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Lucien Damani

"Honestly, you'd think that no one's ever tried to kill you before." ((WIP, but acceptable))

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a character in “Requiem of Reality”, as played by angelwolf123




"What's the point in fighting to stay alive when you don't have a reason to keep living in the first place?"
Marina and the Diamonds- Power and Control


"Ooh, how much do you want to know? Wait, wait, don't tell me...!"
Lucien Damani. Lucien means “light”, and he was named thus because he comes from a place where there’s symbolically not a lot of it. Damani means “tomorrow”, referring to a possibly light-filled future.

Acquaintances and family refer to him as Lucien, enemies call him a variety of unpleasant things, but friends will know him as Luce.

The Cowardly Lion


Male. Perhaps a slightly feminine one, but a male nevertheless.

Romantic Interest(s)
He’s not really interested/attracted to anyone/anything at the moment.

Lucien’s sexuality is actually fluid, it’s never really one “thing”. It’s not like it changes on a day to day basis, or that if he likes a girl he’s suddenly hetero or vice versa, but it’ll adapt depending on what’s going on with him and who he’s hanging around. But due to the fact that he’s recently just let go of everything, Lucien is and will be asexual until something significant occurs, or overtime personality alteration.


“Don’t worry, you’re not the first person to ask me about it. Kudos for being polite, though.”
Well, his hair is lavender. A light, fluffy lavender that’s cut to frame his face at sweeping, graceful angles. If you think about it, Lucien’s hair by all means should look helmet-like, but it really doesn’t. It actually makes him look rather sophisticated. Plus, it’s pretty much always straight no matter what, and instead of getting messy or knotted it just kind of starts to interlock and matt. But you can definitely tell just by looking Lucien takes really good care of it.

While his hair falls close to the no-man’s land between pink, purple, and colorless, his eyes are distinctly purple. Though they are rather pale with quite a few grey streaks mixed in, they are purple nevertheless. But the eye-color is super-sensitive to sunlight, so Lucien wears sunglasses. Honestly, he only has to wear them when it gets too bright, but whenever Lucien takes them off he seems to loose them, so they’re on most of the time. The lenses are reflective, though, so you can’t really see Lucien’s facial expressions unless he smiles, frowns, or lifts his eyebrows high enough.

Despite the pictures, Lucien isn’t really that pale at all. Instead he’s just... normal. In between. If you’re “tan” you’re tanner than he is, and if you’re “pale” it’s still the same thing. I suppose he is a bit on the fair side, but that’s only due to the fact that Lucien’s skin doesn’t tan, even after being sunburnt. As a result, his skin color is always it’s natural color and doesn’t fade out in the winter like a lot of people’s do.

Besides color, Lucien’s skin is really, really smooth. As in, suspiciously smooth. Once again, this is thanks to the time and energy he puts into taking care of his body. Except for his hands, of course. Those calluses are there for a reason.

Well, Lucien is attacked pretty regularly, so of course those are going to leave their mark. They’re not immediately noticeable, but he sure has a lot of them. For example, there’s the gash on his chest where he once broke his collarbone, and then there’s the jagged scar running behind his ear from that one time where that one kid almost ripped it off.... It would take too much time to list all of them; there’s too many, and they blend in too well to find easily. Though, if you find just one, the others will become immediately obvious.

Lucien is by no means built like the Hulk, but you probably wouldn’t want to take him in a fight without some kind of combat experience. You couldn’t tell just by giving him a once-over, but Lucien is strong and has the muscle to back it up. However, since he was more focused on building up speed rather than strength, most of those muscles are just the results up from cardio workouts (aka playing sports and extensively running around all over the place). But, luckily, Lucien is super tall (at least six feet) so they’re spread out pretty evenly and end up working well with his angular and somewhat delicate features and body type.

Although capable, I just feel the need to add that unless he’s being attacked, Lucien’s going to the the first one to hit the dust running.

Lucien is definitely dressed to impress... himself. Honestly, his fashion sense is kooky and just plain weird, with influences from his rebel outcast friends. The necklines of his clothing are either ridiculously high (i.e. turtlenecks and so on) or so low they show off his collarbones and slip over his shoulders. It’s easy to tell right off the bat that Lucien favors anything black, but if it’s not mellow then it’s going to be incredibly flashy. After a while, it’s also pretty easy to tell that Lucien really, really likes boots. This is because they’re both secure and comfortable, and that anything he kicks while wearing them is probably going to break.

Though most likely streamlined, any clothing he wears is likely to give off the woah-where-did-he-even-find-that vibe. Despite (or perhaps because) of this, Lucien is the kind of person that can pull off practically any outfit. This has more to do with his personality than anything, though.

His clothing, though strange in design, are actually fairly lacking in the accessory department. Lucien doesn’t really like to jingle, or have a whole ton of things hanging off of him. His sunglasses count?

Unfortunately, useful things such as tazors and pepper-spray don’t exist in a world that has no concept of self-defense, but Lucien would definitely have both if he could. However, he did find an antique U.S. Marine Raider stiletto knife hidden amongst the things in the attic. At first Lucien didn’t really know what to do with it, but he eventually discovered he could wear the sheath on his belt, or clip it to the inside of a boot. It doesn’t have much practical purpose, however, and is purely a combat weapon. Thanks to his living situation, it’s seen quite a few fights, and Lucien’s used it whenever there was nothing immediately obvious on hand.


“I guess you could call me a professional survivor, considering I do it for a living. Ha.”
Natural Skills
| Natural Stealth |
| People Person |
| Dead-on Instincts |

Learned Skills
| Survival |
| Combat Ability |
| Physical Fitness |
| Not Caring |

| Developing Meaningful Relationships |
| Questionable Mental Stability |
| Rarely Takes Anything Seriously |
| Doesn’t Follow Orders/ Rebellious |
| Has A Hard Time Blending In |


“I guess I kind of wonder how much of Him I have in me. Before, it’s never been a problem, but now....”
✯Constant Stimulation- Whenever Lucien has a lot of energy, he always has to be doing something, or moving around. It could be as slight as tapping a finger, or as dramatic as doing jumping jacks while simultaneously bouncing from wall to wall.

✯Extreme Paranoia- When Lucien is in an unfamiliar situation, he acts like he’s a character in a first person survival horror game. He’s not going to be the one to go ‘check out that hallway’ or the one who wants to ‘just go over here for a second’. Heck. No. Lucien will probably be jumping and screaming at every sound, slashing and punching when something brushes against him; you name it. But even in normal life, Lucien’s always pretty wary and suspicious. He does an awful lot of weird stuff “just in case”.

✯Flinching- Lucien will flinch or jump whenever someone unexpectedly touches him. Even if he sees it coming, if the person doesn’t warn him in advance his body is just going to naturally tense up. Of course, he doesn’t really mind it when people touch him (as long as he knows how they are).

✯Touching People- Ironically, though, Lucien touches people all the time. It’s not even something he consciously decides to do, it just happens. He’ll be humming and thinking about something, and when Lucien finally snaps back to reality, his hand as somehow worked it’s way into someone’s hair, or he’ll find that he’s been fiddling with someone’s fingers the entire time. Then, depending on how well he knows the person, Lucien will either have a oh-shit-how-did-that-happen moment, or it still won’t really register and he’ll just keep doing it.

Lucien likes a lot of things. As you can tell, he’s pretty easy to please.

☑Magic Tricks
☑Ice Cream
☑Breaking Things
☑Difficult People
☑Crazy Clothing
☑His Hair
☑Other People’s Hair
☑Playing Games
☑Oriental Food
☑Feats of Human Strength
☑Letting Loose
☑Nice People
☑Being Over-dramatic
☑Messing With People
☑Running Around
☑Listening To Others
☑Staying Alive
☑His Family
☑Trying To Eat Things Using The Wrong Utensils
☑Cool Breezes
☑Anything Sour
☑Anything Sweet
☑Cute Boys
☑Cute Girls
☑Cute Old People
☑Unusual Personalities
☑Getting Along With Others

On the other hand, there isn’t many things Lucien dislikes, rather, he instead hates things.

☒People Who Conform To Society
☒Being Called Crazy
☒People Who Make False Assumptions

✖Death- Not so much because Lucien's afraid of no longer existing, but if he died, it would be like his entire effort of staying alive would go to waste.

✖Naked People- He doesn't know why, but Lucien's never really had to deal with people being... naked. He's always been a little crazy, but the thought of undressing in front of others, or others undressing in front of him, just kind of makes him uncomfortable. It's like an instant ‘off' switch; Lucien will stop whatever he's doing and slowly freeze up.

✖Weird People- Anybody who acts crazier or weirder than he is, well, really weird. It’s alarming. And strange. And reminds Lucien of where he came from.

✖Being Called Out- Though he’s wary of crazy/weird people, Lucien is terribly afraid of having his own craziness/weirdness called out. He’s had to deal with that for most of his life, and managed to get past it by dismissing them as claims made by fake people. But if accused by real people, well, that just means that all of those fakers were right, huh? All of them. Everything they said. Lucien is a freak, he’s not normal, and he doesn’t have the right to exist. Even if it’s jokingly and he knows it, any sort of insinuation that he’s messed up or strange will be suitable reason for a mental breakdown.

The first thing to know about Lucien is that he grew up as a social outcast. After years and years of defying public opinion and enduring the scorn of his peers, Lucien eventually reached a point where he just sort of shed his ties with society and achieved total social immunity. Everything he does, he does it because he wants to. Not for the thrill of rebellion, not to bother people; not for anything or anyone besides himself. All of his actions come from Lucien.

But, that doesn’t prevent Lucien from having received his share of social stigma. Like the people he grew up surrounded by, Lucien has practically no sense of “morality”. Sure, he doesn’t like death or killing or hurting things, but not in the sense that it’s inhumane or “wrong”. He just... doesn’t like those kind of things. Likewise, Lucien is friendly and sympathetic, not because it’s the “right” thing to do; simply because that’s the way he’s naturally inclined to behave. It’s simply coincidental that Lucien was born walking the “right” side of the path.

However... the lack of social and moral constraints actually kind of make Lucien an artificial sociopath.

But Lucien isn't sociopathic- far from it, in fact. Though he can be rather charming, he does have a hard time forming relationships with people, and he is more spontaneous and intense than others... Lucien has an instinctive, empathic feel for understanding fellow humans. His interactions with people are almost on a purely intuitive level. Lucien rarely makes any conscious decision-making about what to say or do, he just acts. This alone should take him out of the sociopathic running, but it doesn’t stop there. Lucien pretty much never really lies. The importance he places in other people’s opinions runs only skin deep- he’s not ashamed of himself or anything he’s done. Lucien has nothing to hide, so there’s no reason to lie. Sometimes Lucien does lie, though, but when he does it’s only when he’s also deceiving himself in the process, or makes it extremely obvious that he’s not telling the truth.

So while he’s not a sociopath, Lucien’s mother has diagnosed him with cyclothymia, or cyclothymic disorder. It’s nothing too serious; cyclothymia is a type of chronic mood disorder that’s a step down from bipolar disorder. Lucien isn’t crazy or anything, most of the time he’s pretty mellow. Sure, he has sociopathic tendencies, but normally Lucien is actually kind of cute the way he cheerfully bounces from place to place. It’s a little weird coming from a guy his size, but it works with his already kooky personality. However, there’s times when Lucien’s mood just... swings.

One second he’ll be bubbly and over-enthusiastic, then the next he’ll be crumpled against the nearest wall like a smashed moth. For weeks on end Lucien will drag himself about, pondering his meaningless existence. Friendliness? Sympathy? What are those things? Lucien transforms into a dark cloud of pessimism, self-criticism, and insomnia; reinforced by social withdrawals and an occasional quick temper.

But then the clouds clear away, and the goddamn sun of all that’s bright and cheerful descends upon whomever is unfortunate enough to be in range. Heck, it doesn’t matter if they’re in range or not, because suddenly everything is possible! “Hypomania” is a state of increased productivity and he’ll be very goal oriented for a few weeks. Lucien’s thoughts begin to race, and suddenly he’s overwhelmed by an excess of available energy. Hypomania is often associated with exceptionally creative, outgoing, and high-functioning behavior. This is actually a good thing... unless something sets Lucien off. There's also a marked increase in irritability, and high risk behaviors. There may be an opportunity to see Lucien do some pretty crazy stuff if he starts heading in that direction.

And then Lucien returns to his ditzy, carefree self, and the cycle will start all over again in about a month. He's currently nearing the end of his depressed mood.

Besides all of this, there are a few other points about Lucien's personality that should probably be mentioned. In his normal state, Lucien will be friendly, seemingly naive, and somewhat cutesy/feminine. But... it's like there's this vaguely sinister vibe lurking somewhere in the background. Thanks to his upbringing, Lucien's ability to not give a damn has given him the power to deal with almost any situation or person and skip away with his demeanor unruffled. It's literally nearly impossible for him to become offended or disturbed. Usually this just pisses people off even more, but hey. As previously stated, Lucien is somewhat sociopathic and probably won't care even if somebody tries (or even succeeds) to hurt him.


“I don’t care what other people say. My father was a good man, and my life was just as good.”
Significant Relationships
Just his family. Lucien’s “friends” were pretty much just people he hung out with.

❀Charles Damani/ “Dad”- Alive. A family man with a good reputation. Things aren’t always as they seem, however, and Charles actually has a lot of problems. After moving to the fantasy world, however, he’s been able to vent his ‘urges’ on fake people as opposed to real ones. Charles isn’t your run of the mill psychopath, however. He’s working on his issues and the fight with himself is an ongoing battle.

❀Eva Damani/ “Mom”- Alive. She’s a retired psychiatrist with a doctorate degree in psychology. She’s a little messed up too, but not in any way that’s a diagnosable problem. I guess you could say Eva is just weird. She’s your typical sadistic mom who loves to push her children to their limits, and actually keeps written records of how long it’s taken for them to crack under the pressure of embarrassment. She’s never been able to win against Rowen, however, so Lucien has been her focus for the most part. All around, Eva is a stay at home mom, and a strong willed woman. Eva was dating Charles before he ‘snapped’, and was actually the one who diagnosed him.

In regards to Lucien, Eva was probably the biggest influence in his life. She's the one who supported him while growing up, and who encouraged him to keep fighting and not care about the opinions of others. She was actually the original owner of Lucien’s knife, bringing from Earth as a family heirloom. Unlike Rowen, Eva was a little bit more experimental with raising Lucien, and as her youngest son, he fell victim to many of Eva’s personal indulgences. She'd drag him along to the beauty parlor, shopping sprees, and sat him down to watch romantic comedies with her. Eva regarded the fake people of the fantasy world with disdain, having no interest in things that weren't real. As such, Lucien was forced to take on the role of BFF and girlfriend.

❀Rowen Damani/ “Bro”- Alive. Probably one of the nicest people to exist, ever. Rowen is totally and completely altruistic, in an easy going manner that doesn’t expect others to be the same. Extremely pleasant and friendly, he has all of the good karma. Thanks to all of his good mojo, Rowen has been able to casually sidestep pretty much every single plan his mother has concocted against him. Plus, he’s just so nice nobody’s ever really wanted to kill or otherwise harm him. Rowen is ten years older than Lucien, and works as a chef in the diner downtown.

Lucien respects his older brother more than anything, and when he was growing up, Rowen slowly became his best friend as well as older brother. He was an important positive influence, and provided protection for Lucien when he was too little to know what was going on.

Just what you think might come up/be important. We can always add/edit later on.


So begins...

Lucien Damani's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana
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Sagira Massari

It was a fun exercise, imagining what the city was like when people still lived there. Sagira would climb old fire escapes, when she had the time, to the highest points she could get to and check out the view. The shadows avoided the higher up places, mostly, preferring the ground for its cover and victims. The dream-walkers never thought to climb, never thought to look around when there was a different world waiting for them just beyond the trees. And the shadows didn’t go anywhere the humans didn’t. They didn’t care about anything like a view.

Supply trips had become less about goals and more about keeping her sanity, now that her mother was gone. What once took two days now took five, just because a person could only stay alone in a house for so long before even the bright colors of the walls became suffocating. She knew she couldn’t stay there forever, on her own like that. But the prospect of abandoning what her mother had so gingerly cared for was
 not something she wanted to worry on just yet.

So when she found everything she was going to find, Sagira would stash it away in the secret places only she knew, and she would climb. She would feel the wind in her hair, listen to the tinkering of her jewelry as the only real sound around her, and imagine people on those empty streets. Talking to one another, getting dinner together, even ignoring each other, but no less present. No less a part of something greater. A humanity that existed together, for better or for worse. The girl craved to be part of something like that. At the very least, she wanted to know what the world had looked like when people actually cared about one another. She could hardly imagine it. She barely even knew what other people were like, barely having talked to any outside of her mom. An understanding of humanity eluded her, but oh if she didn’t want to learn.

It was during one of these trips to the various perches she had deemed as safe that she saw them. At first, Sagira had actually thought she’d lost it. Heart pounding in her chest, she hastened her climb to get to the top, using empty window frames for purchase to haul herself up when the fire escape became too rusted for safe travel. She practically threw herself over the edge of the wall on the roof, landing with a thud against the cement, and wasted no time in picking herself up and rushing to a better place to get a good look. And they were still there.

She nearly dropped her binoculars in her haste to pull them out of her backpack. People. Actual people, in living color. Sagira knew immediately they were dream-walkers, they all had a look about them that the people of Earth didn’t, but they didn’t appear as dazed, as apathetic as the usual. They looked like they were wandering, searching, even. And she’d never in her entire life seen so many of them at one time. She practically started bouncing in place she was so excited.

Then, faintly, she heard one of them shout to the other smaller group. ”Library! Books!” Sagira’s excitement faded a bit. The Library? That’s where they were headed? So, they were leaving after all, simply headed for another fantasy world. Still, this was the biggest group she’d ever seen, and they would be too good for the shadows to resist.

Getting to the library from the rooftops wasn’t hard, but you couldn’t get inside it that way, and anyway she could see even from far away that not all the people in the group would be strong enough to climb up the buildings without help. So that wasn’t an option for them. If ever there was a time to activate her “safety protocols”, it was now. With decisive nod to herself, Sagira snapped her binoculars together and put them away, securing her bag for another trip.

Making her way across the buildings, either via connected rooftops or rigs she’d built herself, she finally arrived at what she’d fondly dubbed her “Master Genius HQ”, the roof just behind the library. She had to pause for a moment and catch her breath when she got there after climbing so damn fast, then she rushed to check on her little party, as she already considered them to be. Still all alive, and still heading for the library. Awesome.

She rushed back over to check her crude-but-hopefully-effective-invention. They didn’t look like much to the casual outsider; a series of chords that stretched from various points on the roof, over to two worn looking stone pots next to the doors of the library. It had been a bitch setting it all up, and she’d nearly been swallowed by the shadows twice in the process. This was only going to work once, and after that it was doubtful she’d ever get a chance to set it up again without dying, let alone find all the supplies she’d need. She was sure she was crazy for doing this for strangers. But this was seven whole people, and even if they were dream-walkers, she couldn’t let the shadows take them. She wouldn’t.

She pulled her lighter out of her pocket and grinned at the thing. “Alright Kiara, it’s our time to shine,” she told it seriously, and with that she either did the dumbest or the coolest thing she’d ever done. Probably both. She liked to think it was both.
Running quickly to make sure they all lit up relatively close to one another, Sagira held the flame to the chords and watched them burn. The spread of the fire along the length of them was rapid, aided by accelerator, and reached the end before they burned through and snapped, one by one chords raining down onto the ground. One of them snapped prematurely and she had to grab it before it fell, burning her hand in the process, but it was a small price to pray.

The moment the fire touched the stone pots, they erupted into bright flame. She’d filled them with tons of burn-y stuff, during one of the few days of the year when the sun was bright enough the shadows slunk back to the darker places. She’d had to wait for days, but she just knew something like that would come in handy someday, considering the library was their favorite hangout spot. She’d been right.

Nothing freaked shadows worse than fire. It was light, and warmth, and beauty, three things they hated. It wouldn’t kill them, anymore than anything else, but it did send them running for a small amount of time. And the moment those stone basins lit, emanating the most light the city had to offer all in one place at one moment, the little buggers fled like the ethereal scum-suckers they were. Better yet, she was sure her little party could see it even from their distance, considering how dark the city was. Even just flickers, but she had to believe they could see them and know that, even for a moment, they were safe. Maybe then they’d believe Earth wasn’t always so bad, and that would be a great bonus.

The group didn’t have a lot of time. It wasn’t a permanent fix, and Sagira knew a storm was coming. The moment the rain started, her little setup would wash away. Luckily the city was a quiet place, and her voice echoed. So, leaning against the wall of the roof, she cupped her hands to her mouth, took a breath and screamed in the loudest voice she could muster, “THAT’S YOUR CUE TO RUN!”

She knew it was stupid, but if they all made it the library, she’d be so happy she wouldn’t know what to do with herself. She didn’t have time to dwell on it, though. She’d just drawn attention to herself. The shadows were brainless creatures, so they’d forget eventually, but for the moment her rooftops were no longer safe places. She turned away to make her descent and do some running herself, but she couldn’t stop the grin on her face that not only had her contraption work, it had been useful. It was the best she’d felt in months.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana Character Portrait: Nayu Lati
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Lucien Damani


It was freezing. Though Lucien had bundled up, as per his usual style, the cold managed to locate all of his apparel’s weak points. Icy fingers crept down his turtleneck, brushing against jaw and cheekbone. The few centimeters of space between leather glove and trenchcoat.

But Lucien didn’t particularly mind. Though the steadily increasing winds blew his bangs from his eyes and tugged at the belt of his coat, to Lucien it only served as a reminder that he wasn’t as alone as he’d like to think. Stepping silently as ever in rubber-soled jumper boots, the whooshing that filled his ears offered some distraction from the sheer emptiness that followed him whenever he traveled alone like this.

‘Manically depressed’. The term lingered in the back of the eighteen year old’s mind, but it didn’t have much of an impact on his dull, static-ridden thought processes. When the internal weight has hit him two weeks ago, Lucien had tried to remind himself that this mental state was simply a thing that had to happen, but with little success. It didn’t take very long before he quit fighting it and instead began to invest what little energy he had towards enduring.

He hadn’t slept last night. Or the night before. Blank, meaningless stretches of time spent staring at the ceiling of his surburban lair. It would probably be best if he tried again at Micah’s place. With a hurricane coming, it would probably be a smart idea to do so anyways. Though Lucien had been wondering if some group interaction might take his mind off things, everyone had separated to go gather supplies before the storm hit. Alone at home, alone in a group. Not much of a difference. Lucien was by himself either way.

Though Lucien kept habitual awareness of his surroundings, he wasn’t too worried about encountering Shadows. Whether it was because of his natural stealth or perhaps even his already damaged mind, they never seemed to be as attracted to Lucien as they were to the others. It wasn’t that big of a difference, not enough to make him safer, but just enough to be noticed. However, when he was depressed the Shadows rarely appeared before him. He was too lifeless, lacking the warmth and creativity that drew them to humans. Which was good, in a way, because Lucien might not be able to bring himself to run if such a situation were ever to occur. Though the thought may be strange to some, utter insanity was less of a motivator than death. Lucien didn’t care about living. As long as his heart was beating, even if he was frothing at the mouth and attacking people, as long as he was not dead, Lucien was fine.

Or, at least as fine as a manically depressed person can be.

Gloved fingers loosely hooked in the handle of his water jug (his offering to the anti-hurricane supplies), Lucien proceeded with his mission to find someone else in his group. He hadn’t been paying attention when they decided on a meeting place, or more likely he had but forgot. Failing memory was one of the many benefits of Lucien’s current mood frame. But in any case, if Lucien ever managed to locate another human being in this vast, desolate city, he would prefer the human to be Micah. The new one... Elara... though sweet, was likely to be as lost as he, and Nadezda seemed to be a magnet for trouble. Micah was not only the most reliable, but was also the only one who knew about the cyclothymia.

As Lucien turned a corner, his purple eyes were assaulted with bursts of color in the distance. Black, brown, and mint instantly marked out his companions, but who were those people beyond them? A pink haired human was shouting something about books, and a library.

Ah. The unfamiliar humans were seeking a fantasy world. It would be tough. The areas around places of creativity were always infested with Shadows. Though there was a library close by, a wiser choice would be to find a privately owned residence, and look through the books and paintings available there. Fewer options, but it would be preferable to insanity at any rate.

Being closer to the said library than he was to the group, Lucien automatically gave the building a look over and was surprised, to say the least, by the more color. A browned girl traveled from roof to roof with alarming speed, quickly landing atop of the library. If he had been in the mood, at this point Lucien’s eyebrows would be closer to his hairline. She appeared to be fiddling around with some unseen device, but to what end?

Then the top of the library caught on fire.

As soon as he saw the first Shadow flee, Lucien knew exactly what she was doing. The girl must have heard the pink-haired human as well, and known that a distraction would be needed for any safe entry to the building. Clever.


Lucien’s heart jumped, and survival instincts took over. If someone tells you to run, you sprint. The eighteen year old sprung forward, veins awash with adrenaline and rubber soled boots creating more than enough friction for needed speed. Though the area around the library would be cleared of Shadows, that meant that everywhere else would soon have the opposite happen. Therefore, the library was the safest place to be at the moment.

The girl finished her descent just as Lucien was racing by. Without pause or thought, his free arm flashed out, gloved hand latching onto her wrist. Pulling the unfamiliar human behind him, Lucien rounded the library’s corner, turned his head and shouted for the first time in a while. “Micah! Get the girls in here!”

Lucien bounded up the stone steps two at a time, yanking open the handle without any thought to whether it was locked or not. But luckily it wasn’t, and the two refugees sprinted inside without any major problems.

Though the ones that were farther away might have greater difficulty.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin
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0.00 INK

Micah Volfkin

Blow me down, a blaze!

“There are Shadders
 Micah, Nezzy and the sky
 is angry
,” Ely said, approaching Micah and Nazzy. Although he felt a slight tension between Nazzy and Ely, he knew that both of them could appreciate each others’ value. Despite their individual uniqueness, both of the girls resembled each to some extent. "You saw them too?" Nazzy questioned, a frown dominating her face, now. "Are you okay then? Did they get to you at all?" She'd begun to grab for girls arms, at which point Micah opted to pop out of the situation to let the girls do girl things.

Micah’s disassociation was erupted with a loud "Library!" The damn strangers! "Books!" The sea-dog scratched his head in dissatisfaction, wishing to avoid the traffic-ridden library at all costs. And the strangers. And the shadders. And the impending storm – a Hurricane, if Micah’s nose was right. For a moment, Micah flipped his heel back to his intended path and began wal – only to be interrupted by the sweet, green-haired girl.

"Do we...want to follow them, perhaps?" Nazzy stumbled to ask. "I mean, maybe, it might be a good idea. Libraries tend to be old buildings--that is, um, they're often foundation pieces to a town and, well, they tend to be built with the intent of lasting through the ages. If anything in this town could hold up against a hurricane, I think that might be our best bet, if--if you all think so too, that is." She'd avoided eye contact the entire time she spoke, gaze downcast to rest squarely on their chins. Micah hated that. He HATED not keeping eye contact. Can’t trust no dog that can’t see ya’ eye to eye. Ain’t got nothing but a knife for your back! But Nazzy wasn’t a dog. She was a girl. A girl! Not just a female, but a young woman yet to reach adulthood. Still in her prime. Micah knew to trust her. Micah trusted her more than he trusted himself.

He hadn’t much time to register her request, however, when a bright flash atop the library took flame. “THAT’S YOUR CUE TO RUN!” the group had heard from the roof of the library. He had less than a moment to react; shadders began swarming from all around the city, he felt it. Nazzy and Ely had seemed to run ahead of him when he heard Lucy’s voice shout “Micah! Get the girls in here!” Micah thought to himself, Dammit, that boy’s voice is gonna get me my guts cut someday.

Micah had blackened out, though he had only to assume that he ran ahead and lead the girls into the Library. As to why and how he now found his feet plainly planted in the middle of a library lobby, he wasn’t sure. The girls were there, including an unfamiliar yet friendly face, and of course Lucy. He offered Lucy a hug, opening his arms and staring at the other boy’s face with despair. Despair? Micah never felt despair. Indeed, sometimes he was the only one in the group that COULDN’T feel despair. Why on Earth had Lucy’s face forced an eruption of emotion and puppy-dog whimpering was beyond Micah.

”Alright, ladies, ‘seems we’re in here for the vespers. We might as well make the best of it. Introductions will have to be made when we have a more established nest, a’ight? Commands were Micah’s only way to cope in stressful situation. It was a characteristic he picked up in his fantasy, back when his crew and his ship were all he had and he had them well. His commands, however, were interrupted when the bright-colored strangers broke through the front door.

He took one look at them, and felt a new, resounding responsibility to an even larger group. A white-haired boy, an azure-haired boy and a pink-haired boy. Not that the hair bothered him at this point. Pink? He was already used to that with Lucy. Blue? Perfect! Reminded Micah of the endless seas. White? Means the boy wasn’t a shadder. All three looked unkempt, tense and not so friendly. At least they were all pretty cute looking. Damn my sea snake in the middle of a storm! Micah said to himself.

Taking a moment to breathe, he motioned for the three new boys to come closer to his growing group of pups. Without waiting for acknowledgement, he shouted loudly, ”We need to find ourselves a room that seems safe from shadders. This room is fine f’r now, but soon the outside will be crawlin’ with the creatures and they’ll see right through this glass. I ain’t lookin’ f’r heroes or martyrs, so we’re not splittin’ up. If you don’t want in, then stay here. But I’m gonna be lookin’ to make a fire, eat something, pass out and kiss somebody. Not exactly in that order. Come with me, we’ll cut through the belly of the beast. If not, have fun playing ‘buccaneer’s bet’ by yourself. Any questions?” With that he waited for questions and then motioned to whoever to follow him.

He went into the closest hallway and started down to find a set of double doors – they were oak, boring and exhausting. He tapped three times, out of habit, and broke them ajar. His knife drawn, Micah breached through the darkness of a large auditorium, possibly once a lecture hall. ”No shadders. Lucy, hand me that-” his words broke, finding himself falling on the floor and blacking out.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana
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0.00 INK

#, as written by H3R0
Robin Locke

Biting his tongue, Robin continued to look from Raven to Nayu, then to the group in the distance. Were they real? Or were they fictional characters stuck in some sort of plot going blindly along with him just for the sake of doing so? It was disturbing to think that they might be fake. "Oh hell no. If you are thinking of using me as Shadow distraction bait, that's never happening again. Never. Never in a million lightyears." He jumped subconsciously and cursed himself for doing so. Oh, idiot. He shot a glare at the shortest of the three of them as if it was his fault for surprising him with words and sound. For a moment, Robin almost didn't understand what'd been said to him until he remembered the initial situation. Right. Library. Right. If they got there and got inside, then he'd know whether or not this was the real world and whether or not these were real people. "No bait-type ideas, unless you wanna take the reigns."

Nayu walked on with long strides that lead him ahead of them, further than either Robin or Raven seemed to be able to keep up with. Robin never realized how competitional and inferior he could feel until he met this guy, and now all he wanted to do was show him up. He was sure if a Genie were to appear before him, he would wish for stalks for legs and rocks for muscles so he could laugh and stomp around and crush Nayu's idiotic self right into the ground. Maybe kick him across the city like a football. That'd show him. It might kill him too. But whatever murder is always legal in the confines of the mind.

“I was fine with making some noise and you two darting in, but throwing you to the Shadows so you shut the fuck up, because I don’t care what you don’t like. I don’t like you, and do I voice it? Yeah. How often do I say it? All the fucking time but is that the point? No. the point is for you to not talk about things you don’t like because it would make me feel better if I didn’t have to hear your voice.” At least there's no competition in intelligence, Robin thought egotistically. That was one thing he was absolutely sure of. There was no doubt that he was definitely smarter than Nayu could ever be. “Besides, look. Some idiot is on the roof. How great. This is great. I hope she fucking dies.”

What? Robin looked up, half-expecting to find nothing there at all, but his eyes widened when he did see a girl, just a blurry spec from the distance (maybe it wasn't really all that far away, but he really did need to consider getting glasses. As if that was ever going to happen. Nayu didn't need glasses, so why should he?). There were Shadows lingering around. Maybe that was her reason for being all the way up there in the first place? He squinted, trying to get a better view. Suddenly, a spark flew off and a bright, heated light consumed his area of vision. Fire?! “THAT’S YOUR CUE TO RUN!”

RUN? Why would they RUN? Where were they running towards? Why should he trust this girl who just set fire to the area? Was it a controlled fire? Was the building on fire? Sure, the Shadows were gone, but-- “Oh my fucking god I will leave you two standing there and gawking I swear it on my mother’s grave.” Robin blinked. “Fucking run you idiots!” Nayu took off before he could even ask why and that was when he decided he couldn't stand there thinking about it because if Nayu thought it was a good idea to run off into the library, then so did he. Robin grabbed Raven by the hand and pulled him along with him, panting and wheezing when they finally did get to the library, which turned out to be much safer than he originally though.

"Oh dear god, I'm dying." Physical activities were not his thing. He almost missed being crammed up in that technological anomoly floating around the false-Earth his old, long-lost fantasy world. He never had to do much physical stuff there. He just had to think his way out of situation. Way easier.

”We need to find ourselves a room that seems safe from shadders. This room is fine f’r now, but soon the outside will be crawlin’ with the creatures and they’ll see right through this glass. I ain’t lookin’ f’r heroes or martyrs, so we’re not splittin’ up. If you don’t want in, then stay here. But I’m gonna be lookin’ to make a fire, eat something, pass out and kiss somebody. Not exactly in that order. Come with me, we’ll cut through the belly of the beast. If not, have fun playing ‘buccaneer’s bet’ by yourself. Any questions?” Robin pushed aside his half a heart attack to send the male a look of annoyance, although it only hit his back as he meandered down the hall. And who put Mr. Seasalt in charge? He followed, although he would rather say it was because it was the only way in. ”No shadders. Lucy, hand me that-”

Robin stopped and stared, blank in the face, at the man laying on the ground. He nudged him with his foot before sighing, as if this was all just one huge inconvenience for him. "Great." He looked at the other unfamiliar faces, those who weren't Nayu or Raven. "Was he really that important or is he an option we can leave behind?" His eyes scrolled over the others and stopped on the dark-skinned, bright-eyed female who most certainly stuck out the most from them all. Whatever rude comment he'd had coming next dried in his throat and he pushed his way forward, caring little about the man on the ground.

He wandered through the room, noting the large television that seemed to of been dragged forcibly off the wall at some point and pulled to the center of the room. The tables and chairs were pushed carelessly against the walls and the movies stacked around the television seemed to be the only tidy thing. He didn't care so much for movies, though, and television shows were no longer existent with nobody around to broadcast them. Any shows had to be in the form of movies. "Where are the books?" He almost pouted. Books were the only things that mattered. He needed to see if this world was the real one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana
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0.00 INK

Sagira Massari

Sagira barely made it out of the building before her wrist was snatched, nearly causing her to lose her footing from the force of the abrupt tug. It didn’t scare her or anything; shadows didn’t grab, they just invaded. But it was definitely a surprise, and the girl’s eyes widened even as she began sprinting behind her snatcher without really questioning it. She’d never seen dream-walkers act like that before, though. More importantly, it was literally the first human contact she’d ever had outside her mother. Despite the adrenaline pumping situation, she took the time to notice the warmth of the person’s hand around her wrist. To him it was probably instinct, but to her, it was a connection. Brief, but it was there and it was amazing.

"Hi!" she called to him with a grin, but it wasn't like they really had time for an actual conversation.

When they got inside the library, she was pleased to find the others weren’t far behind. She’d never been inside the building before, for various reasons, but it was clearly better maintained on the inside than the out. It kinda reminded her of herself, she felt. She counted heads even as people talked around her, letting out a sigh of relief when she finally reached seven. Seven whole people, standing around her all at once. Wow.

The person let go of her wrist once they were inside, but she was too busy drinking in the sight of all these humans to really mourn the loss. Some of them were even male, as far as she could tell. She’d spoken to a boy here and there during her life, but never for any great length of time and they were always a little zoned out. Or possessed, on occasion.

There were two other girls, but they were both small in comparison to her. Actually, almost all of them looked kinda small compared to her, either in height or muscle mass or both. She also noticed they were all light-skinned, which was something she wasn’t used to. The differences between her and them practically had her quivering with excitement. Real, honest people right in front of her! She couldn’t get over it. That was way more interesting than the giant screen she had never seen before or the tables and chairs littered around her. They all looked so serious and nervous, but to be truthful all Sagira wanted to do was break out into a big grin.

She nearly did, too, until the guy who’d been talking from earlier abruptly passed out on the floor. No time to ask the person who’d dragged her inside who he was, then (or possibly she, it was kind of hard for Sagira to tell). She quickly went over to the unconscious boy and dropped to her knees, her fingers expertly brushing over the pulse point on his neck and pressing down. She had obviously done this before. She let out another relieved sigh, then smiled up at the first person whose gaze she caught.

“He’s alright. Probably just a little dehydrated,” she assured them, though none of them looked particularly concerned. In fact, one of the boys had stepped right over him, content to leave him behind on a search for books. She stood up, figuring if she needed to lift him she could, but there was a chance he’d wake up quickly and they were relatively safe for the moment. The rain hadn’t started yet.

Sagira opened her mouth to speak again, and then abruptly shut it as she looked around her, bashfulness clear as day on her face. It was one thing to say a sentence or two, but she was about to have a real conversation with actual people and what if she screwed it up?! Who knew when she’d get this kinda opportunity again?! If they were looking for books, then that meant they didn’t have any intention of staying on Earth. She’d be back to being alone again soon, and the quicker she messed it all up, the quicker that would happen.

Taking a deep breath, Sagira started again. “I know this is probably not the best time because of the book search thing, but I’m glad you guys are all safe! And sorry if the fire startled you, shadows have a thing about fire and I built that rig forever ago so I figured, hey, these guys obviously have a plan and I can help, sooo why not?” Was she talking too much? Was that a dumb thing to say? Oh man, talking was nerve-wracking. Better stick to business.

“Um. Anyway. The lower floors should be safe for a while, while you look for your books. Shadows don’t have memories the way you and I do. They saw me on the roof, and when the fire goes out, the upper floors are where they’ll go, if they even get into the building at all, which almost never happens cuz honestly they’re pretty dumb. They won’t move back to the lower ones until they remember there’s more prey on the ground, but you all should be out of here by the time that happens so don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t go back outside again, though. ” In fact, she realized, she was even more stuck than they were. Oh well.

Rocking back onto her heels as a method of containing herself, she kept all the burning questions she had for them locked away in her chest, making it feel like it was about to burst. “Um
 now that that guy isn’t awake, do we still have to wait for introductions or can I learn everyone’s name?” she asked finally, unable to stop it from slipping but, names! How could she wait for their names?!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana
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0.00 INK

Raven Blanc

Nayu walked ahead and Raven sighed. It was tough work being part of a team which only formed because of their mutual dislike towards most things, including each other. “I was fine with making some noise and you two darting in, but throwing you to the Shadows so you shut the fuck up, because I don’t care what you don’t like. I don’t like you, and do I voice it? Yeah. How often do I say it? All the fucking time but is that the point? No. the point is for you to not talk about things you don’t like because it would make me feel better if I didn’t have to hear your voice.” Raven just rolled his eyes. Well, what did he have to say? Quite a lot, but it was all rather rude and included numbers. Something Nayu had told him at some point in the past not to ramble on about. “Besides, look. Some idiot is on the roof. How great. This is great. I hope she fucking dies.”

Wait, what? Raven glanced up and saw some chick standing on the roof. This literally made no sense whatsoever. “THAT’S YOUR CUE TO RUN!” Fire. Fire?! I did not expect this to happen at all. Not even 0.1%. Or 0.000001%, or 0.0000000000000000- Seriously, what? Raven just paused as he looked around, trying to see if anyone was even half as confused as he. Nayu seemed to have a quick grasp on the situation. How?! “Oh my fucking god I will leave you two standing there and gawking I swear it on my mother’s grave.” Raven sighed. If you're gonna leave us, why comment on it?Nayu “Fucking run you idiots!” Nayu ran and Robin ran and for some ridiculously stupid reason, he was running too. Raven looked down at his hand. Ah, that explains a lot. Would have been seriously weird if I'd just started running without even thinking about it first, as well as highly improbable.

"Oh dear god, I'm dying." Robin said, basically wheezing. Raven patted him on the shoulder, breathing heavily himself. Oh man, we need more exercise.

He turned at the sound of a voice. ”We need to find ourselves a room that seems safe from shadders. This room is fine f’r now, but soon the outside will be crawlin’ with the creatures and they’ll see right through this glass. I ain’t lookin’ f’r heroes or martyrs, so we’re not splittin’ up. If you don’t want in, then stay here. But I’m gonna be lookin’ to make a fire, eat something, pass out and kiss somebody. Not exactly in that order. Come with me, we’ll cut through the belly of the beast. If not, have fun playing ‘buccaneer’s bet’ by yourself. Any questions?” Shadders? The lack of proper grammar makes be feel slightly disturbed. ”No shadders. Lucy, hand me that-”

And there he goes. Raven didn't even so much as bat an eye. He just watched him, on the ground, just sort of lying there like a lemon. Now that he'd passed out, did that mean he was going to wake up and make his fire, eat and kiss someone? Is that how it works? "Great. Was he really that important or is he an option we can leave behind?" Raven groaned.

"Seriously? For these people, leaving this seabiscuit has about a 23.9118% chance of actually ending in success, which leaves them with a 76.0882% chance of failure, which is basically how it is for us but with the added factor of an extra person, and also there's the fact that-" Raven cut himself off for no reason, staring blankly at nothing in particular. He only fazed back into reality when the newest arrival began to speak.

“He’s alright. Probably just a little dehydrated,” Well, it still made no sense. Why would the seabiscuit be deprived of water? You'd think he basks in it. Raven didn't understand.

Robin began wandering and Raven turned to keep an eye on him. "Where are the books?" Well, 92.77 of the books in this library are gone. People burned them for warmth and to scare away Shadows. he thought, looking around stoically.

"Maybe we have to, you know, search for them. Like we do with everything."

The new girl was speaking again. “I know this is probably not the best time because of the book search thing, but I’m glad you guys are all safe! And sorry if the fire startled you, shadows have a thing about fire and I built that rig forever ago so I figured, hey, these guys obviously have a plan and I can help, sooo why not?” A plan? Well, that's a rather... wrong assumption. If anything, the man with the fire-eat-faint-kiss plan seemed to be the only one with an actual plan.

[i]“Um. Anyway. The lower floors should be safe for a while, while you look for your books. Shadows don’t have memories the way you and I do. They saw me on the roof, and when the fire goes out, the upper floors are where they’ll go, if they even get into the building at all, which almost never happens cuz honestly they’re pretty dumb. They won’t move back to the lower ones until they remember there’s more prey on the ground, but you all should be out of here by the time that happens so don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t go back outside again, though. ”
Oh hey, another person with a plan! Raven decided he didn't particularly dislike the new girl, since she had plans and he liked plans. Maybe he could make an attempt not to be a jerk to her. Maybe to the other people too.

Perhaps he could just be a jerk to Nayu and Robin. Not that he was too particularly involved in the two's arguments, considering he usually fights his part in his head.

 now that that guy isn’t awake, do we still have to wait for introductions or can I learn everyone’s name?”

Raven audibly groaned. And now it was time to reveal his ironic, ridiculous name. Oh woe, why did it always come to this? The moment of truth is nigh. Hopefully, he wouldn't go into more detail than he should. "It's... Well, I'm Raven." he paused, before suddenly blurting things out. "And yes, it's a really stupid and ironic name and I wish my parents had called me something like Dove and not Raven Noir but I was born with black hair so it kind of makes sense! Just... Don't comment on it." Raven practically lost his uncaring look and got one that was a lot more flustered than usual, which was basically how he had introduced himself to Nayu and Robin. RobiNayu. Sounds like a robot version of Nayu.

The white haired boy looked around, glancing at the other people. The other pink haired male, the short black haired female and Greenie over there. And then the guy on the floor and new girl, who hadn't introduced herself despite being the one asking for names.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana
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0.00 INK

Elara Nirvana


It was obvious that Elara didn’t really notice the small awkwardness between her and Nezzy. She always thought that she is nice – well, that counts for mostly everyone though – and honestly, she liked her laugh. She liked creepy things – craps, which aren’t normal – well, something like that. So she smiled. “I am very okay,” she said while volunteer showed her arms, but on that point, Nezzy already grabbed for it and took a very critical glance on her white skin. ‘Okay’ – another word that made her proud. She’d never heard about it until meeting other humans. Words like that was from the start something that her parents never taught her, they always used 'correct' words. However, she missed the point. She was not only ‘okay’, but she was overly happy. Though it was obvious seeing her never ending grin, just trying to verify things.

“See? I am okay, Nezzy. It was very entertaining, first time seeing Shadders! I don’t think they were scary though
,” she added while peaking to Micah, who didn’t say anything what made her wonder. Suddenly she heard unfamiliar voices from far away, what was also the time when she finally noticed the other group consist of those 3 male creatures with unusual hair colour. Pink and white – something that she didn’t found awkward though, having Nezzy and Lucy around.


That word made her listen closely. Where? There is a library? Elara loved books; generally, she loved to read, finding out many different things, though that made her not able to difference reality and fantasy. Well, not like it’s something that one should be able to in this kind of world. It was only as Nezzy pointed it out, that it should be somekind of an invitation. Elara respected Nezzy for realising that. With only two words, she understood! Nezzy is really someone ‘sharp’. “Let’s go
 Let’s go
 !,” Her small voice was pumped up with determination. Not having any time to wonder about her averting her eyes, she went ahead her brain like always and wanted to just go ahead and follow those 3 ahead as she noticed the grab of Nezzy was so tight, that she had to drag Nezzy with her – something she isn’t able to, obviously, so she stopped.

That was the time when she heard the anonymous yell from high above – and then she saw it. A flickering red above the roof of a building which threatening aura already could be sensed from far away. “Fire? Flame? Dancing Red?,” She muttered simply staring above, forgetting the warning to run. You could say that she was overwhelmed by the beauty of the red danger, as if wanting to grab for her and just took her inside, burning her into ashes. Honestly, she was pleased with that imagination thinking of her curiosity and her lack of experience in the real world. She was indeed aware of the dangers and hell, it couldn’t be the first time she saw a flame, how could they survive out here without having made a fire?, however, a fire in that amount was new. And that made her pupils dance with the melody of the dancing flames.

A familiar yell from a pink haired boy ended her trance and made her eyes concentrated on him. He stood not far away from them, a place that should be safe from the fire. Something that Elara won’t like, although it was Lucien. However, seeing Micah leading the way, she followed obediently nonetheless. Not forgetting to steal one last glance to the beautiful ocean of fire up there.

“Lucy!,” Elara squeaked as she spent him a smile. Although her disappointment was indeed very big, she couldn’t help to be pleased seeing his appearance. Somehow, it made her secure. Not having a time to hug him because of Micah, she let her eyes wander around the room where she was in. So many people – she recognized those three boys again, only one girl was unfamiliar. Wasn’t she the girl. “Fire girl?,” she asked with her slow and small voice beside Nezzy, which was almost not heard. So it would be likely for her not to hear her small question, which wasn’t really a question. She knew it was her and she liked her on the spot, not only because of her sighting her near the fire, also because her skin colour was difference. And as always, Elara really appreciated differences.

Micah was an admirable person, that’s for sure. He always knew to handle a situation; although this time certain people in the room seem not to be as pleased as her hearing his somekind of orders. She followed him, obviously. “Lucy, is that your family?,” It was an obvious question that someone like Elara should come up with seeing their familiar hair. Pink and Pink. “You both look familiar,” she explained well, if she saw only the hair. To make it even more clear, she pointed at the other pink haired boy there, who doesn’t really seem very happy with the whole situation. Something that Elara questioned.

Little was Elara’s worry about the whole ‘situation’. Honestly, she didn’t really think that they were in trouble. In the contrary, she was very happy having seen shadders and fire in such an amount for the first time of her life. Two things which could take ones life – a fact that she didn’t really understand yet.

However, seeing Micah suddenly collapse, she actually felt a slight hear attack. “Nezzy
. Lucy
 What is with Micah?,” she asked worried as she kneeled down as the other pink haired boy whose expression was pretty much annoyed. The words that he spoke was like a blade going through her small heart. “Someone like you
 should be called ‘nuts’
 and ‘irresponsible’. You’re
 definitely nothing like Lucy,” She said slightly raising her usual small voice. It was like always spoken in a slow pace, however, clear enough to hear and understand even for an idiot. It was definitely not and option to leave this man – it was an event that is unlikely to happen, having Nezzy and Lucy in this room.

Her eyes averted to the girl who is checking up Micah. The smile came back on her face. “He needs water, right?,” she asked as she took her small bottle of water and carelessly poured all of it above Micah’s face in the naïve thought of waking him up. Well, from the start, she doesn’t really think much at what she is doing.

Being releaved having done anything she could and being verified that it was nothing to be worried about by the girl from before she introduced herself: “Elara
 and you, Black Miss?,” It was something that didn’t meant to be an insult, Elara never had such black thoughts. She only say what she saw, and well, she saw her dark skin what was probably something the one notice the first seeing the female human in front of her.

“Micah,” She pointed to the brown haired guy in front as a sharp eye went into the direction of the boy who made felt dislike for the first time. “Someone who looks front and always ahead, having a flower grow out of his heart, with a black- blue touch and interesting words!,” It should be a praise and something like an introduction of his interesting traits and personality, though it is explained with her somehow artistic and unusual adjectives. ”Right, Right?,” To make her words give out even more impact to the people, she stared to the other two persons in the room who knew him. A stare that could only be satisfied with a strong and clear ‘you bet’ or something like that.

Then her attention went to the guy who just intoduced himself. Raven. Like the beautiful black bird. "I don't think that... it's a bad name. Black is.. a beautiful colour..., why did you change it... and how?," Her eyes grow bigger, showing her true wonder. Elara couldn't help to think that this boy is unusual -- and that made her somehow happy.

Basically, she didn't really hate the situation knowing that Micah isn't going to die or something.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Lucien Damani Character Portrait: Raven Blanc Character Portrait: Nadezda Marinovic Character Portrait: Robin Locke Character Portrait: Micah Volfkin Character Portrait: Elara Nirvana
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0.00 INK

Lucien Damani

Once inside, Lucien directed his paranoia towards the new environment. It seemed sound, but who knew how long that was going to last. He gave a mental shrug. Oh well. Though it was getting a little easier, at this point it was still hard to care about anything for extended periods of time.

And with that, the lavender-haired man turned his attention towards the person he’d abducted. Despite himself, the side of Lucien’s mouth twitched upward. Props to her for giving a proper greeting, considering the circumstances. It would be simply unforgivable for him to not return the gesture. He pulled his hand out from hers. "Oh, and hi... I guess."

But at that moment, Micah burst in, trailed by the girls. It was like a light had been switched on somewhere inside of Lucien. Maybe he’d become a little too dependant on their companionship? But whatever. How important could that be? It wasn’t like he was trying to be a loner. The exact opposite, actually. Wait. No, that couldn’t be right either...-

Micah took one look at Lucien and spread his arms wide open. Lucien blinked, his eyes watering. His brows creased together and lower lip began to tremble.

Lucien practically flung himself onto the open invitation, sobbing unabashedly. "M-Micaaaahhhhh....” He warbled, clutching the back of the sailor’s jacket. "You’re here! I-I’m so d-depressed... I don’t- I don’t even know what to do with myself anymore...." The two men were about of equal height, so Lucien had to make do with burying his tear-soaked face into Micah’s shoulder.

Eventually, however, Lucien pulled back, using his glove-covered hand to dab delicately at the underneath of his eyes. He took a deep breath. “I-I’m fine now.” He sniffed. In truth, he was feeling a little better, perhaps. Maybe.

As Micah, true to form, began dishing out commands, Lucien, true to form, wasn’t paying much attention. Still feeling a little shaky, Lucien inched behind a certain Victorian girl, fingers absentmindedly entangling themselves in her hair, still blinking tears out of his eyes. Man, he just lost it back there, didn’t he? Good thing Nadezda still had hair he could mess around with. No telling what would happen to him if it had all fallen out since the last time he saw her!

Lucien didn’t really pay attention to the new people, though of course he noticed them enter. So what? He was feeling a little better at this point, so the more the merrier. Nevertheless, Lucien watched them from the corner of his eye, keeping the majority of his attention directed towards combing out Nadezda’s hair with his fingers. How therapeutic! But then they needed to walk forward, and Lucien let out a little huff of irritation.

Though he freed his hands from her hair, Lucien wasn’t feeling particularly keen on giving her up entirely. Sociable? Why in the world should he be feeling sociable? He grumbled to himself, engulfing one of Nadezda’s hand with both of his, and toying with her fingers as they walked.

“Lucy, is that your family?” Elara. Lucien stiffened. Well... maybe he could be sociable for a little bit. Maybe.

Lucien looked up, regarding the pink haired fellow with quick eyes. Nope. Definitely not family. He resumed massaging the ensnared Nadezda’s pinkie. “No.” Lucien murmured. "Elly, my hair is lavender, not pink." He patiently corrected the small girl. All of that crying had calmed Lucien significantly, but left him with quite the dark mood, that while it was getting lighter, was still rather dark.

Thump. Lucien froze as Micah suddenly collapsed in front of him. Ouch. That had to hurt. But, luckily, the brightly-dressed girl began to look the sailor over before Lucien might be inclined to. Ironically, it seemed that all Micah needed was water. Lucien dimly remembered leaving his water jug in the lobby. But at least he wasn’t going to die. Good. That would be gross.

Lucien eyed Micah’s unconscious body for a bit before finally pulling away from Nadezda. He ignored the newcomers, hooking onto Micah’s jacket and slinging the larger man’s arm over his shoulder. Though Micah had him beat in terms of muscle, Lucien had enough inches of height on him to be able to drag the sailor into the lecture hall, or whatever the room used to be. But once he found a suitable patch of carpet, Lucien freed himself from the extra baggage as quickly as possible, meandering back to the group in time to witness little Elara chew out his “relative”.

Ah, how cute. And flattering. While Lucien didn’t particularly consider himself very responsible, he had just dragged Micah’s unconscious body to safety, so he supposed the praise wasn’t too off at that point of time.

Feeling a little better, Lucien turned to the brightly-dressed girl. “I’m Lucien. We met earlier.” And, as an afterthought, he gestured towards Nadezda. Poor girl, she was probably tripping over herself to come up with something to say. "This is Nadezda."

Lucien listened to the Nayu guy cuss a lot about books before deciding to reply, face blank even under his sunglasses. "There’s going to be a hurricane here pretty soon, so you guys should go down the hall and grab as many books as you can, then come back here to take your time picking one."

He didn’t really know why he was being nice to these people. But whatever.