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Pippa Capulet

"You first have to find yourself."

0 · 573 views · located in Boston

a character in “Romeo and Juliet- The Continuing Story”, originally authored by Caille, as played by RolePlayGateway


"Fall down, get back up and try again, although damaged it shapes and molds you, and you define yourself more and more, and get closer to finding you."

【The Basics】

|Full Name|
Phillipa Cara Mae Capulet

Pippa, Pip, Pippy, Pips, Phillie, and any other variant of Pippa. She only goes by Pippa only her close family knows her real name.

Twenty-Two years of age, Born on Christmas day at 4:28 am.

Female, she was born that way and will remain to stay that way.

Bisexual, although that isn't displayed a lot of the time.


【Deeper Down】


|Quirks & Habits|
-Pippa bites her nails when she is nervous.
-Pippa also tends to twirl her hair when she's nervous or unsure as well.
-She always hums songs and doesn't realize she does it until mid way.

-Playing piano

|Likes & Dislikes|
Playing Piano
Cute things
Coffee/Hot chocolate/Tea
Staying indoors
Stupid people
Sour candy
Being told what to do
Being taken advantage of


-She's had sex with a couple females plenty of times and she's enjoyed it, although she normally keeps her relations with them on the down low or uses them to get back at her father.
-She had an abortion when she was sixteen, she didn't want it but her parents made her to save the reputation of the family.
-She hates her dad with a passion.

-Swimming, she's afraid of drowning and she ever leaned to swim herself.
-Displeasing her parents
-Being alone
-Not being able to have children




Pippa is a fun and warm loving person, she is generally an optimist and she sees the beauty in things, even what some may call trash. She loves to be able to see people for who they are and their true colours, the outside shell hardly means anything at all to her, nor does the name of someone and who they belong to. Pippa finds hatred to be such a silly thing, because they have such a long life to continue in, so why waste it on the bad things in life and focus on the goals and aspirations of everything. She loves to see things come true which is partly why she loves romance and fairy tale books because they make her feel warm and fuzzy inside, and they let her know that even when the world is crashing down, there is still some glimmer of happiness around. Now it's not meant to confuse this with her being naive, Pippa is far from it, she was a smart student and she was one of the top students in high school to be exact. She just believes in morals and her own self values, and if you treat people how you want to be treated and shed a little bit of light on their day she believes anything is possible.

This being said, Pippa is a huge dreamer, and even if she does know reality and such, she still feels a lot of the time that her dreams are beautiful and she has crafted something wonderful, she is a very selfless person and she doesn't believe in taking things for granted, but much like other people she does have her own flaws. Pippa, is very organized and likes to be in control of things, and she has a controlling nature , but leadership skills ties in with that for the most part, and she's fairly OCD about a lot of things and they all have to had their proper order. Pippa may come across as a strong woman a lot of the time but she's actually really delicate for that matter, despite what people like to think.

【Back to the Past】

Pippa grew up with her twin brother, Jude, as they were practically only an hour apart. Their parents for the most part were old fashioned capulets and they liked to have things in order and they are rather strict people. They have an order to things and they have a specific way for you to do everything, and their standards are very high, so it was very stressful to live in an environment like that and it made Pippa a rebellious child and teen for that matter, sometimes she'd refuse her parents but then they'd discipline her anyways, and tell her she was being bad. Although the only person to ever understand that was her brother Jude who she was very close with and they shared everything together and played lots of games and toys, and they would make friends together as well.

As things went into high school Pippa began to get into more clubs and such and into her academics, she would be the star student who people were jealous of but she couldn't help it a lot of the time, she had pride in herself and she believed she could do things, and once that was in her mind then she could do anything that she had wanted. She shot for the sky and she soared high for a long while, until she got interested in a boy and they dated since she was fifteen but then when she ended up pregnant at sixteen years old, that was when they fell in love the most and they planned to raise the baby together but then her parents came rushing in to get caught up in the middle saying they couldn't have a baby, it'd ruin the Capulet family image. Pippa was torn apart and she was soon put into private school, an all girls school because of it. She had an abortion and she's hated and resented her parents ever since, she had wanted to have the baby, and she wouldn't speak for weeks, she wouldn't eat for days, she wanted to die. Her parents paid her boyfriend's family to move across the state and now she never sees him anymore. She spent her whole junior year in catholic private school to repent her sins and then her parents made her go back to public school. No one would talk to her after that and she just focused on gymnastics and her grades for the most part.

After high school she went to school for a bit for accounting, as she was really good with numbers and she loved them, plus her parents wanted her to have a solid job and be apart of their family business although all she wants to do is anything with her passions but her parents wont let her do anything that she wants. Although now, Pippa and Jude share an apartment with his dogs, and they're all a small family that's still close before they al go their own ways to have their own families one day.
|Family Members|
Jude Capulet - Her twin brother.
|Relationship History|

【A Little Something Extra】

|Theme Song|
Down - Jason Walker

"I shot for the sky
I'm stuck on the ground
So why do I try, I know I'm gonna fall down
I thought I could fly, so why did I drown?
Never know why it's coming down, down, down.

Not ready to let go
Cause then I'd never know
What I could be missing
But I'm missing way too much
So when do I give up what I've been wishing for."

So begins...

Pippa Capulet's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Dahlia Montague Character Portrait: Kitty Capulet Character Portrait: Evelyn Montague Character Portrait: Jason Montague Character Portrait: Lex Montague Character Portrait: Rexanne Capulet
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December 31, 2013

It's the clock is approaching mid-night as both household looked at the clock, it's a family dinner today where everyone was required to be present. It have been a family tradition for each household to host such an event, with glamorous lights and classy music, it is also a day to remember those who died trying to protect the honor of the family.

Today was the day that Capulets are not welcome in the Montague's house, nor are the Montagues welcomed in the Capulet's house. However, each character is doing something as the new year approaches, unsure of their fate in the new year.

(OOC: You may begin writing about what your character is doing at the party, sorry about not getting this post up sooner, I was gone for a while but I am back :) )