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Scarlet Wilkson

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a character in “SCION”, as played by peekaboo



Full Name:
Scarlet L. Wilkson

Scarlet or Scar is what she is called by close friends or comrades however the SCION program members address her by her fighting alias, Cardinal.

Appears to be roughly 24 years of age.


With the title of a sorcerer, Scarlet has the magic ability to control the energy force of the living. Despite the powerful potential her ability provides her, Scarlet’s prowess do not come free.

Although she is an acclaimed fighter, Scarlet is a new face amongst the SCION (however not as new as the rookies).

Credit of picture goes to
Scarlet has the appearance of innocence: large hazel eyes that hooded heavily and framed by dark lashes, a small button nose that is centered on her face and small yet full lips that have a strong cupid’s bow all aligned on her heart shaped face. Broad yet small shoulders tower over a slender waist while small breasts are greatly overshadowed by her rather stocky hips, giving her pear body shape slightly more definition. Standing in at 5ft, 9 inches (175.26cm), Scarlet can seem rather intimidating- especially since she has a very stoutly built- however because her face is rather innocent looking, she is often regarded as ‘harmless’ from those who do not know her or her set of skills well.
Due to her impatience with trivial things such as caring for long hair, Scarlet keeps her hair shaggily short and unkempt. Parted to the side or pinned up out of her face, Scarlet does not need to wear her hair up during work or while doing required tasks therefore she doesn’t style it much and only cuts it when it becomes a nuisance. Likewise, Scarlet is not one to decorate her face with makeup or spray perfume on her body unless it is mandatory for her to do so her skin is often clear, free of blemishes such as pimples or blackheads. However this does not mean her skin is porcelain. Scarlet has various scars that litter her body from fighting, training, or past skirmishes. One particular ‘scar’ that is noticeable to almost anyone who ever meets Scarlet is a grotesque mutilation that sits right above her neck, wrapping itself around her throat. To keep speculations or questions, Scarlet will often wear thick fabric chokers.
Clothes or fashion do not concern Scarlet in the least and she is often seen worn hand-me downs that drape off her body in an unsightly and unflattering way. Due to the way she dresses herself, Scarlet often looks larger than her actual size. However when fighting or on missions, Scarlet dresses to convience. Black clothing with lots of pockets and hidden compartments are worn as well as several weapon halters that is worn underneath and over her clothing, ready for use or for last resort situations.

Scarlet is a very quiet individual who possesses a lot of self-control. Similar to the very dog she raised, Scarlet is extremely loyal person who does what is asked of her without a second thought with the intention of feeling needed and finding her own place within this world. This thought gives her a very warped idea of the world itself and other peoples’ lives including her own. In fact, the only life she considered valuable is her dearest Astros’. Perhaps it is because she sees herself in him that she wants to protect him so dearly.
Despite her resilient urge to protect what is dear to her, Scarlet will not allow such things to be used against her as she is a very hard person to manipulate. Hold her loved things hostage or damage what is close to her very soul and you may have a fight on your hands that you wished you had not started. Skilled in combat, both long range and hand-to-hand, Scarlet barely uses her magic ability and this is especially so since she is skilled in gunmanship and combat with handheld knives (although she is completely useless with weapons like swords considering that she treats it has a small knife. This often results in her own self getting injured more than the person she is fighting).
She does not fear death however Scarlet knows when to back out of a fight and she knows how to strategize relatively well therefore if the possibility of her dying rises above a 64.7 percentage and it is over something that is not in regards to her mission or a required fight, Scarlet will normally back down. She is not one to rush towards death without stable reasoning.
However, because Scarlet is still a living thing and no robot, she does have various weaknesses and urges which she will satisfy herself inconspicuously without the SCION knowing. These will often include night-outs to the bars to drink alone, long walks in the park, some high-end window shopping or one night stands with strangers whose faces she does not bother to remember. She is extremely careful while she partakes in such activities and will often wear restrictive tools that completely mask her abilities as self-control is often hard for her to do whenever she does participate in these human happenings.

As stated before, Scarlet is extremely capable in combat fighting in general and has exquisite gunmanship as well as handheld knife handling.
Scarlet is also very proficient in keeping secrets or confidential information as she will often never speak about it again unless it is to the directed person which the information was intended for. There has been several situations in which Scarlet has chosen torture rather than talking.
Her magical ability however is something on a rather different level. Scarlet has the magic ability to control the living’s energy force. She can take away a person’s life force and add it to her own life force which allows it to somewhat ‘lengthen’ the years she is able to walk this earth. Scarlet also has the unique ability to manipulate such energy so it becomes a tangible and visible thing.

However powerful her ability may be, such a power will surely have a far greater cost. Scarlet, when using this ability will not only eventually lose her life (that is, if she overexerts too much at one time) but she will also end up losing her humanity, her entire being as well as the memories and sanity she has obtained. This power will literately leave her as a pile of somewhat conscious rotting flesh that allows her to feel only pain. This in itself is enough to scare Scarlet enough to restrict her usage as extended or prolonged use of her own magical ability will cause such an occurrence. The so-called scar on her neck is the leftover of what could be and if Scarlet is reckless enough to overuse her own ability, the scar will deepen or spread and pain will engulf her entire body.
Another weakness one could say that Scarlet has is her complete loyalty she has towards the SCION or those who gain her trust. Because of this trait, Scarlet can easily become a lapdog to any agency she is willing to follow.

Brief History:
Born as an orphan who fell into a dark magic occult which specialized in underground assassination, Scarlet has been training hard to control her powers from before she could even remember. The practice of the magic occult included eternal silence which meant that children who were able to progress into the clan’s adulthood would have their tongues removed. Although the sound of having your tongue removed is quite the fearsome and gritty thought, it was considered the highest honor and something all the children and lower-status occult members wished for- even Scarlet was yearning for her tongue to be removed.
Assigned underneath a higher clan member, Scarlet began her training to control her unique magical powers and to gain physical combat skills. She trained with five other children and although she was below average with her fighting skills, Scarlet was particularly well known due to her unique magical ability. She was praised by the high ordered- the only members of the occult who was permitted to speak- and given the tittle of Cardinal before the final test was even administrated. At the age of what appeared to be year fifteen of her life, Scarlet and her training comrades entered into the final test that would determine whether or not she would have the absolute honor of removing her tongue.
However the test given was something Scarlet was unable to do- to execute her fellow occult members whom she trained so hard to do. Despite her own discomfort, the other children seemed unfazed by the final test and went away with butchering each other. This led Scarlet half dead and abandoned on the streets of the world above- a world she had never once experienced before. Those within the world of which she was refrained from where much friendlier than those who had previously thrown her away. Listed within the local city news as the “miracle child who was brought back from the dead after a ‘brutal mugging’”, Scarlet gained attention from all sorts of ends.
One particular interest she gain was a man with name of Noel. He was similar to her, having a nearly identical magic ability. By pure chance, he confronted her and soon after adopted Scarlet, taking her underneath his wing as his own daughter and further teaching her about her own abilities. The grotesque mark that slowly began to appear on her neck was something he was unfamiliar with although with time and knowledge, it was soon discovered that Scarlet’s abilities was that of a double-edged sword. She was prohibited to use her abilities around him or at all.
He taught her the basics of controlling it, of hiding it which allowed her remain normal for the short amount of time he was with her. However he never taught her how to use it to her own advantage in combat but merely deepened her knowledge of physical combat. Despite their attempts to try and hide the magical power, Scarlet’s scar slowly got deeper due to her inept ability to listen to him whenever she was alone.
Not long after what seemed like her twenty-first birthday, SCION formed once again as an independent establishment and Noel slowly began to become ill. While Noel had not the same physical side-effect of Scarlet’s power, he his power (like Scarlet’s) was not free. Shortly after the formation of the establishment, Noel passed away peacefully in his sleep and left with nothing else, Scarlet joined SCION. She has been servicing them with her abilities as their fighter ever since.

Seemingly always by her side, Scarlet has a medium, white dog that she picked up named Astros. Scarlet found Astros as a puppy abandoned on the streets. He is currently three years old and from what Scarlet can guess, is a Samoyed-Husky mix. He is an extremely faithful and loyal dog who will even venture out on missions or fights with her and is known to be extremely aggressive to anyone but Scarlet. Another added plus Scarlet found about Astros was that he is immune to any kind of mind altering or controlling magic (the reason for this is unknown, even to Scarlet herself).

So begins...

Scarlet Wilkson's Story

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Character Portrait: Scarlet Wilkson
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Dust danced around her ankles as she made her way through the darkened building whose lights were put out due to the rising moon and the lackluster of its light. With the murky, agonizing figure’s long and slender fingers wrapping around her neck, the silent walk down the hallway became slower than before. Even with the androgynous figure tightly securing itself around her, its malevolent fingers tapping against her jugular, Scarlet kept walking. The mission given to her was indeed very simple. Jonathan Dextris was her one and only target; and to terminate him was her only order. He was a low key politician who had 'accidentally' discovered SCION just a mere three days ago along with some very confidential information that included the list of newly included members and the medical records of two other members.

However easy the task may have seemed when given to Scarlet, she did not expect the several dozen or so posted guards who kept watch along the property- nor did she expect them to find her so easily. Sure, Scarlet was a gifted individual when it came to combat however she was still somewhat human and when her enemy outnumbered her thirty to one, it would be an average sense to feel a bit overwhelmed. And although she did kill fourteen without the use of her powers, the abilities she possessed was still a very frightening and gluttonous being. The release of her powers devoured whatever energy the dead had, turning the bodies of both, the living and those who recently crossed into nothing but dust. Not even the blood droplets which stained the porcelain floors or the green blades of grass remained.

And now, here she was- stumbling against the wall for support and trying to find her way towards Jonathan’s room so she can dispose of him. Scarlet wanted nothing more than to return to the cheap fabrics of her bed and the warm, white body of Astros. This desire caused her feet to move faster, breaking free from the maleficent hands of the curse momentarily. The tall walls suddenly narrowed and Scarlet could tell that this dark hallway was coming to its end as the vibrant mahogany door made its presence. Examining it in silence and listening to the rapid breathing coming from the other side, Scarlet could tell he was readying himself for her and from the fearful adrenaline rolling off his body, it was apparent the man was armed.

Closing her mossy mud colored eyes, Scarlet breathed in once more. She hadn’t the energy nor the tolerance to deal with this man anymore. Taking her gun out of the holster, Scarlet cocked it back and pointed the weapon ahead of her while she placed her hand on the door. Without a moment of surprise, Jonathan fired several shots in Scarlet’s direction upon the opening of the door. All of which were futile thanks to the rather large wall of energy that surrounded her body. Although consuming those men’s life force caused Scarlet immense pain, it did aid in protecting her body from outside harm in some twisted, parasitic way. Calmly walking towards the shaking man, Scarlet raised the gun to his head and listened to the man’s pleading words and deplorable sobs.

“Please,” He begged, pressing his hands together as if he were praying. “I have children and a wife.” When he was met with silence and cruel eyes, the man wrapped his trembling hands around the barrel of the gun. “Money? Do you want money? I am a very wealthy man, you know. I can give you as much as you need or want- hell, I can give you an island.” Once again, his pleas were met with the cold silence and the rugged end of the gun which was now being pressed up against him harder than before. “Please,” He whimpered, closing his eyes as she pressed the trigger hard enough to cause the gun to release its tensing bullet.

The white dog supported himself on his back legs while deviously itching his snout towards the bowl of untouched oatmeal that was quickly becoming cold. With almost exact skills acquired from past experience, Astros quickly moved his snout away from the bowl, narrowly avoiding the beige mush that fell from her spoon and back into the bowl. Black orbs looked up at the dead face of his master, watching her carefully as she dozed off into her own world before slipping his tongue into the bowl and taking a mouthful of the cinnamon flavored oats. Carefully placing two white paws onto the seat to give him more leverage, Astros slowly tipped the bowl towards him as he chomped down on another mouthful.

Quickly retreating while licking his chops, Astros watched his master carefully as she yawned and placed her hand underneath her chin before taking a bite of whatever was left on her spoon. Scarlet wasn’t a morning person; hell, the dead could have more vitality than she did in the mornings. The nights before whether she be training or doing missions for the SCION would always seem to tire her out; in fact, mornings, although she was an early riser, would be her slowest time. Astros’ ears perked up as he tilted his head to follow her spoon, watching it carefully as it dipped down into her bowl to take a scoop of oatmeal and to raise it carefully back up to her full yet small lips that now resembled the color of a withered, pink rose.

Her short, choppy hair was its usual unkempt self; fly-aways scattered above the main strands of her head while the majority of it seemed to almost defy gravity altogether. As if to compliment her disheveled hair, Scarlet was dressed in sweatpants that seemed to be just barely hanging off her hips thanks to the band that was tightly secured in place due to the several knots in it where it had broken and a potato-sac looking shirt that swooped down low against her bare shoulders. It was hard to believe that this woman was even a part of an establishment such as SCION. The thick-fabric choker, however, seemed to be brand new and expensively crafted to fit around her neck, covering the ‘scar’.

Screams jarred Scarlet from her morning daze causing her to look down at Astros who wagged his tail at her acknowledgement of him. Deeming that she probably wasn’t going to finish her breakfast anyways, Scarlet placed her spoon in the bowl and lowered it down to where Astros could eat whatever he didn’t finish. With a bark of appreciation, the white dog did not hesitate to lick the bowl clean. She leaned forward slightly, closing her eyes to listen to the screams that seemed to be happening several walls away from her. It seemed like that sadistic doctor was at it again.

Although she did not care for Dr. Kovalenko, Scarlet harbored no feelings of hate towards the woman however it would be a lie to say that Scarlet was not overly cautious. The idea of becoming someone’s lab rat would not sit right in anyone’s stomach. With a mere passing thought of empathy for whoever was in Dr. Kovalenko’s care, Scarlet sat back and watched those around her in the mess hall slowly begin to opt for a change in scenery to enjoy their breakfast.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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"...Isaid I'm fine..." Kora mumbled, shrugging the support off as she rose to her feet, leaning against the wall. She paused there to clear her head before setting her gaze on Montana.

"Not that I don't appreciate your concern, but I have been training to force changes since I was five or six. I can manage."

She straightened up, made her way over to the sink in the smashed-up kitchen, and poured a glass of water. Well, a plastic cup. They didn't tend to keep too much that was easily broken for...well mostly for that reason entirely.

"...getting freakin' tazed on the other hand is not something I'm quite as adapted to. Not that I hold a grudge or anything. Unless it's Oren. Then it becomes funny."

She downed a glass of water in one gulp, clearing the rather unpleasant taste of blood that tended to follow a transformation. You did not tend to bleed too much, Oren had gone one about how the blood vessels massively constricted during a shift, however, when you had a set of fangs bursting through your gumline, it did tend to leave that nasty taste on your mouth.

"I'm not going to the infirmary. Spent all morning in research. Had enough being poked and prodded by people in white coats to last me a while. I swear every time that leech looks at me she's picturing a dissection session and I don't doubt she'd do it. Vamps. They give me the creeps. Like reptiles." she paused, casting a glance in Stride's direction.
"Uh, no offence intended."

She was about to speak again, when the SCION intercom flared suddenly into life. The speaker system had been set up for remote access...where the 'remote' was was less clear, but the voice, that of a female speaking calmly and clearly, but with a chipper enough tone, broadcast out.

"Good morning agents of SCION, I do hope you're all well. A new case has come to our attention. Please will all field-cleared staff, medical dept, and research convene in the meeting room immediately."

Kora gazed up at the small speaker with narrowed eyes.
"It's like you do this on purpose. Am I really expected to swan into a staff briefing in a table cloth? Is this where my life has led me?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Kagerou
As Alexander asked her if anything else were in order, the speakers came on. They requested field agents, medical staff, and researchers. "I think that's our cue to leave, no?" Kate looked over to the head nurse. "Please watch over these agents while I am away. It should not be too long before I return." With that, Kate and Alexander headed down to the meeting room. A few S.C.I.O.N operatives were already there. It seemed the meeting had not started yet. She saw a few new faces that had not introduced themselves to her yet and agents she had known for years. There was a lot of diversity in one room. It pleased Kate.

She left Alexander to wander and sat in the closest free chair. It was a good thing S.C.I.O.N knew they had those who were very heavy working within the buildings, otherwise Kate would have crushed the poor chair. She wondered what this new case was and why it needed such a large number of agents and medical staff. Kate had never actually been on the field for S.C.I.O.N, and it was a bit scary to think that she may be deployed for medical reasons. Kate waited patiently for a briefing.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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Liam finished making his call, and went over to Jonah to help get their stuff into the room. He took both their backpacks to get them settled, and then decided to investigate the room. Mainly, wondering if there were any monitoring devices, but he was also wondering how old it was and what everything would originally look like. Jonah had this annoying habit of changing things without saying anything (like turning a closet into a condensed hallway with several rooms without taking up any additional space), and it could get a bit annoying at times.

Jonah had more questions as Liam returned, but the announcement apparently put everything else on hold. Not wanting to miss anything, the two rushed immediately there, Jonah forgetting to put the dufflebag with all of his various collected objects in their room with the rest of their stuff. Jonah had collected a large variety of magical objects during their search for a way to reverse the curse.

Jonah and Liam rushed in to try and take some seats close by. For a moment, they thought they were the most casually dressed, until Val came in. Jonah took the opportunity. "Hey Liam, bring back any memories".

Liam blushed in reference to the old prank, when Jonah locked him outside their hotel room in just a towel. "Jonah, please never bring that up, or else. I have ammo too".

Jonah shot him a glare as they took their seats. Still, he took out his phone, to check for any texts. Nothing yet. He looked around at the others.

This would be their first step on the path to revenge, against the demons, and the witch.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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Kora was not exactly thrilled to be walking into a staff meeting wearing only a singular piece of fabric that was designed for adorning pieces of furniture, but if nothing else, a life of being known as part of the lycanthrope nobility had led to a sense of confidence in most situations, and the woman walked into the meeting room in a tablecloth with a total lack of concern.

She dropped into a seat and turned it in the direction of the head of the table, where three of the higher ranking officials within SCION were seated. She knew who they were. Pretty much everyone knew who they were, agents of SCION who had proved themselves sufficiently in the field that they were called upon to strategize instead of put their hides on the line in the field. You didn't get into a top spot just by showing up of course. All of them were pretty well-known and talked about, and, from at least Kora's point of view, envied just a bit. Of course, she was not about to admit such a thing because, if nothing else, two were vampires.

A neatly-dressed woman of japanese origin sat at one side, her hair tied back and a laptop sat in front of her. Aiko Wakahisa, also going by 'Yokai', a vampress originating from the Edo period, and one of SCION's most successful spies and intel gatherers. She had contacts, leads, and people to lean on for details almost everywhere, and any shady activity that was known about tended to reach her ears before most anyone else's. So the frown on her pallid face meant that things were going to get interesting.

Leofric Wyndham. What you might call and old fashioned fellow, in that he was in the 21st century still wearing a regimental jacket draped over his shoulders. Of course, he didn't look a day over thirty. Vampirism did that to you. Still, he had been leading armies before half those present had even been born so, you had to assume hat the dark-haired man knew what he was talking about to some degree, and his record as a commander spoke for itself. He cast a glance at Kora and smirked.
"Lovely dress Norrevinter. Very avaunt-garde."

Saffiya Elmessiri, 'Sekhmet'. A lore expert. A magic user, and a werecat. The egyptian woman non-chalantly toyed with one of the talismans that hung round her neck as she looked over a set of a few print-outs and scratched down a few notes, symbols and numbers, onto a notepad. Looking for a pattern, no doubt.

Behind them the blue moon of SCION was projeted up on the wall, along with the silent promise that they were being watched by the organization's enigmatic benefactor, and it was this disembodied voice that spoke up.

"Good morning everyone. Thank you for coming. I hope you're all well. I see we have a few new faces here, and would like to welcome our new trainees, Crystal, Jonah, and Liam. Welcome to SCION, the three of you.

Now, onto business. A matter has arisen that requires the organization's attention. Miss Wakahisa, I believe you've compiled a report?"

The vampress nodded and rose to her feet, pressing a key on her laptop that caused the moon projection to snap to the picture of a map, the twisted lines of roads and streets indicating some kind of built up area.
"A contact in the North Yorkshire constabulary contacted me yesterday about a string of brutal murders that have been taking place around York, England. And by brutal, I mean that half of the victims tend to be missing by the time they're actually found. The press have become aware of one or two, but the force are keeping the whole thing at a low level on account of the large number of visitors arriving for the city's viking festival."

Had Kora been a wolf at the time, her ears would have pricked up, and she sat forward in her seat. Aiko had little concern for that, spoke further.

"This was of little concern to us, until in the early hours of yesterday a body was reported in that our contact describes as an 'unknown creature'. My informant in the police is very familiar with most common cryptid species, but has no idea of the origin."

She cast her dark gaze upwards.
"Dr Kovalenko, have you gotten any data from the sample you received."

Oren had materialized in the doorway, some notes in one hand and what remained of the green vial in the other.
"It's blood." the hungarian biologist responded.
"But unlike any other sample I have examined before."

She walked over the table to roll the sealed vial into the middle.
"The colour is from biliverdin, a bile pigment in the plasma. This is similar to skinks of the genus prasinohaema. The blood cells inside it...the structure has almost entirely broken down...but what I have seen of it is...unusual, to say the least. It bears resemblance to no existing species." she paused a moment.
"Including all cryptid blood samples on record. This"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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"Well I'm glad the prospect of a human police force in possession of a non-human corpse is not a concern to you, Mr Wiseman." Leo remarked drily from where he was sat back in his chair.
"But that's not the concern. Saffiya has reviewed the crime scene photographs forwarded to us, and believes that there may be a sort of ritual aspect to the killings."

The egyptian woman cleared her throat, and nodded over to Aiko, who snapped the projection to a...rather gruesome scene.

"Two bodies, both young males, discovered in the foundations of the ancient roman baths beneath the streets of York. The area is beneath a public house, but no voices or stuggles were heard during the night, and the door was locked when the keeper opened up and discovered the scene.

The bodies had both had their throats cut and were laid out with several different items. Burned salt dough, the skull of a goat, and a knot of sheepskin soaked in something that's proved to be goat's milk. The previous bodies were discovered with bone amulets placed in their hands and red ochre on their arms and faces." she explained, at which point the werecat spoke up.

"None of this is an accident. These are all hallmarks of Lupercalia, and ancient roman, and pre-roman ceremony. 'The feast of the wolf' that takes place on the ides of February. It was originally to honour some kind of ancient wolf-deity, and came to represent the lupa, the wolf who raised Romulus and Remus in the name of the god Mars." Saffiya explained.
"It existed as some kind of animal cult in roman Britannia. The romans mostly did away with the human sacrifice aspect of the festival, but some of the occupying romans in the north of England continued to carry out the killings on the natives to honour the wolf-god. That and the state of the bodies seems to point to a werewolf-related killing, but the fact that it is not only continuing, but also becoming progressively more ritualistic in nature might point to something more widespread and dangerous taking place within the city. Black magic can't be ruled out at this point, which is why we're taking this extremely seriously. Large scale human sacrifice in the context of magic is...extremely dangerous."

Leo then began to explain the brief in itself.

"We need three teams to cover this little problem. We've established a property in the city to use as a base and from there you can cover your responsibilities. First, Oren, you will be visiting the local morgue where the bodies have been sent awaiting autopsy. Your name is Lauren Drake and you are a forensic pathologist sent by the coroner to conduct the autopsies and compile a report for the investigation. The official paperwork is going to get lost somewhere in transit so, once you have gotten the data on the unknown body, you are to write any anomalies off to a medical condition and ensure the body is improperly stored.

Two field operatives are to accompany Oren in the guise of her assistants to make sure this all goes ahead without a hitch.

The second team we need you to keep an eye on the festivities, try to blend in, and keep an eye out for any signs of cryptid activity there. You never know when a group may have some sort of nasty plan, especially when large numbers are gathered.

The third, we need you to start talking to the cryptid population of the city. Someone out there knows something. Start with the werewolf population and work your way out.


He paused.

"Anyone here especially keen, or are we going to have to start telling you where to go?"

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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Issac watched the briefing quietly , after all as a boot he really didn't have a place in the conversation , but he did have his own list of questions to ask if he got assigned to the groups. To his surprise instead of having a more in-depth discussion on the plan everyone simply chose to start moving. The fact that they were going to be dealing with something not on record gave no one pause? Had Scions higher ups already checked the police records to see if there had been any other related crimes? He frowned and then spoke.

" So we are going in blind , against an unknown amount of mythical beings, of which we know nothing? " He aimed a glare at the three higher ups. "Pardon my ignorance if that is the case, but this plan seems like it's gonna get at least one of us killed. From what information it sounds like we are going to be dealing with a cult, and mass human sacrifice as you suggested is a bad thing, but requires a number of ''people'' to work ,if I read that section of the ops manual properly." He kept the irritation out of his voice , making it sound like general concern instead, a skill he had long since mastered. " I'd rather not had out a yellow letter to a new recruits family member first day out..." He added glassing over the few new recruits that were still sitting around.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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As Jonah listened, he definitely got interested. Mass killings? Ritual Sacrifice? He could think of several various entities that could do something like this, and he also knew a large amount of things a ritual like this could do. And while yes, there were plenty of other suspects, his thoughts immediately fell onto the witch that cursed both him and Liam. It would not be the first time they heard of her doing something like this. Of course, it could be so many other things that he could be wrong, especially since she didn't usually do roman stuff or wolf god stuff, but maybe it was just to throw people off or was a coincidence after all.

He went over to the three SCION leaders immediately as Issac asked his questions. "Thanks for the warm introduction, and for the record, me and Liam don't have family, and despite our appearences due to this damn curse, we are probably older and more experienced then you. Anyways, while I cannot confirm this is her work, the witch that cursed us both has done stuff like or at least similar to this in the past. At the very least, you should have this. Its everything we know about this damn witch. She goes by many names, we put as many of them there as we knew, but we don't know what her real name is. Just that she originated from The Coven of the White Willow before killing them all and getting a demon benefactor. Additionally, I will be with group three. I have done a lot of research on magic and sacrifices and basically every ritual out there while looking for a way to break the curse, so I have made a lot of contacts all over the world and I have a lot of knowledge in this area. If we can find the site where the ritual is actually being done, I might be able to tell you a few specific possibilities for what ritual this is".

He then turned towards Issac. "So you should not judge people based on appearance, trust me, you wont last long. And thats not a threat, its a fact. Werewolves, when born into it, can sometimes be most lethal between ages five and ten. The next kid you see could be one, and if he is get my point?"

Liam just looked towards Crystal, trying to avoid anyone's gaze right now in the progress. "Well, that figures. And he says I put on a show. Anyways, my name is Liam. Nice to meet you".

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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By this point, Stride was biting into her bottom lip to keep from laughing out, hands clasped against the sides of her head as she listened to the various commentary cropping up in the room. Her canines stabbed into the soft flesh of her mouth, but even then it was worth the cost of worsening the situation.

While a few participants of the meeting seemed relatively helpful, the others were...not so much. One had outright bailed in the middle of an important meeting, another was bitching about the possibility of agents getting killed, and another seemed happy to brag to the commanders about how he had much more experience than them.

All in all, it certainly made Stride glad she was there- this was priceless.

It took the woman a while to get a proper grip and compose herself, but eventually she managed, straightening up in her seat and rubbing at a spot directly beneath her goggles. “Ah, excuse me for the interruption, too, but,” Stride paused, attempting to patch together her words in such a way as to not offend the higher ups. “But, uh, I can’t really remember them saying anything about us fightin’ anyone? They said intel, so correct me if I’m wrong, but, I don’t think that means they want us to run into battles or anythin’.”

She blinked, then, taking a glance at the empty chair in the room, then added, “Also, uh, I didn’t imagine that one guy walkin’ out of a meetin’ like this, right?”

Stride didn’t comment on the-kids-who-weren’t-really-kids. There was nothing /to/ say about a rookie doing something like that, anyway. She merely gave a few last words of, “I’d like to join the second team, please, ‘scuse me again,” before settling back into her seat and placing a finger against her jawline.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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Caught off guard by the seeming-youths demeanor, Issac's eye brow shot up in surprise, this might as well have been him screaming of surprise in any other man's case. The audacity in which they spoke to those higher on the food chain than them selves made the soldiers stomach knot, but that was only the beginning. The young man turned to him and only fueled his own fire.

As the youth went on about young were wolves ,his pupil's dilated. The voice conveyed less and less meaning as Issac faded from the room and found him self in a dark hut, the smell of burning flesh and carrion filled his nostrils as if he were standing there in Africa all over again. Panic and urgency stabbed at him anew at what he was witnessing for the hundredth time. What the hell is that?! He set his feet, as his finger tips grazed the checkered pattern on the grip of his side arm as he watched the child in front of him bend over backwards, his----it's spine giving way with a sickening crack as it transfo---.

"That gentlemen there."

Issac blinked, a cold bead of sweat slithered down the man's spine, The dark hut had faded back the dull cream colored meeting room, the youth that stood before him and the superiors of SCION were there... He was no longer in Africa. The Panic subsided, but the adrenaline stayed. He was acutely aware of his right-hand finger tips , he causally stretched his arms above his head,adding a yawn for good measure, taking his hand far away from his weapon to mask the fact he had almost drawn his weapon.

He looked calm through out the whole thing, aside from his thousand yard stare, he hopped the others would have taken it for shock rather than the P.T.S.D attack.

" As Mr. Montana said," He stated with a nod of thanks towards Montana," I ask my questions only to ensure our units survival and that we correctly conduct our selves. It's not wise to go gallivanting about Europe armed for battle in this day and age, as you're probably aware of , but it sounds like we might need more firepower than not at some point, so knowing what to pack would be very helpful. " Issac's voice had been matter-of-fact, but he paused before adding " Sir." With as little contempt as he could, which was very , very minor, but the boy would no doubt pick it up since it was aimed at him.

"As for the information on young werewolves, Thank you, I wasn't aware" He lied. So clearly that it could have been sarcasm.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Oren Kovalenko Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell
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#, as written by Kagerou
As Kate listened to the case, her mind went immediately to a time long ago. She had witnessed quite a few of these rituals in her day. That was when she learned she couldn't heal the dead. It always stuck out in her memories. There was so much war. Despite being a witness to such rituals, Kate doubted she would be much help in the modern world. She hadn't the clue of who would need such a thing today. She listened as the two kid-sized recruits had the audacity to say they were 'much more experienced' than the top three operatives of S.C.I.O.N. "Though you say you are older and wiser, you still act much like children and I would advise that you watch your tongue around your elder operatives." She noticed that every time they spoke, they always mentioned the same witch. "If you came to S.C.I.O.N solely to find your witch, then you need to rethink your choices. Disrespecting other agents will not help you in the slightest." The arrogance of new recruits got worse with each wave.

"As for the mission, I could either talk to the hidden population or go along with Doctor Kovalenko. My talents go either way." Kate wanted to see the body. She had met many creatures within her life, but if it was something Kovalenko could not figure out, she was curious. She knew that many supernatural species had gone extinct before record of them was ever thought of. Kate thought of the possibility of resurrection, but quickly tossed it out. There would be no need to sacrifice humans. It never worked in the past anyways. That does not mean none will try. Kate figured she would gather more information before settling on a theory.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kora Norrevinter Character Portrait: Roderic Alder Mayburry Montana Character Portrait: Phoebe Stride Character Portrait: Jonah Tanner Character Portrait: Liam Mitchell Character Portrait: Christina Eberhart-Taroni
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It didn’t take long for Stride to realize that she had been disregarded, and even less for her usual scowl to knot her features at the fact. While she couldn’t exactly start giving out not-so-passive-aggressive comments given the situation- after all, a cut in her paycheck was one of the last things she wanted- so she merely settled herself for sulking somewhat at the lack of attention her words received.

Nevertheless, it didn’t take long for her to calm once again, listening to Kate and Kora’s comments respectively before chuckling appreciatively. “These chicks get it,” Stride called. “But, anyway, as much as I love watchin’ random rookies n’ sorcerer guys waltzin’ around, I got a few questions ‘bout the mission again.”

Taking a moment to dust her goggles clean with the end of her sleeve, Stride glanced up at the superiors once again, bobbing her head slightly in an odd attempt at courtesy. “Not to be rude, but, uh, d’you know how long we’ll be out on the mission? Just so we can bring the right stuff n’ all.”

Before Stride could take a moment to compose her next inquiry, however, a sudden voice sounded out in the room. She blinked in surprise for a moment, and then proceeded to glance over in the direction that it had came from- and then do a double-take, given the fact that the woman leaning against the wall hadn’t been there before.

The explanation given was enough to make sense of the event, however.

Invisibility stuff.

Definitely explained the stories about random things floating that she’d picked up on.

Casually, Stride gave a nod of acknowledgement, as well as a “Mornin’,” before turning back to the head of the table, as if the sudden appearance of one of her coworkers was simply a daily occurrence. “Uh, if you all don’t mind, ‘nother question; I know you all said ‘two for group one’ n’ all, but I can’t remember you sayin’ anythin’ about the other two. There any, uh, minimum for them, or just as many as possible?”

Better to ask just in case, Stride supposed. Didn’t want to end up missing any important details, and besides; she saw no real harm in asking a few questions here and there.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Rafael Jose Alihambra Character Portrait: Spire Schippers Character Portrait: Scarlet Wilkson Character Portrait: Toby Schippers
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"Thank you, then, for giving away absolutely everything about yourself. Good to know you'll have company." Rafael couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at the elder brothers sarcasm. "My my, I do think I have seen sarcasm of that grade since...well, the Virgin Queen, befitting that fact we are in England" Rafael slipped the cards back in to his pocket. They knew about the lugar, but they dident know about the Runes, or the SCAR hidden in the ally behind them.

It was also around this time Rafael mentally kicked him self in his own ass. The younger brother was not a made Lycan, oh no, though his older brothers sent had thrown him off, he could see what Toby really was.

"You don't know anything about who our enemies are," "What's this deal? And what d--do you know about the thing in the morgue?" "Well, seeing as you two are going to most likely to try and kill me once this conversation ends, I think I should at least give you some information, to both inform you and to give you a reason to overthink that...foolish idea"
Rafael took another puff of the cigarette and began, "Some one, or some thing, has been killing people ritualistically, both Human and cryptid alike." he would drop the cigarette and stamp it out. "What lies in that morgue is not only a pile of ...well, body parts; but what my Bosses believe is one of the things killing people off."

"Now, the local PD know that me and my coworkers are arriving to investigate, though they don't know all simply due to our rules about revealing cryptids to the mainstream human populace.'" He paused. "My deal, if you choose to accept it, was to have you two tag along and assist me, you could gt in with out bother, passing off as one of my coworkers, and we don't have you kill each other, fitting deal, no?"