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Johnathan Hills

"Johnny be good."

0 · 535 views · located in Brown High Academy

a character in “Sam White and The Seven Losers”, as played by TraitorsHand



Name: Johnathan Williams Hill
Nickenames: Most people call him Johnny
Gender: Male
Role: Loser boy 1

Written Looks: The first thing one notices when looking at Johnny is his self-claimed, "Gravity defying hair!" His unruly brown hair does at times seem to defy gravity seeming to stand 3-4 inches off his head, and sometimes even floating far off of his head and simply hanging. He tends to take showers the night before and running to school with whatever hair he wakes up with, so his hair is always unruly. Always. People would probably die of shock if he combed it down. He is currently trying, in vain, to grow stubble. Johnny will not hesitate to show all around his tiny whiskers that are always on his chin. Johnny is also rather skinny, not 'toned' or skinny but with muscles that twigs like to try and claim, Johnny is more so 'skin and bones', and he is a tall twig standing at 6'4, his eyes are a deep green.
Wears: T-shirts, cap, and jeans, occasional hoodie if its chilly.
Style: Johnny is a fan of the 'casual' look. T-shirt, Jeans, and basketball sneakers (He likes his shoes to have high backs.) Now, when he says jeans, he means jeans. Not those skinny jeans, not his sisters jeans, and not those jeans with pre-fashioned holes in them! Every hole in his jeans were made and earned through some wanton act of stupidity. He is almost always wearing a hat, save for when he is in class and has to take it off before a teacher takes it away, his baseball caps tend to be either Carolina Panthers (American football team), or a Dodge (Car company) hat.


Likes: Jokes, Movies, Music (Classic, Country, Rock, some pop.. not rap.), Talking about himself or things that are light hearted and not deep, Video Games, Cartoons, Reading and Writing.
Dislikes: Sappy moments in life, depressing people and self-pity, Celery/Onions/Tomatoes/Peppers/Spicy Food/ Most Mexican food, vegetarians especially the ones who get in your face about it, and finally people who take 'love' and high school too serious.
Fears: Spiders, Gorillas, Ladders, Dark alleys... clowns...
Habits: Brushes his hair to the side when he gets nervous, likes to dance and sing (even if he is bad at it) when he hears music, and biting his nails.

Personality: Johnny is... well, Johnny. Everything in the world is a joke to him be it the mailman who tripped or the girl who just got her heart broken even if that girl is his close friend. He has... trouble relating to people, and their problems and is in fact, quite bad at it. If someone tries to open up to him, to share something personal of themselves or their deep fears, he will make a joke out of it to purposely hurt their feelings and make them withdraw. It is not that Johnny likes hurting people, it is just that he doesn't know how to handle it. He goes stiff and gets awkward, and when he gets awkward he makes jokes. Johnny knows he has this shallowness about him and doesn't know how to change it so has long since embraced it even making a joke about it. "Hi! I'm Johnny, and I am incredibly shallow lovely to meet you." It is because of that, that he tends to avoid relationships, even if he jokes he would take any girl that asks him, in truth, he would probably say no.

He doesn't want to hurt them. No matter what, he firmly believes he would never be able to return their feelings, and he doesn't want to deal with it. Of course, he loves himself despite his shallow soul. He thinks he is the best thing in the world, and most people would say he is narcissistic, such as Sam always blabbing away about the 'prince' when obviously, Johnny is way hotter... funnier... and he has a brain. A lot of what he does is out of self-satisfaction such as pranking people because it makes him laugh... this attitude reflects in his grades as he is a C student. The only reason he has a C is because he is smart. He does not do his homework, does not study, his C comes from him getting A's on the tests which balance it all out, as he says, "My time is too valuable to be studying." He plans on getting into college based purely on his expected awesome ACT/SAT scores.

Many people would assume that such a guy would be fairly popular, but there are two reasons Johnny is with the losers: 1. He has 'geeking out' moments such as when he talks about video games, star wars, or something else entirely nerdy, and 2. He likes the losers better, much more entertaining. He approached them and joined them willingly, not out of a sense of nowhere else to go. "I like to laugh, and I laugh the most with these losers." He is the kind of guy to sit on the couch in his underwear, eating cereal, and watching cartoons all Saturday.

    Father: Billy Hills
    Mother: Debra Hills
    Twin Sisters (12): Lindsay and Linda

Best Friends: (I am going to wait to fill this out once all the profiles are in to see who wants to be BFFs)
Friends: His comrades in the 'seven losers'
Crush: "I'll take any girl if she is hot and willing."


History: What is there to really say? Johnny is your average teenager. He loves his parents, and they are good parents. He loves his sisters despite sometimes forgetting which is which. Honestly, what did you expect some super sad story about him being a orphan and fighting past that to be some super nice guy? Nah, Johnny is your average American teenager.

So begins...

Johnathan Hills's Story

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Character Portrait: Philip "Phil" Roe Character Portrait: Johnathan Hills
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Johnathin Hills


Johnny woke up as he does everyday, with a very loud yawn and a long cat-like stretch making sure that he flailed every possibly way on the bed before popping out of the bed and breathing in deeply. He was ready for another lovely day in which, he, the greatest guy in the world would go out of his way to lighten up the world of the other students, truly was a touching story, one for the ages really. This 'greatest guy' in the world first had to brush his teeth, scratch his stomach, and shut off his very load radio that he had bought just to be sure it always woke up Ken-doll sleeping just next door, and for this special reason, Johnny had made sure to wake up 30 minutes earlier then what ken-dolls was set, yes, he had sneaked into his room and looked just for this little prank that would only make him crack a smile.

Getting dressed was always a simple matter, did he waste time to make sure things matched? Did he waste time making sure that shirt was clean? Did he make sure he had not worn those jeans yesterday? No. He simply tossed things on, and today it seemed he had chosen a bright orange t-shirt that had a few small holes on the bottom front of the shirt where he had spilled battery acid on when doing a prank, (it was a long, very elaborate trap that had not worked as he had intended), deep blue jeans that had a very long tear running down the side of his calf, and of course, his old worn white nike's basketball sneaks. Indeed, he was looking mighty fine today as he gave himself a wink in the mirror before taking off, "I am going ahead Ken-Doll." He called to the rest of the dorm room, he always was one to say good morning.

Johnny paused to consider what to do with his extra time, go play baseball with some of the guys? Nah, not today... anyone else out? Well, he could find out by texting someone, but did he really want to? He would have to ask them how their morning was and wait bored until they answered, and honestly, he didn't care how their morning was.. Nah, not worth it, so he sat down and leaned against the school and pulled out his drama homework from the night before, it was a series of lines from the play hamlet that they were supposed to have memorized in order to break into small groups in class today and play out scenes. Johnny really liked drama, acting out scenes was really fun, and he really enjoyed it that, and he got a lot of attention from the audience and everyone else when he was on that stage.

Time ticked by as Johnny acted out scenes to help him memorize it, most teens would never do so in public, why? Because they would be too embarrassed, but not Johnny, hell, this was just another day, and anyone walking by should be glad they were blessed with the sight of Johnny bending on his knee and pretending a rock was a skull... so caught up in his act, he didn't realize who was watching or approaching.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Bethany Bryant Character Portrait: Johnathan Hills Character Portrait: Kindle Foster
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Alice Bethany Bryant


Alice dug her face further into the pillow as the beeping of her wrist watch slowly dragged back to conscious. Snatching the small device off the nightstand she quickly turned the small beeps off to keep from disturbing her roommate; the same reason she used a watch instead of an alarm clock in the first place. But she was a light sleeper luckily.

Carefully sliding out of bed in a sleepy haze, Alice made her way to the closet dug for today’s outfit while holding back constant yawns. Last night’s homework in business refused to balance out, and she had spent more time finding her mistake than actually sleeping; but at least it paid off two hours later. Though at the moment her body protested the thought as she shuffled around and pulled on a light weight sweater and a pair of black pants; fumbling around even more to locate her favorite ballet flats and jewelry.

Just as quietly as she dressed, Alice gathered her books for first hour and slipped carefully out the door; she was leaving a bit earlier this morning than usual, but she knew every minute of moving around would help her stay awake through history better. Whoever had thought of giving US History first thing in the morning must have been found of slow and unusual punishment.

Making her way towards the school building she took a slight detour past the game fields. Sure it added a few extra minutes on her track to class; but it was important to get exercise! After all, a lot of people came out to the fields to practice before class; something she was going to have to start doing with tennis starting back up. There were baseball cages, track fields, football fields
 people on the fields
 guys who looked too much alike on the fields
 “Class Alice. Class. You’re going to class.” Shaking her head with a slight blush, she realized she had started to slow down; not that there was any particular reason mind you!

Alice picked her walk up to a sprint as she made it the last bit of distance to the building, slowing back to a walk once she was through the doors and heading to class; only stopping at her locker long enough to deposit the books she was working on the night before.

Already there were people starting to arrive, so sticking to the far wall Alice slipped as carefully as she could not to jostle into anyone; relieved to make to her classroom and slip through the door.


Kindle Foster


Kindle let out a groan as the annoying alarm yelled through the layers of pillows and feather comforter she had buried her head under. Maybe if she kept really still it would all go away and let her sleep
 Nope, the blaring was still there.

Sticking only her hand out from underneath the cocoon she was in, Kindle fumbled around and found the alarm; slamming the button a few times to shut it up. “Why do they have to have school in the morning!” she grumbled into the mattress to no one in particular before kicking and twisting to get the covers off of her and to sit up straight. Needless to say her hair looked like a total rat nest decided to have a party in it, like it did every morning; so first grabbing her brush from inside the nightstand drawer, she started the battle of tugging the mess back into its straight floppy self as she surveyed her closet and floor for clothes. Not saying they weren’t all clean; she did put the dirty ones in the hamper, but jeans are good to be worn more than once.

Poking a particular pile around with her foot, Kindle pulled out a pair of dark blue jeans then scrambled through the actual hangers and pulled out a striped top. After slipping today’s choice on and shooting a few clothes hoops to the laundry basket, Kindle grabbed and handful of jewelry out of her disorganized box and slipped a hobo bag over her shoulders. Letting the door slam on its own accord behind her on her way out, she made her way to class while putting on whatever jewelry was in her hand; today being mostly all necklaces from the looks of it.

The morning’s agenda was easy enough. 1. Survive class. 2. Survive class. And 3. Don’t break down crying in Trig. Not to bad, maybe a little difficult on the last one, but livable. Then there was still practice after school she needed to get through
 and one more thing
 it had bugged her all last night she couldn’t remember what it was

“Crap.” Stopping mid step as she rounded the corner, the answer stood right in front of her holding a rock. Hamlet. The class was covering Hamlet today. And there was the proof right in front of her, kneeling like a proposing man talking to a rock. “Hey Johnny, if you’re going to propose to that thing you need to get it a ring first.”

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Johnathan Hills Character Portrait: Kindle Foster Character Portrait: Data Martin
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The large smile slid across his face, and he would have laughed, but while on one knee laughing would have been awkward, "Good morning beautiful." Johnny said still posing, "No need to be jealous of Bessy here," he said petting the rock, "You are still number 3 in my book!" He said pivoting his upper body and giving Kindle a large thumbs up with his free hand, and before he had a chance to follow up with it, Dara showed up... and Johnny couldn't help but play along by pouting at her 'hurtful' words, "Hey... what's that supposed to me.." He said then stopped pretending to consider what he was about to say, "Oh nevermind, point taken." He conceded. Johnny, Gods gift to the world settling down with one girl and sharing everything with her? Not going to happen.

"Such a shame polygamy is not allowed." Johnny said pretending to be distraught, "Me, you, Kindle, and of course Bessy here all one happy dysfunctional family." He said sighing before tossing 'Bessy' over his shoulder and letting it crash to the ground, "Oh well, no use getting depressed over not being able to have some kinky man on rock action." Johnny said popping up and smiling, "So whats up?" He glanced at his watch... oh, ten minutes to class that is what was up. Oh well, at least he would get to see samyyyy!!! He loved her name, just one you wanted to yell to the world, but the downside was she would be staring at Ken-doll the entire time.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Johnathan Hills Character Portrait: Hannah Phelps Character Portrait: Kindle Foster Character Portrait: Data Martin
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Data snickered as Johnny understood her point. Johnny then went on about his rock and polagamy and Data snorted. "Yea, I'd rather date the rock." She said with a roll of her eyes. She actually had small feelings for Johnny only because either he was brave enough or stupid enough to flirt with her. She had violent tendencies towards....well almost everyone but especially guys. Flirts usually sent her in a rage but not with him. She either blew it off completely or had a barrage of insults waiting for him but now, having the same drama class with him and -more recently- her having been casted as the leading lady and him, the leading man. They've had to hang out alot more.

It was then Data was knocked to the ground, her sketchbook and pencils spilling out of her bag and rolling down the quad. Data looked up to see Hannah lurking there. Admiring her work. Data was on her feet in seconds, She felt a small burning on her arm. She looked down to see a bit a skin missing on her elbow. Blood dotting the exposed skin and Data almost snarled. "I got your Red Sea, right here!" Data spat and she lunged after her, hands curled into fists "How about I bloody that plastic nose of yours!?" She barked but she felt her arms on her before she could make a move.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Alice Bethany Bryant Character Portrait: Philip "Phil" Roe Character Portrait: Johnathan Hills Character Portrait: Hannah Phelps Character Portrait: Sam White
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Philip Roe


Phil was quite content. He was having a dream that he was living back in the Tudor Era, wearing a fancy suit and going to a masked ball. He didn't seem to recognise any of the girls around him, what with the fancy gowns and big extravagant masks. Phil somehow found himself being drawn to a beautiful girl wearing a flowing white dress and having long blonde hair. He approached her and then held out a hand, bowing his head slightly to her. "May I have this dance?" He asked, smiling delightfully, eagerly awaiting her response.
And then, the beauty of the ball, opened her mouth, delicate red lips no longer pursed but opening up into a gorgeous smile. But, it kept on going. She kept on smiling more and more until it got creepy, and then suddenly lifted a pink microphone to her mouth, waving her arms in the air. "HEY, I just met you! And this is crazy!" Phil blinked a couple of times, confusion etched into his face as he pulled away slightly, but as he drew back, she came in closer.

"But here's my number! SO CALL ME MAYBE!"

Phil awoke with a start, sitting upright after being yelled at in the face. Well... in the dream anyway. He was a little bit worried. Had he really just asked a girl to dance who then started to sing Carley Rae Jepson at him? He then continued to hear the song being played and realised that it was coming from the radio next door. He felt something similar to relief flooding through him. Never in his life would he want to date anyone who could make a song that annoying... He ran a hand through his hair and looked over to his clock. 6:30. "Seriously?" He murmured to himself, groaning a little and then shaking his head. Phil honestly wasn't sure whether Johnny was trying to get him to hate him, or was just being annoying. All the same, Phil didn't mind that much really. He just wasn't much of a morning person. He'd get over it once he was actually awake. "Might as well shower now that I'm up..." He murmured, standing upright and stretching his arms out, before tossing his clothes off and walking into the bathroom.

After finally waking up and getting dressed into a white shirt, a chequered white and green shirt over the top, and jogging bottoms, he raided his wardrobe for his school Letterman Jacket, finding it misplaced. He was thoroughly confused, before one person entered his mind. "Han." He rolled his eyes and laughed a little, knowing that he'd probably find it drooped over her shoulders. "I am going ahead Ken-Doll." He heard being called out to him, but before he could respond with a 'catch you later' the door had already shut. He bit his lip. He'd have to work out how he could try and befriend Johnny. He had nothing against the guy. And yet, Johnny acted sometimes as if they were from opposite sides of the world. He shook his head and then flung his backpack over his shoulders, scratching the back of his neck and then smiling a little. He didn't have time to practice football. Maybe a jog would be good though...

After making his way to the pitch, he took off his chequered shirt and white shirt, just to save sweating on it, and then started jogging around the track. Needed to get some exercise anyways. As he ran around, he suddenly spotted a head of blonde practicing Baseball. Newbie, Sam White. He smiled to her and gave her a wave, but she didn't seem to notice. "Concentration, nice one." He commented, more saying it on his own accord...

He was soon finished and making his way inside the building, walking through the doors of his classroom and tripping over a book. Phil raised an eyebrow before looking down and seeing a book laid out on the ground. Picking it up, he read the name 'Alice Bryant' on the cover. He looked around the classroom, seeing the polite shy girl hiding away in her own corner. He walked over to her and gave her a smile, holding the book out to her. "So many books, hard to keep a hold of all of them, isn't it?" He commented, chuckling a little.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Johnathan Hills Character Portrait: Hannah Phelps Character Portrait: Kindle Foster Character Portrait: Data Martin
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Johnathan Hills


Johnny stood pretending to be baffled, "Dear god... I didn't think she could spell Red Sea much less reference it" He said stroking his chin, "This is going to be a problem if she is going to become wife 643." He paused so lost in his thought he pretended not to see Data rush at her because there was no way in hell he was getting in between a good ol'fashion cat fight, please God allow clothing to be ripped off. He could see it now, Data punching aiming it at Hana's face that powerful rage exploding as Hana screamed and scratched, her nails catching Dana's shirt and ripping them a little, the outrage of Dana's face as she tears Hana's clothes more, and then his mind wandered off to some scenes better left not told, but somehow there was a lot of whipped cream and Kindle had joined in on the party. A shout snapped him back to the world as Data was grabbed and held, and everyone walking by had stopped to see the show, and sadly his fantasy was only a fantasy.

Johnny gave a depressed sigh, before stepping forward determined to grab peoples attention, "Ladies, Ladies." Johnny said holding up his hands, "There is plenty of me to go around, no need to fight over me, unless we got some mud and bikinis around." A few nervous chuckles crept into the cloud, many refusing to smile or laugh simply because they didn't want Hana to see them laughing at her. Johnny bent down and scooped his backpack up and started for the door before turning on his heel and pretending his two hands were guns aimed at Hana, "Stay feisty for me beautiful." He said before entering the building.