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Isabella Gray

"What Makes You Different Makes You Dangerous."

0 · 681 views · located in Divergent

a character in “Resurgent”, as played by Isabella Sophia Gray


"What Makes You Different Makes You Dangerous."

"Sometimes people just want to be happy even if it's not real."


Isabella Sophia James

Bella|| Bee|| Sophie|| Izzy

Eighteen|| 18

[Birth Date]
March 8th|| Pisces

Heterosexual|| Straight

[Original Faction]

[Aptitude Result]

[Faction chosen]

"Faction Before Blood."


[Face Claim]
The Gorgeous Lily Collins

[Hair Color]
Her hair falls in natural curls down her back. She rarely every straightens it and makes sure it is always perfectly styled. She has always cared about her appearance and what others think about her.

[Eye Color]
Isabella has gorgeous brown eyes with gold specks in them. They changes colors when her abilities are in use.

[Height & Weight]
Isabella has always been on the shorter side but now she is at a healthy height of Five-foot-Three// She has a small frame but she is very toned considering she is a dancer. She weights 119 Pounds.

"Beauty gets the attention. Personality gets the heart."


Isabella is a rather unique individual. She has a lot of different sides, from meek and shy to rambunctious and cheerful. She appears optimistic and beautiful at first sight.
She has always felt out of place being in the Amity faction. They say "Amity farm the land. They're all about kindness and harmony, always happy." But Isabella doesn't fall into those guidelines.

She is extremely shy at first, and will hardly speak to strangers. If forced to be introduced, she'd simply say hello, her name, all while smiling goofily and maybe blushing a little. She will dance in front of strangers, as she is a major dancer and has danced in front of them before, but she always has that slight discomfort towards people she hardly knows or people she's just met. She isn't that bashful when she opens up, though she can appear quite shy sometimes even if you do know her, and even if you know her well.
Following up on her opening up to people, she opens up quickly. From that point, she is extremely talkative, and will blab on about things other people might not care about but she has something to say, which can always be a good thing. It really depends on how you take your perspective on people who talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. She is one of those people, but she isn't annoying; she talks about things that are relevant at the right moment and thinks before she speaks, which is always a good thing as well.
Many people say "omg dancing is mah life ya rly yus". When Isabella says it (in a more intelligent way), she means it. When she's felt alone, she turned to music. When she feels heartbroken, music is the antidote to her sorrow and grief. Music can heal anything in life for this girl, and she can't help but obsess over it. If music was an addiction, she'd be on it all day, all night. She can't live without music, and if anyone were to criticize her choice in genres she would crush, kill, and destroy. She sings, dances, and plays several musical instruments, so she knows a lot about music, which helps contribute to her undying love for it.

Most girls hang out with girls, and guys hang out with guys. But she's different. She likes the company of guys more than girls. She enjoys hanging out with guys; it makes her laugh more than talking about lipstick and boys with girls. The guys just pull her attention more.

While she hangs out with all of these guys, she can be flirty at times. Though she isn't a huge player or a prep who walks around flirting with guys to make a living, she still flirts a little. Sometimes she fails at it, but she'll never admit it. Isabella isn't that flirty, to be honest. She doesn't flirt nonstop. It's usually rarely, with the guy she likes or one of her close guy friends.

If Isabella likes someone, she'll keep it secret at first. After that the word will spread to her close friends, and she will trust they will keep the secret from others, including the guy she likes. After that, if the word somehow extends to that guy, she'll go along with it, and then she'll end up admitting her love to him. Guys are unpredictable, so she's usually scared of what will happen... but she always hopes for the best and is rather afraid of rejection.

Isabella is a kind girl who had a fondness for animals. Isabella is often seen with her nose in an book paying no mind to the outside world. Some might say she's low key very quiet. Most suspect an innocent like a fawn. But this girl pays them no heed. She has no interest in the real world and rather just shut in her home. Alone She's also very intelligent and smart ass. She's not one to take insults lightly and will take them to heart. She's been known to hold grudges for more than a couple a months a record breaking two years. Making a person's life h*ll before finally letting it go. Isabella is also a bit cold she gives off that icy cold glare and you know she's pissed and will kill anything that makes her eve more pissed. Otherwise Isabella is very shy and bookwormish.

[Positive Personality Traits]
❅ Adventurous|| ❅ Clever|| ❅ Intelligent|| ❅ Logical|| ❅ Warm-hearted|| ❅ Skillful

[Negative Personality Traits]
☠ Accident prone|| ☠ Skeptical|| ☠ Naive|| ☠ Stubborn|| ☠ Submissive|| ☠She is too nice|| ☠Trusts to easily

☹ Being cheated on | Isabella has big commitment issues which hinders her relationships.
☹ Being alone| Isabella fears that she will never develop close relationships with people.
☹ Sharks | Isabella is terrified of sharks since the age of six.
☹ Scardy Cat | She has no major phobias but is a noticeably jumpy person. She's easily startled and can't stand when people sneak up, surprise or prank her.

☌ Reading Novels ☌ Ballet; Dancing ☌ Singing ☌ Music ☌ Being Alone ☌ Yoga ☌ Mornings ☌ Baths ☌ Social media ☌ Healthy eating ☌Tanning ☌ Traveling ☌The smell of the ocean ☌Wine ☌ Dauntless ☌Her Family ☌Adventures ☌Running ☌Being Fit

✖Losing in anything ✖Chocolate ice cream ✖Beer ✖Rejection ✖Unrequited love ✖ Cops ✖ Guns ✖ Drinking ✖ Smoking ✖ Drugs ✖ Being Lied To ✖Violence ✖ Horror Movies ✖Knives ✖Cats ✖Growing Crops ✖Being happy all the time



""What are you so afraid of?"


[My Family]

Lilly James | Mother | Alive | 39 | Amity -->Amity

Christian James| Father | Alive | 39 || Amity -->Amity

[My Past]
Isabella knew from a young at that she was different. Others around her were so happy and content with their lives. Isabella was never one to follow directions. Yes she is very shy but once out of her shell nothing could hold her back. As a child Isabella was always running off in the fields and slacking on her duties. She would sneak into the city and roam the streets. She noticed the Dauntless fraction and was immediately attracted to the faction. She always did test the boundaries.
Isabellas mother was always concerned about her because of how defiant and curious she is. As a child Isabella's mother would pull her to the side with a bright smile on her face to tell her to get her head out which ever day dream was occurring that day. Isabella is very nervous to find out which fraction she belongs in. She loves to help people and attend to their needs but something inside of her is trying to break free. That scares her because her family means everything to her.


So begins...

Isabella Gray's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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(OOC-If your character sheets are not finished don't panic its okay, just get your first post up as soon as possible so we can get started.)

Brielle took a deep breath leaving her room, she could hear her heart beating in her ears and felt as if she were going to pass out but kept her composure as she headed down the stairs, it was just a test she had taken loads of them, thats what she was telling herself at least. She took a deep breath turning into the living room, the whole family was there, even Mathias had shown up which shocked Brielle and also chilled her to the bone. ”Your going to do great Bri!” Jaslyn exclaimed running into Brielle’s arms making, Brielle gently kissed the top of Jaslyn’s head. “Your super smart.” Brielle stepped back enough to look at her sister. “Its not always about being smart Jaslyn, sometimes you can’t use your intelligence to get you out of every problem.” Jaslyn looked at Brielle confused like she was speaking another language but nodded before going back to their Mothers side. Brielle hugged her Mother and kissed her Fathers cheek before coming to Mathias who took her into a hug immediately making Brielle go stiff. “You’ll do fine kid.” Brielle pulled away from him forcing a smile. “I know I will.” she replied heading to the door, she smoothed out her blue dress before leaving the house.

Brielle took a breath before moving into the room she felt like she had been standing in line forever and the Dauntless made a scene like they always do. She had heard a lot about the aptitude tests, study it once to see if they could make the serum anymore affective, she never quite figured it out. ”I wasn’t expecting to have you Brielle.” the abnegation women caught Brielle’s attention, she knew her as Emily, Emily had been a friend of her fathers for as long as she could remember, Brielle never knew why, but never questioned her Father. Brielle just smiled softly getting in to the chair. “I will inje-’ Brielle stopped her. “You will inject the serum into my neck which will cause a hallucination that will test my personality and match it to one of the five factions, %95 of people will end up with the result of the Faction of teir origin...I know.” Brielle looked at Emily who just smiled. “I should have suspected so. Erudite know everything.” Brielle laughed a little bit as if Emily had told a joke. “Its impossible to know everything.” Emily smiled gently tapping the serum bottle. “Nothing is impossible.” Emily moved Brielle’s head to the side. “It hurts less if you relax and don’t move.” Emily pressed the needle into Brielle’s neck, Brielle flinched slightly, she took a deep breath stay calm, don’t panic, its just a test, you’ve taken loads of them. Brielle told herself taking a few deep breaths closing her eyes letting the serum take affect.

”Brielle, Brielle get up.” Emily shook Brielle out of the last affects of the serum. “What were my results?” Brielle asked when Emily pulled her out of the chair and towards a back door, Emily held Brielle’s arm tightly looking her in the eye. ”Inconclusive” Brielle felt her breath catch in her throat. “Inconclusive?” Emily looked at her. ”You know exactly what that means Brielle, your smarter than that. I will manually submit the result as Erudite, chose wisely tomorrow Brielle, if they find you, you’ll be dead before you even realize they know.” Brielle just nodded her head slightly leaving though the door, her head was spinning, and her heart was pounding.

Brielle’s parents didn’t ask about the test that night and in fact the family went on as normal, perfectly normal, but Brielle was not perfectly normal, she was the disease of her society, and nobody knew but her and Emily.
This made the choosing ceremony hard, she barely listened the whole time was zoned out in her own world, Brielle blankly watched person after person go up with such ease, like they had, had years to decide and maybe they did, they didn’t care what their test said they knew where they were going, Brielle’s test result just made her choice harder.

“Brielle Grey." Brielle shifted as her stomach twisted in knots but slowly stood up smoothing her dress as she had done the day before going up onto the stage, she took the knife pressing it into her palm and pulling it across her hand, she watched the blood pool in her hand, she had cut it to deep, but there was no pain she was numb, she thought quietly about her options.
Erudite would be he wise choice, I’ve always excelled in my academics, but there’s Mathias, I fit in but I don’t...Abnegation, I’m selfless, I know I’m selfless but not selfless enough. Candor, I lie to protect people, the truth serum at the end of their initiation would risk me confessing I’m Divergent. Amity..To happy and laid back, I’m not the most peaceful person...Dauntless, reckless, brave, and a little bit crazy, free, loyal to a fault the Dauntless protect their own...That makes Dauntless the most logical choice.

"Dauntless" Brielle sighed moving her hand over the bowl of black coals, she let her blood drip into them the sizzle it made an oddly freeing sound, Brielle focused on the clapping and yells if the Dauntless not daring to look at her family.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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As she waited to be called for her test she could predict her results. She was born and bred pure Dauntless and that was the end of it. The dark clothes she wore now, was the clothes she would be wearing for a long time. Yet her foot was jittering in anticipation and she felt goose bumps.
”Ciara Jensen. Right this way.” The man offered her a kind smile through his larger than necessary glasses and she entered the room that offered one chair with a slight recline and small type of machine next to it.
She followed routine from there, taking a seat and trying to relax pushing back her hair to reveal her neck to the injection as he explained as protocol what he was going to do and what would happen to the body and what the injection’s purpose was. Just like the Dauntless did with the fear serum.

Ciara woke gasping after a vision of an explosion and gripped her hair puffing lightly until she gathered her surroundings. “How’d I do?” she breathed.
“Erudite. Very well done Ms Jensen. It will be a pleasure to have a controversial erudite joining us.”
“But I fought everything off.”
“Yes, but you used your logic to evaluate many situations before taking anything into action. And in the latest scenario a Dauntless probably would have beaten the bomber to unconsciousness whereas you got him out of the way to deactivate it yourself and ordered others to take care of the remaining targets. Erudite isn’t so bad,” he added after a moment’s silence.
She nodded a little and let herself out.

Along the long bench of Dauntless hyped individuals, she couldn’t quite meet their excitement and energy tonight.
“How’d you do baby girl?” Sitting next to her to reawaken her thoughts was her father already chewing before he even sat down with his tray. ”Knock it out of the park?”
“Yeah dad. Killed it,” she replied smiling a little, flicking around some food on her tray. Before he could notice or question what was wrong Ciara jumped in to taunt her father. “And how’s your back today, old man? Still kicking in Dauntless, look at you,” she grinned clasping his muscular shoulder.
He gave a modest chuckle. “Well yeah, I try and keep in shape and all that. And if you ain’t going to eat at least go get some rest. You got a big decision tomorrow on where you wanna spend your life.” He laughed again like it were a joke.
“I’m actually tired. I think the serum had a bad effect on me so that’s not a bad idea.” She wiped her mouth and hands with a napkin and prepared to sleep the aptitude result off. Tomorrow she’d wake up all Dauntless at the Choosing Ceremony.

“Brielle Grey.” A girl wearing blue was called forth and there was calculation and thought evidently ticking around in her mind before she let her blood drip into the coals of Dauntless. Ciara clapped as was tradition but couldn’t help the nerves that hit her blowing out of her lips. That was one Erudite transferring to Dauntless. Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if Ciara just embraced the Erudite in her. Besides, it would be a fair exchange of transfers.
“Ciara Jensen.” She walked to the stage under the eyes of many and cut her palm. Her eyes glanced to the bowls of water and coal. She glanced to the Erudites and caught sight of the man who had ran her test who looked at her knowingly. Then her father with the Dauntless who was smiling expectantly waiting to woot and cheer already and even her mother. Ciara clenched her fist and let her blood drop to the coals as well as feeling a wave of relief. She re-joined those at the Dauntless stands. Home.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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Waiting for her test seemed to be the hardest part Rosalyn wanted out, she just wanted her ticket out of Candor, that's all she wanted, that's all she came for. "Rosalyn Omeil." a man wearing Amity clothing called catching Rosalyn's attention. "Thats me." Rosalyn stated rather bluntly before standing and following the man in. She did as was expected of her, went straight to the chair as she was supposed to pulled her hair to one side revealing her neck and just relaxed. "Its nothing to be nervous about." He whispered injecting the serum into Rosalyn's neck.

When Rosalyn came too, she looked at the man blinking a few times until her vision cleared, her head was pounding and her breathing was a little bit fast but other than that she felt fine. "Well? What are my results?" It was more of a demand than a request and Rosalyn had to remind herself to be respectful, but she found the whole thing frustrating and very counter productive she just wanted to get out of Candor as fast as was possible. "Dauntless." The Amity man replied dismissing her and wishing her luck with her future endeavors, it was enough to make Rosalyn feel sick, she hated how friendly Amity was to everyone, it was like it was the worlds most impossible thing to get them mad or even irritated with anything. She took what he said and left with a quick forced smile and a thank you, there she had her way out, Dauntless.

Rosalyn sat stiffly beside her sister, she didn't understand why Chantelle needed to be there, her parents had said it was because it was possibly the last time Chantelle would get to see her and that they would be a family, it was enough to make Rosalyn want to throw a cup at her parents heads or go to her room and never come out. "What were your results Rosie?" Chantelle asked looking over at her sister, Rosalyn gripped her fork tightly looking back at Chantelle. "Why do you need to know?" Rosalyn snapped getting a very angry look from both of her parents. "Rosalyn." Her mother scolded but Rosalyn just rolled her eyes. "I don't see why it matters." Rosalyn mumbled. "What were your results?" This time her Father asked, Rosalyn rolled her eyes again, she was going to have to lie herself out of this one. "Candor, what else would it be?" The conversation stopped after that, Rosalyn cleaned up her plate and went to bed.

It seemed like years before the Ceremony finally came around, people were being called up one by one choosing where they were going to spend their lives, Dauntless, Candor, Candor, Erudite, Amity, Amity, Abnegation, Erudite, Dauntless. "Brielle Grey." A girl dressed in an Erudite blue dress moved up onto the stage, she looked like the classic example of an Erudite, blue formal dress, good posture, graceful with each movement, very professional looking, though to Rosalyn's surprise the girl who they had called Brielle had her hair down, she would have expected it to be in a bun for on occasion like this especially for an Erudite. She watched as Brielle sliced her hand open, literally, she cut it way to deep, Rosalyn could see the blood from where she was sitting.

Brielle clearly was thinking about all of the logical and illogical choices, the pro's and con's as she stood there for a good five minutes, most Erudite went to Erudite, it obviously wasn't that simple for this girl. However Rosalyn almost burst out laughing when the girl dropped her blood into the Dauntless bowl. "Dauntless." Rosalyn's clap seemed almost silent compared to the roar coming from the Dauntless, though in her mind Brielle Grey was anything but a Dauntless. "Ciara Jensen." The next girl was a Dauntless, black from basically head to toe, though she also seemed to have a bit of an eternal conflict, Rosalyn caught how the girl, Ciara glanced at the Erudite bowl before moving back to Dauntless, it was rare that Dauntless transferred, they were Loyal, Loyal to their Faction, their friends, and their Family, it was no shock when she chose Dauntless and returned to the sea black which was once again roaring to the point it almost drowned out the speaker. "Dauntless"

Rosalyn sat eagerly in her place waiting, a few more names were called. "Rosalyn Omeil." Rosalyn smiled standing up walking away from her parents for hopefully what would be the last time, she strode onto the stage taking the knife into her hand pulling it across without as much as a wince immediately moving her hand over the Dauntless coals, the sizzle music to her ears. "Dauntless." Rosalyn walked over to the Dauntless section with a smile on her face, she was ready for this, ready for the change.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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Elijah waited, watching person after person go in for their test, everyone seemed rather nervous there were a few who seemed so sure of themselves, of course they were, it was a test and they were Erudite, Erudite loved puzzle's and tests things that would challenge them, but would this really be a challenge? "Elijah Blair." Elijah stood up with out saying as much as a word, the woman in front of her was clearly Dauntless, if the black clothing didn't give it away the multiple tattoo's did, as she went to start explaining how the test went Elijah stopped her."I know how the aptitude test is administered and how it works. You don't need to explain it." He said it in the least rude way possible, he didn't want to have something he already knew explained to him again. "Of course you do." The lady said with a smirk. "Your Erudite, your all smart asses." Elijah winced slightly as she injected the serum but relaxed after that closing his eyes, just a test.

"You results." The lady started as soon as Elijah came to. "Were...Dauntless." she looked at Elijah then back at her screen as if she read it wrong and shrugged. "Good luck, you'll need it." Elijah smiled slightly thanking her before rushing out of the room, he wasn't expecting a Dauntless Result but didn't want to question the facts, didn't want to question the system or the test, he was planning on leaving Erudite anyways, it was to strict for his liking and this made the choice easier.

"You can choose whatever you would like dear."
Alyssa smiled at her son, her only son, her only child, of course she wanted him to stay in Erudite with them, but it was his choice and she wanted him to be happy more than anything, she knew he would make the most logical choice for him, they had raised him to be a logical boy. "Thanks Mom" Elijah gently kissed his Mothers cheek before excusing himself from the table to go to bed, he was tired, and he had to adjust to so many new things the next day, he was going to need his sleep.

Elijah was absolutely fascinated watching the others chose where the rest of their lives were going to be lived, he saw person after person leave their families and person after person return to them, he wondered what made the final choice, he didn't know what made the final choice for him, probably his test result but others might have been different probably were different. "Brielle Grey." Elijah watched as Brielle stood up from where her parents and younger brother and sister sat, he had been friends with Brielle most of their lives, or at least he liked to classify them as friends, Brielle was friendly enough, but she was known to keep to herself until the recent two or so years where she started interacting more with others. Elijah watched as she stood for a while, he would have thought she would have gone straight to Erudite, that it would have been simple, she was smart, professional, always knew what she was doing, this was the first time he had really seen her stop and think about something for more than two minutes. "Dauntless." Elijah felt his breath catch, Brielle Dauntless? that seemed like such an unlikely match.

"Ciara Jensen."
Dauntless, %100 fully Dauntless, though even this girl seemed to have a bit of a conflict with herself before letting her blood fall into the Dauntless bowl. "Dauntless." Elijah just sighed, it was taking so much longer than he wanted it too, he wanted it to go by fast, like ripping off a band aid, he didn't want it to be slow. "Rosalyn Omeil." A girl from Candor stood up and strode to the stage like she owned the place, Elijah was amazed at how fast she did it, cut her hand and let the blood drip into the Dauntless bowl. "Dauntless." Elijah was beginning to get ancy now, a few more names were called, a few more choices made. "Elijah Blair." Elijah took a deep breath getting up walking to the stage as composed as he possibly could, he cut his hand and flinched only slightly he didn't give himself time to hesitate and just let the blood drip into the Dauntless bowl. "Dauntless." Elijah let out a sigh of relief heading to the hoard of black hoping he had made the right move.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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He remembered the days after the test better than he did the day of his test. However, he always remembered his result. Candor, they said, the words seemingly echoing through the small white room. It would be good to remove himself from Amity, the way they just glided over honestly sickened him. The entire HUA Disgusted him. Not that his opinion mattered, he'd never have any say.
His thought was interrupted by the man in front of him.

"The results don't mean everything. Pick where you would be happy to live your life."

The first thought to cross James was "Bullshit". Unfortunately, it was also exactly what came out of his mouth at the very same moment. Although, in the following days, his words made their way into his head. "Would I be happy in Candor? Is it where I belong? Is it what I need?".

The answer was always the same. "How the hell do I know." Then he started thinking. What did everyone else have to offer? He had always held a respect for Dauntless, they were, tough. Had a sort of swagger about them that nobody else could match. Everyone admired them, no matter who you belonged to.

So, on that day, just a few years ago, he stood, he cut his hand, and he made his choice. "Amity". His family needed him.

Now look at him. Dauntless, happy as a pig in shit.

“Brielle Grey." Skinny, looked bookish. This one would be hard to train, see if she's got the mind for this.

"Ciara Jensen" Small. Agile. Would make a good recon or a scout, preferrably in a small unit.

"Rosalyn Omeil." Looked like a good fighter, see if she really is.

"Elijah Blair." Not to big, not too small. Good size for a pointman.

He just looked at Trent, and smiled. Let's see what we end up with this year.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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Logan was nervous for whatever reason as he walked towards his school. It was a normal day, as normal as any day, it was just going to be the day that he found out whether or not his decision to change factions was a good one that he was destined to make, or if he was entirely wrong. No pressure, not a big deal... right? "Logan, Logan, man are you alright?" His best friend Casey asked as he nudged Logan with an arm, looking at him with slight concern.

Both boys wore the usual amity colors. Logan's pants were red and his shirt a soft goldish yellow. He had a green vest that his fatehr had gotten him recently to celebrate his upcoming birthday. "Logan Peters, it's time for you to come take your test," A young man in blue from head to toe said as he approached Logan. He had on blue pants, a white button up shirt that was covered for the most part by the blue blazer that matched the guy's pants. His tie was a lighter blue from the rest and matched his glasses that made him look smart but at the same time, kind.

Logan gave a small wave to his group of friends before standing and following the guy, his back straight and his chest up as he tried to appear a lot more confident than he truly was. The man, who couldn't have been more than a few years older than Logan, led him towards a room. Logan was shocked to see it full of mirrors, surprised at the sight. He took a seat in the chair that was obviously meant for him, leaning back.

He wasn't excited as the guy pulled out the needle, bracing his other arm against the arm of the chair in order to keep himself from putting any tension into the arm the guy put the needle into. "You know what's happening?" The guy asked as if it was a routine thing to be told what faction you should belong to for the rest of your life. "Yep,"
Logan responded as he tried to calm his racing heart beat. "And you know that you can't tell anyone. You're smart, do I have to give you the whole spiel?" He asked with a smile that was meant to ease Logan's tension, successfully doing so as well. Logan just nodded in response, his nerves still getting the better of him. "Good luck, and make choices you won't regret, you only get to do this once," The guy stated in an encouraging tone that seemed so unlike an Erudite man that Logan was surprised to hear any warmth in it.

What happened next, Logan couldn't say exactly, though he did remember pieces. He remembered wanting to do many things but at the same time, not wanting to do anything. He was shaking when he woke, finding the guy in blue was frowning at him with concern. "Is something wrong? Did something happen? Did I do something wrong?" Logan asked as he studied the man's face, seeing the confusion and fear that seemed to combine itself into one emotion on his face.

"Logan, you must be very, very careful from now on out." Logan was confused at this, staring at the guy as he expected the guy to continue on with something, anything, an explanation since he was Erudite after all. "What are you talking about?" Logan asked, lowering his voice as if someone might be listening. "Your results cause you to be.... different. I've seen one other person with these results and he was not given Erudite as part of his test, so he obviously didn't handle it properly as he was... well, what you are is dangerous. You came off as Amity, Dauntless, and the others, but... well, I'll have to put you in as Amity just to be safe. You can't tell anyone Logan, if you do, you could very well be killed."

Logan stared at the guy, unbelieving. What the heck did he mean Logan was dangerous? Logan wasn't dangerous, unless he wanted to be. "I don't understand, why am I dangerous?" Logan asked, looking at the Erudite guy with hopes that he would explain it. The Erudite guy smiled, shaking his head slightly. "I knew you would have questions since you tested Erudite too. Just know Logan, you're dangerous because you're different. There's not much more I can tell you, just... be careful. You need to go before someone gets suspicious, good luck, and choose wisely. Hide it Logan, but don't... don't change yourself too much to fit in, then it may not even be worth being you."

Logan stared at the guy with confusion before standing, following the other guy's movement. Logan allowed himself to be led out by the Erudite man, catching site of a few friends once he was outside and slapping a smile on to hide the confusion he was facing. As the group of Amity kids walked home, Logan continued to think of how he could possibly be so different, he was deadly.

Logan watched his parents from where he sat towards the front of the crowd of Amity, waiting for his name to be called. He had one of the early names, so as he sat, watching as a string of three dauntless transfers chose their new home. He felt a pit in his stomach as he realized that would be the same case for him. There was one name between him and the dauntless transfers. It was a candor child changing to Erudite, causing Logan to be slight unnerved as he tried to calm himself and keep from freaking out.

"Logan Peters," He heard his name called and he stood, walking to the front where he took the knife offered. He wished he could just prick his finger, but no. He had to freaking cut his hand open. Because that made perfect sense. He was quick about it, not wanting to feel the pain but also wanting to savor it as it meant he was about to make a great decision that would affect the rest of his life.

He held his hand before him, not wanting it to drip the blood that was running onto the ground of the Hub below him. He took a deep breath, smiled at his parents, then thrust his hand over the coals of Dauntless, thankful that his parents' faces didn't look hurt or shocked, but proud and loving, as if they just wanted Logan to be happy, even if it meant he wasn't nearly as close to them. "Dauntless," The announcement rang out and the Dauntless crowd cheered as another one joined their ranks. He smiled at his parents, then to the people he was now going to be a part of as he accepted his fate and walked towards the cheering Dauntless, seeing a few friends in the faction that he went to school with. He was one of the taller guys in the new bunch of transfers, standing and having little trouble watching over their heads as he observed the next kid his age.

He was excited, he was nervous, and he was scared, but he was excited and couldn't wait to train and be someone that could protect those that needed it and do what he should do. He was ready, he didn't care if he was different and therefore dangerous, he was going to be who he wanted to be. He was going to help others by defending them, but he was going to be smart about it. He wouldn't lie if he could avoid it but he wouldn't always tell the truth to keep others safe. He also wouldn't think of himself first all the time, as that was something he believed was stupid and snobbish, in which case, everything he believed in wouldn't make any sense.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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Will leaned back in the chair watching the Erudite Lady prepare the serum for his aptitude test, the Erudite were people he never understood, he didn't understand how they could be so absolutely mature you would mistake even a seven year old as much older than they were, they made even the most immature things seem like professional and mature things, they were strange. "The Serum will create a hallucinated landscape which will test your aptitude for the five factions." The lady started. "%95 get the faction of their origin so there is nothing to be overly concerned about. Are you ready." Will nodded with a little laugh."Go for it."

Will blinked a few times coming out of the hallucination, he looked over at the Lady who was busy looking at the computer. "Your result was Dauntless, no surprise there." she said looking over at Will giving him a kind half smile before dismissing him, Will waved in thanks leaving the room.

Will's parents didn't really ask about the test, probably because the result was obvious, most Dauntless received a Dauntless result, besides even if they didn't Dauntless weren't known to transfer it was the loyalty thing, they were born loyal to their Faction, Will suspected it was some sort of gene, and always wanted to ask one of the smart asses from Erudite about it.

The choosing ceremony came around fast and Will didn't really sweat it, a girl from Erudite had gone up, she looked very Erudite, very bookish, he smirked wondering how long she would last, he could already imagine a senerio where she would be beaten bloody in training. Another girl this one a clear dauntless had gone up, followed by a girl from candor and a boy from Erudite and a boy from Amity, it seemed they were just getting people from every faction this years, he was excited to see how the dauntless transfers would handle Dauntless. "William Heron." Will strode up with out as much as a though cutting his hand letting the blood drip into the Dauntless coals before heading back to the Dauntless crowd. "Dauntless." He was sure no one was surprised.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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As the ceremony ended everyone started filing out. "If we don't hurry, we'll miss the train." she heard one of the Dauntless born say, she picked up her pace like the others but stopped before going to the exit turning around to look at where her family had been sitting, big mistake, Jaslyn just stood there holding Damon's hand as her Mother urged the two younger kids to move ahead, her stomach twisted. "Initiate, move." Brielle didn't know who said it but she turned her head and looked in the general direction of the voice. "Coming." She replied and turned back to look at Jaslyn mouthing I love you too her, then she had to run.

Climbing the beams to the train tracks had been a challenge but Brielle had made it to the platform with little error, it was the train, the train that she now sat on that had been her problem, it wasn't that she wasn't fast enough to catch it, it was that she was worried if her hand slipped she would fall and most likely be crushed and killed, she was hesitant about it and made to her mind to jump in right before the platform ended. Brielle sat beside Elijah, it was nice to be around a familiar person, a person she knew would at least tolerate her, it seemed this car had most of the initiates in it, Brielle opted out of making conversation with any of them though.

"I suggest you all get up." A lady in black said. "We are going to be jumping, if you make it well, your fine." Brielle stood up shifting slightly at the women's words. "And if we don't make it?" The women just smirked at Brielle. "Your name?" Brielle just looked at her. "Brielle." Brielle said it softer than she had asked the question as everyone had turned their attention to her. "Well, Brielle, if you don't make it onto the roof, you'll hit the cement bellow." The lady circled around her once. "You look smart Brielle, but here's your first lesson on being Dauntless, don't ask to many questions, you'll get yourself into trouble." Then everyone started jumping as if it were on cue. Brielle looked out the car door watching the others jump before she went to the back of the car and ran for it, she rolled when she hit the roof trying to lesson the impact but it still hurt, she was still going to have bruises and she knew it.

"I wonder what crazy thing their going to make us do next." Brielle whispered looking at Elijah as they joined the crowd by the far edge of the roof, everyone seemed to be whispering amongst themselves, as a Dauntless man got up standing on the ledge, he explained how this was the only way into Dauntless, that they had to jump, Brielle rolled her eyes this time, it was going to be a long line of crazy stunts her body was telling her not to do and her brain was telling her to do, for the thrill of it.
"I'll jump first." Brielle said before even thinking about it and since no one else was speaking up to jump first she was growing rather impatient.

Brielle moved through the crowd as she had been stuck in the middle of all the initiates Dauntless born or not, she got up onto the ledge looking down, she looked at the man who seemed to just urge her to go on. "You wouldn't kill us first day." She said to him and then jumped, her breath caught in her throat as she fell and the net that caught her at the bottom basically knocked the wind out of her, she climbed out when a women pulled the net down. "Transfer." the lady said when Brielle got onto the ground. "Your Trainers are Trent and James, you'll be working more with Trent, James usually floats between Transfers and Dauntless born." Brielle looked at Trent from what she could see of him, he seemed...Dauntless, handsome though, looked to have blue eyes brown hair, the Women caught Brielle staring at Trent and laughed. "Yeah, he's something to look at." Brielle looked at the lady and then looked away from Trent blushing slightly. "Whats your name? You can change it if you want." She said looking at Brielle. " friends call me Bri." The lady smiled. "First Jumper Brielle." she announced so everyone in the room could hear it. "Trent is doing the tour of Dauntless, stand by him while we wait for the rest of the pansy cakes to come down from that roof."

It wasn't long after she said that, that another initiate jumped down, Brielle only knew someone had jumped because she could hear them screaming, she moved over to who the lady had pointed out as their trainers and stood there awkwardly not wanting to look at Trent, she didn't know exactly why she was being so shy, but she was so she just stayed quiet and kept to herself as the initiates jumped down one by one.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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0.00 INK

Elijah smiled at Brielle when she sat down next to him on the train cart, she didn't seem very interested in talking to anyone so he just left her be. "I suggest you all get up." A lady from dauntless said. "We are going to be jumping, if you make it well, your fine." Elijah stood up shortly after Brielle and just looked at the lady without really saying anything. "And if we don't make it?" The question made the cart go silent and Elijah shifted slightly where he stood, this wasn't Erudite you couldn't question everything you were told, The women asked for Brielle's name and she gave it to her, just softly like she was scared that if she said it to loud something would happen, maybe something would. "Well, Brielle, if you don't make it onto the roof, you'll hit the cement bellow." Elijah almost cringed when the lady circled around Brielle, sort of like a cat circling a mouse. "You look smart Brielle, but here's your first lesson on being Dauntless, don't ask to many questions, you'll get yourself into trouble." Elijah knew that that was a warning to all of them, not just to Brielle, don't ask to many questions, he made a mental not of it and then pretended that didn't happen.

Then they were all jumping from the train, like it was a daily thing and it probably was, Elijah took a run for it and jumped just making it onto the roof he slid across the rocks a little ways and then stopped standing up, he came back up beside Brielle who seemed to just gently smile at him. "I wonder what crazy thing their going to make us do next." Elijah laughed slightly, but his laughter stopped when the man stood up and started talking about how the only way into Dauntless was to jump off the roof. "You spoke to soon." Elijah whispered to Brielle, not paying attention to the man who was basically saying your going to jump and maybe something will catch you maybe something wont. The thing that shocked him most was when Brielle volunteered to jump first, she said something to the man Elijah couldn't make out, and then she jumped, she didn't even scream, she was just gone.

Elijah sure as hell wasn't jumping next, he didn't know if Brielle was okay or not, but had a suspicion there was something down there to catch them, they wouldn't kill their initiates, that was the logic of it. He let a few people jump, and then a few more, despite the fact he knew he wasn't going to die, when Elijah got up there, he sure felt like he was going to die. He jumped and he screamed, but his screaming stopped as soon as he hit the net, he was sixth jumper, got the low down on how Trent and James were their trainers and how he would be spending more time with Trent, he walked over to join the small group of transfers that had collected there, Brielle looked the most uncomfortable out of all of them and he wondered why, but decided not to ask, he just glanced at Trent and almost shivered, he looked like someone you didn't want to get into a fight with.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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0.00 INK


Logan smiled at his friends as they all began running, following them as he assumed he was supposed to do. He didn't look back at his parents, already saying goodbye with his eyes. He would see them again, of course he would, at things like parents day at the faction. It wasn't like he was saying goodbye forever or anything. He followed his friends without difficulty, keeping up to their fast pace, they were towards the front of the pack, he almost ran into another transfer who had stopped to stare at her family, but managed to keep from hitting her too hard to knock her over. "Sorry, come on, you know what's coming up soon, don't you?" Logan called to her as he kept going, pumping his arms and legs to speed back up and catch his friends. He had seen the catching of the train plenty of times to pick up what they were going to do first.

Logan climbed the beams to the tracks, savoring the feeling of finally climbing something other than trees. It was nice, and the height helped cheer him up from the feelings of sorrow from the loss of being around his family so often. He had followed his dauntless friends' lead, ignoring their calls saying he looks like a transfer the way he moves. Upon catching the train, he knocked the shoulder of one friend, the one who had said he looked like a transfer. "I may look like a transfer, but at least I've had a girlfriend before," He said jokingly with a smile. He laughed, good naturedly as did a few others.

Logan stood by the door, leaning out slightly to enjoy the breeze. He savored the feeling of it in his hair. He heard someone talking about the jumping finally, but it wasn't a surprise for Logan. He prepped himself, moving to the back of the train car so he could watch the other, more experienced Dauntless jump first before doing it himself. He heard someone asking questions and announcing her name and glanced back to see the girl he had almost knocked over. He marveled at her ability to make it obvious she was one to watch when it came to being the teacher and all. She seemed to be the defiant one out of the initiates. Logan ignored the morbidness of the idea of hitting the concrete, stories below that is.

As the roof began to approach, Logan braced himself, and when the time was right and everyone else who knew what they were doing jumped, Logan jumped as well. Logan landed somewhat on his feet, stumbling a few feet but jogging to brush it off. He smiled at his friends as they knocked him a bit, saying something about being the only red one in their group of black. Logan smiled and shrugged, walking to join the those at the edge of the roof. Logan payed attention to the guy that spoke, glancing over the edge and smiling at the height. He was somewhere he knew. However, when he said that they were jumping, Logan felt his heart flutter. He could do it, he could make himself do it. He looked up, and began walking forward through the crowd, at the very front when someone, the girl from before, called out she wanted to go first. Logan nearly groaned, he was ready, he was gonna psych himself out if he didn't go right away, but he hadn't spoken up, instead, just acting.

Logan watched, expecting her to get up on the ledge and go, instead, she didn't. She paused causing Logan to want to call for her to hurry, but knowing that would be rude and not nice at all. The guy on the ledge looked up, seeing Logan and giving him a knowing smile. "Boy, this is Dauntless, if you want something, you take it, don't give it to someone else so they stay happy. You're not Amity anymore. If you're gonna jump, go," The guy said causing Logan to nod his head in the annoying idea that he hadn't been quick enough. He moved forward, thankful of the guys behind him clapping him on the back and encouraging him.

Logan climbed up, studied the hole he was to jump through, took a deep breath, and went. As he went, he heard a scream from one of the people below causing Logan to freak. He flailed slightly, trying to turn to land on his back so whatever he hit, be it concrete or water, would hit his back. He did in fact hit something, only it was a net. He bounced once, twice, then settled, and before he knew it, was being pulled to the side and dumped on the floor, being held up by one of his best friends' older sister who gave him a wink and a nod.

He was given multiple pats on the back as his friends' family and random people recognized him, congratulating him for his feat. He moved forward, smiling at the girl who grabbed his arm and managed to tell him he was to go stand by some guy. The roar of the crowd was so loud to hear over, Logan just barely caught it. He then moved on to stand by the guy, giving him a nod. "You're Trent," Logan said with a matter of fact tone, "I can tell because your sister was a year older than me and we had a few classes. It's nice to meet you man," Logan stated as he offered his hand to Trent, then moved to stand by the first jumper who had just barely beaten him.

"So, Brielle, take this in the nicest way possible, why'd you jump first? It appeared like, you did it on instinct, before thinking it through. Am I right?" Logan asked, his curiosity very clear and his tone making it clear he was not trying to be rude or mean in anyway. He was honestly curious why an Erudite he was trained to always think things through, was the first to jump when it seemed to happen at an instant.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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0.00 INK

Rosalyn stood in the cart talking to a few of the transfers who were standing around her, she heard the lady tell them to get up because they were going to have to jump, she also heard the girl who had asked the question about what would happen if they didn’t make the jump, Rosalyn just laughed. “Smart ass” she whispered to the people around her and they all chuckled.

Rosalyn backed up getting ready to jump, as soon as the roof approached she ran and jumped rolling as if she had been doing it all of her life, she regrouped with the people she had been talking to as they gathered at the other edge of the roof listening to the guy explain how they were all going to jump, how something might catch them, something might now. Rosalyn laughed along with the Dauntless born but even her heart sped up at the thought of just plummeting towards the ground not knowing if something was going to catch you or if something would.

She almost growled seeing Brielle move up to the ledge, she was convinced the Erudite girl would back out, but she just looked at the man said something and jumped, why the hell would an Erudite jump first? Their trained to be logical, and safe, and not illogical and reckless, it was like Brielle acted on nothing but instinct, like she had been doing it her whole life.

Rosalyn jumped after a boy she was sure was named Logan, she screamed a little bit at first but pulled herself together right before she hit the net, then she was on the ground again. She Went over to the group she saw Logan talking to one of the Trainers who she knew was Trent, the Erudite boy, Elijah, was near Brielle but not to close, Logan was a social butterfly clearly, seemed rather outgoing but laid back at the same time, and then there was Brielle, who was standing closest to Trent, but again not to close, she seemed happy to keep to herself, Logan ruined that for her though. "So, Brielle, take this in the nicest way possible, why'd you jump first? It appeared like, you did it on instinct, before thinking it through. Am I right?"

Rosalyn laughed a little before coming out of the crowd, in her eyes Brielle was the biggest threat to her at the moment, the seemingly shy, Erudite Smart ass seemed to know enough about Dauntless to successfully be one. “I’d kinda like to know why you jumped first as well, I thought Erudite’s were supposed to be smart, you obviously were skipped when it came to that gene.” Rosalyn taunted, a few of the others snickered behind her, it wasn’t smart making enemies so early on, but Brielle didn’t look like she was capable of much other than listing of useless facts.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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"So, Brielle, take this in the nicest way possible, why'd you jump first? It appeared like, you did it on instinct, before thinking it through. Am I right?"
Brielle looked at Logan, but someone else spoke up, of course it had to be Rosalyn. “I’d kinda like to know why you jumped first as well, I thought Erudite’s were supposed to be smart, you obviously were skipped when it came to that gene.”

Brielle sighed, she wanted to ignore the comment from Rosalyn but didn’t want to be made to look like an easy target. “I can guarantee I’m at least ten times smarter than you.” Brielle almost snapped at her but kept it more at a neutral tone which was usually a better intimidation factor. “If you think for a second that I am someone you are going to push around Rosalyn, you are the one who lacks intelligence, You don’t know me and you don’t know what I’m capable of. If you were smart, you wouldn’t provoke someone you know nothing about, you might do it to someone who is ill tempered and you will end up being beaten bloody.” Brielle looked Rosalyn right in the eyes, she was not a fan of making enemies but this was Dauntless, if you appeared weak you would immediately be a target.

“If you really want to know why i jumped first, I knew it was their first assessment on how we respond to a possibly dangerous situation, they were simply putting us in a place they knew would induce fear to see who would freeze, who would act, who would analyze, and who would wait until they knew it was safe. They wouldn’t kill their initiates therefore there had to be something to stop us from hitting the ground, so I jumped.” Brielle didn’t raise her voice at all, she remained calm the entire time, she had lowered her voice slightly to make it clear to Rosalyn and anyone else who thought Brielle was just a book worm who made the wrong choice, she had been picked on and beaten enough by Mathias she left to get away from it not go back into it. “You’d be surprised how quickly I can think about a situation. The faster you can analyze a situation the faster you can make the smartest call.” She added, not necessarily speaking about the roof but more the situation Logan had put her in, they would all think she was referring to the roof. Brielle looked Logan in the eyes before looking away from him, it was simply nerve racking knowing what she was and that someone could find out or already know.

Brielle took a breath looking down at the floor, she hated the fact that now literally everyone was staring at her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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Trent watched the initiates jump, hands behind his back and slowly pile up to him as instructed. So far obedience wasn’t a problem which was good news.
He nodded to the guy whom wore the red and gold-yellow signature Amity colors, shaking his hand going to comment on how Tracey was a piece of work, but he wasn’t going to go into his family life with initiates. He missed his family in truth, yet he could dwell on it another day when he weren’t currently responsible for transfers.

He risked a glance to them as some interrogations went on about why an erudite girl had jumped first which had peaked his own interest as he never cared much for why and the reasoning behind the jumpers before-just that they did it. But before things got too nasty, James had broken it up in his own heated way causing Trent to look to him lowering a hand communicating for him to cool it.

Trent turned his attention back to the transfers smiling a little at the outburst that was an improvised fear test. “Welcome to Dauntless. Stay on my heels.” He second looked the erudite and candor transfers. “Not literally,” he added and began the tour of the essentials. The touring bored him and no doubt would bore the initiates even more. If they were Dauntless, they wouldn’t mind the adventure of showing themselves around.

“The pit,” he introduced the vague opening stretching out his arms, picking up his pace so he could be over with it. “Uuhh training area, sometimes, it depends what your trainer wants to do with you is tucked to the right,” he announced as they were a level up from it.“It has targets, weaponry and rings which we’ll have plenty of time to experiment with later. The eating area is to the left. And your room is...” he led the way to the chasm and the little steel bridge crossing over it. He strolled across it with ease used to the absurd structure of Dauntless and looked over his shoulder to check the initiates. There was another way to their room in such a big place but part of being Dauntless was experimenting new stimuli.
“And your room,”he got to finish as he gestured to another opening after following few turns and dark corridors. The “room” had a few bunks and mattresses packed together. He took some black clothes from the arms of an experienced Dauntless waiting there for them. “Hope none of you have self-esteem issues.” He held out the clothes for the initiates to grab and once they were all off his arm, he paced off to regroup in the dining area, though that was putting it elegantly.

“I’m not giving tours again.” Was his way of greeting them as he took a seat. "So many transfers are gonna be wondering around lost now," he rubbed his temples. "If anyone asks it's a teamwork test," he justified in advance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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Logan was not very impressed by the girl who seemed to think the way Logan did, but not in a curious way, more like a competitive, dangerous way. He studied the girl with the same laid back smile on his face though he did intensely, not allowing anyone to catch his true meaning behind glancing at her. He gave a death glare to those who snickered, making it clear that encouraging being rude was not something he found funny or cool at all. He was glad to see some of his Dauntless friends give harsh looks to those same people as well, causing the smile to return to his face.

He was about to make a comment about how there was no need for the comment when Brielle seemed to speak up first. He wanted to groan, but refrained. These girls weren't making it easy for him to believe they could all get along well. He gave Brielle the same look he had given Rosalyn, now disapproving of her actions as well. He had to admit, Brielle was something he was interested in, as she seemed to be different too... Was Logan really not so different that he was the only... what was the word the guy used... Divergent kid there was?

When Brielle's words seemed directed more towards him, he listened, genuinely interested. He smiled at her slight catch about it being the first assessment and all. He wondered if he should try to hint at the Divergent thing without making it clear, hoping the girl would be smart enough to catch it if she really was Divergent as well. Man, Logan hoped she was. It would make his life so much better, in theory. From what Logan could tell, this girl was either extremely smart, or just bluffing, both of which were equally possible as he saw it.

He smiled at what she said about the faster analyzing, the better. It didn't give him any extra evidence, but it sure did make him want to laugh. He smiled slightly, then turned to everyone. "And there you have it folks, everyone knows it takes street smarts to be Dauntless, so she's street smart and has a pretty face, Ulrich, you said you were looking for a girl right?" Logan asked his friend at the back of the group who smiled and laughed. As everyone turned their attention to Ulrich to listen to whatever he was saying, Logan turned to Brielle for a moment, whispering into her ear so nobody could hear what he said, "You were right about most of what you said. However, the first test? Climbing to get to the train. It was the fourth really. Sorry to put you on the spot, by the way," He said with a wink, turning his mouth to be a flirty smile before pulling away in case anyone was watching and thought it odd. He winked at her again as he began walking away, moving to join the now smiling and laughing Ulrich.

It was then that someone appeared, speaking loudly but not exactly shouting. It was then Logan noticed the other Dauntless filing out of the big area with the net. Logan studied the new guy, curious about him. Logan looked at the guy, doing his best, and probably succeeding, with hiding his lack of being impressed and the respect that was flying out the window. This was the kind of guy that Logan didn't like, and didn't care to really bother talking to unless he was approached first. He was being... what was the word? Annoying.

Trent stepped in causing Logan's respect for him and being impressed towards him sky rocket. Logan followed the crowd, ignoring the question Ulrich asked in his ear about him being interested in the Bri girl. He was certainly interested, though perhaps not the way Ulrich was referring to. Logan looked over the side of the bridge they crossed as they walked towards their room, marveling at the height and at the same time, wondering why it was at all convenient to have it in there? Why?

When Trent offered Logan the black clothing, he was happy and sad. He liked the color red, but hated the color yellow, so it was kind of a win lose if you looked at it the right way. Logan accepted the clothing, giving Trent a nod of thanks as he observed the room. He didn't have self esteem issues thankfully, but he wasn't exactly entirely... well... sure he wanted to change in a room filled with girls. He didn't care about changing in front of them so much as them changing in front of him, but realized to announce that would probably, actually, definitely be a bad idea. Logan changed quickly, feeling like it was probably a good idea. He wasn't self conscious about himself since he did have to do a lot of heavy lifting and wasn't one to eat more than he should. He wasn't exactly chiseled, but he was tan and muscular, both things one doesn't mind. Logan tossed his Amity clothes on a random bunk, taking the top so that he would feel more comfortable with the height before following Trent back to the dining room.

Logan smiled at Trent's reasoning, shaking his head in wonder at his surroundings. He was in Dauntless. He was in freaking Dauntless. It felt nice. He took a seat near Trent, but across from him and a few seats down, next to Ulrich and some other Dauntless initiates who were from Dauntless. To his left, the seats were basically open, nobody sitting nearby for a few tables.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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""And there you have it folks, everyone knows it takes street smarts to be Dauntless, so she's street smart and has a pretty face, Ulrich, you said you were looking for a girl right?"" Brielle looked down, did he really have to go and make it worse? Now she was street smart and a pretty face, great, she almost wanted to slap Logan when he went to whisper in her ear. "You were right about most of what you said. However, the first test? Climbing to get to the train. It was the fourth really. Sorry to put you on the spot, by the way," Brielle watched Logan as he made his way back to his friends, she almost rolled her eyes, but the boy had taken an interest in her for some reason, she knew it wasn’t romantic or hoped it wasn’t she didn’t want to deal with that, but she did want to know why Logan had taken an interest in her, she would investigate it as time went by.

The tour itself was boring, Trent to the looks of Brielle didn’t want to be doing it. She was a fast learner probably wouldn’t get lost, or hoped she wouldn’t get lost. Brielle was last to go up to Trent and get clothes [color= #48D1CC ]“Thank you.”[/color] she said taking the clothes and going back over to her bed, she pulled the pants on underneath her dress, she unzipped it quickly pulling the top on, she didn’t want anyone staring at her really, she had enough attention from everyone for one day, more like for the month.

Brielle found her way to the dining area, she decided to play it safe and stay as far away from the initiates as possible, deciding she was going to sit across from Trent where the only one near her would be Logan, her curiosity was spiked with the boy now and she wanted to know why he was so intrigued by her, she was sure she would eventually figure it out. Brielle looked at Trent and smiled slightly, she didn’t really want to initiate a conversation but at least wanted to be friendly, she was going to be under his rule for a while they might as well get along. “Aren’t you curious as to why I jumped first?” Brielle asked signaling she had noticed his peaked interest when she was being interrogated. “I’m rather observant...and awkward apparently.” Brielle laughed at her own pathetic attempt to start a conversation with Trent, she was awkward that was for sure.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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Ciara knew of the train tests and took that with a plausible level of ease. Even jumping into the blackness that an erudite girl of all people had volunteered to do first-she took with ease. The Dauntless didn’t send initiates to their death instantly; just challenged them mentally and physically. Although there had been cases of people missing the jump from the train to the building.
One after one, they jumped and headed to Trent as instructed, which she was surprised to hear as tour guide.

Of course the touring was for the transfers while the Dauntless born marched off to their own areas getting a quick lecture. “Being dauntless born does not guarantee your position here. From here on, you will have to earn your place and rank high on the board to be true dauntless.” The rest of the speech continued like so as she reflected on her result. Erudite.

The unofficial gathering was usually where they ate and Ciara was not surprised to see Trent there already, carrying on about his touring duty. At least he admitted to being a bad guide causing Ciara to smile. “I wasn’t aware Dauntless had constructed a team working and navigation test,” she commented finding her own seat at another table. “But I’ll be sure to stick to the story,” she called leaning on a hand waiting for the next orders to get up and train more than likely.

The transfers dressed in black caused a new kind of smile to sneak upon her lips. For some it looked odd, some better but mostly odd. And Trent as a guide was still amusing as well as visualizing a bunch of initiates roaming Dauntless lost.
His strength was much more in the training department as was The Warden’s and Nadia’s. They each bought their own element to training and surely enough at least one trainer would work for someone. They were like a variety of flavors.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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Trent smiled at the pure sarcasm of the Dauntless but paid it no attention. Particularly as a voice came across the table to distract him anyway. He risked a glance around making sure the original erudite girl was talking to him and he furrowed his Imagebrows. “Brielle?” he was unsure if he had caught her name right as it was announced as first jumper. “Well
” he thought of how to put it without sounding like a complete ass or like he was snapping at her and he knew how daunting things could be already but really there was no other way to say what he wanted. “I kinda already heard you explain it to the others. We weren’t standing that far apart. So I’m not that curious anymore.” He flashed the pretty girl an ice-breaking smile. She’d have to break away from erudite habit of evaluating every little thing and the compulsion to explain everything, especially in Dauntless. Even Trent, with Amity as his background for just a flicker of a second felt insulted and like a subject rather than a being. Then again, that could have very well been the emotional dauntless side. But she'd figure it out for herself with being so smart.

“If you want some food I suggest you dig in now,” he warned them after a moment. He didn’t know when they last ate but he knew they’d be in the training area for a few hours. After all, he had an interesting new bunch to work with and as far as he knew other factions didn’t face physical conflict often or at all so it’d be a beginner’s class to see what they knew and what they were made of.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Ciara Jensen Character Portrait: Elijah Blair
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“If you want some food I suggest you dig in now.” Brielle looked at the food in front of her, she wasn’t quite sure what she wanted, but took a hamburger anyway, the room was loud with people talking over one another, there was yelling as well, people yelling at friends, siblings, she had heard one brother yelling at another a little earlier. She tensed up immediately when some people slid in to sit next to her, she looked at the guy on her right and her heart almost stopped, he looked like Mathias:

“You can’t do anything right!” Mathias had screamed, Brielle had miss counted one of her equations for her brother and he had gone into a rage, he struck her a few times and then yelled and yelled while Brielle just sat on the floor.

Brielle shivered, she hadn’t had a memory like that in a while. “What?” The boy snapped telling Brielle that she had been staring. “You look like someone I know...used to know” Brielle replied quickly but attempted to keep a calm voice, but even she could hear the shake in her voice. “Excuse me.” Brielle forced a little smile getting up with her food and moving down to where Logan’s friends and Logan were sitting, she sat down by them but didn’t initiate much of a conversation.

Dinner seemed long after that, Brielle couldn’t get the shake out of her voice and was more distracted, maybe she was paranoid because she was worried Mathias would just show up when she tried and had succeeded at escaping her ill tempered brother, she wasn’t sure why she was so worried Mathias hated Dauntless, she knew he wouldn’t show up but it was just the thought of it, the thought of it made her feel sick by itself.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Logan Peters Character Portrait: Brielle Grey Character Portrait: Nadia Pierce Character Portrait: Trent Gladele Character Portrait: Elijah Blair Character Portrait: Isabella Gray
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ImageNadia smirked slightly when Trent ignored her, and turned her attention to the crowd of newbies that had begun to emerge from their bedroom, now dressed freshly in the typical black of the Dauntless. Another small, barely noticeable smile tugged at her lips when she saw them all, a vast sea of darkly dressed awkwardness. She watched, expressionless, eyes analysing, as they tucked into the food laid on the tables.

With a scoff, she moved towards Trent, frowning slightly as the young 'uns swallowed down food like it was their last meal. "The last ones were too stressed to eat." She muttered, remembering the previous recruits. They had been an oddly small and jumpy group. Even the Dauntless had been unexpectedly nervous. But they'd all gotten through, save for... what? Nine? Ten. Who had there been, again? There was the Erudite twins, convinced that book-smarts were enough to survive, the Amity who tried -and failed- to prove a point, the Dauntless who would've been a better Candor... Nadia didn't really like recalling the faces. She got a bad feeling in her stomach. Guilt? Couldn't be. Dauntless weren't supposed to feel things like that.

Perhaps she should get it checked out.

Glancing down at Trent, she queried in a calm tone, "It's my turn to do the speech this year, you know." She shot him a slight smile, "It's gonna leave your one from last year in the dust."