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Francis Baudin

"Bonjour, mon ami. pleased to make your acquaintance."

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a character in “S.C.I.O.N”, as played by bfb_monster


Full Name: Francis Anthony Baudin

Nicknames/Aliases: Frank, Fab, Foxtrot. Bastad

Age: Looks somewhere between 35-40, but was born in 1754, which makes Francis about 260 years old.

Gender: Male.

Species: Werewolf.

Team/Rank: Wolf's moon. high enough on the ladder to have some influence, but he lacks any ambition for the role of leader.

Description:When it comes to blending in with a crowd you've done a bad choice if you pick Francis for the job. With his 6'4 feet of solid muscle and hair he is pretty much a perfect representation of the werewolf stereotype, if you look away from modern day phenomenon of hairless beefcakes (twilight) who transforms into small cute doggies. In his human form Francis looks like what most people when they think about old timey arctic-sailors, which really isn't that weird when you take Francis' life into consideration. He is a big fan of Icelandic sweaters and wears them whenever he isn't in combat gear which consists of a standard military uniform with some body Armour. In his beast form Francis honestly looks more like a bear than a wolf, which originates from the North American strain of werewolves.

Francis talks with a hint of a french accent, and is known to throw a little french vocabulary in every now and then. During his long life time he has also grown quite knowledgeable in German, English, Danish, Icelandic (from a sailor), Russian, and Spanish.

Personality: Francis does his best to not act his age and uses allot of time and effort to do ''young stuff''. Though against his best efforts he has latched on to different aspects of culture through his lifespan, for example he can't get himself to enjoy modern day music and prefers the classical music of his youth. Food is another thing he finds difficult to adapt to, and tends to stick to the age old goldmine of steak and straight vodka.

Personality wise Francis is considered a calm and somewhat intellectual being, though his strive to adapt to the current social standards and values of the age he lives in, it isn't hard to find him a bit ancient as he talks and addresses people in a wide variety of expressions from different times. Rage is rarely a problem with this 'gentle' giant. That is if you can call a man who truly enjoys ripping people apart 'gentle'. In his youth he used to be what one would refer to as a wild card, but as he grew older he started to appreciate the need for tactics and calculations in combat which has made him feared as a calm and cold headed killing machine during times of extreme stress. In wolf form he is as all other werewolves more beast than man, and all of his previous well calculated decisions

-Strength and agility: As all werewolves Francis possesses supernatural strength and agility, but the North American Bloodline of werewolves has a reputation of being as strong as human as they are as beast.

-Cleverness: Being more than two hundred years old Francis has had the opportunity to learn from a great deal of people, which makes him both quite knowledgeable about many different lines of works and quite clever.

-Survival: Francis was born in a french Colony in Canada in 1754 and his since then lived most of his life in his home country. Jobs have altered between hunter, lumberjack, and explorer, and thus he has grown very accustomed to surviving in harsh conditions. Plus the fact that his long life has driven him to move and change names and such quite a few times as to avoid suspicion of his beast blood.

-Fighting: Though the North American Bloodline is mostly known for their excellent adaptability, there are a few of them who over their long life spans grow to be excellent warriors, and Francis is one of those lucky few. Over the years he has served in three different special forces. (Canadian, American, and Danish).

-Languages: Another trait of living virtually living forever is the opportunity to learn languages and during his time Francis has become fluent in three, and good enough in allot of others.

-Weakness: Though the North American Bloodline is stronger as human than most other creatures, they are quite weak compared to other species in their beast form and count on their ability to preserve some of their previous intellect in beast form.

-Fire: Francis is terrified of fire.

-Typical werewolf stuff: You know the stuff Im talking about, crosses and such.

Brief History:
Francis was born in 1754 in a french settlement that quickly grew into a heaven for werewolves. When the settlement was created it already had a high number of werewolves among its population, and three generations later when Francis came screaming into the world the pack of werewolves there were already established as the North American Bloodline.

In the first decades of his life Francis lived with his parents in the settlement and played alongside other of his own kind, but when he reached the age of 30 (practically a teenager) the lust for adventure grew to strong and he joined a major french group of trappers. Later he switched to a group of hunters.

He remained with the hunters for another couple of decades, taking a ''vacation'' whenever a full moon was on its way, until his lack of aging started to earn him weird looks from his friends. After he overheard some of them talking about following him on his next 'vacation' Francis decided to sneak away and flee out to the wilderness to live there on his own.

Some 50 years later he had started to grow tired of the previously so bellowed silence of the Canadian wilderness, and Francis thus decided that it was time for him to reemerge in society. He hiked to America where he settled down for a while under the name Anthony in a British colony close to the coast. Later he participated in the American civil war before moving back to Canada and working as a fisherman.

During the 1900 he fought in both World Wars, first one for the British, and the second for the Americans. In 1965 he enlisted in the US army and became a Navy Seal. Two decades later he became a soldier in the Danish Frømandkorpset, and after that he moved back to Canada and became a Sargent in Joint Task Force 2. Then S.C.I.O.N started to pick up on the numerous sightings of someone who matched Francis description through the last two centuries and recruited him. For the last 7 years he has been a solider for the infamous organisation.

The North American Bloodline is famously known for using potions to avoid their fullmoon changes, and that's the reason Francis has been able to go through history without being killed of during times like bootcamp and war.

So begins...

Francis Baudin's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Francis Baudin
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Kreios looked towards Stride.

"Well, I didn't want to punch her, or transform, and I'm unarmed, So I went with something soft." He spoke plainly, trying his best to defend his rather dumb choice. He shook his head and smiled to himself, but perked right up when Issac mentioned CTF.

"This should be fun." Kreios smiled, making his way to his rooms to prepare, but mainly to change into his favorite Superman T-shirt.

He began stretching, preparing his body for Issac's classic combat exercises. Of everyone who held seiniority in Scion, Issac had to be his favorite. The man held no judgement for those who didn't deserve it, and for those who did, it was fair, and he made his opinions known. He turned on his Ipod shuffle, which played 'Run With the Pack- Auracale Music It was one of his favorite songs, very motivational, gave him a certain focus, almost set him to "Do or Die"

He left his room, and began mixing himself a small bottle of Taurine, to give himself some extra mental focus when it mattered. 3gs of taurine, dissolved in water, the simplest of any of his shakes. He sat on the couch, awaiting the rest of his team members.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Kreios Androcoles Character Portrait: Isaac Schofield Character Portrait: Damien Moore Character Portrait: Dr. Oren D. Kovalenko Character Portrait: Makorai Saika
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Kreios got up from the couch at the sound of the Intercom buzzing in.

"Good morning SCION. Would all field and research teams please report to Meeting Room B for a briefing in five minutes. Five minutes in Meeting Room B. Thank you!"

Well, it was something, at least. He hoped it would bring him out into the field again, he missed being able to let a little loose, really push his limits. He had been getting bored of the recent "Milk-runs" he'd been sent on. Combat was his specialty, and quite frankly, he held a lust for it. Some might have called it a bloodlust, but it wasn't the gore that drew Kreios in. It was, something far more primal.

As he approached the meeting room, he adjusted his shirt-sleeve, in a vein attempt to stretch it so it would comfortably hold his arm. He was beginning to find this a problem, and would need to have a meeting for a "New clothes" bonus. Not that it was news to the higher ups, they had this meeting once a year.

He walked in the room, sliding a few chairs over to avoid physical contact with his co-workers. Not that there aren't a few he wouldn't mind brushing up against, but this was a professional setting, no time for such thoughts. He sat down, and waited for his team-mates to arrive.