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Noah Kristoff

"I will protect all who need my help"

0 · 377 views · located in EARTH

a character in “Rising”, originally authored by loveanime4ever, as played by RolePlayGateway


Name: Noah Kristoff
Gender: Male
Age/DOB: 17 January 2, 2004
Birth place: Frankfurt, Germany
Deity Position: Deity of Order, Strength, and Balance
Skills: Strong, strict morals, can ride horses, protective
Likes/Dislikes: Likes; Organization, morality, quiet, cold Dislikes; evil, self-pity, impulsiveness, disorganization
Physical description: Strong, with pale skin and blonde hair. Has pale blue eyes.
Background/History: He was born to a gym owner and a waitress in Germany. In school, he learned English and can speak it without an accent. He is also fluent in German. He had a small family, but is fiercely protective of them. He was popular everywhere. Noah liked to be an individual. He is close to a select group of people, and protects them with his life.

So begins...

Noah Kristoff's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: Lucas Heights
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They were about to enter hell. Blake, as he was called, gestured for them to go through. Of course he was hesitant to enter death's domain. He did not fear death; for without death, there was no life, meaning death was an essential part of balance. But, he did not like the fact that the entrance to hell was in a sewer, and the fact that it was hot as...well, hell in there. He sighed. Heat was not his favorite of the two extremes. To top off his misfortune, or perhaps fortune, he spotted a head of red hair, belonging to a girl whose name was Allison.
Not just a girl.
The girl.
And so he fell into step beside her, hands in his pockets, silent as he had been the entire time. She seemed nervous, and fearful, per usual for her. He looked down at her, and decided it was time to say it. "Hello, Allison." And when she looked up to see him, he could tell she knew it, too.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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#, as written by 56589r
"You," she gasped, staring up at him. How had she not noticed before? It was Noah. The same icy blue eyes, pale skin, and almost silvery blonde hair. It was like she had been hit in the chest, his greeting had winded her. It was as if she were there at the high school he had attended for one year as an exchange student, like she were there helping him with his algebra, like it was 2020 again.

She clenched her fist, turning on her heel, trying to avoid staring at him again. Of all the coincidences. Was this some sick joke? Before she could help it, she was blushing. He had always had that self-assuredness that drove her crazy.

"Hello, Noah. Funny seeing you here." She walked ahead of him, not wanting to see his stupid, heartbreakingly familiar face for a second longer. She entered Hell.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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Oddly enough, Noah woke up next to a still-sleeping Allison. It was hot, and it took a minute to remember where he was. Oh yeah, Hell's gates. Lava surrounded them, giving off an uncomfortable amount of heat and just enough light. An ornate black gate towered over him. It seemed as if even the shadows were moving.
He saw other gods and goddesses starting to wake, and he decided it'd be best to get Allison up. He whispered, shaking her shoulder, "Liebchen, get up. It's 6 in the morning." Allison woke up, and Noah backed away, not wanting to seem as creepy as he actually was acting.
He went over to the others, and yawned. For him, this was sleeping in. "What's for breakfast?"

The setting changes from EARTH to Underworld


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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I wake up, a sleepy haze surrounding me. I was surrounded around red and orange lava. The lava bubbled, up and down. I watched it carefully, and it almost hypnotized me.
I blink it away, then get up. I didn't have to worry about blankets, the heat seemed to do the job. I looked around, and saw everyone eating apple slices. They all were laughing together, chatting about random things that I couldn't really make out from my distance.

"Hey, what about me? I need to eat too." I chuckled slightly.

Lately I feel like the gods and goddesses have been ignoring me. I just kind of followed behind them when they walked, not really bothering to make any conversation because I felt I was slightly ignored. I'm not sure if they are trying to or not, or maybe it's not because I'm talking, I honestly don't know. I have never really been this quiet before, to be honest with you. I just- don't feel like I fit in. I'm not trying to complain, but no one has really talked to me very much besides Lucas, who just kind of poked at me. I sighed, then walked to the edge of the lava/land barrier. There was a 10 foot drop into the lava off the land, so I dangled my feet off the cliff, just hovering over the hot liquid. I sighed, then gazed down back into the bubbles.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: Raiden Wilks
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#, as written by 56589r
Allison woke up to the sound of Noah's voice telling her to get up and that it was six a.m. She pushed some of her copper hair out of her eyes, sighing a little. The ground was warm from the heat rising off of the lava, and she lay in the shadow of an ominous looking gate. She stood up, a little unsteady from drowsiness. She walked to the gate and leaned against it, admiring the lava. It moved and bubbled rather like a living thing, and gave off a soft glowing light. It made her feel safer, oddly enough, to know that she'd never be in the dark here.

Allison was really wishing that she could shower. She felt grimy from the sewer water and sweat that had built up so quickly in the past few hours. It was hot, but luckily not humid. Noah was inquiring about breakfast a few feet away, and Blake was making conversation with Ellery while Stella dangled her legs over the lava. She wasn't hungry, the thought of eating at this point made her sick. There were too many questions, too much to worry about, and far too much of the past barging in. Do cellphones work in hell?

It wouldn't matter, regardless, she hadn't brought her phone. She stared at Noah's back instead, noting how he had put on even more muscle and somehow grown again since last year. Liebchen. She had missed him, she'd admit that much. She turned her gaze quickly away from him, instead walking over to where she had slept, sinking down to the floor again, tired.

Allison smiled a little. Her mother had always told her to count her blessings, and she was sure that she had more blessings at this point than curses.

The setting changes from Underworld to EARTH


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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Noah munched on his apple slice with only mild interest in what was going on around him. There was an almost annoying whine in the background, sounding like some cheesy church CD, and it gave him a headache. He was already seeing how the people were pairing up; Stella and Raiden, Ellery and Blake, girl and boy, god and goddess.

It made no sense if you were to ask him. They were all powerful enough individually, there was no need to pair up. The pairs, though odd, seemed to be complementary to one's abilities. He again found himself glancing at Allison, her hair falling in her face, looking too vulnerable for his liking. Who would she find herself next to?

He had been at her ranch on his nearly first day in the city, admiring a strong-looking stallion in her barn while her mother (who happened to be hosting him for his stay) looked for something; he had forgotten what.

But he did remember how he had been captivated by her when she rode in on her horse. They didn't really have redheads where he was from, and her appearance had been so shocking. Needless to say; they had been fast friends, and close, at least until he screwed up.

But he didn't want to think about that, he didn't like to dwell on his mistakes, there was too much pain. All he knew, is that he missed her. And now; almost as if planned, he was near her again. He found himself hoping that she would forgive him, accept him, be his friend again. But of course, this was impossible, so he could only hope that she would end up friends with someone kind and brave.

He finished his breakfast, and then looked at his hands, thinking, trying to ignore his migraine caused by that annoying singing.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: Lucas Heights
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#, as written by 56589r
Allison watched Jasper, giggling a little. It was obvious that he had a crush on Stella. It was great to see people getting along. The last thing she wanted was a fight between them.

Stella was radiant, and Jasper was right, she was the embodiment of beauty. Allison soon hopped down to the bridge Stella had made after the others. Stella was a genius, she had a plan for everything. She had a plan for saving them from the one eyed cyclops, and now she was going to get them into the underworld.

She was proud of her fellow gods, they were truly amazing people.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: Raiden Wilks Character Portrait: Lucas Heights
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0.00 INK

Blake ran to the edge to see what was going on. He knew none of them were insane enough to jump in lava, but Blake himself. Blake was the god of fire. Immune to any burn. Blake thought twice though, they were already so near to the underworld. He could get Ellery to revive him if he died. Blake then jumped in. Not onto the path of stone, but into the lava itself.

Blake emergmed by the surface soon. He laughed, it felt good actually, like a hot bath. Blake laughed more. "Wow, I could have swam over and unlocked the gate." Blake smirked. "Don't try this at home kids." He said as he swam beside them on the stone path. Blake then noticed his shirt and shorts had caught fire and burnt up. he blushed a little and let some leather armor grow on his skin, the magic of the armour would keep it from burning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: Lucas Heights
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Ellery 'Deity of Darkness, Chaos and Death'
I looked at the old man with narrowed eyes. He was obviously painting but why? To me this was perfection and beautiful but to a normal man of good this kind of picture would be hideous and ugly so why would he recreate it as a painting. I took a deep breath and released it feeling the warmth as it travelled away upwards and away.

"Most ugly sight in the world...yet he paints it like it's a beautiful still life.." I mumbled wistfully. I honestly have no idea why he would paint this scene but this can't be the most important thing to waste my thoughts on at the minute. I chewed my lip then let it pop free again. 'The things I'd do for a drink right now...' She thought as she picked away at theories for the old man wanting to paint this. It was probably a useless matter that didn't need to be thought of but something about how this place was deserted and yet he was still here disturbed her.

I looked at Blake and the others to see if their faces hid any clues but of course they didn't. They are as new to this as I am. Some of the deitys still seemed confused and frightened to me but fair play to them...I guess fear is something I overlook as it's an emotion relatable with everything I control. Darkness, Chaos and Death... People fear the dark and people fear death. Will that make people fear me? It'd be a benefit in a way and the idea of being left alone suited me fine but I knew better then to think that fear would keep anyone away. The other gods and goddess's are just as strong and powerful in different ways to me and they probably know that and if they don't...I do.

I turned my attention away from the old painter and looked at the other deitys wondering what they'd be thinking about all this. It made me wonder if there was a god or goddess who could read minds. I'd hope not...I don't want someone prying through the only thing I can keep completely private. I frowned until the thought passed and I let my eyes explore the ruins. Wow...It looks like someone dumped a nuke on this place... I smiled. Ahh nukes! Beautiful weapons... The thought of destructive bombs and weapons was ended when something else caught my interest. The size of the gate. It was huge...bigger then any normal gate. How can they have the energy to build this? I wondered boredly. Wow...I'm full of thoughts today...So much thinking...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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0.00 INK

(wrong place)

The setting changes from EARTH to Underworld


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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Blake walked further down the street with the others. He felt odd, as if he was being watched. Blake was being watched though, by the Void, it had even told them so. Blake looked around anyway, he didn't like being creeped out. Shivers shot down Blake's spine as he saw many eyes staring back at him from the ruins of the city.

The song began to get louder... Blake thought, and he thought... He had heard that song before but where... "The Nazi anthem!" Blake exclaimed.

Blake turned to everyone. Blake allowed his armor to become his old steel-plate armor and his shield appeared on his arm, Misery at his side. Blake smirked, his smirk was trapped within the mask of his helm. "The're Nazi's coming." Blake said.

Blake began to worry about Ellery again. He didn't know why, he had never cared about anyone this much except his two little brothers. Blake cursed himself. He was a war expert, not an emotions expert.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Genesis Snyder Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks
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0.00 INK

Luciano watched all these bright, bright threads of fate spark to life, interweave, and start to work in the warp and weft of the Loom of Fate. Blake, Ellery, Raiden, Stella, Allison, Lucas, Jasper, Asper, Kane, Noah, Genesis...he felt like he knew them, but he had captured but mere glimpses of them since they had awoken. He knew nothing, really. And they did not know him...and the Void had asked him to follow into the Underworld. His antithesis, darkness and death. He was light and life, the sun and the wide open spaces underneath it. He HATED the Underworld...but they would need all the help they could get. Hitler was not an easy target. He shuddered...then gasped Friends who I barely know, do not ask this of me...I cannot bear it! But, I have seen where you fail...and I cannot allow that to happen. The Styx is death to enter, even for us. Moses' plagues will kill us as well, none are safe. We must strive to enter Tartarus without being seen, and you will need both Ellery and my help! He shook visibly, the muscles in his arms quaking as he struggled to overcome his fear of being so far underground, away from his place in the sun. Suddenly, though, everything became calm. He saw how Genesis, one more like him than the rest, faced her fear and joined the group. He took a deep, calming breath, and sat down with his legs crossed. He closed his eyes, and focused on the deck of the boat they were all on. He felt the rocking of the waves against it's sides, the creak of the eons old wood, the musty smell of air that hadn't seen the light of day ever in it's long life, and the bright strands of his future friends lives. Suddenly, he felt the weight of innumerable tons of rock cutting him off from the sun, and he whimpered aloud. He opened his eyes and saw everyone on guard around him, staring at him warily. My friends... he said faintly, with a smile, before the strain of using his newly acquired powers overwhelmed him and he slumped against the side of the boat, one arm dangling dangerously off the side. [Hope this works as an intro!]

The setting changes from Underworld to EARTH


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Genesis Snyder Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks
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(Nudge, nudge everyone..)