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Zachary Fleming

Ex-Marine under confidential phsychological observation.

0 · 368 views · located in United States of America

a character in “S.C.E.S.S.”, as played by A Rubber Chicken


Classified Personnel File

Name: Zachary Fleming

Sex: Male

Age: 27

Background: Former Marine, Corporal. Highly decorated. Served time as hand-to-hand combat instructor for special forces.

Additional training: Specially trained in urban warfare. Excelled in breach tactics and close quarters combat.

Activity before induction: Zachary Fleming was a skilled marine and an asset to each and every mission he was a part of. He was predicted to go very far and his fellow soldiers, as well as his commanding officers, had complete faith that he would make an excellent leader. With his career on the up several groups took a particular interest, including Private Miltary Contractors. Despite the substantial pay rise, Zachary denied every offer from many companies and it was his loyalty to the United States of America that caused the S.C.E.S.S to watch him closely.

During a mission in Location Removed, a failure in intel led to the demise of Zachary's squad. The S.C.E.S.S covered up the operation and proclaimed all members of the team K.I.A, taking Zachary himself in for a series of physical and mental tests to determine if he was suitable for a position within a unit. He passed all and took precious little time to mourn his fallen comrades.

Psychological evaluation: Zacahary Fleming has been known to display himself with a calm and collected attitude. He is openly friendly and welcoming to his teammates but lacks strong emotional bonds. With a distinct lack of credible sources, it is unclear whether this has always been the case or if it a defence mechanism relating to the incidents that took place in Location Removed.What is clear is that Zack, as he prefers to be called, is an intelligent and quick-thinking individual with a current inability to divulge personal information, as well a tendency to be overly logical in situations requiring an emotional input. The results of his various interviews are consistent but baffling. He shows an unwillingness to hand over information relating to his squad in an interrogation situation yet has little regard for their own lives or wellbeing in a combat situation. He refers to them as teammates and there is certainly a potential for the building of relationships but when questioned about difficult environments and decisions he appears to see them more as tools to utilise in order to prolong his own life.

Concerning emotional stability, there seems to be little problem. Zack shows none of the problems typically assiociated with someone who has taken as many lives as he has. Anger management is not required, nor therapy of any description. In fact, the man is almost too well balanced. He shows signs of a sociopath but it would be impossible to diagnose him as such when taking into account his genuine displays of remorse and grief in the aftermath of the Location Removed incident, as well as the obvious enjoyment he shows in his spare time. Suggest observation for signs of emotional deterioration.

Suspected displacement of emotion and undervaluation of human life as a result. Poses no threat to himself or others in his squad. Recommend in-field observation of Zachary when face-to-face with hostiles.

Physical evaluation: No health concerns. Height of 5 foot 11 inches. Weight of 205 pounds. Lean physique. Hair; blonde, mid-length, tended to be swept back. Eyes; dark blue, first signs of age showing prematurely at the corners. Jaw; slim - moderate in girth. Cheeks; high-boned, left is chipped.

Health records show several minor fractures, half a dozen sets of stitches and two broken knuckles before joining the Marines. History of fighting suspected but unconfirmed. All injuries healed sufficiently enough to prevent hinderance to duty.

Scar across right eyebrow, approx. 2 inch straight line.
(Photograph outdated, awaiting update for security pass)

Preferred equipment: Zack, due to his excellent history of close quarters combat, favours being on point with a close range weapon. Shotguns are his first choice, and he tends to use the UTAS UTS-15, chosen for it's ease of loading while on the move, balance between compact size and high firepower and potential for dual ammunition types. Favours breach rounds in the left chamber and 70mm rounds in the right, with a flashlight accompaniment above the pistol grip.

For a sidearm Zack favours the Colt Modern Frontier .45 for, in his words, it's 'pant-shitting qualities'. With a seven and a half inch barrel, Colt Royal Blue finish, walnut grip and traditional look, it is not difficult to see why he uses such words to describe the weapon. This is not an armoury issue weapon and is from Zack's personal inventory. Adjustable rear sight for wind and elevation increase accuracy at a range, however his usual duties see him replying more on his UTAS so the Colt rarely gets used. Side note: The Colt has been used more for interrogation than for actual combat.

So begins...

Zachary Fleming's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Lancaster Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Zachary Fleming Character Portrait: Jace Enheign Character Portrait: Caitriona Rossa
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#, as written by Grahf

The greeting received only a pointed look, Jace simply looking at Caitriona with almost a pained expression. He did not bother to explain it. Further responses were thwarted by the arrival of two more team members. The first, a male...was revealed to be the head-case that had been red-flagged in Jace's notes, this one received a quick glance, as the team's medic drank more juice. The files were in conclusive on this one, but ruled that he would be of use. However, his lack of compassion would be noted. It was not uncommon, but ran close to being dangerous in the long run.

The next to step up, and looking rather...fresh from the gym...was Fiona. 'Wings' as her file had nicknamed her. How quaint. A quick mental check allowed Jace to remember; she was to be his back-up, one of the only others here that could patch up the human form with any skill. It would do well to keep her alive, he thought, incase he needed any work done himself. It was always good to have back-up, but spoke to Jace on a personal level; those on high though him incapable. This did not bode well. If they felt a need to provide extra support..then this mission was nasty indeed.

All in all it was a nice team, healthy..for the most part, and rather sane...once again for the most part. They would be fine, though not all would survive. When did they? He would do his best however to keep the red stuff in, and the bad stuff out. Preventative medicine was killing the bad guys before they killed your team. He learned it that way when serving with the Marines, and it stuck with him.

The toast, always the toast. Some traditions seemed like a waste, this was one Jace could do without. He tried ignoring it one mission once, but it became such an issue that he had resolved to put aside his personal feelings on the matter. Jace frowned, lifting his juice, and speaking for the first time. "Three. Nine. Seven." Even tones, not soft spoken, just bland. He put forth nothing in his voice, just pushing out the words as they were needed.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Lancaster Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Zachary Fleming
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There were a few things that a lot of people hated that Fiona did not. The traditional toast was one of them. She liked it only because it gave her a sense of belonging. A sense she hadn’t had growing up. She lifted up her water with a small one sided smile. “Three nine seven.” Without waiting she tipped her drink back not wanting to hold her arm in the air for long periods of time. Her muscles needed a small break so they wouldn’t knot together. She drank the water back letting it parch her throat before setting it back down. She gave a slight nod to the others before directing her attention to Zachary.

The woman managed a small smile at the punching bag comment before nodding her head. “Sure. Though if I had a husband to be caught in bed with another woman I sure wouldn’t have done that to it.” She stated lightly as she nibbled on her food not wanting to be rude but still hungry. The fact that he’d been watching her was a shock. Most of the time the other people in the gym never paid any attention to her unless she was making a spectacle of herself, showing why she had the name Wings. Then again she couldn’t say she hadn’t been watching him either. He was good. Better than she was and she wasn’t afraid to admit it.

Sparring with him would be fun and interesting to say the least. She knew she probably didn’t have a chance in hell of beating him
 but there were better things that winning. She could learn a lot from the man. Of course, if they had a real sparring match she should be able to do her “tricks”. And if that were the case, she wanted to see how he handled them. If he could stop her from doing them, she needed to learn. But she knew she always needed help with her ground work – it was her weakest area.

“Sounds like fun.” She wasn’t sure if she should add his name or not wanting to seem to informal right after meeting. Fiona turned to look at Ghost. Before they came up with any definite plan they needed to know whether or not they had other business. She wasn’t sure if she would be up for a full contact match so soon after her workout and eating. An hour to at least let some of the food digest and maybe a shower to soothe the aching muscles.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Lancaster Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Zachary Fleming Character Portrait: Jace Enheign Character Portrait: Caitriona Rossa
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#, as written by Esana
The man gave her a look just short of a glare. Caitriona blinked at him and then looked up as two others joined them - another girl, with pretty strawberry-blonde hair and a semi-tall, lean man with blonde hair - a bit longer than most of the other soldiers had. They introduced themselves - Fiona and Zachary, respectively. Caitriona looked at the shaved man, who was, at the moment, the only one who was still nameless to her. But before she could ask anything, Ghost spoke up. She turned her attention back to him, although she wasn't very interested by his idea - a toast - it seemed a little early and a little - a little empty - there was no point in it as far as she could see, nothing to celebrate.

Still, she lifted her glass, saying the numbers lightly and then adding, in a mouthed whisper that only she could hear, "May God bless us." She had refrained from saying a prayer before she ate because she hadn't wished to impose on the others. After all, religion wasn't always the best topic to start on. She drank her glass and then put it down again with a soft clunk noise. She had picked up her sandwich again when Zachary began to speak with Fiona - something about sparring.

Caitriona was mildly interested, but decided to let it rest for a moment. She looked at the shaved man, who's name was still unknown. Not that names really mattered in this line of business, but it was always nice to know "What's your name?" She asked, keeping her voice light and calm. Her sandwich settled comfortably in her hand, she took a semi-medium bite and chewed.

As she waited for his answer, she listened idly to Fiona and Zachary talk. There was not a large difference in size between the two - Fiona was almost as tall as Zachary - but while Fiona looked slender and lithe, Zachary had a more hard muscle build. It would be an interesting fight. She was not a hand-to-hand combat person, but watching people fight was always interesting - and she could always use improvement. She swallowed and took a light sip and looked at Ghost for his answer. If he didn't have anything more to say to them, then maybe she'd ask to tag along - it wasn't as if she had anything else to do.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Lancaster Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Zachary Fleming Character Portrait: Jace Enheign Character Portrait: Caitriona Rossa
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#, as written by Grahf

Tracking the conversations flowing about, while also going over some of his notes in his head, Jace held up a finger at the woman's question. Taking a small sip of his juice, he waits, a pause in the noise, so that he need not raise his voice. Such a pause comes shortly there after, the two chattering about a spar waited for an answer from Ghost, and he himself looked to be it was a prime window.

"My name is Jace. I will be providing medical and combat support for this mission. I have extensive practice in both front-line action, and combat-trauma, as I spent time working with the Marines as a Corpsman." he pauses, eyes moving from face to face. "However, you should all have some basic first aid know-how. If this is not the case, you will report directly to me after this meal is over, I will be instructing basic use of emergency gear."

With a nod towards Ghost he continues, "This here is the leader, we all listen to him. He says jump, we are already in the air. However, by Standard Action Regulations I have full medical authority to over-rule an order that is counter inductive to the squad. Bear in mind however that given the grave situation that we all may be facing....that rule may have to go right out the window."

He turned to look at Cait and nodded slightly "While god may not have a hand in things, I certainly will do my best." his smile was hardly what one would call warm. He knew her file, and knew the place religion had in her life. It was not meant to be a shot at her, but a small poke. Jace was an intellectual, he had no place for fantasy and religion in his mind, he liked to tease those who did.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Lancaster Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Zachary Fleming Character Portrait: Jace Enheign Character Portrait: Caitriona Rossa
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#, as written by Esana
At first, Jace's words just slid over Caitriona, the name and the occupation absorbed, but nothing else. She listened as he listed his history a bit, but didn't bother to store the information under important files in her mind. After all, it was probably something that would never come up again - or at least, not on business anyway. And she didn't really think that this guy was up for making any small talk that didn't have to relate to a mission, so there was no point in storing the data.

Basic first aid... It definitely wasn't one of Caitriona's strong suits. She was a gunman - gunwoman, which meant that she rarely got very close to her target and even more rarely got injured. The times that she had... medics had always been available and willing to help. It was their job, after all.

She watched as he nodded to Ghost in deference, before he continued with a statement that was anything but. It made her smile absently, and she glanced at Ghost to see his reaction. Before she could register it though, Jace turned to look at her, nodding his head slightly. His lips spread in something that might have been classified as a grimace on someone else's face, but on his? Caitriona wasn't quite sure, but she had a feeling that the medic was giving her a smile, a cold one, yes, but still, a smile.

"While God may not have a hand in things, I certainly will do my best."

Her eyebrows rose, arching into fine bows, as she stared at him. From the look on his face and the tone in his voice, it was meant to be a quip on her. As if he knew her beliefs. She locked eyes with him for a moment and then blinked, relaxing herself and lowering her eyes.

Not everyone believed in God - she knew that very well. However, she also knew that God did exist. He might not interfere with life very often, but He cared about His creations and watched over them all the time - always and everything. God would protect her, and after death, He would welcome her into His kingdom. Those who didn't believe lived cold lives, sad lives - lives with no meaning in them. They didn't understand that every life was made by God and that every life is lived for Him. And unfortunately, it was their loss, not God's.

Still, even knowing that, Caitriona felt a bit of a pique under her skin. She felt challenged. Lifting her head, she smiled at Jace, keeping the smile light. "I think I'll take you up on that offer. I'd like some basic first aid training." Her eyes flickered to Fiona and Zachary. "If Fiona and Zachary don't mind, we could go watch their fight, and then afterwards, you could show me how best to take care of minor injuries." She looked at Fiona and Zachary. "Do you guys mind?" And then at Ghost, "Ghost, sir? Do you have anything for us to do?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fiona Lancaster Character Portrait: Ghost Character Portrait: Zachary Fleming Character Portrait: Toxin (Yumi Ayai) Character Portrait: Jace Enheign
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It seemed that several things could happen at once. The male who hadn’t spoken before finally opened his mouth. So he’s the one I need to continue training under. At least I know what he looks like now. Fiona thought as she continued eating. She took in Jace’s appearance before completely absorbing herself in her food until Toxin came over and the side comment about watching the sparing match if they were got one.

As the new female’s words reached the woman an odd twitch settled. Something wasn’t right. And instantly she had a feeling she and the other woman weren’t going to get along. She had always hated being addressed by mission names or even her nickname. So a woman who liked being called her code name and addressed everyone as the task didn’t bode well with Fiona. As much as she wasn’t a talker, she liked getting to know the people she worked with even if she lost them. Better to have known them for who they were than not.

Once their leader started speaking, she turned her head to glance at Ghost. There went the sparring match. Oh well, she knew her body needed a small reprieve first. She went back to eating knowing as much as everyone else that this could be their last meal. It was good and if it were to be the last at least it wasn’t crappy food. She finished off the spaghetti and leaned back. “If we survive in one piece we’ll get that match.” She commented to Zack. She wanted so desperately to fit in here, to have a family and she didn’t want to lose them so soon. But she couldn’t let anyone know how much she wanted to bond just for the fear of the rejection and the lose she knew she would eventually suffer.

“So do we get to know what we’re doing first?” She asked in Ghost’s direction. It would be nice to know if they were heading straight into the danger or not and their chances of coming back.