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Echo Enyo

"If you get knocked down, always - ALWAYS - get back up."

0 · 414 views · located in San Francisco, California

a character in “SA: Superhumans Anonymous”, as played by Kura Ravengade


Halleluah || Heathens
Call the Doctor | Recorded Butterflies
"'Give me a place to stand,
and I will move the Earth!' Archimedes."


"May the Sun bring you
new energy by day."


| Name |
Echo Nastassia Enyo
"The literal translation would be A nymph - Resurrection - Warlike."

| Nickname(s) |
"Don’t ask me."

| Age |
"I’m really not that old."

| Occupation |
COO of Enyo SpiritCo
"My father is the CEO, and he hired me on as he second in command."

| Gender |
"You really couldn’t tell?"

| Accent |
"I apologize if it’s hard to understand me at times."

| Sexuality |
"I’m attracted to personality over appearance."

| Relationship |
"Relationships are overrated."

| Nationality |
Scotland & Greece
"I’m a nearly pure-blood descendant of the great Lord Sauya, ruler of the North Highlanders - the Dwellers of the Forests, Savior of Men, Hero of Women and Children. However, due to my father, I share citizenship between both countries."

| Ethnicity |
50% Scottish, 50% Greecian
"My family had been pretty determined to preserve the purity of our bloodline - and then my father came into the picture."

| Religion |
Echo is different than most people when it comes to her religion. She actually follows and practices two separate religions due to her religious upbringings by her mother and father. Her mother raised her as a Celtic Wiccan, while her father raised her with the belief of Hellenism, which is the religion following the Great Olympians on Mount Olympus, the Great Twelve.
* Celtic Wiccan
* Hellenistic
”Merry meet, and greetings from the Mother.”

| Birth Date |
October 31st
"All Hallow’s Eve. Spooky, right?"


"May the moon softly
restore you by night."

| Hair Color |
Deep chestnut with purple tint {Normal}
Whenever her powers are activated, whatever Chakra/Aura type she is channeling will give her hair a sheen of the color most commonly associated with that aura, such as if she's channeling the Root Chakra, her hair will have a red glow; if she's channeling the sorrow in the aura of someone else or herself, her hair will have a blue hue to it.
"I like to think it's a lovely shade."

| Eye Color |
Sapphire Blue {Normal}
Vibrantly Glowing {When powers are active}
"Careful not to get lost in them, musicum."

| Hair Style |
Occasionally will wear them in dreads or braids, hairstyling that is common among her people.
"Unless I use a curling iron, it's pretty straight on its own."

| Build |
"I'm a very active individual, so it isn't surprising that I have a body that's in fairly good shape."

| Fashion |
Echo tends to opt for comfortable and cozy clothing, in which she can easily move in case of an emergency. She enjoys darker colors and believes she pulls them off better than she does lighter, and is often seen in deep purples, greens, or simply black. Slacks and khakis are common in her outfits, along with t-shirts and jackets. She normally pairs it all with boots or tennis shoes and a pair of gloves, but very rarely does she include jewelry. The only accessory she wears is a single ring around her neck.
"My ring? It was my mother's. She belonged to the Wiccan religion as well, and they are deeply devoted to all things related to the Mother Earth. If she could see me today, channeling my religion into my abilities as a superior human ... I'm sure that she'd be proud of me."

| Height |
"I'd say that I'm about average."

| Weight |
"Excuse you?"

| Scars |
Numerous scars across her palms and fingers.
Many scars across her back.
"Wiccans will sacrifice their all for their beliefs."

| Tattoos |
The Triple Goddess
Hecate's Wheel
"I would trade my religion for nothing."

| Birthmarks |
A crescent moon with a star on her left thigh.
"My High Priestess said that I was marked by the Goddess Selene."

| Piercings |
"Why would I unnecessarily mar my body?"


"May the rain
wash away your worries."

| Power |
Aura Manipulation/Spirit Energy/Chakra
Echo can create, shape and manipulate aura. This ability deals with the strength of her spiritual essence instead of the entire universe. She is able to increase her natural abilities, attract and repel the aura of others, sense the aura, project it, and also read, enhance, and copy abilities.. Different types of aura are located in various parts of the physical body such as the forehead, spine, throat, heart, and stomach - i.e. Chakras. The power of the aura also changes with one's mood.
"Everyone is special in their own way."

| Abilities |
Ability ~ Status ~ Ranking ~ Details
First ranked scale 1-10, 1 being weakest and 10 being very strong; second-ranking scale 1-10, 1 being least controllable, 10 being most controllable.

☽☾ Aura Generation, Concealment, Detection {Discovered} ~ 3, 8 ~ The most basic abilities with her power. She can generate, conceal, and detect auras, which basically speaks for itself. She can create an aura through her own, conceal her or others' auras from anyone, and can detect any auras within an immediate radius, up to about a quarter of a mile.
☽☾ Aura Energy Conversion/Emission {Discovered} ~ 9, 6 ~ She is able to channel auras into destructive beams and orbs.
☽☾ Constructs {Discovered} ~ 5, 3 ~ Echo can create and destroy objects with aura, such as a cane or even a sword. They are solid while conjured, but when she wishes to no longer wield them, they vanish in what almost seems like shadows of sorts.
☽☾ Dowsing {Discovered} ~ 6, 8 ~ The ability to track and locate objects, people, and resources with her aura when channeling said aura through various crystals.
☽☾ Astral Projection {Undiscovered} ~ 5, 1 ~ Her ability to separate herself from her physical form into another form that is able to be seen but unable to be touched or interacted with.
☽☾ Healing {Undiscovered} ~ 8, 1 ~ She can heal or regenerate not only herself but others as well by channeling auras into healing energy. This is very difficult for her to do, however, as while healing another person requires her to draw life essence from herself or another living being in order to convert the energy into that of a healing kind. For example, if she were to attempt to heal a fatal wound, it could potentially cost her her life.
☽☾ Ability Enhancement/Mimicry {Undiscovered} ~ 10, 1 ~ Echo is able to channel auras into pure energy, not only for other abilities but also to enhance the abilities that not only she possesses but others as well. This causes the strength and speed of whoever is affected by said enhancement to increase dramatically. Along with this, however, she is able to also in a way ‘mimic’ abilities by drawing in the aura of the wielder of said ability. Obviously, she lacks control and experience over the ability that is mimicked, so it wouldn’t be extremely useful for her to mimic most abilities as she lacks experience in those ability fields. She can also only mimic one ability at a time, and cannot control both her own power’s abilities on top of the one she has mimicked, so it is very limited in that aspect. She does not need to be in physical contact with the person to mimic the ability, but the wielder must activate it at least once so she can draw in the aura related to the ability. This is also limited to only a quarter of a mile span.
☽☾ Warped Illusion {Undiscovered} ~ 5, 1 ~ While not necessarily illusion manipulation, nor a shield, Echo is able to channel auras into an almost forcefield of sorts. It's not impenetrable and far from real but it essentially causes those within the field to become invisible to those outside of the field. If one's eyes are well enough, they'd be able to see a subtle shimmer from the field linings.
"I've done some research into the fictional aspect of my abilities, so what I've found has told me a bit about what I could possibly do. I've only discovered a couple of things myself, but apparently there might be a lot more that I can achieve!"

| Weaknesses |
☽☾ Currently limited to using only one aura at a time.
☽☾ Echo must be in control of her emotions to properly use her powers. When her emotions are even slightly out of control, so are her abilities.
☽☾ Most of her abilities only stretch up to a quarter of a mile. However, dowsing can cover up to 25 miles she’s found so far, and she’s found that her aura energy emissions can be shot up to half a mile, although her accuracy is faulty.
☽☾ She is only able to channel one ability at a time and cannot use more than one as it requires too much energy and aura exertion.
☽☾ Mimicry causes her to receive any weaknesses tied to the ability that is currently mimicked.
☽☾ Many of her abilities that are drawn from her aura manipulation can require a lot of her own energy or aura. Despite being able to generate auras and draw auras from other creatures, certain abilities take more of her own than others and can quickly zap her of her energy, and possibly put her life essence at a dangerous level.
"t is how it is."

| Strengths |
☽☾ Being surrounded by nature, massive amounts of people, or extremely positive vibes increases the strength of her aura manipulation.
☽☾ Direct line of sight with her target makes her powers more precise and strong.
☽☾ Meditating increases the strength of her powers, and being around anyone who participates in meditation or yoga also increases her abilities as their auras are generally more concentrated.
☽☾ Physical exercise enhances her aura, as well as keeping positive thoughts.
☽☾ Crystals are a major source of extra strength and energy boosts for her aura, as well as a way for her to draw additional, varying auras from for her own use. Different crystals carry different auras with different effects, and it’s very rare that she is seen without her crystal necklace, which holds the seven crystals commonly associated with the Seven Chakras.
☽☾ Salt baths once a week helps to rid the physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies of any negativity absorbed throughout the week. It helps one to feel renewed, restored, and revitalized, cleansing the soul of any heaviness or darkness that is lingering.
☽☾ Mimicry entitles her to the strengths tied to the ability that is currently mimicked.
"I use what I can."


"May the breeze blow
new strength into your being."

| Personality |
Compassionate | Kind | Peace-Keeper | Strong-willed | Driven
Strong-Willled | Intelligent | Curious | Cunning

Echo's motto is that if there's a problem between someone and her, it's the other person who's the problem. Her personality makes it very difficult to dislike her, as she's extremely easy to get along with. She's kind to a fault and would give the clothes off of her back to someone who needed it, even if she had nothing else to give. Her compassion for those around her stems from her father, who has been referred to as one of the kindest and most genuine men among all men. Her parents and grandparents raised her very well despite their wealthy status, and while she wanted for naught, she was only spoiled in regards to her education. If they went to a store and she wanted a toy, occasionally her family would buy it for her, but most of the time they would shake their heads and give her the same advice each time; if she, who could want for naught, thinks that she would enjoy that toy, then why not get it for someone who has less than she? She did not need it, as she had other toys, but there were plenty of children who went without many things each and every day, and if such a simple thing could bring her happiness, she should imagine how much joy it would give those other children. They would then buy a few toys and deliver them to the nearby orphanages or organizations that took donations for the poor. This helped mold her into the compassionate and kind young woman that she is today. She finds it difficult to say no when asked for help and strives to be the best that she can be. Her mindset is to do unto others as you wish to be done unto you - or rather, treat others the way that you would want to be treated. Echo is an avid peace-keeper who abhors fighting, despite her own capabilities and only uses her fighting abilities for in-ring matches or defensive measures, not just for herself but for others as well. If a fight is happening, she'll do her best to stop it, and does the same when similar arguments are occurring. She wishes everyone would get along and put aside their differences, but knows that realistically speaking that could never happen.

On the other side of things, Echo is extremely strong-willed and driven. She won't back down from a challenge and almost revels in them. While retaining her kindness, she can become very competitive and strives to succeed in everything she does, to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. She's lost track of how many times she's pushed herself too far and had to visit a doctor or grown ill. It's part of the reason why her father promoted her to the position she holds so quickly. When she has a job, she gets it done and refuses to procrastinate. She does her duty first and then has fun later, which is part of the reason why her romantic life has been rather dull for most of her life. She does have a lot of fun, but just doesn't seem to find the time nor the energy to actually pursue something romantic. She wants that, of course, and a family one day, but her life has just been and still is far too busy to set aside time for another person, and she doesn't want to start something with someone and then not treat them the way that they deserve to be treated.

Another reason why Echo was able to be promoted so quickly is her intelligence and cunningness. She saved her father's company more than enough times by catching small mistakes that would have major consequences that would have cost them millions of dollars, and has maneuvered and planned out just as many deals with companies and customers to triple their overall gross sales and income. She has a way with people, her father would say, that they just wanted to stop and listen to what she had to say. Despite her young age and obviously young features, she holds a matureness about her that causes most people who would simply scoff and wave her off like a silly little girl, to pause and actually listen to what she has to say. It helps that what she says also ends up making sense, but she has a way with words that could convince people to do things that they normally wouldn't do due to their own personal views, or perhaps it being outside of their comfort zone, or even something else that no one can guess. Such as convincing people to face their fears, like skydiving when one has a fear of heights. With her help, SpiritCo. has more than doubled their net worth and has become quite a well-known company. She singlehandedly opened, ran and operated their new technology department, adding more figures to their company's value.

A lot of Echo's intelligence stems from general curiosity. Her parents always told her that curiosity killed the cat, but she never understood that phrase. In her mind, cats are cunning and intelligent creatures, so how could curiosity kill them? When she was little, she did like to think of herself as similar to a cat, and she looks back on that with mild embarrassment. But aside from that, she is a very curious individual who likes to learn but does her best to not be nosy and poke into other people's business out of respect for them.

Over all, Echo is found to be a genuine and kind person, a rare gem amongst many of the humans today. She's sweet yet driven, fiercely loyal, and wishes for everyone to simply get along and live in harmony.
"Why die a copy when you were born an original?"

| Likes |
☽☾ The color blue
☽☾ Her religions
☽☾ Nature
☽☾ Physical Activity/Exercise
☽☾ Kickboxing and MMA
☽☾ Cinnamon
☽☾ Swimming
☽☾ Meditating and Yoga
☽☾ Studying
☽☾ Reading
☽☾ Testing Hypothesis
☽☾ Photography
☽☾ Abnormalities
☽☾ Tea
☽☾ Subtlety
☽☾ Physical Contact
"Let's do it!"

| Dislikes |
☽☾ Egos
☽☾ Judgment/Prejudice
☽☾ Coffee
☽☾ Peanuts
☽☾ Procrastination
☽☾ Small, dark spaces
☽☾ Spiders
☽☾ Pineapple
☽☾ Brash Decisions/Uncontrollable Emotions
☽☾ Being Wrong
☽☾ Boredom
☽☾ Cigarettes
☽☾ Thunder
"Hard pass, thanks.”

| Strengths |
☽☾ Knowledge/Intellect ~ Echo is incredibly intelligent, not only due to her genetics but also due to the rigorous schooling that she's received over the years.
☽☾ MMA and Kickboxing ~ She's won numerous awards and placements over the years, and has been to multi-national events to show her prowess. Her name is well-known among women's MMA.
☽☾ Photography ~ Nothing brings her more joy than capturing the perfect picture to show life at it's fullest.
☽☾ Aura Manipulation ~ Her ability can be quite strong.
☽☾ Organization/Control ~ Her meditation and yoga help her to keep herself focused and grounded, which is key to keeping her abilities under control. Her focus keeps her well-organized, and she'd borderline OCD.
☽☾ Multilingual ~ Echo can fluently speak Scot, Scottish-Gaelic, Greek which are her native languages as she grew up around family who only spoke those languages. She is also fluent in Sign Language, French, Spanish, and Japanese, and is intermediate when it comes German due to her years of schooling and learning languages actively since she could talk.
☽☾ Music ~ Advanced Pianist, Violinist, and Cellist.
"Care for a challenge?"

| Weaknesses |
☽☾ Peanut Allergy
☽☾ Claustrohobia ~ Fear of small, dark spaces.
☽☾ Arachnophobia ~ She knows it's trivial because they're very small, but she finds spiders disgusting and unnecessarily creepy.
☽☾ Her loved ones ~ She would quite literally die for the people that she loves.
☽☾ Fear of Thunder ~ She doesn't know why, but ever since she was little, Echo has been deathly afraid of thunder. The loud clashes and the resulting rock of all of her surroundings simply frightened her young mind, and that fear followed her into adulthood.
☽☾ Cute things ~ Echo cannot resist anything cute and will melt on sight, mostly babies, children, and animals.
☽☾ Romance ~ She's a sucker for romance and loves reading books involving the subject. She sometimes to stare off into space, imagining different romantic situations that she could possibly be in. She figures it stems from her lack of a romantic background.
"Everyone has something that makes them weak. I embrace mine."

| Flaws |
☽☾ Romantic at heart
☽☾ Cares too much
☽☾ A bit socially awkward
☽☾ Naivity
☽☾ Impatience
"A few negatives don't make a person."

| Hobbies/Talents |
☽☾ Photography
☽☾ Meditation/Yoga
☽☾ MMA&Kickboxing
☽☾ Music
☽☾ Multilingual
☽☾ Experimenting
"Simply skills that I've acquired over time."

| Fears |
☽☾ Arachnaphobia
☽☾ Losing more family
☽☾ Claustrophobia
☽☾ Thunder
"Another challenge to overcome."

| Goals |
☽☾ To become CEO of SpiritCo.
☽☾ Oddly enough, Echo's main goal isn't to rid herself of her newfound abilities. She likes them and simply wishes to learn how to properly control them.
☽☾ To assist her fellow enhanced humans in learning to better control their abilities, as well as assist the professor with delving into how these abilities came to be.
☽☾ To use her pull as COO of SpiritCo. to help improve the lives of not only those enhanced but also those who did not go through the change. Her goal is to somehow get everyone to live in harmony without fearing one another.
☽☾ As cheesy as it is, Echo's ultimate goal is to become in control enough that she can pursue romance and have a family of her own. Her dream is to have a few kids, a nice house, and a sweet and loving husband.
"They help to keep me going."

| Habits |
☽☾ Echo has a tendency to overdo everything she does and generally pushes herself a bit too far, usually overexerting herself either mentally or physically. She will exercise and spar until she collapses or is about to, and works so much for SpiritCo. that she'll grow physically ill from overworking and lack of sleep.
☽☾ Unfortunately, Echo is a knuckle cracker. Not only does she crack her knuckles, but also her neck and back, as well as various other body parts when the urge hits her.
☽☾ She always makes sure to eat healthy and tracks all of her food intake so as to help regulate her bodies weight more closely and keep a near-perfect athletic physique.
☽☾ Although Echo has a near-photographic memory, obviously she isn't going to remember everything, so she has a tendency to write a lot of stuff down and 99% of the time has a sticky pad or note pad with a pen in her possession.
☽☾ Her inquisitive nature tends to make her come off as slightly nosy, sticking her nose into business where it doesn't necessarily always belong. At least, though, she does it out of curiosity and good intentions to assist whatever is bothering someone, not in order to use said business against them.
"Everyone has their own quirks."


"May the Mother Earth bless
you with the breaths of life."


| Birthplace |
Kalarites, Greece
Oban, Scotland
"My birthplace is in Oban, but half of my heart lies in Kalarites"

| History |

Just her name should be an indication of the parents that came together to mix their genetics in order to create another living being.

Born the oldest daughter of 21-year-old Eloise Sauya and 25-year-old Helios Enyo, Echo was the result of a quick yet electrifying night of passion between two young adults attempting to escape their stifling lives. Her mother Eloise was born to two wealthy elites by the names of Henrietta Campbell-Sauya and Rowan Sauya, while her father's parental lines are tied to two middle-class Hellenists, Tyche Adamos-Enyo and Alastor Enyo.

Their union came to be while Eloise was visiting Greece on holiday from school with a few close friends. She wandered into the Hellenistic temples that the Enyo family frequented and assisted with as part of her tourism, as she was fascinated by other religions and histories. There she met Helios, clad in paint-stained overalls and a t-shirt, more paint smeared across his various limbs as well. She had paused to take in a beautiful statue belonging to the Greek Goddess Artemis, posed with her bow as though mid-hunt and Helios happened upon her. It was as the stories go and was love at first sight; Helios falling for the beautiful and curious young foreign girl, Eloise falling for the charmingly handsome painter. They struck up a conversation with Helios explaining the statue and who it was portraying, drawing Eloise in with his passion for his beliefs, and their history was basically all but written. They spent the next few days inseparable, knowing that it would end all too soon. The night before Eloise was scheduled to leave came and the could no longer help it, losing themselves in the throes of passion with one another.

And thus Echo came to be.

Her mother, of course, did not know until several weeks later that she was pregnant. She did, however, know where Helios was from and frequented, and after convincing her parents to allow her to visit Greeze again under the guise of studying, she went back to tell him. He immediately took up the responsibilities and agreed to fly back to Scotland to tell her parents with her. Due to the separation of their classes, their relationship was frowned upon by Eloise's parents from the very beginning. Her mother was not very against the union; however, her father was another story. He despised Helios with a passion, blaming him for what he thought to be the tarnishing of his dear daughter's morals and innocence. In actuality, Eloise was a bit of a spitfire since childhood, rebelling in ways that her father rarely noticed, and while her night of passion with Helios may have been one of those acts of rebellion, it was far from simply that. There was a spark there and they both knew it, and their parents were powerless to fight against it. With the support of Eloise and her parents - her father begrudgingly accepting the union as his wife feared to lose their daughter and soon-to-be grandchild - Helios was able to pursue a higher education than he would have with only his parents backing and scholarships. He moved in with Eloise and her parents, attended university while excelling in his classes as per required by his soon-to-be wife's parents. Eloise stayed home, preparing for the birth of their child with her mother to support her along the way.

By the time Echo was born, her father had begun to grow on her mother's parents, and with her birth came further acceptance. Her grandparents immediately melted when they saw her, and her dazzling sapphire eyes drew in those who were lucky enough to glimpse them. From the moment her family laid eyes on her they never stood a chance.

Her childhood was far from terrible. Her father was able to find an excellent job and immediately began to climb the corporate ladder, ensuring a great future for his family. By the time that Echo was eight, he had started his own company and was already bringing in six figures. He moved his own parents from Greece to Scotland to live with them, and Echo spent the first nine years of her life were spent as an only child living in a mansion on a beautiful, large property with both sets of grandparents and her parents to dote upon her every wish. She traveled between Greece and Scotland frequently to visit family, prompting her parents to look into dual-citizenship for her. She was provided high-class tutors from the time she could toddle, receiving the type of education that only a lot of money could buy. It helped that she was a borderline genius and viewed as a prodigy. By the time she was six, she spoke Scot, Scottish-Gaelic, and Greek fluently as native languages, as well as Sign Language, and was taking courses at a fifth-grade level. By the time she was eight, she was a black belt in Karate and Taekwando and had perfected French, and was in advanced piano and violin classes; by ten, she became fluent in Spanish and was an intermediate cello player, and by thirteen she knew German and was an intermediate boxer.

Although her parents wished to have more children, it turns out that Echo was a blessing in disguise. After many tests, her parents were given the worst news that a newlywed couple can receive - she had PCOS, a disease that drastically affects the amount of eggs ovulated per cycle. While this did not mean that she was barren, it would be very difficult for her to conceive. Echo was basically a miracle, especially considering her mother's inexperience in the sexual field at the time and the fact that it was the first time between her father and mother. The likelihood of her mother's pregnancy was extremely slim, but Echo was lucky.

Finally, after years of trying, her parents managed to conceive and her mother gave birth to her brother Blaise. Echo was ecstatic, more than happy to finally be a big sister, and promised to look after her brother passionately. Sadly, her parents were not content and wished for one more child. Three years later, they tried In Vitro Fertilization and it was successful, resulting in her sister Persephone.

Her siblings have been receiving much of the same education as she was provided, but obviously their personal passions differed slightly from her own, so they are talented in their own areas. After demonstrating her abilities over the course of her life, her father grew comfortable enough to hire her as his assistant when she turned eighteen and began grooming her to take over the company when he could no longer run it himself. She climbed the ladders there as quickly as her father did at his first corporate job, and she soon found herself to be Assistant COO of SpiritCo., the largest forefront in the entire world when it came to all religious supplies. They specialize in Hellenistic and Roman Catholic supplies but do offer items for other major religions, such as Wicca, Hinduism, Islam, and more. Not only do they offer supplies such as holy doctrines and crystals, but also commission works of art for both private and public organizations. If a catholic church wants a stained glass window depicting their lord, SpiritCo. can commission one to be made; if a Hellenistic temple wishes for a statue of Zeus, SpiritCo. can commission one to be made as well. Over the years, SpiritCo. has evolved from only religious supplies to also commissioning general works of art for anyone who wishes to pay, and can be afforded by low-class citizens as well, depending on the product, obviously. In addition, due to Echo's help over the last half a decade, they've branched into the technology field. The board and her father were hesitant at first to do so, but after explaining how much it would help the company and how much more money the company could make, as well as the fact that the world was evolving and they had to with it or face bankruptcy, they agreed.

To Echo, SpiritCo. isn't just a business; it's her families' legacy. She values her own beliefs and religions while respecting others as well, and has not allowed money or business to taint her purity in that regard. Her father taught her well and has hired good people to be on their board of directors, instead of the common money-hungry mongrels seen running most religions in current times. Helios's trust in her spans wide, and she has done nothing to let him down as of yet.

Then the worst thing that could possibly happen to their family happened - and her world came crashing down. When she was nineteen, there was an accident. While driving home late one night while it was raining, Eloise Sauya lost control of her car on the slick pavement, spun out, and rolled her small vehicle nine times. Although wearing her seatbelt and not being ejected from the car, she was gravely injured and bled out before paramedics could arrive. She was pronounced dead at the scene.

Following her mother's untimely demise, Echo attempted to remain strong for the sake of the rest of her family. Her father took her mother's dead hard and began to develop an addiction to alcohol, leaving her to pick up the slack at the company, and her siblings began to act out in rightful anger at the world over the loss of their mother at such a young age. The weight of keeping her family together and from drowning fell solely on Echoe's shoulders, and she found herself with the weight of the world on her back for the next three years. She found herself promoted to COO of SpiritCo. in that time, as she was almost solely running it with the board of directors. Thankfully, by the time she turned twenty-two, her father began to recover and her siblings began to mature enough to realize that their anger was misplaced in them acting out and that they were only causing issues for their doting older sister and gentle father.

Six months ago, her father tasked her with traveling the United States for business meetings to help grow their relationships with like businesses and those that will help benefit their company, leading her to San Francisco, which is her final stop before she will return to Scotland. Her working green card is eligible for five years, although she doesn't plan to stay nearly that long, but does love the country that she is currently visiting. Her business in San Francisco should last for a couple of months, so at the beginning, she immediately rented a pretty 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath house for six months, her reasoning being better prepared for possible visitors than not have enough room and regret it, perhaps business associates after a long meeting or something, she didn't know. Her thought process is better to be prepared than unprepared.

It was actually after one of these said meetings that her rebirth occurred.

The day began like any other day; Echo awoke at six, went out for her usual morning mile run, and was at her office by 7:30 sharp. She spent the day in and out of meetings, and in between meetings worked on paperwork. She took her normal hour lunch, taking the opportunity to indulge on a turkey bacon wrap and chips, and finished out the rest of the day with more meetings. After work, she met a client over dinner, and after dinner went with a business associate for a meeting over drinks. Once she was happily buzzed, she went home, where she took a long and satisfyingly hot shower, before throwing on a pair of comfortable pajamas and getting a bowl of popcorn ready for a movie.

It was while Echo was in the kitchen that the change occurred. The plastic bowl she clutched that was intended to hold her popcorn slipped from her fingers and hit the floor with a loud clatter, her eyes rolling back as it fell. Her body jerked and spasmed, and in a last-ditch, semi-conscious effort she catch herself, she fell against the counter for a moment before slumping to the floor in a series of spasms similar to those of a seizure. The pain that tore through her body was hot, drawing strangled and muffled cries of agony from her lips. Blood trickled from her eyes and nose, and the last thing she knew before everything went black was the feeling of her hot tears mixing with her blood as they both trickled down the sides of her face.

When she came to, it was a struggle for her to get up and she continued to lay on the kitchen floor as lingering pain ripped through her insides. Once the pain had subsided, she gasped in strangled breaths and rolled completely onto her stomach, using her arms as leverage to push herself up. A few coughs wracked her body and blood splatters appeared on the floor where she coughed. Dropping back on her heels, Echo used the sleeve of her pajamas to wipe her face and dimly noted that it was still dark outside, although she was uncertain how much time had passed.

By the time that she pushed herself to her feet, she was feeling well enough to hold herself up. She collected the abandoned bowl from the floor, placed it on the counter and gathered herself a large glass of water, gulping it down before smacking it on the surface before her. When she finally looked at her reflection in the mirror, horror washed over her body.

Her face was streaked with blood and completely ashen, causing her to look nearly unrecognizable. Turning on the faucet, she used hot water to scrub the mess away, instantly feeling better as the water touched her skin. When she looked in the window again, she felt better now that she looked more like herself, but a part of her stilled as her eyes found themselves in the panes. While they were quite blue before, they were now a vibrantly glowing blue. The change gave her chills and she quickly wrenched her gaze away, passing it off as an illusion brought on by whatever had just happened to her. She repeated to herself to keep herself together, promising to see a doctor first thing in the morning as she felt fine now. Resolved, she turned and reached for the plastic bowl once more, more than ready for some delicious snacks and relaxation. As she reached for the bowl, a small, glowing white orb appeared in her palm and shot out, blasting a surprisingly large hole in the door to her kitchen. Echo froze, her eyes wide, her body frozen in shock and her mouth agape with awe. Her eyes slowly turned down to look at her palm, her features stunned, before slowly returning to the almost soccerball sized hole in her door.

Needless to say, she didn't go to work the next day, nor for a few days after, especially after she woke up to find that her eyes were still borderline-glowing. Instead, she hid in her home, feigning the flu to anyone who called. At first she did feel fear, as it's only natural for humans to fear the unknown, especially when it's happening to their own bodies. After about a day, though, she managed to get over most of her fear, leaving only a subtle unease, and she began to focus on ensuring that she could control whatever it was that was happening to her. She took avid notes on everything she found, conducting experiments with her newfound abilities to see what exactly she could do, and only returned to work and the public once she was certain she could control it for the most part. The last thing that she wanted was for someone to see what she could do and contact the authorities. She definitely did not want to become a science experience to only be poked and prodded with needles. When she did finally go back into public, she was surprised to find that every living thing she came across had a shimmering mixture of colors surrounding their bodies.

When she returned to work, her co-workers expressed their concerns over her absence, some making comments about her seemingly-different eyes, but for the most part people didn't notice much of a change as her eyes only dramatically changed when her powers were active, and were now only a slightly intenser shade of blue than before. It was in her third week after having changed that she received an invitation from a professor claiming to be able to assist her, and out of curiosity, she decided to go.
"There is nothing you can do but accept your past and move forward, using it as a learning crutch to better mold your future."

| Family |
Eloise Victory Sauya-Enyo | 44 | Stay-at-home Mom | Mother | Deceased
Helios Markus Enyo | 48 | CEO of Enyo SpiritCo | Father | Alive
Persphone Gaia Enyo | 12 | Student | Sister | Alive
Blaise Apollo Enyo | 15 | Student | Brother | Alive
Henrietta LaFarre Campbell-Sauya | 69 | Retired | Grandmother | Alive
Rowan Sauya | 71 | Retired | Grandfather | Alive
Tyche Adamos-Enyo | 63 | Retired | Grandmother | Alive
Alastor Enyo | 61 | Grandfather | Retired | Alive
"My family is all I really have in the world. I don't have very many friends. My family is my everything."

| Other |
☽☾ When she moved to the US six months ago, she adopted an Australian Shepherd puppy that she named Artemis after how her parents met, and a German Shepherd puppy that she named Apollo that had formed a bond with each other in the shelter. She couldn't bear to adopt only one, so decided on both, and has her assistant take care of their needs if she's too busy with the company.
"They're my best friends and make the nights less lonely."

"May you walk gently through the world
and know its beauty all the days of your life."

So begins...

Echo Enyo's Story