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A private RP, by invitation only.

1,565 readers have visited Realities since poeticjustice8012 created it.


This is an invitation-only RP! Please do not join if you were not invited.

Every year there is a competition of sorts, call it a game, if you will, that takes place in an everlasting arena. The contestants? Kidnapped from various realities and set in this dangerous environment to fight the hordes of monsters, while trying to escape. The game is waiting. Read to face Reality?

Deity- Call him the creator of this little game. He appears every once in a while to help or hinder the contestants, as a figure made of pure black marble. He resembles a human, but without any defining features, and it is easy to believe he is… Something else. He is the host of Reality and controls everything that happens. He is technically an NPC that I’ll control.

Reality- The game itself. The arena is limitless, stretching on as far as it needs to be. It changes every year, from a plain of lava to the frozen tundra. This year the Reality is a desert, which contains beasts and monsters no person should have to face.
The Desert- A large desert with the only noticeable landmark being a set of large brown mountains. Unbearably hot during the day and freezing cold at night, this is not the place you want to be. If you look around you will see nothing, but travel far enough in any direction BUT the mountains and you'll find what you're looking for. The exit is supposed to be in the mountains, but who knows? There could be something even worse....

Monsters- These baddies are just waiting to rip you to shreds and feed on your dead corpse. Ranging from blood-sucking insects to wolves that breathe fire, there is no limit to what you might find. That is not a good thing.
The Beasts- Creatures from the deep pits of hell rise up to attack every night. Hellhounds, with blood red eyes and huge fangs wait to tear you from limb to limb. Birds made of metal, with feathers that can be shot at you and go through almost anything. They rarely attack at day, but wait for nightfall, when the sand is cooler. They leave after you kill enough.... Or if something even worse it coming.
The Boss- Wrapped in endless shadow, protected by darkness, you face the Devil himself. He can cast spells that rend flesh from bone, drive you to madness with a single glance. Good thing you might not have to face him, since he sleeps always.... But who knows. Maybe he will grace you with his presence.

Avatars- You control an Avatar, which, for all intents and purposes, is you. I’m not saying it looks like you, or even has to act much like you, but it is still you. Maybe it happens to be braver or stronger, or even more evil. Who knows? But, when you get down to it, your Avatar is you.
Name- Your Avatar has the same name as you. That is, it goes by your username (for example, mine will go by Poeticjustice8012). Of course it will still have nicknames and such, but since your Avatar is you, it should have the same name, right?
Gender- Your Avatar has the same gender as you. Deal with it. xD
Appearance- Now, this is where your Avatar changes. It doesn’t have to look like you. I don’t care if it’s got wings, fangs, a tail, or whatever. I will say it must be humanoid, but besides that I don’t really mind. Also, even though you have two pictures to help describe your Avatar, please also add in a few lines about the Avatar anyway ^^
Powers- I was thinking over this for a while before deciding that each Avatar can have 5 powers of your choice. Now, if your Avatar is clearly too strong, then I will stop in and ask you to change it, but I doubt that will happen. If you want to know if something will work, or counts as two powers (or any other question), please ask in the OOC. I will tell you, something like “controls fire” will have to be more specific (“creates fire,” “manipulates existing fire,” and “immune to fire” would be accepted as three different powers). Only insta-death/death touch (whatever you want to call it) is not allowed.
Weapon- Each Avatar can summon one weapon. The weapon must be pre-gunpowder, but may have magical/unrealistic properties (shooting fire arrows, changes size, changes shape, ext.). Something like two swords can qualify as a single weapon, but I’ll take it on a case-by-case basis. So then! Please explain your weapon well enough so the rest of us know what we’re dealing with. ^^
Familiar- The creature that your Avatar may summon, at any time, to help with whatever. It does not need to be real (that is, dragons and fairies are ok) but it can’t be too much of a god xD By that I mean that it can’t be the size of an island and go around eating all of your enemies ^^” Your familiar if pretty much your Avatar in animal form (a friendly Avatar will have a friendly familiar) but that does not mean they need to be exactly the same. Familiars and Avatars are connected through telepathic bonds, so verbal communication is merely a formality, but it takes a lot less control to shout than telepathically commanding your familiar.
Personality- As I’ve said before, the Avatar in question does not have to be exactly like you. Whether your Avatar has the tendency to laugh evilly, or is ruder than you, it doesn’t matter. Just give us a five line (minimum. I would love something longer ^^) summary of whom we’re dealing with.
Final Power- This is a completely unique power to your Avatar. Maybe it creates a wall of flame to engulf your opponents, or slows time for all but your Avatar. Who knows? This power is extremely strong but also takes a lot out of an Avatar, and requires something before it can happen. Maybe you need a set number of kills in battle, or must meditate before a fight. It’s up to you. These powers do not work as well on other Avatars and bosses, so please specify the differences.
Fighting Style- Maybe your Avatar enjoys going in like a tank, taking those hits and running over anything in its way. Maybe your Avatar is more of an assassin. This is up to you. All Avatars are good at fighting in some way, shape, or form, and you're good. Crazy spin attacks? Check. Leaping off of trees to attack your opponent at break-neck speeds? Check. Only held back based on what you can imagine... But remember. Your opponents are just as good, and they out-number you. That being said, describe your Avatar’s favorite method of taking someone down.
Theme Song- Not required, but come on. It’s just plain cool to be able to say you have your own theme song. xD
Notes- Anything about your Avatar that wasn’t covered in one of the other categories. Except history, since I want that to be decided in the RP rather than before hand.
Fill CS based on the guide above ^^
Code: Select all

[img]Put a direct link to your Avatar’s picture here!/img]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Name[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Gender[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Appearance[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Powers[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Weapon[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Familiar[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Personality[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Final Power[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Fighting Style[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Theme Song[/color][/b]

[b][color=Put a HexCode here!]Notes[/color][/b]

[img]Put a direct link to another picture here![/img]

Toggle Rules

1) No god-modding.
2) Absolutely NO one-liners. I require at least three paragraphs per response.
3) Please try to reply every day or every other day. If you're going to be gone for a bit, let me know so I can try to slow down the RP for you so you don't get too lost and drop out.
4) I want literacy. Don't type "lyk dis."
5) Cursing allowed, but keep in mind this is not a sailor RP.
6) Romance allowed, but keep it PG-16 (totally)--any more and take it to the PMs. (I doubt we'll have too much romance, but you never know xD)
7) Stick to your CS. I don't want you pulling powers out of nowhere, or suddenly becoming this huge body-builder (unless one of your powers is shape-shifting, but yeah. xD)
8) If you die, talk to me over PMs. I probably won't pull anyone out because of death, but we'll need to figure out a way to handle it. Don't worry if you do die, but don't make it a habit. xD

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 8 authors


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The desert sky was brightly lit and cloudless, the pounding sun a single yellow orb in the sun, watching down at the vast and mostly empty golden ground, where the only life were the few cacti and scrub trees, dead from lack of water. The rolling dunes were invisible unless you stood on one, and the textures of the sand gave no hint onto the direction you were going in. In the distance, a mountain loomed over the lifeless land, casting a shadow that did not reach very far. The mountain was a simple light brown, a similar color to the ground, and was the only real landmark in the whole, dry, desert.

I woke up with a pounding headache, sweat covering my body, and with that feeling that only sand in places sand should not be could give you. The heat wasn't what bothered me; I was built for the heat, after all. To me, this was just a stroll in the park. No, it was the sand. I hated not having solid ground to rest on, not having something steady to kick off of and run around. That, and the fact that I quickly realized I wasn't the only one there. I slowly sat up, looking carefully at all the others. None of them looked like huge threats, but why would we be here if not for a good reason? As long as none of them tried killing me before talking, I was fine. Still... It was just plain strange. Where in the world was I? What was going on? Who had brought us here? If this was some kind of trap, why not kill us in our sleep? This wasn't anything I could make heads or tails out of... And that bothered me.

"Oi. Are you awake?" I muttered as I stood, softly nudging the girl closest to me, a red-head who didn't look like too much of a threat. Unless she transformed or had some secret powers that I didn't know about (which was, quite sadly, possible) then I was safe. Then again, was I ever safe? Not like she could take me out in one hit, unless she had the best accuracy I'd ever seen. And even then, she didn't appear to be armed... Ugh. At this point I was just worrying about various paranoid thoughts. I really needed to calm myself down.... Soon. Hopefully. "Are you ok?" I added, glancing around at the others. No visible movement, but what if there was an illusion...? No. I shook my head, bending over the red-head so my hands were on my knees. "Need some help?" I finished.


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In the middle of a dreamless sleep, I could only think of how hot I had become throughout the night. It was so dark in my head. To me, I always related darkness with the cold. So why was it not cold, here inside my head where I was safely tucked away? Maybe I was thinking about it in the wrong way. It was probably more like a cocoon with the cushioned walls closing in on me in a normally comforting manner. Except it just felt extremely suffocating all of a sudden. It was just really hot. All i could think of was wanting to take in a deep breath and cool myself down, but instead, as I inhaled, my arm moved as if being nudged by an invisible force. It was then I realized I was rambling. To myself. In my own head. How strange.

"Are you ok?" I would have blinked if my eyes weren't closed already. That was certainly not my voice. I hadn't even opened my mouth to speak. So who could it be..? I stirred a little as the sounds of movement became more apparent. After a brief silence, I started to wonder, in my odd dream-like state, if I was just imagining things. "Need some help?" The voice sounded again and this time I was sure it was real. My eyes shot open and met with the eyes of an unfamiliar person--which was suiting considering I didn't recognize the voice anyway.

I opened my mouth to reply, but closed it again quickly when I realized how dry my throat was. The girl was too close for my comfort zone, so I shifted myself away from her and sat up on my own. I shielded my eyes against the glaring sun--it was no question why I'd been so hot in my sleep--and looked around. I wasn't alone. There were a few others laying around the sandy ground, still asleep or on the verge of waking up. I brought my attention away from them for the moment to focus more on the girl nearby. I looked her over curiously, my expression just as blank as it always was. She didn't impress me, to say the least. She wasn't somebody I could consider a threat. I could already tell by the mirrored look on her face that she was probably thinking the same about me. If I was in the mood to, I would of smiled at how wrong she was. But I wasn't in the mood to, so I didn't. Instead, I shakily got to my feet and brought a hand across my sweaty forehead, brushing aside my cherry red bangs.

I nearly asked where we were, but I kept my mouth shut again. Who were those people? What were we all doing there? This... I don't like the feeling of being kept in the dark, but I knew staying there wasn't going to help anything. With a light sigh and a crack of my back, I turned to face the only lively person around, the dark-haired girl with the eerie eyes. "Do you understand what's happened?" I asked, choosing my words carefully so I wouldn't have to say anymore than necessary. Talking wasn't my forte.


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It was dark. I couldn’t call it ‘pitch dark’ for it wasn’t that. No…it was the kind of darkness you see behind your eyes. It was black, but…you see colors. Reds and greens and blues…the occasional purples and pinks as well. It was bothering me. As much as I loved sleeping, I did not enjoy staring at the back of my eyelids forever. So, instead of being…asleep, I forced myself into semi-awake-ness. Something I shouldn’t do ever again. Why?

I fell back asleep. Fantastic. This time, however, when I woke I could sense something, other then the fact that the other side of my eyelids is indeed the most uninteresting thing on this world. It was hot. And sandy. So then, make that two somethings. Fantabulous. Goody for me. Where was I? Right…

It was hot. Not uncomfortable, but definitely not comfortable either. Basically I wasn’t sweating, but if I planed to lay on the sandy and…rough ground any longer I knew I was going to. Next task…make my eyes open.

That was harder than I thought it was going to be. I mean…most times you’re just like ‘eyes I command you to open.’ And then they do. Or for heaven’s sake, you blink millions of times a day, so why couldn’t I get my eyes to just…open? It couldn’t be a difficult task.

“Are you ok?” I heard a voice ask, “Need some help?” Female. Definitely female. Which meant not only was I not the only person out here, there was at least two others.

My eyes twitched. Which was a start, a great and awesome start, but they still didn’t open. Now the sun felt warm, not hot, and the ground transformed into a cozy cloud. I wanted to stare at my eyelids forever. I saw pictures of anything I could think of. Sleepy…but I shouldn’t…sleep…

“Do you understand what’s happened? I heard a calculating, female, voice reply to the others.

With that my body went into some type of overdrive/shock thing. Three things happened at once. My eyes opened, finally. I sat up and whipped my head to locate the voices. And the last thing? I was blinded by the dessert sun and momentarily stunned.

Until I figured out I was you know…on a dessert. With not only two other awake females, but there looked to be three more; two girls and a boy. Interesting.

I looked at the other two girls that were awake with me, my large grass green eyes narrowing at them, since I was still being blinded by the sun. And there was nothing to hide from it. All that I could see, past the girls, was a barren dessert, with dead brush, and cacti. Oh and look…I think I saw a snake. But that could easily be my burnt and blinded eyes playing tricks on me.

“What? What’s going on? What happened?” As soon as I opened my mouth, as pretty as it was, it spewed out nonsense. Of course they didn’t know what was going on. Otherwise they wouldn’t be here, looking worried and scare and shit like that.

Great. Fantastic. I, along with 4 other people, am stuck on something, somewhere in the world, with no real recollection of how I got there in the first place. Yay me.

I sighed, loudly, and looked closely at the two girls. There was one who has usual, but pretty, bright red eyes and long black hair. In fact, it was so long it pooled around her as she sat on the sandy ground.

The other was a little more…bright to look at. I guess. Her…red…not red. It was more like…Red Vine red. Yes. her Red Vine colored hair and eyes stood out against her pale skin, while her expression was a bit hazy from sleep, but held tight in a mask of emotionless-ness.

I opened my mouth and spoke once more, in a calmer manner, “Sorry, but do you happened to know how we got here exactly? I don’t recall anything. I do believe that we should wake the others though. Sleeping on this ground cannot be fun…” I hummed at the end and did another glance and the two females. They seemed innocent enough, but I knew in a battle, if they teamed up on me, I wouldn’t make it out without major, or even fatal, wounds. They would make appropriate allies.

With my words, and for some reason my energy, spent, I flopped back on the ground, careful to avoid looking anywhere near the sun. It blinded me once with its overly bright sunny-ness, I was positive if I looked even 2 feet near it, it would do so again. Ugh, there were reasons I lived in such a cloudy place. There was less chances of my being annoyed by sunny-ness.


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#, as written by Okmin
At first I noticed the familiar, comforting blackness of sleep fade to a dull red. I groaned inwardly and was about to sit up when my semiconscious mind registered the heat. The smothering, unbearable heat. Coupled with air so dry I wouldn't have been surprised if I opened my eyes and saw all the water in my body evaporating away, I knew I was in a desert, that much was obvious. I hadn't gone to sleep... or passed out, I didn't remember what exactly had happened -- actually, I had no idea how long I'd been unconscious either -- however long ago. I just knew I hadn't been in a desert before I... I decided to go with "blacked out".

The heat was starting to make me incredibly uncomfortable. My heavy clothes weren't helping, except for doing a decent job of absorbing my sweat. Maybe I was in a snowy place before? Okay, now's probably not the time to be wondering about that. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes, only to have them snap shut again when I found myself looking straight at the desert sun. I squinted and turned my head to the side in an attempt to get a better view of the situation without drawing too much attention by standing up. There were two girls lying on either side of me. Apparently unconscious; shouldn't wake up if I start making a bit of noise, guess it's safe to--

"Are you okay?" There was a voice. Someone else was awake. I tilted my head forward and saw some girl crouched over another. "Need some help?"

At that point I, mostly on instinct, turned invisible. It wasn't my typical reaction to a new situation, but the combination of having no idea where I was, why I was there, or who these people were was making me incredibly nervous. So I became invisible and just listened.

"Do you understand what happened?" That made my slightly less uneasy. Confused people tend to not be out to kill you. I slowly stood up and stretched. The girl on the ground was talking now. A third walked over to them.

"What? What's going on? What happened?" Well, they all clearly have no idea what's going on. And also apparently haven't noticed that we're all equally clueless. Well, I don't blame her. This heat's gotta do something to your brain.

“Sorry, but do you happened to know how we got here exactly? I don’t recall anything. I do believe that we should wake the others though. Sleeping on this ground cannot be fun…”

I stood still for a few seconds and gave the three a good look over. I decided to trust them. Or at least not distrust them. I cautiously walked over and, obviously, was not invisible anymore. "So. I guess none of us known what the hell's going on here, so uh... anyone... know where to find water or something?"


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The sun shined sadistically down on my sleeping form, my poor sleeping form had no idea how terrible the situation was. The heat stirred me from my embrace with sleep, my disgustingly red eyes opened in slits. The blazing scenery caused my eyes to water, pupils trying to adjust to the sunny desert. I sat up cautiously, staying as quiet just in case of danger. Blinking rapidly, I attempted to see clearly once again. Once I successful obtained my vision….I noticed there were other people around. People who were awake and talking, people who were still sound asleep. I quickly schooled all emotions and my eyes masked itself politeness and mild curiosity.

I forced a friendly smile onto my face, it was convincing enough. I mean, after years of practice it should be convincing or else I’ve failed my whole life. The three girls who were awake didn’t seem like a threat, but looks are not something that I could trust. For all I know they could all turn into monsters and attack me while I’m at my weakest. I reluctantly decided that I should stay close with these people until I figured out what the hell this place was.

I watched as a snake slithered in and out of a dead brush. Cold horror filled my body, lightly tampering with one of my powers, I figured out that there was sparse amount water vapor in the air, I mentally whimpered in despair.

“What? What’s going on? What happened?” a voice entered my thoughts. They were all logical questions to ask, but I didn’t know the answer to any of them.

Glancing over at the girl who had spoken, I took notice of her childlike appearance. I wonder, for a moment, how well that gray haired child could fight.

Child….children….I blinked and quickly shook my head, it was best not to think of unpleasant things, especially around complete strangers.

I glanced around and saw that another person was waking up and standing up. Huh, he was the only boy in the group. Was there any rhyme or reason for anyone to be here? Where is this hell-like place? Why were any of us here? Why did I not wake up in my normal resting chamber?

I sighed quietly, knowing that all these questions weren’t going to be answered by these people. Can’t assume they knew anything about this place, they seemed as confused as I felt.

“Sorry, but do you happened to know how we got here exactly? I don’t recall anything. I do believe that we should wake the others though. Sleeping on this ground cannot be fun…” came from gray haired girl. Why yes, sleeping on the ground was not fun and with the heat it is almost impossible to be comfortable at all. But, I’m not going to say that out loud. Silently, I celebrated in not being noticed.

I thought carefully of what I could say that wouldn’t make me seem like a threat, unfortunately the sun beating down on me couldn’t allow me to focus enough for me to fabricate a sentence.

Damned sun, damned desert, I hate this place, wherever this place was.

I stood up and brushed off the sand from my bright clothing while thinking of ways to get answers. However, there didn’t seem to be anyone around except those who have already expressed their confusion and a girl who was still asleep.

How was I able to sleep for so long? The heat should have woken me immediately. Perhaps something was wrong with my body…but it was reacting perfectly normal when I woke up. Unfortunately with this environment, normal for my body meant fatigue.

On my feet, I swayed slightly, but stilled myself before it could become more noticeable. I could not show any weakness around these strangers.

Making sure my expression was a polite calmness, I asked “Do any of you have an idea why we are all here?”


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I knew the moment my mind entered consciousness I wasn't in my room. The dorm felt nothing like this. There was no heat there, no chafing on my skin. I was never uncomfortable. Despite my burning skin, it was lovely. For just a moment, I laid there with my eyes shut, debating if this was a dream or if I needed to be concerned about my safety. There were several reasons I could wake up in an unfamiliar place, but the fact that I wasn't bound, cold, or smacked back into reality made most of them unlikely. That I could feel the sweat forming on the back of my neck and forehead told me this probably wasn't a dream, and the voices I heard a moment later confirmed it. So, others had been taken as well, and no one seemed to have an idea of what was going on. Most importantly, none of them seemed to be people I knew. Finally, I figured I needed to open my eyes.

Sitting up, I blinked in the dizzying sunlight, trying to gather my bearings. Desert. I was covered in sand. How the hell did I end up in a desert? The nearest one was at least 400 miles away from home. Had I been drugged continuously? I didn't feel starved, though, just a bit thirsty. Glancing around, I found my old, black hat, poured the sand out of it, and plopped it over my hair, giving me at least a little shading from the sun. There were five other people around me, all of them awake and confused. Only one male, I noted. I wondered if that was done intentionally, but it could just as easily have been random. None of them seemed hurt, and I didn't feel much need to introduce myself, so I instead merely watched them for a moment. They didn’t seem to notice I was awake yet.

There was one girl in particular who had shocking white hair, unlike anything I had ever seen in my country. How far away from home was I? I seemed to understand the language of everyone around me, but if that was because it was the same or if there was some kind of magic at play, I couldn't tell. Then there was a smallish girl with red hair who oddly, reminded me immediately of a poisonous flower. Nothing really stood out about the others, other than the fact that no one seemed to have a clue about anything. None of them were full adults. None of them looked particularly formidable, but I was not going to assume they were defenseless. We were brought here for a reason, after all. Maybe. That was my assumption for now, until evidence proved otherwise.

I tried to retrace my steps, thinking back to the beginning, but my brain was a total blur. I hated it, and wasn’t used to it. Shaking the sand out of my hair, I stood up and dusted myself off, watching the grains slide off my bare stomach for a moment before looking at the group.

“I think it’s safe to say all of us are at a loss,” I mentioned, announcing my presence. I noticed the girl with the white hair was the only one who mirrored my expression, everyone else displaying some version of understandable confusion. Interesting. “We can worry about details later though. We have no idea how long we’ve been out here, but seeing as I’m not totally rayed* yet, probably not very long. We should stick together, and find shelter before we get any more dehydrated. Maybe we can find some answers along the way, but panicking about it is the last thing we want to do.” Deciding a smile was appropriate, I curved my lips up and added, “Oh, and let’s get names too. I’m Gem.” No need to give them a full name they would never need or use, I decided. Gem was enough. “Anyone partial to a certain direction? I think I see something over there, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s real or not.” I pointed to some shadowed figures far off in the distance, but I wasn’t going to force them to go anywhere they didn’t want to. I was hoping they’d agree to sticking together, however. If a few of them split, I had no idea how I’d decided who to go with. No matter who I picked, I was abandoning someone.

*(OOC: rayed = sunburned. Check out the OOC for more info)


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The mystery red-head opened her mouth but then closed it again, shuffling back so we were farther apart. I could tell she didn't think much of me, but I didn't think much of her so I supposed it was a mutual feeling. She shielded her eyes from the hot sun. Again, I somewhat understood the feeling... Then again, I was used to heat like this, just not being able to see the sky or the sun so clearly. It was a little strange, but I wasn't about to freak out over something as puzzling as the sky. No, I'd just go through this place and get back to wherever I was from (home? Could I call it that?) without fault... But, thinking about it, did I really want to go back?

"Do you understand what's happened?" The red-head asked me suddenly. I mentally went through a few different replies, and was about to answer when I head a loud sigh. Oh, so someone else was up. I looked over and rested my eyes on a girl, maybe about my height (though it was hard to tell because she was sitting down and I was kneeling), with chin-length blond hair and the brightest green eyes I had seen. That color wasn't really something I saw every day, though it wasn't exactly new to me either. “What? What’s going on? What happened?” She asked, adding to my appearing annoyance. If I knew what was going on, did she think I'd still be here? I'd be out of here in a heartbeat, getting back to whatever the heck I was supposed to be doing... Which I wasn't sure of, but I'd find something to do. I shook my head, mostly trying to clear my thoughts than as a reply to her question.

“Sorry, but do you happened to know how we got here exactly? I don’t recall anything. I do believe that we should wake the others though. Sleeping on this ground cannot be fun…” She sounded calmer and more controlled, giving me a little hope that I wasn't stuck in the middle of this desert with a bunch of completely incompetent people. That, I decided, would be the worst. As long as I wasn't going to be doing all the hard work, I'd be fine... "So. I guess none of us known what the hell's going on here, so uh... anyone... know where to find water or something?" A male's voice, the one from earlier. He suddenly appeared next to me, and since I hadn't noticed him I figured it was because of one of two things: A) my senses were lackluster in this new environment, or at least for the time being, or B) he really had appeared out of nowhere. Maybe he turned invisible?

“Do any of you have an idea why we are all here?” Another girl, the one with long snow-white hair, had woken up. I noticed, with a start, that she had bright red eyes like mine. Did that mean she was like me? I couldn't be sure, and it was supposed to be impossible, but you never knew.... “I think it’s safe to say all of us are at a loss,” the last girl, with short black hair and bright green eyes similar to the blond girl, spoke up. Finally, someone who wasn't asking what the hell was going on. I was close to getting out my bow and just shooting these people, just from sheer annoyance. If they were all going to be this incompetent, then I'd be better off on my own anyway. Luckily my annoyance wasn't on my face, though that would probably change with the next stupid question.

“We can worry about details later though. We have no idea how long we’ve been out here, but seeing as I’m not totally rayed* yet, probably not very long. We should stick together, and find shelter before we get any more dehydrated. Maybe we can find some answers along the way, but panicking about it is the last thing we want to do.” Rayed? I wasn't sure what she meant by that, until I realized that it probably had something to do with the sunlight... I wasn't sure why they would hurt her, though that might have been because of the lack of strong sunlight where I came from. Moonlight was much more reliable, after all. “Oh, and let’s get names too. I’m Gem.” Gem? Ok then. Gem was the girl with short black hair. I'd have to remember that.

“Anyone partial to a certain direction? I think I see something over there, but I’m not entirely sure if it’s real or not.” I looked over at where Gem was pointing, able to make out some shadows and what looked like... A mountain? I wasn't sure, in the distance. Thinking about it, it was probably smart to stay together, if just to make sure no one ended up having some secret ultimate power up their sleeve... Then again, if they were anything like me then they could handle themselves in a fight, so I shouldn't be too worried about them not pulling their weight... Whatever. I shook my head again.

"Well, it's the only landmark, so we might as well...." I hesitated, taking another look in all directions. Wait a second, what was that in the distance? It wasn't solid, but it was steadily getting bigger and bigger... Not like that was saying too much, but still. "Hey, anyone else totally want to go and check out that dust cloud?" I said sarcastically. Tempted to draw my bow, and knowing it would be pretty damn strong in this solid wave of sunlight, the only thing that stopped me was not wanting to freak these other people out. No need to make enemies this quickly, after all.


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Did I ever tell you how much I hate the sun? No? Well I do. And I hate the lack of shrubbery as well. See…where I lived, there was sun but it wasn’t often. No, instead there was a constant rain or hazy fog that hung about my world, but there was enough sun to provide for all types of plants and trees and flowers. It was beautiful. Oh, and it was never peas in the pot, or hot. But the world I come from, or came from, did indeed have all 4 seasons. I believe that all worlds have the seasons correct?

Anyways, back to this…dry barren wasteland with dead plants and…cacti. Gross. My hectic thoughts finally settled into a calmer manner and I was able to focus on the other people around me.

It doesn’t take a lot to scare me. It’s a rule of thumb, I am easily scared. Of many things, but that is a list that I could rattle on about for so long you would be long dead by the time I finished it. However it does take a lot to surprise me. Supernatural wise I mean. I should say certain supernatural things. Once again, back to the scared thing. Moving on yes?

Something did surprise me though, when I glanced over at the group, other than myself, of people. It seemed everyone was awake, but we were missing that one—

Oh no…there he is. Where the hell did he come from? I would have noticed him there, yes? Invisible? Was that his power? Oh how I wish I could use that. But he wasn’t there…and then he was. Interesting. Valuable asset maybe. Just gotta be careful to not show them my own abilities.

“So. I guess none of us know what the hell’s going on here, so uh…anyone…know where to find water or something?” the suddenly-not-there-and-then-suddenly-there invisible male said.

“I could use some water.” I said under my breath, not wanting to draw attention to myself. I liked to stand in the shadows and watch. Hence why I master in the ‘dark arts’.

When another girl spoke, my head whipped around to find the voice, my eyes widening at her appearance, but not at all surprised by any means. Her snow white hair and pale skin made her blood read eyes stand out all the more. “Do any of you have an idea why we are all here?”

Obviously not, otherwise we wouldn’t be standing around looking like fucking lost puppy you idiot. I thought to myself, a sneer marring my usually innocent face. My grass green eyes narrowed in annoyance and I had to force myself to not roll my eyes at the white-haired girl.

“I think its safe to say all of us are at a loss. We can worry about the details later though,” a black haired girl with green eyes similar, but not as bright, as mine said. Oh, so she understood we are indeed lost and if anything, saw the annoyance on my face and didn’t dare to speak of it. I patted my lovely sword, who I named Lilum, and lest my slightly calloused hands grip the hilt reassuringly, “We have no idea how long we’ve been out here, but seeing as I’m not totally rayed* yet, probably not very long. We should stick together, and find shelter before we get any more dehydrated. Maybe we can find some answers along the way, but panicking about it is the last thing we want to do.” Panicking? I would never panic. Who the hell does she think she is, calling me a worry-wart. Rayed? Well the sun makes rays and if you get enough you get sunburned. So…I guess that’s just her slang. Pretty epic slang there.

“Oh, and let’s get names too. I’m Gem. Gem, eh? What a…pretty name. I guess. It wasn’t as odd as mine. Heh, whatever, “Anyone partial to a certain directiong? I think I see something over there, but I'm not entirely sure if it’s real or not.” I looked and thought I saw a mountain but the blinding sun hurt my eyes too much.

“Well, it’s the only landmark, so we might as well…” the other red eyed, but not white haired, girl, (my world we called that ocean pearl) trailed off and stared off into the distance, “Hey, anyone else want to go and check out that dust cloud?

The sarcasm was so thick I could taste it. I let out a dry laugh and squinted my eyes once again. The bright and totally annoying sun was hurting my eyes. Again.

“Well introductions, yes? Well, china plate…err…mate, you can just call me Freak. No more no less, yes?” I gave a small smile before letting it fade off as I looked in the direction of the dust cloud, now larger than it had been before, “Now, I rather not be in that dust cloud, it would get everyone so…” I struggled to find the right word that others could understand, “…Dirty. Yes, that’s it. Dirty. But I do Adam and Eve that…well that is not an ordinary dust cloud.” I smirked, “wanna bet that thing is an enemy, yes?”


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I deliberately ignored that pain shooting from my skin wiggling its way through my nerves, giving off warning signals to my brain. Inferior skin….stupid race…..why did I have to be born into such an un-adaptive species… I could barely function in this heat, how was I going to keep myself safe.

The scenery was already starting to seem normal in a sickening way. Looking at the empty seeming landscape, I could use this to my advantage. Being away from those who know my status/background was refreshing, but the unknown of this place was too huge for me to become comfortable. Although, I don’t see how the weather would let me adjust to this planet, I just hoped this arrangement wasn’t permanent. Otherwise I would snap.

I listened to all of the human/humanoid’s replies and suggestions; sarcasm was flying in the air like a lovely water feather. An inaudible sigh slipped from my lips, frak. Can’t show uncontrolled emotions, I tried to focus on something else, but my thoughts were as scattered as a helium-head. I refrained from sneering at the thought of being like a helium-head. I would have been disowned when I was a bud had I shown the slightest of hints of being one of them.

I shook my head slightly. I have to stop thinking about emotion wrenching things. Instead, I looked at the dust cloud that was ominously approaching the group of people. It was a blotch of brown moving closer and closer, consuming the disgusting landscape along with it.

This is was a bunch of kung.

I rolled down my slightly dirtied sleeves in an attempt to cover translucent skin from the sun’s UV-rays. In my home planet, there were two stars that acted like suns. They were very weak stars, unlike this demon-like sun. It always seemed to be raining or snowing, and the rare moments when the suns were shining it was humid enough to make things bearable. I felt a tang of longing for my home land’s weather, but the people who lived there were not worth it.

The blonde female opened her mouth spilling an obscene amount of words, half of which didn’t even make sense to me. What is a china plate? Perhaps it was some sort of mank…Wait? Did she say mate? I tried to keep from widening my poorly colored eyes, why was this girl talking about….mates….at this moment? It didn’t seem appropriate for their situation…Huh…So her name was Freak. Alright.

I blinked tired eyes when Freak commented about how the dust cloud would be dirty. Well….no shit. I swallowed a snide remark that tried to worm its way up my throat. Best not anger people with unknown strengths.

Now I knew two names... I guess it would be fitting for them have something to call me by. I couldn’t tell them my real name, for obvious reasons.

“Oh, how rude of me…My name is Cass,” I said politely, wearing a friendly enough smile.

The pain once again decided to make its presence known with a stabbing pain instead of the achiness that had taken root before. Keeping from grimacing, I contemplated strategies for surviving this place. Being nocturnal was a rational idea, seeing as to how most desert creatures hunted during the night and I would be able to escape the heat.

While thinking, my eyes wandered back to the dust cloud that was even closer than before. Instead of just standing here like stranded vertebrates, we should prepare for whatever is in that cloud or run away. My hands itched to hold my well-used daggers, but I kept from doing so, not knowing how the other’s would react.


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#, as written by Okmin
I folded my arms and held my tongue until I could get a general idea of how these girls' personalities worked. I wouldn't say I was trying to get to know them, or figure out how they thought or behaved. It was just a basic sizing-up. And also getting names, because those tended to be useful especially when everyone has the same gender, which would otherwise force one to refer to a person as an ambiguous pronoun followed by a string of adjectives that is hopefully descriptive enough to differentiate the subject of the sentence from someone standing a few feet away. Like that time when someone handed me the address of a nunnery with a note saying "Kill her (the one with the robes)." I grabbed that wandering thought by the throat and focused on the present. They were doing names.

Gem was the one with the black hair and green eyes. Looked to be the tallest... but not by much. Looked confused at first, but all things considered I was perfectly willing to disregard any signs of confusion, then smiled and introduced herself. Friendly enough, but the smile was odd. No one else was smiling.

Well, except for the one who called herself Freak. She was a bit strange. Her speech was hard to follow, and I guessed her mind worked that way too (seriously, how do you forget the word "dirty" and confuse "china plate" and "mate"?). Also she was frankly horrible at hiding her emotions. Sneering and obviously trying not to do much more than that; clearly annoyed at all the confusion; hand on a sword hilt wasn't good; that smile and what she said seemed friendly enough, but from everything else I'd say it was straining her not to burst out with some sarcastic remark. Oh, and she had green eyes too, but blond hair and was about a half-foot shorter than the others. On another note, she seemed to be the only one who noticed me being invisible... I allowed my eyes to narrow slightly as they passed over her. At least she was observant. Probably pretty smart too. I'd like to at least stay off her bad side.

The girl with the frankly freakish translucent skin was Cass. She was only slightly better than Freak at hiding her annoyance. And fatigue. And confusion at Freak's speech. And impatience. And... pain. At just plain heat? Or sunrays themselves? Maybe she was one of the dweller types. Again, her smile and friendliness showed that she at least had some willingness to tolerate the confusion.

I still didn't know the name of the first girl -- the one black hair and red eyes. She was also incredibly pale. She was different from the others. Didn't show anything at all. Even her one sarcastic sentence didn't tell me anything, other than she had some common sense and didn't exactly want to walk straight into a massive cloud of dust hiding who knows what in the middle of a hellish desert none of us had ever been to before with a bunch of people we didn't know anything about except the fact that we were all there for reasons unknown to us. She also seemed like the leader type. Cool-headed, practical, direct... I decided I liked her most.

Then there was that last girl. I knew absolutely nothing about her because she hadn't moved a muscle or said a single word since I woke up. I'd figure her out later. For now, though, it was my turn.

"I'm Okmin," I said. "As for that dust cloud, it's obviously coming for us. Might as well save ourselves some time and energy and stay here waiting for it."


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Judging from the laughter, the blond understood my sarcasm. Good. At least I wasn't the only person with a sense of humor... Kind of. “Well introductions, yes? Well, china plate…err…mate, you can just call me Freak. No more no less, yes?” Freak? That wasn't exactly your typical name. Then again, I was hardly one to talk. But what was "china plate" supposed to mean? I was forced to think it wasn't an insult, since there was little chance Freak could already dislike me... Unless she had a thing against people with red eyes? “Now, I rather not be in that dust cloud, it would get everyone so…” There was a pause as Freak struggled to find the right word, “…Dirty. Yes, that’s it. Dirty. But I do Adam and Eve that…well that is not an ordinary dust cloud.” She smirked, “wanna bet that thing is an enemy, yes?” Well I'd agree with that statement, at least, even if I didn't understand everything she said. Adam and Eve? Were those people?

“Oh, how rude of me…My name is Cass,” the girl with long, snow-white, hair told us. She seemed a little weak, though I couldn't pin down why. Surely it couldn't be the heat. Of course, the sun was rather strong, but my home was much hotter than this almost always... But the sun was starting to bother me, and I did want to get out of the heat soon... If just so I didn't have to find water. "I'm Okmin," the only male said. "As for that dust cloud, it's obviously coming for us. Might as well save ourselves some time and energy and stay here waiting for it." Well. I couldn't exactly argue with that statement, now could I? Deciding now would be a good time to introduce myself, I nodded towards him and motioned towards the now quite-close dust cloud.

"I'm PoeticJustice. You can call me Poetic." I was about to ask the red-head what her name was, but then there was a sharp screech and something shot its way towards us, more specifically me, with my dark hair probably making me an easy target. It lodged itself into my right shoulder and I stumbled back, gritting my teeth as I started to bleed. I pulled it out with a grunt before several more shot at us. I instinctively jumped out of the way, no longer watching the others as about ten giant birds with gleaming wings flew towards us. On the ground were about ten horses with flaming manes, some of which were bleeding. I could only guess that the local wildlife had been hunting and we were in the way. Just great.

I summoned a fireball, one in each hand, as my shoulder healed, leaving only the quickly disappearing blood on the sand and the stains on my shirt as evidence that I had ever been hit. Looking around at my companions (it was strange to call them that. It was probably more correct to call them allies, or, if they couldn't fight, rescues), I saw none of them were hurt and they all seemed ready to fight. Well good. I didn't want to be the only person able to handle myself, after all. "If any of you can't fight, run. Also... Be careful not to get hit." I thought for a moment. "Unless you have been regen skills than I do."


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Everyone was waking. I noticed that. One by one, eyes opened and once lifeless-seeming bodies rose to life. Oh, that was a bit of a morbid thought. Then again, considering the possibly drastic situation, I suppose it was only fitting to the atmosphere. Everyone went about speaking and trading ideas and suggestions on the matter at hand while I just stood there, silent, motionless. I didn't add any ideas of my own because, honestly, I didn't really have any. I just listened and considered each option. I gathered that nobody had any clue how they got here or why we were all sent here together. I didn't recognize any of their faces, but that wasn't saying much. I suppose we could of all been attacked and lost our memories? But that was just wistful thinking. Too creative. It probably wasn't true.

As I studied the forming group of clueless people, I began to notice little...quirks, I suppose would be the word for it. The male--the only male, I might add--happened to fade from view for a moment before returning once again a few paces away closer to me and the others. I raised an eyebrow before shaking my head. It was hot, yes, but I was used to the dessert sun, so I doubted it was an illusion. Where I came from, it was hard to get away from the sun. If anything, I nearly felt at home here. It would probably explain why I was feeling so calm in such a strange situation. In fact, I almost wondered if I was still there now, in my time and my world. What if these people happened to end up in my world? Hm... But a nagging feeling in the back of my head kept telling me I was wrong. That this was not my world or my time or...anything. I tried not to think too much on it. With all this thinking, I'd tuned out the conversations and lost track of what was happening around me. I would have to watch myself.

When I tuned back in, they were exchanging names, starting with Gem and going in order with Freak, Cass, Okmin, and Poetic. I merely blinked at them in silence, wondering if I should bother giving my name. For the moment, I continued to remain silent. My name didn't seem to be the main object of concern at the moment anyway. That prize was more suiting to the large dust cloud heading in our direction. Those things could be nasty and, way out in the open like this, were basically inevitable. I wondered what I might be able to do to prevent getting blasted by it.. Looking around, there didn't seem to be any objects worth using to conceal myself. This was looking grim.

Out of the corner of my eye, a large black object shot down almost too fast to track and lodged itself right in Poetic's shoulder. I stared at it before gazing up as many more headed straight for the rest of us. What were these things? Where were they coming from so suddenly? A rumbling sound alerted me the other danger--flaming-maned horses headed in our direction. Flames erupted from Poetic's hands and I watched on with little surprise. It was good to be surrounded by fellow magic users. "If any of you can't fight, run. Also... Be careful not to get hit." I glanced around me and decided to focus on the most immediate danger--the birds. "Unless you have been regen skills than I do."

Well, my powers wouldn't be very suiting for the moment, so, which a quick decision, I reached into the strap around my dress where my most favorite weapon was tucked away. Holding the hammer in two hands, it grew until it became much larger. This wasn't a problem for me at all. I was used to swinging the weapon around like a flag. One of the creatures came buzzing right for me. I watched and waited until it was just two heartbeats away--then I pulled back my hammer and swung it like a bat. The creature went flying so far away I couldn't make out where it went. This definitely wasn't going to be a challenge at all.


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I was almost amused, watching how quickly these people gathered themselves. Went from confused and scared to sizing each other up, regaining the confidence that they could take on the world. Confidence that only came with the ability to fight. I wasn’t worried after that any of them would be helpless once I noticed that. I’d already noted the ones with visible weapons, but having a weapon didn’t always mean you could use it. But I was sure all of them could. Which almost made me feel purposeless for a moment, until I remembered I did have the objective of survival, even if it was just my own. It would have to do for now.

It wasn’t until Poetic was clamped in the shoulder that I realized maybe I was a little more off than I had initially thought. I didn’t allow ally injury. I would have been punished for such a folly at home. I reached for my sword, prepared to help out in the battle until I noticed the fire coming from Poetic’s hands. She was… she was a magic user? Were they all magic users? Though waking up in an unfamiliar place didn’t illicit even an eyebrow raise, that made me blink in surprise. Suddenly, the nature of this place changed, and they were no longer merely strangers. They were Maegi, not adult but not students of the Academy. Either they were defectors, or I was a lot further away from home than I had first estimated.

I noticed with equal surprise the small, silent one take out a hammer that grew to look much too large for her small frame, and wield it as if it were a stick. That was certainly interesting. Almost… funny, if I thought things were funny. As it was, it sparked an immediate interest in her for me. That, and the fact that she still hadn’t given us a name. Unsheathing my sword on my back, I decided watching the others fight deserved much more of my attention than the actual creatures they were fighting. I didn’t want to show them what I could really do yet.

Turning my gaze to the ones that approached, I quickly scanned them for their strengths and weaknesses. Even without my power I could see speed was on their side. Their beaks were heavily enforced, and something about their skin was off… the alarms in my head were going off, and they were never wrong, but I couldn’t find what exactly about their skin… or perhaps their feathers… that was causing the disturbance. Either way, I noticed their flaw almost immediately. Weak bone structure, common for birds. Easily smashed in skulls, or perhaps broken wings or ribs if I got desperate. I didn’t like slow deaths however. I ignored the horse creatures for now, who seemed to also prioritize the birds over us as a threat.

One came swooping at me, obviously intending to either claw me in the eyes or penetrate my shoulder, but the thing clearly underestimated its prey. Bending at the knees, I dropped down and twisted backwards, almost far enough for my forehead to be touching the sand. It threw off its trajectory just enough to confuse it, which was all I needed. My arm went up in a flash, my sword slicing its stomach before it even realized what had happened. Because it was above me, I got an unfortunate amount of blood dripping down my arms and shoulder, but I was less than concerned. I hoped I could continue fighting so simplistically until the things were all dealt with, but I’d already realized these were creatures that learned, and those usually were harder the longer you fought them.


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“I’m PoeticJustice. You can call me Poetic.” the black haired, red eyed girl spoke up. I mentally shrugged to myself, dubbing her ‘Poet’ in my mind. Poetic…it didn’t suit her as much as Poet did. Plus is flowed easier off my tongue. And sounded nicer.

My gaze was in the middle of shifting from Poet, to the unnamed fiery red-head when I heard a loud and annoying screech. In the blink of an eye, or not since my eyes didn’t close in that time, my gaze was up at the sky, away from the sun thank god, and saw 10 giant birds.

At least…I thought they were birds. Before I could pinpoint what was…off about them, things shot toward all of us and whatever it was, one of them stuck in Poet’s shoulder.

“If any of you can’t fight run. Also…be careful not to get hit. Unless you have better regen skills then I do.” I barely heard her as more rained down on our little group and I didn’t even think as I moved as quickly as possible, without calling on any of my skills, and tried to avoid them.

Unfortunately, a few managed to snag against my arm, and when I turned to see if there were any more, one of them sliced my cheek.

“Bloody...Gypsy nell…,” I hissed in pain, calling on my sword, Lilum, and swung around, smashing the bird thing into the ground, “don’t touch me.”

Upon seeing the now smashed bird on the sandy and dry ground, I saw what was wrong with it. The feathers…weren’t soft. Nope, they were made of metal. Interesting. No wonder they hurt like hell when they hit you. Figures.

Instinctively one of my hands left Lilum’s hilt and found the cut on my cheek, coming away with sticky and warm blood.

I growled lowly, my eyes narrowing, as my hand returned to grasp my sword. My eyes darted around searching for more birds.

I orange and pear…how dare those mangy little rascal birds come and attack us. The fuck we ever do to them? my thoughts grumbled, as I focused on smashing another bird into the ground. That was 2 for me, but how was everyone else fairing? As soon as the thought entered my brain, I banished it. Where might you ask? Well I have this file, in my brain you see. Actually there are many files but this particular one is call, ‘never think of these again’. Fitting is it not? I believed so at the time.

Now, many things manage to escape my knowledge. Like the fact that there was more than just birds with us. How did I figure that out? After I caught my breath, my eyes closed and dodging anything that felt like it would hurt me, I felt the pounding in the earth that was not human.

Does this ever end? Of course not. Why would it? Can I just go home? No? Fantastic.

My eyes snapped open as I felt the vibrations get closers to me, and unbearable heat close to my face. Once my eyes were open, I came face to face with a horse. A horse with a flaming mane. Great.

I jumped back, several feet away and growled out. I didn’t want to use my powers on that thing. But my beloved sword would not be able to handle the heat unless I used my ‘Final Power’. Which was stupid.

So I momentarily banished my sword and took a deep breath. After waiting a few seconds, and the horse getting closer once again, I breathed out and concentrated on all the shadows in the area. As the horse got closer, the shadows gained power. My eyes closed and I breathed through my mouth, feeling the shadows gathering around me.

As I opened my eyes again, they seemed cloudy. As if they were covered by a shadowy veil. I clenched my fists and the shadows dispersed, surrounding the horse’s legs and dragging it down. I called back some of the shadows and manipulated them into a large axe type thing. While the other shadows held the horse down, I walked up to it and glared at the blasted thing. With a cruel smile, the axe, made out of black ‘magic, swung down and effectively cut its head off.


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#, as written by Okmin
Poetic, despite just having a hole put in her shoulder by a high-velocity metallic feather, quickly healed and then ran off to fight the approaching swarm of metal birds and flaming horses. Also her hands were on fire, which I assumed (and hoped) was some kind of ability of hers and not a side effect of being hit with that feather. Assuming the fire thing was her way of fighting, three things came to mind. One, that I now liked this person even more, because she had freaking fire. Second I wondered if she had some form of potestamania, because using fire to kill something quite literally made of fire just screams of suicide or hubris, or some combination of the two. Third, I'd never seen anyone run around with fire coming out of their palms before. Sure, it was theoretically possible for a refractor to concentrate energy in such a way to make a controllable fire, but as far as I'd heard the last person to try ended up vaporizing both himself and a nearby lake.

I cracked a slight amused smile when the other girl (whose name I still didn't know) pulled a massive sledgehammer out of thin air and ran off. At least it would be useful against the birds. Gem soon followed with a sword in her hand, and quickly sliced one of the birds in half. Apparently they could be sliced; that metal was weaker than it looked. That was good. I drew both blades and decided to charge the horses.

The things were massive. And covered in flames. That made them a bit hard to get close to. I slashed at one and missed. Great. They know how to dodge. I dived out of the way as one charged right for me, throwing one sword at the last second and mentally nudging the blade towards the beast's neck. The head came off clean and hit the ground at the same second I did. I let out a sigh half of relief and half because it's kind of hard to telepathically redirect a flying blade to hit a moving target in a specific way while falling to the ground in the opposite direction. Then I saw fire right above my face and realized another one of the things was about to smash my skull. I cursed silently and turned invisible on instinct in an attempt to confuse the horse, then used the split second that bought me to roll out of the way and grab my thrown sword.

A familiar bird screeched somewhere above. I grinned and sidestepped another ramming horse. Nacht. It was turning out to be a pretty interesting day.


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I wasn't sure what surprised me the most, seeing the petite (not like I was one to talk) red-head pull out a huge hammer, or to see her start swinging the massive thing around like I would swing a sword. Deciding that, yes, my allies could handle themselves and would not need to be rescued from anything stupid, I quickly found a good target as I noticed the horses coming at us from the corners of my vision. Jumping aside from one of the creatures, I threw a barrage of fire balls at one of the birds. It let out an indignant caw, but didn't really seem to be that affected. Ok, I told myself, fire powers are not going to be much help right now. It shot another set of feathers at me, but I quickly swept an arm in front of me and knocked them back with room to spare. Flipping back on my hands and managing to put some distance between myself and the main fighting, I quickly regained my balance and summoned my bow, aiming and letting loose three arrows. Two hit the wings of the bird, and the last went right through the head. They all easily killed the bird, and gave me time to look around for something else to fight.

I was a little puzzled to see a dark shape fall off one of the horses, and while I at first thought it was one of the others, I realized the hair was too dark to be Gem, too long to be Freak, and I could see everyone else, even through the sand that was being kicked up. And I was quite sure it was a girl, and unless Okmin changed genders... Yeah, I wasn't going there. I'm probably going to end up regretting this, I thought as I rolled out of the way of more feather arrows, trying to make my way to the person who had fallen. A set of three birds seemed to have taken offense to their friend being shot down by me, so it was going to take me some time to get to whoever had fallen... So hopefully she wouldn't need my help anytime soon.

"Huh. Wonder where Nemesis is..." I shook my head as a bird screeched from somewhere above. It was a different sound than the metallic birds, but hopefully it was a friend rather than an enemy... At least it didn't sound like a dragon. That was something I just did not want to fight. It was hard enough to get my bow. Rolling again to avoid another barrage of arrows (one of which whizzed past uncomfortably close), I stopped on one knee and quickly shot at one of the birds. It let out a screech as I took it out, the body falling to the ground. I now had only two angry and unfairly violent birds after me. Just great; this day was turning out absolutely perfect. What next? Hell hounds? Dragons? Perhaps a few angry soldiers who have managed to blame us for something so absolutely ridiculous that it's obviously a cover-up?... Not like I speak from experience or anything.

I was just able to get close enough to the fighting when a horse came out of nowhere and decided I had personally offended it, letting out some kind of neigh-snort mix and hitting me with fire... If I hadn't dropped to the ground and used my telekinesis to shove it backwards, into another horse. Great gods, why in the world did things always take special offense to me? Over my head leapt a dark shape, and it let out a fierce roar as it clawed apart the offending horse. I grinned as I jumped to my feet, using my bow as a staff to knock away a diving bird.

"Nice to see you're here, Nemesis," I told her telepathically. She let out a woof and licked my face, before bounding off to cause more damage. Ignoring the fact that I was now covered in both sand and hound slobber, I grinned darkly to myself, red eyes gleaming in the sunlight. Fights were my thing, and this was just like any other.


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Nothingness was all I could see in my sleep, well my second sleep. I had waken up earlier, but went back to sleeping since I was tired. But with my eyes closed, all I could feel was the nice breeze of warm air over my body, and the feel of the land shaking, or bumping. Though I wanted to wake up, this sleep felt good for the current time, so I just continued with my endless sleep. As I continued to sleep, I did hear some screeching, but I just thought it was my birdie friend that traveled with me, which I think I’ve heard others called him a guardian, but he was just a friend to me, but I just kept my eyelids closed and continued to relax, which is my favorite thingy to do. In my sleep I could tell that wherever I was, it wasn’t Desopia, but it felt similar.

As I was about to open my eyes, I felt myself being slammed onto the ground, but it wasn’t a hard landing, it felt a softer type of ground, sand, hot golden sand, it wasn’t cold so it couldn’t be the white cold sand that comes from the sky. As I finally opened up my eyes I could see something I don’t remember seeing when I went to sleep earlier, six other people fighting fire horses and birds that looked like my own little bird friend. “Huh…” I mumbled as I turned over onto my back and continued to look around, seeing a larger wolf and a giant bird, but having to teleport out of the way of one of the flaming horses coming right at me. As I reappeared I quickly made my curved sword on a chain appeared and felt my birdie friend land on my shoulder.

”Come on, lets have some fun!” I said in my mind to Birdie, as he took off and went off to fight some of the attacking metal birds, and as I began to increase the wind, which was actually a good idea since it messed up with the other flying birds, but it did create some dust, but I was use to flying sands, so it didn't affect me, but I can’t exactly say the same for the other people who I just found. But then I noticed my veins were glowing and I quickly pulled by light jacket over my arms so it wouldn’t show as bad. Right after I did that I saw out the corner of my eyes I spotted one of the other birds diving at me but a quickly through my sword up and wrapped the chain around it and pulled tightly, bringing it straight into the ground. I didn't exactly like hurting things, but these things are hurting these people, so I don’t exactly have a choice.


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I was getting bored. For reals, bored. Of what? Fighting. These…creatures. Sure fighting was fun, rightly so its fighting when is it not, but the fact that these horse…things’ manes would most likely melt my beloved sword, while the birds only responded to it. A predicament indeed. It kept me on my toes, calling on Lilum, only to banish him only seconds later.

Finally I had a moment of peace. Which didn’t last long. Nah, it lasted about 5 seconds until a bird and a stupid horse decided to gang up on me and charge…at the same time. As the horse charged toward me, the bird rained down metal feather/arrow things, and I tried my hardest not to get hit.

In was in these moments that I relied on my luck. I never thought my luck was the greatest, but at least it wasn’t as shitty as some people’s was. Fortunately luck, or fate, was on my side at that moment. I had barely missed a stream of fire that the horse blasted at me, none of the arrows hit me, and I saw Poet.

How was that ‘lucky’? Well I'm tickled that you asked. I saw Poet…and what I assumed to be her Familiar. Which until that moment I had forgotten I could summon Tori. Oh my poor little girl. Though I doubt she feels lonely. I did name her because she liked solitude.

Any roads, back to the things I was fighting. The horse was charging at me, again. For cereal, when were these blasted things going to learn that I would kill them. You know? Cut off their heads with shadow weapons and such. Apparently they were too stupid. Not my fault. Unfortunately the bird, giving up on showering me with its deadly feathers, dived at me.

I giggled and flipped into the air, high enough to not get hit by the horse. My body straightened out and my hands landed on the horse’s back, my hands burning from brushing against the things mane. However the bird and the horse were both going too fast to stop, for they were too focused on kill him. Instead they smashed into one another and more or less killed the other.

Fan-fucking-tastic! I thought, laughing lightly. Hearing a growl I turned and jumped up in glee and ran over to my Familiar, my excitement clearly seen on my face.

Even though there was still a battle raging on everywhere, me and Tori didn’t seem to mind. Well…more like she got annoyed with me and stepped to the side, making me fall flat into the dirt.

She half mewled half growled and I rolled over in the dirt, none too gently shoving her over.

She didn’t take as long as me to get up and swiped at a horse that tried to attack us, pinning it to the ground, her tongue lolling out as she looked at me for approval, the want evident on her face.

I waved my hand and summoned my sword, smashing a bird into the ground, “Go on Tori. Kill anything that isn’t human…”

The look she gave me wasn’t impressed, but she dealt with the horse quickly, a bite to the throat would kill anything, and then sat up and glared at me, her nose twitching.

“What? Oh. Yeah. I know I could but it sounds funner to speak out loud.” I rolled my eyes and she huffed and shifted her position, a growl rumbling her chest.

“Bloody hell, you’re so annoying! And for the Nellie of me I cant figure out why. Just go and kill things, yeah? Nothing human.”

A snort. Followed by a toss of her head.

I shifted my gaze and spotted the black wolf. Then I understood.

“Right. No killing other Familiars Tori!” I rolled my eyes. You should know better than that ariss.

A loud growl, and a sort of hiss. While what I said didn’t offend her, she really didn’t like name calling. Oh well. Did that stop me? Nah.

Belt up and go on. I nodded off and she went.

Not worried about her any longer, I called upon my powers, specifically the one that allows me to control the shadows, and promptly killed a couple more horses and was in the middle of grabbing a bird when dust flew into my eyes.

“Blimey!” I roared out, not only losing my concentration, and therefore my power, but I had to fling my arm over my eyes to prevent more dust getting into them.

Tori get your bloody arse over here….now! I growled out mentally to her. Within seconds she bounded over to me, licking my arm in sympathy and I burrowed my face into her thick fur and taking a few labored breaths. Yeah the air was pretty much dust free, seeing as most of it caught in her top coat, but there wasn’t much oxygen. Blatantly.

A series of low rumbles vibrated Tori’s body, and it didn’t take me long to figure out that it was her way of laughing. In response, I grabbed a bit of her fur and tugged roughly, grumbling.

Whoever created this dust was gonna pay.


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Wiping blood off my cheek, I turned to observe the others, as I said I would. The male used double blades, I noticed with mild interest. I’d always thought dual-weapon users had a sort of finesse that was impossible to mimic with any other weapon. I’d given my try with them, but traditionally my station stuck with either two-handed greatswords or longswords, like mine, so I gave up the notion of it after basic training. Dual-weapons were typically the blades of rouges in my country, but I also recognized I wasn’t there, so I chose not to hold him to the same standards until he proved otherwise.

I was rather pleased with how quickly these people dealt with the creatures. I’d taken note of the powers I witnessed: Okmin had turned invisible, Freak could wield some form of shadow manipulation, and Poetic could control fire and had healing abilities. She also, I realized with a start, had a Companion. A wolf, by the looks of it. I wondered if the others had creatures of their own as well, until Freak promptly proved that was a yes, which was disconcerting. I supposed I shouldn’t have been surprised, given their magical ability, but I was nonetheless. I wished for a moment I had someone to make sense of this for me, but that was a weak thought I cast aside just as quickly as it came. I was on my own, and wishing was a foolish enterprise.

Looking down at my arm, I noticed a long cut running from my elbow and snaking all the way to my wrist. It was jagged, but shallow, most likely a result of one of those metallic feathers catching when I stabbed the bird. Probably not my greatest idea in retrospect, but I couldn’t feel the pain. It would stop bleeding soon enough, so I just had to avoid getting sand in it until it scabbed over. Infected wounds were a major pain.

Realizing I had completely zoned out just in time, I managed to get out of the way of a fire-horse just before it trampled me (and burned me alive, but I digress). I almost pitied the poor thing, the way it’s eyes were wild and it obviously was fueled entirely by fear based aggression. It was everything I’d been trained to never be. I wasn’t sure which of us was better off, but I was sure one of us would die now, and it wouldn’t be me.

It’s weaknesses were my disadvantage, since I obviously didn’t have water on me and we weren’t around anything remotely wet. Physically it was well-built, quick and strong, though it did have the same joint weakness most species of horses had. It wouldn’t help me though, as he was too young for it to be exploitable. None of my powers were helpful, which was fine because I really didn’t want to use them just yet. Nor did I want to call Lakra. I didn’t want to not trust these people, but I was so confused, doing anything that gave me away just seemed rash. Dodging and waiting was my best bet with this creature until I found an opening.

It didn’t take long. It reared to charge, leaving its throat exposed, which I very promptly slashed. I felt good about myself, being able to take down creatures without my magic or my tiger. It was as I was wiping the blood off my blade that I saw her, entering the fray from a different direction from the rest of us. She hadn’t awoken with the rest of us, which instantly put me on my guard. Could she perhaps know something about what was going on? Who was she?

Not wanting to get caught off guard a second time, I didn’t take too long to worry about her. But I never turned my back to her either. As soon as we were safe, I’d find out exactly who she was, and if I needed to kill her or not.


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#, as written by Okmin
I had mostly stopped paying attention to the others fighting around me. To me, all that mattered was that spending even a split second observing someone's abilities would be completely worthless if it happened to be the one split second that something killed me. Nacht, on the other hand, had plenty of free time to watch and learn for me. After he initially appeared, a pair of the metal birds managed to assembled their collective brainpower (which presumably wasn't much, since the idea of putting a brain inside what was effectively a flying metal pressure cooker in a freaking desert was just reeks of... well, pressure-cooked brains, in the least literal sense of the phrase possible; I really had no idea what the birds smelled like, or cooked brains for that matter) and came to the conclusion that this unnaturally large black eagle that had suddenly appeared nearby was probably not same strange form of reinforcements and attacked him. To cut that story short, basically metal birds are slower than organic ones. Eventually they got board of chasing Nacht endlessly across the sky -- probably because they at least understood that you can't eat what you can't catch -- and went back to pestering things that don't fly. The reason Nacht wasn't fighting them (and he wanted to) was because claws aren't much use against solid bronze, and frankly he would've gotten whipped; he wasn't fighting the fire-horses because feathers are flammable, and no matter how much I like fire, I'd rather not see Nacht on fire.

That left me on the ground making horse fillet. Or at least what would have been, if the things weren't made of volcano. For some reason the birds were content to pester the others and leave me only. I didn't complain. The horses could only move in two dimensions unless they jumped or tried to stomp on me. They also had virtually one tactic: Charge and hope they knock me over or trample me, or attempt to crush my skull into dust if I was on the ground. It made my part fairly easy. I just had to get out the way and swing a sword. The only problem I ran into was that the things were so fast I didn't get may good hits in, and sometimes I had to resort to literally jumping out of the way.

This is starting to get old... I grumbled as I rolled away from one of the beasts just in time. It turned around and came right back. "Why won't you just die?" I sidestepped a millisecond too late and got thrown to the ground by a very hot head. I figured the heat was getting to my reflexes. I was prepared to roll away from the inevitable hoof-stomp when fire shot out of the thing's nose. That was new. I simultaneously cursed aloud, turned invisible, and threw up a wall of sand in an attempt not be roasted. I felt the heated air against my entire body, but it turned out I was still alive and separated from the horse by a wall of glass. I smirked and smashed it into hundreds of shards that I then sent into the horse's body. Then I decapitated it and remembered there were still more.

I rolled my eyes as another beast ran straight at me. I sidestepped -- correctly this time -- and held out a sword, letting the thing's momentum take care of bisecting it. It was pretty gruesome to watch, but at least it wasn't a normal horse.

Meanwhile, Nacht and I found a few seconds for me to learn about some new girl who'd just appeared and was also fighting... I won't say with us, but definitely not against us. That and the others apparently had familiars too. Well, I concluded while dicing another horse, interesting day.


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The others were attached to their own situations--so much so that I highly doubted any attention was being paid to one another. I wondered if any of them were as friendly as they all presented themselves to be. At some points, they came off as a little selfish. I wondered if any of them would bat an eye if any one of us fell, bloodied and broken and in need of help. I knew I could help another if they needed it and I knew I would do it if the situation came about, but I couldn't be sure about the others. Appearances could be deceiving. Any one of these people could be deceiving the rest of us, leading us on into a trap by pretending to be just as clueless as we all are. It was frustrating to think about, so, to clear my inner aggravation, I slammed my oversized hammer into three more of those obnoxious screeching flying creatures, sending them each flying one by one off into the distance. The feel of the impact was relaxing.

I heard a different sound from behind me and snapped out of my thoughts long enough to realize it was one of the larger beasts. I flinched and just barely managed to stumble back out of its way as it slammed its front hooves in the spot I'd just been standing in. The creature was faster than I was expecting something of its size to be and, before I could manage to swing my hammer around for an attack, it took a quick gallop forward and charged right into me, slamming me backwards until I tumbled to a stop in the sound a good few feet away. The creature didn't look ready to give me up, so I picked up my hammer and held it tightly in my hands. I was further away now, so I was ready for the attack.

Just like with the birds, I stood my ground and waited for the beast to charge into me again. When it came within reaching distance, I held my mallet high above my head and slammed it down with as much force as I could muster. A sickening, bone-crunching sound followed that actually sent a shiver up my spine. When I opened my eyes--I hardly remembered closing them--the creature was on the ground. Well, it hardly resembled a creature anymore. Frowning, I tried not to show how disturbed I was by the sight, but it was still disgusting. Spots of its blood splattered over my off-white dress, staining it. "...This isn't how I was hoping my day would go," I murmured, grimacing at the blood on my weapon. I looked around and thanked anything out there that the creatures were dwindling. The fight should be over soon and, by that time, we'd be able to move on. Maybe I'd even bother giving them my name. After all, there was a new person I managed to spot out among us. I didn't know her name yet.

Stepping away from the bloodied creature, I changed my mallet back to average-sized, tucking my weapon back into the strap around my waist. If I wanted to fight from now on, I'd do it in a less dirty way. This was just over the edge for my liking. I almost hoped nobody else had managed to see that. With another grimace, I turned away and assessed the situation, wondering if there might be anyone in need of help. I noticed Gem with a gash on her arm and considered asking if she needed my help in healing it, but a horse stood in her way and I didn't want to break her concentration. Through a thick cloud of dust, I barely managed to make out the small form of Freak and what I assumed was her familiar. She didn't seem to be doing too well, but she didn't see to bad off either.. Everyone seemed to be able to handle themselves. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not.


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This was fun. I was kicking some serious ass, and the mix of birds and horses were so thinned by now that I could actually see through the dust without having the sudden urge to cough one of my lungs out or cover my eyes. Or, well, set anything on fire. That was always a good thing. I quickly shot at a horse as it tried to escape, not sure if that was the "morally" right thing to do. Considering who I was, you'd think I'd have a better handle on morals and all that, but recent events had left me a little nervous about things like that and I no longer trusted... Well, I no longer trusted much of anything. Not to mention myself; as far as trust went, I couldn't even trust myself to make the right decisions. How sad was that? But no, I was able to shoot it down with a well-placed arrow, and I quickly told Nemesis to finish it off and end its pain. No use in letting it suffer, after all. I wasn't a cruel person. Not really. Not intentionally.

Looking around, though, the animals were all dead or had escaped. And everyone was alive. The red-head girl, Freak, Gem, Cass, Okmin... And so was that stranger. The one who had appeared in the fight, probably hidden from view because of all the sand that had been kicked up. Obviously without any injuries (my regeneration and all that... Though it helped that it made it look like I hadn't been hurt, though I hadn't exactly been hit after the first arrow), I quickly assessed the others. Nothing that jumped out at me as being fatal or otherwise important to attend to, so that was one thing I didn't have to worry about.

"We're all alive. That's good." I had to at least say it out loud. I knew I wasn't the best at "expressing my feelings" and all that, so I figured I might as well vocalize them as much as possible. It was supposed to make it easier for me to become friends with others, but personally it just sounded kind of stupid. "Any injuries that I can't see...?" You never knew if anyone had internal bleeding or a few broken ribs or something like that. Plus it was hell to get sand in one's eyes. I would know, too. Glancing around, though, I could tell I wasn't missing anything. Nobody was limping, and there were no red eyes. I figured I might as well move on, even if that made me seem like a completely cold and heartless person.

"We have an extra person," I pointed out, nodding towards the mysterious stranger. It wasn't like I didn't trust her, but.... Well, ok I didn't trust her. People didn't just appear out of nowhere without good reason. Then again, I had appeared out of nowhere and now had to at least trust the few I knew. I also made a mental note to ask the red-head her name personally, even if I couldn't do it now without making it seem too... Random. Even if it was perfectly logical in my head. Looking around, I figured I'd be the less likely to be killed if the stranger lashed out. "... I'll go see if she's ok." With that, I walked over to the stranger and stopped in front of her, about five feet away. I tilted my head and blinked, my bow having disappeared after the battle had finished. Nemesis was still poking her nose around the various bodies, as if to make sure everything was actually dead.

"... Are you ok?" I asked finally, deciding to make the first move.


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I'm asleep. Why am I asleep? I don't sleep. My familiar just loves to point that out. I tried to move, but when my body refused to move, I assumed I was in a state of sleep paralysis. After a moment I could move again, and eyes still closed, I bolt upright, displeased with the fact that I left my lab coat on in this stifling heat. I opened my eyes, allowing them to get used to the bright lights before looking around. Everywhere, all I can see is sand. The only standing landmark visible was a large mountain. This was definitely not my morgue.

I swayed to the side as I got to my feet, nearly falling over again from the sudden dizziness that descended on me. Once I was sure to be steady, I took a good look around, trying to familiarize myself with the surroundings. Or rather lack there of. The most exciting thing seemed to be that I was in the middle of a sand pit. At a loss for what to do, I fell back down and tried to answer the currently important questions. Where am I? How did I get here? Why was I here? And why me?

I folded my hands and rested my chin on them and closed my eyes, attempting to think, despite the heat distracting me. It was then that my phoenix familiar Oni made his appearance. "Hello Oni. You wouldn't happen to know what's going on would you?" I asked more as a rhetorical question. I knew he wouldn't have an answer, but it made me feel better to ask anyway. No. I don't know. Do you have a plan to get out of here Shadow? "Shut up." I said. I just heard something. And it wasn't the wind. There was no wind in the first place. Well, you asked. "Hush!" There it was again. A voice. Or voices. There were definitely more people here. Scrambling to my feet, I checked my lab coat pockets to ensure that my various scalpels, surgical scissors and clamps were still there, which they were; and headed in the direction of the voices. I climbed up to the top of the sand dune, but didn't go any further. I was obviously unnoticed and preferred to stay that way for the time being. After scanning the small group of people, I also see what looks to be the remnants of a battle and I felt the corner of my mouth twitch upwards. This should be fun.


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It was getting tiring, the fighting. Not like the sleepy tiring, but the type of tiring that meant you were bored, so boring would actually be the correct word. The creatures were barely attacking, most were all dead, very little were even attacking anymore. I finally saw Birdie again, doing some dogfighting in the sky, though I don’t know why it was called dogfighting, when there were no dogs around, or even in the sky. But Birdie was handling himself, driving most into the ground, but him flying back up before he crashed, but the other one when straight into the sand, most of the time making tons of pieces, most of the time. The ones that survived the from hitting the sand at a fast speed, I ignored, though it does seem morale mean, or something like that, but they couldn’t hurt me anymore so I didn't really care. Besides that, someone else could take them out if they really wanted to, but I was getting tired now, like about to fall down tired, I’ll need to regenerate soon…

After zoning out I realized the creatures were dead, dying, or gone, which was all good, for me, for them, not so much, since they were, you know, dead. And I was barely scratched, literally and figuratively, I had scratches from some of the flying shooting feather things, though they didn't seem like feathers, more like knives. But those were all that hurts that I could see, I was still really tired. I sat down on the soft warm sand and began to regenerate, thus making a light transparent red mist appear around me and replenished my energy, making me not so tired now, though it didn't help with the cuts on my arms, but I was able to cover those up with the sleeves on my jacket.

As I stood up, I calmed down the wind and the flying dust, just about making it zero, but keeping a small breeze around. I faded away my chain sword since there was no immediate fighting or danger. ”Are you ok?” I heard someone say to me, making me jump a little, well actually teleporting, behind the person who said that to me. I realized it was a girl, and she wasn’t armed with any sort of weapon, so I let down my guard a little. “Yeah, I’m ok, sorry for teleporting, you scared me.” I said before teleporting back in front of her. “I am Maci-Care, but I go by Maci by other people, or Care, or Maci-Care. Just about anything with Maci in it.” I continued to talk, but cut myself off before I started to talk too much, which I did a lot, or so I was told. As I looked around, I realized there were more people and remembered, they were here, so far, none of them looked too dangerous.


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The creatures seemed to be wearing down to nothing. Any left were retreating. I hoped they wouldn't return with an army. That wouldn't be very good.. Although we all seemed to be in stable conditions with minimal to no injuries. I was hardly even out of breath. I could probably go for a round two at this rate. I looked the others over as the dust began to clear, making sure everyone was still around and that no one had snuck off in the midst of battle or anything. Everyone was aware and accounted for, which satisfied me for the moment. I wasn't too concerned about the others, but I knew better than to let my guard down. I had to keep watch of them.

As I looked up, Poetic was walking towards the new person. Oh, that's right. I almost forgot about her. She was the newest addition, but... I wasn't sure how to feel about her. She seemed just as neutral as the others, but that doesn't mean a thing. One second, it'll be all smiles and kind words--and the next, it's a knife through your back. I happened to catch the last part of the conversation as I walked over to the two of them. “I am Maci-Care, but I go by Maci by other people, or Care, or Maci-Care. Just about anything with Maci in it.”

A little spazztic, and the teleporting was strange, but she seemed alright. So, it was Maci. I watched her carefully as I stood beside Poetic. "Nice to meet you, Maci," I said in my usual monotonous tone of voice. "My name is Spectrum." I glanced over at Poetic to show her I was talking to her too. "Since I forgot to introduce myself properly earlier.. I apologize." When that was over, I turned my attention back to the group and looked around, assessing the situation. We were in the middle of a dessert--just us. Some with their familiars, some with weapons, some with their powers dying away.. All of us clueless by how we got here. In the far, far distance, I could see what looked kind of like a mountain, but that might be a stretch or an illusion of the heat.. It might be our best bet though.

"Are there any suggestions? There may be something over there... It's not promising, but the dessert can kill after too long." I pointed in the direction of the mountains, looking to Poetic for her opinion since she was the closest. I was hoping for some sort of suggestions. Anyone would be fine--even the small, odd-talking girl.

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Once an Item has been created, it can be spawned in the IC using /spawn Item Name (case-sensitive, as usual) — this can be followed with /take Item Name to retrieve the item into the current character's inventory.


Give your Universe life by adding a Mob, which are auto-replenishing NPCs your players can interact with. Useful for some quick hack-and-slash fun!

Mobs can be automated spawns, like rats and bats, or full-on NPCs complete with conversation menus. Use them to enhance your player experience!

Current Mobs

No mobs have been created yet.


Locations where Mobs and Items might appear.


You can schedule events for your players to create notifications and schedule times for everyone to plan around.


Add and remove other people from your Universe.

The Forge

Use your INK to craft new artifacts in Realities. Once created, Items cannot be changed, but they can be bought and sold in the marketplace.

Notable Items

No items have been created yet!

The Market

Buy, sell, and even craft your own items in this universe.

Market Data

Market conditions are unknown. Use caution when trading.

Quick Buy (Items Most Recently Listed for Sale)

Open Stores

View All » Add Character » 9 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: PoeticJustice
Character Portrait: Freakofnature
Character Portrait: NightGem
Character Portrait: Okmin
Character Portrait: Cass-Isnt-Here
Character Portrait: Maci-Care
Character Portrait: Shadow


Character Portrait: Shadow

"It's conceivable I'll do something insane. Can't say what. But still, something insane."

Character Portrait: Maci-Care

"Oh hi, uh I forgotten what was I was going to say..."

Character Portrait: Okmin

"Don't make me repeat myself..."

Character Portrait: NightGem

"Whatever you want."

Character Portrait: Freakofnature

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.

Character Portrait: PoeticJustice

Is sacrificing the one for the many justice, or just acceptable murder?


Character Portrait: NightGem

"Whatever you want."

Character Portrait: PoeticJustice

Is sacrificing the one for the many justice, or just acceptable murder?

Character Portrait: Freakofnature

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.

Character Portrait: Okmin

"Don't make me repeat myself..."

Character Portrait: Maci-Care

"Oh hi, uh I forgotten what was I was going to say..."

Character Portrait: Shadow

"It's conceivable I'll do something insane. Can't say what. But still, something insane."

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Freakofnature

Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of readiness to die.

Character Portrait: PoeticJustice

Is sacrificing the one for the many justice, or just acceptable murder?

Character Portrait: Shadow

"It's conceivable I'll do something insane. Can't say what. But still, something insane."

Character Portrait: Okmin

"Don't make me repeat myself..."

Character Portrait: Maci-Care

"Oh hi, uh I forgotten what was I was going to say..."

Character Portrait: NightGem

"Whatever you want."

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