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Yoichi Yamada

"Say what you feel, it's not being rude; It's being real." ~wip~

0 · 1,594 views · located in Japan

a character in “Seiyuu Academy: A Girl in the boy's dorms!?”, as played by xLevesquex


Yoichi Yamada

Say what you feel, it's not being rude; It's being real.
тнємє: Bitch, Look At Me Now by Childish Gambino

diαlσgυє cσlσя: #848482

тнσυgнт cσlσя: #B6B6B4

fαcє clαiм: Kyouya Sata


αgє, biятнdαy αиd zσdiαc:
18 years old // October 25th // ♏ Scorpio ♏

First language: English (Fluent) // Second language: Japanese (Fluent) // Third language: German (Learning)

иαтiσиαliтy αиd єтниiciтy:
50% Japanese, 25% German & 25% English // Hapa (Half-white/Half-asian)


Heteroromantic // Pansexual

яσмαитic iитєяєรт:

Student and part-time florist


|| Flirtatious || Lazy || Rebellious || Caring || Brave || Flirtatious || Proud || Protective || Irritable || Violent || Passionate || Romantic || Intense || Friendly || Blunt || Stubborn || Pessimistic || Jealous || Perverse || Sensitive ||

♥ Flowers & gardening ♥
♥ Attractive people ♥
♥ Sex ♥
♥ Food ♥
♥ Photography ♥
♥ Sleeping and naps ♥
♥ Healthy food ♥
♥ Teasing ♥
♥ Dogs ♥

✗ His "bitchy" grandmothers ✗
✗ Junk food ✗
✗ Being teased ✗
✗ Airplanes ✗
✗ Heights ✗
✗ Morning birds ✗
✗ The idea of getting married ✗
✗ Stupid bugs ✗
✗ Waking up early ✗

☠ Acrophobia - Fear of heights ☠
☠ Entomophobia - Fear of insects ☠
☠ Gamophobia - Fear of commitment (for Yoichi, it's only fear of marriage) ☠

Physical strength: Yoichi's top strength is simply that; his strength. Yoichi started training his body at the ripe age of eleven to protect his loved ones and has since then forced himself to go to the gym at least four times a week. Besides, it doesn't hurt to have a good body either.
Protectiveness: If you get close to Yoichi, your safety is guaranteed because he is extremely protective over people he cares about. If anyone other than him is teasing his loved ones, he'll get super protective over that as well.
Intelligence: Despite skipping school occasionally and not listening in class, he gets surprisingly good grades. The reasoning behind these good grades is that when he returned to Japan after his uncle died, his father put him in tutoring to help keep him busy and he got taught things that were ahead of his years, so he knows more than your average student. He still sees his tutor once in a while to refresh his memory.

Sensitive: Yoichi takes almost everything personally, even if it wasn't meant for him and depending on who it is, he'll either proposition a fight or just argue with the person because of how offended he gets. It causes rifts between him and people occasionally.
Argumentative: When he has a very strong feeling about a particular subject or person, his passionate and stubborn side combine and he becomes the ultimate asshole who argues for lengthy periods of time. While he is just expressing how he feels, people often find it annoying and choose to not talk to him.
Scary: Although Yoichi doesn't see this as a weakness, his family and friends recognize it for what it is: A way to push people away. Despite Yoichi's friendly attitude towards acquaintances and strangers, Yoichi has a resting bitch face and some believe it's for the purpose to keep potentially hurtful people away from his friends.


нєigнт & wєigнт:
6' 3" & 178lbs.

bσdy тyρє:
Musclar, fit build

єvєяydαy αρρєαяαиcє:
On most days, Yoichi is either at school or at least somewhere on school grounds, skipping his classes. Therefore, he's almost always wearing his school uniform but likes wearing his tie loose; despite getting in trouble occasionally for wearing it like, he continues to do so. When he doesn't have to wear his school uniform, he has a decently wide variety of clothing that he wears but prefers to go with comfier clothing. For tops, Yoichi switches between hoodies, sweaters, short sleeves, no sleeves and long sleeves. For bottoms, Yoichi switches between sweatpants and jeans. For shoes, he normally wears his variety of flats but sometimes wears runners or his school shoes. For jewelry, he wears a few rings on each hand, a watch and a silver chain around his neck. He has one ear pierced and wears a silver hoop through it. Yoichi doesn't accessorize besides the jewelry he wears.

In Yoichi's backpack, he has a water bottle, his classroom books, his glasses and cellphone charger. In his pockets, he normally has his wallet, cellphone and keys. In his wallet, he carries some bills, his debit and credit card, ID, a picture of his mother and sister, a picture of him and Reika, a picture of him and his best friend and license.

(ideas: mom and dad met because their rich parents wanted to merge their companies and thought marriage was the best way and they thankfully eventually fell in love, mom and Yoichi loved gardening together, mom got a terminal illness and died and dad worked all the time to avoid his children that reminded him of her, Yoichi got mad & rebellious and went to live with uncle Ashton for a bit in Germany, Yoichi and Ashton got close and formed the father-son bond that he never had with his own father, Ashton gets killed in a car crash, sad Yoichi goes back to Japan and vows that he's going to protect his sister, his bff and Reika (ppl he cares about most in the world) and gets ripped, secretly beats the shit out of the guy that rejected Reika, avoids his forceful, bitchy grandmothers and often tells them that they should've died instead of his grandpas, etc.)

Charlotte Yamada // Mother // Dead
Kyo Yamada // Father // Alive
Kasumi Yamada // Sister // Alive
Alice Anderson // Maternal grandmother // Alive
Harold Anderson // Maternal grandfather // Dead
Midori Yamada // Paternal grandmother // Unknown
Mitsuo Yamada // Paternal grandfather // Dead
Ashton Anderson // Maternal uncle // Dead

So begins...

Yoichi Yamada's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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Countryside could be seen for miles. It was strange, but Hikaru couldn't have been happier. She was in the car with her mother and father, heading down an unfamiliar road, until she heard a loud buzzing noise.

Without warning, the short haired girl fell out of bed and was torn from her peaceful dream by the loud alarm clock and cracking her head open on the wooden floor. She remained upside down, the bottom half of her body on the bed while the rest of her was now in the floor. With a sigh of pure frustration, Hikaru got up off the floor and rubbed the now tender spot on the back of her head. She hated these dreams, they constantly reminded her of what she could never have. Before she could become too depressed by her dream, Hikaru noticed her new school uniform hanging on her bedroom door. Shit! That's right, school!! Hikaru panicked. If she didn't get ready, she wouldn't have time to find her way around the school or locate her class on time. She withdrew her uniform and rushed to the bathroom in record time. Due to her socks, Hikaru nearly slipped and stopped mere centimeters from crashing into the bathroom door.

Once inside, Hikaru took a quick shower and dressed for school, only slightly skeptical about her school uniform's masculine appearance. It looked like something boys would wear, but who was she to judge? She didn't know a lot about Japanese fashion or the culture, seeing as she just moved to this country, and the fact that any Japanese school was interested in her was flattering. Hikaru gazed upon herself in the mirror and adjusted her bangs before tugging at the Seiyuu academy's red tie around her neck. She pulled it looser, not very comfortable with it clenching her throat. She made her way to the kitchen and quickly whipped up breakfast for herself and her grandmother, chewing her food in record time. Once she finished and washed the dishes, Hikaru shoved on her shoes and seized her luggage as she left the house. She smiled up at the rising sun, totally unaware that she had been mistaken for a boy and was going to be attending Seiyuu Academy as a male student starting today.

As she made her way down the streets, Hikaru ran her fingers through her pale blonde hair, walking calmly to the train station before boarding. She couldn't reach the straps hanging from the ceiling, so she took a seat before they were all taken by adults. She stared around at people flirting with their significant others and couldn't help but notice s group of girls giggling as they pointed at her. She smiled and waved to them in a friendly manner, only for them to giggle more. What was with them? Had they never seen a girl on her way to school before? She brushed it off as something about her foreign appearance, but their reaction generally disturbed her.

Once the train made it to her stop, Hikaru stood quickly and retrieved her luggage. She had to get off of the train before it decided to keep going, so she rushed off the platform and dashed towards her school with a sense of excitement. She had never been a new student before! She had to run a few blocks with her heavy luggage in tow, but at least her heaviest bag had wheels. The invention of the wheel was absolutely genius. Before long, Hikaru finally had Seiyuu Academy in her sights, and she had to admit the live on campus was absolutely gorgeous! She began wondering what kind of sports this school participated in, and took no time going in to retrieve her schedule. She wandered the halls for what felt like forever, but was escorted to the principal's office soon enough by a member of the faculty. Once her schedule was printed off, Hikaru found out that she was in class 4B. Apparently they did not switch classes here, nor did they have a cafeteria. She would have to bring her own lunch, a detail her grandmother had never mentioned. I'm going to starve at lunch!

The small blonde girl that was dressed as a scrawny male student shifted through the crowded hallways until she finally found her class. She had to squeeze past people, but she eventually made it to her classroom and took a seat in the main back, hoping that since it was the start of the year that no one had claims on the seats yet. She was very small, and did not wish to start a fight. She was doing well, and did not wish to trigger her anger. The longer Hikaru glanced around at her classmates, the more she seemed to realize that she was in the boy's uniform, not the girl's. This school thought that Hikaru was a boy!! This was bad. There had to be some kind of mistake. She felt nervous, but realized that she would have to switch uniforms after today, but for now she'd lay low if possible. Her chest was almost always bound down by ace bandages because she didn't like her boobs distracting her in sports, so it would be easy enough to pass as a male. She touched her chest to make sure the bandages were keeping it flat, sighing in relief when she realized that maybe no one would find out. She couldn't sacrifice her first day after all. Besides, would pretending to be a boy for a day really be that bad? What could happen in one day? Hikaru had no idea she'd be keeping this façade up a lot longer than one day, but how could she have known?

Olive eyes scanned the room until they landed on the clock. She realized that class would begin in about twenty minutes, but right now that felt like a million years away. She just hoped that no one would recognize her as 'boy' Hikaru once she wore the female's uniform and straightened out this gender mix up. Everyone thinks I'm a boy.. Wait... I can't tell them! This is s dorm school!! I'll lose my scholarship! suddenly the blonde girl was quite conflicted. She would have to pretend to be a male, or risk missing out on this prestigious school.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Strix


Reika woke up early, putting on her red rimmed glasses, deciding to go next door and wake up Yoichi. Today was the first day of their senior year of high school. If they didn't want total idiots as roommates then the had to hurry up and get to school. Once dressed in her uniform, Reika made her bento along with Kazuki's and Yoichi's. Normally she always made Kazuki's a lot nicer looking than Yoichi's but she never played favorites as far as the flavor was concerned. Once she managed that, she grabbed only her main duffle bag and school bag, realizing she could always bring her luggage to her dorm little by little. She didn't want to overwhelm herself, seeing as she actually wasn't all that strong.

Once she was out the door, she walked over to Yoichi's, and was invited right on in, considering their families had always been rather close, "Ohayo, I'll wake up Yoichi-kun for you, don't worry. Leave it to me." Reika smiled to his grandmother. She knew that their relationship was strained, so she did her best to help out whenever she could. Yoichi, being a bit of a womanizer was a lot to handle after all. She was confident around her family and Yoichi, but when around her crush Kazuki, or anyone else for that matter, she was quite timid and soft spoken. She couldn't relax around those she had not known as long, or the boy she liked.

She put her bags down and the bento lunches and went up to his room and opened the door. He's still sleeping... She thought to herself with a sigh and reach over to shake him awake, "Ooii, you won't get a dorm with Kurokawa-san if you sleep all day!" It wasn't so much that she was worried about Yoichi's preference, but if he wasn't dormed with Kazuki, she wouldn't have such an easy excuse to hang out with him anymore. Her violet eyes narrowed, and she immediately tried to tug him out of the bed. She was going to be late for classes as well, and Reika was somewhat of a goody-two-shoes, despite being a cheerleader. Just because she hung out with the popular girls didn't mean she was confident or a total stuck up bitch though. They just liked having her around because a lot of boys confessed to her and it brought extra attention to the other cheerleaders.

She never realized how much heavier Yoichi had gotten since they were kids, but all of a sudden she was forced to recognize his height and weight change, "Yoichi-kun! I'll give away the bento I made for you if you don't get up and get dressed!" She snapped in her eternally soft voice, a huff of annoyance leaving her lightly glossed lips. She hoped that the threat of lost food would motivate her childhood friend into getting ready for school, but if it didn't, the ice cube method was coming next, and she knew that he absolutely hated that. She tied up her long ebony hair into a ponytail and gave his arm one more tug, before lightly punching him in the arm, "Wake up!" No matter how hard she tugged on him, he was solid and she was a wimp. She suddenly realized just how powerless she truly was. Her coach was probably right, she should start working out some more.. While toned, her body was mostly just slim. There wasn't a lot of muscle to be had except in her abdomen. Though she never had to be strong, she was always the girl that got lifted in the cheers, she never had to support anyone, nor did she get in fights like the best friend snoozing away next to her.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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0.00 INK

Yoichi Yamada
|| 18 years old || Student || Heteroromantic // Pansexual ||
Dialogue Color: #848482 Thought color: #B6B6B4


Yoichi was definitely dreaming about boobs before he heard a familiar voice in the other room. He couldn't quite pinpoint who's breasts they belonged to, but it was possibly that big breasted- junior? He thinks that she's a year younger than him, as she always calls him senpai (which he loves) but maybe she was just strange like that. He didn't ever get to know her name, but hoped he'd see her around this year. All of these thoughts were going through his mind as he was awake immediately after he heard Reika's voice speaking to his maternal grandmother in the other room. Yoichi was certain that she moved in with them a few years ago to watch Yoichi, after everything traumatic happened to him, but he felt as if he didn't need her and bitched at her whenever her got the chance.

Upon hearing his short raven-haired friend enter the room with her high, feminine voice that he loved any other time of the day but not at that moment. And so, he buried himself deeper and decided to play with her, giving her the impression that he was still asleep. He had to suppress his grin as she started desperately shaking him to wake up and thought about what she said, realizing he wouldn't be playing this little game of his for too long if he didn't want to get stuck with an asshole. Especially that asshole Tsuyoshi, he'd rather jump off a bridge than be stuck in the same room as that asshole. He especially disliked the boy because of how he treated his friends: constantly leering and saying weird things to Reika whenever the opportunity arises and bullying his socially challenged best friend Kurokawa. Yoichi silently promised himself while Reika pulled on his limb that he'd knock Tsuyoshi on his ass at some point that year.

Upon hearing that she'd give his bento away, he genuinely felt sad and it took him a moment to sit up. However, when he did, he rubbed his eyes and hair and gave her puppy eyes.
Please tell me you were joking, I love your food.
The spoiled teen looked like he was about to start crying as he wrapped himself around her hips.
I'll do anything!
The dramatic teen realized that the best way to ensure his lunch was safe was by actually getting up and putting clothes on, as he only had boxers covering his body. So, he got up and towered over Reika before making his way over to his dresser, where he had his ironed uniform laying down flat. Yoichi shamelessly started dressing, not caring that Reika was right behind him while he pranced around half-naked. After he dressed, he finished by pulling on his socks and spun around to his friend.
He was far from "good". His buttons were all through the wrong holes on his blouse, his blouse was half-tucked half-untucked in his pants, his sleeve cuffs were all over the place and his tie was tied on completely wrong.

Not even waiting for an answer, he shot her a thumbs up and went into his private bathroom to brush his teeth, wash his face and run his fingers through his golden hair. After applying deodorant and spraying himself with cologne, he made his way back out into the room. Although he was working at a speedy rate, he was still exhausted and it was clearly visible in his eyes as he dragged the cheerleader and amateur model out of the room with him, closing the door behind him. His grandmother, Alice, narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously and at his childhood friend as well and Yoichi immediately got the message she was sending. He rolled his eyes and in English said
Yes, grandmother, we definitely just had a quickie in like ten minutes while you were sitting out here.
He stuck his tongue out at her and grabbed Reika's bags, as well as his own that were already sitting outside his bedroom door. Despite Alice trusting Reika and liking her, she didn't trust her own playboy grandson. Completely ignoring his grandmother's angry stare, he spun around on his heels and smiled down at his friend.
Are you ready to get going, Reika?
He asked, returning back to Japanese, while setting down a bag for a moment, just to send his best friend, Kurokawa.

To: my baby #1
From: Yoichi

cant wait to see you, Kazuki-senpai!!! <3<3

After pressing send, he somehow felt proud of teasing him about "senpai". Sometimes, he would call Kurokawa senpai because he was always more mature and intelligent than Yoichi, while Yoichi still acted like a child. The teen secretly wishes that he could be as smart and collected as his best friend but not everyone gets what they want in life. After tucking his phone away, he followed wherever Reika was going to choose to go.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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0.00 INK

#, as written by Feyblue


Kazuki gazed blankly into the red lights of the digital clock perched atop a desk across from the bed where he lay.

In another minute and a half, the alarm would go off, telling him it was time to wake up. Of course, such a thing was pointless, since he was already awake. At this point, the alarm clock had become more of a formality than a necessity - a backup measure just in case somehow, Kazuki didn't find himself already awake by the time it went off.

He rubbed his eyes, watching as the 3 on the clock changed to a four. He supposed he probably could have gotten up when he first came to, about ten minutes earlier, but what would have been the point of that? He'd already left himself more than enough time to shower, get dressed, get his books together, find somewhere to meet up with Yoichi, and maybe even get breakfast before heading out to classes. And, it wasn't like he had any of the reading he'd been assigned over break to do - he'd finished that ages ago. Some other students would be moving into their dorms around now, of course, but he'd already anticipated that, also. Since his grades were good and he was a senior, he'd easily managed to convince the housing staff to give him his room assignment by email so that he could move in a day in advance. It wasn't like he had many personal affects he wanted to bring with him - clothing to wear, a few snacks and books, and his laptop computer were more than sufficient. The process had only taken longer than a half hour because it had been a pain to move his desk away from the window so that there wouldn't be glare on his screen while he was gaming. Well, that and because he'd accidentally re-assembled his office chair facing backwards, and had been forced to take it apart and start all over again. Regardless, there wasn't much point to getting out of bed, so he didn't. He'd have felt cheated if he had to miss out on a single second of the time he'd given himself to spend curled up in the comfortable warmth of his bed, even if he had to spend it staring at the ceiling.

Oh. Speaking of seconds, he only had about six left. Slipping himself out from under his comforter, he ducked under the as-of-yet unoccupied upper bunk of the dorm, crossing the room in two steps and flicking a switch on the side of the clock just one second before the time it displayed to 6:45. Smiling faintly to himself for his punctuality, he set about his morning routine without any further hesitation.

He had just opened the door of the adjacent suite bathroom when a low rumble sounded from his desk. Ah, he thought. That'll be Yoichi.

Picking up his phone from where it had been sitting on the edge of the desk, he flicked out the charging cable, glancing down at the screen as he did so.

Hero of Justice
cant wait to see you, Kazuki-senpai!!! <3<3

Kazuki raised an eyebrow, double checking the sender. No, "Hero of Justice" was definitely the contact name he'd chosen for Yoichi. He looked back at the message, as if re-tabbing would cause the sender to change to "Ayanami" instead. No such luck. He breathed a heavy sigh, shaking his head. "For a moment, I, too, thought I could see a rose-colored life before me," He lamented under his breath, angrily prodding the touchscreen in his hand to swiftly type out his own message.

Is that you, Yoichi, or have you just decided to give your phone and my contact information to some desperate female underclassman after giving her a very inflated and inaccurate opinion of me? If it's not the latter, then are the hearts really necessary?

He hit send, but a new thought occurred to him a few moments later, so he hastily added even more biting sarcasm as an afterthought.

The last thing I want is to set flags with you. Saged, reported, called the cops, the prime minister, and the nearest pizza place.

Oh, right. Speaking of food... and he had said that he wanted to meet up... He glanced back to the clock, shaking his head. There probably wasn't enough time to settle on a place, order, eat, and then get back to school in time for class. Still... He pounded out another message, his fingers dancing over the keys the all the dexterity of a dedicated nerd.

Speaking of meeting up, though, how does the front of Central Hall sound? I think our first class is in the lecture hall there. It's not until eight, though, and you don't live far from school. I'm already here, btw. Moved in last night, so don't bother stopping by aunt's place. Requested you as a roommate when I turned the forms in. If you do the same, and request room 314, they'll probably assign you up here too.

Hitting send one final time, he slipped his phone into the pocket of his jacket, along with a few other necessaries like his wallet and the key to his dorm room. Slipping his book bag over his shoulder, he turned and strolled out. Regardless of what answer he got from Yoichi, he'd be heading the same way, so there wasn't much point in waiting.

In this way, the first day of a new school year began. Kazuki glanced up at the sky as he exited through the side entrance of the dorm, slouching his way out into the school's main courtyard. It had been a while, hadn't it? Barring some really incredible scholarships, it was unlikely he'd be making it to college. Aunt Aina hardly had the money to pay for him as it was. He'd only managed to make it this far because his middle school had been affiliated with the academy, and he'd been the top student in his grade level, meaning Seiyuu had basically bent itself over backwards to accept him. He smiled faintly. He'd worked his ass off for that, spending roughly three years in a blind, studious panic as he desperately tried to ensure that he'd be able to go to the same school as his only friends planned on attending. They probably hadn't realized just how hard he'd tried to stick with them, but that hardly mattered. The last things he wanted were to guilt them or to provoke their pity.

Idly, he wondered if Yoichi had responded yet. He glanced back at his phone, checking for new messages. Meeting up with his first friend after spending summer break pretty much entirely by himself - as he lived out in the suburbs and couldn't afford to take the train into town every day just to see Yoichi and Reika, as he otherwise probably would have wanted - was going to be a refreshing experience after the malaise of complete solitude in which he'd spent the last several weeks. But, more than just that, maybe he'd luck out, and Yoichi wouldn't be the only one he'd run into...

He might have been a self-professed cynic, but that didn't mean he couldn't have hopes, after all.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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#, as written by Strix


"Please tell me you were joking, I love your food. I'll do anything!"

Arms found themselves around Reika's hips and she realized his face was too close to below her belt for her own comfort as well. The easily embarrassed teenage girl found herself shivering and frozen in place. Even if she didn't see him that way, Yoichi was a dangerous force, and she had to escape, especially when she realized her best friend was practically naked, "A-Ah.. Etto.. U-Um.. Y-Yoichi.. GET CLOTHES ON YOU PERVERT!! Don't touch me there! Okay, Okay, I won't give someone else your bento!" She stammered at first in shock, her face blood red as the older male embraced her rather intimately, but she knew that was just the kind of guy that he was. Suddenly she realized just how tall Yoichi had become. He was no longer the short boy she used to pick on for being three inches shorter than her for half their childhood. Creating a lot of space when he released her, Reika covered her eyes when he stood, but a few seconds too late. She saw a LOT more of her childhood friend than she wanted to ever see in her life, turning around so that she wouldn't have to see any more of him, just in case. Why did girls like this pervert so much!? Kazuki would never agree to marry her if he found out she'd seen his best friend half naked. She'd be lucky to marry anyone if that information got out!!! Her blush began to die down now that her eyes were concealed, but she was afraid that the image was burned into her skull now. That was not exactly how she wished to see her friend...

Once a decent amount of time passed, she turned around. She was completely disappointed in his ability to dress himself, "You look like you had a romp in the sheets and got dressed in the dark..." She state in an irritated voice. This boy was absolutely hopeless. She was beginning to understand why his grandmother was so damn grumpy. He'd surely give Reika a few early grey hairs if she didn't learn a coping mechanism soon. When her best friend shot her a thumbs up, she put her thumb face down in response. If his outfit was part of the Olympics, she'd give him a 0.5 because his technique was all wrong. What skin was he supposed to be covered that way? He had bits and pieces of his body flashing through his clothes. It was distracting and inappropriate for school.

"Why didn't you get dressed in there too?!" She snapped at him, letting out an annoyed huff as she leaned against a wall waiting for him to come out of his bathroom. This was absolutely ridiculous. His antics got worse with age. She half expected to walk in on him sleeping absolutely naked one of these days. She admired his cologne, able to smell it without putting forth an effort while he dragged her, considering it was quite freshly applied.

"Yes, grandmother, we definitely just had a quickie in like ten minutes while you were sitting out here."

Reika's face returned to a bright red and she shook her head furiously, "No we did not! Do not joke like that! I'm not easy like those girls you sleep with." She snapped at him in Japanese, considering she was actually rather studious. Reika went as far as punching him in the arm to show she was not interested. Reika was used to showing him an angry and violent side that she kept hidden under lock and key, one she never showed Kazuki or their other classmates. She didn't want to seem so uncute to everyone else. She knew it was a joke, and she also knew her punches were little more than mosquito bites to Yoichi, but hitting him made her feel better. She honestly couldn't blame his grandmother for being skeptical. Yoichi had a certain reputation, and it was hard to give him any credit when it came to women. She was actually kind of surprised he didn't hit on her in a more sexualized manner.

"Are you ready to get going, Reika?"

With a nod, Reika opened the door for him, "Yeah, Yeah. You're the one making us late. Isn't that my line?" She mumbled at him taking the bag with the bento lunches from him. While they were practically the same, she didn't want him stealing Kazuki's. She eventually had a plan to confess to him, without actually confessing, so she didn't want Yoichi getting used to carrying them. The last thing she wanted was for Yoichi to know she confessed, because then he would know the outcome, and if it was a refusal, she couldn't face either of them after that. She wondered how he managed to text carrying those bags, but then she remembered that he was quite athletic. When did that little boy I spent the night with every weekend become a man..? sure, she was well aware he was a manwhore, but until he started carrying her bag and she couldn't tug him out of bed, it didn't feel real. It was easy to delude herself. She sent Kazuki a text as they began walking, seeing as they hadn't seen each other in ages.

To: Kazuki~

Ohayo, Kurokawa-Senpai! Are you at the school yet? Let's have a great senior year, okay?

She sent the text before a blush crept on her face, pocketing her phone. She didn't want Yoichi to know, or to worry. She didn't want to put him in a situation where if things went sour he would have to choose sides. She hoped he was awake, because she honestly couldn't wake up both boys, and she did not think she could manage seeing HIM in boxers. She'd faint. She knew for a fact she'd never be able to handle it. She kept walking, smiling up at Yoichi, "Have you decided on a college yet? I want to go to an art school... Maybe abroad or something." It didn't take long, before they made it to Central Hall, a bright smile creeping onto her features when she located Kazuki. Without giving it a lot of thought, she ran over and wrapped her arms around his neck, embracing him in the tightest hug she could manage. She released him after a few moments, handing him his bento lunch, "Have you been eating properly?"


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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Yoichi Yamada
|| 18 years old || Student || Heteroromantic // Pansexual ||
Dialogue Color: #848482 Thought color: #B6B6B4

Yoichi enjoyed the glare he was getting from his grandmother while he followed behind Reika and just to add the cherry on top, he freed his hands just enough and made vulgar hand movements behind Reika's back. He would normally never ever disrespect Reika like that but he did so just for the purpose of making his grandmother angry. He swore that if his younger sister wasn't in the house, she'd have ran far, far away a long time ago. However, Yoichi knew she struggled a lot after the death of her two children and he'd often have his bonding moments with her, just never in front of anyone. It's almost like they had a secret agreement to act like heartless assholes to each other when others were around.

Upon exiting his house, the pair unknowingly pulled out their cellphones at the same time to text the same person. He read his best friend's reply and quietly laughed, preparing to text back, but received another from the same awkward, dark-haired teenage boy. The second text made him chuckle a little louder and shake his head at the suspicious Kurokawa.

To: my baby #1
From: Yoichi
hahah youre hilarious! & no, I wouldnt do that, you can get babes yourself anyways, if you really tried. <3<3<3<3 (im gonna keep sending you a bunch of hearts now purposely)

Just as he stuffed his smartphone back into his pocket, he felt the familiar vibration against his thigh. Not wanting to just stare at his phone the entire time he walked with Reika, he decided to instead leave it alone and chat with her a little bit. Replying to her question, he said
I honestly don't know. I don't even know what I want to do, my father wants me get involved in his business but I don't know. I'd be set for life, but would I be happy?
Embarrassed by his sudden deep words, he countered it with
Abroad?! You can't leave me, Reika-chan!
After his comical whining, he decided to pull his phone out of his pocket once more to finally reply to his friend.

To: my baby #1
From: Yoichi
sounds good, babe. we'll be there really soon anyways. cant wait to see you again!! so hyped up <3

After a while more of walking, they arrived at Central Hall and his eyes landed on his best friend, his grin becoming largely apparent. He was about to call out to him when Reika ran ahead and gave him a tight hug. Yoichi was surprised at this reaction and blinked a few times. He was also a bit concerned for how Kurokawa was feeling, as he knew that his friend was iffy with physical contact. Yoichi walked up to the two and cleared his throat before speaking.
Hey, hot stuff. Haven't seen in forever, I missed you a bunch! But, we should really get going, these bags are getting uncomfortable on my weak, brittle arms.
He joked, clearly aware of the strength he holds.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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#, as written by Feyblue


Sure enough, Kazuki's phone buzzed right around the time he pulled it out to check for messages.

Hero of Justice
hahah youre hilarious! & no, I wouldnt do that, you can get babes yourself anyways, if you really tried. <3<3<3<3 (im gonna keep sending you a bunch of hearts now purposely)

It seemed Yoichi had responded to his earlier sarcasm, although he hadn't yet said anything about meeting up. Kazuki's grin shifted into a slight grimace. He knew full well exactly how Yoichi liked teasing people, but that didn't make his cutesy act any less irritating - especially considering what he'd just said. His inability to get along with members of the opposite sex was a somewhat legendary point of frustration for him, making Yoichi's veiled attempt at reassurance just seem like pity.

He was just about to vent his frustration the only way he knew how - more sarcasm - when something unexpected happened. Another message almost immediately appeared - and this one wasn't from Yoichi. Checking his inbox, he found himself grinning despite his earlier annoyance.

Ohayo, Kurokawa-Senpai! Are you at the school yet? Let's have a great senior year, okay?

Kazuki nodded silently to himself. Yoichi could definitely wait. Responding to this message was, at this moment, his most crucial responsibility.

While he typed out his response, he glanced back at the contact names he'd chosen for his two friends. In retrospect, they'd probably been in pretty poor taste, since Yoichi's had been a sarcastic jab at his character, and he'd only chosen Reika's because of a pun, an anime reference, and a complete initial misunderstanding of her personality. He'd been paranoid, assuming Yoichi had some kind of ulterior motive for standing up for him - that nobody could have been altruistic enough to jeopardize their own reputation and waste their own time for the sake of somebody like him. By calling Yoichi a "Hero of Justice," what he'd really meant was that the way Yoichi was behaving didn't make any sense, that such things couldn't have happened in reality. He may as well have called him Don Quixote. But, as time had passed and he'd seen that Yoichi really didn't seem to have any real ulterior motive, that title had stopped being an insult, and had become a genuine reflection of Kazuki's opinions. No matter how he looked at it, Yoichi had saved him, and come what may, he'd risked accepting that salvation.

The origin of his little codename for Reika was less based in cynicism and more in miscommunication. After a few months of hanging around Yoichi at school, he'd ended up letting his guard down enough to try meeting some of Yoichi's other acquaintances. Most of them had largely ignored him and gone on with their business, and at first, he'd expected that Reika would be no different. At that time, his ability to speak Japanese was still somewhat limited, meaning he'd had difficulty just keeping up in conversation at times. That much aside, she always seemed hesitant to even interact with him, and when Yoichi wasn't around, he could hardly get a word out of her. He'd thought she hated him, or at the very least, that she was simply cold and unemotional. He should have known better, having often been the victim of such judgements himself. But, not knowing any better, he'd made her contact listing a pun based on the "Rei" in her name, and on her perceived coldness. Unlike with Yoichi, there really wasn't any excuse for leaving this tired old joke as it was. So, without a second thought, he tabbed away from his draft of his message, erased the nickname, and then stared at the screen for a good few minutes, trying to think of a good replacement.

...No, "Pls Notice Me Kohai" was not an adequate substitute.

Eventually, he just gave up and typed in her actual name. He was pretty bad at giving people nicknames, all things considered.

He'd just returned to typing his message when another popped up on his screen from Yoichi. He said they'd be there soon, or something. That was good, but for now he needed to-

Wait... "We?"

This was about as far as Kazuki's thoughts got before a dark haired shape blurred into his field of vision from the left and ran headlong into him, arms unexpectedly wrapping around his neck and pulling him into a very enthusiastic hug. Kazuki gave a slight, wordless squeak of surprise, nearly dropping his phone in his attempt to catch whoever had just crashed into him so that they both wouldn't be bowled over. He shuffled uncomfortably, trying to free up his empty hand from where it had been trapped against his side by the body pressed up against his own. What was going on? Why was somebody hugging him? He felt a heat rapidly building in his face as his confusion mounted. Looking down, he found himself staring straight down upon a head of raven black hair. The girl slowly raised her face from where it had been snuggled up against him, and in an instant, a vibrant purple gaze met Kazuki's, and he understood.

Actually, he didn't understand at all.

"R-Reika-san?!" He squeaked out sheepishly, his glasses sliding a good half inch down the bridge of his nose and nearly sent falling to the ground as Kazuki did a double-take. Sure, he hadn't seen her for a few months, but getting tackle hugged out of nowhere wasn't something he'd expected at all. More often than not, she kept him at arms' length, and he did the same.

Still, even if it had taken him by surprise, he wasn't going to complain about a hug if it was from Reika. He colored slightly, realizing how stupid he must have sounded, squeaking like a mouse at the slightest contact. He awkwardly tried his best to return the hug, but barely managed it before Reika pulled away.

"Umm... hello. It's... been a while," He greeted her awkwardly, lowering his head slightly and looking away to hide his embarrassment while he adjusted his glasses. He tried to give a friendly smile, hoping she wouldn't think he was angry at her, but he was still so confused that he had a feeling that it probably came off as a bit forced. His brain was still trying to process the fact that he'd just been tackle hugged by, of all people, the girl he had a crush on. As she handed him a lunch she'd packed for him - That's... really nice of her... - all he could do was accept it with a nod and a few murmurings of his profuse thanks.

Fortunately, it looked like Yoichi was also there, somewhat alleviating the tension between them as Kazuki tried to recover his composure. He gave a slight wave, the sleeve of his slightly oversized jacket flopping around as his fingers poked out from beneath its folds. "Hello, Yoichi. S-sorry I couldn't visit much over the summer. Aunt Aina was pressuring me to get a part time job, and there was a lot of other stuff to worry about..." He greeted. Yoichi passed it off with a joke and a grin, and set Kazuki's mind at ease. Good. They weren't mad at him for not visiting more often. Or, at least, Yoichi wasn't. He really hoped Reika wasn't either.

"R-right... we should probably go. Class starts in about fifteen minutes. T-thank you again for the lunch, Reika-san! Um... if it's not a problem for you... maybe we should all meet back up and eat together?" He asked sheepishly.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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Hikaru blinked in surprise when students began pouring in during the last fifteen minutes before class. She rubbed the back of her neck when she began to receive unwanted attention from the other students in the room, her eyes lowering to her desk. She had a bad feeling about this, being in the spotlight never went well for her in the past. Apparently the fact that she was a new student was engraved on her forehead without her knowledge or something, because almost everyone was staring. She wondered how they seemed to immediately know she was new here, considering the sheer amount of students that attended this school Hikaru figured it would have been fairly difficult, but apparently everyone knew everyone here. There was no way Hikaru would be able to remember over three hundred seniors. She wouldn't even attempt it, because she couldn't remember all of the fifty at her small public school back in Britain. Did these kids all go to school together their entire lives or something?

Girls discreetly giggled at her from their seats and boys asked her if she was a leprechaun, or if she knew what puberty was, but Hikaru ignored the taunting despite how much it annoyed her. She knew that short guys were often teased like this. She had to learn to accept it, because if anyone found out she was a girl, she'd lose her scholarship. She needed to go to this school, because Japan was unhealthily focused on academics and she didn't have a lot of options. Her arm was figuratively and academically twisted behind her back, even if no one else took notice. Her life had become far more stressful all of a sudden.

She gritted her teeth, and clenched one of her fists, glaring up at the ring leader with his palm pressed on the center of her desk towering over her. She looked like a little middle school boy compared to the tall bully standing before her. She ran a hand through her blonde hair, "Do you get off on picking on guys smaller than you? Why don't you just admit you're into guys and get it over with." Hikaru spat her words out before she could contain herself, only to be jerked out of her seat by the collar of her uniform. She winced a bit, but continued to stubbornly glare up at the antagonistic jock. It looked like her temper had gotten the best of her after all. Noticing her defiance, the bully slammed her into the nearby wall, jarring the small girl, but it wasn't like anyone realized she was female, so no one batted an eyelash.

Realizing she had to stick up for herself, Hikaru decided to make everyone realize she wasn't just some small fry they could all push around like this guy was attempting to do to her right now. She narrowed her green eyes and swung before she could reason herself out of it. She wasn't going to be pushed around all year, she absolutely refused. Yep, she was getting her ass kicked once this guy's buddies realized what was going on. She prepared herself accordingly for the inevitable beating, but to her surprise, it never came. Some girl stood between her and her attackers, and she saw the blood dripping from the ring leader's lip. The girl standing before her sounded so introverted, but she was being quite brave in this moment. Hikaru had immediate respect for this girl, even though she had not yet even seen her face and did not know her name. A sheepish grin formed on her face when she realized she now had an ally at her new school, even though it was just her first day.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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#, as written by Strix

She hoped that Yuichi would not bring up her aspiration to study abroad in front of Kazuki. She wasn't sure if she was really going to do it, but she wanted the option without her crush knowing she was considering it. She was equally embarrassed when she released Kazuki, "G-Gomenasai!" She squeaked out in a shy manner, biting the inside of her cheek. When he mentioned heading to class, she nodded her head. Reika had missed out on almost everything Yoichi and Kazuki had said from embarrassment and staring at him. She led the way to their class, "W-We should totally meet up for lunch. I-It's been way too long, right?" She asked her gaze shifting between the two boys accompanying her. Just as Reika walked inside, she noticed that a small boy was being bullied by Kuroku, Jun. She immediately began to storm over, realizing the kid was a new boy at the school.

Before she made it halfway to the crisis, the small boy punched Kuroku in the face, releasing himself from the horrible jock's grasp. She couldn't help but smile a bit at the short boy's spunk, but she moved in quickly, standing in between Kuroku, his band of three thugs, and the blonde short boy, "E-Eh!? Leave him alone!" Her choice to stand up against a bully only earned a squeal of admiration from the entire room, and those peeking from the halls. She knew this wasn't wise, but she couldn't stand bullies. Male students had hearts in their eyes, and while many of the girls were jealous, they did not dare glare at the amateur model and cheerleader. Reika was generally untouchable at school, she had all the right friends, both male and female at this school. Her violet eyes narrowed and a pout formed on her lips as she gazed upon the bully, "Go sit down, Kuroku-San." She demanded in her wisoft and timid tone of voice. Despite it's soft quality, it was clear that she was determined to be taken seriously.

She didn't even realize how she was inadvertently tugging Yoichi and Kazuki into this heated situation between the new kid and Kuroku. Though she did take notice that Kuroku's lip was bleeding. It seemed the short blonde kid could pack a punch despite his childlike appearance and short stature. She was impressed that he did not back down in the face of adversity. Something about the unknown blonde told her that she liked this guy already. She could see the anger is Kuroku's eyes and also how much he and his gang wished to tear into the boy she was protecting, but Reika stood her ground. She was constantly doing this, despite the fact that she could get hurt. She wasn't like the bitchy girls she spent time with. Reika cared about everyone, especially the small, weak, and downtrodden. She knew what it was like to be stepped on. She was constantly bullied as a child when kids found out her parents were famous and that she was a budding model as well. She knew how this felt all too well, because until she grew a pair of large boobs, she was this boy. Even though she was friends with Yoichi, when he moved away she was constantly picked on and beaten up. It died down when he returned, but it happened on occasion when they were apart until she hit puberty and the cheerleaders took notice of how male students admired her.

Today was turning out to be rather eventful, what with Yoichi embracing her half naked and now she was even standing up for a boy she had never met until now, "Take your seat, okay?" She told Hikaru, not once lowering her arms that blocked the bullies from getting to the boy despite her obvious fear. Kuroku and his gang were among the guys that were NOT in love with her after all, so she had no idea what could happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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Yoichi Yamada
|| 18 years old || Student || Heteroromantic // Pansexual ||
Dialogue Color: #848482 Thought color: #B6B6B4

With all the bags in his arms, he shook his head and laughed.
I don't give a damn, good for you, working and shit. And yeah, lunch sounds awesome! Show me where our dorm is?
Yoichi began to walk inside with Reika, expecting Kurokawa to simply follow along (like he always did) and became immediately disturbed by the sight when he walked inside the school. Before Yoichi had the time to defend the small blond, Reika stood forward and ensured his safety, making Yoichi smile proudly. She used to be a lot worse, being on the other end of the bullying "stick". Boys and girls alike picked on her for being beautiful and Yoichi was the one who had to defend her. Not that he minded, he just dealt with the constant guilt of leaving her behind to get bullied when he went abroad. With this in mind, he dropped his bags on the floor and cracked his knuckles.

Hey, Jun! What's up, you ugly fucker?! Picking on little boys because you can't handle someone our own size?
Yoichi yelled at him (despite being a few feet away) and insulted him by not using honorifics, because he knew how much the Japanese ate up their respectful terms. He marched up towards him, leaving all of his and Reika's bags behind on the floor as he gripped Jun by the collar.
Nice to know you're still a little pussy!
He taunted, before getting a rough punch in the stomach by the slightly shorter alpha male, while his friends cheered him on. Yoichi knew that both he and Jun could fight on school grounds and totally get away with it because of how rich their families are, so after recovering from the punch, he shoved the teen back and balled up his fists.
Is that really all you got?

With that final taunt, he swung forward and connected his fist harshly with the chocolate haired young man, throwing him off balance before his other friends jumped in. One of the other friends shoved Yoichi while another tripped him and he fell to the ground, but not before pulling down another lackey with him, landing his elbow right the middle of his abdomen. Before getting back up quickly on his feet, he took note of him trying to catch his breath from the impact and shrugged before jumping at another asshole, punching him repeatedly. Although a part of him deep, deep down realized he was way outnumbered and wouldn't win this one, the other larger part of his personality continued fighting them, despite being immediately ganged up on and punched in all directions. Though he was getting beat up, he had a childish grin on his face. He hadn't had a fight like that one since before the break (which in the grand span of life, isn't that long).

OOC: Sorry it's not longer, I had more plans for this post but I'm busy as hell!


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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#, as written by Feyblue


The dark-haired youth breathed a sigh of relief at Reika's response. It seemed she wasn't mad at him, either.

Of course, that wasn't all he was thankful for. A faint smile crossed his lips as he realized he'd be having a nice, quiet conversation with his only two friends for the first time in months. On his own over the summer, his thoughts entirely occupied with family matters, his job, and that ever-present colossus of a distraction, the internet, he hadn't realized how much he'd missed their company.

Yoichi shot him an off-handed congratulation, to which he gave a quiet nod and a muttered "Thank you," before asking if Kazuki would lead him to their dorm. Evidently, he either had already submitted the forms and been approved, or, what was much more likely, he was just planning on moving in alongside his friend regardless of what room he was assigned to, since he didn't give a damn. The boy smiled, adjusting his glasses. Yoichi could always be counted on to do what his friends expected, regardless of any rules and regulations that told him to do otherwise.

However, Kazuki's momentary peace of mind was shattered upon entering the school. He hadn't really been paying attention to his surroundings, but evidently, something had drawn Reika and Yoichi's attention immediately. She had rushed in between several rather imposing boys Kazuki knew all too well to avoid and some short kid he'd never seen before. It looked like there'd been some kind of fight, and Reika - who was entirely too nice for her own good - had rushed in to break it up. Well, Kazuki normally wouldn't have been caught dead entering that kind of situation, but the leader of the squad of bullies already seemed rather irate, and honestly, he was kind of terrified that Reika was going to be getting a fist to the face if she didn't stand back and start looking out for herself. He made a move to intervene, hoping that they might somehow do the impossible and convince the attacker to stand down through numbers, but Yoichi was faster.

Fortunately, it didn't look like Reika was going to be hurt, which was good.

Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance to stand up alongside her and maybe impress her.

And, even more unfortunately, it looked like Yoichi had decided to solve the problem of violence in his usual fashion; namely, with more violence.

The apparent leader of the group received a rather savage right hook, and the rest of his squad went tumbling into a rather chaotic heap of rising and falling bodies surrounding Yoichi, trying to drag him down. Kazuki looked around in a fright, not sure whether he should intervene or not until he saw the group's leader stumbling back into the fight, aiming a right hook for the back of Yoichi's head.

In retrospect, he probably should have just warned his friend, but something in him reacted instinctively to seeing his usual protector in danger. That, and... well, he really, really, really hated those who picked on those weaker than them.

As a result, one Kuroku Jun found himself suddenly sideswiped by a rather heavy bookbag as Kazuki swung the school-issued carry case dangling from his arm as a makeshift flail, clubbing the much taller senior in the side of the head. Already off balance, he stumbled right into one of his fellows, and went sprawling to the ground. Kazuki blinked. He was fairly certain that he'd never managed to floor a bully before - let alone in one swing.

I wonder... is this how Yoichi feels all the time? He thought, noticing as two of the students who'd been attacking Yoichi turned to gape at him, taking a few steps back as he adjusted his book bag, evidently afraid he'd club them too. He glanced over at Reika, hoping she wouldn't be angry that he'd gotten himself involved. Well, that and hoping she'd admire him for protecting Yoichi. Mostly the latter, if he were to asses his feelings honestly.

I'd still rather be loved by one person than feared by many... but perhaps, were I able to live a different life... Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to be a Hero of Justice for a change?

Unfortunately, he had little time to celebrate, as Jun was getting back up again - and he looked pissed. Kazuki instinctively took a step back, raising his bookbag bludgeon in preparation for another swing.

Now, He mused. Would be a very good time to run.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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"O-Oi... It's not like I can leave you to deal with this all by yourself!" Hikaru responded to Reika in a lresistive manner, dogmatic determination in the short girl's eyes as she spoke. To her classmates, Hikaru was a boy, she couldn't let a feminine girl fight her battles, because the teasing would only be that much worse in the long run. However, due to her short stature and male uniform, Hikaru came across as a little boy trying to prove that he was tough. Hikaru prepared for attack if any of the boys decided to try and lay a hand on the girl that was currently bravely defending her. though the moment of peace ended rather quickly after Jun recovered from the punch Hikaru had delivered to his jaw, because a tall blond haired male interrupted with several choice profanities. Looking at him, Hikaru couldn't help but notice that he was quite attractive by nearly all definitions of the word, but this was neither the place or time for such distractive thoughts. Man.. Why does my brain choose now to have girl thoughts?

Plugging one ear due to the tall blond's loud tone, Hikaru blinked in surprise that yet another student came to her aid without knowing her at all. She was surprised by his height, but tried to not gawk for long, considering his violent demeanor and foul choice of language. She did not wish to turn her current ally into an enemy, that much was certain. When the tall blond dropped the bags in tow Hikaru knew that something was about to go down, only to be verified when the blond grabbed the bully by the collar. While Hikaru was eternally grateful for the rescue, she began to worry about the others getting in trouble because of her. This skirmish was not over, and the teacher would arrive at any moment. Then her tall savior received a blow to the gut, and Hikaru's eyes widened. That bully had the guts to throw a punch at the tall senior that accompanied the ebony haired girl? Hikaru wasn't even sure if she could stand up to someone with that intimidating of a presence. She shivered when the tall blond seemed barely effected by the hit he had received, not wishing to end up on this guys bad side after all...

Once the fight became heated, Hikaru froze, remembering what had happened back in Britain. She had nearly killed that boy.... but if she didn't do something, the guy that helped protect her would get his ass kicked, royally. Thankfully a timid looking male about eight inches taller than herself clobbered the ringleader with his bag, earning a smirk of approval from Hikaru and it definitely was enough to bring her back to reality. She burst into action after her initial shock and twirled Jun by the shoulder, redirecting him from his pursuit toward Kazuki. After whipping the thug around to face her, Hikaru thrust her right knee into direct contact with his gut. The dark haired ringleader crumbled to the ground, and someone shouted that the teacher was coming. The bullies scrambled for their seats along with all of the students cheering on the fight. Hikaru adjusted her tie and dusted off her male uniform, "Thanks for the assistance with those guys, I am Yoshika, Hikaru by the way." She grinned, introducing herself to Reika, Kazuki and Yoichi before returning to her seat in the back of the room. Little did she know, she'd be getting to know this group a lot better. In fact, she would be spending a lot of time with two of them in particular.

Without the tomboy realizing it, she was peeking to see where the students that fought alongside her chose to sit. Class was starting, but she wished to properly thank them and ask a few questions about this school. Her olive orbs widened when she realized she would have to speak to the class, and would be assigned a dorm. This would be interesting.. The teacher came in, a short and docile man with large rimmed glasses. He began roll call, completely unaware of the fight that had taken place. The teacher began attendance check, but also announced the dorm mates as well. When he came to Hikaru's name, he motioned for her to come to the front to introduce herself and she tensed up. Being in the spotlight was not something she enjoyed in this context. She shuffled to the front, rubbing the back of her neck nervously, "I am Yoshika, Hikaru... I moved to Japan from Britain... Yeah..." She bowed politely afterwards, even though her introduction had been painfully casual despite Japan's formal customs.

Yoshika-kun... You will be dorming with.. Kurokawa-kun and Yamada-kun in room 405. Please take your seat, class shall now begin." The teacher stated, writing down his choice, giving none of them a say in the matter.

Hikaru wasn't too sure who those two were, so she returned to her seat in confusion, ruffling her messy blonde hair as she attempted to figure out which guys were her dorm mates. She only hoped it wouldn't be the bullies from before. She wouldn't last long at this school, especially if her dorm mates were buddies with Jun. She didn't even want to consider what would happen if one of the bullies found out she was a girl. This choice was becoming riskier by the minute. She wanted to fess up, but her voice was failing her. She couldn't ruin this kind of education for herself, even if she would end up spending the entire year looking over her shoulder.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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#, as written by Strix


"O-Oi... It's not like I can leave you to deal with this all by yourself!"

The boy's words were admirable, especially due to his short stature. Reika couldn't help but giggle at Hikaru's insistence on not leaving her to deal with the bullies on her own. The small blond boy's fiery determination was something she envied, "Suit yourself" Reika responded with a grin. She was standing up for him out of kindness, but this small boy showed actual bravery. He could have easily fled and left her to deal with them alone. At the sound of cracking knuckles, Reika peeked over her shoulder to see that none other than Yoichi had joined her. A large smile formed on her lips, starting to forgive him for the perverted embrace and half naked catwalk. It was times like this that reminded her why she enjoyed being around Yoichi so much. He was heroic. Despite all of his faults, he had a major soft spot for the downtrotten and she absolutely adored that about her best friend.

"Hey, Jun! What's up, you ugly fucker?! Picking on little boys because you can't handle someone our own size?"

What she did not adore? His foul mouth. It immediately broke his charming spell, well, at least in Reika's case. She knew that several other girls were drawn even more to Yoichi for his 'bad boy' behavior, but she was far too timid for all of that. She noticed that Hikaru plugged his ears and she bit her bottom lip. It was true that Yoichi was yelling unnecessarily, but she was used to his tendency to favor a loud volume by now. She sweatdropped however when Yoichi seized Jun by the shirt, and she cringed. This could turn out really bad if a teacher showed up.. Reika was fairly goody-two-shoes, which surprised teachers every year when they realized she was quite close to the delinquent, Yamada, Yoichi. On the flip side, it didn't raise any eyebrows that Reika was close to Kurokawa, Kazuki, seeing as both of them were straight laced students.

"Nice to know you're still a little pussy!"

Reika's violet eyes blinked several times in disbelief when Yoichi was struck by Jun, her fists clenching tightly. Yoichi managed to create some space between himself and Jun, so her panicked heartbeat calmed for the moment. She couldn't help but be frightened for her friend. It was her fault that he was in this situation, however something told her he would have stood up for the small boy no matter what.. That knowledge soothed her mind, but at the same time she couldn't shake off her guilty feeling. Yoichi was always getting hurt for her sake. She wanted to ask him why, but she wasn't sure if she could handle the answer either.

"Is that really all you got?"

She closed her eyes when Yoichi's fist collided with Jun. A shiver ran down her spine just thinking about the pain that Jun experienced in that moment. She knew first hand that Yoichi was incredibly strong, and that his punches were no laughing matter. When she opened her eyes, it was clear that Yoichi was being jumped and her eyes widened in horror. She immediately began searching for something to throw at the hooligans, but to no success. As she fumbled for projectiles, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye, looking just in time to watch Kazuki swing his bag at Jun. She was surprised that he chose to join in on the action, but she was glad that someone had Yoichi's back. ..Kazuki was pretty cool just then... She shook her head in attempt to refocus her thoughts. Now was not the time to gawk like a fangirl at Kazuki... A light blush formed on her cheeks and she returned to searching for a weapon. Just when she located her metal ruler, Hikaru landed another blow against Jun, protecting Kazuki from his retaliation. It was announced by the other students that a teacher was coming, and Jun scrambled to his seat followed by his goons. Every other student began to file into their seats and Reika shook her head at their cowardice. She rejoined her friends where they stood, giggling as Hikaru attempted to tidy up his appearance.

"Thanks for the assistance with those guys, I am Yoshika, Hikaru by the way."

"Takeru, Reika. It's a pleasure to meet you, Yoshika-Kun." She chimed in a friendly manner. The boy was at least four inches shorter than herself, but perhaps he just had not hit his growth spurt? Besides, his short stature made him all the more adorable, like the little brother she'd never had. Reika sat down in front of Hikaru, waving for Yoichi and Kazuki to join her. She began pulling out pencils, highlighters, her literature book and a notebook to take notes in. She took school quite seriously, and if she didn't take notes she knew that Yoichi wouldn't graduate. She was roomed with two girls from her cheerleading squad, so that was nice. At least she would know her dorm mates. She remained quiet as the teacher announced everything, doodling in her notebook until Hikaru's name was called. When Hikaru went up to the front, she could tell that the boy was nervous, and he had all right to be. He was jumped on his first day, and she knew how tough that could be.

"I am Yoshika, Hikaru... I moved to Japan from Britain... Yeah..."

Reika bit back a laugh at Hikaru's very informal introduction. She could tell that it was irritating to the teacher and to some of the students, because it came across as disrespectful and rather cocky. She glanced to Kazuki and Yoichi to gauge their reactions, but she did so a bit too soon, considering the teacher was not done. The next words from their elderly Sensei's mouth made today very, very interesting.

"Yoshika-kun... You will be dorming with.. Kurokawa-kun and Yamada-kun in room 405. Please take your seat, class shall now begin."

Reika smirked at her two friends, "At least you already know each other, ne?" She teased, sticking her tongue out playfully at both Kazuki and Yoichi as she awaited their reaction to their living arrangement. She knew the two had never had another dorm mate before, so she was looking forward to their response to this news. The fact that no one was given a say in the matter only made Reika more amused by this turn of events. When Hikaru sat back down behind her, she glanced over her shoulder, "At least you're roomed with Kurokawa-Senpai and Yoichi-kun." She chimed in a friendly manner. She was definitely going to enjoy this year, Reika was sure of it. Watching these three boys would supply her with endless amusement, and perhaps, just maaybe, she would be able to confess her feelings to Kazuki before the school year ended.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika
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Yoichi Yamada
|| 18 years old || Student || Heteroromantic // Pansexual ||
Dialogue Color: #848482 Thought color: #B6B6B4

When Yoichi can finally pull his beat up self to his feet, he sees Hikaru defending his best friend with great strength and feels oddly attracted to his violent side. He pulls himself to his feet, ashamed that he didn't get a few more kicks in before the bullies all run back to their seats and also wished he could've defended his friend better. Honestly, being caught fighting by a teacher wouldn't have been too terrible of a thing for Yoichi, as it had happened many times before.

Thanks for the assistance with those guys, I am Yoshika, Hikaru by the way.

Yoichi doesn't have time to introduce himself to the surprisingly short male before Reika does and the boy leaves. He shrugged and quickly gathered all the discarded bags, piling them up at the back of the class as he didn't have time to put them in his dorm room. He followed Reika to a seat in front of Hikaru as class is near beginning and suddenly tastes blood, becoming aware of the fact that the corner of his lip is bleeding from the fight. Yoichi groans and licks the corner of his mouth in irritation, suddenly becoming hyper aware of all the other sore spots on his body; Mainly his jaw and abdomen. However, he doesn't say anything in fear of worrying his friend so he simply slouches over in his seat. Yoichi watched Hikaru attentively as he went up in front of the class, barely blinking because of how focused and intrigued he was by this new stranger. At the sound of Hikaru coincidentally rooming with him, he shot the boy a peace sign and winked at him, grinning to himself afterwards.

At least you already know each other, ne?

Yoichi returned the favor by sticking his tongue out at Reika as a reply and turned around in his desk to face Hikaru.
I didn't get the chance to introduce myself earlier, but hey.
he started charmingly and held out his hand to Hikaru to shake.
I'm Yoichi Yamada, also known as the hottest guy you'll meet at this pretentious, overrated school.
Yoichi teased and turned back around, not paying attention in the slightest to the lesson. He yawned, moved some of Reika's hair from her shoulder and lied his head down on her shoulder. Yoichi was already bored.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika
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"At least you're roomed with Kurokawa-Senpai and Yoichi-kun."

Hikaru was once again awed by Reika's bright and bubbly nature. Her friendly tone made up for the horrible welcome that Hikaru had received earlier, and it was almost completely forgotten. Hikaru tilted her head in confusion, as if she was supposed to know who those two were. Hikaru wasn't the brightest crayon in the box obviously, but in her defense she didn't know anyone's name aside from her attacker's and Reika's herself. However, that fact was short lived.

"I didn't get the chance to introduce myself earlier, but hey."

Olive green eyes blinked when the blond male turned around abruptly. She wasn't sure why he suddenly felt the need to introduce himself, but Hikaru did her best to remain calm. Suddenly she was very aware of his bloody lip, but said nothing, as it wasn't any of her business to. Besides, if she said something it would alert him that she had been looking at his lips, and since she was dressed as a dude and pretending to be a boy, that probably wouldn't sit well with the blond. Hikaru decided it was best to be as non-conflictive and as inconspicuous as possible if she wished to survive the year, "O-Ohayo.." Hikaru stated in a surprised manner, unsure of what else she could say. She accepted his handshake, squeezing his hand with firm confidence, but just enough to make a good impression, avoiding using too much pressure. She didn't want to come across as a challenge. He seemed to be an ally, so she tried to come across as one as well.

"I'm Yoichi Yamada, also known as the hottest guy you'll meet at this pretentious, overrated school."

Hikaru sweatdropped a bit at Yoichi's self proclaimed status, shaking her head a bit, "If I didn't know better I'd swear that you're coming on to me..." she stated in an equally teasing manner. Hikaru was equally disinterested with the lesson, but she at least attempted to jot down a few notes. She didn't understand the equatiom that the teacher was explaining, but Hikaru was sure that writing it down would be good practice and that someone else would be able to explain it to her later. Though she was immediately surprised when the blond male plopped his head down on the ebony haired girl's shoulder. A-Are they dating...? Hikaru thought to herself in the midst of her shock, finding it a bit difficult to believe that the two of them could be more than friends, but it would make sense, considering how quickly he had come to Reika's aid. Even if they WERE dating, it was none of her business, but imagining the two overly attractive people sitting before her as a couple was more than Hikaru could handle at that given moment. She wasn't prepared, and she was too intimidated by the possibility to even ask. She continued to jot down hit and miss notes to avoid looking suspicious, but she began to wonder how she would survive the year if she was sharing a dorm with the blond.. He seemed like the kind that totally disregarded the personal space of others... Will I really be able to keep him from finding me out..? Hikaru thought to herself, chewing on the edge of her pencil nervously as she glanced to Reika and Yoichi every so often, amazed that the teacher didn't even seem to care at all. Was this an every day thing between them? Typically Japanese girls were a little shy about such advances, were they not? Hikaru was in complete culture shock. Had she studied outdated material? These two didn't seem very conservative by Hikaru's standards.

Before Hikaru knew it, lunch time rolled around and she decided to roam the halls, to get used to her new school. She didn't know where to buy food from, so she figured she could just search until she found the right location... There wasn't a cafeteria, but she was hoping there would at least be some sort of vending machine. The lack of food in her stomach was practically killing Hikaru already and lunch had just begun. What good is my Japanese grandmother if she can't warn me about stuff like this..? I'm from Britain! I never had to pack a lunch before! Hikaru thought to herself irritated, but she was more frustrated with herself than she was actually angry with her grandmother. The only one she could truly blame was herself for being ill prepared, but being so far away from home it was simply easier to place the blame on someone else. She was already in extremely unfamiliar territory, and now it would be ages before she would see her grandmother again... This school life, it was already incredibly intimidating, especially now that she had such a cocky and flirtatious dorm mate. I'm doomed... Hikaru thought in a pessimistic manner, leaning against a wall in the boys bathroom, attempting to hide from her peers. The last thing she wanted was to look starved, lost, and lonely. However, Hikaru decided to go check out her dorm room since she had time to spare. Perhaps she would be able to work out some kind of game plan once she saw the dorm? If not, she'd at least pick the room closest to the bathroom. She made her way up the stairs until she met their floor, and the door. She used her Student ID card to get in the room, placing her bags in the room nearest the bathroom that she would now share with Yoichi and Kurokawa. With time to kill and no lunch to eat, Hikaru began setting up her room, putting clothes away in her closet and dresser, and making her bed neatly. Hikaru flopped on the mattress, feeling a bit feverish after it was all said and done, so she decided to take a little nap. One little nap would not hurt, would it? Her entire room was furnished now, after all. How many other students could say they accomplished that already?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika
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#, as written by Strix


Reika only smiled when Yoichi matched her childishness, then shook her head. She was taking notes shortly after that, letting Yoichi interact with Hikaru without her interference, but that didn't mean that Reika did not eavesdrop a little to see what the two boys were saying to each other. She found it incredibly interesting that there was a new addition to the little ragtag team they had built. Thanks to Yoichi's loud demeanor, Reika was able to write and listen into a conversation seamlessly. Who said having rambunctious friends didn't pay off?

"I didn't get the chance to introduce myself earlier, but hey. I'm Yoichi Yamada, also known as the hottest guy you'll meet at this pretentious, overrated school."

It seemed to be going well enough. Reika glanced up at the chalkboard now and then, brushing her long ebony hair behind her ear as she appeared to be enamored by the lesson going on, but in reality she was only half listening. She already knew this equation from the summer homework, but that meant she could afford to pay more attention to Yoichi and Hikaru, without either boy knowing she was listening in.

"O-Ohayo.. If I didn't know better I'd swear that you're coming on to me..."

Their introductions were of completely different sides of the spectrum, but at the same time very similar. The irony almost caused Reika to laugh, but she managed to bite back the temptation and remain composed. She doubted they would be so genuine if they knew she was still studying them so closely. She wanted to see how Yoichi would respond to the new member of their little friend circle, but also wanted to know more about the new student with reckless bravery for a little tyke. It was rare for such a small statured boy to stand up for himself. She couldn't help but be a little curious about who Hikaru Yoshioka truly was. Her thoughts were interrupted when Yoichi's head landed on her shoulder, and he brushed her hair out of the way to make himself comfortable. She shook her head, but continued writing, ignoring the whispers of jealous girls, and the glares. Yoichi was her best friend, it was only natural that he react this way, given his personality, but after his half naked hug to her hips, even Reika couldn't help but blush a little.

To make matters worse, she could smell his cologne again. It was the one she liked, and she could smell it so effortlessly. She was only human, and after that experience it was difficult to see him as the little boy she had grown up with. Whether she liked it or not, he broke out of the mold she tried so hard to keep him in. He was no longer a harmless child. They weren't little kids anymore... everyone was within their rights to question what Yoichi was doing, because now that they were teens, it didn't look innocent anymore. Everyone assumed romance was behind every little action. His warmth and pleasant scent made it hard to focus on the notes, but Reika thankfully managed to jot them down without making a mockery out of herself. She only hoped that Yoichi didn't get the wrong idea. She was certain she would recover, return to normal once she got the image of him out of her head from that morning.

When the lunch bell rang, Reika was about to invite Hikaru to eat with her Kazuki and Yoichi, but it seemed that Kazuki and Hikaru had disappeared. She looked for Kazuki for a few minutes before standing up with her bento in hand, "We should go ahead. If he's hungry he'll meet up with us." Reika stated to Yoichi before leading the way. She went to the roof top, a place where her, Kazuki, and Yoichi often spent their time, getting them away from their noisy teachers and classmates for a while. Thanks to Yoichi's reputation, no one ever bothered them up there. Reika sat down on the bench, next to the chain fence at the far end that kept students from leaping to their death. She didn't think suicide was a problem here, but apparently the staff was not taking any chances. She opened her bento, then tapped the spot next to her, knowing Yoichi was likely far more eager to chow down than she was. The only image in her head was his body wrapped around hers, in just his boxers.

She knew that she needed to vanquish that memory, but the more she avoided it, the more it stuck in her mind. It was plaguing her brain, refusing to let her live it down. A light blush formed on her cheeks, unable to look at him directly. She began quietly eating, unaware that she had given Yoichi the wrong bento. Yoichi and Reika were in for the surprise of their lives that would set their entire world off axis. One little mistake would change everything. One small moment redefining years of friendship, "I hope you like it. I've been working on new recipes." Reika stated with a small smile, still not meeting his gaze, but for reasons entirely unrelated to the bento mishap. However her flustered nature would only increase the misunderstanding when he opened the boxed lunch she had given him earlier that morning.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika
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Yoichi Yamada
|| 18 years old || Student || Heteroromantic // Pansexual ||
Dialogue Color: #848482 Thought color: #B6B6B4

Yoichi hadn't been aware of it himself but during the horribly boring lesson, Yoichi had dozed off and been awaken by the sound of the ringing bell. That whole time, he had been oblivious to any of the questioning glances or stares he was getting from either Hikaru or jealous students in the room. He shot up in surprise but composed himself quickly, running a hand through his hair and stretching his arms out.
About damn time...
he muttered quietly and looked over to the corner of the room, remembering about all the bags he had to carry around and groaned.

We should go ahead. If he's hungry he'll meet up with us.

Yoichi snapped out his dreaded thoughts of carrying the bags when he heard Reika's soft voice and nodded at her.
Sounds good to me.
he walked to the corner and grabbed the bags, then was greeted by a familiar bag. They chatted idly for a few moments before he said his goodbyes to her and followed his raven haired friend. In the halls, there were girls watching him and guys watching Reika, however Yoichi couldn't help but notice the guys more than the girls, despite his ego.

Yoichi saw a guy push one of his friend's towards them, obviously convincing him to approach Reika but froze after receiving a deadly glare from Yoichi. Honestly, the nerve of these assholes! Here she is, walking with me and they try to come on to her? Please! Yoichi thought frustratedly to himself and sighed, side glancing at Reika. He did understand why she got a lot of attention from boys though, she was very beautiful. So beautiful that she was even a model, despite her clear disgust with that lifestyle. He wished more than anything that she would tell her grandmother that she didn't feel comfortable with that so she wasn't so sad after her shoots, but he did secret admit to himself that he really loved her photo shoots.

When they got upstairs, Yoichi placed all the bags down beside the door and exhaled, still annoyed that he had to carry these damn bags everywhere. He made note to ask Reika if they could make their way back to his dorm so he could drop all his stuff off. When the blond looked at Reika, he saw her tapping the spot beside her and he eagerly made his way over to her. She knew that he wasn't a big fan of junk food and he adored when she made him food because she often made healthy yet cute food. He didn't know before that food could be cute, but somehow Reika made it that way.

Yoichi unboxed his bento and noticed that she was acting awfully shy and refused to look at him, raising his curiosity. She normally never acted this way in front of him, unless he has teasing her or saying vulgar things. He was a very blunt boy, everyone knew it, but he was more sensitive to Reika's feelings than other people and had to bite his tongue to not question her strange behavior. Yoichi looked down at his unboxed lunch, finally noticing it's contents and how specifically it was arranged in hearts.

Yoichi blinked down at the bento, completely speechless and at a loss for words. Could it be..? Is this why she's acting all sketchy? Should I say something?! he was flustered and confused, but got an incredible boost of confidence after those feelings passed. He wasn't entirely sure if he returned her feelings though. I mean, I do love Reika-chan for sure, but do I... Love-love her? Yoichi wondered to himself and bit his lip. He didn't know whether to ask Reika about it or just eat it and pretend like it was nothing, but realized that she might get offended if her did that.
he asked slowly and carefully.
...Are you confessing to me?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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#, as written by Feyblue


Unlike the others, who'd been chattering amongst themselves in the aftermath of the fight, Kazuki had mostly been keeping to himself. He had always tried to minimize the amount of attention he drew to himself, and had always tried to avoid intervening in the affairs of others. Naturally, hitting his senior in the face with a book bag was a violation of both of these policies. Although it was a little late for damage control, he'd thus resolved to distance himself somewhat from his surrogate brother, at least for the day, considering the fact that Yoichi was making no attempts to avoid standing out.

Speaking of Yoichi, he and Reika seemed to be getting along well with the boy they'd stood up for, but that was hardly any of his business. What mattered right now was acclimating himself to the new school year's classes, and hopefully avoiding entangling himself in other people's business any further. This, at least, seemed mostly successful. The first few classes passed rather uneventfully - well, at least, uneventfully aside from Yoichi rather pointedly napping on Reika's shoulder, of all places. Kazuki growled under his breath. He might have respected Yoichi greatly, but that didn't mean he couldn't be jealous of him sometimes. Deciding to clear his head, he exited the classroom ahead of his two friends, who seemed preoccupied talking with Hikaru anyway. Stopping at a vending machine, he got some juice for himself and the others, figuring it would only be polite to offer some as an apology for making himself scarce earlier. He didn't get the chance to explain his reasoning, however, as by the time he'd made it to the rooftop, the others were already there.

Kazuki was just about to step out of the stairwell and greet them when it happened. Yoichi said something, and Kazuki felt his heart freeze in his chest.

"Reika-chan? Are you... confessing to me?"

In retrospect, it shouldn't have taken him by surprise, but it did. Yoichi and Reika had always seemed more like brother and sister than anything else to him. At times, it had even seemed like Reika might have reciprocated Kazuki's own feelings. And, even if he was sure those moments had been nothing but his own imagination, he still hadn't expected this.

Yet, as the scene unfolded before him, he found himself wondering just what had ever managed to get his hopes up so high. Yoichi was Yoichi, the perfect male specimen. He was their bright and fearless leader, an ideal to which Kazuki himself couldn't even dream of comparing. So, why hadn't he realized it sooner? He was such an idiot. Of course she would choose Yoichi over him. Anyone would, given the option.

A heavy silence settled over the rooftop, and Kazuki could see that his wasn't the only heart that was only the verge of breaking. Yoichi didn't answer, leaving the dark-haired girl to pick up the pieces of what was clearly a failure. Seeing the girl he had always idolized looking so crushed, Kazuki would have liked to say that he wanted nothing more than to confront Yoichi and force him to apologize for hurting Reika's feelings. But, actually, that wasn't the truth at all. No matter how he looked at it, he was actually... relieved? If Yoichi rejected her, that meant he still had a chance, right? So, then, he was willing to trample upon her feelings if it meant getting what he wanted? After all his talk about honesty and staying true to one's friends, this was how he really felt?

He was actually no different from the sort of person he hated most, wasn't he? For the most part, Human beings were frauds in his eyes. And now, confronted by his own treasonous feelings, he realized that he, too, was a fake. With the knowledge that some twisted part of him actually took pleasure in seeing her humiliated weighing on his mind, Kazuki knew that he couldn't bear to face her.

As Reika packed her things and moved to go, Kazuki acted on instinct, darting back around the corner of the door's frame and concealing himself, hoping that she wouldn't notice him as she rushed quickly past. He wouldn't get in her way if she wanted to leave. After being so humiliated, he knew he'd have wanted nothing more than to escape, too. It was the very least he could do to ensure that she didn't realize that he'd seen her so humiliated.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Reika Takeru Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika Character Portrait: Kurokawa Kazuki
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Yoichi Yamada
|| 18 years old || Student || Heteroromantic // Pansexual ||
Dialogue Color: #848482 Thought color: #B6B6B4

To say that Reika's response shocked Yoichi would've been an understatement. He was completely blown away that she confirmed her confession to him and half-expected a different response. Although, he wasn't sure why because he was normally quite a confident young man but he did acknowledge that things were different when it came to Reika. He cared about her more than any of his other hook-ups or even past girlfriends, but really wasn't sure if his feelings towards her were the same that she apparently had for him. Despite this, he nodded along carefully with Reika's explanation and tried his best not to embarrass her or make her feel uncomfortable.

No, don't apologize, Reika-chan. I want you to be as honest with me as you have to be, okay? I will never invalidate your feelings or opinions, no matter what they are.
Yoichi kindly assured her and looked down at his clenched fists, just now noticing that they were balled up as tightly as they were, then relaxed them and stretched out his long fingers. He bit his lips, unsure of what to say next and felt slightly awkward, which wasn't a usual occurrence for Yoichi Yamada. However, he soon realized that his awkward silence was a mistake as Reika was obviously crying and trying to leave. Yoichi stammered for a moment before getting himself together and clearing his throat. The blond stood up quickly and stepped in front of his raven haired friend.

Please don't, I'm really sorry, Reika.
Yoichi reached out and grabbed her smaller hands in his and glanced around, biting his lip. He often referred to Kurokawa and Reika by only their first names because of how close they were and also because his first language was English, so he's more used to calling people by only their first names than not.
Look, I'm gonna be honest with you, like I always am, 'kay?
Yoichi warned her softly and gripped her hands tightly.
I really love you, Reika, but I'm not sure if it's the same as the way you feel about me... I need time to think about this, alright? I promise that this doesn't change anything between us, but I don't have an answer for you right now.

After Yoichi's soft spoken explanation, he grinned at the shorter girl and pulled her in for a tight hug.
Please don't be sad and please don't regret telling me this. I always want you to be honest with me and even with Kurokawa because we're always here for you and we both care about you dearly. Even if what you have to say is difficult.
Yoichi pulled away and smirked down at her.
And I don't blame you for falling for me, I mean, look at me.
He teased and gestured down to himself, chuckling softly before clearing his throat and silencing himself.
You don't have to leave, I'm gonna give you some alone time for a bit though and I'll eat my lunch in my room.

After telling her this, he repacked the lunch and walked over to the pile of his and Kurokawa's things and grabbed them, groaning as he did so. He looked back at Reika and smiled brightly.
Thanks for the lunch by the way, I'm sure it's awesome, as always.
And after giving her his signature wink, he left and his heart was beating at an incredible speed. However, as soon as he entered the stairway, a figure caught his eyes and he looked beside him, seeing Kurokawa. He gulped and bit his lip, realizing that his best friend totally saw all of that, but tried playing it off coolly anyways.
Hey, Kuro. Why don't you go in there and hang with Rei-chan for a bit? I-I'm gonna bring this stuff to our room, 'kay?
He said quickly and smoothly before racing down the stairs before his friend could say anything.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Yoichi obnoxiously and breathlessly bursted into his shared room with Kurokawa and Hikaru and dropped all of the bags (except the bento) loudly before he realized that Hikaru was sleeping or trying to. He inhaled sharply and bit on his lower lip, hoping he hadn't woken the boy by accident because of his naturally loud behavior. He then noticed the redness on Hikaru's face, his uneven breathing and opened shirt. His brows furrowed worriedly and he set down the bento on a nearby end table and slowly stepped towards the couch, sitting beside Hikaru.
he started slowly in a concerned tone.
Are you okay?


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Yoichi Yamada Character Portrait: Hikaru Yoshika
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Another nightmare about her parents and the wreck, it was always the same. Ever since the wreck, Hikaru couldn't get a night of sleep without being plagued by painful memories that at this point she felt it would be easier to just forget. Even dreams about the happy times were painful because she would never see them again. It was teasing her with images of people she could never talk to again, a mother that wouldn't be there to fix her hair, and a father that would never get the chance to be protective or scare the shit out her first boyfriend would never be there to give her away at her wedding. However, the voice of someone began to stir her from her sleep. Someone's talking... Who is it..? she thought herself as she began to wake up, groaning softly.

"Are you okay?"

Groggily Hikaru sat up a little, using the arm of the sofa to pull herself up steadily. Her olive eyes blinked a bit trying to readjust to the light of the room. In her daze, it took Hikaru a moment before she realized that she wasn't alone. After taking a moment Hikaru finally woke up completely, and with clearer vision realized the person sitting next to her was Yadama, Yoichi. Immediately she nodded once she realized it was him, "I think it's just a cold... No big deal." She responded, running a hand through her hair, laughing a little afterwards. Her voice was softer than before, and a little weak. The way she was sitting she was facing Yoichi on the sofa instead of facing forward at the TV. Her head was still really fuzzy, and she felt really dizzy, but she did her best to stay strong. The last thing she wanted was for Yoichi to contact a teacher or the nurse, "Though I did finish setting up my room." Hikaru bragged a bit, seeing as she knew that Kurokawa and Yamada had not even begun. Hikaru then remembered her shirt was slightly unbuttoned and began fumbling to button it back up. Being alone with a guy in this state was embarrassing enough without her clothes being askew.

Though she had to admit it was nice having someone around. The fact that he cared enough to ask if she was alright was heartwarming. Hikaru stood, feeling a bit awkward now, "Which room do you want? I called dibs on the one next to the bathroom. I'll help you get your bags in." Hikaru offered. There were two rooms, one next to her's, and one closer to the steps. All three were upstairs, but the location was everything to Hikaru. The shorter her path to the bathroom, the better. The last thing she needed was to drop a bra in front of the other guys on her way back from her shower. That would raise some interesting questions that she did NOT want to answer. Would they get mad? Freak out? Would they tell the principal? She didn't want to get expelled... This was her only chance to get into a good college and escape the lower class. A diploma from this school would open doors for her. She needed this.

Hikaru checked the names on the bag tags and grabbed one of Yoichi's, and one of Kurokawa's, "I suppose Kurokawa-san gets the short end of the stick. I'll help you get his bags up there too." Hikaru laughed, stumbling a little after she lifted the bags over her shoulder. She managed to balance herself out enough. It wasn't that his bag was too heavy for her because on a normal day she could handle that. She just wasn't very surefooted with her fever. Without waiting for his answer, Hikaru went toward the stairs. She really didn't put her health into consideration, she just wanted to prove that she was okay, at least enough that he would be convinced that telling a nurse or teacher wouldn't be necessary. It is way too hot in here.. Is it the fever..? Hikaru thought to herself, starting up the stairs despite her dizziness.