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Penelope Velasquez

Militia Commander

0 · 1,573 views · located in Monroe Republic

a character in “Revolution: Rebels in the Dark”, as played by ~Lonesome Butterfly~


The Monroe Militia, keepers of the peace.





✫ Full Name ✫
Penelope Velasquez
(Everyone calls her Penelope, however those close to her might have certain pet names for her that she only allows them to say.)

✫ Gender ✫

✫ Race ✫
Puerto Rican (with an accent similar to Penelope Cruz's but not as heavy.)

✫ Sexual Orientation ✫

✫ Age ✫


✫ Likes/Hobbies ✫

Body Art
The Ocean
Food Galore
Tinkering with Cars or other mechanical things that have since stopped working.


✫ Dislikes ✫

Ignorant people
The Rebels
People who ask for Handouts
Pushy people
Nosy people
Bratty Kids


✫ Weight/Body-Type ✫
155lbs (A bit busty and curvaceous.)

✫ Height ✫

✫ Eyes ✫
A Light Grey-Blue

✫ Hair ✫
A Golden Brown, and reaches to the middle of her back when out straight.

✫ Body Art ✫
Crossed industrial, small spike plug, and six lobe piercings in both ears.
She also has Vertical and Horizontal belly button piercings, a tattoo of different colored butterflies flying around the quote β€œI Need a release from this troublesome mind” in Korean Hangul on her neck, and finally a large rainbow phoenix on her back/thig.

✫ Personality ✫

- Very opinionated and blunt. She isn't shy in the least and will tell someone just what she's thinking, or speak the truth to Bass or Miles when everyone else is too afraid to say it to them.

- Incredibly determined/hard-headed.

- Laid back and Methodical.

- Deceptively charming and coy. Most who know her are aware of the cruelty that is underneath her charming persona, so while it's still easy to be fooled by her charms most watch what they say around her as to not piss her off.

- Extremely loyal to the Monroe Militia.

- Not really caring about what people think she’s the type to go up to a chick and ask her if her tits are plastic or talk about sex and gore in front of a minister without seeing the big deal.

- Penelope has grown very comfortable with cruelty when it's needed, and while her persona might trick people into think she's kind she's in fact very cold and unforgiving towards anyone she sees as an annoyance or threat.




✫ Bio ✫

Penelope was born and raised in Puerto Rico until her mid teens, when she moved to mainland America. Her life was that of the typical middle class family, she did relatively well in school, and never gave her parents much trouble until her later teens, where the typical things - boys, alcohol, and peer pressure - began to flood her life. Outside of the potty mouth and staying out late she still wasn't all that bad of a kid and so her parents had high hopes when she finally made the tough decision to leave her hometown and everyone she knew and loved, to go to college in the big city of NYC.

When the power went out she was in NYC, and her immediate family were on vacation to Puerto Rico to visit family. Though she tried she was never able to make it to the island to find her folks, and eventually made contact with Monroe and Miles again - quickly settling into their community. She has never forgotten about her family and longs to see them again, but such feelings have been pushed to the back of her mind in recent years as the Monroe Republic has grown in power, and she'd never let anyone see her emotional over such things.

((I left things kind of general until I found out how/if my character to know Miles and Bass from growing up.))


✫ Strengths/Skills ✫

- Fluent in English, Spanish, French, and basic Korean.
- Tai Chi & Yoga (oddly enough it helps her focus and relive stress)
- Photographic Memory
- Proficient in the IDF's mix of Krav Maga and Karate.
- Very skilled with swords and will use two at once as she fights. She enjoys daggers, razors, and various other sharp objects though.


✫ Weaknesses ✫

- Can be blinded with rage.
- Rarely backs down from a confrontation, even if the stakes are incredibly high or the situation she's about to jump into is a bit reckless.
- Trypophobic
- Trust Issues.

✫ Weapons ✫

- Two Red long swords.
- Various daggers.
- Leather Brass Knuckle Gloves.
- Pair of S&W Revolvers.
- Is familiar with the Machine Guns used by others in the Militia but rarely carries one herself.

(Faceclaim: Angelina Jolie. Color: Red).

So begins...

Penelope Velasquez's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Travis Nobles Character Portrait: Sebastian Monroe Character Portrait: Penelope Velasquez Character Portrait: Sam Conway
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#, as written by CutUp

The young freelancer calmly pulled back the arrow in his compound bow with the tips of his index, middle, and ring fingers as he took aim at a rather large buck in a clearing next to a stream in some forest in the middle of the corpse that used to be Pennsylvania. He pulled the string back and held it to his right canine tooth. He straightened up his right elbow, pulled his shoulders back, and took a deep breath in. His eyes followed the buck with every step it took as it strolled it's way to the stream to take a drink of the water. Travis exhaled and released the arrow. The arrow hit the buck directly in it's neck, right on the money. Travis quickly ran over to the buck to check out his kill. The buck was still alive, just barely. "Sorry buddy. Shit happens." Travis said to the dying deer as it started squirming on the ground. Travis took out his hunting knife and put the deer out of his misery. "Could be worst. You could have been killed by someone else. You should feel honored." Travis smirked as he took the buck by it's hind legs and started dragging it towards the current Rebel camp.

The camp was a few miles away, he'd been tracking that buck all morning long and it took him farther in the forest then he thought. "Well, well, what do we have here boys?" Some scruffy looking man with a crossbow said as he and five other men came upon Travis. "Just keep moving boys. I don't want to hurt you unless I have too, or preferably get paid." Travis said as he dropped the buck's legs. He felt a little naked without his guns, it isn't the best idea to go around the heart of the Monroe Republic with a bunch of guns. The Baltimore act and all. "Yeah, we're not going to do that. We're hungry, and that is some mighty fine venison." the obvious leader said as aimed his crossbow at Travis. The other men was armed with knives, some farming equipment, and one had a bow. "Have it your way. Don't say I didn't warn you." Travis said with a maniacal grin.

In one swift move Travis unsheathed his knife and threw it directly into the leader's chest. The leader accidently shot his crossbow in pain, and the arrow hit one of his followers, leaving the others in shock. Travis quickly ducked as the one with the bow started to fire at him. Travis did a combat roll towards the archer, and when he was within arm's length, Travis punched him directly in his throat. The freelance rebel quickly took out his cutlass and slashed the archer's chest. The rest of the men finally snapped out of their shock and attacked him. Travis cut through the first two men like they were nothing as the rushed him, now leaving only two. One was armed with a sickle, and the other a hatchet. They both attacked him at the same time, swinging their respected weapons. Travis just effortlessly dodged their attacks. Travis fought back with a flurry of slashes. But these guys were much better then the rest of the Lemmings he just fought, and were able to dodge his attacks.

Travis backed away from them to assess the situation. "Darwinism at it's finest huh? Survival of the fittest and all that. The weak and stupid are dead, and that leaves the smart and strong." Travis said, commenting on their skill as they began circling around each other. Travis stopped when he reached the corpse of the marauder's leader. "But then again, letting me over here was pretty stupid." Travis smirked as he yanked his knife out of the corpse's chest. Travis attacked them with his knife in his left hand, and sword in his right. They were barely able to block and dodge his strikes, but they did get some cuts. The one with the hatchet gave Travis a swift, and powerful kick to his stomach that interrupted his steady stream of attacks, and forced him back. They matched his flurry of strikes with their own. Travis did his best to block them, but they were just to overwhelming, and got in a few cuts on him. Travis backed up, and began breathing heavily.

Sam came up from behind and placed the sickle wielder in a sleeper hold. The hatchet wielder was distracted, and Travis took this opportunity. Travis used his sword to push his hatchet aside, and drove his knife deep into his chest. Sam gently placed the sickle wielder down on the ground, and he looked around at the carnage. Travis took his knife back and started his way over to the unconscious marauder. "That's enough Merc!" Sam ordered as he grabbed Travis by his right arm. "Screw you! They tried to kill me! I gave them a chance to walk away, and they didn't. His life is null and void! Now let me go!" Travis shouted as he pushed him away. The two stared each other down for a solid minute, nether one blinking. Sam took out a small, brown pouch from his pocket. "This is yours, if you do what I say and leave him alone. I hired you to kill Militia, not random thugs." Sam said as he tossed the pouch to him. Travis caught in and dumped it's contents in the palm of his hand. The contents were several flawless diamonds. "Fine. But next time, let me kill who I want." Travis said as he spat on the man. "Killing trash like him isn't murder, it's a service to the world." Travis said as he took the legs of his buck, and continued to drag him to the camp.

Sam sighed, what was he going to do with him. He was good, really good, but his unruliness, and temper may prove to be more trouble then he's worth. Time will tell. Sam went around the corpses, and closed their eyes, and rested their hands on their chest. While killing these guys was probably justified, still there are other ways to deal with things other then killing. Sam looked down at the unconscious man. "Great, what am I going to do with you?" Sam sighed. He picked the man up and tossed him over his shoulders in a fireman's carry.

He carried him deep into the woods, far enough for him not to accidently stumble across the camp. Sam tossed him next to the base of a tree. Sam quickly left before he could come too. Days like this is when he missed his brother Matt, he just seemed to have a way with trouble makers such as Travis. Much better then him anyway. The trek back to the camp just seemed to fly by, and before he knew it he was back at the camp. There someone was already starting to cook the deer Travis killed. "Where's the Merc?" Sam asked the cook. Without a word the cook pointed him towards a tent Travis went to.

Travis was cleaning the blood off his face with a wet washcloth. "What do you want Sammy?" Travis said, not even looking at him, he just assumed it was Sam. "Don't call me that, Sammy is a chubby 12 year old. It's Sam." Sam responded. Travis turned around and faced Sam. "What?" He asked in confusion. "It's from a TV.....never mind." Sam answered with irritation. He really hated the Blackout. "Look, I get why you killed those men. They had it coming. But there are other ways to deal with someone other then killing them." Sam said calmly. "Riiiiiiggggggghhhhhhhhttttttttttt. We can't exactly dial 911. But when you find another way, let me know." Travis said in a smug tone.

General Monroe sat in his office as he waited his men to bring someone to him. His men busted through his office door, dragging along a beaten, and bloody late 40ish black man. "Well, well, well. It's about time." Bass said as he calmly got up from his chair and strolled over to the man.

"Major Donald Michaels. It has been far too long hasn't it." Bass said as he circled the man like a shark. "Tell me, how did those rebels get past your blockage a few days ago?" Bass asked as he stopped behind him. "I-I-I don't know!" Michaels answered with obvious fear in his voice. "Now that's a lie isn't it? They got through because of your incompetency." Bass quickly stated.

"Sir, please have mercy! I-I-I didn't mean for them to get away!" Michaels pleaded, as Bass silently drew his sidearm. "Oh shut up! Have some self-respect!" Bass said as he shot him in the back of the head. "Let that be a lesson to you boys. Failure is not an option in war." Bass said as he wiped away the blood off his face. "Now someone get me Commander Velasquez!" Bass ordered as his men scrambled to get the dead body out of his office and to follow his orders.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Monroe Character Portrait: Penelope Velasquez
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"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone....." Penelope whispered, as she plucked at the worn guitar on her bare lap. It was only a week or so ago that they stumbled across an old acoustic guitar at an abandoned rebel base.
".....It's not warm when she's away...."
She had been practicing the old Bill Withers song for a few days and managed to get it down, which was more exciting for her than she'd ever let on seeing as how it was always a favorite of her fathers.
"....Ain't no sunshine when she's gone, and she's always gone too long, anytime she goes away."
Her voice was pleasant as she sang a few more lines in a hushed tone before making her way over towards the bathroom, wearing nothing but a slightly baggy t-shirt. There was no running water or florescent lights, however the natural sunlight poured into the window and the bucket on the counter-top had enough water in it to wash her face and body.

Several minutes later Penelope would be dressed in her typical black shorts, fitted black tank top, and black combat boots," as she shoved her two revolvers into their holsters. Before she could begin to tie her hair up a loud knock would come at her door. "Commander Velasquez?"
Instead of responding Penelope would sigh, walk towards her swords, and then slide them onto her right hip. A second more tentative knock would come several seconds later - followed by a low "Hello?"
"What is it?" she'd call out firmly without opening the door.
"Uh, General Monroe would like to speak with you."

Silence would linger for a moment as Penelope slowly made her way to the door and grabbed the black trench coat that hung off the back of a nearby chair. Once she slipped into it Penelope would hastily put her thick long hair into a high messy bun before opening the door - coming face-to-face with three men no older than nineteen or twenty. Their postures were straight as a sign of respect and the same voice from moments earlier would suddenly speak up again, this time with a bit more confidence. "Good morning ma'am, Monroe is waiting in his office."

As she and the three guards made their way towards Monroe's quarters Penelope couldn't help but hum the Withers tune she had just been playing. The casual smile and pip in her step fooled no one though and individuals would scatter out of the way as she made her way down the halls.

"No need to come inside, thank you." she quipped to the guards as they all approached Monroe's office. Penelope would knock briefly on the door before letting herself in with a mildly sarcastic; "You called?"
As she closed the door behind her she'd catch a glimpse of the blood on the floor before walking through it to reach Monroe. "Bad morning?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Monroe Character Portrait: Penelope Velasquez
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#, as written by CutUp

"Yes, well I just had a 'chat' with Major Michaels. I'm sure you heard of his little fiasco the other day. He was supposed to had put a blockade up to capture Sam Conway. But the fool put the blockade in the wrong place." Bass replied to Penelope as he poured himself a stiff drink. "Incompetency such as that can't be tolerated Miss Velasquez." Bass said as he poured another drink for the Commander. Bass then quickly downed the liquor, with it burning all the way down his throat, but he didn't show any discomfort. "This is why I brought you here today."

Bass then sat down in his large, very presidential chair behind his desk. "I don't know if you're aware or not, but Michaels was in change of a special task force that was meant to bring Conway to justice. To take the head off the snake. I want you to take his place." Bass said as he pushed the other drink across his desk. "With all the problems we've had with the Peach-Eaters, and those Texan Savages, we need to get our house in order. And the first step is taking out Mr. Conway wouldn't you agree?" Bass asked. "I asked for you specifically and not someone like Baker, Neville, Hudson, or Strausser because I have confidence in your ability. You'll have the best men, and equipment at your disposal."
OOC: Sorry, I don't have the time to do a Rebels post right now. :( But I'll get one up tomorrow! Scout's honor!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Sebastian Monroe Character Portrait: Penelope Velasquez
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As Monroe spoke of Major Michaels Penelope would take a seat across from him and cross her legs - nodding at appropriate times.
"Incompetency such as that can't be tolerated Miss Velasquez"

Bass would pour her a glass of liquor and almost in unison the two would down their stiff drinks and then place their glasses back down on Monroe's desk - where Penelope would then take the bottle and pour both herself, and Monroe, another drink. Unlike the last glass however Penelope wouldn't down her bit of "liquid courage" in two seconds, an instead stirred it with her finger as she listened to Sebastian speak. Her demeanor was always one of cool yet undeniable confidence, but in the world she lived in, and with the position she held, it was only sensible to always be on guard. That being said though Penelope always felt more at ease around Bass or Miles, even if they happened to be in a room where the floor was splattered in blood - a sight she had grown quite familiar with over the years.

"'ll have the best men, and equipment at your disposal."

As Monroe wrapped up his thoughts Penelope would finally down her second drink.
"Well, as 'fun' as it would be to disagree with you I happen to think you're right - taking out Conway would personally be a pleasurable experience, but it undoubtedly would be like taking a machete to the rebel's morale.....and seeing as how morale is largely what those delusional fools run off of it's quite clear, 'handling' Sam Conway would make dealing with the rest of them even easier....I'm giddy at just the thought."
Penelope snickered under her breath as she placed the empty glass on the desk, uncrossed her legs, and slid up in her chair until she was able to balance both her elbows on it and subsequently rest her chin atop her clasped hands.

"Outside of business though, it's been a minute or two since we've sat down like this..."
The commander would pause and let her accented words linger for a moment before speaking up again. " have you been taking care of yourself? And please, spare me the sarcastic bullshit you feed most of these other people, Bass." Penelope said through a cheeky grin.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Travis Nobles Character Portrait: Sebastian Monroe Character Portrait: Penelope Velasquez Character Portrait: Sam Conway Character Portrait: Cal Burgandy Character Portrait: Renya Couteree
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#, as written by CutUp

Travis grunted in pain as Renya punched his injured arm. "Crazy bitch." Travis mumbled under his breath so she wouldn't hear, he didn't want to get punched again. Admittedly he did have a lot more fun with her then most of the other rebels. Maybe because she's one of the few people here that challenge him. "I make no promises." Travis sarcastically answered to her asking him not to kill anyone. "Besides, it was more....housecleaning then it was murder." Travis smirked.

"Yeah I could eat." Travis said as he got up and exited his tent behind her. As they exited the tent Cal, a rebel commander came up to Renya. "And yet I still haven't gotten a thank you." Travis said, yeah he won't let that go. "And not to toot my own horn, I had to deal with like 20 marauders. No wait it was closer to 40! And a bear! No 2 bears! And a tiger!" Travis smirked, obviously embellishing the details. "But that's ok. I live to please. Or be pleased, depending on the day." He said with a bit of a chuckle. "So how are you muscles?"


Once the scouts left, and Sam was done planning the routes, he left his tent. He looked around and saw Cal talking with the freelancers. "Alright, people get your breakfast ate and meet me at my tent. I've got a few missions for us." Sam said addressing his people in a commanding voice and returned to his tent, the closest thing he has to a command center. It's no office in the heart of Philly, and stocked full with liquor, but it gets the job done.


"Well that's good to hear." Bass said as he took the drink she poured. "I'm doing ok. I'm just ready for these rebels to be dealt with." Bass said he started to sip on his drink. "Speaking of which, I've got a plan in motion." He said as he took a big gulp. "I've made sure the rebels have some false information. They believe that a caravan carrying weapons will be going by near some rebel sightings. But what they'll get is a nice little ambush."