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Jaylin Tyme

"Beauty is not what you see but what cant be seen."

0 · 372 views · located in Post-Apocalyptic World

a character in “Rest In Pieces”, as played by QuarantinedThoughts


Jaylin Tyme


"A snake can only be trusted for as long as your not near it."~ Unknown


Name: Jaylin Tyme

Nickname: Jay, Linny

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bi sexual


Hair Color Length and Style: Jaylin keeps her hair long, about mid back is her longest layer. It is normally of a soft golden brown or white color depending how much time she spent in the sun, she often dies the tips with random colors. As of late is is either blue or rainbow, the silky locks are kept free unless at work then its a complicated but messy braided bun so her hair is out of her face. Every one in awhile a different style is seen but for the most part Jaylin doesn't change how her hair is done.
Eye Color and Shape: She has almond shaped eyes that have a slight slant giving her a slightly oriental look, her eyes are mismatched one a dark green with a golden halo on the outside and almost a bluish ring on the inside around her pupil the other a light jade with a purply ring on its outside and light yellow around the pupil. The can be dark and unresponsive but they can also be bright, full of life and her emotions. It just depends on if she trusts those around her, there is always a dangerous glint in them because she is almost to obsessive and can see what others over look.

Complexion: Her skin is smooth and rather pretty with a golden tinge to it making it obvious that she spends time in the sun, she has a light blue tattoo pattern on her arms that can only be seen close up, hers are of veins that wrap up and down the length of her arms and move on her back wear a normal black and white tattoo of a tree is. She has a few light scares that have been accumulated over the years, mostly on her torso and legs, a few on her shoulders. Her skin doesn't have any major faults and most of the worse ones can still be over looked.

Height and Weight: Jaylin is a short 5'1 and barley weighs 100 pounds.

Body Type: Tiny and slim Jaylin is packed with muscle that is not obvious, she doesn't look like much of a fighter but because of her slim figure can move faster then most of her opponents and successfully without much harm to herself, defeat them. The slimness of er body causes her to be mistaken for a child, which is odd seeing that she has a pretty well sized chest that is almost to large for her body type, her arms and legs are defined which has given her a cute well formed body. She doesn't wear showy clothes and tries to keep her body hidden unless its a formal occasion and then she will go all out to show off what she has.


Personality: Jaylin comes off cold at first but kind, she isn't one to go out of her way to meet someone first she wants to be approached. Once she gets to know and trust a person she becomes a great friend an is very loyal always coming to help when she is needed. Because of her great loyalty to her friends she has been hurt by many and few have been able to gain her trust in recent years. Her volatile temper more often then nots gets her into fights because once angered she is hard to pacify without trying to pound your face in, very few have ever seen her truly happy or even just sad because long ago she locked her emotions away, except for anger, so she couldn't be hurt.

Brief History:Jaylin grew up in her moms office, that is the best way to describe her childhood. She had no friends really and spent most of her time coloring pictures under her moms desk as the discussed deals. Unknown to her mother and those who made deal, Jaylin has a photographic memory, but better, she could remember every client that her mother worked with and the deal that was made. If she tires hard enough she can even remember the whole conversation. A few days after she turned 17 she got a call from the hospital that her mother had died, shocked and confused she went to the hospital only to find out her mother had breast cancer that she had been fighting in secret for years.

After her mothers death she went back to the office unsure what to do and somehow proved that she could do her mothers job, and do it well. So she stayed and became the youngest Deal Maker.

Theme song: Breaking Benjamin"Without You"



Potential Interest: Currently no one.

Other: Jaylin two handguns she carries with her, two large great Danes; Poison and Cure. Poison is a odd dark black/purple color with bright toxic green eyes Cure is a off white with pale blue eyes. Then Jaylin has two horses, Nightmare and Ghost, Nightmare is pure black except for reddish hooves and Ghost is pure white except for her black hooves.

Habits: She likes to hum while going to sleep, or more like she has to to fall asleep because it is what her mom use to do when she was young. She doesn't even realize she is humming. She likes things to come in pairs (Two guns, Two dogs, Two Horses)




Father: Unknown to her

Mother: Tiffany Jacks, 39, passed away.
She was the old Deal Maker, very eccentric and odd. She passed away from cancer that no one knew she was battling leaving her daughter to take her place as Deal Maker.
Sibling(s): Unknown at this time.

So begins...

Jaylin Tyme's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Anastasia Umbridge
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Jaylin padded through the house, she had let herself in with her key and needed to discuss some minor details of some recently named deals with Mr. Devitt. Of course like everyother time she came to the house she went to see Anastasia walking in she saw a rat, litterly, "Mr. Skratch...How grand you to grace our preassence." SHe spoke codly with a playful hint in her voice as she walked in behind him and smiled at Anastasia. They might not be 'friends' but they were friendly, they did work closly together after all, Pulling out her ciggerette she offered a second to Miss. Umbridge.

Her blond hair was pulled into her normal slightly messy bun and she wore a loose tunic shirt and leggings with soft leather boots, if it wasnt for the respect that most showed her you would think at first glance that she was a small time grave robber. "Anastasia do you know when...The master will be accepting visitors. I need to discuss some things with him about the fellows who he sent to me." She said carful not to give to much information away sense she didnt know how much Anastasia knew and knew that Mr.Skratch wouldnt be the best person to let the info on the deals get to.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Anastasia Umbridge Character Portrait: Finch
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Apollo sat at his desk going over a few numbers, the boy was a genius he was practically a human calculator. He gave a sigh as he heard a small quite knock on the door of his office. Almost as if the person knocking was scared of what would happen when he answered. He set his pen down, making his way to the door. He gave the guard standing at the door an irritated look, speaking only with his eyes, yet the guard understood.

“Mr. De…Sir” he started out, his voice shaky “Your, sister, Miss. Devitt is on her way here. She found out you had guys watching over her.” He stated, causing Apollo to roll his eyes. “She’s not happy and I thought you’d want to know, she should be here before the weeks out.” He spoke pausing waiting for the orders from his boss.

“Aww…but is she ever not mad” he smirked a bit thinking to himself “Well we will show her some southern hospitality when she comes now won’t we.” He said grabbing his coat, putting it on with one simple movement. The winters were harsh this time of year, even in the south. “Make sure everything is prepared for her arrival. Nothing is to be out of place or it will be your head.” He said in a serious tone as he with the guard.

He cut off down a separate hallway that lead to the outside, it was a shortcut that only he knew about, leaving the man to his orders. The estate was huge, he could remember getting lost as a kid, though now he knew the manor better than anyone, including its secret rooms and doors. He made his way to the place where he knew Anastasia would be, the place he had given her while she stayed with him the guest house (more like a normal size house big enough to have its own staff) and he needed to warn her about his sister. He hadn’t even told her he had a sister and to be honest not many people knew Apollo had a younger sister. The door to the room was unlocked and he could hear talking, which meant the window must be open. He frowned gently how many times had he told her to keep that closed. He took a deep breath and his eye grew dark and cold as he opened the door. He cleared his throat making himself known to the three.

“Am I interrupting.” His voice was strong and it had a hint of darkness to it that could send cold chills through anyone’s body. “I don’t remember giving you permission to come on to these grounds any time you please.” He said staring straight at the black haired man. “My patience is wearing thin with you Erik.” his cold eyes going from Erik to Jaylin, his eyes softening, only enough so she would know he wasn’t upset with her. “Good afternoon, nice of you to drop by and to answer your question, I won’t be accepting visitors for some time I am a busy man you know” the cockiness was apparent in his tone. His hazel eyes then looked to his apprentice “Anastasia, when you are finished playing with your friends I’d like a word with you” he smirked his famous smirk that could make any girl’s heart melt.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Finch Character Portrait: Aleksandra Lykavov
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Erik gave a slight cough as the women began to smoke, trying his hardest to breathe without inhaling the smoke of the expensive all-tobacco cigarettes. While Erik liked to carry them for trading purposes, he hated the smell, which burnt his nose and made his eyes tear. Regardless, he gave a polite bow to the new woman, "Miss Tyme. A pleasure to be graced."

It was then that a man entered, followed by a bodyguard. The Boss.

Erik wished to give a roll of his eyes and give a smartass comment in return to both the Master and Apprentice for their smartassery. But Erik was wiser than that. He knew that would only cost him his head. The fact alone that the Master had come down to where they were, rather than have them enter a darkened room that sealed away his being from true recognition, showed that his patience really was wearing thin. And the man looked much like a cat, eying him with a sense of death. Painful, slow, agonizing death. He would have to choose his words carefully.

"My sincerest apologies, sir." Not that he really was, but his tone of voice and body language spoke as if he were truly sorry. "I do let my impatience get the best of me. I shall do my best to hold control my patience next time." Fat chance, but he wasn't going to say that. Luckily, he could stop using his truthful-sounding lies, and speak with an excitement that was more than just sounding real.

"However, sir, I think that you'll be grateful that I came by this time around. I have an object so very rare that you won't be able to refuse to at least take a look at it. Besides, I haven't disappointed in our past trades, so what reason would I do so now?" This much was true. Erik undoubtedly brought in the rarest and most exotic of items to trade, never a disappointment with what he would bring. It was also true that the Boss would not buy these items occasionally, due to a high price for impracticality, but Erik knew that the Boss was always at least entertained and amused with his objects of trade, for he had yet to lose his head, always shushed out with a "no thank you" rather than a bullet to the brain. "And the best yet, sir, is that this gift is actually practical for use."

The bodyguard gave a snort. He knew Erik's type. "Oh?"

Erik reached into his bottomless jacket, pulling out the object with a quick motion, his arm going in a wide arc which passed all in the room. One his hand stopped, it was apparent that what he had was a gun. However, as he softly cradled the weapon, it became appearent that this was no ordinary gun. "'Oh', indeed. Had this gun been loaded, cocked, and fired, you would all be wounded or dead." He held it out to be seen a little bit better. "This is the Mini Uzi Submachine Gun. A fully-automatic weapon from before the End."

While guns were known in this era, only the elite owned them, and even then, they were sparingly used due to a shortage of bullets. During the End, in which all the world fell to Hell, Governments gathered up as much weapons as they could and destroyed them, attempting to gain martial control by controlling the greatest weaponry. However, mobs do not need guns. Only a cause. So to find such a powerful weapon--and in such nice condition--was near a Godsend in itself.

"However, I bring more than just a fancy gun." He opened the right side of his jacket to reveal six long, black rectangles. "Six extended magazines, intended to hold thirty rounds each. Three of them are carrying the full thirty rounds, two are holding about twenty each."

This was a Holy Grail of any man seeking defence or power. And it was a offer the Boss couldn't refuse: if he didn't buy the gun, there was no garentees that it wouldn't end up in the hands of a Northern Gravelord...

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme
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Anastasia paid no attention to the rat as she sauntered around Apollo, ready to strike at anyone who dared to threaten them. Her eyes did, however, grow wide when she realized just how rare his bounty was. A smirk spread across her face as she thought of the damage she could do with that gun, though she was almost sure she'd never have it in her possession. Erik was too smart to give her a weapon of that caliber, and as far as she knew Apollo didn't trust her as far as he could throw her.

Her eye shone intensely as she glowered at the rat, and then flickered a glance of respect to Miss Tyme. She strutted over to the rat whispering just loud enough for only him to hear, "How exactly did scum like you get a hold of something so pretty? know, thieves aren't welcomed in this house. The boss doesn't like 'em," Her cold breath ghosted across his ear, the smell of tobacco and winter green filling his nostrils.

She waited patiently for an answer, walking back over to the grave lord. As always, she stayed close to him, like a shadow. Her green eyes flickering about, analyzing each and every move that the people around her made.

She smiled at Jaylin, is wasn't exactly a warm smile, but it wasn't an icy cold one either.

"If you haven't already gathered the..vermin wants to trade, and as if that isn't enough Miss Tyme needs to speak with you about Then we can talk. Would you like me to stay or go while you handle this?" she asked Apollo, pursing her lips ever so slightly.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Anastasia Umbridge
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Apollo looked to Erik as he pulled out the weapon. His guards slightly defense of the man, Apollo constantly had his guards around him. More than once people had tried to assassinate him. He sighed not exactly wanting to make a business deal at the moment.

“I remember now why I have yet to off you.” He spoke in a serious tone. He glanced to His apprentice as she spoke to him. He gave her a small smirk “Why don’t you sit in on this deal.” He offered as he glanced back to the man holding the rare items. “It is apparent that I must make time for you, although I don’t have the time” he sighed “Come we must make this as quick as possible.” He said glancing to Jaylin “We will speak after dinner of your business.” It was apparent in his tone he wasn’t asking her to stay for dinner he was ordering her.

He gestured with his whole arm for Anastasia to go out before him. Letting her take the lead as his two body guards fell in place behind Erik watching his every move. The walk to The Grave Lords Conference room, which like most rooms in the estate, was large and modernized for the most part. Items from his many years of trading.

“Please. Take a seat” he said sitting at the head of the table. The room was sound proofed, allowing no one on the outside to hear the business that Apollo went over with his traders. “How much exactly do you want for both of those pieces” he said getting strait to the point.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Finch
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Erik gave a sincere smile to the Miss Tyme, dispute the cough that arose from the nasty smoke inhalation. "Miss, you wound me," He whispered back before she retreated to the Boss. Like a fat cat and a kitten. Bah. "It isn't stealing if it doesn't have an owner."

This was close to the truth. As it turns out, at the End, high-ranking politicians and persons of power built bunkers to protect themselves from the outside world, hunkering down for years. Eventually, these poor souls simply suffocated as the electric generators halted, trapping the unlucky people with no oxygen hundreds of feet into the earth. Erik had happened to stumble upon such a bunker on one of his adventures through thieving in a faraway city. Curiousity led him to break the lock of the door, heading down into the dark abyss of concrete stairs. What had alerted him to the fact of lessened oxygen was the dead guards in the abyss who had apparently tried to escape, as well as the eventual extinguishing of his flame. He also began to feel the effects himself, lightheadedness and dizziness almost making an end of him. After regaining his breath and flame, he set down again to scrounge the bodies of the guards, finding the Uzi, as well as a pelethera of ammunition and several other weapons. And he knew there was more down there...

As he sat down across from the Southern Gravelord, he stated simply, "Scuba diving equipment." Noting the look of the bodyguards, he gave a chuckle. "I know, I know. No one's ever attempted to scuba since the End. But I think, if I can figure it out, there'll be a bounty of rare items to retrieve." He smoothly added, his poker face long since put on, "Besides, even if I perish, it'll only save you the trouble." He leaned forward a little, looming over the items in debate. "I want some of those oxygen tanks from the End--I know you have at least two." The question was whether or not he sold them already. "The more, the better. I'll ask for less extra on top, like three pounds of sugar-candy, one half-ounce of gold or equivalent silver, a bag of twenty Digits, an arm and a leg, and an apple."

He leaned back, giving his preference for trade. He knew he shouldn't be an ass, but he couldn't resist remarking, "You may start ripping me off, now."

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme
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Anastasia lead the group willingly, taking her seat at the table next to Apollo. One would think she was in love with the man from the way she clung to him, but he knew better. If she felt anything at all for him it was a sense of comfort knowing that she wasn't alone in the world. Other than that, she was cold blooded. Hell, he'd only seen the girl cry once when she was very young and he shot a man dead in front of her.

"I would watch your tongue, Skratch," she warns, cocking her gun for good measure and laying it on the table.

She chewed the inside of her cheek in a rare moment of weakness, she was nervous about this deal. The bad vibe she let off was all too obvious, and she tried to hide her discomfort.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Anastasia Umbridge
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As soon as Mr.Devitt arrived her attention was centered on him, He didnt really speak to her but she knew no matter how much he said he didnt have time for visitors he would make time for her. She was far to important to off for being disrespectful or to ignore for to long. An unhappy deal maker was bad for a business, when Skratch pulled out the gun she nodded at Applo's command and walked out, whispering to one of the guards to send them to her office, where all the deals were made official, when they were done. In her office she changed into business attire, a dark blue corset with tight pair of black pants and knee high black boots. Sitting behind her desk she reveiwed the deals she needed to finalize, Mr.Devitt liked to send people to her with a vague note of what was to happen and she had to write up the deal, and start writing up the paper work of the deal that was sure to come.

Her office was dark, the walls covered in books, all old and most coming from her few adventures to get the things she wanted from the outside world she didnt leave her office or her small house often. Once everything was set up she sat curled up in the over sized office chair with an old book on her lap, it was written in latin.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Apollo Devitt Character Portrait: Erik Skratch Character Portrait: Jaylin Tyme Character Portrait: Anastasia Umbridge
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Erik gave a polite nod as the Gravelord left, knowing that it was now time to start putting a plan into action. Even though the Southern Gravelord Finch would not be arriving for another few days or so, he needed to start preparations now. He looked to Anastasia, giving a small smile as he walked out of the meeting room, down to see Miss Tyme. "Come along, if you please, Miss Umbridge. If you are to be leaving with me tonight, I would suggest you gather your things quickly. The woods are not a nice place for walkers by night. That, and we must begin preparations for Miss Finch immediately." The words Erik spoke were not exactly commanding, sounding more like an suggestion, but there was a smug tone that he allowed her to hear so that she knew that he knew that she was forced into this, no matter what he said.

Oh, what fun this would be...

Not looking back to see if she followed, he stopped by the Office, where Miss Tyme was. "Miss Tyme," he said with a slight bow. "Has the Gravelord told you the trade for tonight for the records?"