking one of the dogs for a while. So it was safe to assume the others would be the same way. She needed more time to get a better idea of the situation here, but it's hard. With all the classes, and constant fear of being taken and called up to who knows where. Hopefully that didn't happen. Not fair. Not fair, whatsoever. She remembered the old days, the good days, pick-pocketing everyone easily. She had never been caught, luckily enough. Maybe the same skills would work here. But the matters of the cameras. She needed to find out how to deactivate them without being seen. Damage them out of sight of the lens.

She was walking her way to the gym, slowly. Olivia trudged. Going on less sleep than everyone else, she had no choice. A few of the hallways were out of view, that was where Olivia liked to sneak to whenever she could, at night. But she would always go back to the dorms every once in a while. Of course, she sued the first days to memorize the schedules of staff checking the dorms, ensuring everyone's there. Of course. It would be suicidal not to.

I need a weapon. I need to take out the cameras, and I need to avoid the dogs. Then I'm free.

She arrived at the gym, and in a little space out of sight, she changed into shorts and a skull tee. She felt a brief wave of dizziness almost overcome her, and she realized after al her sneaking around after 8:00 PM, she'd become exhausted. She looked at her reflection on the floor, dimly. She looked sickly and pale, and she was shivering from drowsiness.

God damn. This is terrible.

Olivia fainted a few minutes later.

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Shayla Bones

Shay stopped when they reached the roof and glanced about the indent as if she'd never seen it before. The little space was littered with things that the two of them had stolen over the years including plans and paper and writings. There had origanlly been five of them and in the corner of their space, under a blanket and some pillows that they used when they spent the nights up here, lay seven thick, five subject notebooks. These notebooks were diary's that were filled to the brim. It had been Shanae's idea to take diary's and the five of them had been faithful to it, logging everything that happened so they could use it as evidence later. It was also a way for Shay to look back on the missing three of them. Shay and Shanae were still taking the journals, but Shay had the gorwing feeling that if they didn't do something fast they'd be just like Garent, Flisa, and Melissa. Just entries. She sighed thinking about the three for though they had never managed to steal a camera or anything, she could remember every line of their faces.

"Shay...we need to help the ones back there. Do you remember when we first much easier would it have been if we had known what would be a head of us. One of them is only thirteen for goodness sake! Why? Why do they need us? Honestly, I think there is something...something I cannot put my finger on behind this place." Shanae's words brought her back to the surface and she turned to blink at her emptily as she continued. "Shay, you know we'll be next...we need to pass what little knowledge we have before..." At this Shanae choked up and she knew she was thinking about what had happened to Melissa and Shay couldn't meet her eyes for a moment. "At least we will probably go together. Adrian hasn't had his stupid "fun" with the others yet, he would want to do that first before he sent them I think. So I think we can safely hope that we will be together..."

When she finished and looked at her, Shay nodded and sighed deeply, staring at the little pile of blankets that concealed the notebooks. "Remember when there were five of us?" She said turning to Shanae. "God I miss them..." She shuffled her feet and sighed. They'd made the perfect team. Shay;, brash and full of action, Shanae; smart and filled with words that could kill, Flisa; slick, small, and cunning, Melissa; able to warn them of approaching danger with sheer intuition, and Garent; willing to do anything Shay asked of him. She shook her head and sighed. Melissa had suffered after a visit to the Doctor. She was always closest to Shanae, being as she was her sister. Garenet had been a personal blow to Shay for she'd been so close to him... She'd even been caught kissing the boy. Flisa... Well Flisa just... Disappeared and the facility covered it up with a story about how she was beaten to death, but neither Shay nor Shanae believed it. They knew she was headed for the roof that night and never came back. She remembered when the five of them had first arrived and how scared they'd been. How the older kids had refused to give away any information or form of help, and understood what Shanae was getting at.

"Yeah, she whispered, tilting her head back to the stars. I get what you mean. Maybe if someone had warned us..." She shook her head, blonde hair rustling across her shoulders. "I say we help them too. We just need to know who to trust. When we first showed up, there were a couple of people who would rat on anyone to get on Adrian's good side." She looked at her and sighed. "We don't have much time though... Do you remember Flisa? How the night before she was supposed to visit the Doctor she'd disappeared? Do you think she got away? Do you think we could too?" She glanced at the stack of papers in the indent that were filled with weak plan after week plan. "We'd have to be like... superheros. Should we head back now? Give the newbs some pointers or something?"

Monica Flack

Monica was just leaving Candace's room when she realized that Shay's bed was once again empty. She snarled and marched across to the second dorm to find that Shanae's was as well. By now they'd both be in their hiding place and there'd be no hope in catching them, but maybe if she told Adrian they were missing he'd take the little brats to the Box. Sneaking about was always a Box offense. Especially in their case. Adrian had killed the boy, Garenet, trying to find their hiding place. With an angry hiss she spun out of the room on her heel, dark waves flying out around her as she marched towards Adrian's office.

About halfway there, an announcement came over the P.A calling for a night class and for her to meet Adrian on floor 3. She smiled and slowed her pace a bit, straitening her hair on her shoulders. He probably just wanted her to lead the class, but this would be good opportunity to report to him Shay and Shanae's absence as well as Candace's lurking about. Monica hadn't bought the California blondes story about losing something for if they weren't allowed to own anything, what could she have lost?

When she reached the third floor she found Adrian and smiled as she entered the room, linking her hands behind her back. "Sir?" She said in a voice she used only on other staff. The one she used on subjects was filled with much more hatred.

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Kevin awoke with the shaking of Axel and was told immediatly about a night class for gym.

For a moment he was scared. Were they gonna kill them, now, of all times? It's obvious that they would, sooner or later. But this soon? No. Calm down. Just because they're walking single file to a large area because a voice of the sky told them to, doesn't mean a slaughter is about to-oh. No. They were professionals. They would have to make the conspirancy airtight. Kevin didn't even know who "They" were but made sure to be always aware of "Them" and whoever "They" could be.

Axel covered Kevin's eyes and Kevin didn't squirm. He knew that Candace was changing, and because she was, he distracted his young mind with thoughts of death, escape plans, slowdancing with his grandpa that'd rather hit him over the head with cane, getting hit in the head with a cane, conspiracy, the words 'I think, therefor I am', and life if any after this prison.
After Kevin had regained his sight, he took off his white undershirt and white underpants, the sleepware that layed on top of the bed. Of course it made sense why it was all white because white stains. Blood, dirt, grass marks.

After putting on his short sleeved dark green shirt and a pair of light blue jeans, he reached for his hat, or a gatsby as it was called and stared into it's patterns. The hat stayed on the bed, it wouldn't do Kevin justice to get it sweaty, so he left it behind, already out the door and started to run through the halls. No reason, except to see if he still had the endurance from two weeks ago.
Going downstairs and unding up in the gym, Kevin breathed in and out as his running shoes came to a stop at the gym, and commended himself for not losing too much stamina. On his way in however he noticed a body on the floor.
They are killing people!

Kevin wanted to bolt it out of there but he couldn't just leave the body! He ran up to the body in the gym, a girl her own age, and examined her for only a few seconds. She was young, pretty, but there wasn't a sign of blood anywhere on her. No pool of the metallic red and no indication of death. He shook her back and forth with his hands, trying to wake her up, spoke a bit as well, and he rarely ever speaks.
"Oy, Wake up, if yar still alive. Com' on, jus' move a'little. Say somthin', anythin'!" Kevin said, shaking the body of the girl a little more, expecting a miracle or just some mercy from some sort of God.

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#, as written by Rhyme

"Alright, Mister." Olivia had her hands in her pockets, concealing a switchblade. She had been hunting for the, whatever the hell that place was. Quarantine zone? Death camp? Who knows? All of this screamed Nazi, but she had a feeling it was more complicated than that. Everyone had been taken, so Olivia had to make sure she wasn't next. Last woman standing. All bets are off. "Whaddya want?"

"The man eyed her. Definitely bemused. He asked her what she meant, and Olivia scowled, fury causing her to shake.

"I know you're following me. If you're here to take me to the Quarantine, get on with it already."

The man approached her, held out a hand to grasp at her arm, but Olivia retaliated with a swing of the switch blade, causing a line of red on the palm of the man's hand. It did nothing to phaze him; he simply took hold of her arm as she struggled to swipe at him again. She then prepared to kick, but he twisted his wrist firmly, using the strength from his shoulder down, and Olivia fell flat on the ground. She rolled over and leapt back to her feet, blade open and ready.

"So, you're fighting the Government too, girl?" The man asked, and Olivia only glared at him, wondering what he meant, wondering what any of this really meant. "We're on the same side."

Something was shaking her shoulder. A strange, external force. Olivia, at first she didn’t notice it, but then her mind reeled, almost violently. No.. she was supposed to walk to him, and they were supposed to discuss what they've found out so far. No one's supposed to grab at her, that's not how it happened. Not at all. Not at-


Olivia woke up, instinctively reaching for the switch blade that had been confiscated long ago. A boy was shaking her. Her mind made the connection instantly, so she calmed down, although the few moments of the sleep hadn't helped her mind recharge whatsoever. A boy, cute, but he still had a 'baby-face', although he appeared to not be too much younger than she was. Olivia had seen him around, once or twice, but never cared to get to know him. He simply wasn't going to be a help in her eventual plot to escape.

'I'm tired." She said plainly to the boy. "I'm just really tired, so, would you please leave me alone?"

Normally, she would have scowled bitterly at him, maybe hissed, but she couldn't bring herself to be nasty. There was a strange sort of innocence in him she couldn't bear to quench. Although Olivia knew very well it wouldn’t last, no way in hell would it last. And this is worse than hell. The battered girl was still clear in her mind, vivid as a photograph. She shuddered, wondering if she had been looking at her own future.

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#, as written by Shané
Adrian Carlos

Monica had not kept him waiting. Adrian liked that. Now he could have some fun while he waited for the fool Carlos. He sneered at the thought. The guy was much to friendly to be working at a facility such as this, but he knew what would happen if he talked. Adrian smiled, the government had given him the location of his family...just incase he needed some extra, Adrian allowed his thoughts to roam around for the word, yes that was it: incentive.
He returned to the present.
"Monica, I need you to take a night class. Or night torture whichever you prefer to call it. I want it to be hard. The newer ones have been let off while I was dealing with Shanae. Also out of the group find two or three I can use later in the Box. They are used to have Shanae and Shay back bloody, how will they cope with one of their own? Just be careful in who you pick. We don't need people still with strength causing a fight..."
Adrian had had his back turned to Monica as he rifled through a couple of notes on his desk as he turned he realised she had some news. He could tell by the way she was standing, rather eager. That was good. Meant some more fun.
"I am sure you are quite capable of managing it. Now you wish to tell me something?"

Shanae Vena

As Shay mentioned the five, Shanae's heart lurched. How could she forget. Shanae had a feeling Flisa did not exactly escape, at least not in the way Shay meant, though she could not be certain. When Shay mentioned leaving, Shanae agreed. Best get back in hope that Miss Flack would not be too bothered by the dissaperances. As they headed downstairs, the dorms were silent.
A single panicked thought reached Shanae's brain. Oh my gosh night classes!
That must have been what the notice was about. Praying Adrian was still informing Monica of what he wanted, Shanae started to run downstairs, only to stop, letting out a little cry of pain. She had to be more careful. She had re-opened the large scab down her back. The blood was starting to seep through the bandage and on her left shoulder it had already reached the fabric on the outside. This was bad. She had no time to change, and Monica had a bad tendency to use any kind of weakness for her own amusement. Please don't let me be called out to demonstrate she prayed as she rushed, as fast as she could without causing too much pain, into the gym.
She felt Shay rush in behind her. As she quickly looked around she breathed a sigh of relief: Miss Flack was not here...yet.
As she took her place next to Shay she realised none of the others knew they were meant to be all lined up.
Not knowing how much time they had, she rushed forward, wincing as her shoulder again notified her of it's presence.
"Everyone, get in a line. Now." she hissed urgently "I don't want to boss you around, but unless you want to end up looking like me, I suggest you do it."
As she finished speaking she noticed everyone staring at her strangely. Differently to what they had. It made her uncomfortable, what could have made them think of her like that? With a sort of pity mingled with curiosity. Like sure she'd been in the box, but surely they were use to that....she felt a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach.
As she took her place next to Shay and Axel, she turned to him.
"What happened while Shay and I were gone?" she asked, her voice a hoarse whisper.

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Candace was well in her thoughts, as Shayla and Shanae ran inside the gym, Shanae looking as someone had injured her back. There was blood seeping from her shirt, making her look like a mess. "Everyone, get in a line. Now. I don't want to boss you around, but unless you want to end up looking like me, I suggest you do it," Shanae ordered, as if she was running this place. Just because she's been here the longest, doesn't mean she had authority over everyone, but sure enough Candace took her advice and trudged to line. She took her place at the end, between Axel and Kevin, Shayla and Shanae on the other side of Axel. She glanced down at them, they looked anxious and nervous. Bet they had a good time, wandering off doing whatever the hell they pleased, while Candace was getting tortured by the lovely Ms. Flack. "What happened while Shay and I were gone?" Shanae asked Axel. Stopping herself, Candace was going to tell them what Ms.Flack had done to her, but she didn't need any sympathy from them. If they really had cared what was happening while they were gone, they'd be letting the others know what was going on, what was their plan. Candace and the others wanted to get out as much as they did, why are they being so secretive? I know they probably aren't going to trust everyone at first, but they weren't even putting forth effort. They walk these halls, as if the 'newbies' are invisible. Guess she'd have to figure things out by herself, how things usually work out. With that, Ms. Flack burst through the greasy gym doors, and began letting them know what what they were about to do at their first, most likely excruciating, night class. Hopefully all of them would be okay, and no one would be sent to the box, or worst. The Doctor.

5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Monica Flack Character Portrait: Shayla Bones Character Portrait: Shanae Vena Character Portrait: Axel Pierce Character Portrait: Candace Torrent
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Axel sits up after he hears Shayla and Shanae run into the gym. He looks at them with relief because the guards hadn't come back yet so they would not be in trouble. As soon as Shanae enters the room she yells you everyone, "Everyone, get in a line. Now. I don't want to boss you around, but unless you want to end up looking like me, I suggest you do it". Axel, use to following orders from his martial arts sensei, almost automatically jumped into line right next to Shanae. Next to Shanae was Shayla and to the left of Axel was Candace. He looked at Candace and hears Shanae ask, "What happened while Shay and I were gone?".

Axel looks at Candace for a couple more seconds admiring her beauty and finally turn towards Shanae. He thinks for a minute and whispers, "Well Candace, my roommate, was out in the hall and from what I can tell she got hit. You and Nicholas were called to go see some kind of Doctor. And then we were all paged to come down here that's about all I can tell you off the top of my head." Then right when he finishes talking Ms.Flick walks into the gym. At that point everyone had lined up fearing what might happen if they don't.

Axel, feeling like something bad might happen after remembering about what happened to Shayla, blurts out while stepping forward, "Ms.Flack if you need to demonstrate anything during this class I'll volunteer to be your test subject for tonight. So please use me and not anyone I'm fully aware of what I'm saying and am willing to take the consequences for it." He looks around thinking 'Most of the people here are women and children. I can't be the kind of person to sit back and watch as they get hurt. I think this is the better off way to do it.' He looks towards Ms.Flack to see a very evil and menacing grin come across her face.

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#, as written by Shané
Shanae Vena

"Well Candace, my roommate, was out in the hall and from what I can tell she got hit."
Shanae felt blood rush to her cheeks as the guilt was re-installed. It wasn't as though she could have done anything to stop it, but still she felt guilty. If Candace hated her, she couldn't blame her. She glanced over in Candace's direction, praying she would she the apology in her eyes, and then she froze.
"...You and Nicholas were called to go see some kind of Doctor"
As quickly as it had risen, Shanae was deprived of blood in her face. She paled badly and felt herself go weak in the legs. Her face a pasty white.
Her and Nicholas? Why him? Why must Adrian kill them both...why? She had been so certain she and Shay would go together, and now... The fire in her eyes started to die, she looked over at Nicholas. He wasn't looking so good himself, and he still didn't know what actually happened. Shanae shivered.
Shanae started to sway on her feet as Miss Flack entered the gym. When Axel stepped forward to offer himself up, Shanae and the rest of the room was startled into silence.
Could it get any worse? If Axel isn't going to be careful, he is going to end up dead. Not that I can talk at the moment. Shanae thought bleakly.

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Denva Quarantine Facility

Denva Quarantine Facility by Shané

Somewhere everyone wants to leave, yet no one is able too...

The Box

The Box by RolePlayGateway

You don't want to be here...

Lower Dorms

Lower Dorms by RolePlayGateway

Where subjects spend most of their time.


Upstairs by RolePlayGateway

You are not supposed to be here...


Downstairs by RolePlayGateway

The dining hall, the classroom, gymnasium and The Box are found here.

Middle Dorms

Middle Dorms by RolePlayGateway

This is the staff dorms, forbidden to subjects

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View All » Add Character » 17 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos
Character Portrait: Shanae Vena
Character Portrait: Axel Pierce
Character Portrait: Shayla Bones
Character Portrait: Monica Flack
Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown
Character Portrait: Destiny Phillips
Character Portrait: Jason Conelly
Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
Character Portrait: Erin Finch


Character Portrait: Erin Finch
Erin Finch

"I don't know about you, but I have what it takes to escape."

Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
Daniel Matlock

"I've been in worse scrapes. This place has nothing on Helmand..."

Character Portrait: Jason Conelly
Jason Conelly

"Am I sick? I don't feel sick..."

Character Portrait: Destiny Phillips
Destiny Phillips

"I'm cruel? Honey I'll show you cruel."

Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown

I don't be long here. I dont have a disease and neither does anyone else.

Character Portrait: Monica Flack
Monica Flack

"High salary? Punishing brats? Count me in."

Character Portrait: Shayla Bones
Shayla Bones

"Oh please. We both know I don't have a disease."

Character Portrait: Axel Pierce
Axel Pierce

"There is absoultely nothing wrong of me. So why am I here exactly?"

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena
Shanae Vena

Someone has to find out whats happening...

Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos
Adrian Carlos

Who exactly is running the facility...some get the feeling it isn't the Doctor.


Character Portrait: Destiny Phillips
Destiny Phillips

"I'm cruel? Honey I'll show you cruel."

Character Portrait: Monica Flack
Monica Flack

"High salary? Punishing brats? Count me in."

Character Portrait: Shayla Bones
Shayla Bones

"Oh please. We both know I don't have a disease."

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena
Shanae Vena

Someone has to find out whats happening...

Character Portrait: Jason Conelly
Jason Conelly

"Am I sick? I don't feel sick..."

Character Portrait: Axel Pierce
Axel Pierce

"There is absoultely nothing wrong of me. So why am I here exactly?"

Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos
Adrian Carlos

Who exactly is running the facility...some get the feeling it isn't the Doctor.

Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
Daniel Matlock

"I've been in worse scrapes. This place has nothing on Helmand..."

Character Portrait: Erin Finch
Erin Finch

"I don't know about you, but I have what it takes to escape."

Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown

I don't be long here. I dont have a disease and neither does anyone else.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Erin Finch
Erin Finch

"I don't know about you, but I have what it takes to escape."

Character Portrait: Shayla Bones
Shayla Bones

"Oh please. We both know I don't have a disease."

Character Portrait: Shanae Vena
Shanae Vena

Someone has to find out whats happening...

Character Portrait: Jason Conelly
Jason Conelly

"Am I sick? I don't feel sick..."

Character Portrait: Axel Pierce
Axel Pierce

"There is absoultely nothing wrong of me. So why am I here exactly?"

Character Portrait: Adrian Carlos
Adrian Carlos

Who exactly is running the facility...some get the feeling it isn't the Doctor.

Character Portrait: Daniel Matlock
Daniel Matlock

"I've been in worse scrapes. This place has nothing on Helmand..."

Character Portrait: Nicholas Brown
Nicholas Brown

I don't be long here. I dont have a disease and neither does anyone else.

Character Portrait: Monica Flack
Monica Flack

"High salary? Punishing brats? Count me in."

Character Portrait: Destiny Phillips
Destiny Phillips

"I'm cruel? Honey I'll show you cruel."

View All » Places

Denva Quarantine Facility

Denva Quarantine Facility by Shané

Somewhere everyone wants to leave, yet no one is able too...

The Box

The Box by RolePlayGateway

You don't want to be here...

Lower Dorms

Lower Dorms by RolePlayGateway

Where subjects spend most of their time.


Upstairs by RolePlayGateway

You are not supposed to be here...


Downstairs by RolePlayGateway

The dining hall, the classroom, gymnasium and The Box are found here.

Middle Dorms

Middle Dorms by RolePlayGateway

This is the staff dorms, forbidden to subjects

Denva Quarantine Facility

Somewhere everyone wants to leave, yet no one is able too...


You are not supposed to be here...

Middle Dorms

Middle Dorms Owner: RolePlayGateway

This is the staff dorms, forbidden to subjects


The dining hall, the classroom, gymnasium and The Box are found here.

Lower Dorms

Lower Dorms Owner: RolePlayGateway

Where subjects spend most of their time.

The Box

Downstairs The Box Owner: RolePlayGateway

You don't want to be here...

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