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Hotaru Fukimato

Red, Red. The Color Red. On my lips and on my finger tips, you drip..." -H.F

0 · 311 views · located in Red Rose's Mansion

a character in “Seven Roses”, as played by Missing Link


“Red, Red.
The Color Red.
On my lips and on my finger tips, you drip.
Red, Red.
The Color Red.
Oh you smell so strong yet taste ever so sweet.
Your warmth fills my mouth and my body with each drop.
Red, Red.
The color red.
I can never let you go,
I can never stop loving you.” –H.F


Full Name: Hotaru Fukimato

“I am eighteen years old.”

Real Age:
“You won’t believe me even if I told you, human.” She is actually 234 years old.

“I am the proud, the beautiful and proclaimed Red Rose! It’s also my favorite color of course, don’t you think red is a beautiful color? I think it’s so beautiful and dangerous. It tastes good too…”

Refer to images.

Brief Description:
“I don’t really brag much about my appearance but since you asked, I might as well give it a try. Well, the picture doesn’t give much description about myself. I am five feet and six inches tall and I weight about one hundred and six pounds. I have muscles, oh yes I do. I’m not weak how some people may perceive me to be. Look at my arms! You think you can beat me in a game of arm wrestle? I think not. Um, my skin is in great condition, it’s always warm to the touch and healthy, it looks very human-like right?…But I can look pretty dead if I don’t get my meal from Shizuma every once in awhile. Her blood is so heavenly, simply perfect... Don’t you even think about touching her. Oh sorry, I’m getting off topic. Anyway, compared to my sister Tina, she makes my front parts look like a boy. I sadly did not inherent the genes of basketball breasts…I inherited the ping pong boobs. Oh well, at least my legs are long and my frame is petite.

Hmm, what else? Oh, my eyes. Well, they are natural hazel but they do become lighter a bit to a pinkish or red color sometimes when I am using my powers or when I am hungry. My hair is obviously a red orange color. I like to keep it short, at least to my shoulders a bit. I don’t like to wear dark colors to be honest, nor do I like to wear much clothing overall. If I wear too much clothing, I tend to sweat a lot from the heat. Ha, I'll need Yeah, I may be a vampire, but don’t always stereotype me into that category. You know what category I’m talking about, don’t play dumb… Oh, I sometimes decorate my hair with dried up leaves, it’s my fashion statement and some people are starting to catch on if you know what I mean! Sadly though, those leaves disintegrate when I am using my powers. My hair becomes like fire, but no worries, it doesn’t burn me…it could burn you if you aren’t careful, but I usually force that attribute elsewhere and allow my hair to be normal. It does take a bit of concentration to do that though…

I guess that’s it for now, I don’t know what else to say about my appearance at the moment.”

“Yeah, yeah! I know! People call me childish and that I talk a lot. Everyone knows that much, but there is more to me than just that...”

Although Hotaru is very childish and talkative, she can be serious at times as well when push comes to shove. Being childish and talkative is her way to process her life and her problems. Being the youngest of the sisters, she was constantly picked on, but she was also spoiled by them as well. As a child, her temper was so great that her sisters would need to use their own powers to control her. Though Hotaru’s power is beautiful it can also be very destructive if not controlled. Hotaru is slowly learning this fact, but she is still pretty young as a vampire. Hotaru is extremely free-willed and does whatever she pleases even if she is to be punished. She is wild when it comes to playing and she enjoys teasing and doing pranks on others for her own enjoyment. Hotaru can become very hot headed when angered and very fierce in battle.

She is very open-minded and she likes to try out new things all the time, but she sometimes keep her actions secretive (only Shizuma will know more or less what Hotaru is doing). She does not trust the majority of her sisters. Since she is very talkative, she can also be very political and she can easily make people follow her views. She stands for herself and she has never taken back her words. Hotaru has a talent with persuading others to listen to her, if only her sisters took her seriously, their household might be more like a family instead of enemies.

Hotaru cannot be in once place for a very long time. She gets easily bored and she must constantly be doing something or she will end up in a bad mood. Hotaru enjoys being outside and exploring the land. She is at the age where she just wants to have fun. She loves fire, the looks, the feel, and way her body heats up from it. If she could fly, she would fly to the sun and take all of the sun’s heat for herself.

Her views over her sisters:
  • Green Rose: Hotaru thinks she’s a sight for sore eyes, but because she is clumsy, Hotaru sometimes wonder if there is anything wrong going on in her head to make her such a clumsy person. Sure, being clumsy is cute, but it could also be dangerous. Hotaru simply worries about her sometimes, but she loves her.
  • Yellow Rose: Now this is someone to admire. Hotaru thinks she is very elegant, but she can be a bit stiff, a party pooper and is less likely to do wild and fun things with her. Hotaru believes that the yellow rose doesn’t like her too much simply because she doesn’t play along with Hotaru’s games. Either way, it doesn’t stop Hotaru’s attitude of being talkative or childish with her.
  • Blue Rose: Very beautiful, enough to make Hotaru a bit jealous. Hotaru likes to play pranks on her and to tease her because she is so nice and so passive, but Hotaru knows that the blue rose can be easily taken advantage of because she is so trustful to others. This fact alone irritates Hotaru to no end and so sometimes Hotaru snaps at her out of pure frustration towards her. Afterwards, Hotaru of course feels bad and tries to reconcile with her. Hotaru doesn’t want to be in a bad relationship with the Blue Rose because Hotaru feels so comfortable around her and she trusts her completely.
  • Purple Rose: Spunky! Hotaru gets along with the purple rose very well because she likes to keep her company and walk around town with her. Although sometimes they argue about their differences and hit heads every once in awhile and Hotaru sometimes teases her about how big her chests are, she really enjoys the Purple Rose’s company.
  • Black Rose: She has a better attitude then the white rose that’s for sure, Hotaru gives her that much. What Hotaru does not like about the Black Rose is that is behaves as if she is ashamed of being a vampire and that the she would rather be a human. This contradicts Hotaru’s pride in herself and in her family. Hotaru loves being a vampire and she enjoys that power she was given. Other than that, Hotaru doesn’t have much of an opinion over her since she hasn’t really talked much to her after she left. She did hear good things about her from the Blue Rose though, but she is still feels indifferent towards her.
  • White Rose: Narcissist. What else can Hotaru say about her? She doesn’t like Hotaru’s element either so that doesn’t help much on how Hotaru feels about her. Hotaru becomes very uncomfortable around her because of that fact. The White Rose is very intimating in appearance and in speech. At the same time, Hotaru admires her for how proud she is about being a vampire, but other than that, Horatu thinks she is a crazy narcisst. Hotaru prefers not to talk to her much because of how she doesn’t respect her.

"You don't know what this is? How about you turn around and I show you what this is."

Hotaru's weapon is a whip. Her whip is rather special and important because it is made of the strongest leather that can resist the flames from her power, but every once in awhile she has to make a new one by buying certain materials from the witch, Masu (apart from the other magical material she buys from Maso).

How he/she uses weapon:
"I can use my whip in many ways. Yeah, it may look harmless, but isn't that how most trouble begins? Haha, since the whip is very flexible, I can use it as a 360 degree attack. My favorite part when it manages to wrap around a victims limp or body part, I can easily pull my victim down or simply ignite the whip with my power and watch my victim burn and choke on his/her own burning flesh. Burn, baby burn! Also if there are many people in one area, but I only want to hurt one person in particular, I can control my whip to hit just one person. My whip is pretty fast in attacks. I can also use it at short attacks, but I would rather use a dagger so I can finish my victims off."

"Eh, it's not very important information. You don't need to know that."

Hotaru was born in September as the seventh daughter of the Pink Rose and the Black Thorn. It was one of the driest session of the century. When she was born, she had one of the worst tempers from all her sisters as a child. When she cried as a baby, her face would turn completely red and she would begin to choke on her own tears and it would be very hard to touch her because of the flames. It was very eminent of that power she possessed, even within the womb of the pink rose. Her temperament was completely opposite of the first daughter (White Rose), who was born calmly and peaceful. While most of the other sisters births were easy, hers was a bit complicated and very sudden (premature). While the pink rose was giving birth to her, the pink rose almost fainted a couple of times because of the heat the came from the red rose, but she managed to stay conscious. Hotaru was a very small baby indeed, but her cries rang throughout the entire castle, even to the furthest layer of the castle. She had a big voice indeed.

As Hotaru began to grow up, she was very stubborn to all of the commands her sisters gave her, she only wanted to play and explore. When she listened to someone, it was usually only her mother (the pink rose). Hotaru absolutely loved her mother, not to mention that her mother's element was wind, she helped improve Hotaru's own element in strength and control. She became a bit spoiled by her mother, but she was also constantly teased by her older sisters (mostly the white rose because of her element) who tried to get her in trouble. Out of frustration, she would sometimes run away into the forest and not come out for days until Tina would find her or if she loses control of her element and set the entire forest on fire.

Hotaru's element can bring much destruction when not controlled, but it can also help those who are in need (yet she hasn't realized this fact yet). When the bonds with the sisters began to weaken and the sisters began to turn away from one another and leave, this is when Hotaru frustration towards the others came out. She left the castle like the other sisters, but went a bit wild with her behavior. She began to conduct parties at her mansion at first to familiarize herself with the other vampires, mystical creature, witches (begins business with Maso very early on), and a few humans of high class that are in an alliance with vampires. She is wise enough to create alliances with others for protection in case any of her sisters were to harm her (particularly the White Rose). Hotaru has a way of words and can convince others to protect her and follow her lead if a battle were to happen.

All of Hotaru's life, she had always been adventurous. During those times that she ran away from the castle, she figured out her way through the toughest forests, but if she can't, she'll just burn it down (short temper). Hotaru had never viewed the human race as strong, so she never cared much about them. Sometimes to create stronger alliances with other vampires or creatures, she will company them as they destroy certain villages. She watches their ability in fighting against the humans, but on one particularly trip, she finally meets a human with potential.

This time the trip was to a warrior clan called the Skyes Clan. All of the humans at this clan were unusually stronger than most humans, but not strong enough to defeat the Riders...until Hotaru stopped one human in particular. Hotaru watched with interest as the human began to fight off most of the Riders. Hotaru became very impressed by her, but because there were many Riders, Hotaru knew she will have no chance of survival without assistance. As the human became cornered, Hotaru made up her mind to abandon her alliance with this particular group of riders. She quickly moved into action and killed the Riders that were about to finish off the human. She had found a human that was more valuable than the vampires she had just killed. There was something special about this human, there was something in her blood that attracted Hotaru.

She took the human to her mansion and watched over her with interest as she slept. A smile formed her lips without noticing as she watched the human. She will be valuable to Hotaru. Hotaru watched as the human named, 'Shizuma' wakens and immediately proclaims that they are 'parabatai'. Hotaru immediately found Shizuma very cute and suggested a contract with her. Hotaru was 227 years old at that time. Since then, Hotaru finds herself becoming very attracted to Shizuma as the years go by.

Likes: "I like many things! I don't hate my life. I'll just tell you a few of the things I like today. The rest, you can find out by yourself."
+Nature (sadly she sometimes destroys it)
+Spicy things

Dislikes: "There are a few things I dislike right now...Lemme think about it."
-Wearing a lot of clothes
-Vampire Hunters
-Losing control of her emotions
-Losing control of her element
-Causing unnecessary destruction
-If someone touches Shizuma, even if it was a simple handshake that lingered a bit too long.

"I like to collect magical items. I have an entire room that is just filled with interesting things. I also have stuff that normal vampires would simply hate. I can create explosives easily with some of the material I gather on my trips around the country."

Theme Song: Bass Down Low

So begins...

Hotaru Fukimato's Story

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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“Careful now…careful…” Hotaru Fukimato breathed out softly as she slowly dropped small pink grains that shined from her finger tips. It was a small amount, if applied too much, disaster might occur. Her hand was small, similar to her figure. Sweat slowly dripped from the corner of her face. She was no witch, yet she was dealing with material that was magical…and hazardous. Her hazel eyes widened in excitement as the liquid within the pot began to react to the pink grains Maso had given her a few days ago. “Ohh~~” She began to shift her weight back and front from one foot to the other as excitement ran through her body. “Just a couple more drops…” She rubbed her fingers together a little bit more before putting the rest of the magical grain into the small brown sewed bag it came from. The pink grain was pixie dust and Hotaru used just the right amount for a reaction.

The liquid within the bowl began to change form into small oval balls. It was transforming into a weapon. This was one of Hotaru’s hobbies; creating magical stuff with the witches products. It was fun to her although it could bother Shizuma because sometimes it could be dangerous. There was a few times when her creations backfired and exploded in front of her, causing unnecessary and painful injuries. Being a rose vampire, however; Hotaru did not care much if she was hurt or not; she would heal up sooner or later. These pink oval balls magically enhanced explosives that could only be activated by fire, particularly Hotaru’s fire. Within these small balls contained magical material that once activated and exploded, the liquid within the balls will begin to melt the flesh of those it touches. It down side is that it could be easily removed by lake water. “Kekeke…” She giggled mischievously as she slowly picked one of the balls from the bowl to get a closer look.

Her mind was completely on her creation until she felt a sensation within her chest that made her immediately stop was she was doing and look towards the direction her contractor was; towards the Rose Woods. She felt Shizuma’s emotions being threatened. Although Hotaru seemed worried, she did not move, she simply stayed where she was at and waited. She waited until Shizuma was attacked. After a few seconds, the feeling in her chest seized and she returned her attention back to the ball in her hand. “She better be back soon.” A smirk formed her lips as she stared at the ball that was now between her index finger and thumb. There was a small sound resonating for the ball and it began to glow hot. It was being activated by the heat within Hotaru’s bare hand. “Shit!” Hotaru quickly dropped the ball and ran out of the room. Boom! “Damn it!” Hotaru began endless shrieks of curses as she immediately searched for water. After a minute or so, she had returned to the room to discover that the small ball she created and began to eat a hole into the ground and was beginning to leak to the first floor. Hotaru had to move fast and she quickly through her water at the material that was eating her floor away.

By this time, she was out of breath and was leaning against the wall. Her red orange hair that was decorated by dried up leaves was slightly stuck to the sides of her face from the sweat she produced. Looking at the damage she had done to her house, she began to laugh before leaving the room and shutting the door behind her completely. Hotaru will tend to the damage later, but for right now, she will wait for the arrival of Shizuma. Walking out her mansion, she quickly made her way to the Silver Lake. The lake itself was quiet beautiful, especially from the view of bedroom.

Hotaru dressed lightly, her shoulders, stomach, and much of her legs were bare. The clothing she wore was simple, yet professionally made to fit her body type perfectly. She had a reason for not wearing much clothing when she wants to relax. Hotaru is the Red Rose that has the power of fire, meaning she was unusually warmer than most.

Hotaru could see Shizuma in the distance, a wide smile formed her lips before glancing over towards a guest that was following her. Being a rose vampire, she could sense the damn mix bred mutt from far away. He was the one that probably made Shizuma feel threatened, but seeing him following Shizuma made Hotaru a bit angry. “Why is he following my Shizuma?” She glanced at the mutt from far away before crouching down and sticking her hand into the cold lake. Are you cold?... Her thoughts directed towards the mutt before activating her element and to increase the temperature of the lake. The heat from her hand began to raise the temperature of the water extremely fast, yet it stopped before the water began to bubble. Hotaru was playing. When Shizuma got closer, Hotaru immediately, but calmly removed her hand out of the lake and greeted Shizuma with a smile. The water immediately went back to its original temperature.

“Shizuma, my dear! Where have you been?”

The setting changes from Red Rose's Mansion to ShiroKuro


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Riddick could clearly see the Red Rose, she was angry. She was probably angry because of him. He could understand that but still, he didn't understand why she was angry at him. He had done nothing wrong against Shizumi so if her anger would be for that then he couldn't understand why. He just kept swimming, still in his wolf form behind the canoe of Shizumi. Though, the water temperature was rising and he could feel it. He clenched his teeth and began to swimm a bit slower, his body getting warmer from the water. He didn't care though. And, once the Rose removed her hands from the water he relaxed.

Riddick watched the Red Rose greet Shizumi and sighed. He swam to shore and got out a little bit away from the Red Rose and Shizumi. He shook out his fur and then turned back to where the Red Rose and Shizumi were. He cocked his head and pricked his ears to hear what they were saying to each other.

The setting changes from ShiroKuro to Rose Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Riddick could clearly see the Red Rose, she was angry. She was probably angry because of him. He could understand that but still, he didn't understand why she was angry at him. He had done nothing wrong against Shizumi so if her anger would be for that then he couldn't understand why. He just kept swimming, still in his wolf form behind the canoe of Shizumi. Though, the water temperature was rising and he could feel it. He clenched his teeth and began to swimm a bit slower, his body getting warmer from the water. He didn't care though. And, once the Rose removed her hands from the water he relaxed.

Riddick watched the Red Rose greet Shizumi and sighed. He swam to shore and got out a little bit away from the Red Rose and Shizumi. He shook out his fur and then turned back to where the Red Rose and Shizumi were. He cocked his head and pricked his ears to hear what they were saying to each other.

The setting changes from Rose Woods to Red Rose's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Shizuma stepped out of her canoe and onto shore rather quickly, seeing Hotaru waiting for her. She always did everything she could to not displease Hotaru, and she was getting rather good at it. She was vaguely aware of her follower, but paid little attention to him. The rest of the world seemed to melt away when she was with Hotaru. She was the sun in Shizuma's eyes, the center of her universe.

Shizuma dipped her head in respect to Hotaru, though she had insisted several times that Shizuma didn't have to do such a thing. She looked at Hotaru, her green eyes reflecting a bit of worry. "I heard an explosion in the upper floor," Shizuma said, her eyes searching Hotaru's body for any injuries, "are you hurt?" She was satisfied by the seemingly unharmed state of Hotaru's body, calming her mind a bit. She then answered Hotaru's initial question. "While you were gone to Lady Maso's shop, I took a hunting trip in the Rose Woods." Whenever Hotaru left the mansion without Shizuma, it was a rarity for Shizuma to stay at the mansion. She found that impatiently waiting for Hotaru's return only made the time apart more unbearable. Once, when Hotaru was away for several days, Shizuma had ventured into the Meiro Forest. This greatly displeased Hotaru, because of the vast array of dangers lurking in those trees. Shizuma hadn't returned to that forest ever since, for Hotaru's sake.

"I've missed you so much." Shizuma thought, looking down at Hotaru with softer eyes. "How I dread the hours of our seperation." Shizuma would rarely, if ever, say such things out loud. As a warrior, Shizuma was raised to keep her emotions at bay, though she sometimes lets her feelings be known to Hotaru.

The setting changes from Red Rose's Mansion to ShiroKuro


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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The setting changes from ShiroKuro to Red Rose's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Hotaru kept her hazel eyes on Shizuma, but she stayed very conscious of the mutt that was a little bit in the distance from her and her Shizuma. Hotaru was smaller than Shizuma in height, but her aura was greater. Hotaru began to move closer to Shizuma with open arms, until she mentioned that she heard an explosion. "Uh..." She paused in her movements and simply smiled. She will not mention that the floor of the room the explosion went off is damaged right now. "I am fine. I created something for you."

It was obvious that Hotaru would not be able to actually hold her magical weapon without igniting them. "They are quiet beautiful and would look great in your hands." Her voice dipped slightly as her eyes narrowed down a bit. Her voice became more like silk. It was smooth and a bit seductive. To others, this suggestive gift could mean anything, even a handmade necklace or bracelet. Reaching forward, Hotaru grabbed Shizuma's free hand and softly touched the rose symbol that showed the world that they are one. These actions of her were a bit out of ordinary, but because of the mutt, she had to show him to whom Shizuma belonged to. Hotaru was extremely possessive over what was her, ever since she was little, she hardly allowed others to touch what was rightfully hers.

Turning her head away from Shizuma, she casually looked over towards the mutt and smiled. "Oh~ look what we have here!" She pretended as if she had not noticed him before. Returning her attention to Shizuma, her smile widened. "I see you brought a friend!" Releasing the hold she had with Shizuma, Hotaru turn around to face the mutt. She moved casually and loosely. She wasn't tensed, her body appeared as if her thoughts were clear and happy. "Oh, you're not going to bite me are you? You won't like the way I taste." She spoke out playfully as stood before the mutt without any fear or care in the world. Kneeling down to the mutt's level, she stared into his eyes. Her pupils constricted and her iris turned into a very faded out red color.

"Don't be shy." A smile formed her lips, "Would you like to come inside and have dinner with Shizuma?" Hotaru tilted her head to one side as she placed her small hand on the top of the mutt's fur and gently petted it, "I'm sure you are hungry. I have plenty of food that you may enjoy...Isn't that right, Shizuma?" Hotaru called for her without even looking over at her. It was a rhetorical question. Of course it was right. Hotaru enjoyed partying and having meetings with all types of races to create many forms of alliances.

The setting changes from Red Rose's Mansion to ShiroKuro


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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The setting changes from ShiroKuro to Red Rose's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Riddick had sat down in the meanwhile, listening to the two that were talking. He was carefull, his parents told him that a Rose would kill him because he was a mutt. They had told him to be carefull, to make sure a Rose would never see him but it was already to late for that. So he watched Shizumi and the Red Rose in silence, listening to whatever they were saying. Maybe they were even talking about him, how he would get killed or so. That's what he thought atleast but he knew he was wrong. Still, he was carefull.

Riddick flattend his ears as the Rose came towards him. Although he had always been a killer, he was always carefull. He knew the Rose was much stronger then he was and he respected that. He always respected anyone who was stronger then him. He had been taught like that, to respect the stronger ones.

As she asked him a question about coming in and being hungry, his stomach rumbled. As her hand rested in his fur, somewhere he felt she had no bad intension but he was still carefull. He cocked his head and kept it low in submission, his body not tensed though. He was really hungry but he wasn't sure wether to trust it. He slowly moved his head up and down in a nod of agreement.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Shizuma almost melted at Hotaru's touch. It wouldn't occur to her that Hotaru was being possessive, being that Shizuma hadn't yet picked up identifying such social behaviors. She thought about scolding Hotaru for playing with the strange products that the witch had given her, but withheld her objections for the time being. There were other things going on in her head at the moment, looking into Hotaru's hazel eyes with a suppressed longing. When Hotaru touched the rose on Shizuma's hand, a spark went off.

Shizuma ached for her when Hotaru left her side to examine Riddick, though she didn't show it. Shizuma did not interfere with Hotaru approaching the creature, but was ready to move at a moment's notice if something went amiss. Riddick may not be her enemy, but, if he were to threaten her rose, Shizuma would lash out at him. She would not hold back. For some reason, Shizuma was almost certain that this stranger wouldn't harm Hotaru. She wasn't sure about inviting this man into their home, but didn't question her mistress's invitation. She took a few strides toward the two, but making sure not to disturb their meeting. Shizuma had noticed in her time being with Hotaru that the first meeting between creatures of ShiroKuro were a silent battle. The two were probably sizing the other up and determining physical dominance.

"My lady," Shizuma finally said, "perhaps we could offer this visitor an opportunity to clean up." she said, referring to Riddick's personal hygiene. It wasn't uncommon for someone who lived in wilderness to be so unclean, but one needs to freshen up every once in a while. Shizuma's idea was not as freely kind as it seemed, because Shizuma had every intention of using the time Riddick used to clean up as an opportunity for her to be alone with Hotaru.

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato
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Riddick looked at Shizumi, still very submissive. Something had made his instincts to kill go away and it had made place for submission towards the two persons, especially the Rose. The Rose could easily kill him and he knew that so he was sure he didn't form a danger towards the Rose or Shizumi. He heard Shizumi talk about cleaning himself up and cocked his head to the right slightly. It had been long since he had cleaned himself up, he washed himself a bit every once in a while but that had been all really, he never really took the time to clean himself really up. He looked at Shizumi curiously, his head still cocked to the right. A small smile on his muzzle, if wolves could actually smile.

He looked towards the Rose, curious about what she would say or do, trying to figure out the Red Rose her next move. He was curious about the food and home of the Red Rose and Shizumi, he had never met a Rose before. He had always stayed away from them the best he could. His parents always said him to do so. They always said that a Rose would kill him if he would ever come across one of them but the Red Rose didn't seem to want to kill him but he wasn't sure and stayed becarefull. She could always change her mind and kill him, he wouldn't stand a chance against the Red Rose.

The setting changes from Red Rose's Mansion to Red Woods


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato Character Portrait: Adelayah Mabery Character Portrait: Zeev Katami
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Adelayah managed to get up in a second before Zeev could realise that there was something wrong with her health. He would probably do everything in order to help her, but she managed to control the diasese for a moment.(this rarely happens) Now it looked like she was clumsy and tripped from nothing. At least that's what it was in her mind. She looked at him and her knees weakened. She didn't collapse on the ground though.

A huge wolf ran towards Adelayah. A second later she realised that she have ended up on its back and it was still running as fast as a bullet. It looked normal for Zeev to see her in such a situation. He have seen her swimming the whole Kiseki Pond away from something that might eat her, falling while stepping on many flying creatures like birds and bats, a hypogryph taking her away to a nest, etc. After everything she was always safe. However, will safety cover the human in its warm embrace this time?

The wolf jumped in Kiseki River, heading to the Silver Lake. Frightened, Adelayah held the animal tight. A loud scream was shot out of her lungs in the first few seconds, then she stopped after the spash and gasped for air after she was under water. She was too frightened and surprised she couldn't let the wolf go and swim away. In a few minutes they would reach the Silver River and then probably would end up in Red Rose's Mansion. Why would a wolf jump in the river and take a human with it? Nobody knew.

The setting changes from Red Woods to The Forest of Meiro

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Kuro Misuto Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato Character Portrait: Rolland Silliad Character Portrait: Adelayah Mabery Character Portrait: Itami Sokatsu
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The huge wolf was swimming with the same energy and speed. They were in a part of the river that was near the Forest of Meiro. Adelayah got used to what have happened to her, got sober from the fright and let the wolf go. It kept swimming forward. The young woman turned to the opposite way so she could go back to Red Woods. However, she stopped and noticed far from her the Black Rose. Adelayah didn't know much about the Roses. She saw that there were two humans near Kuro. Addie have seen the one with the violin around, but didn't know him personally. The other one seemed strange to her, like he was new in Shirokuro. She kept looking for a few more seconds.

Something bit her leg. The girl shot it with a few arrows, but that only made the creature let her leg go. Adelayah started swimming furiously towards the Silver Lake. The story with Kiseki Pond have repeated. It bit her again and pulled her under water. She punched it in the face, getting rid of the bite, got on the surface and tried to get out of the river. However, the creature bit her arm and pulled again down. It also pulled forwards, so they were already in Silver Lake. The whole chasing process continued for long time. Then she fainted. The creature pulled her down again. Her limbs were bleeding. Then for some reason the sea animal grossed out and left the uncountious human who got to the surface, leaving bloody tracks in the water. At least she wasn't bleeding much and had around a few hours before the lack of blood in her body becomes a problem. Her uncontious body was floating peacefully, her black hair was swimming like a jellyfish. Adelayah got near the Red Rose's Mansion.

The setting changes from The Forest of Meiro to Red Rose's Mansion

Characters Present

Character Portrait: Shizuma Skyes Character Portrait: Riddick Character Portrait: Hotaru Fukimato Character Portrait: Adelayah Mabery
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Darkness... deaf silence... numb muscles... Blurring sight barely coming out of the black... Adelayah's contiousness came, but she was too weak to move or even to ask herself where she was. She started coughing out water. Even when her lungs cleared, the coughing continued. She tried to open her eyes, but little pieces of dirt got in. She tried to wipe them with her hand, which unfortunately had even more pieces. The human tried to get up. She managed to open only one of her eyes. After huge effort Adelayah finally got up in a sitting position. Finally she asked herself "Where am I?" Her sight stopped on two women. One of them looked like a warrior, the other was all in red. Could it be that she was one of the roses? Adelayah opened her other eye too. She looked at a wolf - it probably wasn't the one who took her into the river. She was alittle frightened. Was she safe around them? If she wasn't, well, a human who makes mistakes while using their weapon couldn't stand the chance against a warrior, a rose and a wolf at once, so in this case she was screwed.