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The Doc

"Man will change everything except himself."

0 · 309 views · located in EARTH

a character in “Rising”, as played by Charlie Snow


Name: Unknown; referred to as The Doc
Gender: Male
Age/DOB: 63 years old; August 19, 1950
Birth Place: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Rank/Position: God of Wrath, Hatred and Deception
Consultant for the New Order

- Medical Knowledge.
- Hand to Hand Combat.
- Firearms.

- Jazz
- Literature
- Misery

- People

Physical description:



Not much is known about Doc's earlier years. What is known is that he worked his way up from the bottom. That much is fact. The rest is hearsay and gossip; however, some of it adds together. Doc earned his nickname as one might assume - from having some experience sewing people up. Most agree that he was, at one point, in the military, most likely Army. It is believed that he served on the front lines as a field medic. In the years following his service, he wandered from time to time, eventually ending up back in Pittsburgh, his hometown. Amidst the steel factories and under soot colored skies, he found his place on the streets of the city. Joining with the local gang, he became their go-to guy for no questions asked medical service; however, he eventually started working more jobs. And, he was good. As the years went by, he sat and plotted and waited, and when the opportunity showed itself five years ago - in the form of an all out gang war - he made his strike and seized control, snaring both gangs in his trap. After that, he ruled the city from the shadows. Since then, he has hardly been seen. That is until now. Since his powers half begun to reveal themselves, he has been spotted more often.

So begins...

The Doc's Story


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I awake with an ache in my head and hazy memories of the recent past. I try to recall the events of the day before, but to no avail. My head starts throbbing as I sit up, and I start rubbing my temples as I look around. My eyes take a moment to fully adjust to the odd lighting of the room - a small rectangle of light shining down in the middle of the theater-esque room. Besides that, there os only shadow. My head calms down a bit and I put my hands back down, by my sides as my eyes circle the room slowly. There are quite a few others; I presume they all have... abilities, as well. Knew I couldn't be the only one, I think to myself. They're all so young, too. Why am I the only old man? I wonder. Without fully understanding how I know, I instantly know the answer to that question: It takes age to develop so much hate. I sit quiet. Waiting.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Lucas Heights Character Portrait: The Doc
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#, as written by chris33
“What is all this noise?” Lucas groaned, standing from his sleeping bag and stretching.

It took him a couple of minutes to realize he was no longer on the plane, and that he was most certainly not alone. He looked to the people around him, they felt....strange to Lucas. He quickly deduced that this must be some kind of gathering, how they had all come to be here he did not know, and it was apparent none of the others did either. A couple of weeks ago, a situation like this would've terrified him, but ever since he got his powers...he seemed to feel indifferent about most things. He barely contained his yawning.

He looked up to the stage before him, a strange black mass with glowing red eyes sat at the centre. He could feel this black mass too, it just felt...above them. How fascinating! To his left stood a young girl with red and to his right was an old man, the only old man. Interesting. Lucas turned to the girl.

“Excuse me, any idea what on earth is happening?” Lucas turned to his right “What about you old timer? Any idea?” Lucas looked back up at the creature on the stage. “Because I have no idea. What an interesting day this may prove to be.”

Lucas eyes the people closest to the stage, shout at the creature. Were they trying to intimidate it? How...odd. “Gah, the violent types.” Lucas rolled his eyes. “If in doubt, hit it. You’d think the Gods would have more class.” He chuckled to himself and turned back to the girl with red hair, but she was seemed to be in no mood to laugh. She was petrified, come to think of it she was quite young. “Oh lord, okay?”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Lucas Heights Character Portrait: The Doc
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#, as written by 56589r
Allison shook her head, eyes wide. "I want to go home, now, I think." It was cold, and Allison shivered a little, still totally unaware of where she was or why she had come. She frowned, and held back tears, not wanting to seem like a child. "I want to know what's happening." She looked at the man who spoke to her, he seemed entirely unafraid of this whole situation. She shook her head, trying to shove her fear aside. He seemed atleast a little friendly, and probably wasn't looking to hurt her. She spoke, remembering her manners, "My name is Allison Stone. It's good to meet you, although I would like it to be under less confusing conditions." She looked around again. There was an older man there, too, an oddity in a room of people so young. He almost seemed grandfatherly, except for the cold eyes. His eyes marked him as something dangerous, powerful.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian
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"3000 years ago. The old gods reigned with an iron fist. Basking in glory and power on their throwns in Olympia. But then came the war. A war which ended with the imprisonment of the old gods. Thrown into the pit they were. Left to live their immortal lives in agony for 3000 years. I have created you because a great change is about to occur and you must pick a side.

The Void smiled. It was obvious he already new the outcome of this "change" but he didnt give anything away. The future is blured to you.

"Look at you all." He said with pity.
"You are weak and don't understand the full magnitude of the powers you have."

Blake sighed. He knew exactly what this was about. "Let the humans fight. A war will only make me stronger." Blake said. He let himself slump down in a seat in the theatre. "Choose your sides, fight, do what you will. But remember at the end of the day the more people that die from a bullet or blade on the battlefield the more powerful I become." Blake said, he checked his hands nails dirt and cleaned then with his thumbs nail.

"If you really sought was was good for humanity you would stop them from fighting. Not be choosing sides and rising the body count." Blake said. His armor clinked as he rest one of his harms on one of the armrests then his head on his fist.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: Lucas Heights
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Ellery 'Deity of Darkness, Chaos and Death'
I looked at the old man with narrowed eyes. He was obviously painting but why? To me this was perfection and beautiful but to a normal man of good this kind of picture would be hideous and ugly so why would he recreate it as a painting. I took a deep breath and released it feeling the warmth as it travelled away upwards and away.

"Most ugly sight in the world...yet he paints it like it's a beautiful still life.." I mumbled wistfully. I honestly have no idea why he would paint this scene but this can't be the most important thing to waste my thoughts on at the minute. I chewed my lip then let it pop free again. 'The things I'd do for a drink right now...' She thought as she picked away at theories for the old man wanting to paint this. It was probably a useless matter that didn't need to be thought of but something about how this place was deserted and yet he was still here disturbed her.

I looked at Blake and the others to see if their faces hid any clues but of course they didn't. They are as new to this as I am. Some of the deitys still seemed confused and frightened to me but fair play to them...I guess fear is something I overlook as it's an emotion relatable with everything I control. Darkness, Chaos and Death... People fear the dark and people fear death. Will that make people fear me? It'd be a benefit in a way and the idea of being left alone suited me fine but I knew better then to think that fear would keep anyone away. The other gods and goddess's are just as strong and powerful in different ways to me and they probably know that and if they don't...I do.

I turned my attention away from the old painter and looked at the other deitys wondering what they'd be thinking about all this. It made me wonder if there was a god or goddess who could read minds. I'd hope not...I don't want someone prying through the only thing I can keep completely private. I frowned until the thought passed and I let my eyes explore the ruins. Wow...It looks like someone dumped a nuke on this place... I smiled. Ahh nukes! Beautiful weapons... The thought of destructive bombs and weapons was ended when something else caught my interest. The size of the gate. It was huge...bigger then any normal gate. How can they have the energy to build this? I wondered boredly. Wow...I'm full of thoughts today...So much thinking...


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Genesis Snyder Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Asper Alissarian Character Portrait: The Doc
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((not sure what Ellery could do ao bump!!!!! someone post))


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Blake Phoenix Character Portrait: Ellery Character Portrait: Genesis Snyder Character Portrait: Allison Stone Character Portrait: Stella Donville Character Portrait: Jasper Fairbanks
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(Nudge, nudge everyone..)