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Lucia Agnoli

"We have to survive. We are all that is left in the world. But accepting that tragedy that has happened is so...hard."

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a character in “Red Before the Dawn”, as played by KrazyTigger


Name: Lucia (Luce) Carmen Agnoli
Age: 23
Ethnicity: Itailian
Orientation: Straight
Status: Single, although she did have a boyfriend in Italy things were on the rocks with them, especially when she decided to move away. He was violent. She believes him dead and has moved on.
Occupation: Lucia moved away from Italy to become a journalist and has been working as a freelance ever since.



Lucia is typically Italian looking. She has naturally tanned skin, that seems to glow and across her nose she has a sprinkling of light freckles. A wave of dark brown hair cascades down her slender back, ending just in the middle and she usually lets it hang loose, though sometimes she will shove it up into a ponytail. She isn't particularly very tall, reaching only 5'3" in height, with a petite, but curvy body that has a general hourglass shape. Her eyes are a dark chocolate colour, flecked with lighter browns and gold and framed by thick black eyelashes. She has a cute little dimple on her left cheek when she smiles with her light pink lips. There is a white scar just in front of her left ear, caused by her boyfriend (ex) throwing a glass at a wall behind her which exploded and sliced her cheek. Normally she is adorned in tight fitted jeans, a vest top or t-shirt of some kind, with a leather or denim jacket thrown over the top. Heeled boots usually grace her feet.


Before the tragedy happened, Lucia had such a bubbly personality it was intoxicating for almost everyone. Very few found her annoying, as she had the right amount happiness that it didn't irritate anyone. She was cheerful, full of life and had the ability to see the bright side in almost any situation. But the events that had shaken the world to its very core have sobered her personality. She has now calmed somewhat and although she still has her brilliant smile and her naturally happy attitude towards life, it is far lessened than it was before. Instead of making jokes, both appropriate and inappropriate, she keeps herself to herself and prefers to remain quiet and watchful. She has a kind nature and is willing to help almost everyone, but she trusts to easily and it often sees her hurt. Also, once she possesses something (such as love) she finds it hard to let it go, even with her boyfriend (ex) who turned violent in her last weeks in Italy. Lucia also keeps her emotions to herself now and doesn't allow herself to be read as easily as she once did.


♡ Chocolate
♡ Writing
♡ Reading
♡ Maths
♡ Seeing the world (well once)
♡ Anything cute


Arrogant people
Being the leader
Seeing others hurt


Lucia loves to read and write. It was a hobby that started when she was a child and that was when she decided that she wanted her hobby to become a an occupation. However, since her move she hasn't had much luck.

She also loved to horse ride when she was back in Italy, but in her new home there hasn't been much opportunity for that.

Strangely, running. She likes to keep fit and jogging/running is a hobby of hers as well.


Lucia was born in Italy and has spent most of her life in the country as an only child to a single mother. Despite Italian being her first language, her mother taught her English as well, as she wanted as many opportunities for her daughter as possible. And so the young girl became fluent in both languages, deviating between the two often. They lived in a little Italian village where everyone knew everyone else's business and the residents found it strange that she should speak English. Very few had left the village in fifty years and they mostly had traveled to other Italian places, never needing English. There were generations upon generations of the same families in the little village. Her father had been one such person and her mother had been dragged into the little village when she had married him. But he had run off when he'd discovered his wife was pregnant. Lucia's mother hated the village and its gossip and for this reason wished her daughter could escape when she herself never could due to lack of money.

When Lucia was a child in school she began writing for the school newspaper and her love of journalism was born. She dreamed of leaving and traveling to America where she could become a big-shot writer. However, her dreams were temporarily dashed when she met long-term boyfriend Antonio. He was charming, handsome and made her feel special. She spent four years with him before she realised the truth. He was violent, disgusting and made her do things that haunted her nightmares. It took her six months to scrimp and save every penny she could without him realising before she booked a one way ticket to America. Antonio found out, beat her until she could scream no more and left to go down the local. Despite her broken state, she packed her bags and in the dead of night took off. She had nothing in Italy to hold her, for her mother had long since passed away. He chased her to the airport, but it was too late. She was on the plane and on her way without even saying goodbye.

In America she struggled to survive for the first few months, living in hostels and barely eating anything. But then the jobs came thick and fast. A local paper discovered her talent and although no-one would take her on full time, they were willing to allow her to write articles for them. She was in the elevator at NTA's building, dropping off an article when the bomb went off. She stepped out from the elevator to find everyone dead in the building. It took her a moment to realise what had happened, though she had no idea how she had survived. Now she hunts for survivors.

So begins...

Lucia Agnoli's Story


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Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli
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Shouldering her backpack, Lucia Agnoli cast one last look around the little flat she had shared with her best friend, Ellie. There had been no sign of the twenty six year old accountant since the bomb had been set off. Lucia had finally given her up for dead. Although it had destroyed her heart to do so. She had been her only friend in America since the Italian had moved there and they had become like sisters. The sweet British girl was the only person she had in the vastness that was America, as well as in the world. They had clung to each other in a time of need. When she had run from her office in the centre of the city. passing hundreds of dead or dying bodies, she had burst into the flat praying that Ellie was still in bed, fast asleep as she had been when she'd left that morning. But no such luck. She'd already set off for work. As she paced the floor, her eyes flickering to the door every few seconds, a feeling of loneliness and fear had swept over her. What if she was the only one alive? If she ventured too close to the window she could see carnage below. Bodies lay strewn across the street. Mercy did not come for woman or child. Death had claimed one and all. And eventually, Lucia had to admit that it had claimed Ellie as well.

She had sat around the flat for days, refusing to believe that her friend had been caught in the fumes cast by the bomb. After all, she'd survived, so perhaps Ellie had too. But it became evident that she was never returning. A feeling of sickness settled in her stomach and suddenly she couldn't bear to be in the flat at all. Quickly she had packed as much as she could carry in a backpack, including a pictureframe of herself and Ellie. Lingering for a moment longer, she allowed herself to cry as she touched Ellie's bedroom door. She couldn't face going inside. Brushing away the tears from her deep brown eyes, she tugged on the straps and set off out the door without a single backward glance.

It was time to find some other survivors.

Thankfully Ellie had filled their blue Chevy truck with gas only the morning before the incident. Slinging her backpack into the truck's bed she pulled herself into the driver's seat, ignoring the pink beaded seat covers that they'd brought together. But she could not avoid the vast number of stuffed toys, who's beady eyes regarded her solidly. All of them were Ellie's. Gulping back a sudden lump in her throat, she turned the key in the ignition and started the truck. Jamming it into reverse, she pulled out of the shared driveway, careful to avoid old Mr Harold's body from two doors down and his fluffy poodle, which lay on the sidewalk behind her truck. Not daring to look at anything that littered the sidewalk, she kept her eyes straight ahead as she headed towards the centre of the city.

There was no traffic.

Of course there wasn't.

Everyone was dead.

Lucia drove where she wished. Once she reached her destination, she pulled to a halt on the side of the road and clambered out. Wiping her sweaty palms on her tight fitting denim jeans, she pulled her leather jacket closer around her.

"Hello!?" She called, the sound echoing around the wide streets. "Is anyone else out here? Please!"


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Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski
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85% fuel. It was certainly nice to see the fuel gauge actually be over 50% for a change. And with two extra tanks strapped on either side of Sasha, He'd be flying for awhile. He would've gone back to the motherland, but he was getting no signals back from there either. He flew over the landscape at half-throttle looking for any movement. It would be easier to see any survivors here since the fires had gone out. And there were survivors he was sure of it. Americans were paranoid, and that helped them.

Well, it didn't help them enough. He thought to himself, that American who set some of the bombs off on his mind. CIA didn't see it coming. Even the KGB didn't see that coming, did they? This is how the world ends. Not Nuclear, not an EMP, not even biological, but the thing at the bottom of the list. Chemical.

He passed the center of town again.

Alright, one more pass. He circled around again.

He straightened the joystick, he was now hovering. Observing the ground below him. He let out a heavy breath. Nothing. Again- Wait. He looked closer. He saw a blue truck. Was it moving? Not right now, but someone got out. He pushed the joystick forward again, slowly. He had to get closer, but the person would probably hear him before seeing him and might panic and fire off a few rounds. Americans were jumpy like that. Or anybody who wanted to stay alive, after all this. He neared the area. His waypoint indicated he was only about 350 yards away. The person would definitely hear him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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Leo stared at the girl as she tried to gather her thoughts. She ran her hand through her dark brown hair while she stared back. "It's nice to meet you Ace," he replied.

His eyes closed, he waited for the answer. She didn't know. She thought she was alone too. He let out a big sigh and put the heels of his hands to his eyes. Leo pressed down hard and imagined Minnie's face. "Well, we can't be the only ones. There has to be more," he said, unsure of where he was going with this. He wasn't sure inviting her along would be a good thing. Eventually there wouldn't be enough food that they were able to find, and feeding one mouth was easier than two. She might slow him down too. He shook his head and tried to rid himself of the thoughts. He knew he was being logical, but there was also the fact that humans don't want to be alone. They need someone or something there with them. Plus, he had already talked to her, he couldn't imagine just running off and leaving her alone. She looked small, but he learned not to judge a girl by her size. He thought of Minnie again, out there on her own. Despite her capabilities, he wouldn't want he alone. He would want someone to take care of her. And he imagined someone would want him to take care of Ace as well, whether she was able or not. "We need to stick together," Leo finally said, after being silent for a while.

He finally looked away from her and scanned their surroundings. There were buildings perfectly intact, cars neatly stopped on the road, and the shops looked like they just hadn't been open yet. There were also bodies covering the streets, cars crashed into light poles and other cars, and some buildings with broken windows. He wondered how that happened, but he didn't spend too much time thinking on it. "What sorts of supplies do you have?" Leo asked her, looking at her backpack. "We should probably find a car or something. I'm sure I can hot-wire it," he mumbles. It's like he was talking to himself. People look at him and expect him to be a meat head, working at a boxing club, but his real passion was for knowledge and logic. Anything he could learn was what he loved. Once he took his truck to the shop and stayed to watch them fix it. He asked a lot of questions. The next time, he went back and asked them to show him specific things. Leo went out and bought some tools, and now he fixes his own truck.

Leo was torn from his thoughts by the sound of a helicopter. He looked around and saw the tail of it, disappearing around a building. Without thinking he grabbed Ace’s hand and broke into a sprint, chasing after the helicopter. As they turned the corner around the building, he saw that it had landed a bit away. He also heard a girl calling out. “Here! Here! We’re here!” He said, looking around for her. The sun blinded him for a moment, but the he thought he saw some movement. AS he tugged Ace along with him, he walked the sidewalk, keeping his eyes peeled for the girl. Finally he saw a blue truck with a girl in a leather jacket standing next to it. “Hey!” He called out to her, and continued walking in her direction. “Ace there’s two people! Possibly more! There could be two or three in the helicopter!” He said smiling at her. For the short time they had to talk, he felt like he couldn’t be closer to anyone. Maybe it was because she was the first person he saw in two days, or maybe because for a brief moment, he thought it was only them left in the world.

Jake, Kylie & Minnie

Kylie sat with her head between her knees, and Minnie sat silently next to her, fiddling with the laces on her tennis shoes. She stared at Jake while her worked. His grey t-shirt was tight across his muscular back as he worked, and he had black oil stains on the butt of his jeans from wiping his hands. She stretched and laid her head down on her knees so she was looking at Kylie. Now was not the time to be lusting after someone who was taken by freaking Miss America here. Minnie rolled her eyes and redirected her gaze to an interesting puddle of blood in front of her. Not far from it was a woman with her mouth open. Blood was covering her teeth, lips and tongue, and her eyes were open. They looked dead yes, but in a different way. They were white and cloudy. Her skin looked pale from blood loss. There was a trail of dried blood running from her ear down her cheek. It went down and curved slightly around her jaw before it swooped down her neck. Minnie clenched her jaw and kept her eyes locked on the blood. She would need to get used to seeing it, because that was all that was left. Her stomach churned at the sight of it, and her eyes teared up slightly, but still, she wouldn't look away.

"Okay, that should do it," came Jake's voice, followed by a small bang of the hood closing. He wiped off his hands and turned around. "Kylie, are you still feeling bad, babe?" He asked and looked down at her. The only thing he received back was a small moan. Jake's face seemed expressionless as his eyes slid over to Minnie, who had looked up from the blood. She looked like she had seen a ghost. He watched her, but only for a moment before he saw movement in his peripheral vision. "The hell?" he asked, squinting down the street. There were three men walking, or running towards them. It was more of an awkward skip. "Hey!" He called out to them. Minnie scrunched her eyebrows together and turned around, trying to see what Jake was seeing.

She smiled and stood up when she saw the moving figures. More survivors. That meant there was a better chance that Leo was out there somewhere. She looked down at Kylie, but she hadn't moved at all. Minnie took a few steps forward, but Jake grabbed her arm. He was squeezing tight and when she looked at his face, he seemed distressed. "What?" she asked him, trying to tug her arm free. He didn't let go and he pulled her back.

"Don't move. Look at them. They're covered in blood. They never said anything to us when they saw us, and look at how they're walking," said Jake, his voice tight in his throat. He pulled a gun out of the waistband of his pants and pointed it at one of them.

“You can’t shoot!” Minnie said

“Why not? Look at them! They haven’t said a word. There is something wrong about them,” Jake said, shaking his head slightly.

As the figures approached closer, one of them was shot in the head. He jerked back then fell on the ground.

“You shot him?” Minnie asked, angrily.

“No! It wasn’t me!” Jake said back, blinking a few times.

Kylie looked up and saw the dead man. She scrambled to her feet and clung to Jake. He put away his gun and wrapped his arms around the tall blonde girl. Minnie just stood there, staring at the two still coming. They didn’t care one bit about their friend. All they did was look down at him and move on. Another shot to the head and the second fell. Kylie screamed and Jake pulled her tight to his body, backing up. His eyes were darting around, trying to find the sniper, but he couldn’t see. The last shot hit the third on in the head as well, and he fell only a few feet from the three standing by the truck. Minnie blinked and tried to understand what just happened. Jake’s jaw was clenched as he scanned the building, and Kylie’s sobs were the only noise.

A man came walking out of a building with his gun shouldered. He was walking casually toward them and Minnie assumed he was the shooter. She tapped Jake and he pushed Kylie off of him and pointed his gun at the stranger. He wouldn’t have, but given what just happened, Jake suddenly lost all trust.

The man didn’t stop, nor did he say anything. “Don’t come any closer,” Jake said. The man slowed a bit, but began walking again. Soon enough Minnie was able to make out the features on his face.

“Don’t shoot,” She said, and Jake looked at her. He put his gun down and Kylie returned under his arm, seeking comfort from her boyfriend. “Hey,” Minnie called out and started walking towards the stranger.

“Minnie,” Jake said, but she paid him no mind.

“Did you do that?” She asked him, when she was only a few feet away. His eyes were bright blue against his tan skin, and he was very tall. He reminded her slightly of Leo, but this man’s hair was a lot darker, and his build was a bit different than Leo’s.


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Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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It's nice to meet you. What simple words. What was once a phrase used for simple polietness was now dire honesty. It meant 'holy hell...I'm not the only one alive.'

She wished she could have given him a better answer. She knew that look on his face--distress. Somewhere out there was someone he loved, and she was sure he was holding onto the idea that he/she/whatever was still alive. Hell, she was too. She shook her head though, agreeing with him. "Two days ago I would have argued but...with you being here I gotta agree. We can't be it." She fully believed that now.

Her eyes widened slightly in surprise when he mentioned sticking together. Oh, she fully agreed, and she probably would have asked if he hadn't brought it up first. But she was surprised he did. After all, he was a pretty big guy. Didn't he just figure she would slow him down? Anyway, she just nodded.

She looked at the backpack strap on her shoulder slightly. "Not much..." she admitted. She'd ran from Josh's house with barely anything. Really, she kind of figured everyman had an Armageddon or at least Zombie Apocalypse plan. She had no such luck with her boyfriend. Her eyes fell to the road and she winced slightly. "We'll need something big..." that was common sense. A little bitty car would never make its way over the bodies. Terrible as it sounded, up and over was the only way to go.

She felt stupid for saying that, but she also hadn't talked out loud to another human being in two days. Her common sense was liable to be off slightly. Thankfully, the sudden sound in the too silent world distracted her from her own thoughts. Was that...? A helicopter? She was taken off guard when her hand was suddenly grabbed, but Alisha was a track runner--she kept up with Leo without a problem. Just as soon as she forced her feet to move under her. She silently stayed behind him, secretly just glad to be with someone.

It wasn't like she was some primadonna that needed a male to take care of her but...she had to admit, she felt a lot better with him around. For a moment, she was sure she was dreaming. No way had she found two alive people in the same day. That kind of shit just didn't happen. “Ace there’s two people! Possibly more! There could be two or three in the helicopter!” He was smiling at her. She just nodded, dumbstruck.

They weren't alone.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin Character Portrait: Colt Blackwell
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Colt watched the man reluctantly holster his gun. A 1911. Classic. He eyed him suspiciously as Colt sized him up. This guy was definitely armed forces, maybe Army, probably Marine.

The brown haired girl stepped toward him. She looked young physically, although her eyes told different. "Minnie." Said the man as she neared. So that was her name.

"Did you do that?" She asked.

He frowned slightly at the question.

"Are you asking me if I did it or why I did it? Because I think you're asking the latter." He addressed the group as a whole. "Haven't you seen these things before?" He got blank stares in return. He exhaled slightly. "I'll fill you in about the situation..." He paused. "...after we find out who those people are," he said neutrally, gesturing toward the two figures in the distance and one by a another truck. He looked up. "And why that helicopter is smoking."


"дерьмо!" Crap. Alexei coughed out as fumes sputtered from the top of his helicopter. "Я просто зафиксирован вам месяц назад!" I just fixed you a month ago! He was going to have to set her down. He directed his flight path to the ground. It was going to be a tough landing. Through the smog, he saw a few more people near where he was landing.

Great. Now more people get to see me die. He thought in English. If he was to survive this, he would have to start thinking and talking in English.

The helicopter dropped abruptly.

"ебать." There is no point in translating this, as it would have to be censored.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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Lucia was about to open her mouth to call out again, when the steady thrum of a engine met her ears. Freezing where she stood, she cast her deep brown eyes around to look for the source of the sound. The noise meant that she wasn't alone in the world and happiness filled her chest. But they could be friend or foe. Fear and anticipation replaced the happiness, as she chewed her bottom lip slightly. Gripping the door of her truck, she prepared to fling herself into the interior should she need to at any stage. If there was any sign of danger, then she was out of there. Ellie's, no her Chevy truck was pretty nippy when it wanted to be and she was pretty sure she could outrun anything in these empty streets.

Except possibly a helicopter.

As that thought popped into her head, one flew over the buildings.

Mouth open in a comical 'o' shape, Lucia watched with surprise as it disappeared behind a building.

A helicopter. And it had been heading to land not one block from where she stood. Without hesitation, she intended to set out towards the helicopter, but a voice reached her ears before she could. A male voice to be precise. Whirling on her heel, she watched as two figures closed in on her, a male and a female. Both looked relatively relieved to see her and she could not be happier to see them. Closing the distance at a run, she embraced the two without even thinking. It was a rash action, but she had believed herself to be alone and now here they stood. She just couldn't help herself. Smiling at them broadly, she released them from her abrupt hug and began chattering at top speed, her heavy Italian accent reflecting in every word. Some words weren't used in the correct manner, but in her excitement she did not care.

"I'm so sorry to...attack you like so, but I believed myself to be the last people on Earth. I am so happy to see you both. Are there others? I saw that helicopter. It means that more must be living right?" Taking a deep breath, she gave them another brilliant smile. "How rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Lucia." Glancing over her shoulder, her eyes settled on where the helicopter had headed. "Well it appears we're not alone." She nodded towards the area and chewed her bottom lip once again.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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Jake watched as Minnie approached the man with a sniper rifle. He frowned at her question and began speaking "Are you asking me if I did it or why I did it? Because I think you're asking the latter." Minnie's lip twitched slightly at his comment, but she didn't let it form a full sneer. He didn't know her, and he most certainly did not know what she was thinking. She meant what she said, although admittedly she wanted to know the second answer as well. But, in order to get that answer, he would need to answer the first. Which, he did. Minnie opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again. She didn't want to go making an enemy of the third person she met in three days. Plus, if he truly did have goo reason, he saved their lives, so she t=ought to thank him, rather than criticizing him for assuming things about her. He began speaking once more, but this time his eyes slid over to Kylie and Jake as well. "Haven't you seen these things before?" He asked them. Jake just shook his head and Kylie looked up, whispering something in his ear. He gave her a disapproving look and she returned a rude look herself, letting go of him and crossing her arms. She shivered slightly, even though she was wearing a thick jacket. Minnie didn't respond at all, just looked at him, waiting for him to continue. He let out a quiet breath and opened his mouth once more. "I'll fill you in about the situation..." He paused. "...after we find out who those people are," He said and pointed to a blue truck. It only looked a little bit like Minnie's. As she looked over she saw two more people going the girl at the truck. They embraced and se clenched her jaw. "And why that helicopter is smoking," the man finished. He seemed so calm, and Minnie had no idea why.

"Minnie, we can walk over there and see, and then come back for your truck and supplies. I think we'll need both," He said and began walking. Minnie nodded and turned to look at the stranger with them.

"I'm Minnie by the way," She said to him, then nodded her head towards Kylie and Jake, saying "That's Jake and Kylie." She wanted so badly to call her Barbie, but refrained from doing so. It looked like Jake had upset her, or the other way around... Well either way she was upset and not feeling well.

Leo and Ace were pulled into a hug by the girl and Leo let out a small sigh of relief. He hugged her back and waved away her apology. She went on about how she thought she was the lat person on earth. "Trust me Lucia," he said, after she finished introducing herself. "Not just 20 minutes ago, I thought the same thing. Then I saw Ace, and I hugged her as well," he gave an awkward smile. 'Right, I'm Leo," He said and shook her hand. "You're Italian? I went on vacation there a few times with my family when I was little," he recognized her accent and figured she would do the same with his French accent. She noticed the helicopter just as he and Ace had. He couldn't help but think that the odds of this were impossible. After two days of traveling, he had't seen anyone, and now, in one day, he is meeting three and possibly more. Maybe it was the fact that everyone was walking inward. Sort of. He knew he had been headed back to his home town for the past two days and maybe it was bound to happen. They would all meet in the same spot. "It's smoking. That's not good," Leo said, scrunching his thick eyebrows together. He glanced at the two girls, and once again he had been caught up in the moment. He now had another person he felt obligated to take care of. He shook the thought away and began walking.

Minne and Colt had picked up the pace to a jog. Jake had tried to, but then he slowed to help Kylie along, who had begun to feel nauseous. Minnie inwardly scolded her for being so weak. The brunette girl hated the sight of blood and anything dead and they didn't see her feeling sick did they? She continued to jog, and once they made it relatively close to the three they slowed to a walk. Then, the strangers started walking towards the trail of smoke leading to the helicopter. SHe was able to see that there were two girls, one with a leather jacket and one with a Cowboy's back pack. The one in the middle, the tall male had a strikingly familiar walk to him, not to mention the light grey hoodie he was wearing. Minnie's heart tighter and she began to jog again, not looking to see if her stranger-friend was keeping pace with her. She didn't bother to run silently, and she let the bottoms of her tennis shoes smack the pavement, sending eerie echoes bouncing off the vacant buildings. The figures in front of her kept moving, but when she got a lot closer, the one in the middle turned, hearing the sound of 2 pairs of feet coming towards them.

"Minnie?!" the voice called out and took a few steps in her direction. "Oh, mon Deiu!"Oh my God! he yelled and broke into a sprint.

"Leo!" Minne screamed back and ran towards him She leapt into to his arms and wrapped her legs around his waist. "Leo, I'm so glad you're okay, I knew you were still out there!" She said as he squeezed her tight. Leo let her feet touch the ground, but he kept his arms around her, feeling like he'd never let go. He buried his face into her shoulder. After a minute or two, neither were ready to let go, and Minnie was crying into his neck. Leo didn't want to stop the embrace, but he thought about the people watching them, and how they may never see their family again. Finally Minnie stepped back and smiled at him. She wiped her tears away and put her hands over her face, knowing full del everyone knew she was crying, but still trying to cover the redness. She rested her forehead on his chest and he stroked the back of her head.

"I have missed you so much," he said to her, kissing her forehead. "Êtes-vous bien?" Are you alright?[/] He rubbed her arms and stepped back. She nodded and smiled at him. "I see you found others," he said, looking at the three people staring at them. Kylie was going back and forth between grimacing because of her headache, and smiling because she was happy they were reunited. Jake looked pretty neutral and nodded his hello to Leo and the two girls.

"Yeah. Jake, Kylie and Colt," she said, pointing each one of them out. "Vous également?" [i] You also?
She asked, wiping her face one last time.

"Si. That's Ace. She was the first one I found. And there's Lucia, we just met her. Did you see the helicopter?" he asked her, his eyes widening slightly at the question.

"Oui," Yes, She said nodding. "We did, we were going to go check it out," Minnie concluded and began walking "Oh," she said a little louder. "This is my brother Leo," she said, looking back at Jake and Kylie, then to Colt. She turned to the two girls that had been with her brother. "And I'm Minnie," she said and did a quick wave.

The group made it around the building, just in time to see the helicopter drop suddenly. It looked slightly out of control, and Leo assumed it was because of the smoke. It would make it hard to see, and not to mention it would suffocate the pilot.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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0.00 INK

"Trust me Lucia, Not just 20 minutes ago, I thought the same thing. Then I saw Ace, and I hugged her as well."

Lucia smiled brightly at him as he spoke. She recognised the French accent almost as soon as he had opened his mouth. It was strong, like her Italian accent and somehow the knowledge that he wasn't from America warmed her a little. And when he spoke of her homeland and visiting it, she smiled again, nodding her head. The fact that there were two, possibly three, people alive sent floods of relief washing through her. After sitting around in the flat for days without human contact, just the sheer fact that she was talking to walking, breathing humans who were living through the same situation that she was. It was so surreal and she had to step back and make sure that it was really happening.

Just as she opened her mouth to say something more, Leo exclaimed a name is surprise. Her eyes flickered to the other girl stood with them. No her name was Ace. And she looked equally surprised by the fact that he'd called out. And then, just like that, he was gone. Turning, Lucia watched him sprinting towards another group of people. One of them was rushing to meet him and then they were a tangle of limbs. The girl had practically jumped into his arms and Lucia blinked in surprise as she embraced one another. She wondered if she should look away, as it felt like an intensely private moment for the pair, but everyone else was still staring so she kept her eyes trained on the pair.

A torrent of French and English passed between the pair as they caught up with one another. There were introductions and Lucia waved when her name was said, smiling at the other group. She felt somewhat less inclined to hug this bunch. Firstly, it appeared as though the guy and the blonde were a couple and that would have been awkward. And the one introduced as Colt looked a little intimidating. It became evidently clear that Minnie and Leo were brother and sister. What were the chances? When everyone else had died, these two were still alive? It was a miracle. Lucia didn't have anyone besides Ellie and the thought of her best friend filled her heart with sadness. So young and she'd always been so full of life, but now she was dead.

There was no-one else left in the world for her to hang onto.

At least, that's what she thought.

But the past was just around the corner and it would haunt her.


A pair of bright blue eyes watched the expanding group carefully. But really, his blurred focus was upon one of them. Lucia. A well of jealousy and hatred for the unknown man had swelled in his chest when she had wrapped her arms around him and smiled in a carefree manner at him. He hadn't witnessed that smile for years and to see it directed at another caused him to clench his fists in fury. It was a long time since he had seen anything but worry or fear in those eyes of hers.

Antonio had been following Lucia from the moment she had left her little flat. Hell, he'd been following her for days before that as well. He had kept his distance on his motorbike when she had left to travel into the centre of the city, but it hadn't been hard to pull up three blocks away and walk the final distance so that she didn't notice him. Even now, she was too consumed in the group to notice the man watching from the distance. The man who clutched a brandy bottle to his chest, his hands shaking furiously. If only she had turned around. If only any of them paid attention. But it seemed as though no-one noticed him lurking in the shadows.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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He watched the helicopter drop sharply, and veer off, landing in what was left of a park a few blocks away. He would have to check out the pilots condition later, after everybody was done socializing. He seemed fine, as even from this distance looked like he was healthy and was shouting obscenities at his helo.

He kept himself mostly aloof, nodding when necessary and listening carefully. He heard a few Italian accents. It seemed we had a plethora of nationalities.

He felt paranoid all of the sudden, and a sick feeling in his gut. Before the Marines he would've dismissed it, but now, the feeling was as real of any of his five normal senses. He turned slightly, as if to be more engrossed in the conversation, but he turned his eyes to the shadows. It wasn't any of the those things, they would've attacked earlier. It was something -or even someone- else.

He said nothing of it. He kept his face passive throughout the conversation, not that anyone could tell what he felt anyway, body and face obscured by his Ghillie suit. He holstered his rifle on his back, and fully removed the hood part Ghille suit. He felt that he should maybe tell what was going on, but everyone seemed interested in everything else.

He finally spoke.

"We should check out that helo. It may be a rescue party, or a scout from other survivors."


Alexei veered his helicopter into an opening, ripping branches off of a few trees as he landed. He swore once more, this time in Russian-accented English. He stumbled out, coughing.

"Sasha! You never do that again! You could been broken!" Ignoring any grammatical errors he may have made, or words left out, he inspected his helicopter. He breathed out a sigh of relief.

"You're okay! You're okay." He turned his eye toward the group of people now gathering together.

"Whoa. Lots of people. Wonder if we have enough supplies to throw party."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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0.00 INK

Jake chewed on the inside of his lip and glanced around. He suddenly had the feeling of being watched. He couldn't see anything, and none of the bodies on the ground were moving, so it wasn't any sort of... thing. He rubbed the top of his head, then down his face. He couldn't let paranoia sink in, because then it would never go away, and he would most likely die of exhaustion. He took a deep breath and Kylie squeezed his hand. He looked around one last time, and noticed Colt looking around too. So he wasn't the only one with the creepy feeling. Colt stopped looking around and began taking off his Ghille suit. Jake blinked a few times, once again fighting off the paranoia. Kylie coughed next to him and pulled him out of his thoughts. It was a violent painful cough that racked her body. She was bent over with one hand over her mouth and the other over her stomach. "You okay?" He asked her and she nodded, waving him away. He took a few steps forward and watched as she wiped her hand on her dark jeans, then wiped off her face. She had broken a sweat and he figured she was getting a cold after being out here for two days.

"Go ahead, I'm just going to sit down here," she said and sat down on the curb. she put her head in her hands once again and stopped moving.

"No, I'll stay, we don't know if those.." Jake stopped for lack of a word to call the things they had encountered.

"People? Living beings?" Kylie asked sarcastically looking up at him.

"Ky, they were going to.. I don't know what they were going to do, but there was something off with them. They weren't right," he said, crouching down in front of her. The others didn't bother to wait up for them, and went to check out the helicopter.

"Hell, none of us are Jake. We may very be the last people on earth. Those people, they might have been desperate. What if they were just sick and trying to get our attention, our help," Kylie shook her head and put it back in her lap. Jake pulled out his gun and set it next to her.

"Safety's on. Use it if you need to. I'll be right around the corner, call me if anything happens," Jake said, with no response from the shivering blonde girl. He took off his jacket and laid it over her shoulders before turning and following the group.

Minnie nodded at what Colt had said and walked towards the helicopter. A man was yelling at someone named Sasha about being broken. Minnie scrunched her eyebrows together and Leo old her that the helicopter's name was Sasha, and the man was the pilot. "Are you okay?" she asked and walked up to him. She didn't stop to think whether he might be dangerous or not. He said something about throwing a party and Minnie squinted at him, turning her head slightly. She couldn't tell whether he was was joking, or maybe he had damage to the head. Leo came up behind herald put his hands on her shoulders. He was being protective, and telling her that she shouldn't have done that. Normally, Minnie would have hated the gesture, but she appreciated him being there, so she ignored that fact that he was being so silently bossy. Jake walked and stood in front of the two girls. Leo was handling his sister, and like he had found out before, and knowing he was in the military, Jake knew Colt could his own.

Jake wasn't exactly sure what he was protecting, or why he was, but from the three things to the feeling of being watched, he wasn't feeling very trust worthy at the moment. He wasn't sure what to say. What do you want? Well, he figured the answer would be to survive. But did that mean killing them and taking their supplies, or joining them. Hell, Jake wasn't even sure when or if they had actually become a group. In the past hour he had met 5 new people that were all somehow worth trusting, and now all of a sudden one more comes along and he is ready to protect these strangers? He had no idea what was going on inside of him at the moment, but he wasn't about to try and figure it out either.

Kylie began coughing again. She leaned over and let a small amount of bile escape her mouth. Her eyes watered and she wiped them with the back of her hand. Once she could see clearly again she looked at the side walk. It was spattered with blood. She didn't remember that being there before, but now it was. She touched it, and the sticking solution stuff to her finger. She scrambled to her feet and looked in the dark window of a car. Her mouth was bright red and she had a streak of blood above her eye from where she had wiped her face. She quickly cleaned it off and wiped off her mouth and hands. They were pretty clean, and she knew that no one would notice it as something odd. She had a metallic taste in her mouth and couldn't wait to get back to Minnie's truck to get some water. She looked over towards the helicopter, and everyone seemed to be talking. She shrugged and began walking back the way hey had come.

After a few minutes, the truck was in sight again and she sighed. With a bit of a struggle, she pulled herself into the bed and began searching for some water. She grabbed a bottle, then began rummaging through the medical bag. She found some stomach soothers and more ibuprofen. She tilted her head back and swallowed the four pills. The water relived her burning throat, and surprisingly helped some of the stomach pains immediately. She stood up and heard a shuffle and a slide. She looked around, but couldn't see anything. She took another drink, and once more heard the noise. Two people like before were coming towards the truck. One grunted, and the other went around to the other side. Their walk seemed normal, but it was slightly animalistic. Not like a limp, but more like a loping. Kylie took a deep breath as they closed in. As they got closer, she saw their eyes. They were pale and empty. They were seeing, but they weren't really seeing. One, the woman had blonde hair like herself. But her skin was tight across her face. She might have been beautiful once, but now she looked like a corpse. Her fingers were bony and her nailed were long and sharp. Kylie couldn't speak. She stood perfectly still. Why weren't they saying anything to her? The same reason she wasn't saying anything to them? Before she knew it, one was making a loud noise, and two more of them came out of an ally, and came towards the truck.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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0.00 INK

"We should check out that helo. It may be a rescue party, or a scout from other survivors."

Lucia nodded her response and despite her earlier fear, she followed the others who were making their way towards the helicopter, that had been grounded by its pilot. Smoke still billowed from the engine and she coughed slightly, before covering her mouth and nose. Instinctively, she moved closer to Leo and his sister, for comfort. She needed to stick close to these people. After feeling so alone, they almost felt like a small family since she had found them. Or rather, they had found her. Now, they had to stick together especially in the face of what might be a new-found foe. However, when the blonde girl continued to cough and then excused herself from the group, worry shot through her like a sudden pain. Should they separate? It wasn't a good idea in her mind. Though before she could say anything the blonde girl had gone off and her boyfriend had just let her. Anxiety creased her brow, but who was she to question? It was clearly safe enough for her to leave.

Already something was causing a tingle to creep up her spine and she shuddered unexpectedly. Was it just the unknown people on the helicopter causing her to feel uneasy? Or the fact that one of their number had gone off alone? Or was it something else? Whatever it was it was setting her completely on edge. Trying to shake off the feeling, she looked up at the towering helicopter. Glancing around the group, she made the first move to speak to the unknown. However, she stuck close to Leo, her arm brushing against his gently.

"Hello? Are you okay? We saw the helicopter come down and we've come to see if you're alright." Lucia called, peering into the helicopter, though she held her breath in anticipation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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0.00 INK


Alexei looked around at the people around his chopper."Well, is not this lucky."

He looked out the girl peeking in from one of the open doors. "Just us Russians in here." He stepped out once more, done fixing the control panel. He surveyed the group. He saw two men who stood differently from the rest of them, confident and obviously militarily-trained. He didn't know what the taller one did, but the one that was about four inches shorter was obviously a sniper, judging from the bolt-action he had strapped on his back and the ghille suit. A blonde walked away from the main group.

Alexei readjusted his Aviator sunglasses, then spoke.

"Allow me to introduce. My name is Alexei. I fly helicopter. Sorry, helicopters. I'm Russian. I have guns..." He held up his AN-94, observing it, then checking if anything was jammed. It was fine. "...and that's about it."

"Who are you guys?"


"Who are you guys?" The Russian named Alexei asked. Looking around, he took it upon himself to fully introduce himself to everyone. He began quietly, but with a firm tone.

"I'm Corporal Bryant Blackwell of the Marine Corps. Most people call me Colt. I'm a sniper. I just met you all, and I'm sure you know of the recent terrorists attacks on the United States and the world, and the aftermath of it. Well, part of the aftermath." He finished, looking back at the three headshots he'd done back by the truck. "I can tell you more, if you don't know already." Colt stated, turning back to the group and addressing them as a whole.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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0.00 INK

Jake stood there and watched as the man stepped out of the smoking vehicle. He had a very strong accent and his English was broken. He had a weapon, but he didn't point it at anyone in the group. He had mentioned something about being lucky, so Jake let his guard down enough that he realized he wasn't an initial threat. To himself he decided that 8 people was enough in their 'group', and that they really couldn't afford to have anymore people joining in. Minnie's supplies were limited, and from the looks of it, no one really had much of anything else. He was sure they could find some other stuff, but eventually, they would run out of everything. He was drawn out of his reverie when he heard Colt speaking, and fully introducing himself. Maybe they should all do that, considering he couldn't remember everyones name. He knew Minnie, and now Colt. Alexei just said his name, so that was easy. The girl next to him.. Ace. Yeah, that was right. Then there was of course Kylie, and Levi? Minnie's brother. And the girl next to him. Lucy. He shrugged and figured he would learn the names eventually, if he was wrong.

Leo felt the girl standing close next to him and looked down to see Lucia. She was looking at Alexei, but she did look slightly frightened. Well, didn't they all? Except of course Colt and Jake. Maybe Alexei too. They all looked some sort of military. Colt introduced himself properly and Minnie watched as he explained the so called aftermath of the terrorist attacks. She took a few steps closer to him and away from her brother and Lucia. Now she was sort of in the middle of the group, but she felt less crowded all the same. She didn't notice that Miss America wasn't there until just then. Minnie bit the inside of her cheek and glanced around. Not being able to see her, she knew she should be worried, but she wasn't. Maybe it was because she just met her, or maybe it was her fearless attitude. She looked to Jake and he was standing his his hands in his pockets, looking at Colt. Man he had nice arms. When did he take off his jacket? She shook her head and turned her attention back to Colt, who had stopped speaking.

"Hey before you start explaining all this could I go get Kylie? She's just around the corner, and she really needs to hear this," Jake didn't wait for a response and he jogged to where he would be able to see her. Except she wasn't there. "Kylie?" He called out, his eyes searching the street. The fear that Minnie hadn't been feeling suddenly hit her. She followed Jake around the corner and began looking for the girl. "Ky, where are you?" Jake said and began making his way towards the truck. Minnie followed, calling out for the girl.

Kylie watched as two more people came towards her. "Please, don't hurt me. I.. I have supplies. We can share," she sputtered as she picked up a bag. The two were circling the truck, and the ones coming out of the ally went to either side as well. They only looked at her when she began to speak. One let out a moan, the same one that had been making the noises the whole time. The other three went to the left side, the ride side and the front of the truck respectively, while the 'leader' went to the back. He put his hands on the tail gate and shook a few times. Kylie couldn't help but noticed his fingers were grey-green under the dry blood. She swallowed and backed up against the cab. The two on either side reached for her and she screamed.

Jake heard a scream and he began running towards where the sound came from. "Kylie!" He yelled. Minnie picked up the pace as well, but stayed a yard or two behind him. When the truck came into view there were four.. things surrounding it, and Kylie was in the bed. Just as Jake was closing in on the truck, another came out from behind a car and was right on his heels.

"Jake behind you!" Minnie screamed and skidded to a halt. She looked for anything to use as a weapon and found a street sign lying on the ground. It didn't have the pole, just the sign. She picked it and ran after Jake. He didn't turn around, just ran faster. When Minnie had spoken, the man turned around, and began going after her. She backed up until she was against the wall of a building. Minnie closed her eyes and swung the sign like a blade. She felt it connect and it dug into her hands, cutting her palms. She had sliced it's head off, but the fingers were still twitching. She almost threw up at the smell and the sight of the rotten blood and insides. It's eyes were still blinking and she remembered that Colt had shot it in the head. She clenched her jaw and brought the sign down on it's skull, cracking it open. The thing stopped moving and Minnie bent over and threw up.

Jake kicked one down and lifted Kylie out. Immediately, the one got up and all four were coming after them. "Kylie, run!" Jake said and pushed her away. She ran. When she got to Minnie she stopped and fell on the ground. She had passed up. Minnie couldn't do anything about it, because she was shaking uncontrollably. Jake threw punches and a few kicks before jumping in the back of the truck. He found a tire iron buried underneath Minnie's supplies. He hopped out and swung it at one's head. It hit with a crunch, and the woman crumpled to the ground. The other three seemed angry now. They were reaching for him, and were almost as fast as him, but not quite. He decided it would be best to just out run them, but that meant leading them to the group. "Oh shit." He said, as three more came running towards him.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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0.00 INK

"Use your sidearm, American!" Alexei yelled at the man who was attempting to beat down the, "Mutated" he dubbed them, a distance away. He aimed down his AN-84's sights when the man dropped one with a blunt object. He dropped to his knee and fired two seven-round bursts in quick succession at the nearest of the figures, aiming for the chest. He wouldn't have been able to pull that off if it weren't for the high rate of fire and the low-recoil of the 5.56 round. One of them jerked to his side, and lay still. The other, however, only stumbled and kept moving toward the man. The other joined it. He aimed down the sights once more.

The first one's head exploded, and the other's head severed from it's body in almost complete sync. Brain matter splattered the ground directly behind the Mutated and the other's head fell to the ground, the mouth still working. Alexei looked to the side. The rest of the group was huddled near the chopper, save for the one named Colt, who had his sniper's scope to his eye, the stock on top of his shoulder to account for the relatively short distance.

"They were lined up perfectly." Was the only thing he said, before working the bolt one more time and standing up. "Give me a sitrep!" He yelled out at the man the Mutated failed to kill. "Is everybody fine accounted for?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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0.00 INK

Lucia recognised the Russian accent almost immediately. It appeared that many of them were from many places across the world. And that made her feel a little less out of place in this strange world. At least she had something else she could relate to them about. As well as the world being completely dead that was. As the Russian introduced himself, she gave him a small smile, still standing close to Leo. After Jake had spoken, she gave a small wave.

"I'm Lucia Agnoli. It's a pleasure to meet you. Although the circumstances are completely dire." With a shrug, her eyes followed Jake and Minnie as they went on a search for Kylie. It only caused her to become more anxious, as their group divided further. Biting her bottom lip, she made a move to follow them, gesturing for the others to do so as well. That's when she heard the desperate scream from the road over. Without thinking, she tore off after Minnie and Jake, her feet pounding on the paved street. Her hair streamed behind her as she skidded around the corner. She could hear the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears and her chest constricted in fear of what she might find.

The sight before her shocked her. Jake was grappling with some people who had clearly been after Kylie. But they weren't like people she had ever seen before. It caused her to halt for a moment, but within a few seconds she was running towards them. Kylie had been lifted free, but had now collapsed at Minnie's feet, who was stood completely still, from shock. And in all honesty, she too was shaken completely to her core. This could not be happening. This was just one step too far in all that had happened. Everyone dying had been enough, but these...things caused fear to shoot through her heart like shards of ice. Once she reached them, Lucia knelt besides Kylie, pressing her head to her forehead.

"Did she say her name is Kylie?" She asked Minnie, pulling up her eyelids. "I think she's just passed out. Shock no doubt. She will be okay when she comes to." Pulling her bag toward her, Lucia removed a bottle of water and poured a gentle stream over the girl's face in an attempt to wake her. A gunshot went off somewhere behind her, causing her to jump out of her skin. Twisting her heard, she watched as the Russian man deftly killed two more of the things. Blood splattered the sidewalk and road in crimson puddles that glittered in the sunlight. Lucia's stomach churned and she fought the urge to be violently sick.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews Character Portrait: Leo Quentin
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0.00 INK

Jake was only able to take another down before the rest were taken down by gunshots. He breathed heavily and put his hands to his temple. One head rolled to his foot, its mouth still moving and its eyes still searching. He slammed the tire iron into its eye. He beat it a few more times then looked up. Alexei and Colt were both standing there. Jake put up his arm and waved to say he was okay. He looked around and saw Minnie with her head down, and Kylie was lying on the ground with that Lucy girl beside her. He ran toward her and knelt down at her side, roughly shoving the other girl out of his way. He didn't mean to be rude, but he had to get to Kylie. "Kylie, you okay?" He asked and lifted her head up.

Kylie sat up and used his arm to lean on. "I'm fine. I just panicked," She coughed again. It was violent and this time blood was practically streaming out of her mouth. Jake blinked a few times, and didn't say anything about it.

"Come on let's stand you up," Slowly, they rose together. "Slowly, easy does it," He said, and another bout of coughing took hold of her body When she stood up again, Jake could see her mouth was bright red and there was blood running from her nose. Her skin was hot to the touch. Her eyes were blood shot. Whatever was going on wasn't a cold. He looked to Colt, then Alexei. His heart wrenched as he fought off any negative thoughts.

"Jake," Kylie said. Her eyes filled with tears and streaked down her face. They mixed with the blood and ran off her chin. She spit a mouth full of blood out and began trembling. She made a few grunting noses and her chest visibly constricted. "I'm sick," she said.

"No, you'll be okay. It's the cold, and stress. And you just got attacked. Come on I'm sure the water is still on somewhere... generators.." Jake let his voice trail off. Minnie was throwing up again and Leo had been following Lucia to his sister. He rubbed her back and held back her hair. The thought struck him that maybe the both of them were getting sick, but then he thought about the fact that Minnie hates blood, and she just killed someone. He was cooing to her softly in French, and every so often she would nod. He walked her away from the group and let her get some water. She washed her face off and downed the rest of it. She looked at the bodies surrounding her truck. Some were simply dead, and others... They had just been killed. Leo lifted her out of the truck and they examined the supplies she had collected. Leo couldn't believe she was so prepared. When he asked her about it, she just shrugged. She was feeling a lot better and they went to join the rest of the group.

"How are you doing Kylie?" Minnie asked her and handed her a wet towel. Leo almost stopped her from going near the girl, but a mean look from Minnie made him back off. Kylie didn't reach out for the towel, so Minnie began wiping her face and neck off. Jake held back her hair while the small girl cleaned Kylie off. "Come on Barbie. You have to look perfect," Minnie said, and received a small laugh from the woman. Once she was cleaned off, Kylie turned and faced everyone. They were staring at her, or at least she felt like they were. She knew that what was happening to her was what happened to everyone else. Or at least that's what it seemed like. Blood. And lots of it. She grabbed Jakes hand and squeezed it with what little strength she had.

"I'm sick," she said, addressing the group. Jake began to speak but she started interrupted him. "I have been for a long time," Jake looked at her with a surprised look. She returned a comforting look to him. "It's alright babe, I want them to know. There is no sense in hiding it," she sighed and adjusted her blood freckled shirt. "I will spare you the bloody details, but basically that's what happens. I get very sick and my head hurts, and usually start throwing up and coughing up blood. Sometimes the flares last for a week, and other times a day. The doctors aren't really sure what it is, but they say it's not killing me. I just take pain medications and yeah.." Her voice got lower and she gave everyone an awkward smile. "The stress and everything probably isn't helping either," Kylie said. Jake was staring at her. When she gave him a pleading look he smiled.

"That was very brave of you to tell them," he said, looking uncomfortable. "I'm surprised," he said. Before he could continue, Kylie kissed him on the cheek. Minnie was staring at her, and Leo was doing his best to avert his eyes. He looked around the circle, trying to find something or someone to focus on. He couldn't believe this. He felt so sorry for Kylie. Eventually, Minnie cut the silence.

"I think we should go somewhere else. Who knows how many of those things are out there. Somewhere secluded. Maybe a house or apartment," she suggested. She figured they all might need a shower and to get cleaned up. And they were in a city, there was bound to be somewhere they could go. "And we can re-do introductions. Kinda like Colt did, " she said and looked at him. She smiled and then looked at everyone else. "Tell everyone who you are and you know.. anything else" She tucked her hair behind her ear and bit her lip. Leo nodded in agreement, but didn't say anything. He knew Minnie wanted to get away from this place as soon as possible.

"We could walk, or drive," Jake said. "I know Minnie has a truck that can fit two or three, we have a car that can fit two," Jake said. There were more than five people, so that wouldn't work. He would need to hot wire a car eventually. His sports car was nice, but they needed something practical. Like an SUV or big ass pick up truck.

"Lucia weren't you standing near a truck, was that yours?" Leo asked and looked at her. Jake made a mental note that it was Lucia and not Lucy. And Minnie had said Leo earlier, not Levi.

"We'll figure it out," Jake shrugged and wrapped an arm around Kylie. Her eyes were trained on the ground, and her face was growing pale.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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0.00 INK

Lucia wasn't offended when Jake pushed her out of the way to reach Kylie. Instead, she simply got up and stood back away from them both, though her eyes were guarded slightly as she nodded a thank you to the Russian. It must have been nice for them so have someone that they truly cared about. A pang of loneliness struck her heart. When she had first found these people, relief had swept through her, pushing away all the bad thoughts. But in reality, she was just as lonely as she was before. These people didn't truly know her and they'd simply been forced together for survival purposes. They were just so lucky to have each other that she couldn't help but feel a little jealous of the pair. Not that she had had anyone besides Ellie, not after her mother had passed away.

Exiting her own thoughts, her attention turned to Kylie who had begun to speak quietly. So, she was ill. Well that explained the coughing and the blood she had brought up earlier. Giving the girl a sympathetic smile, she patted her shoulder in a comforting manner. It had been brave for her to speak up and tell them about her illness and Lucia felt truly sad for her. But at the same time, so many healthy, fit people had died, like Ellie and yet Kylie had survived when she was so ill. It almost didn't seem fair. However, the moment that thought popped into her head, she chided herself mentally. No, she should be glad that Kylie had managed to get through what had killed so many others. It was not her place to say what was fair and what wasn't. A lot in the world currently was unfair.

"Lucia weren't you standing near a truck, was that yours?"

"My brother owned a place about twenty miles from here. He and a couple of friends. It's a big place...bachelor pad...but he was kind paranoid I guess? Every man has a zombie plan kind of thing. I know it's a little far's secluded and I guarantee there will be supplies.'s just an option...I can hotwire too...if we need another vehicle..."

Lucia chuckled slightly at the mention of a zombie plan. Well, it seemed like he had been right to prepare for such a situation. So the other girl had a brother that she had lost. She made a mental note of that, whilst looking around at the rest of the group, her eyes meeting Leo's and nodding. "It is my truck around the corner. We can use that to get there as well. I can fit myself and two more in the front and perhaps two in the truck bed, bearing in mind belongings and so on. As long as you can lead the way." Looking to Ace, she smiled brightly at her, sweeping her brown locks over her shoulder.

"Do you mind if I come?"

A voice echoed around the street. Almost instantly, Lucia's demeanor changed from relaxed to tight and tense. The colour drained from cheeks and her eyes widened, as her body completely froze. Panic tore across her chest and she sucked in a deep breath, almost choking on it. When she didn't turn to face the voice, he spoke up again. "Ora, non mi dire che hai dimenticato il suono della voce di mia Lucia." Now, do not tell me you've forgotten the sound of my voice Lucia The Italian words slipped easily from his lips, his voice like silk, soft and tempting. Lucia's body began to shake, from head to toe as she slowly turned around. Only six paces away from her stood the man she had left behind in Italy. The man who had made her life a living hell. The man she hated. Unaware of what she was doing, her fingers reached for the jagged scar on her face, tracing the skin there.

"A-Antonio..." She gasped.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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0.00 INK

Colt jammed a new magazine into his sniper, working the bolt and ejecting the spent shell out at the same time. Alexei just changed mags. Everyone seemed to be fine. The girl named Kylie didn't look too hot though. He listened to the explanation and nodded. He had seen diseases like this out in the Middle East, but not a lot in First World countries. The others started discussing their plans He stood up. He heard a voice.

"Do you mind if I come?"

Lucia seemed to visibly flinch, as the voice continued in what sounded like Italian. Smooth.


Not turning around, Colt spoke. "You could have asked us earlier 'Antonio' instead of trying to sneak around around in the shadows like that." He continued neutrally. "You should really make it a point not to step on broken glass when trying to be undetected." He spoke to the rest o the group.

"Me and Alexei can provide overwatch through the helicopter, protect the trucks, like a convoy." He directed his eyes toward Alexei. "If you can do that. How far are you from bingo fuel?"

"Da. I can do that. I don't have an exact estimate, but the fuel should last a few days."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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0.00 INK

Ace spoke up before Lucia answered. "My brother owned a place about twenty miles from here. He and a couple of friends. It's a big place...bachelor pad...but he was kind paranoid I guess? Every man has a zombie plan kind of thing. I know it's a little far's secluded and I guarantee there will be supplies.'s just an option...I can hotwire too...if we need another vehicle..." Leo weighed the options. Supplies was a good thing. The needed all they could get. They also needed some place to stay. But would they really be staying? There had to be other survivors. The government had to be doing something. There had to be something more to this. He would pulled form his thoughts when he heard Lucia speak.

"It is my truck around the corner. We can use that to get there as well. I can fit myself and two more in the front and perhaps two in the truck bed, bearing in mind belongings and so on. As long as you can lead the way." She said. Leo nodded, the needed the fourth vehicle. Minnie was glaring at Lucia. Why the hell was she smiling. There was no reason to be smiling right now. And she even laughed. Minnie was about ready to scream at her when Leo gave her a stern look. That only fed her anger more. Her eyes turned to slits as she gave him the rudest look she could manage at the time. Kylie was still focused on the ground. She slid down Jake's said and sat on the curb. She really wasn't feeling well. The ibuprofen and stomach soothers weren't working very well. She turned to her side and threw up some more. Jake side stepped out of the way and looked sympathetically down at his girlfriend, although this time he made no move to comfort her. She was tough, and he knew it. She'd pull through. Plus, she might get upset with being babied. He looked to Minnie who surprisingly seemed pissed. What did she have to be angry at? Well, other than the end of the freaking world. She seemed fine a minute ago. He shrugged the thought away as someone emerged from the shadows.

"Do you mind if I come?" The man asked. His voice was like honey. Venomous dripping honey. "Ora, non mi dire che hai dimenticato il suono della voce di mia Lucia." His voice came once more. He spoke Italian this time.

"A-Antonio..." Lucia said. Her hand was on her face, her fingers grazing a jagged scar. Jake and Leo both noticed she seemed frighten and uncomfortable with his presence.

"You could have asked us earlier 'Antonio' instead of trying to sneak around in the shadows like that. You should really make it a point not to step on broken glass when trying to be undetected. Colt said, not even looking at Antonio. This time when he spoke he addressed the group.” Me and Alexei can provide overwatch through the helicopter, protect the trucks, like a convoy." He said. Minnie thought it sounded like a pretty good idea. Colt flicked his glance over to the Russian. "If you can do that. How far are you from bingo fuel?"

"Da. I can do that. I don't have an exact estimate, but the fuel should last a few days." Alexei returned.

So they had a plan, but this Antonia guy seemed to be out of place. “We don’t have room for you,” Jake said harshly. He was sure they could make room but 9 people was pushing it. That was a lot of mouths to feed, and plus Lucia seemed more than put off by his presence.

“Yeah, you’re just going to have to try your luck on your own,” Leo said. He had thought it through. According to Colt, this guy had been lurking in the shadows. Everyone else here seemed fine. Jake and Kylie had found Minnie. They were trusted by her. Leo himself had found Ace and Lucia. They needed Ace because she was taking them to her brother’s house. Lucia immediately tried to care for Kylie. Colt showed that he was on their side by taking down the mutants, and Alexei as well. Clearly they were the only ones who knew about these things. The only person Antonio knew was Lucia, and clearly she didn’t welcome him. It was obvious he wouldn’t be coming with them.

Minnie was rolling her eyes. She had her arms crossed. She really could care less what they did. She wanted to know about these tings and what the hell was going on, not talk to this guy, or about this guy. A quiet and scratchy voice spoke up from behind her. “We can’t just leave him,” Kylie said, standing.

“Yeah we can, Ky,” Jake said. “He hid from us. If he was safe he would have come out from the start. I had a feeling something was off,” He shook his head.

“But what if he knows something about those sick people?” She asked, her eyes pleading.

“They aren’t sick. They are something different. Babe, they only stopped moving with something through it’s brain. He was still moving with his head off. And anyway, Colt seems like he knows something,”

“They..” Kylie began, her eyes weary. She stopped herself and looked down. There was no way they would believe her.

“Well?” Minnie finally called out. “What the hell are we waiting. Those things are out there just waiting for us. Let’s just go. Let’s take this Antonio guy and find out what he is really about,” Minnie said. She seemed angry. “And if he is some sort of bastard we just throw him out. The decision seems easy enough,” She said and threw her arms up. She let her hands slap her legs and she walked off to her truck. She turned it on and pulled it up to the rest. She cut the engine, not wanting to waste gas.

“Kylie and I will go get our car and meet the rest of you back here. My opinion still stands,” Jake said, giving Minnie a look. She returned it with a roll of her eyes. She looked to Leo then to Colt. What would they have to say about him?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucia Agnoli Character Portrait: Alisha Beck Character Portrait: Antonio Gianelli Character Portrait: Alexei Belinski Character Portrait: Jake Carter Character Portrait: Kylie Andrews
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0.00 INK

Lucia nodded in response to Ace, though her eyes remained firmly on the ground. For a moment the group had refused to accept Antonio into their midst. However, both Kylie and Minnie had spoken up and said their piece, suggesting that they take him with them. In that second, Lucia's blood had ran cold. They couldn't take him. She wouldn't allow him to come with them. None of them understood what he was capable of. But instead of speaking up, she made the mistake of looking up at Antonio. The look on his face stopped dead all her thoughts and she nodded numbly, though her eyes found the ground once again. The cheerful attitude had all but vanished from the young woman as she spoke up.

"Y-You can come. But find someone else's car to travel in." It was muttered in an emotionless voice, as she refused to meet anyone's eye. Instead she parted from the group and headed towards her blue Chevy truck in order to retrieve it for the others. Antonio watched her retreating back, before taking a step after her. But he thought better of it, halting in his tracks and casting a glance at the rest of the group. He was glad that the women in the group had spoken up and defended him against the men. Immediately he felt hostile towards them, especially that Leo fellow. The fact that they were protecting Lucia, when it was his job, caused hatred to bubble inside of him. However, he kept his face calm and simply nodded.

"Does anyone mind taking me? It seems as though Lucia is determined to be...cold with me." He said in a velvety voice, with a small shrug of his shoulders.

Once out of sight, Lucia darted towards her truck, sprinting to its safe interior. The moment she was inside, she locked the doors and pressed her forehead to the steering wheel, tears making tracks down her cheeks. How had he found her? How had he survived? Out of everyone in the world, why on earth had he managed to survive? Why him? Lucia would have given anything for Ellie to be alive, but she wasn't. Instead her worst nightmare was and he was there in America with her.

Wiping away her tears, she jammed her key in and started the engine forcefully. Whacking it into gear, she sped towards the group and pulled up. Gesturing for Ace to join her, she cut the engine so not to waste gas. Who knew when they would be able to top up, especially with those things were walking around and were a direct threat to those who were living. They might not be able to risk it.