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James A. Avery

"Okay are we there yet!?"

0 · 633 views · located in Colorado

a character in “Shadows at Dawn: The Gathering”, as played by Bugbuster


James Alexander Avery

Age: 21


Additional Appearance: His dirty blonde hair is mostly blonde but has it's small amount of black in it still, his hair is Mid Length and stops just as it touchs his eye's. stands at 5'7" and weighs 180 lbs. he is very well built in his arms and legs but his legs are his main strength. As a Leopard he weighs alittle over 200 lbs and has a few larger spots on his back.

Clothing: He likes his usual clothing which blue jeans and a brown leather jacket assorted shirts. He doesn't mind really any clothing and will wear what's needed for certain occasions. He however like's to wear the color neon pink for unknown reason's.

Weapon: He usually fights with a older
looking Bowie knife (It is still very sharp) in his right hand. As a Leopard his greatest stregth is his jaw which is incredably strong. If he gets a grip on someone's leg, throat or even just food their probably likely to lose it.

Faction: Werecat Refugees

Rank: Lieutenant

Animal: Snow Leopard

Background: He was born in another pride his father was murdered and then his mother took him to the Central Pride where he grew up under Astrids fathers rule in the Central Pride where he mother brought him when he was very young as a kitten he was one of the most curious little one's and explored often which his mother and the other females found a hasel. He'd be there one moment gone the next. James had been the same age as Dante when he came and liked him however his mother usually told him to keep away but that never stopped him from being curious and nice to the other cub. But eventually his mother forced him to stay away from Dante, she died alittle will later which made James have a different look on life, and now he always tries to see the better side's of situations. 

As James grew up he had a thing for running fast with the wind in his hair. He is agile and can hold his own in a stand up fight but prefers to attack his oppenent with the element of surprise but if that doesn't work. Going for the throat does. When he was offered a spot in Astrid's troop he happily accepted to join the troop. Jame at one point had tried to be Astrid's mate but things happened and it never came to be. When the order came for Astrid to mate with John his first thought was to rip his throa- but Astrid brought a better plan for them to leave and he was all in for it.    

Personality: James is always trying to see the brighter side of things, he seen almost always smiling. How friendly he is off set by untrusting he is of other people who aren't part of the troop but he won't show it. He is loyal to his friends as they are the only family he has, James can be head strong and sometimes talks to much. Just never say his bark is worse then his bite because it's the other way around. However he'll put himself in harms way for anyone in the troop or anyone he cares about.

He loves children as when he was with the Pride he played with the little one's when he could and he always enjoys being around kids. But with his Boss he gets a few head aches from her but follows her diligently no matter what.      

How do you feel about the other faction: "There using us, were using them. Fair trade. Right?"

So begins...

James A. Avery's Story


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Cyra Grey Character Portrait: James A. Avery Character Portrait: Astrid Vellamo Character Portrait: Brandin Solstiss Character Portrait: Dante Selantine
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#, as written by Akantha
Astrid Vellamo & Dante Selantine

Dante stirred restlessly as he eyed the wolf across from him. Why had he been chosen to lead this wolf along to meet Astrid? He sniffed sullenly and adjusted himself on the couch once more. The urge to stand crossed him, then subsided. Where was Astrid? He startled when the wolf spoke up. "This taking too long... Where is that feline leader of yours already."

Dante resisted the urge to bare his teeth and instead glowered at the man, sulking at feeling bullied and having to behave even then. "She's coming." He snapped in response, lowering his gaze to the floor and hunching ever so slightly, showing submission.

Astrid raced up the bank but soon after she reached the point where she would cross over, she paused, flicking her ears and scenting the air. Something was off. She couldn't scent James or the wolf and even more so, she couldn't hear any footfalls near her location. Astrid slowly relaxed and peered back the way she had come. Where were they? She checked the air one more time before a sense of anxiety fell over her insides. She paced in a circle before loping back the way she had run up the bank, following her own fresh scent back nervously. When she arrived, she heard the soft breathing but it was slower and a bit ragged. She approached, this time without hesitation and hissed as the scene became clear to her.

"James!" She hurried the last few steps and leaned over him, pressing her warm nose into his damp fur. She listened for a moment, checking his breathing and listening for the soft stutter of his heartbeat. Astrid raised her head after a while and looked up to the wolf and lowered her head, almost in a cat-like bow, showing her thanks. "Thank you. Ever so much. There is nothing I can do but repay you. Although the time will have to be later. For now, I have to get him back." She leaned down to James again and rumbled softly, trying to stir him. "James. Come on. You haven't caught me yet. Let's go home and you can catch me then." She nuzzled him fondly and pressed her right paw to his shoulder. "C'mon."